This is an enhanced PDF from The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery The PDF of the article you requested follows this cover page. Biomechanics of Muscle: WITH PARTICULAR APPLICATION TO STUDIES OF GAIT HERBERT ELFTMAN J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1966;48:363-377. This information is current as of March 10, 2008 Reprints and Permissions Click here to order reprints or request permission to use material from this article, or locate the article citation on and click on the [Reprints and Permissions] link. Publisher Information The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 20 Pickering Street, Needham, MA 02492-3157 O*I4, Biomechanics WITH PARTICULAR BY An human r1ime mmmovemmment with Course comitrolled arc ELFTMAN, Lecture, is built body a quarter APPLICATION HERBERT Instructional nmuscies. striate TO PH.D.*, The aroumid by billion of Muscle NEW American For this OF YORK, Academy a cOlflplex mmmuscle fibers STUDIES GAIT N. of Orthopaedic of bomic levers purpose artfully Y. each Surgeons whose posit-iomm immdividual assemmmbled amid is provided immf-o mmiuscles ammo! at- to the skeletal levers iii strategic positions. Motion is coorditmated through the nervous system, which can devise progranis for commiplicafed activities, store timenmi for later use, arid modulate f-heir performmmamice under the immfluemmcc of feedback signals. facimed l)reselifaf-iomm This than lurloscs factors fessiommal sidered of the amid those first bionmechammics of mmmuscle will enml)hasize sonic of these of-hers. No f-reatmmment of Iimuscle biomecimammics adequate can ever be sinmple, but if the I)ropert-ies of single fibers mmmore of nervous coordimiation last, for are sommme of time difficulties procon- will be mmminimmiized. Intrinsic Ami average imummman met-er imi diammieter. 20,000 discs quently fiber are 400 times the at rest secfiomms mmmost readily size of the Muscle is five Z nmembramies sommmefimmmes called iii describing cami be visualized about. of Single fiber nmuscle Trammsverse that used Properties Fibers ceimtinmcters divide the sarcomeres, !ommg and fiber although .05 that tcrmmi is mmmorc fre- of fibrils rather thami fibers. Time structure i)y means of a nmodel. The Ummited States average human muscle disc mmmilli- immto approximmmately ammo! has of time olinme is simmmilar propor- tiomis. Timus a simmglc nmuscle fiber cami be rcprescmmted by a stack of 20,000 dimes, which would mmmake a colummmmi over sixty feet high. Each disc comif-aimms about three mmmilliomi filaments of myosimm, ommly omme of which is showmi imi Figure 1. Parallel to the nmyosimi are filaimmemmts of actimm, amicimored to time Z nmcmbrammc. Nervous excitation causes mmmyosimi amid actin to develop f-he mmmutual attraction f-hat is the source of nmuscle temi- siomm. The Length-Tension Iii many Curve ways fact that This l)lmenmonmenOli time immost inmporf-ammt if-s potemmtial femmsiomi was first- siimgle depemids mmmeasurcd on by characteristic its Blix length 4,5,6, of f-he mmmuscle fiber at a the Swedish mmmommmenmtof is the excitatiomm. physiologist, in 1891. The contribution 22,26 is illustrated by drawn l)erpemmdicular time leimgth-tensiomi with time nmyosin area of interactiomm Omi time other of-her of the * York, VOL. of actin amid myosin to the lcmmgth-temisioni relationship 19,2o,2m, the graph imi Figure 1. This graph is so desigmmed that a limme frommm the end of the right-hand actin filanmemmt will intersect curve at f-lie al)propriate point-. If the sarcomcrc is stref-ched, stayimmg iii l)ositiomm, the actin filamemit will sliole further out, its the myosin will decrease, if time fiber shortemis, the two with hand, amid when they overlap mmmyosin encoumitered they after l)epartnmemit College of Amiatonmy, will hot-h timey pass of Physiciamis amid the tension will olinmimmish. act-in filammmemmts slide toward each be affect-ed by the reversed polarization the mmmidolle mieutral segmmmeimf. Owimig and Surgeomms, Columbia University, to New N. Y. 10032. 48-A, NO. 2, MARCH 1966 363 364 A.A.O.S. this relatioumsimip Flme ramige. rest 15101 iP1 at LECTURE factors, time t-emmsiomi o!ecreases its time fiber’ slmortemms in this f-lie t-emision is greatest is calleol, sommmewhat arbitrarily, which rFhme first mimay be comimmect-ive teImsiOli iim (hfleremmt f-issue, ijicance ummi-il it mmiuscle Figure in single fiber zero niuscies Tens the \Viiich give total time ion fiber wimemm f-he fiber f-lint )ass over other fact-or fascia, which tensiomm o!evelops curve frommm are clue is time uresemmce commtributes for to of sarcommmeres of passive it mimust be aolded time mmiuscle. ip cami l)rOdU(’e (!ecmetmses is a)proxinma1-ely only differemit differemmces of lommg chains Time teimsiomi Relations/i nmuscle sommiewimat These consists commmmective-tissue to are 2-A. of comitm’acf-iomm. After of the Length- reason, eIicim states tensiomi femmsiomm becommies imm time whole simowmi immcluo!immg sam(olemmmmmma amid acf-ommmyosimm ‘fime timis is that mvlmeii stref-cimeol. time if/fl iommshi is ammo! are sarcommmere factors. wimich ii i’elat m-lemmgf mm time two S ama! of-her lemmgt-h COURSE letigtii. those to IXSTItUCTr0NAL omme joint -1.0 nmust as time fiber simorteims, 60 ler cent of rest lengtim. For have fii)ers nearly timree timmies R 2 0 -0.5 U) z Ui I- LENGTH - ACT N ________________________________________ _\ -Ic -‘ -‘ :; -\ r r : r z z z Fmu. 1 Part of omme sar(’ommiere simowim at restlemmgth. The di.stamice betweemi the menmbranes (Z) is 2.2 micra. Whemi time mmmyosimmfilanmeimt is fixed imi position, shortenimig timid lemmgtiiemmimig occur bysymnmetrical slidimmg of time mictimm filaments with respect to the nmyosimm. The chamige iii tension associated with length (‘lmammges (‘liii be followed omm time iemigth-temisiomi diagrani iy observimig the Positiomi of the dotted limme as it mmamves to the right or left with time actimi. It desigmiates rest lemmgth. as lotmg as time distance This joimit-. timrouglm k’mmgtim allomvs and still retaiim some relat-iolmsimul) i)etweemr sioleratiomi in evaluating force fiber wimiclm they themmm to exert whemm short-eu (ltmrimmg commil)lete mmmaximmmtmnmforce mmmovemmmemmt of time wimemm t-imey immitiate mimovemiment time mimaximmmummi mmmovemmmemmtis conmpleted. Timis close lemmgt-ii ammo! ahmml)lit-ude of shomtemmimmg is aIm immiporf-ammt contime ProsPective efficacy of a sui)stit-tmt-e immuscle after tenolon trammsfer. Iii t.mvo-joiumt nmuscles, of extemmsom’s are classic examples, conimimoolat-e timemmmselves commiplef-ely mmiaxinmummm mmmovemmmemmt ili ftmllv joimmts decreasing kimec shown which time imammistrings f-he fiber lemmgf-h is too extemioleo! (droppimig is commmpletely in Figure uies to time cimange associated the joints. hanmst-rimmgs dowmm time lemmgt-h-tension flexed. 2-A. f-lie The Time opposite muscles are commdition, ami(l time (ligital flexors ammo! simort for the mimuscies to ac- immlemigtim ivimicim would accommmpamiy If a persomm stammdimmg with his hip to flex one curve kmmee, he will ummt-il it reaches tlmemm in a state passive TIlE of active immsufficiemmcy, JOURNAL OF BONE feel the zero) temmsiomm before the immsufficiency, cami he illustrated ANI) JOINT SURGERY as HERBERT by keeping conditions the kmiee stretchimmg insufficieimcy of inmsufficiermcy the extend the of Speed Time imm whicim stimulated produce or change being used those active of the the nmuscle has as iii result time either so physiology lemmgtim clmammges, is rarely require which temisiomis all fotmmic! outsio!c with of time fimmgers to ; fiexiomm of states Isommmef-ric simmce f-he beemi illustrated lemmgfim at contractiomi, active the have f-lie by whicim it was slowly. Muscles mmiust frequemitly aim exferhmal load. Such activity laboratory, iim which vary far mmiaimmtaimmed immsimortemmimmg. commtractiomi, ext-emmsor wrist is extendeol these joimits. Produced commsidered mmommiemmclature for that Isotommic 365 MUSCLE conimoim when the it to govern immlemmgfh is kmmowmi as ami isommiet-ric stat-es life on Tension relatiommships in modermm stability. OF has changed lemigth extremimely emiough temmsioim to coummterbalance just without immability of Contraction lemmgth-temmsion situations normal the is immterphalammgeal joimits completely lenmgthemms f-he mmmuscle amid enables wrist Effect BIOMECHANICS fully extemmded amid then attemptimmg hip flexiomm ; ummo!er timese of the comimmective-tissue elements will bring about passive the hip joint reaches its limit of mimoveimmemit. A gooo! example before lommg active ELFTMAN: contraction muscles t-emmsion of just is as commmmomm hi are remimains laboratory, time immStantammeous time t.ermim contraction of mmmuscle inst-eaol so imimport-ammt commstamit for while simmce miatural f-he mmmovememmts load. I U I z I Li I U I I -LO z U) 0 z U) z Li Li -Q5> U 4 L .6 .8 .6 LENGTH CONTRACTION ISOMETRIC j CONTRACTION FIG. 2-B 2-A: Lemigth-temisiomm diagram for isometric contractiomm of a muscle fiber. The differemices this diagram amid Fig. 1 are dime to the arrangememit of sarcomeres in series immthe fiber amid of passive stretch of commnective-tissue elements, CT., which add to the active temmsiomm of betweemm effect actonmyosimi, M. Fig. 2-B: Length-tensiomm diagranm metric values for comparison. When veloped is greater than the isometric the tensiomm is less than isometric to the The Figure general 2-B. duction effect The wit-h speed will depemmdimmg while tO .8 LENGTH 2-A FIG. Fig. 1.0 of speed isometric immfinmitcly always it is active slow simeed. of contractioim curve, produce the on for fast- comitractiomi (solid limme). The dotted limie shows isoa muscle is stimulated amid themm stretched, the temisiomm dotension; whereas when the muscle shortemis after stinmulatiomi, a degree that depends on the speed of simortemmimig. chammge less Iii will increase drawn as of length. f-haim on tension, fashiomi, its t-emmsionm, sometimes l)roo!Imctiomm is simowim iii limme, represents A nmusclc isometric a commmplemmmentary teimsiomi a dotted fiber temmsiomm prosimortenimig at a fimmite time anmounfstret-ciming sufficiemitly of o!ecreasc time mmmuscle rapidly to rupture muscle or tendomm. Work Done Physical VOL. 48-A, NO. by Muscle work 2, MARCH and on Muscle is defimmeol as 1966 time l)rOdUct of force timmmes time distaimce timrougim 366 A.A.O.S. INSTRUCTIONAL COURSE LECTURE L PASSIVE -. MAXIMUM STRETCH WORK ACTIVE a ISOTONIC Fmu. 3-A Fa;. STRETCH SHORTENING Fmu. 3-B 3-C Fig. 3-A: Time work done by a niuscie imi three experimmmemmts imm which time muscle was passively st ret(’iie(l tmmi(1 t hemi stimmimilated to a. givemm temmsiomm, with slmi)sequemmt isot-omiic simortemmimig. Time work (lomme is (‘qual tii tue shaded area imi eacim experinmemmt simice time work domme is the product of force t immies cliamige of lemmgth. Fig. 3-B: \laximimumim work of which the nmiiscle is capai)le is attaimied by passive stretch, stimulat iomm, timid t imemi decrease imi temmsiomm as the nmuscle shortemi.s. Fig. 3-C: A miiimscle fiber remmmovimmg emiergy from the bod’ as it is actively stretCiie(I amid subse(m(iemitlY slu)rtemiecl; the dotted area measures the excess of energy received during stretchimmg over amid tii)Ove time work domie iii shortemiimig immdicated by the lined area. it- mmmoves. Althougim mviiich reoluires time oloes imot wom’k, t-imem’e is vork o!Omme Oh omm its till’ o!egradat-iomm olescetiol iim( mntmscle. Pi1551V(lY fronm au isonmetric of mmmove. Likewise, siimce it- does exl)emmdifure nmetabolic am unloao!ed mmmoveimmemmtbut at-f-acimnmemmt-s. mmmuscle. This to heat, is invaluable imeigimt-s by 3-A st-retcimed comivertimmg diagram lemigt-im-temisiomi ligume trammsfer simovs three commtm’action energy, nmuscle mmoforce. When Potemmtial or ba-c! the booly imm each o!oimmg teimsiomm shorterms, stretches a muscle, usually work is by its folloveol to slow its nmovemmmemmt ammo! to cami be dissipated. of the vork olonme by amid on of wimich time mmmuscle was first to heat visualizatiomi comit-racfiomms, exerted lemmgtimemms without to time mimuscie, emmergy fummct-iomi amid simmce time force a nmtmscle exerting atm external in allowimig imo work simortemms When of emmergy allows iem’fom’mmis a useful it does which to nmaximmiummi lemmgt-h amid timemi stimulated to aim active TENDON temmsion OF ORIGIN MUSCLE FIBERS TENDON OF JOINT AXIS .-.----- ?5 -15 .05 Flu. 4-A FIG. 4-B Fig. 4-A: Time lemmgtim of a muscle fiber capai)le of producimig 180 degrees of flexiorm while shortening 40 l)0 (‘emit- of its rest lemmgth is whemi time muscle imiserts near the joimit. Whemi the distanmce fromim time joimit axis to the poimmt of imisertiomi omm the simort i)omme segmemit is more thami 0.25 times the lommger bone segmimemmt, complete flexiomm is mmot possible. Fig. 4-B: Typical niimscle comistructiomi with short fibers attached to temidons of origin amid insertiomi. The limme of aetiomm of the muscle amid its lever arnm with respect to the joimit axis are showmi. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY HERBERT equal to a suspemided the amouhmt contractiomms weight showhi by is measured : ELFTMAN the that was BIOMECHANICS then lifted as the nmuscle obtained mmiaxinmumim amount by commtract-ion isotoimic imi Figure 3-B. stimulated to f-he achieved, although wimat lined areas. area. The Here of simice f-he line amid the base at an imiternmediafe which Obviously, nmay isotommically hue. It is obvious temmsion f-imammat 1mm f-he shorfenmimig area that is thus to Immany to together iii a fibers mmmuscle (wide black bamids), immg to 60 per each capable creases as the 1)Oimmt of fiber joimmt axis, umit-il f-he longest of time short lemmgth their will imot be bug a chamice niatter of f-hat- lost- exanml)le froimm time body. (rest-) of fibers capacities shows fibers. the fiber product-ion these unit-ed of fleximig forces must to be the large gaf-here! fummcf-iomial re- omie of the limmmif-ations imimposed Three mmmuscle fibers are showmi joimit through lemmgth. The 180 degrees by lemmgfh of fiber siiortemm- needed iii- atf-achmmmcmmt- to f-he distal bomme mmmoves fart-imer frommi time fiber simowmm stretches fronm origilm to imiserf-iomm. If time bomme lever nmmuscle fiber actually is a general emmergy the body, 1’igure 4-A of muscle of ifs greatest cent iii human adapt-s (iuireniemmts of f-he joimifed skeletomm. by f-he lemigtim-temmsiomm characteristics physical cooperate of the which fashiomm it-s tensioim be The arrows immdicate timat time to the sumim of time dotted ammo! did work eoiimal to f-he limmed muscle total 3-C be length, of Muscles nmust f-he joints commfrol with canmiot Figure mmever with mmmaximmiunm lemmgth, slowly specificatiomis f-he f-he cami vary to shorten approached. followed, equal capable tensiomi stretched to these be closely is the when emmergy is to be dissipated. stretched, acceptimig energy equal imappemm actively Simmce that allowed Structure emiough a nmuscle it requires mmmuscle is passively curve. they dotted work f-emmsiomm, amid isonmetric nmay mmmuscle was of isonmef-ric followihmg of short-cued exf-remmme. The as 367 MUSCLE horizoimtal arrows. Simmce f-he work done by each of these by the product of force and shortemming, time work domme will be equal to f-he area betweemi the force-excursion that for isotonic commtract-iomms more work is done either OF is mimore fhamm omme-fourth emmough to produce a full mimost- hunmmaim muscles are that of time bug 180 degrees arranged omie, time of flexiomm. It is not alniost parallel to time bommes. The nummmher of mmmuscle fibers required in each nmuscle to give it sufficient stremigtim is so large that- packimig problenis arise. Simice f-lie mmmuscle fibers or fiber bundles must be arranged parallel for f-heir immdividual forces to sunmmaf-e, a (Oilveniemit packing fibers are shapes syst-enum attached, consistent force Figure the Whemi . arraimgemmmemmf pennate in with developed fiber is a temmoiomm of origimi as 4-B. space curved gives of Capacity of Muscle Imi est-immiat-imig the remmmenmbereo! of the fiber which it roughly f-imat- time for fummctiommal dist-ammce capacity olepenmds are nonmemiclature to f-he total to which be time wrapped greatly cut of cross sectiomi. now of all the force, nmaxinmunm or fifty isometric l)011mm015 muscles NO. 2, MARCH in time 1966 ler iii force square imummmami body and into frohmm time dissection, iii bipennate time ammo! itmulti- Work of f-he nmuscle f-lie sect-ion in Figure nmuscle Simice nmyosin of all of 4-B, camm shorten nmuscle. imumimber of cross fimose of immuscle the Production which the on ficiemmt 48-A, def-racf-immg surfaces lemmgt-h, mmot f-he lemmgfh of f-he emit-ire camm olevelop proport-iommal sectiomm, Force through to as f-lie physiological VOL. f-hemi muscles. Estimation for the to of insertion nmay without temmdon rise a temidomi temmdomms available these disclosed and These it nmmust- be is a fracfiomi time mmmaxinmunm force filammmemmt-s present-, time fibers, usually is if. referreol Mammy est-inmafes have beemm made of time coefbeing in the mmeighborhooo! of 3.3 kilograms use per inch. square cemmtinieter Simmce the is a)proximmmately total of physiological physiological six square cmoss feet, cross section if all were to 368 A.A.O.S. contract simimultaiieously twemmty-two such as mmmaximmmumim Fick proximmmatiomm three tabulated could times be by his of the to work fiber olo .66 kilogram control No that forces time could Consideratiomi (Fig. 3-B) the a force of realized, authori- do by some multiplying of the areas under suggest-s f-hat. a better ammioumit overestimimated of of f-he excellent is simortenimmg the ap- by one- mmmaximmmummm temmsiomi by fables for body kmmee, the joint is always time reference axis shifts as the poimmt is ijrovided Each of work under optimum Body work capacity in the about the be, there in more movement its mass, since centinmcter of circummistances. body joints because which they connect can them. is always aim axis about which complicated joints, such as progresses muscle by cubic Segments effective segments for do section. are a joint may each imistant; at can cross on produce the occurring muscle tinmes of Muscles comnplicated mmmovemiient army centimeter muscles rotation mmmatter how was muscle otherwise length Action nih Fick exert relationship each mmmultiplyimmg Since estimates, esfimmiate coulol that would by six. is l)roportiommal milUscie work LECTURE they lemmgth-temmsiomm the obtaimmed mimodermm l)e (livioled A rough this leimgth optimmmumn time mmmaximmmummi t-cmision. simould COURSE by nmaximmmunm shortening. diagrahmm for mimaxinmummi work force lengt-im-temmsion half at tons. f-lie imimporf-ammcc of the Before ties INSTRUCTIONAL but its instantaneous the the position actiomi. Simice f-lie human body moves by a series of rotations of segments, the most of f-he effect of muscle is the moment of force (torque) which the immuscle caim exert-. Time nmomehmt of force immvolves the tension immthe muscle, labeled useful nmeasure F in 4-B, Figimm’e multiplied by its lever arm, labeled 1. The lever arm is best defined as f-he length of a perpendicular between the limie of action of the muscle and the axis of f-lie joimmt. Iii similar fashiomm, f-he weight TV has a lever arm d. If the force of gravity acf-immg on time weight and the force of contraction of the muscle are the only forces act-immg on f-his body segmcmmt, no motion will occur if F X 1 + W X d = 0. Whemm accelerat-iomms occur, they cami be included iii these referred to either as effective forces or inertia forces. ,Joint Gompi’ession and calculations amid are Stability Muscles amid joiimts funictiomm immclose cooperatiomm. The joints assist the lYT mmmeammsof arficular surfaces mvhicim guide the nmovemmmemmts that the muscles ing to prooluce. l)roviole fh deltoiol forth Time sf-ability. shoulder when the immtime scapula I’igure of the 1mm f-his mmmuscles are commiplef-ed the deltoid the pull axis in the Figure 5-A of the deltoid mmmuscle pull joimit, commjunct-ion in of the deltoid mmeuf-ralize commmpressive by the force addif-iomm other forces exerted cuff labeled but arc wit-h commtribute added by of gravitational to f-he that THE of the calls reaction the constitute to equal hummmerus passes well conic to I. Their a rotate and (miot the opposite shown f-he effective JOURNAL outside in the f-he the rescue. mmmonmemits of additive of commibimmed arid action acromiomm to joimit commmpression. The vector which portrays muscles S arid the of f-he muscle omi the compression rotator each Wimemm these shoulder joimit to the on muscles are try- the of shows amid joimit f-he teimdemmcy 5-B, Figure coml)ressionm mmmeasures pull to sifuatiomi showmi commmpressiomi. resulf-amit Time mmmeasures f-he comitributiomi of the deltoid 5-B shows a more perilous situatiomi. , conf-ribimtiomm time joimit in to the sufficient as amm exammmple. joimmt ; together reactiomi This reactiomm lai)rummm. serve provide is elevated. mmmommmetmt of which scapula. diagrammm) imi refurmi, will humerus imm the a reacfiomm couple, mmmuscles, joint the then nmuscles. Two force cuff about s amid i, to joint forces, o!eltoio!, the glenoid we Time obtain picture R, the cami forces. OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY be HERBERT ELFTMAN: BIOMECHANICS OF 5-A FIG. 369 MUSCLE 5-B FIG. Fig. 5-A: Commtributiomm of the deltoid muscle to stability of time elevated by time reaction to time pull of the muscle passimig well withimm the glemmoid simoulder labrmmm joint. joimmt is shown to compress the . Fig. 5-B: Imi this position of the shoulder, outside time glemmoid laI)rnmm. Time addition balamice but their joimit rea(’tiomms (s amid nmore favorably placed for joimmt stability. timid effective forces are also iniportant. the reactiomi to the pull of time deltoid, D,is located well of two cuff nmimscles, S amid J,wmthi them.r mimommmemmtsin i) additive provmdes a resultammt jommit reaction, H, much 1mm additiomi to time mimuscimlar forces showmm here, gravity IN CHANGE 6-A FIG. LENGTH- CM. 6-B FIG. Fig. 6-A : 1ime st ret (ii-simort cmi cycle. I )iagranm of t ime posterior delt oid miiuscle aidi mmg gravity to svimmg the arm at more thami its miatural frequency. As the arni swimigs forward the imiusele is stretched as it decelerates the arnm with imicreasimig force umitil it exerts nmaximunm temisiomm at mmmtiximiiummmlemmgth with the mimotion mmmomemmtarily stopped. The nmmmscle then shortemms, acceleratimmg time arnm with docreasimig force umitil it agaimi passes the vertical position. Fig. 6-B: The stretch-simortemm cycle of the (‘alf muscles dmmrimig rumimmimig. (Adapted frommm Time Actiomm of Muscles in the Body by herbert Elftman. Biological Symposiimm, Voltimime 3, pg 201, 1941.) Time Stretch-Shorten Cycle ?ilammy mmmovenmemit-s of time body immovemmieimt-s therefore are first stretcimeol simimilar to those illustrated by the oscillation gravity. Figure swings forvarol witim decreasing before 6-A accelerating wimemm time armii swimmgs forwaro! as it. slows down backwa-m’d. Time at wimich rIii VOL. 48-A, fume general NO. the forward nmaxinmummm the velocity sigmiificaimce 2, MARdI 1966 are such that Time ommaim oro!immary of an arm forced shows time arnm first velocity until backward. l)ast Time the swing force time mmiuscles themm simorten. of gravity ai(lihig posit-ion amid timese these muscles are amid mmmay, indeed, a higher frequeimcy imm a vertical posit-iomi by be mmmuscles fm’oimmwhich it mmmoimmeimtam’ilyat il-s u)permmmost deltoid posit-iomi mmiuscle wimicim control of to posterior amid fimially imi time pemmdulum it stops vertical act-iomis mmiuscle becomimes ; time immuscle is timen shortemms is exerteol as it accelerates at- ifs active stretched time swing mimaxinmumim lemigth, is zero. of this stretcim-simortemi cycle is further enmpimasized by 370 A.A.O.S. 1igure 6-B, siomi which iim hot-li crease is based lemmgt-h, with as f-he this tion frommm time work mmom’mimalsequence Two-Joint with gemmerosity will of niore be used during the for stretched by this muscles tend events takimmg is what is suppheo! the cunmulative actually to pass place fiber-lemigth in all over being IN tensiomm imi one muscle sequemmce. stretched amid in omme nmuscle are shortemmed Figure 7, they at which are ammother. records hip 7 of two, shortemi If separate receivimig elimimmate more slowly, kmmee flexors amid hip energy, amid the hip this duplicatiomi of amid follow the mmormal . dissipatiimg imistead emmergy. arid follow muscles of two The the are hanistrimmg mmormal that ; short-emmimig are expenditure left amid to the control. less efficient Basic tainied, suggest that mmmuscle cami do stretch-shorten temisiomm is produced is slower timan all this sequence imi the as ahmd mimaimionc-joimmt mmmus- by temmdomm action; It is therefore mmot f-he nmuscles of the hunmami body are orgammized imito lomig nmuscles amid able to perform the gemmcral actiomm imitcmmded with efficiency of emmergy represents is usually nmammy joimmts movcnmemmt The two-joint additiomm would a fashion they by This they replace; emmcrgy is tramisferrcd fronm omme joimit to ammother the stretcim-shortemi cycle, with its advamitages, is achieved. timat over rummninig If ommiy omie-joimit mmmuscles were available, a hip shortemmimig arid doing positive work, while a kmmee flexor trememmdous emmergy-saving showmi in the figure. The advamitages of two-joint spamimmimig pass LENGTH-CM. instead with surprising which muscles joimmts. nmimscles. Actual records of rummmiimmg . the knee muscle would be stretched, work. The hamstring muscles (right) amid kmiec nioniemits during extemisor would have been walkimig confirmmma- The term simice the immtwo-joimmt the while is illustrated FIG. both ole- suggest-ion received mimuscles joimmt-s immsuch at omie joimit happemis Emmergy-snivimig by two-joimmt extensors were employed (left), muscle WoUld shortemm, doing effort, maintain stretcim-shortemi with movememit CHANGE des arid has by The mmo mmew principles. allow the time body beemi mmoted that to two-joimmt taimmed is followeol shortemmimig. time muscle in temm- increase emmergy, the usefulness of this arrammgenment. mnore than two joint-s are immvolved, immdicates already mmot sufficient was rfhe . absorbs subsequemmt sommme energy which evemi when joimmf-s aohis It has rfhat published amid of Hill. timaim omie joiimf- that- previously is stretched saves LECTURE Muscles rfie muscle COURSE on a figure mimuscle lcmmgfim amid f-cnsiomi that- nmore INSTRUCTIONAL siimmplest forward the type The finer short nmuscles. Factors in Gait adjustnmemmts of gait, from which all other surface. Once the average omi a level pattern a repetifiomm of gait of the repeats first itself except JOURNAL the details of types can be approached, is forward speed has beemm oh- every two steps; for the exchange THE of OF evemi of left BONE the for AND sccommd right. JOINT step SURGERY HERBERT : ELFTMAN BIOMECHANICS FIG. OF 371 MUSCLE 8 Saliemit features of an average step modeled after Fischer’s secommd experinment 16#{149} The body is divided immto three cardinal parts: the head, arms, and trunk (HAT) and two lower extremities, for each of which the center of gravity may be followed with simfficiemit accuracy by a parallelogranm constructiomm at the kmmee. Phase 1 shows beginning of double support with relative swimmg of lower extremities completed and body center of gravity almost at lowest elevation and maximum forward speed. Phase 2 shows maximum speed of swing of extremities with respect to each other amid the body center of gravity approaching highest elevation amid mimiimum forward velocity. The last t\V() piiases repeat the first two but with left foot imi contact. The nmovements movement, such during as the gait be can rhythmic comisidered swing under of arms and two legs imeadimmgs: relative to intermial each of-her without changimmg f-he position of the center f-he body as a whole; amid external movement, of gravity or the angular mommiemitumim of the translation of the center of gravity of the this are body amid rotation of the body illustrated in Figure 8. The lower nmemmt at phase body cemiter which 1 (left) of gravity is relatively Control small of Internal Control are respect their swing to each kinetic imm it at phase is showmm a nmajor portiomm anmoumit of energy emmergy emmergy expemmditure 48-A, NO. external camimmot result the curves 2, MARCH of work must swimmg imm the camm 1966 done by of the muscles. flow of kinetic emmergy that 16 move- nmovemmmemmt of the of the be accomimplisimed body as a whole, alomie lower be decreased is muscles of by part forces, ammo! increase arid decrease in kimmef.ic cimergy amid the succeeding dewith as the decrease In both cases nmctabolic energy is useol. energy of internal movehmment represents expenditure be supplied by extermmal with frictiomi amid plastic of the lower extremities other, as shownm in Figure 8, immvolves alternate energy, as showmi iii Figure 9. The immcrease of nmovemenfs imiternmal by Muscles movcnmemmts lower-extrenmity kinetic VOL. 3. The relative ; f-he rotatiomi accomplished almost emmt-ircly by muscles, cmmt-erimig to a lesser degree. The swimmging is the of these their is imot showim. Move,-nents accelerates for space Some start amid complete is accommmplished by stretchimig Commfrol of the ebb and step center. extremities through here, of immternmal so they formation about the nmuscle represented of wit-imout Figure body durimmg gait amid themm removed by the nmaxinmum 9. altcrimmg The ommly way average velocity Time during value imi whichm mmet each of time this amid lemmgth 372 A.A.O.S. INSTRUCTIONAL COURSE LECTURE C-) 0 m Li- 0 Li +2 z U) +1 Li .-J 0 w RO LS LO FIG. RS 9 changes for time step simowmi immFig. 8. The upper grapim shows how the kimietic emiergy amid emmergy of the body as a whole conmpemm.sate durimig the step. The curve labeled KER is the mirror image of the KE curve; if the PE curve coimmeided with the KE!? curve, time nmuscles would mmot need to supply amiy emmergy for movememmt of the body as a whole. The lower part of the figure shows the kinetic emiergy of the relative niovenmemitof the lower extremities with respect to each other. This emmergy nmust be supplied by nmuscie. Energy potemitial of ste1) to flatten iS the out kinetic emmergy curve by providimmg fall. Time limit of emmergy-savimmg by this device is shown by lower part of Figure 9. This situation cami only be obtaimmed celeratiomm to Internal swimmgimmg, ami average during tiomms process. of the of External external mimovenments to those of time imiterimal The are Movement trunk and mmot restricted timey to comitribute the of ammy extremity head, a commimon and lower-extremity immajor may part also occurrence Movements of time body mimovememmts, by Gravity during except and be of imi nmammy types Muscles the body as a whole are exaggerated in abmiormal mmornial gait as well, if for mmoother reasomi thamm the gaits but are importammt great care which nmust be exercised to mmminimize them. Guarded rotatiomm of the hips, for immstammce, lessemis lever armmi by wimicim the ground reactiomi affects total vertical spimm. Time translation of the cemmf-er of gravity of the body during gait is shown Figure are 8. Althougim time gravity energy variatiomis the balanced level walkimmg go through cycles for forward tramislatiomi. Time rota- of ill the rise gait. Control similar walkimig mmormmmal i)erforniamlce energy involved in this by a coummfer-miiovemmienit of disordered rapid velocity. mmmovcmmmemmtsduring but a mnore time dotted himme in the by immstanitammeous ac- vertical its lateral umidulatiomms umidergoes. of time body ill potential The forward as a whole mmmovemmmcmmtsare ammo! chammges velocity amid time vertical immmportant, imm forward is time of mmmuch greater which velocity largest ummdulat-iomms commtributor are the ccmmter time images JOURNAL OF’ BONE AND JOINT of kimmetic of the emmergy. THE in significance to faithful the SURGERY HERBERT Time vertical in movememmts 8 amid are Figure potential tigators also fumictiomi to of muscle Immstead of each that step OF of gravity I)otemitia! curve impressive is the foe 373 MUSCLE of the energy are gravity is to battle muscle cemiter as the during envisage BIOMECHANICS of the shown energy 2,28 ELFTMAN: body are in Figure and led of efficiemmt amid that body were to gravity, KER curve PE imives- time mimajor gravity. combating follow time actual imm changes imiammy early gait however, it camm be seemm froni that time kimmet-ic energy of the body waxes arid wammes so as to cooperate in keeping the total energy of the body relatively constammt. If f-he rise following depicted 9. The curve, (the the mirror muscles image would of KE the Figure instead curve) mmeed to commtribut-e 9 with gravity amid fall of the miothiimg of to the H H C FIG. FIG. 10-A FIG. 10-B 10-C Fig. 10-A: Basic fundamentals of muscle control of the trajectory of the body as a whole by det-ermining the ground reaction. The square represents the mass of the body as a whole with an arrow for its instant velocity. The ground reaction(R) is the result of the reaction to gravity (G) amid the effective, or inertia, force (A) reflecting the acceleratiomi of the body. The body is vaultimmg through space on a rigid rod, the reaction is perpendicular to the trajectory, and the chammges in kinetic emmergy are due to gravity. Fig. 10-B: The ommly change is to show a lower extremity requiring muscle momemmt.s, H,K, amid A, to keep it rigid. For simplicity we shall regard this extremity as weight-less. The muscle momemits, H,K, and A are proportmonal to their lever arms, h,k, and a. The muscles use metabolic energy for tension maintenance but do no physical work. Fig. 10-C: Action of the muscles changing the trajectory of the body. The ratio of muscle moment.s, dictated by the nervous system, determines the position of the groummd reactiomm amid the magnitude of the muscle moments determines the acceleration. exterimal energy center of of gravity management imi which of the body way movememmts weight the limbs effective weightless ground the acceleratiomm tial emmergy management A to simplify , cooperate is illustrated in a box OIi a pole. force, resulting muscles “ concentrated as if vaultimmg Skillful body. the eniergy that for the normal walker is easier The body the which reaction, of the immf-erchmammge. the of the muscle must than for the minimizes with gravity in Figures 10-A, surrounding details. the trajectory of the contribute. anmputee. in controlhimmg 10-B, center In Figure 10-A, the amid 10-C, body external which of gravity the body rflmis skillful amid depict comisider moves forward The external forces are the reaction to gravity, G, amid f-he is the product of the mass amid acceleration of the body. The R, is perpendicular to the instant velocity of f-he body, body No is derived muscle cmmt-irely activity from gravity, is immvolved. amid kimiet-ic amid potemm- 374 A.A.O.S. Iii Figure 10-B the INSTRUCTIONAL pole has COURSE beemi replaced by simowmm. rrlme ground reactiomi has miot changed through time figure (dotted himme). It is necessary tiomm to ankle 1)revemmt further Plammtar-flexor a. 1mmthe same arnm, tively, can tiomm of the nietabolic doing be flexioim muscle, way the calculated. of action emmergy to lever of the various arms nmaimmf-aimm tension to the kmiee of the t but segmemits, joimmt-s. The of the reaction, body ammgulateo! as amid its line of action is projected for mmiuscles to be in isometric contrac- be equal must monmeimts The hue mmophysical of the A, LECTURE amid are hip muscles amid s, arc riot mmiomemmt of force reactiomm, R, amid chammging of the time K arid muscles showmm. timmies lever H, respec- the lmoimmt-s of imit-ersec- The muscles length and are usiimg therefore are work. 3 #{247} VELO FIG. Emmergy comisunmption fronm the experiments bolic energy, above iii walking at various CI IV 11 combimmatiomis of Atzler amid Herbst The that used in standing, required contour of step lines lemigth of the amid velocity, nipper graph replot-ted show weight the meta- to move omme kilogram of body omme meter The mimminmum emiergy expemiditure for each velocity is shown by a limme which passes amid mmear E amid F, which refer to the steps ammalyzed by me 8 amid by Fischer 16.17, The lower graph shows the emiergy consumptiomm above that for stammding plotted in two ways. The solid limme simows the COSt imm calories of trammsportimmg omme kilogram of body weight omme horizontal meter; it ha.s a defiumite minimum where the efficiemicy of the locomotor apparatus is greatest. The hrokemm limme shows emmergy comm.sumptiomi immcalories per kilogram minute; whemm the ba.sal expemmditure for stammdimig ( 17.2 calories per kilogram mimmute) is added to this it reflects the stress to which the body is subjected. horizommtally. through 0.50 In Figure has 10-C, stinmulateol about action H, K, time imiuscles enough motor assertimmg positive provide commtrol. The mmmonments of force mmervous systenm (H, amid A) K, hip, kmmee, amid ankle. Simmce a weightless hinmb is assuimmed, time ground rewill be the same for each joimmt. When the mmcrvous systemim produceol momemmts ammo!A , it deternmimmed the direction of the groummd react-ion by their proportions the amid time mmmagmmit-imdcof the ommly upwaro! arni arc ummits to with acceleratiomm respect to the acceleratiomi by their mmmagmmitudes. rFhe result but also amigular acceleration simmce the reaction body center will be has a lever riot of gravity. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY HERBERT ELFTMAN: Energy A detailed the amialysis physical of the work systenm Such also therapeutic are procedures ummusually An 1 1. vel1 Herbst. The Their subject of gait the metabolic for tensiorm consumption the information metabolism under experiment of this at each riot It is important mmmoveniemit mmmore tracteol frommi that The solid to mmote that, the accurately, durimmg hue mmiemmf-s choose upward the of these in order optimmmummmline. 1mmthe lower part evaluatiomm This this of the calories curve sort have The by curve requirement to f-he distance, and Ralston taneously, motor there unit are fibers for of motor units of fibers in each miumber was ummit imm the susceptible number the right represents able to walk effect ommcmmcrgy the of in a muscle unit, of increnmemmts belief but the to Imi the to determine (solid himme). of gaits. limme) shows would to Measuremmmenmts emiergy time olata imi the This nmethod of peak the to each load be that immdicaf-cd restimig by sfandimig value is mmthe emiergy on time gra)h. of Muscles that mammy muscle fibers mm a given nerve. The mmumber of muscle fibers few fibers in each unit of the extraocular gastrocmicmius 13 motor that muscles by the with commtrol. nmay be a better number Although ummit always graduated simmce the which useful 1 1 (broken added (‘lose ways. horizontally by multiplyimig by the velocity. mimmute, very two of abmmornmal instance, in each closely iii shape. efficiency is so arranged per number mmmuscle activity. of the beemi sub- corresponding meter evaluatiomm for Control all of the the ated are for was were 16 it is most one kilogram fronm each motor varies from the the semiting data cost has to velocity of Figure heart, per subject, is justification more f-he part calories fibers that left (F) a characteristic for lower of muscle 1600 rcasomm to believe from commsunmptiomi omme kilogram Nervous muscles emmergy standing of Fischer imi goimmg a given upomm the muscle receive branches each of these nmotor units amid that omie mvhemm it is not if 17.2 inrmervatiomm the only velocity in nmef-abohisni mmmeasureThe assunmptiomm that an individual will is not always true, although it is interestimig against for f.imis particular The Atzler values shown horizontally the subject graph nminufc amid is obtained per kilogrammm meter) placed f-he graph, the is plotted the iii kilogram (calories Time load 8 mimmimum is f-he mimost useful on to represent 1 1 , time energy above done heemm used secommd portamit. values of Figure a definite commsummipfiomi per curve below this plottimmg (E) nmine up in transporting has by by provided The weight of step at which this subject lemmgth of step has a profoummd conibimmationi graph work used performed is 27 conditions combinations of the across exl)erinmemit. subjects, imi the different custommm of reporting efficient historic two optimmmumim hue the usual imm amm imiadequate thie nmost that of available walking. sweepimmg ; the results nmaintemmance. controlled was out two replotted in the upper part of Figure combinations of length of step and nietabohismmi the commmbinmatiomms of speed amid length mmiost- efficiently at each velocity. The comisummmption and usually type take of these advamitages frommm which the contour lines of this figure were commstructed. the emmergy immcalories used for movimmg omme kilogram of body omie immet-er. they only productiomm the comimputimmg energy cost of but involves 7,8,10 physical understanding of over-all desigmied the data that they collected are walked at twenty different ; his oxygen velocity an mechanisms, restricted to a measurernermt meamms of oxygen consumption. and requirements needed for and in Walking and energy is desirable 375 OF MUSCLE in shortening, stretched, of the aim analysis energy by muscles as they but fumictiomis, Consumption of the done BIOMECHANICS index there fewer of effective systemmi simul- fibers f-he iii other camm recruit each hand, control of ummits commmes closer miervous is rio commtract On in thamm to repregradu- 376 A.A.O.S. Time feedback fummctiomms 25 two maimmtenammce orgamis of information Omme is regulation contraction ; this muscle spindles, of amid the feremmt fibers. The cermmimig how well infornmationm mmmay or sensory other the may problems in COURSE is feeding to the is succeeding not LECTURE concerning muscle of intrinsic factors regulation is mediated which have gamma function nmuscle termmmimmatiomis from \-lanmy INSTRUCTIONAL reach mmervous immproducing go to a variety of locomotion progranm nmore information time complicated be obtained actioims concerning the extent and the time it takes effect nmodulafion. The ordinary are too short for the production OIl which part be applicol. can of the contractions of a tetanus succeeding cycles Future iii the The immformation classic methods. sequence ciated with other criteria The use of devices motor pattermis bodies is a challenge an even to for the informatiomm broader new sources froni current goes beyond by a variety spectrum activity will of tension data production Harmonious will concerning the if it can be asso- useful variations in muscle power presents the of energy. that available of experimental of instrumentation has contributed become more monitoring of the electric using external The resemblance It is essential of Study future. of action contractions. the commtrol Methods that bears slight laboratories. of muscles during mmormal movements and it would be interesting to know afferenmt Electromyography of muscle groups but centers. ummsolved. 24, contained in the present paper by adding later data gathered immthe comm- movememit. 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Fig. VOL. 48-A, page NO. 209, 7, second Reference 2, MARCH 1966 Hip Imistructiomial Fractures Graft or Both) read “The Course for in the Lecture Prosthetic or Jammimary treatment 1966 Other issue of fractures of the for 23. .“ 3-C, On page 207, 25th line of text, for Haa.s On in the with or Bone on page unimnited, immthe occurred line, next to the read for 945-955 read line, 745-755. 28 read by Dr. Types of The femoral Rudolph of Hip Joimrnal. neck,