Wind in power 2015 European statistics February 2016 THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION 1 WIND IN POWER: 2015 EUROPEAN STATISTICS Contents Executive summary ............................................................................... 3 2015 annual installations ....................................................................... 5 Wind power capacity installations .................................................. 5 Power capacity installations .......................................................... 6 Renewable power capacity installations ......................................... 7 Trends and cumulative installations ......................................................... Renewable power installations ...................................................... Net changes in EU installed power capacity 2000-2015 .................. Total installed power capacity ........................................................ 7 7 8 8 A closer look at wind power installations ................................................. Total installed power capacity ........................................................ National breakdown of wind power installations .............................. Onshore and offshore annual markets ........................................... Cumulative wind power installations .............................................. 9 9 10 10 11 Wind power penetration.......................................................................... 12 Investment highlights: trends and developments in 2015........................... 13 Data collection and analysis Giorgio Corbetta, European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) Ariola Mbistrova (EWEA) Andrew Ho (EWEA) Editor: Iván Pineda (EWEA) Revision: Kristian Ruby (EWEA) Data sources Clean Energy Pipeline, January 2016 Platts PowerVision, January 2016 EWEA, wind energy data OEE, ocean energy data EPIA, solar PV data ESTELA, CSP data EWEA acknowledges the kind cooperation of the following National Associations and institutions: IG Windkraft (AT) – BOP, EDORA and ODE (BE) - BGWEA (BG) - RP Global Projekti (HR) - K. Ellinas Energy (CY) - CSVE (CZ)– DWIA (DK) – Tuulenergia (EE) – SEV (FO) – Suomen Tuulivoimayhdistys ry (FI) – France Énergie Éolienne and Syndicat des Énergies Renouvelables (FR) – BWE, VDMA and Stiftung Offshore Windenergie (DE) – HWEA (EL) – HWIA (HU) – IWEA (IE) – Landsvirkjun (IS) –ANEV and assoRinnovabili (IT) - LWEA (LV) – LWPA (LT) – Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar (HR) – Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructures (LU) – NWEA (NL) – PWEA (PL) – APREN (PT) – NorWEA (NO) - RWEA (RO) – Continental Wind Partners (SRB) – Slovak Renewable Energy Agency (SK) – University of Maribor (SI) – RAWI (RS) – Svenskvindenergi (SE) – AEE (ES) - Suisse Eole (CH) – TÜREB (TK) – UWEA (UA) – RenewableUK (UK). Photo cover: Courtesy of GE Renewable Energy 2 THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION Executive summary 2015 •12,800 MW of wind power capacity was installed and grid-connected in the EU annual during 2015, an increase of 6.3% on 2014 installations. 9,766 MW were installed installations onshore and 3,034 MW offshore. •Wind power installed more than any other form of power generation in 2015. Wind power accounted for 44.2% of total 2015 power capacity installations. •Renewable energy accounted for 77% of all new EU power installations in 2015: 22.3 GW of a total 29 GW. •Big variations between countries in their 2015 new installations reflect the relative effectiveness of policy and regulatory frameworks and uncertainty over future energy policy in EU Member States. Trends •There is now 142 GW of installed wind power capacity in the EU: 131 GW onshore and total and 11 GW offshore. installations •The EU total installed power capacity increased by 11 GW net in 2015 to 908 GW. •Wind energy has overtaken hydro as the third largest source of power generation in the EU with a 15.6% share of total power capacity. •Wind power accounts for one third of all new power installations since 2000 in the EU. •Conventional power sources such as fuel oil and coal continue to decommission more capacity than they install. Gas installations also saw a high rate of capacity decommissioning in 2015. Wind • Germany remains the EU country with the largest installed capacity (45 GW), power followed by Spain (23 GW), the UK (14 GW) and France (10 GW). 16 EU countries installations have over 1 GW wind power capacity installed, nine of these have more than 5 GW. •47% of all new installations in 2015 took place in just one country: Germany. Poland, France and the UK followed with 1.3 GW, 1 GW and 970 MW respectively. •The total wind power capacity installed at the end of 2015 could produce 315 TWh and cover 11.4% of the EU electricity consumption in a normal wind year. •€26.4 billion was invested in Europe in 2015 to finance wind energy development. This was 40% more than the total investment in 2014. THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION 3 FINLAND 1 SWEDEN 6 Wind power installed in Europe by end of 2015 (cumulative, GW) WIND IN POWER: 2015 EUROPEAN STATISTICS NORWAY 0.8 RUSSIA 0.02 ESTONIA 0.3 LATVIA 0.1 DENMARK 5.1 IRELAND* 2.5 FAROE ISLANDS* 0.02 UNITED KINGDOM 13.6 LITHUANIA 0.4 BELARUS 0.003 NETHERLANDS 3,.4 POLAND 5.1 GERMANY 45 BELGIUM 2,2 CZECH REPUBLIC 0.3 LUXEMBOURG 0.1 FRANCE 10.4 SWITZERLAND 0.06 SLOVAKIA 0.003 AUSTRIA 2.4 HUNGARY 0.3 SLOVENIA 0.003 CROATIA 0.4 ROMANIA 3 SERBIA 0.01 BULGARIA 0.7 ITALY 9 PORTUGAL 5.1 UKRAINE 0.5 FYROM 0.04 SPAIN 23 TURKEY 4.7 GREECE 2.2 MALTA - Installed End 2014 Installed End 2015 2014 2015 EU Capacity (MW) 405 2,089.2 323 2,411.5 Austria 293.5 1,958.7 274.2 2,228.7 Belgium 10.1 691.2 691.2 Bulgaria 85.7 346.5 76.2 422.7 Croatia 146.7 10.8 157.5 Cyprus 14 281.5 281.5 Czech Republic 104.9 4,881.7 216.8 5,063.8 Denmark 22.8 302.7 0.7 303.4 Estonia 184.3 626.7 379.4 1,000.5 Finland 1,042.1 9,285.1 1,073.1 10,358.2 France 5,242.5 39,127.9 6,013.4 44,946.1 Germany 113.9 1,979.9 172.2 2,151.7 Greece 328.9 328.9 Hungary 213.0 2,262.3 224 2,486.3 Ireland* 107.5 8,662.8 295 8,957.8 Italy 0.4 61.7 61.7 Latvia 0.5 279.6 144.7 424.3 Lithuania 58.3 58.3 Luxembourg Malta 175 2,865 586 3,431 Netherlands 444.3 3,833.8 1,266.2 5,100 Poland 222 4,947 132 5,079 Portugal 354 2,952.9 23 2,975.9 Romania 3.1 3.1 Slovakia 0.9 3.4 3.4 Slovenia 27.5 23,025.3 23,025.3 Spain 1,050.2 5,424.8 614.5 6,024.8 Sweden 1,923.4 12,633.4 975.1 13,602.5 UK Total EU-28 12,037.4 4 129,060.1 12,800.2 141,578.8 European Union: 141,579 MW Candidate Countries: 4,741 MW EFTA: 901 MW Total Europe: 147,772 MW Installed 2014 Candidate Countries (MW) FYROM 37 Serbia Turkey 804 Total 841 EFTA (MW) Iceland 1.2 Liechtenstein Norway 48.0 Switzerland Total Other (MW) Belarus Faroe Islands Russia Ukraine Total Total Europe End 2014 CYPRUS 0.2 Installed 2015 End 2015 37 3,738 3,775 9.9 956 965.9 37 9.9 4,694 4,740.9 3 819.3 60.4 22.5 - 3 837.6 60.4 49.2 882.7 22.5 901 11.7 126.3 138.0 13,065.6 3.4 18.3 15.4 497.5 534.7 134,252.7 16.6 16.6 13,805.2 3.4 18.3 15.4 514.1 551.3 147,772 * Provisional data Note: Annual installations figures reflect the total new capacity added in one year. As such, they are gross figures, not including decommissioning. Cumulative capacity figures are net, including decommissioning year over year. Due to 281 MW of decommissioned capacity, the total 2015 end-of-year cumulative capacity is not exactly equivalent to the sum of the 2014 end-of-year total plus the 2015 annual additions. THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION 2015 annual installations Wind power capacity installations During 2015, 13,805.2 MW of wind power was installed across Europe, 5.4% more than in the previous year. 12,800.2 MW of it was in the European Union. Of the capacity installed in the EU, 9,765.7 MW was onshore and 3,034.5 MW offshore. In 2015, the annual onshore market decreased in the EU by 7.8 %, and offshore installations more than doubled compared to 2014. Overall, EU wind energy annual installations increased by 6.3% compared to 2014 installations. Germany was the largest market in 2015 in terms of annual installations, installing 6,013.4 MW of new capacity, 2,282.4 MW of which was offshore (38% of total capacity installed in Germany). Poland came second with 1,266.4 MW, more than twice the annual installations in 2014 and one quarter of its national cumulative capacity at end 2015. France was third with 1,073.1 MW and the UK fourth with 975.1 MW, 59% of which was offshore (572.1 MW). Almost half of the new capacity installed in 2015 came from the pioneering markets of Germany and Denmark. This is mainly due to the stability of the regulatory frameworks in these countries, which gives investors visibility on future projects’ cash flows and favours investments in wind energy. 47% of all new EU installations in 2015 took place in Germany and 73% occurred in the top four markets, a similar trend to the one seen in 2014. THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION FIGURE 1: EU MEMBER STATE MARKET SHARES FOR NEW WIND ENERGY CAPACITY INSTALLED DURING 2015 (MW). TOTAL 12,800.2 MW Greece, 172, 1.3% Lithuania, 145, 1.1% Denmark, 217, 1.7% Portugal, 132, 1% Ireland, 224, 1.7% Croatia, 76, 0.6% Belgium, 274, 2.1% Romania, 23, 0.2% Italy, 295, 2.3% Cyprus, 11, 0.1% Austria 323 2.5% Estonia, 1, 0.01% Finland 379 3% Netherlands 586 4.6% Sweden 615 4.8% UK 975 7.6% Germany 6,013 47% France 1,073 Poland 8.4% 1,266 9.9% Offshore wind accounted for 24% of total EU wind power installations in 2015, double the share of annual additions in 2014. This confirms the growing relevance of the offshore wind industry in the development of wind energy in the EU. 5 WIND IN POWER: 2015 EUROPEAN STATISTICS Power capacity installations In 2015, 28.9 GW of new power generating capacity was installed in the EU, 2.4 GW more than in 2014. FIGURE 2: SHARE OF NEW POWER CAPACITY INSTALLATIONS IN EU (MW). TOTAL 28,948.7 MW Wind power was the energy technology with the highest installation rate in 2015: 12.8 GW, accounting for 44% of all new installations. Solar PV came second with 8.5 GW (29% of 2015 installations) and coal third with 4.7 GW (16%). Gas 1,867 6.4% Ocean 4 0.01% Nuclear 100 0.3% Geothermal 4 0.01% Waste 119 0.4% Gas installed 1.9 GW (6.4 % of total installations), CSP 370 MW (1.3%), hydro 238.5 MW (0.8%), biomass 232.4 MW (0.8%), waste 118.5 MW, nuclear 100 MW, geothermal 4.3 MW and ocean 4.1 MW. Peat and fuel oil did not install any capacity in 2015. Coal 4,714 16.3% Biomass 232 0.8% Wind 12,800 44.2% Hydro 238 0.8% During 2015, Member States decommissioned 8 GW of coal capacity, 4.3 GW of gas, 3.3 GW of fuel oil, 1.8 GW of nuclear energy capacity, 518 MW of biomass and 281 MW of wind energy. Solar PV 8,500 29.4% CSP 370 1.3% FIGURE 3: NEW INSTALLED AND DECOMMISSIONED POWER CAPACITY IN EU (MW) 15,000 12,800 10,000 8,500 4,714 5,000 1,867 - 370 - 239 - (281) 232 119 - 4 - 4 - - - 100 - (518) (1,825) -5,000 (8,051) -10,000 Wind PV CSP Hydro Biomass Waste New 6 (3,282) (4,254) Geothermal Ocean Peat Coal Gas Nuclear Fuel oil Decommissioned THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION Renewable power capacity installations In 2015, renewables installations accounted for a total of 22.3 GW, 77% of all new installed capacity in the EU. It was, the eighth year in a row where renewables contributed over 55% of all additional power capacity in the EU. FIGURE 4: 2015 SHARE OF NEW RENEWABLE POWER CAPACITY INSTALLATIONS (MW). TOTAL 22,267.9 MW Biomass 232 1% Waste 119 0.5% Hydro 238 1.1% Ocean 4 0.01% CSP 370 1.7% Geothermal 4 0.01% Solar PV 8,500 38.2% Wind 12,800 57.5% Trends & cumulative installations Renewable power capacity installations In 2000, new renewable power capacity installations totalled a mere 3.6 GW. Since 2010, annual renewable capacity additions have been between 21 GW and 35 GW, six to ten times higher than in 2000. The share of renewables in total new power capacity additions has also surged. In 2000, the 3.6 GW represented 22.4% of new power capacity installations, increasing to 22 GW representing 77% in 2015. 443 GW of new power capacity has been installed in the EU since 2000. Of this, 30% has been wind power and 58% renewables. FIGURE 5: ANNUAL INSTALLED CAPACITY (MW) AND RENEWABLE SHARE (%) 50,000 40,000 30,000 2015: 77% RES 20,000 10,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Peat Fuel oil Hydro PV Waste Gas Geothermal CSP Nuclear Coal Wind Biomass THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION 2013 2014 2015 Ocean 7 WIND IN POWER: 2015 EUROPEAN STATISTICS Net changes in EU installed power capacity 1995-2015 Since 1995, the net growth of wind power (137 GW), gas (120 GW) and solar PV (93 GW) coincided with the net reduction in fuel oil (down 39 GW), coal (down 32 GW) and nuclear (down 2 GW). The other renewable technologies (biomass, hydro, waste, CSP, geothermal and ocean energies) have also been increasing their installed capacity over the past decade, albeit more slowly than wind and solar PV. The EU’s power generation capacity continues to move away from fuel oil, coal, nuclear and gas to a higher share of wind, solar PV and other renewables. Since 2013, gas decommissioned more MW than what it installed but still has the most overall installed capacity. FIGURE 6: NET ELECTRICITY GENERATING INSTALLATIONS IN THE EU, 1995-2015 (MW) 140,000 137,530 120,525 120,000 95,350 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 8,920 8,160 4,622 0 3,045 431 265 13 (11,808) 20,000 (32,580) 40,000 60,000 (39,580) Wind Gas PV Hydro Biomass CSP Waste Geothermal Peat Ocean Nuclear Coal Fuel oil Total installed power capacity Wind power’s share of total installed power capacity has increased six-fold since 2000, from 2.4% in 2000 to 15.6% in 2015, overtaking hydro as the third largest power generation capacity in the EU and the first renewable energy technology in capacity installed. Over the same period, renewables increased their share from 24% of total power capacity in 2000 to 44% in 2015. FIGURE 7: EU POWER MIX 2000 (MW) FIGURE 8: EU POWER MIX 2015 (MW) Waste, 2,199, 0.4% Peat, 1,667, 0.3% Biomass, 4,568, 0.8% Wind, 12,887, 2.4% Ocean, 240, 0.04% Fuel Oil, 62,166, 11.4% Solar PV, 12, 0.02% Coal 133,220 24.4% Gas 91,922 16.9% Hydro 112,719 20.7% 8 Geothermal, 592, 0.1% Nuclear 122,966 22.6% Waste, 4,596, 0.5% CSP, 4,975, 0.5% Biomass, 12,140, 1.3% Peat, 1,808, 0.2% Fuel Oil, 33,660, 3.7% Geothermal, 819, 0.1% Solar PV, 95,350, 10.5% Ocean, 253, 0.03% Gas 191,960 21.1% Nuclear 120,208 13.2% Hydro 141,073 15.5% Coal 159,219 17.5% Wind 141,579 15.6% THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION A closer look at wind power installations Total installed power capacity Annual wind power installations in the EU have increased steadily over the past 15 years from 3.2 GW in 2000 to 12.8 GW in 2015, a CAGR of 9%. FIGURE 9: ANNUAL WIND POWER INSTALLATIONS IN EU (GW) 14 12.8 12.1 12.1 12 11.4 10.3 10 9.0 8 9.9 9.8 2010 2011 8.5 7.2 6.5 5.9 6 5.5 5.8 4.4 4 3.2 2 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2012 2013 2014 2015 9 WIND IN POWER: 2015 EUROPEAN STATISTICS National breakdown of wind power installations 2015 showed important variations between countries in their capacity additions. Germany led with over 6 GW newly installed, reflecting the traditional size and strength of its wind energy market. Three factors facilitated growth: effective policies, the connection of large amounts of offshore capacity installed but not grid-connected in 2014, and a desire by the industry to complete installations before Germany moves to market-based arrangements in 2017. Similarly, Polish developers made use of existing policies and installed over 1,200 MW before the new scheme applies in 2016. By contrast, the lack of political visibility and ineffective regulations led in some countries to fewer installations in 2015 than in previous years. In particular, Spain, which has been a very strong market, saw new installations fall to zero as a result of inadequate policies. The wind energy industry suffered from changing regulations also in Romania. Stable regulatory frameworks and visibility therefore remain imperative to provide investors with certainty and growing wind power in all parts of Europe. FIGURE 10: EU MEMBER STATE MARKET SHARES FOR NEW WIND ENERGY CAPACITY INSTALLED DURING 2015 (MW). TOTAL 12,800.2 MW 7,000 6,000 6,013 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,266 1,000 0 10 1,073 975 615 586 379 323 295 274 224 217 172 145 132 76 23 11 1 Germany France Sweden Finland Italy Ireland Greece Portugal Romania Estonia Poland UK Netherlands Austria Belgium Denmark Lithuania Croatia Cyprus THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION Onshore and offshore annual markets New offshore wind installations more than doubled in 2015 compared to 2014, with 3,034.5 MW of new gross capacity grid-connected. Offshore wind power installations represented 24% of the annual EU wind energy market, up from 13% in 2014. FIGURE 11: ANNUAL ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE INSTALLATIONS (MW) 12,000 1,175 10,000 10,892 582 883 9,706 318 8,632 8,000 373 8,115 93 90 170 6,000 90 5,743 10,591 9,900 866 3,035 9,766 8,877 7,097 6,454 5,749 5,186 51 4,000 276 9,006 1,447 1,567 4,377 2,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Onshore 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Offshore Cumulative wind power installations A total of 141.6 GW is now installed in the European Union due to a record growth of 9.7 % in 2015. Germany remains the EU country with the largest installed capacity, followed by Spain, the UK, France and Italy. Eleven other EU countries have over 1 GW of installed capacity: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Sweden. Four of the latter (Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Portugal), have more than 5 GW installed. FIGURE 12: CUMULATIVE WIND POWER INSTALLATIONS IN THE EU (GW) 141.6 140 129.1 117.4 120 94.5 100 75.3 80 56.7 60 40 20 0 12.9 2000 17.3 2001 23.1 2002 34.4 40.8 2004 2005 106.5 85.1 65.1 48.0 28.5 2003 THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 11 WIND IN POWER: 2015 EUROPEAN STATISTICS Germany (44.9 GW) and Spain (23 GW) have the largest cumulative installed wind energy capacity in Europe. Together they represent 48% of total EU capacity. The UK, France and Italy follow with 13.6 GW (9.6% of total EU capacity), 10.4 GW (7.3%) and 9 GW (6.3%) respectively. Thanks to this record year in annual installations, Poland, with 5.1 GW (3.6% of cumulative capacity), is now the seventh country per capacity installed, having overtaken Denmark and Portugal. FIGURE 13: EU MEMBER STATE MARKET SHARES FOR TOTAL INSTALLED CAPACITY (GW). TOTAL 141.6 GW 50 45 44.9 40 35 30 25 23 20 13.6 15 10.4 10 9 6 5 5.1 5.1 5.1 3.4 3 0 Germany UK Spain Italy France Poland Sweden 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.2 Denmark Romania Austria Portugal Netherlands Ireland Greece Belgium 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0030.003 1 Bulgaria Finland Croatia Estonia Lithuania Hungary Cyprus Czech Republic Luxem- Slovakia bourg Latvia Slovenia Wind power penetration The wind energy capacity currently installed in the EU would produce in an average wind year 315 TWh of electricity, enough to cover 11.4% of the EU’s total electricity consumption1. 1 Total EU electricity consumption (TWh) Onshore wind energy production (TWh) Offshore wind energy production (TWh) Wind energy production (TWh) 2,770 274.5 40.6 315 Share of EU Share of EU consumption consumption met by onshore met by offshore wind wind (TWh) 9.9% 1.5% Share of EU consumption met by wind energy 11.4% Wind energy penetration levels are calculated using average capacity factors onshore and offshore and Eurostat electricity consumption figures (2013). Consequently, table 1 indicates the approximate share of consumption met by the installed wind energy capacity at the end of 2015. The figure does not represent real wind energy production over a calendar year. The most recent data (2013) for EU28 final energy consumption of electricity from Eurostat, is 2,770 TWh. Eurostat, online table code [nrg_105a], extracted on 26 January 2016. 12 THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION Investment highlights: trends and developments in 2015 FIGURE 14: TOTAL ANNUAL INVESTMENTS IN WIND ENERGY 2010–2015. FIGURES INCLUDE INVESTMENTS IN NEW ASSETS (€ BN) 30 25 40% 20 30% -23% 15 -8% 24% 10 5 - 2010 2011 2012 Onshore Wind 2015 was a record year for investments in the wind energy sector. Financial commitments in new assets reached a total of €26.4 billion (bn), a 40% increase from 2014. While investments in new onshore wind 2013 2014 2015 Offshore Wind generating assets increased by 6.3% in 2015, those in the offshore wind sector doubled compared to the previous year. In total, 9.7 GW of new gross capacity was financed. FIGURE 15: INVESTMENTS IN THE WIND ENERGY SECTOR IN 2015. FIGURES INCLUDE INVESTMENTS IN NEW ASSETS (€ MILLION) UK 12,598 Germany 1,388 Finland 949 Belgium 918 Italy 915 Turkey 822 Poland 648 Sweden 557 Ireland 513 Austria 483 Others 2,000 Biogas 860 2% Biofuels 801 2% Other renewables 642 2% Biomass 2,466 6% Solar PV 5,872 15% Offshore Wind 13,251 34% Onshore Wind 13,121 33% 1,260 - Hydro 900 2% Geothermal 1,366 4% 5,323 France FIGURE 16: CLEAN ENERGY INVESTMENTS IN 2015 (€ MILLION) 6,000 10,000 14,000 The UK had the highest level of investments in 2015, attracting €12.6 bn for the construction of new onshore and offshore wind farms. This accounts for 48% of the total investments made in 2015. THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION 66.7% of the new financial commitments in 2015 for renewable energies went to the wind power sector, followed by solar PV (15%), biomass (6%) and geothermal technologies (4%). 13 EWEA Technology Workshops For the industry by the industry Analysis of Operating Wind Farms 2016 14 - 15 April, Bilbao, Spain Wind Turbine Sound 2016 17 - 18 November, Gdansk, Poland Maintain your competitive advantage Gain ready-to-apply knowledge 200+ wind energy professionals Find out more: “Successful in bringing together experts in wind energy forecasting covering the whole range from scientific/technical to commercial aspects.” ECMWF, at EWEA’s Technology Workshop, Leuven, October 2015 “Interesting, well organised with a good equilibrium between conference and networking opportunities.” Representative of Gamesa at EWEA 2nd Edition Analysis of Operating Wind Farms 2014