TO LEGEND USERS This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program. It does not necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local drainage sources of small size. The community map repository should be consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. SPECIAL 6 93 96°56'15.00" To obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) and/or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data and/or Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompanies this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded whole- foot elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood insurance rating purposes only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the FIS report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of construction and/or floodplain management. 000m 6 000m 94 E 6 000m 95 E 6 000m 96 E 6 6 000m 97 E 000m 98 E E 96°52'30.00" The 1% 33°00'00.00" that Flood of 33°00'00.00" annual chance flood has a 1% Hazard Special Flood 7050000 FT 36 000m 53 N Hazard flood), equaled subject include to also or flooding Zones A, AE, Base Flood Elevations determined. Flood Flood to 3 to 3 SUBJECT TO feet as in the base flood, any given year. is the flood The Special the 1% annual chance flood. AO, A99, AR, V and VE. Areas The Base (usually areas of ponding); Base Flood determined. depths average 1 (SFHAs) 1% annual chance flood. ZONE AH of by AH, No Base Flood Elevations determined. depths known exceeded ZONE AE ZONE AO of depths 1 feet determined. (usually For sheet areas of flow on alluvial terrain); sloping fan flooding, velocities also determined. Special Flood Hazard chance flood by decertified. being ZONE A99 Zone restored greater Area a AR to formerly flood indicates that provide protected from system that control the protection former from the 1% was annual subsequently flood control system is 1% annual chance or the flood. Area to flood protection be protected from system 1% under annual chance construction; no flood Base by a Federal Flood Elevations determined. Coastal flood Elevations ZONE VE Base Flood DR . ROAD CREE K 525 VE WOO D 6D 4 8 51 CE D CI AR R. JOINS PANEL 0055 ROAD RD BOULE VA KELLY 502 502 M ENTON P LACE LO ZONE AE 496 492 5 48 must be without or by of 1% with levees annual chance drainage from areas flood less 1% annual than chance outside the 0.2% annual hazards are undetermined, chance but floodplain. possible. SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS AREAS (OPAs) adjacent to Special Flood Hazard Areas. dividing Special Flood Elevations, flood 000m Hazard depths or Flood Elevation value Areas flood of different velocities. elevation in feet* where uniform within zone; in feet* (NAVD 88) Geographic Datum N coordinates of 1983 1000-meter 5000-foot (NAD referenced to the North American 83) Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone grid system, north values: Texas central 14 State Plane coordinate zone (FIPSZONE 4202), Lambert DX5510 Bench mark FIRM (see explanation in Notes to Users section of panel) River Mile 497 MAP REPOSITORIES Refer to Map Repositories list on Map Index EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP August 23, 2001 EFFECTIVE DATE(S) OF REVISION(S) TO THIS PANEL Hutton Branch I AD LANE 484 VAL LEYWOOD DRIVE ALE 7035000 FT L. AX H A L IF E D R IV IVE E DRIV DR IVE BERGEN 1 Cooks Branch LANE LANE LANE HOLLANDALE NORTH OA N NA DRIVE 7030000 FT ROAD JOANNA DRI V E MARK TWAIN DRIVE J 486 L CB187 OXFORDSHIRE Tribu tary B LANE CANDLEWICK LANE CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH 480174 LIMIT OF DETAILED STUDY ZONE X CAMEO LANE 32°56'15.00" 96°52'30.00" ZONE X to countywide Insurance mapping, refer to Study report for the Community this jurisdiction. insurance 2465000 FT 0 1000 2000 FEET CITY OF CARROLTON CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH Culvert 2 prior MAP SCALE 1" = 1000' D OL 9 B 48 history in the Flood 500 VANTAGE GED Y M IS T E V I DR WINDMILL Cooks Branch 488 483 48 BEE STR. 474 475 FYKE ROAD 494 491 490 J I NO L A N ZONE 495 X 496 SHOREDALE LANE ZONE X 478 RD L E VA DR NIX WAY DUNCAN L revision METERS 300 0 300 600 PANEL 0035L NFIP RID ROAD WAY MILAM DONNA DRIVE FORESTDALE LANE HOLLAN DALE K BOU LEVARD BOU REAGAN 502 501 500 498 97 map History table located COLUMBIAN CLUB DRIVE DRIVE RO DRIVE L HAYDEN N M4 community To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, contact your agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1- 800- 638- 6620. RAILROAD DRIVE METROCREST I RA ZONE X Culvert L A NE 472 that carried Transect line M1.5 Culvert 48 ZONE X 473 be PROTECTED this APOL LO CIRCLE TT CRO C KE DR . BOWIE D R. LIMIT OF BO W I E DETAILED STUDY A Bridge CITY OF CARROLLTON G CITY OF FARMER S BRANCH CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH 480174 LANE ZONE X CHEVY CHASE DRIVE MOONBEAM 2460000 FT DR IV E trea m P DR ICO . TAM B A 482 479 ROAD - - - - - - - - 23 ZONE X DRIVE AVIS TR IVE DR LANE ZONE AE JOSEY WIN TERGREEN be Cross section line 6000000 FT A H CROCKETT R OLLI NGDALE 480 FAIRFAX FOXCROFT LN. LANE BURNING TREE LANE A 496 RA I ON ST OU MOONRIVER LANE DRIVE ROAD R OAD A Culvert G D R IV E RUN to flood Base 7040000 FT Bridge A 478 LANE CO X S PERRY ROAD STREET LAWNDALE DRIVE DRIVE STREET areas foot * Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 JOSEY LANE JOSEY LANE S PERRY CROSBY ROAD COX can Conformal Conic 498 ZONE X SA M H ROAD E floodplain areas ZONE X MILAM CIRCLE S JOSEY LANE ROAD ROAD LARNER FANNIDELLA DRIVE ZONE X BAY DRIVE O AD R SO LA UT NE HM OO R S DRIVE HIGHTRAIL SUNRIDGE JOSEY 474 JOSEY CLINT PARKSID E DRIVE DRIVE BALMORAL chance flood; areas protected elevation ROAD 479 ERIE WARNER STREET STREET STREET PERRY AVENUE N ZAKS PLACE N S E N MAIN STR. JOSEY W CREST ST. E DRIVE S PERRY ROAD SUMMIT DR. CA M DR ER IV O E ROAD RIDGE LAN E DRIVE DR IV PA R KV IE W ER KE LL RI VE YD AL LEY GR DRIVE DENTON ROAD WILLOW KENEIPP DRIVE W M AIN STR. LANE JACK WAY E TT HAMP TO CT. N WILLIAM LANE PALO ALTO DRIVE MARY MARY STR. LANE PAT PAT LANE LANE ANN AVENUE ROAD ROAD COTTONWOOD ROAD RANDOM UPFIELD DRIVE adjacent Base Flood Elevation line and value; (EL 987) DRIVE TARTAN any annual chance flood OPAs are normally located within or ~~~~~ 513 ~~~~~ CITY OF CARROLLTON 480167 LINE BELT AE less than 1 Base Flood Bridge ABLON DRI VE DUNN DRIVE Le ve e E and 75 493 2 LAN E HUTTON action); Floodplain boundary 42 489 E CLUB AVENUE WALNUT H NE LA MCKENZIE D R. CANTERBURY GREENHILL DRIVE ROAD T R W AY LANE EL DO VE CA R NN D E S RI VE D RI VE D E NT O N MCCOY NI DA 6D 1 Stream AI L HILLSIDE LANE ES TA WA TES Y CRATER LAKE CT. DRIVE OAKWOOD ROAD AVE CAMP DRIVE C A PITAL PL AZA WALNUT STREET which 97°07'30", 32°22'30" E SPRING CIR. HILLTOP DRIVE BRAKE DRIVE DRIVE of and Areas in Map BAXLEY CIRCLE AVENU E mile; Areas determined 23 - OAD Au th or ity DRI V 49 SUNROSE DRIVE (wave LR 439 DR square annual ZONE D 9 F RHEIMS MANS DR IV plus 1% Boundary 49 ANTIBES E E A IN RR Y UND RG DR BU E ROA D hazard CBRS and OPA boundary TRAIL ZONE X 487 LUNA 4 the depths ZONE X For DRIVE S CHO O L DRIVE Flood Hutton Branch BAXLEY ROSS AVENUE KIRBY ROAD TIBURON E IV D RY TA SELENE STREET G OA NE 2455000 FT S P RINGWOOD F HOOD CIRCLE ROAD AVENUE CS1298 ZONE X ROAD 3 ZONE AE STREET Y PER R CIS ILR Levee Base Zone D boundary DRIV E Stream 6D5 A HOOD HIGHLAND MO Valw ood Improvement Aut hority no Floodway boundary HUNTERS TETON M ENTON LE 8 OOD W M NE EL LA U D B ED LE R RC I C ROAD action); heights. 0.2% 8 NOB ZONE X STREET OLPH RAND 35E THIS AREA PROTECTED FROM THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD BY LEVEE, DIKE OR OTHER STRUCTURE SUBJECT TO POSSIBLE FAILURE DURING LARGER FLOODS 48 48 of average OTHERWISE ZONE AE E IV 46 PRIVATE velocity stream that flood Culvert L RME CA ZONE X 8 51 DRIVE PEARL PLEASANT NICS ELECTRO 48 AD COUNTRY AVLEY 9 4 494 N RA CITY OF CARROLLTON 480167 DRIVE 499 497 496 AMY DR. APARTMENTS ST. GLENGARRY R D 2450000 FT D 7 8 ST AY DW OA BR ET S RE ST OA ROAD JOINS PANEL 0045 Grapevine Creek ROSEMON AVENUE STREET UT EE T ILR CT. SPRING AVENUE M YE RS S TR EET RAILROAD R O LR AI ZONE X SPRING F R AN DRI V E O FT BRIERCR CE ZONE X (wave OTHER AREAS CBRS areas 488 AD Bridge D ALLEY 50 of a so Stream 6D3 DRIVE 502 Culvert A K MC AV ENUE RA R O AD W AL N M EL W STREET LA WAL L E R AI A RO BAXLEY STREET 45 S RA FE D RI V CIL CE 9 8 RO S S TAPPAN CIRCLE S E N L AC CITY OF IRVING 480180 32°56'15.00" 96°56'15.00" Hutton Branch ZONE X CRO S B Y CITY OF COPPELL 480170 190 2 45 453 CROSBY W ZONE AE Elm Fork of Trinity River 46 RO ZONE AE B H 4T E. AV H 5T E. AV ZONE X G IN P A R K E ET R LOT S T N 9 ZONE X Bridge 47 AV E CARROLL Bridge ZONE AE Valwood Improvement 000m 44 2 ND AV. ZONE X ZONE X 439 D C ZONE X ZONE X 440 P CS1300 O CS1306 DRIVE Bridge H O W ER Bridge 3 NU 45 OAK STR. 443 ZONE X 46 ZONE X A KS EL T STREET PARKI NG LO CITY OF CARROLLTON 480167 36 444 ZONE X FO R K NE LA CS1301 DRIVE IVE DR 4 EL ZONE X M IVATE PR ROAD ZONE X 467 E 463 TVIEW MOUN DRIVE S U M MIT Bridge 44 ZONE X N DRI VE R 000m 48 TERRACE 456 TU 36 441 AVENU GS D AVENUE TRAIL Bridge DRIVE Bridge AVENUE Bridge CENTURY 44 1 ZONE AE RYAN VINYLEX DRIVE NT CE ES CR H E with COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES WAY 50 490 ZONE X LE DORADO Bridge RIN C D RI B 503 502 ROAD IV E ZONE AE Stream 6D3 ZONE X 467 C A BUS IK DR IV E JACKSON X C O DR I V E CORDOBA 502 502 Culvert R TA EL 504 503 RD. 7045000 FT Bridge A 493 492 SP 46 E P AVENUE RUSSELL E ZONE X 442 N W RUSSELL AVENUE NORTHSIDE ZONE AE 442 I VE B ZONE X Y B E NT DRIVE A LAN PARK NT CE ES LE CR IRC C G GEOR ZONE X DR T IVE IB U AL M DR . N DR IRCLE 49 E C 000m T IDEN 36 DONALD AVENUE PR E S If you have questions about this map or questions concerning the National Flood Insurance Program in general, please call1- 877- FEMA MAP (1- 877- 336- 2627) or visit the FEMA website at WESTWAY CIRCL E Q Y 190 KATHY NOBLE W ALAN AVENUE I SA Z TR O P E AD ZONE X DRIV E 443 Contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1- 800- 358- 9616 for information on available products associated with this FIRM. Available products may include previously issued Letters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study report, and/or digital versions of this map. The FEMA Map Service Center may also be reached by Fax at 1- 800- 358- 9620 and its website at DRIVE BOOTH FORMS 35E L RO R AI EET STR (EL 444) TR JE A N E N ND AY R ZONE X LANE WHITLOCK NO R M A STUDY LANE WILLOWBROOK TRAIL CS1257 ZONE AE SA VO PO E W DISCHARGE CONTAINED IN CULVERT N E R IV D ADW BRO A ROAD LAKE SANDY hazard flood. DRIVE P UEBLO 514 512 507 506 CLUBVIE DRI VE MILL SCOTT E ZONE AE L AGUNA PLACE LN. LIMIT OF DETAILED STUDY GREENWOOD RD. 1 48 1 78 4 48 PRIVATE N 444 WA Y 0 444 A 497 O SCEOLA ROSEWOOD 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD PLACE ZONE X 444 RIVE CD 45 GERONIMO LN. ARROW N SO LANE WEDGEWOOD B 502 A DRIVE CARTER AVENUE DRIVE OL D WAY TERRY K NOLLWOOD T RINITY MIL L S ROAD E ROAD NORTHMOOR BRENTWOOD KIRKWOOD CIRCLE LIMIT OF DETAILED STUDY WAY NORTHMOOR in Areas 1 N RI MA AD RO D CHERR Y WOO ROAD 445 zone channel increases with B L ROAD 445 LIMIT OF FLOODWAY CITY OF CARROLLTON 480167 PON T I A Elm Fork of Trinity River ZONE X CALLE A CE TECUMSE H ROAD E ROAD PRIVATE ROAD RA I PL S CREST STREET STREET ESTATES WAY WAY SH AN NO N LANE WOODCREST NORTHLAND TR A IL SEQUOYAH AT PRIV ROAD AD RO ZONE X velocity OTHER FLOOD AREAS C JACKSON W Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data available at the time of publication. Because changes due to annexations or de- annexations may have occurred after this map was published, map users should contact appropriate community officials to verify current corporate limit locations. ZONE X N CREST STREET M S A LE E D RIV ZONE X N DRIVE LANE VALLEYCREST is the ZONE X MILLS TRINITY CRE S T VIEW DRIVE CIR. ZONE AE DRIVE MEADOW CREEK DRIVE 455 455 DI CK P A E RS O N RK W AY MAYES ROAD ZONE AE 448 LINCO L N TIERR A PRIVATE JOINS PANEL 0030 0 000m 50 ROAD DRIVE CROWLEY CITY OF CARROLLTON 480167 36 ZONE X 45 Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided in digital format by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). This information was photogrammetrically compiled at a scale of at least 1:24,000 from aerial photography dated 2001. ZONE X E RID GE NORTH TRINITY AD M ILLS RO N TRAIL DR IVE NORTH 0 To obtain current elevation, description, and/or location information for bench marks shown on this map, please contact the Information Services Branch of the National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713- 3242, or visit its website at 45 Elm Fork of Trinity River flood encroachment 190 IKE TURN P BUSH R OAD MILLS MCCOY PLACE Y TRINIT Y AL L E E GEORG DRIVE DEERFIELD D RIV E W 1 CS1258 S M ILLS KSTONE BLAC ALLEY ENT PRESID 190 TRINITY W D RI VE 0 Bridge N ZONE X of DR. D 45 51 I T NG ER INVERNES S DRIVE GREEN M EADOW DRIVE ZONE X 000m SH NI NGTON G UE R RE R O 1 B 1 BLANT O N 45 Bridge E IV N BE BORDEA ARGONNE . X R U D AD 2 O 45 R IL 0 453 455 4 MACARTHU R RA ROAD 45 RA Bridge DR free substantial DRIVE MILL SUTTER S D OR IF ZONE X DENTON COUNTY DALLAS COUNTY E D ZONE AE . D RD PP O N E C ZONE X ZONE AE 36 Bridge C 0 A RAIFO R 46 ZONE AE Furneaux Creek 45 Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988. These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. For information regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetic Survey website at or contact the National Geodetic Survey at the following address: Y WAY WAY 459 35E H SE AL 458 0 AD kept 457 ZONE AE ZONE X R O 4 45 3 LR AI 45 ZONE X The floodway CARTER 454 ZONE X 45 ZONE X RAILROAD ZONE X with FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE C 1 ZONE X 456 N 455 000m 52 zone determined. Elevations determined. E 1 36 Coastal D B 1 ZONE X ZONE X Please refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the county showing the layout of map panels; community map repository addresses; and a Listing of Communities table containing National Flood Insurance Program dates for each community as well as a listing of the panels on which each community is located. (100-year being the area Elevations Boundaries of the floodways were computed at cross sections and interpolated between cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations with regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway widths and other pertinent floodway data are provided in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. This map reflects more detailed and up- to- date stream channel configurations than those shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodplains and floodways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in the Flood Insurance Study report (which contains authoritative hydraulic data) may reflect stream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. is of AREAS 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD ZONE A ZONE V NGS Information Services NOAA, N/NGS12 National Geodetic Survey SSMC- 3, #9202 1315 East- West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910- 3282 HAZARD Flood Elevation is the water-surface elevation of the Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown on this map apply only landward of 0.0' North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Users of this FIRM should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in the Summary of Stillwater Elevations table in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. Elevations shown in the Summary of Stillwater Elevations table should be used for construction and/or floodplain management purposes when they are higher than the elevations shown on this FIRM. The projection used in the preparation of this map was Texas State Plane north central zone (FIPSZONE 4202). The horizontal datum was NAD83, GRS1980 spheroid. Differences in datum, spheroid, projection or State Plane zones used in the production of FIRMs for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences in map features across jurisdiction boundaries. These differences do not affect the accuracy of the FIRM. chance Area ZONE AR Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control structures. Refer to Section 2.4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance Study report for information on flood control structures for this jurisdiction. FLOOD INUNDATION BY THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM NOTES FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 35 OF 495 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY CARROLLTON, CITY OF COPPELL, CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH, CITY OF IRVING, CITY OF NUMBER 480167 480170 480174 480180 PANEL SUFFIX 0035 0035 0035 0035 L L L L Notice to User: The Map Number shown below should be used when placing map orders; the Community Number shown above should be used on insurance applications for the subject community. MAP NUMBER 48113C0035L MAP REVISED Federal Emergency Management Agency