® Unify ACCELL /IDS Reference © 1987, 2000, 2002 Unify Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise without the prior written consent of Unify Corporation. Unify Corporation makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents of this document and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Unify Corporation reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes from time to time in its content without being obligated to notify any person of such revisions or changes. The Software described in this document is furnished under a Software License Agreement. The Software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. It is against the law to copy the Software on tape, disk, or any other medium for any purpose other than that described in the license agreement. The Unify Corporation Technical Publications Department values and appreciates any comments you may have concerning our products or this document. Please address comments to: Product Manager Unify Corporation 2101 Arena Boulevard, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95834 (800) 24-UNIFY • (916) 928-6400 • FAX (916) 928-6401 Unify DataServer, Unify eWave, Unify VISION, Unify WebNow! and the Unify logo are trademarks of Unify Corporation in the United States and other countries. Unify and ACCELL are registered trademarks of Unify Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other brand or product names shown are trademarks of their respective owners. Printed in U.S.A. Part Number: 7065-01 Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to ACCELL/IDS Introduction 13 13 What is ACCELL/IDS? 15 How to work with ACCELL What is an application? 17 18 How to create an ACCELL/IDS application Terms used in this manual General terms Form terms Variable terms 22 29 32 34 Standard form 34 Master Application form Zoom form 22 24 Database terms Form types 20 34 34 Multi-Occurrence form Help form 34 Error form 35 34 Chapter 2: Introduction to application design Introduction 37 Application design basics ACCELL/IDS design tips 37 38 Chapter 3: ACCELL/Environment Introduction 37 45 45 ACCELL/Environment forms and menus Creating applications 45 47 Help for the ACCELL/Environment 48 Setting ACCELL/Environment variables 49 iii 49 Entering the ACCELL/Environment Selecting the current application 51 57 Selecting the current form Entering different parts of ACCELL/IDS Chapter 4: ACCELL/Manager Introduction 65 65 Screen organization 68 68 System areas 70 Status information messages 72 Function key labels Error handling 74 74 Types of error messages 74 Types of errors 75 Information levels User modes 78 78 Add/Update/Delete mode Find mode 79 User commands 84 User command execution sequence 84 87 User command descriptions Chapter 5: ACCELL/Generator 99 Introduction to the ACCELL/Language Creating forms 99 101 101 Defining form characteristics Specifying Next Form characteristics 101 Sizing and locating the form window 101 Adding Form Trim 101 Defining field characteristics 102 Defining Advanced Field characteristics Defining help forms 102 102 Marking repeating areas 102 Exiting ACCELL/Generator 103 Help for the ACCELL/Generator Entering the Generator iv 60 63 Exiting the ACCELL/Environment 103 103 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 103 Defining form characteristics Specifying NEXT FORM Characteristics 109 Sizing and Locating Forms 110 Adding form trim 113 Using color graphics 114 Defining field characteristics Defining Advanced Field characteristics Marking repeating areas 123 Setting session defaults 126 Editing new forms 119 123 Creating help forms 127 Exiting the Generator 128 Generator commands 129 Generator command summary 129 131 Generator command descriptions Chapter 6: ACCELL/Language overview Introduction to the ACCELL/Language Variables 107 141 141 142 ACCELL/IDS Variable classes 142 143 Variable names and references 144 Variable declaration Scope of variables 145 146 Determining variable type Variable assignment compatibility ACCELL/IDS attributes Variable attributes 148 149 Target variable attributes 150 Screen variable attributes 152 Form attributes 147 154 ACCELL/IDS name classes 156 ACCELL/IDS system functions and variables ACCELL/IDS system functions THE status$() FUNCTION String comparison masks 181 185 ACCELL/IDS system variables Contents 158 158 189 v Data types 193 ACCELL type conversion functions Operators 194 196 Arithmetic and concatenation operators 201 Relational operators Logical operators 202 Bitwise operators 202 Chapter 7: ACCELL/Language sections Introduction 198 205 205 Master Application Form control section Application header 209 Before application section 209 After application section 210 CHOOSE FIRST FORM section 210 Other language sections Standard form control section Form declaration 211 213 214 BEFORE FORM section 214 ON NEXT FORM section ON PREVIOUS FORM section AFTER FORM RETURN section 214 214 215 AFTER ZOOM section CHOOSE NEXT FORM section ON EXIT section 215 218 Find Language sections 219 Add Language sections 223 Update Language sections Record Language sections Field Language sections 226 227 Delete Language sections 229 231 Chapter 8: ACCELL/Language statements Introduction 235 235 Database statements vi 207 209 236 Screen statements 238 Control statements 239 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference ACCELL/IDS statement descriptions 242 CHOOSE FIRST FORM and CHOOSE NEXT FORM 244 CLOSE PIPELINE 245 COMMIT 245 CREATE PIPELINE 246 DELETE 247 DISABLE ZOOM 247 DISPLAY DISPLAY TRIM 252 ENABLE ZOOM 254 ERASE TRIM 256 257 EXTERN 258 FOR IF 260 INPUT 262 264 INSERT NEXT ACTION 265 265 REFRESH SCREEN 266 REJECT OPERATION REJECT RECORD 267 REPAINT SCREEN 267 268 REPEAT 269 RESTART ON FIELD SET 270 SET/SELECT FIELD SLOCK 271 275 SWITCH 277 UNLOCK 279 UPDATE CURRENT RECORD Using the AFA unique option WHILE XLOCK 280 281 282 WRITE PIPELINE 284 285 Chapter 9: Advanced application design ACCELL/IDS files 287 287 Types of ACCELL/IDS files Contents 243 287 vii 289 ACCELL/IDS file processing 292 Environment variables required by ACCELL/IDS Environment variables 293 293 How to set environment variables Using environment variables 294 Basic environment variables 295 297 Advanced environment variables ACCELL/IDS command level development 310 Entering the ACCELL/Generator from the operating system Compiling language scripts from the operating system 311 312 Combining forms and language scripts from the operating system Linking files from the operating system 314 Building ACCELL/IDS executables with make 314 316 Moving an application 317 Renaming an application Registering ACCELL/IDS applications Accessing multiple databases 318 319 Setting up end user access to an application Listing form defaults and help text User functions 326 327 330 User functions and applications 330 331 A sample user function Combining the application and the user function User function conventions 339 341 341 Pipeline statement syntax Controlling pipeline output format Transaction control and locking 343 344 ACCELL/IDS transaction management 344 Specifying a form's transaction information Using interactive operations in a transaction 356 361 Using non-interactive operations in a transaction Application optimization Memory optimization 371 381 Performance optimization viii 333 335 Notes on writing user functions Pipelines 314 381 391 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 395 Diagnostic guide Writing batch applications 396 396 Considerations 397 Sample Application Customizing ACCELL/IDS error forms using PAINTHLP 407 PAINTHLP ERRORS Chapter 10: Runtime execution Introduction 411 411 Clear To Find and Clear To Add operations Find and Add/Update/Delete modes 412 Application, Form and Field execution Application execution Form execution 417 Field Execution 421 User Modes execution 424 424 425 User command execution notes CLEAR TO ADD 427 CLEAR TO FIND 427 429 429 NEXT RECORD NEXT FORM NEXT SET 430 430 PREVIOUS FIELD 431 PREVIOUS RECORD PREVIOUS FORM PREVIOUS SET PREVIOUS TAB RECALL FIELD Contents 427 428 NEXT FIELD TAB 416 416 Add/Update/Delete mode FIND 411 412 Execution of a form Find mode 406 431 431 432 432 433 433 ix ACCELL/Language grammar 435 Introduction 435 436 How to use the grammar Typographical conventions 436 ACCELL/Language scripts 438 Language sections Statements 443 Specifiers 447 Expressions Operators 440 449 451 Variables and constants Constants 452 453 Attributes, characteristics, and system functions and variables Attributes 455 455 Characteristics 457 459 System functions and variables Setting up the system 463 Introduction 463 Additional termcap file entries termcap entry formats 464 465 Screen SIZE entries 466 Embedded attributes 467 467 Types of terminals Setting up termcap for an embedded terminal 468 Embedded terminals and ACCELL/IDS forms 469 Combined and independent attributes Combined attributes 474 Independent attributes Graphics capabilities unicap file entries 475 475 Customizing function key names Special considerations 476 476 Developer’s command summary ACCELL/IDS/Manager commands x 472 472 477 477 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference ACCELL/IDS/Generator commands Contents 478 xi Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 479 xii ACMB error messages 479 ALNK error messages 483 ACPL error messages 488 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Chapter 1: Introduction to ACCELL/IDS 1.1 Introduction Welcome to the ACCELL/IDS Reference Manual. This manual contains information describing how all the parts of ACCELL/IDS work both individually and together. Before you begin using the reference manual and developing your applications, work through the ACCELL/IDS Developer's Tutorial and ACCELL/IDS User's Tutorial to get a feel for ACCELL/IDS. Start using this manual by reading the first two chapters. They provide valuable information on how ACCELL/IDS works and they give you guidelines for developing your own applications effectively. This manual is divided into ten major chapters, three appendixes, a glossary, and an Index, as described below: • Chapter 1, Introduction, gives an overview of information covered in the manual, describes the overall structure of ACCELL, and defines some key terms and concepts used throughout the manual. • Chapter 2, Introduction to Application Design, provides guidelines for designing applications and offers specific tips on using ACCELL/IDS effectively. • Chapter 3, ACCELL/Environment, describes the different parts of the ACCELL/Environment and explains how to build applications using the ACCELL/Environment menus. • Chapter 4, ACCELL/Manager, outlines the different parts of the ACCELL/IDS runtime environment handled by ACCELL/Manager. Topics include screen organization, error message handling, and user modes and commands. • Chapter 5, ACCELL/Generator, explains ACCELL's visual application generator and provides information on creating forms. 13 14 • Chapter 6, ACCELL/Language Overview, introduces the basic elements of the ACCELL/Language–the variables, attributes, system functions, data types, and operators used in ACCELL/Language scripts–and explains how they work together. • Chapter 7, ACCELL/Language sections, describes all the sections used in ACCELL/Language scripts and gives examples of how each one is used. • Chapter 8, ACCELL/Language Statements, describes all of the ACCELL/IDS statements used in ACCELL/IDS Language sections, shows their syntax, and gives examples of how each one is used. • Chapter 9, Advanced Application Design, explains how to use ACCELL/IDS directly from the operating system command prompt–a level of operation intended for experienced developers only–and describes advanced uses of User Functions and Pipeline statements. • Chapter 10, Runtime Execution Information, gives specific execution information for different language sections, user modes, and user commands. This detailed information is intended primarily for experienced developers. • Appendix A, ACCELL/IDS Language/Grammar, lists all the syntax for the ACCELL/IDS statements, Language sections, and statement elements. • Appendix B, Setting Up the System, outlines procedures performed when installing ACCELL/IDS or an ACCELL/IDS application–specifically termcap and unicap file entries. Included is a Developer's Command Summary that lists both ACCELL/Manager and Generator commands. • Appendix C, Error Messages, lists and describes all ACCELL/IDS error messages. • The Glossary provides comprehensive definitions of the terms used throughout this manual. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 1.2 What is ACCELL/IDS? ACCELL/IDS is a unique applications development tool that combines the best features of application generators, relational DBMS, windowing interfaces and fourth generation languages into a single, powerful package. ACCELL/IDS is divided into five modules that work together in an integrated applications development system as shown in Figure 1. EN ME RO VI NT MANAGER S GE M B E NE D AG RA U G TO R L AN Figure 1. The Parts of ACCELL/IDS Each ACCELL/IDS module performs a unique function in applications development: • ACCELL/Environment provides a convenient series of forms and menus that give you access to different parts of ACCELL. Working in the ACCELL/ Environment, you can easily edit or create forms with the ACCELL/Generator or open an ACCELL/Language script in the editor of your choice. The ACCELL/Environment also takes care of managing and processing your files automatically so you can concentrate on developing your application. It also includes a source management database to ease maintenance of applications. Introduction to ACCELL/IDS 15 16 • ACCELL/Generator is a visual application generator designed to work like an ACCELL/IDS application. ACCELL/Generator commands let you create forms on the screen exactly as you want them to appear in your application. You specify characteristics of forms and fields by filling in ACCELL/Generator forms. Each form is stored in a separate file. • ACCELL/Language is a fourth generation language that lets you enhance the forms created in the ACCELL/Generator with logic and computational power. You create and edit ACCELL/Language scripts using your own system editor. ACCELL/Language for each form is stored in a separate file. Additionally, ACCELL/IDS supports the C language preprocessor on ACCELL/Language scripts. • ACCELL/Manager is the runtime component of ACCELL. It automatically takes care of the details of runtime processing for you. When an application runs, the ACCELL/Manager serves as a link between the end user running the application, the compiled ACCELL/Language and forms that make up the application, and the database used by the application. The ACCELL/Manager accepts user commands, executes the appropriate compiled ACCELL/IDS code, displays forms in the appropriate order, and interacts with the database. • ACCELL/DBMS is Unify DataServer/ELS, a powerful relational database management system that handles the data storage and retrieval needs of sophisticated applications. You define and create databases for your ACCELL/ IDS applications with the ACCELL/DBMS utilities. Using SQL, RPT, and third generation language programs, you can also utilize your database in a more traditional fashion, generating reports and sending output to other sources. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 1.3 How to work with ACCELL When you are developing applications, you are working within the ACCELL/IDS Development Environment (ACCELL/Environment). When you or an end user are running an application, ACCELLIDS is operating inside the Runtime Environment. ACCELL/Manager serves as the manager of the Runtime Environment, interacting with the end user and modifying the database as necessary. Figure 2 shows how both the Development and Runtime Environments fit together to form one integrated environment. Development Environment ACCELL/Environment ACCELL/Generator ACCELL/Language Editor ACCELL/SmartlinkTMCompiler Runtime Environment ACCELL/Manager ACCELL/DBMS Runtime ACCELL/DBMS Report Writer ACCELL/DBMS SQL Query Language ACCELL/DBMS Development Figure 2. The ACCELLIDS Environment Introduction to ACCELL/IDS 17 1.4 What is an application? Applications are sets of forms for entering and retrieving information from a database. An application is usually designed to accomplish an integrated series of tasks, such as keeping track of prospective sales, entering orders, or managing inventories. Applications consist of form files created in ACCELL/Generator and optional ACCELL/ Language scripts set up with your system editor. See Figure 3. HJKLLKJH HJKLLKJH HJKLLKJH HJKLLKJH HJKLLKJH JKLKKHHJ HJKLLKJH JKLKKHHJ HJKLLKJH JKLKKHHJ HJKLLKJH HJKLLKJH JKL;JHN M JKL;JHN JKL;JHN M M HJKLLKJHJKLKKHHJKKL JHFHFJK FKDJJH KKLDHS LKJHJK JHFL FKDJ DHFJHNM DHFJKJ JDHF DHSKL; KHLL;K KJLMNE JFHDKFJ DHFKCS DHFJ DHFJ HJKLLKJHJKLKKHHJKKL Figure 3. An ACCELL/IDS Application The ACCELL/Environment automatically processes these application files into a working application when you select the appropriate options from the ACCELL/ Environment menus. You can make extensive use of the ACCELL/Language to create sophisticated applications, or you can create simple multi-form applications that require no Language at all. Whatever type of application you need, ACCELL/IDS lets you create an attractive, consistent, and easy-to-use user interface. 18 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Figure 4 shows a sample series of forms created with the ACCELL/Generator. replace stored update record 1 of 10 RECORDS FOUND COMPANY: Yujikawa Limited SALES REP#: 3 ADDRESS: 115 Wedgewood Court NAME: A Kurasaki Suite 250 PHONE: (415) 645-1212 CITY: San Francisco STATE: CA ZIP: 90403 MAIN PHONE: (415) 765-8800 CONTACT: MAP: LEAD: Opening new branch office in Irvine, CA. Y Kazi FOUND: 10/07/85 EST. VALUE: 22000.00 PROB: 55% VP Facilities STATUS: 1 BUY DATE: 12/01/85 NEXT: 10/21/85 ext 90 MAP: PROGRESS TO DATE MAP: 10/7/85 - Excellent prospect for our first contract with this company. They are opening new branch and need offices furnished. If we land this contract, I'm sure we'll get more business from them. They are interested in standardizing the look of all their corporate offices (and there are 5 of them), so if we give them good results on the new branch, they will probably want to have their old office re-furnished. We might be asked to work with their architectural design firm, but that will not be Enter comments on prospect. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Prv Rec F4-Nxt Rec F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 4. Sample Forms Created With ACCELL/IDS Generator Introduction to ACCELL/IDS 19 1.5 How to create an ACCELL/IDS application The process of developing applications with ACCELL/IDS is quite simple, as summarized below: 1. Define the database tables and fields and create the database using ACCELL/ DBMS menus. See the DBMS Developer's Tutorial Manual and the DBMS Developer's Reference Manual for information on creating and maintaining a database. 2. Create the forms for your application using the ACCELL/Generator. Remember each form has its own defaults and can be connected automatically to other forms, so you can develop simple applications and prototypes very quickly. In fact, if you are working with a relatively simple application, your prototype may be complete at this stage of the development process. If so, you are ready to use the SmartlinkT Compiler described in step 5, below. 3. Create an ACCELL/Language script for any form that needs additional computation and processing logic. Again, Language for individual forms is entered in separate files using the system editor. 4. Define reports using ACCELL/Language PIPE statements and the ACCELL/ DBMS RPT Report Writer. 5. Use the SmartlinkT Compiler to compile and merge the application files. 6. Test run the application to see how it works. 7. Go back and edit the form or Language script if any refinements are necessary. 8. Recompile and run the application if any modifications were made. This is a very rapid process, since the compiler is smart enough to only compile the modified forms. There are two ways to create applications in ACCELL: 20 • from within the ACCELL/Environment • directly from the operating system prompt Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The ACCELL/Environment method lets you use a simple series of menus to enter the ACCELL/Generator and to set up ACCELL/Language files in the system editor. It also takes care of all the file processing for you automatically and is recommended for most developers. For more information, see Chapter 3, ACCELL/Environment. With the operating system method, you do all the required file processing yourself. Chapter 9, Advanced Application Design, describes how to work at the operating system level. Introduction to ACCELL/IDS 21 1.6 Terms used in this manual The following terms are used throughout this manual to refer to different parts of ACCELL/IDS and the database. Careful reading will help you understand the concepts explained in this manual. Keep in mind that some of the definitions use terms that appear later in this chapter; read all the definitions to ensure that you understand all the concepts. The terms are grouped into four categories: general, form, database, and variable. General terms Application An application is a set of forms and associated ACCELL/Language designed to accomplish an integrated task, such as keeping track of orders, inventory, or prospective clients. For example, a Prospect and Order Tracking application might contain the following forms, as shown in Figure 5. ORDER LEAD COMPANY ITEM INVENTORY INVENTORY TEXT CONTRACT SALES Figure 5. Sample ACCELL/IDS Application 22 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Screen The term screen is used to refer to the computer terminal display. The screen is divided into the following areas: • The two system areas • The application area The system areas are used exclusively by ACCELL/IDS to display system messages and valid function key assignments. With the new ACCELL/IDS version 1.3, you can switch off and reposition system areas. The application area is used and controlled by the running ACCELL/IDS application. See Figure 6. For more information on adjusting the system areas, see Chapter 9.2, Environment Variables, under AMGRINIT. application area replace not stored system area find Athena Development SALES REP#: 7 5800 S. W. Washington St. NAME: G. Moore PHONE: (415) 645-1214 CITY: Portland STATE: OR ZIP: 97210 MAIN PHONE: (503) 246-2400 CONTACT: MAP: M Bennett Purchasing Manager ext 2406 COMPANY: ADDRESS: Enter the company name. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form Introduction to ACCELL/IDS F3-Find F5-Fld Help F10-More Key 23 Figure 6. ACCELL/Ids Screen Organization Attribute An attribute describes a characteristic of a screen, form, field, or variable. Attributes specify, for example, video display characteristics and formats for user input. Form terms Form The form is the basic building block of the application. It is similar in appearance to a paper form, though it does much more. It can have various fields and Language associated with it as needed. Forms can be overlaid, and can occupy any part of the screen that is not reserved for system displays and messages. See Figure 7. FORM COMPANY: Athena Development Corp. ADDRESS: 5800 S.W. Washington St. CITY: Portland MAIN PHONE: (503) 246-2400 CONTACT: M Bennett Purchasing Manager ext. 2406 SALES REP#: 7 NAME: G. Moore PHONE: (415) 645-1214 STATE: OR ZIP: 97210 MAP: MAP: Figure 7. ACCELL/Ids Form Many forms can be displayed on the screen while an ACCELL/IDS application is running. Forms provide space for screen fields, which are used to enter and retrieve information. See subsection Form Types, for a description of all the types of ACCELL/IDS forms. 24 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Form window The form window is the screen area occupied by a form, and its screen fields and trim. A form window always includes the border surrounding the displayed information. A terminal's screen size determines a window's maximum size. The position and size of the form window is determined from within the ACCELL/Generator. See Figure 8. FORM WINDOW replace stored update record 1 of 10 RECORDS FOUND Enter the company name. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Prv Rec F4-Nxt Rec F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 8. ACCELL/IDS Form Window Introduction to ACCELL/IDS 25 Form trim Any component information on a form that is not a screen field is form trim. This includes lines, headings, and screen field prompts, for example, COMPANY. See Figure 9. COMPANY: ADDRESS: . CITY: MAIN PHONE: CONTACT: STATE: SALES REP#: NAME: PHONE: ZIP: Trim (borders and headings) MAP: MAP: Figure 9. ACCELL/IDS Form Trim Current form The form currently being executed by ACCELL/IDS is the current form. If more than one form is displayed on the screen at a time, the cursor position marks the current form. Active form All the forms that appear on the screen, or that may be overlaid (and may not be visible), are active forms. Screen field Screen fields are the area on a form used to display and accept information. There are two types of screen fields: 26 • Database screen fields • Non-database screen fields Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Database screen fields display information stored in the database, while nondatabase screen fields display information calculated from other values stored in the database. Non-database display fields may contain averages or totals, or information from other database tables. See Figure 10. Screen fields are associated with different types of ACCELL/IDS variables to display and accept different types of information. Screen field information is displayed in field windows. Athena Development Corp. 5800 S.W. Washington St. Portland (503) 246-2400 OR 7 G. Moore (415) 645-1214 97210 M Bennett Purchasing Manager ext. 2406 Screen fields Figure 10. ACCELL/IDS Screen Fields Field windows The area used to display a single screen field on a form is a field window. A field window may be smaller than the length of the screen field. In this case, the user can scroll the window display horizontally to see the rest of the field's value. This scrolling feature can be specified in the ACCELL/Generator in a matter of seconds. It is especially useful in conserving screen spaces for fields that only occasionally require Introduction to ACCELL/IDS 27 long entries. Field windows may not overlap and are limited to a single line. See Figure 11. Field windows Figure 11. ACCELL/IDS Field Windows Multi-occurrence forms Multi-occurrence forms are standard forms that can display more than one record at a time. See Figure 13. 28 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Database terms Database A database is the collection of information used by an ACCELL/IDS application. ACCELL/IDS databases are divided into tables, records, and fields, as shown in Figure 12. NEXTNUM ALTADD TEXT Database LEADS CONTACT EMPLOYEE COMPANY ITEMS ORDERS NVENTRY Field value No Desc Cost Price On Hand Order Field 1003 LAMP $14.00 $39.00 12 20 rd co e R Table Figure 12. Parts of a Relational Database Table The largest division of a relational database, also called a relation. It is made up of records of the same type. For example, a company table might contain records storing Introduction to ACCELL/IDS 29 the names and addresses of various companies. Each record in a table contains a value for each field in that table. Record A related, specific group of field values in a relational database table, that describes a specific entity, also called a row or a tuple. A record includes an entry for each of the fields in the database table it belongs to. For example, a record might contain the name, address, and phone number of a particular company. Each record must have at least one unique identifying field or group of fields. Field The smallest division of a relational database used for storing information, also called a column or an attribute. For example, one field in a company table might store the names of companies, and another field might store phone numbers. All the records in a table contain entries for the same group of fields. Another way of thinking about fields is as classifications of data: Information in a record is divided into classes, such as name information and phone number information. Each class or group of information is known as a field. Values contained in fields can be displayed on forms or used internally in ACCELL/Language files. Fields can be associated with different types of ACCELL/IDS variables to perform different tasks. Target table The database table that is searched and updated automatically by a form created with the ACCELL/Generator. Forms can also search and update non-target database tables if you add ACCELL/Language statements. Target record A record within the target table. 30 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Selected set The set of target records that can be displayed on a form with the NEXT RECORD and PREV RECORD user commands. Records become part of the selected set when they are found by a database search, or when they are added to the database by users. The selected set may be empty if no records were found or added. Current set That portion of the selected set displayed on the screen. The current set can be considered a window through which you can view the selected set. For forms that display more than one record, or multi-occurrence forms, the current set can contain many records, as follows. See Figure 13. Current Set asd fg jlkadfg sd fgfdg fgh wdfh whwfgh fghgfjnh rgewrgh piusdfhb wgf qef gqef aglkjdfg adfg afd; rgdq g grd gh eqrdh rt fg jt puih lkjfdg gqerj adglkjd; lk jlkfgdfq qrgh h g erth t jhtrwjh pkhj q p;oidfgb rfg qefdg f ghgh grggj hdf qgg r qerh wrthtr piu pfg gqer sdfkladsg klj asdertfb sdfsdfg asd ljka asdfg jlkadfg sdfgfdg fghwdfh whwfgh fghgfjnh rgewrgh piusdfhbwgf qefgqef asdj asdfklj adafgg wtdewrtt fasdfas adskj aglkjdfg adfg afd rgdq g grd gh eqrdh rt fgjt puih lkjfdg gqerj asdklasd sfgh etsdfgk dfasdk alkjasd adglkjdlk lkj lkfg df qrgh h g erth tjhtrwjh pkhj qoidfgb rfg qefdg fla dfgg qerg we we fgasd fghgh grggj hdf qggr qerh wrthtr piu pfg gqer sdfkladsg klj asderb sdfsdfg ljkas asdfg jlkdfg grggjsdfasd asdjasdfklj afdafgg wtdewrtt adskj aglkjdfg adfgafd kjlsmjkjjh asd klasd sfgh etsdfg alkjasd adglkjdlk lkjlkfgdfq irtjgh fla dfgg wewe fgasd fghgh fghet iuh Selected Set Figure 13. Current Set and Multi-Occurrence Forms Introduction to ACCELL/IDS 31 Current record The target record currently displayed on a form, or the target record on which the cursor is positioned for multi-occurrence forms. The current record may change as the result of commands issued by the end user such as NEXT RECORD or PREV RECORD. Find A database search requested by the application user with a FIND command. Optional search criteria can be specified by the user, as well as in ACCELL/ Language. Transaction A transaction consists of a logical unit of work done by an end user on a form or group of forms. During a transaction, certain records in the database may be protected or locked from other users working with the same database. At the end of each transaction, these locks are released and the transaction end is noted in the ACCELL/ DBMS transaction log for future reference. Transactions are used to guarantee that the actions of one user do not interfere with those of another, and to permit recovery of the database to a logically consistent point in case of system failure. They protect the database by automatically locking certain records. Two transaction level settings are available to accommodate the amount of protection a transaction needs. See Chapter 7.3, under Choose Next Form, for more information on transaction level settings and locking conventions. See Chapter 9.6, Transaction Control and Locking, for a detailed discussion of the ACCELL/IDS locking mechanisms. Variable terms Variable An ACCELL/Language identifier and storage location for a value. There are four classes of variables, each with its own set of attributes: 32 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference General Variable A variable that does not refer either to a target field or a screen field. Screen Variable A variable that refers to a non-database screen field defined on the form. Screen variables have screen variable attributes. Target Variable A variable that refers only to a field in the target table. Target variables have target variable attributes. Screen/Target Variables A variable that refers to a database screen field as defined on the form. Screen/Target variables have screen variable attributes and target variable attributes. All classes share the attributes of a general variable; the screen/target variable combines the added attributes of screen and target variables. Figure 14 shows the relationship of each variable class to the screen field and to target field names. Screen variable (matches name of screen field on form) General variable (no name match to a program variable Target variable (matches name of field in target table) Value on the Screen Value in memory Screen/Target variable (matches name of screen field on form and field in target table) Value from database Figure 14. Types of ACCELL/IDS Variables The name of the variable determines its class and must be unique within the Language script for that form. A variable's class is based on whether its name matches an existing screen field or target field name. See Chapter 6.2, Variables, for more information. Introduction to ACCELL/IDS 33 1.7 Form types Standard form Any regular application form created with the ACCELL/Generator that is not the Master Application form or a Help form. A standard form can have a target table, which is the database table it automatically searches and updates. Master Application form A special form that serves as an entry and exit point for the application. There can be only one Master Application form per application. Master Application forms may not have a target table. They are useful for setting up global variables for use anywhere in the application, as well performing initialization and exit processing. Zoom form A standard form that is referenced by the ENABLE ZOOM statement and invoked by the end user with the ZOOM command. Zoom forms offer a window into other parts of the database without leaving the context of a transaction. Zoom forms are often used for looking up information or performing tasks that are done infrequently. Zoom forms are the implementation of the ZoomView™ feature. Multi-Occurrence form A standard form that can display more than one record at a time. The part of the form that will be repeated is marked in the ACCELL/Generator. See Chapter 5.2, under Marking Repeating Areas, for more information on creating multi-occurrence forms. Help form Optional forms containing explanatory text. Help forms are displayed when the end user enters the FIELD HELP command from a screen field. Help forms can contain trim and are automatically managed by the ACCELL/Generator. 34 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Error form ACCELL/IDS automatically displays system error forms when errors occur. The display of error forms and error messages depends on the information level set for the application. See Chapter 4.3, Error Handling, for an explanation of information level settings. For a more detailed explanation of a one-line error message or beep, the user can press EXPLAIN ERROR to call up an error form. ACCELL/IDS system error forms can be modified by the user. See Chapter 9.9 Customizing ACCELL/IDS Error Forms Using PAINTHLP. Introduction to ACCELL/IDS 35 36 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Chapter 2: Introduction to application design 2.1 Introduction This chapter provides basic techniques and tips for designing database applications. The next subsection, Application Design Basics, provides guidelines for individuals who may not be familiar with application design. The subsection ACCELL/IDS Design Tips is intended for developers who are familiar with application design and want specific information about designing applications with ACCELL/IDS. Application design basics Techniques for designing applications vary depending on the size and complexity of the application and the database. However, there are some basic steps you can follow when designing applications: • Identify the parts of the application; what are the main tasks the application must accomplish? • Identify the relationships among the parts; will each part operate independently or will some parts be dependent on others? • Diagram the function of each part; what are the subtasks each main part must perform? • Diagram the structure of the database; what database tables will accommodate each of the subtasks and what relationships will the tables have to each other? • Select the fields for each database table; which fields will each table contain? • Ensure that the database design is normalized. That is, each field within a record must contain only a single data item for that field. See section 2.2 of the 37 Direct HLI Programmer's Manual for more information on normalizing your database design. See Chapter 2 of the ACCELL/IDS Developer's Tutorial for examples of how these steps can be applied to application design. ACCELL/IDS design tips The rest of Chapter 2 outlines the use of ACCELL/IDS features to simplify application design. Organizing forms If your application has many forms, use the ZoomView™ and form menu (branching) capabilities of ACCELL/IDS, rather than making forms into a single sequence. Using Zoom forms and form menus lets the user choose between forms and zoom to less frequently used forms as needed. See the ACCELL/IDS Developer's Tutorial Manual for examples of Zoom forms and form branching. Form menus and Zoom forms also conserve memory by reducing the number of active forms. Transaction definition Divide the forms in the application into logical transactions. Generally, a transaction consists of a series of operation so that you do not want interrupted. For example, a single transaction might consist of entering all of the line items for an order. Making an entire order a single transaction guarantees that item entries cannot be modified until the user enters all of the order information. Keep your transactions short in order to use your database as efficiently as possible and to improve your application's use of memory. Special variable symbols All ACCELL/IDS variables have an optional prefix symbol, $, that helps differentiate them from other names, and to indicate that the variable name is not a keyword. Although ACCELL/IDS can distinguish all variables by context, use of the special 38 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference symbol, $, enables you to more easily identify variables while reviewing Language sections. For example: form: $variable Using the variable symbol removes potential conflicts with keywords and ensures that your applications will run under future releases of ACCELL/IDS that may include new keywords. Using the set/select statement To select records from a database table, use the WHERE clause of the SET/SELECT statement. The WHERE clause specifies which subset of table records is the object of the current operation. When searching for data specified in a SET/SELECT statement, ACCELL/IDS automatically chooses the most efficient access path to the data. The ACCELL/DBMS supports four access methods: • hashing on the record's primary key • B-tree index on any field or combination of fields set up by the user • explicit relationships between Parent/Child records set up by the user • buffered sequential scan of all records in a table For a given SET/SELECT statement, ACCELL/IDS analyzes the access methods available and selects the most efficient method, based on search criteria in the WHERE clause. As a developer, you need to keep in mind that the search criteria in the WHERE clause directly affect the access method selected, and consequently, affect how fast the data is found. For best results using the WHERE clause search, you should fully expand all expressions which appear in your WHERE clause. Make efficient use of SET/SELECT statements by selecting only the record fields the application needs. For example, the SET/SELECT statement in the following example has an expression in the WHERE clause that is not fully expanded. Introduction to application design 39 SET/SELECT statements execute faster if you perform only necessary calculations in the WHERE clause. For example, the following statement performs a subtraction in its WHERE clause: SET $acct_number, $date, $first_name, $last_name TO SELECT #acct, #bill_date, #cust_first_name, #cust_last_name FROM accounts WHERE #bill_date < = current_date$()-30; EXECUTING . . . It is more efficient to write this statement as follows: SET $thirty_days_past TO current_date$() - 30; SET $acct_ number, $date, $first_name, $last_name TO SELECT #acct, #bill_date, #cust_first_name, #cust_last_name FROM accountsj WHERE #bill_date < = $thirty_days_past;j EXECUTING . . . Because the second statement does not require the calculation of 30 days past to be performed multiple times. Default field values and range checking The ACCELL/DBMS Advanced Field Attributes can be used to establish default values and to perform range checking for database fields. If the Advanced Field Attributes are set, ACCELL/IDS displays an error message on a PREV FIELD or NEXT FIELD user command if a value does not fall within the proper range. ACCELL/IDS uses the default value set in the Advanced Field Attributes if there is no Clear to Add value. See the ACCELL/DBMS Reference Manual for more information on Advanced Field Attributes. 40 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Adding third generation language functions ACCELL/IDS lets you add custom user functions you've written in C to your applications. See Chapter 9.4, “User Functions”, for information about adding functions to your applications. Functions can extend ACCELL/IDS to perform calculations such as net present value or rate of return, and to optimize the performance of complex algorithms. Controlling the screen with user functions Experienced developers can write user functions that use the screen for input and output. First, have your function save the I/O control settings. Once the settings are saved, your function will need to alter them because ACCELL/IDS leaves the terminal in raw mode. Your function must restore the original control settings before returning to the application. Finally, because the application is unaware of any changes your function made, the application must restore the screen after the function call by using the REPAINT SCREEN statement. Changing the system area display The ACCELL/IDS screen layout can be controlled by setting several screen characteristics. You can determine what the end user will see on the screen by specifying how the ACCELL/IDS system area will look. The system area consists of the mode, function key, and For Your Information (FYI) lines. You can control where the system area displays as well as whether the application area windows appear. Setting screen layout characteristics is useful when you want to simulate the appearance of an existing software interface with ACCELL/IDS. You set the system area characteristics by initializing the ACCELL/IDS environment variable AMGRINIT. See Chapter 9.2, “Environment Variables”, for more information about the AMGRINIT variable, and Chapter 4.2, “Screen Organization”, for more information about setting screen layout characteristics. Introduction to application design 41 Communicating with other programs or computers ACCELL/IDS's pipeline facility lets you send information to an external program or series of programs. Pipelines make it possible to send data to the DBMS report generator (RPT) or your own report programs with your ACCELL/IDS applications. See Chapter 9.5, Pipelines, for information about ACCELL/IDS pipelines. • Use as few video attributes (blink, reverse, underline, etc.) as possible for your screen fields. • Run the terminal at 19200 baud rather than 9600 baud. Consult your terminal manual or the manufacturer to see if this is possible on your system. • Use a VT100-compatible terminal that uses a higher performance chip such as the Intel 80186. • Run your applications on non-VT100 terminals. Form appearance The appearance of application forms is enhanced by using terminals with line graphics capabilities. If the terminal your application is using does not have line graphics characters, ACCELL/IDS can also use standard ASCII characters, such as the vertical bar (|) and asterisk (*), as form trim. Exiting applications ACCELL/IDS provides three ways to leave an application: • the EXIT option on the NEXT FORM statement • the NEXT ACTION IS EXIT statement • the user command ABORT APPLICATION he NEXT ACTION and NEXT FORM statements provide an exit option that executes the AFTER APPLICATION section, allowing the application to perform any necessary final operations. 42 The ABORT APPLICATION command halts application execution ON EXIT, without executing any Language sections. This command executes the ON EXIT section of the current form, if present, and is intended primarily for developers to use during application writing and testing. You may wish to remove the command from an application user's unicap file. ACCELL/IDS's self-documenting capabilities ACCELL/IDS contains several features that speed up application development and maintenance by making your applications self-documenting. The ACCELL/Language's flexible and English-like syntax produce application scripts that require little or no documentation. Comments can be included in your scripts should they be necessary. In addition, ACCELL/IDS includes three utility programs– Q2ASC, H2ASC, and FRMDOC–that automate the documentation of your application and Help forms. Q2ASC takes an ACCELL/IDS form created with the Generator and produces an ASCII file. This file contains a complete list of all form and field attribute settings, along with a reproduction of the form. H2ASC performs the same conversion on your Help form archives to produce a file containing a reproduction of the form, and a list of video attribute settings. FRMDOC takes a Standard or Master Application form and produces a multiple page report of the form's characteristics on your terminal. These programs can also be used with operating system pipelines and can send output directly to your terminal. See Chapter 9 for more information about Q2ASC, FRMDOC, and H2ASC. Introduction to application design 43 44 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Chapter 3: ACCELL/Environment 3.1 Introduction The ACCELL/Environment is itself an ACCELL/IDS application. The Environment maintains its own database to: • track your application development • manage access to the application's forms and Language scripts The Environment database supports the ACCELL Access Management System. Access Management is accomplished by ACCELL/Environment through selective use of ACCELL/IDS's advanced Lock Manager. The Lock Manager allows the Environment to place shared and exclusive locks on each of the application's development objects, such as forms and Language scripts. ACCELL/Environment forms and menus The ACCELL/Environment provides a convenient set of forms and menus for developing applications. It gives you an easy alternative to issuing commands directly from the operating system. By selecting menu options, you can enter the ACCELL/Generator and create or edit forms, enter the system editor to work on ACCELL/Language files, integrate with your forms any language scripts you may have into a complete application, or call up the ACCELL/Manager to execute an application. Prompts and help messages guide you through the process of defining an application and simplify entering the different parts of ACCELL/IDS. When you select the option to compile and run an application, ACCELL/IDS automatically takes care of compiling, combining, linking, and loading your files and starts the application running. ACCELL/IDS even checks to see which forms you've worked on before processing, eliminating unnecessary handling of unchanged forms. 45 Besides handling tedious processing tasks, the ACCELL/Environment provides an easy way to keep track of all your applications and their related forms. Your applications are listed together on one form for quick reference; and each application has a list of its own forms. Figure 15 shows the forms and menu available in the ACCELL/Environment. Current application List of forms in current application List of applications Application/Form operations Form information Application information (zoom form) Figure 15. Overview: ACCELL/Environment Forms and Menus The following section gives an overview of how to use these forms and menus to define applications and enter the different parts of ACCELL/IDS. 46 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 3.2 Creating applications To create an application with the ACCELL/IDS, you use the Environment menus to name applications and forms. You then enter the different ACCELL/IDS modules from within the Environment to create forms and Language scripts for your applications. See Figure 16. An overview of the process follows: • Selecting a Current Application: When you enter the ACCELL/Environment you will first specify the name of the application you want to work on–the current application–on the Current Application form. Additional Zoom forms let you add and modify application names and write a detailed description of the current application. You work on one application at a time within the ACCELL/ Environment; if you want to work on another application, you need to return to the Current Application form and select another application. • Selecting the Current Form: Once you have selected a current application, use the Form List form to indicate the form in the application you want to work with. The Form List form lists all the forms defined for the application and lets you select a current form, modify existing form names, and add new forms to the application. A Zoom form available from this form lets you write a detailed description of the current form. • Entering Different Parts of ACCELL/IDS: Once you have established a current application and a current form, the Application/Form Operation menu lets you enter the different parts of ACCELL/IDS to work on the form and process and ACCELL/Environment 47 run the application. This menu also gives you access to the operating system commands to perform more sophisticated tasks. Current application 1. Select current application 2. Select current form 3. Select action List of forms in current application Application/Form operations Figure 16. Creating Applications with the ACCELL/Environment The next five subsections outline in detail how to create applications in the ACCELL/ Environment. Help for the ACCELL/Environment Help is available any time you are working with the ACCELL/Environment forms and menus. To get help, use the FIELD HELP command from the field you need help for. A small, pop-up Help form will appear over the current form you are filling out. Press RETURN to exit the Help form. 48 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Setting ACCELL/Environment variables Before entering the ACCELL/Environment, you must set some special environment variables in the operating system. See section 6.2, Variables, for information on setting environment variables for your particular operating system. If you do not set these variables, the ACCELL/Environment may not operate correctly. Entering the ACCELL/Environment After you set the environment variables, follow the steps below to start up the ACCELL/Environment: 1. Make a work directory. NOTE: If you have not already run an ACCELL/IDS application, the application directory, accellapp, will not exist. You will first need to create a directory for your ACCELL/IDS application. The accellapp directory name is an example only. You can use whatever name you wish. ❖ mkdir accellapp 2. Move to your ACCELL/IDS application directory. ❖ cd accellapp 3. At the operating system prompt, type: ❖ accell Press RETURN. The ACCELL/IDS logo displays for a few seconds on your screen. NOTE: If you have not previously started ACCELL/IDS in the current directory, the prompt will display: Do you wish to create a new data dictionary? If this prompt displays, type: ❖ Y ACCELL/Environment 49 The ACCELL/IDS Main Menu displays. [acimenu] ACCELL Release 1.3 ACCELL Main Menu 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 23 Mar 1987 - 16:01 ACCELL/Environment ACCELL/DBMS User’s Tutorial Developer’s Tutorial Completed Tutorial Application Operating System SELECTION: F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Prv Rec F4-Nxt Rec F5-Fld Help F10-More Key 4. Select the fourth option, Developer's Tutorial. Type: ❖ 1 at the SELECTION: prompt, then press RETURN NOTE:If you have not previously started ACCELL/IDS in the current directory, you will see the prompt: ACCELL Environment does not exist, do you want to create a new one?(y/n) If this prompt displays, type: ❖ Y 50 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference ACCELL/IDS creates the ACCELL/Environment and displays the Current Application form. NOTE: You can also enter the Environment directly from the operating system prompt by typing adev. See section 9.3, ACCELL/IDS Command Level Development, for more information on working with ACCELL/IDS from the operating system. Selecting the current application Three forms are used to define and describe the current application: the Current Application form, the Application List form, and the Application Description form. The first ACCELL/Environment form displayed is the following Current Application form. This one-field form displays the name of the current application. The term current is used to indicates that this is the application you will be working with; you ACCELL/Environment 51 can work only on one application at a time in the ACCELL/Environment. See Figure 17. replace not stored update zoom record 1 of 1 ACCELL/ENVIRONMENT 1.3 Tue Jan 28 08:34:25 1986 CURRENT APPLICATION Application Name: tutorial Enter an existing application name, or ZOOM to add or list applications. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F-Prv Rec3 F4-Nxt Rec F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 17. ACCELL/Environment Current Application Form You'll notice that the current date and time, as well as the version number of the ACCELL/Environment you are working with also appear at the top of this form for easy reference. To select a current application from this form, type the name of the application in the Application Name field. If you can't remember the name of the applications you've defined, or if you want to create a new application, press ZOOM from the Current Application form, to call up the Application List form–a list of all the applications currently defined. See the next subsection, Selecting, Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Applications, for more information on using the Application List form. 52 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Once you've selected a current application, press NEXT FORM from the Current Application form to display the Form List. ACCELL/IDS displays an error message if it does not find an application by that name or if modifications have been made to that application from outside the ACCELL/Environment (from the operating system prompt). When you exit the ACCELL/Environment, ACCELL/IDS will remember which application is current and display that application's name when you re-enter. Selecting, adding, modifying, and deleting applications To select, add, modify, or delete an application, use the ZOOM command to display the Application List form. This form lists all the applications currently defined for this database, and includes a brief description of each application. See Figure 18. stored replace update zoom record 1 of 1 RECORDS FOUND ACCELL/ENVIRONMENT 1.3 Tue Jan 28 08:34:25 1986 CURRENT APPLICATION Application Name: tutorial LIST OF APPLICATIONS Name tutorial Description Prospect & Order Tracking The name of an application. ZOOM for more information. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Prv Rec F4-Nxt Rec F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 18. ACCELL/Environment Application List Form ACCELL/Environment 53 The steps for selecting a current application, adding a new application, modifying an existing application name and description, and deleting an application using the Application List follow: To select an existing application: 1. Position the cursor on the name of the desired application on the Application List, with the NEXT RECORD and PREV RECORD commands. 2. Press PREV FORM. The name of the application on which the cursor is positioned is returned to the Current Application form. To add a new application: 1. Press CLEAR TO ADD from the Application List, to create a new application record. 2. Type the name of the application you want to add (11 characters maximum). 3. Press RETURN and type an application description (70 characters maximum). 4. Press ADD/UPDATE to save your entry. The FYI line will display a number of messages. To change the description for an existing application: 1. On the Application List, press NEXT RECORD and PREV RECORD to position the cursor on the application you want to change. 2. Press RETURN and type the new description over the top of the existing one. 3. Press ADD/UPDATE to save your entry. To delete an application: 1. Position the cursor on the appropriate application name on the Application List, with the NEXT RECORD and PREV RECORD commands. 2. Press DELETE RECORD The application name and description are cleared from the screen and all the forms and files contained in the application are deleted from the system. 3. Enter yes at the ACCELL/IDS prompt: Delete the application (yes/no)? to confirm that you want to delete the current record. 54 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference When you delete an application, all its forms and Language scripts are permanently removed from memory. The entire application directory is also removed. Using the Application Description form The Application Description form in Figure 19 provides a place for adding additional descriptive information about the current application. You can access the Application Description form from the Application List form by positioning the cursor on the name of application you want to describe and using the ZOOM command. replace not stored find APPLICATION INFORMATION Directory Name ..........: Time of Creation ........: Time of Last Modification: Number of Forms .........: /ust/accelltut Thu Jul 3 08:42:30 1986 Mon May 18 10:40:37 1987 1 Description .............: NameDescription tutorial Prospect & Order Tracking F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Prv Rec F4-Nxt Rec F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 19. ACCELL/Environment Application Description Form This form also automatically fills in other important information about the current application, such as the directory pathname, when the application was added, when the application was last updated, and the number of forms in the application. ACCELL/Environment 55 You can go back and add or modify descriptive information for existing applications at any time by zooming from the Application List form. Returning to the Current Application form You can return to the Current Application form from the Application List form by pressing PREV FORM. Make sure the cursor is positioned on the name of the application you want to make current. If you decide not to bring back an application name to the Current Application form, press CANCEL ZOOM. Using Access Management and the Lock Manager The ACCELL/Environment uses Access Management to allow application development using the team development approach. Access Management uses the ACCELL/IDS Lock Manager to place shared and exclusive locks on each of the development objects, such as forms and Language scripts. A developer can only Add or Delete an application after the ACCELL/Environment has successfully acquired an XLOCK on the application. Obtaining an XLOCK guarantees that only the lock owner has the ability to read and write to the locked object. The Environment will only succeed in acquiring the XLOCK if no other users have locks on the same application. This convention prevents a developer from deleting the application while another developer is still using some objects within that application. For more information on XLOCK, see section 9.6, Transaction Control and Locking. 56 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Selecting the current form The Form List in Figure 20 provides a place for you to name and describe all of the forms in the current application. The Form List can be accessed by pressing NEXT FORM from the Current Application form. stored replace update zoom record 1 of 1 RECORDS FOUND ACCELL/ENVIRONMENT 1.3 Tue Jan 28 08:34:25 1986 CURRENT APPLICATION Application Name: tutorial LIST OF FORMS FOR CURRENT APPLICATION Form Name tutorial Form Description Master Application Form The name of a form. ZOOM for more information, NEXT FORM for the menu. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Prv Rec F4-Nxt Rec F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 20. ACCELL/Environment Form List Form Using the Form List, you can select an existing form to work on, add a new form to the current application, delete a form from the application, and modify descriptions of existing forms. Once you've added a form to this list, you can work on that form just like any other existing form–by selecting the appropriate options from the Application/ Form Operation menu. ACCELL/Environment 57 Selecting, adding, modifying, and deleting forms Using the Form List, you create separate records for each form. To work on an existing form, you must select it from the Form List. To select an existing form: 1. Position the cursor on the appropriate form name on the Form List, with the NEXT RECORD and PREV RECORD commands. 2. Press the NEXT FORM to call up the Application/Form Operation menu. To add a form to the list: 1. Press the CLEAR TO ADD from the Form List to create a new form record. 2. Type the name of the form you want to add (11 characters maximum). 3. Press RETURN and type a form description (70 characters maximum). 4. Press ADD/UPDATE to save your entry. To modify an existing form description: 1. On the Form List, position the cursor on the form entry with the NEXT RECORD and PREV RECORD commands. 2. Press RETURN and type the new description over the top of the existing one. 3. Press ADD/UPDATE to save your entry. To delete a form: 1. Position the cursor on the appropriate form name on the Form List. 2. Press DELETE RECORD. 3. Press DELETE RECORD. 4. Enter yes at the ACCELL/IDS prompt: Delete the form (yes/no)? to confirm that you want to delete the current form. A no response will abort the DELETE RECORD command. 58 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The form and its associated ACCELL/Language script are permanently deleted from the system. Using the Form Description form To add more descriptive information about a form, press ZOOM to display the Form Description form shown in Figure 21. replace stored update record 1 of 1 RECORDS FOUND FORM INFORMATION Form Time Time Size Name F1-Prv Form File Name ..........: /usr/accelltut/aclenv/tutor of Creation ........: Thu Jul 3 13:49:44 1986 of Last Modification: Mon May 11 15:34:22 1987 of File in Bytes.....: 1026 Language File Name .......: /usr/accelltut/aclenv/tutor Time of Creation .........: Thu Jul 3 13:49:44 1986 Time of Last Modification.: Mon May 11 15:34:22 1987 Size of File in Bytes.......: Description 1364 Prospect & Order Tracking Description ..............: F2-Nxt Form F3-Prv Rec F4-Nxt Rec F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 21. ACCELL/Environment Form Description Form This form automatically displays more detailed information about a form, such as the pathnames of the form and its associated ACCELL/Language script, when the form was created, when the form was last modified, size of the form in bytes. It also lets you enter up to five lines of descriptive information. To return to the Form List form from the Form Description form, press PREV FORM, ACCELL/Environment 59 Using SLOCKs and XLOCKs Many developers can work on the same application at the same time. The Environment give each user an SLOCK at the application level. However, users are prevented from adding, deleting, or updating the same form or Language script at the same time. An XLOCK is required for any add, delete, or update operation on a form or a script. The Environment can only obtain an XLOCK if no other user has a lock on the same object. See section 9.6, Transaction Control and Locking, for more information on ACCELL/IDS locks. Entering different parts of ACCELL/IDS The ACCELL/Environment provides an Application/Form Operation menu that lets you enter the ACCELL/Generator and system editor, to process and run applications, and to access operating system commands. Before you can call up this menu, you must first select a current application and a current form. With the cursor on the appropriate form record on the Form List form, press NEXT FORM to display the Application/Form Operation menu in Figure 22. 60 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference NOTE: replace You can also select an application by entering at the prompt the number of the desired current application. stored update zoom record 1 of 4 RECORDS FOUND ACCELL/ENVIRONMENT 1.3 Tue Jan 28 08:34:25 1986 CURRENT APPLICATION Select one of the following items Application Name: 1. Edit ACCELL/Generator Form tutorials 2. Edit Accell/Language Script & Language LIST 3. OF Compile/Integrate FORMS FOR CURRENT Forms APPLICATION 4. Run Application 5. Compile/Integrate/Run Application Form NameForm Description 6. Adjust Forms Form After DBMS Design Change tutorialMaster Application 7. Operation System Commands fcompanyCompany Entry/Inquiry fleadsProspect Tracking forders ENTER SELECTION: Order Enter/Inquiry Use the up or down arrows or enter a number; Press MENU SELECT or RETURN. F1-Menu Sel F2-Menu Can F10-More Key Figure 22. ACCELL/Environment Application/Form Operation Menu Editing ACCELL/Generator forms To enter the ACCELL/Generator to create or edit the current form, move the cursor to the Edit ACCELL/Generator Form option on the Application/Form Operation menu and press MENU SELECT. After a brief pause you'll be placed inside the ACCELL/ Generator with the specified form or a new form displayed on the screen. See Chapter 5, ACCELL/Generator, for more information on working with the ACCELL/Generator. When you finish working on the form, press PREV FORM to return to the menu. You can then select another menu operation, use PREV FORM to return to Form List form ACCELL/Environment 61 and select another form to work on, or return to the Current Application form to change applications or exit the Environment. Editing ACCELL/Language scripts To create ACCELL/Language scripts, you can use the system editor of your choice. To go into the editor, select the Edit ACCELL/Language Script option from the Application/Form Operation menu. You'll be placed inside the system editor, where you can use standard editing commands to edit Language scripts. ACCELL/IDS determines which system editor to enter based on operating system environment variables you have specified. See section 6.2, Variables, for information on setting environment variables. When you exit the editor, you are returned to the Application/Form Operation menu. You can then select another option, use PREV FORM to return to the Form List and choose another form to work on, or return to the Current Application form to change applications or exit the Environment. Processing and running applications You can select from three options for processing and running ACCELL/IDS applications, as shown on the Application/Form Operation menu: 3.Compile/Integrate Forms & Language 4.Run Application 5.Compile/Integrate/Run Application Option 3, Compile/Integrate Forms & Language, compiles the form and Language scripts in your application. When you select this option, ACCELL/IDS asks if you wish to compile all forms and scripts or only those that have changed since the previous compile. in the FYI line changes you have made into a complete application, but does not start the application running. Enter yes at the prompt: Compile/Integrate ALL of application [yes], or just CHANGES [no]: 62 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference to compile all forms and Language scripts. A no response compiles only those forms and/or Language scripts that have been modified since your previous compile. Option 4, Run Application, starts up the last version of the application you compiled. This option does not compile any new form and Language changes you may have made. Option 5, Compile/Integrate/Run Application, recompiles your forms and Language scripts into a new version of the application. If the compile completes without errors, this option displays the prompt: Compile/Integrate ALL of application [yes], or just CHANGES [no]: Enter yes at the prompt to start the application running. Rebuilding the application after a database reconfigure Option 6, Adjust Forms After DBMS Design Change, updates the application form files to correspond to the new application data dictionary. You must select this option after you have reconfigured your application database. Otherwise, your ACCELL/IDS forms may not work correctly with their database target records. You can also perform this form update from the shell level by running the ACCELL/IDS script Q2A2Q. Accessing operating system commands Option 7, Operating System Commands, temporarily suspends the ACCELL/ Environment to allow you to enter operating system commands from a system prompt. See section 9.3, ACCELL/IDS Command Level Development, for information on working with ACCELL/IDS from the operating system prompt. Exiting the ACCELL/Environment To exit the Environment, return to the Current Application form using the PREV FORM command. Press PREV FORM again, and you return to the ACCELL/IDS menu. ACCELL/Environment 63 64 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Chapter 4: ACCELL/Manager 4.1 Introduction This chapter describes the ACCELL/IDS runtime environment, where application end users interact with ACCELL/IDS applications. The ACCELL/Manager maintains the runtime environment and serves as a link between the user, the ACCELL/IDS files, 65 and the database used by the application. See Figure 23. Development ACCELL/Environment ACCELL/Generator ACCELL/Language Editor Runtime Environment ACCELL/Manager ACCELL/DBMS Runtime ACCELL/DBMS Report Writer ACCELL/DBMS SQL Query Language ACCELL/DBMS Figure 23. ACCELL/IDS Runtime Environment The Manager accepts commands entered by the user running the application, calls up the appropriate forms in the right order, changes the displays in the system area as necessary, interacts with the database, and executes the appropriate sections of compiled ACCELL/Language. Some Language sections are executed automatically when an application runs and others only when certain user commands are issued. On a more detailed level, the Manager determines the flow of application control, the active scope of variables, the current set, the current records, most attributes, and the current user mode. ACCELL/IDS applications run in one of two standard user modes: 66 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference • Find • Add/Update/Delete See section 4.4, User Modes, for a description of ACCELL/IDS user modes. See section 4.5, User Commands, for more information on user commands. ACCELL/Manager 67 4.2 Screen organization The top and bottom of the terminal screen, the system area, is reserved for system messages shown in reverse video. The rest of the screen, the application area, can be used by applications. See Figure 24. application area replace stored system area update record 1 of 10 RECORDS FOUND COMPANY: Asthenia Development Corp. ADDRESS: 5800 S.W. Washington St. CITY: Portland MAIN PHONE: (503) 246-2400 CONTACT: M Bennett Purchasing Manager ext. 2406 SALES REP#:7 NAME:G. Moore PHONE:(415) 645-1214 STATE: OR ZIP: 97210 MAP: Enter the company name. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Prv Rec F4-Nxt Rec F5-Fld Help F10-More Key system area Figure 24. ACCELL/IDS Screen Organization System areas The first line and last two lines on the screen are reserved for ACCELL/IDS system displays. The first line shows current status messages, such as Updating; the last two lines display For Your Information (FYI) messages, system error messages, and function key labels. See Figure 25. 68 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The system areas cannot be used by the application. However, many application actions affect the contents of the system area. You can change the location of the system area parts using the AMGRINIT environment variable. See section 9.2, Environment Variables, for more information on AMGRINIT. Status information area replace not stored find COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: MAIN PHONE: CONTACT: STATE: SALES REP#: NAME: PHONE: ZIP: MAP: Enter the company name. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Find FYI message F5-Fld Help F10-More Key function key labels Figure 25. ACCELL/IDS System Area When you design a form with the Generator, you can define FYI messages to display for each screen field when the application runs. If you do not define an FYI message for a field, the line reserved for FYI messages remains blank when the cursor is positioned on that field. ACCELL/Manager 69 The FYI message line is also used to display one-line error messages generated by various ACCELL/IDS error conditions. See section 4.3, Error Handling, for more information on how ACCELL/IDS handles errors. ACCELL/IDS user commands come with default key assignments that can be customized as needed by changing the settings in the unicap file. See Appendix B for information on customizing key assignments with unicap. The function key assignments are displayed on the last line of the system area. Only the main function keys used to initiate commands in the current user mode are displayed at any one time. Status information messages This section describes the status information messages appearing in the system status line at the top of the screen. This status line tells the user the current execution status of the application. The discussion of the status areas, numbered 1 through 6, is keyed to Figure 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 26. Status Message Area 1 replace Editing mode in which typed characters replace, or overlay, existing text. insert Editing mode in which typed characters are inserted at the cursor and any existing text is pushed to the right. 2 70 not stored Indicates that the data on the screen entered by the user has not been stored in the database. stored Indicates that the data displayed on the screen is from a database record. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference stored/modified the data displayed on the screen is from a stored database record, and has been modified but not yet updated. 3 find Indicates the user is in Find mode; any data entered will be used as search criteria when FIND is pressed. update Indicates the user is in Add/Update/Delete mode. Pressing ADD/ UPDATE updates the current record, if it came from the database, or adds it if it is a new record. Pressing DELECTE RECORD deletes the current record from the database. 4 zoom Indicates that a Zoom form can be reached from the current field by pressing ZOOM 5 record M of N Indicates the number of records in the selected set (N) and the position of the current record (Mth record in the set). record N of N Indicates the last record of the selected set; also displayed when CLEAR TO ADD is pressed, since ACCELL/IDS adds new records to the end of the selected set. record M Indicates that the Browse feature of Find mode is being used. M indicates the position of the current record in the selected set. 6 FINDING Indicates that ACCELL/IDS is in the process of selecting records which meet the selection criteria. NO RECORDS FOUND Indicates that no records were found that met the selection criteria. ACCELL/Manager 71 RECORDS Displayed in conjunction with the message in box 5 (for example: 1 of 3 RECORDS FOUND), with the data for the first record in the selected set. ADDING Indicates ACCELL/IDS is in the process of adding the current record to the database. ADDED Indicates that the record was successfully added to the database. UPDATING Indicates ACCELL/IDS is in the process of updating the current record in the database. UPDATED Indicates that the record was successfully updated in the database. DELETING Indicates ACCELL/IDS is in the process of deleting the current record from the database. DELETED Indicates that the record was successfully deleted from the database. Function key labels By default, the last line of the screen displays the labels for the current function key assignments. The area displays the valid commands for the current form. There can be as many as four levels of labels available at any given time. Pressing MORE KEY steps you through each level. Function key labels appear with the appropriate function key numbers. The following tables list the function key labels that appear in ACCELL/IDS. ACCELLGenerator 72 1 Prev Form Next Form Sz Form My Form Fld Help More Key 2 Help Menu Set Video Rep/Ins Add/Upd Add Fld More Key 3 Mv Fld Add Help Sz Fld R Del Fld Mark Vdo More Key 4 Mk Rep A Ins Line Del Line Graphics More Ket Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference ACCELL/Manager in Add/Update/Delete Mode 1 Prv Form Next Form Prv Rec Nxt Rec Fld Help More Key 2 Help Menu Clr-Add Rep/Ins Add/Upd Rcll Fld More Key 3 Exp Err Clr_Find Prv Set Nxt Set First Rec More Key 4 Last Rec Del Rec Cancel Zoom Zoom More Ket ACCELL/Manager in Find Mode 1 Prv Form Nxt Form Find Fld Help More Key 2 Help Menu Clr-Add Rep/Ins Rcll fld More Key 3 Expl Err Clr-Find 4 ACCELL/Manager More Key Cancel Zoom Zoom More Ket 73 4.3 Error handling When an error occurs, ACCELL/IDS automatically notifies the end user and takes the course of action appropriate for the specific error encountered. Two factors determine how ACCELL/IDS notifies the end user of an error: • the type of error encountered • the information level set for the application After an error occurs, the application resumes execution at the last field where the end user entered information. Types of error messages ACCELL/IDS has three types of error messages: • beep • one-line error message • error form See Appendix C for a list of all one-line ACCELL/IDS compiler, combiner, and linker error messages. Types of errors Errors in ACCELL/IDS are classified based on how serious they are: mild, medium, severe, and fatal. The severity of the error and the information level specified both affect the type of message displayed. Mild errors Mild errors include commands that are not valid or that are inappropriate under the current circumstances. For example, pressing NEXT RECORD when you are on the last record of the selected set. 74 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Medium errors Medium errors include locking conflicts with other users trying to add a record with a duplicate key, attempting to delete a record that has other records referencing it, and other operational errors. Severe errors Severe errors include problems that may prevent the application from operating correctly such as dividing by zero, referring to a nonexistent form or variable, running out of memory, and other application design errors. Fatal errors Fatal errors occur when the Manager cannot continue operating. Examples include the system's inability to read the file containing the application itself, find or read one of the system files, open the database, or to successfully perform internal consistency checks. Information levels ACCELL/IDS's information level settings let end users select the kind of error information appropriate for their level of expertise. Novice users can get as much information as possible about each error, while experienced users don't have to be bothered with messages for minor errors. There are three information levels available in ACCELL– novice, intermediate, and expert. Each affects the display of error message information in a different way. The default information level is novice. This setting can be changed using the system variable info_level$(). See section 6.5, under ACCELL/IDS System Variables. ACCELL/Manager 75 The following table shows the relationship between the information level and the display of error messages at each error level. Info Level Mild Medium Severe Fatal Novice Beep Message Line Beep Error Form Beep Error Form Beep Error Form Exit Intermediate Beep Beep Message Line Beep Error Form Beep Error Form Exit Expert Beep Beep Message Line Beep Error Form Exit Beep End users can get additional information about errors with the EXPLAIN ERROR user command. For example, if an application is running at intermediate level and it encounters a mild error, the user is notified with a beep; the user could then use EXPLAIN ERROR display a one-line message explaining the error. Pressing EXPLAIN ERROR second time would display an error form. The SHOW ERROR user command lets the user switch between novice and intermediate information levels. NOTE: Fatal errors at all information levels, described below, are indicated by a beep. Novice information level At the novice information level, mild errors are indicated with a beep and a one-line error message; medium and severe errors are indicated with a beep and an error form. Intermediate information level At the intermediate information level, mild errors are indicated with a beep, medium errors with a beep and a one-line message, and severe errors with a beep and an error form. 76 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Expert information level At the expert information level, mild and medium errors are indicated with a beep, severe errors with a beep and a message line. Fatal errors are indicated with a beep, error form, and an exit. ACCELL/Manager 77 4.4 User modes ACCELL/IDS applications run in one of two user modes: • Add/Update/Delete • Find User modes are entered either automatically as a result of attributes specified in ACCELL/Language or defaults assumed by ACCELL/IDS, or when the end user enters particular user commands. The mode descriptions in the following sections describe how each mode is entered and exited. Add/Update/Delete mode In Add/Update/Delete mode, the user may add records to the database, modify existing records, or remove records. ACCELL/IDS enters Add/Update/Delete mode under one of three conditions: • when the user enters a CLEAR TO ADD command • when ACCELL/IDS performs a successful Find • when a form has the AUD_ON_ENTRY form attribute specified as TRUE. A CLEAR TO FIND command exits Add/Update/Delete mode and enters Find mode. Continuous data entry can be done in Add/Update/Delete mode by setting the CLEAR_AFTER_AU form attribute to TRUE in Language. When this attribute is set to TRUE, the form is automatically cleared after each Add/Update/Delete, so the user can start a new entry. This is known as an implicit Clear to Add and its saves the user from having to enter the CLEAR TO ADD command before entering each new record. For information about updating a field that is associated with an AFA “unique” attribute, see “Update Current Record” in Chapter 8. 78 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Find mode In Find mode, the user can type information in fields and then give the FIND command. ACCELL/IDS will search the database for records that match those entries. Information typed in by the user is called search criteria. Find mode is only used to enter search criteria before the end user performs a Find. Add/Update/Delete mode is used for all other tasks. Find mode is entered one of two ways: • when the end user issues a CLEAR TO FIND command • when the AUD_ON_ENTRY form attribute is set to FALSE, and you are entering the form If a user-requested Find is successful, ACCELL/IDS automatically leaves Find mode and enters Add/Update/Delete mode. If the search fails because of an error or because no records meeting the search criteria were found, ACCELL/IDS stays in Find mode and the search criteria remain on the screen. The end user has the option of ending a search in progress with the INTERRUPT user command. ACCELL/IDS remains in Find mode after an Interrupt. Using metacharacters and special symbols In addition to entering actual field values as search criteria, the end user can enter special value ranges. There are two ways to specify a value range: • Use metacharacters when the screen field is a STRING. • Use special symbols if the screen field is not a string (NUMERIC, AMOUNT, etc.). Metacharacters Value ranges are specified for string screen fields by using four metacharacters: ?, *, [ ], and ,. The question mark (?) matches any single character. The asterisk (*) matches any string including a null, or zero length string. The comma translates as the logical “OR.” The left and right brackets ([ ]) are used to specify a range of characters. The following table shows what each metacharacter matches: ACCELL/Manager 79 ? Matches any single character. For example, ABC? matches any field value of four characters that starts with ABC. * Matches any string including null or zero length strings. For example, A*B matches any string beginning with an upper case A and ending in a upper case B. , OR For example, a,b indicates a choice between a or b. [] Matches the range of characters specified within the brackets. For example, [ABDE] only matches the field values A, B, D, or E. As another example, [ABC]??? matches any four-character string beginning with an upper case A, B, or C. You can also use a shorthand notation to specify large ranges. For example, [A-Z] matches any upper case letter and [0-7] matches any of the digits zero through seven. Special Symbols Value ranges for non-string fields are specified using the four symbols <, >, !, and -. The symbols have the following meanings: 80 < Searches for records with field values less than this value. For example, <1789 finds any records with a field value less than 1789. > Searches for records with field values greater than this value. For example, n>8890 finds any records with a field value greater than 8890. ! Looks for fields that do not match the value. For example, !23 finds any records with a field value not equal to 23. - Specifies a range of values; 123-789 finds any record with a field value from 123 through 789. The range symbol can be used with the exclamation mark to specify fields outside of a range. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference For example, !123-789 matches any records with a field value not in that range. Explicit and Default Search Modes Find itself can be operated in two modes for STRING field searches: • explicit mode • default mode These two modes determine how searches are performed on STRING fields. You can toggle between the two Find modes using the explicit_mode parameter of the AMGRINIT environment variable. The default Find setting is default mode. See section 9.2, Environment Variables, for information about setting explicit_mode. NOTE: Searches on key fields and components of COMB fields are always performed explicitly. In explicit mode, searches are performed for the exact match to the search criteria. The asterisk (*) is not appended to the end of the search criteria. In default mode, searches are performed by appending an asterisk (*) to the end of the search criteria if the criteria does not end in a metacharacter. If a metacharacter is the last character of the search criteria, the search is performed explicitly. The explicit mode of Find is advantageous because searches will use a hash table rather than a B-tree or sequential search as in default mode. Explicit mode also offers the user more control in setting search criteria. Some examples of explicit and default mode searches are shown in Figure 26. The data being searched is: ACCELL/Manager 81 John, Johnson, John Doe, Jok, Joe, Job Mode Field Explicit key/ Comb Search Criteria Selection result John John John John, Johnson, John Doe ✔ John John ✔ ✔ John John ✔ ✔ John* John, Johnson, John Doe Default non-key ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Jo[a-g] Job, Joe ✔ ✔ Jo? Job, Joe, Jok Figure 27 Find Mode Search Examples Browse Feature The Browse feature lets you specify the number of records initially selected for, and then incremented to, the selected set. Browse suspends the record search after each subset of records is found. The standard record search method puts all selected records into the selected set. The Browse feature is implemented by setting the FIND_COUNT form attribute to a positive integer. For example: FORM CUSTOMER BEFORE FORM SET CUSTOMER:FIND_COUNT TO 25; If the user scrolls through the selected set to the end boundary using NEXT RECORD or NEXT SET, another group of records equal to FIND_COUNT is added to the set. This select and add process occurs each time the user passes the selected set's end boundary until no more records are found that satisfy the search criteria. A LAST RECORD command will cause the Manager to find all the remaining records and add them to the selected set. 82 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Browse is useful if the user does not need all of the records in the selected set at one time and the number of records that meet the selection criteria is much larger in comparison to FIND_COUNT. When using Browse, your application's performance will increase because only the FIND_COUNT number of records are put into the selected set before control returns to the user. Browse also allows the user more control over the number of records that are being displayed on Multi-occurrence forms. Application performance may not improve if the user is performing a sorted Find. Sorted Finds require ACCELL/IDS to scan all records first. Under this condition, BTrees are recommended to increase performance. ACCELL/Manager 83 4.5 User commands As an ACCELL/IDS application runs, the end user enters commands to perform functions like moving the cursor between fields, displaying different forms, and finding, adding, and updating database records. See subsection User Command Summary, for user commands and subsection User Command Descriptions, for detailed descriptions of each command. Some user commands also execute sections of ACCELL/Language. See the next subsection, User Command Execution Sequence, for information on which user commands execute which Language sections. User commands are assigned to various keys on the keyboard. The most commonly used commands are assigned to function keys and the rest are assigned to key sequences that include the Escape or Control key. ACCELL/IDS comes with a set of default key assignments. See Appendix B, “Developer's Command Summary” card, for a list of the default key sequences assigned to user and Generator commands. You may optionally reassign user commands to different keys by altering the contents of the unicap file. See Appendix B, “Setting Up the System”, for information on reassigning user commands. User command execution sequence The exact order of execution for Language sections in ACCELL/Language scripts depends on the sequence of commands entered by the end user. However, there are some general rules that apply to key user commands. These rules are outlined in the following table. 84 Commands Order of Language Section Execution NEXT FORM suspends current ON FIELD executes on NEXT FORM of current form initializes next form executes INIT FIELD of next form executes BEFORE FORM of next form starts field execution with the first field Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Commands Order of Language Section Execution PREV FORM suspends current ON FIELD executes ON PREVIOUS FORM of current form executes AFTER ZOOM of current form executes AFTER FORM RETURN of previous form resumes suspended ON FIELD of previous form NEXT FIELD executes rest of current field’s ON FIELD executes WHEN FIELD CHANGES of current field if necessary executes AFTER FIELD of current field resumes field execution with next field PREV FIELD executes rest of current field’s ON FIELD executes WHEN FIELD CHANGE of current field, if necessary executes AFTER FIELD of current field resumes field execution with previous field CLEAR TO FIND evaluates CLEAR_TO_FIND expressions of target fields FIND executes BEFORE FIND of current form executes OMFIND for each record found executes AFTER FIND of current form starts field execution with first field CLEAR TO ADD evaluates CLEAR_TO_ADD expressions of target fields starts field execution with first field ABORT APP interrupts current action executes ON EXIT of current form ends application by returning to system prompt ADD/UPDATE accepts data in current field executes BEFORE ADD or before UPDATE of current form execute AFTER ADD or AFTER UPDATE of current form resumes execution of current field DELETE RECORD executes BEFORE DELETE of current form executes AFTER DELETE of current form finds a new current record starts field execution with first field For a more detailed description of the sequence of execution for user commands, see Chapter 10, Runtime Execution, and individual command descriptions in subsection User Command Descriptions. See Chapter 7, ACCELL/Language sections, for information on ACCELL/Language sections. ACCELL/Manager 85 User command summary The following summary of user commands is grouped by function. Detailed descriptions of all the user commands appear in the next subsection, User Command Descriptions, under the appropriate function headings. Manager commands MORE KEYFIELD HELP REPAINT SCREENINTERRUPT ABORT APPLICATIONSHOW ERRORS HELP MENUEXPLAIN ERROR EXIT HELP Form commands NEXT FORM PREV FORM Field commands NEXT PREV NEXT PREV FIELD FIELD TAB TAB Screen Field Editing commands REPLACE/INSERTLEFT EDGE OF WINDOW MOVE LEFTRIGHT EDGE OF WINDOW MOVE RIGHTLEFT EDGE OF DATA UNREPLACE LEFTRIGHT EDGE OF DATA DELETE CHARLEFT EDGE OF FIELD DELETE CHAR LEFTRIGHT EDGE OF FIELD DELETE LEFTCLEAR FIELD DELETE RIGHTRECALL FIELD Find commands CLEAR TO FIND FIND 86 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Add/Update/Delete commands CLEAR TO ADD ADD/UPDATE DELETE RECORD Record commands NEXT RECORDFIRST RECORD PREVIOUS RECORDLAST RECORD NEXT SET PREV SET Zoom commands CANCEL ZOOM ZOOM Menu commands MENU MENU MENU MENU SELECT CANCEL UP DOWN User command descriptions This section provides detailed descriptions of all the ACCELL/IDS user commands. Descriptions are grouped by function. If you are looking for a description of a particular command, but are not sure which command group it belongs to, check the user command summary in the previous section. Manager commands MORE KEY Cycles through different sets of function key assignment labels, displayed at the bottom of the screen. REPAINT SCREEN Restores the screen when the display has been disrupted. ACCELL/Manager 87 ABORT APPLICATION Cancels the current application, without saving your changes. The command returns to the point in the system where the user entered the application. HELP MENU Puts the user in the ACCELL/IDS help subsystem. The help subsystem is a tree-structured, menu-driven set of help windows providing information about ACCELL/IDS commands. The ACCELL/IDS HELP MENU command displays the main ACCELL/ IDS Help menu, along with information explaining how to use the Help subsystem. From the main help menu, the user may return to the application or go on to other Help menus that give more specific information about commands. All Help menus act like normal application menus; the end user selects options using function keys. EXIT HELP Returns to the point in the application where you entered the help subsystem and resumes execution of the application. FIELD HELP Displays the Help form associated with the current field. If the field does not have a Help form an error message is displayed. INTERRUPT Stops the current operation in progress, and prompts you that the search has been interrupted. This is especially useful if an end user accidentally issues a FIND that will search much of the database. SHOW ERRORS Switches the error information level between novice and intermediate. See section 4.3, Error Handling, for a more detailed explanation of information levels. EXPLAIN ERROR Calls up additional information about an error that has just occurred. For example, if an error occurs which sounds a beep, you can give this command to call up a one-line error message explaining the error and then give the command again to display an error form with more detailed information about that error. 88 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Form commands Form commands are used to move between forms or between fields on a single form. The cursor will stop on fields that require the user to enter information. NEXT FORM Displays the next form in the application and begins execution of that form. This involves suspending execution of the current form or, in the case of a new transaction, terminating the execution of all suspended forms. The NEXT FORM command does not cause any input to be accepted. The user must enter ADD/UPDATE to save any changes before pressing NEXT FORM Alternately, you can add an UPDATE CURRENT RECORD statement in the ON NEXT FORM Language section to save changes automatically. In this case, you could use the IS_CURRENT_RECORD_STORED$ system function to check whether the user has saved the changes before performing the update. PREV FORM Ends the current form's execution and resumes execution of the previous form at the field last in use. The current form disappears from the screen and the previously displayed form appears. On Standard forms, PREV FORM executes the form's ON PREVIOUS FORM section before leaving the form. Then, the AFTER FORM RETURN of the previous form is executed before returning control to the field where NEXT FORM originated. On Zoom forms, PREV FORM executes the AFTER ZOOM Language section and returns the user to the form from which the ZOOM was performed. Then, the AFTER FORM RETURN of the previous form is executed before returning control to the field where NEXT FORM originated.The cursor returns to the field where the ZOOM originated. If the RETURN KEY option has been specified in the ENABLE ZOOM statement, the key value will be brought back to the original form and filled in the field. ACCELL/Manager 89 Field commands NEXT FIELD and PREV FIELD Accept new data entered into the current field and the move to the next appropriate field. The appropriate field is determined by entries made in the ACCELL/Generator or overriding entries made in a Language script. If an entry is required on the current field and no data has been entered, the command is not executed and an error message is displayed. The entry is also checked against the legal values specified for the DBMS Advanced Field Attributes. If the value is not valid, an error message is displayed. ACCELL/IDS responds to the NEXT FIELD command by executing the FIELD Language for any display only fields between the current field and the next field with STOP_ FOR_INPUT set to TRUE. NEXT TAB and PREV TAB Accept new data entered in the current field and then move the cursor to the appropriate tab-stopped field. Any fields between the two tabstopped fields are skipped. Any Language associated with the skipped fields is not executed. If NEXT TAB is used on the last tab-stopped field, an error message is displayed and the cursor does not move. Similarly, if PREV TAB is used and there is no previous tabbed field, an error message appears and the cursor does not move. Screen Field Editing commands Input editing commands may be used any time the user is entering data. There are two input editing modes–insert mode and replace mode. The current mode is indicated by either insert or replace appearing in the system area's first field. The default is Replace mode unless changed by the application. The user may toggle back and forth between the modes by pressing REPLACE/INSERT. Input editing command errors are indicated by a beep or an one-line message, depending on the information level. REPLACE CURRENT Switches the current editing mode back and forth between Replace 90 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference and Insert. In Replace mode, any characters entered replace the characters already in the field, beginning at the cursor position. In Insert mode, any characters typed are inserted immediately before the cursor. MOVE RIGHT and MOVE LEFT Move the cursor right or left one character position without disturbing the contents of the field. If the cursor is at the edge of the field window, the field contents will scroll horizontally one character position each time this command is given. These commands are normally assigned to the right arrow (!) and left arrow (z)keys, if they are available on your terminal. UNREPLACE LEFT Moves the cursor left one position and restores the previously deleted character. This command can only restore characters that were typed over in Replace mode. Only characters that were replaced since the last time the end user entered Replace mode may be restored with UNREPLACE LEFT. Once the end user moves to a new field, the replaced characters can no longer be restored. DELETE CHAR Deletes the character under the cursor and moves the rest of the field one position to the left. DELETE CHAR LEFT Deletes the character to the left of the cursor and moves the rest of the field one position to the left. DELETE LEFT and DELETE RIGHT Delete all characters to the right or left of the cursor on the current line. DELETE FIELD RIGHT also deletes the character under the cursor. After the end user presses DELETE FIELD RIGHT, the cursor is placed one character to the right of the field's new right edge. DELETE FIELD LEFT leaves the cursor on the field's new left edge. RIGHT EDGE OF WINDOW and LEFT EDGE OF WINDOW Move the cursor to the right or left edge of the field window. No horizontal scrolling is performed. The contents of the field are undisturbed. ACCELL/Manager 91 RIGHT EDGE OF DATA and LEFT EDGE OF DATA Move the cursor to the right-most or left-most non-blank character. Horizontal scrolling occurs only if the field is longer than the window. The contents of the field are undisturbed. RIGHT EDGE OF FIELD and LEFT EDGE OF FIELD Move the cursor to the field's right and left margins. These commands differ from the field commands RIGHT EDGE OF FIELD and LEFT EDGE OF FIELD in that they move the cursor to the limit of the field as defined in the Generator. The limits of a field may extend beyond the left-most or right-most non-blank character in the contents of the field. CLEAR FIELD Sets the current screen field value to all blanks and places the cursor at the field's left edge. CLEAR FIELD is the equivalent of a LEFT EDGE OF FIELD command followed by a DELETE FIELD RIGHT command. Since the screen field is filled with blanks, pressing RETURN after CLEAR FIELD will cause an error in all field types except STRINGS and DATES while in Add/Update mode. In Find mode, blanks are a valid null search string and will not cause an error. RECALL FIELD Sets the field to its previous value, if there was one. This command will not work if CLEAR FIELD has been pressed. Find commands All database searches use the database search commands described below. These commands allow the user to enter Find mode and then select records from the database that match defined criteria. CLEAR TO FIND Used to enter Find mode. In Find mode the user can enter search criteria in screen fields. The CLEAR TO FIND command fills all non-target screen fields with blanks and then clears the selected set. The command also evaluates 92 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference any Clear to Find expressions set in Language sections to determine each target field's default search range. CLEAR TO FIND executes the ON CLEAR TO FIND Language section. FIND Carries out a database search using the search criteria entered by the end user and/or specified in Language. ACCELL/IDS executes the BEFORE FIND section and then searches the database. The ON FIND Language section is performed once for each record found. If there are no errors, the selected set is formed. After the Find is finished, ACCELL/IDS executes the AFTER FIND section. See Browse Feature, for information about how the selected set is formed when the FIND_COUNT form attribute is set. Add/Update/Delete commands Database modification commands are used in Add/Update/Delete mode. Records can be added, deleted, or updated using these commands. For information about updating a field that is associated with an AFA “unique” attribute, see “Update Current Record” in Chapter 8. CLEAR TO ADD Sets up a record with its fields set to their default values. This command executes the ON CLEAR TO ADD Language section. The default values are found for each field as follows: • If there is a Clear to Add expression in Language, it is evaluated and the value is used, otherwise, • the DBMS default value is used. This is either the Advanced Field Attribute default, if it exists, or the standard default: zero for NUMERIC, FLOAT, AMOUNT, and TIME fields; null for STRING and DATE fields. Once the new record is initialized the user can move around the form and enter new field values. The record established by CLEAR TO ADD is not written to the database until the ADD/UPDATE command is given. ACCELL/Manager 93 ADD/UPDATE Writes the current record to the database. If CLEAR TO ADD was used to create the record, the record is added. Otherwise, ACCELL/IDS assumes that the current record exists in the database and tries to update the record. In either case, ACCELL/IDS first executes the BEFORE ADD or BEFORE UPDATE Language section, performs the designated add or update, and then executes the AFTER ADD or AFTER UPDATE Language section. Data in the current field is accepted as input before the Add/Update is actually performed. DELETE RECORD Removes the current record from the selected set and the database. DELETE RECORD executes the BEFORE DELETE section, performs the actual delete and executes the AFTER DELETE section. Once a record has been deleted, ACCELL/IDS makes a new record current. The new current record is either the next record in the set or the previous record, depending on whether the deleted record was the last record of the selected set. Record commands Using the record commands, the user can move forwards or backwards within the selected set, or move backwards or forwards by sets. The record commands can be used only in Add/Update/Delete mode. The order in which records appear is determined in one of two ways. • If the form contains an order-by field list, as specified in ACCELL/Generator, then the records are displayed in sorted order. A new record will be placed at the end of the list, not in sorted order, until the end user does another Find. • If there is no order-by field, the records are displayed in an arbitrary order. For single-occurrence forms, the current record is the one displayed on the form. In the case of multi-occurrence forms, the cursor is on the current record. 94 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference When the record commands are used to scroll through multi-occurrence forms, ACCELL/IDS will usually leave two records from the previous set on the screen to help the user maintain the context of the display. All selected set commands display the current record number in the system area's fifth field. The record count for the selected set is also updated by these commands. When using the Browse feature of Find, if the user scrolls through the selected set to the end boundary using NEXT RECORD or NEXT SET another group of records equal to FIND_COUNT is added to the set. This select and add process occurs each time the user passes the selected set's end boundary until no more records are found that satisfy the search criteria. Also, when using Browse, a LAST RECORD command will cause the Manager to find all the remaining records and add them to the selected set. See Browse Feature, for more information on use of the FIND_COUNT form attribute and Browse. When the end user issues any of the following commands, all changes made in the current record since the last ADD/UPDATE are lost: NEXT SET PREV SET NEXT RECORD PREV RECORD FIRST RECORD LAST RECORD NEXT RECORD and PREV RECORD Make the next or previous record in the selected set the current record. For single-occurrence forms, the current record is the one displayed on the form; for multi-occurrence forms, the cursor is on the current record. When either command is used with multi-occurrence forms, the display of records scrolls so that the next record comes into view. ACCELL/Manager 95 NEXT RECORD produces an error when used on the last record of the set. PREV RECORD produces an error when used on the first record of the set. NEXT SET and PREV SET Refill the current set with other records from the selected set. With NEXT SET the new set's first record becomes the current record. PREV SET makes the new set's last record the current record. When used with multi-occurrence forms, NEXT SET and PREV SET display the next or previous screenful of records; these records become the new current record set. When used with single-occurrence forms, NEXT SET and PREV SET have the same effect as NEXT RECORD and PREV RECORD When used on the last set in the selected set, NEXT SETproduces an error; PREV SET produces a similar error when used on the first set in the selected set. FIRST RECORD and LAST RECORD FIRST RECORD makes the first record in the selected set the current record; LAST RECORD makes the last record in the selected set the current record. For regular forms, the current record is the one displayed on the form; for multi-occurrence forms, the cursor is on the current record. FIRST RECORD produces an error when used on the first record of the set; LAST RECORD produces an error on the last record of the set. When either command is used with multi-occurrence forms, the display is scrolled if the first or last record is not on the screen. Zoom commands Zoom commands allow a user to view a Zoom form associated with the current input field. Zoom appears in the system area's fourth field when the cursor rests on a zoomenabled input field. Pressing ZOOM uses the Zoom form to display, and begins execution of the Zoom form. Zoom forms can be exited by using the PREV FORM or CANCEL ZOOM commands. 96 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference ZOOM Displays a Zoom form for the current input field. ZOOM produces an error when used on a field that is not zoom-enabled. CANCEL ZOOM Returns the user to the form on which the Zoom was performed. The cursor is placed on the field where the Zoom originated. CANCEL ZOOM differs from PREV FORM in that it does not execute the AFTER ZOOM Language section and no key values are brought back to the original form if RETURN_KEY was specified in the ENABLE ZOOM statement. CANCEL ZOOM works only on Zoom forms. Menu commands To select a menu option, enter the number of the desired option at the prompt. You can also move among menu and form listings as described below. MENU UP and MENU DOWN Move the cursor up or down a menu or form. These commands are normally assigned to the up arrow and down arrow keys, respectively, if they are available on your terminal. MENU SELECT Activates the menu option the cursor is currently positioned on. To choose an option from an ACCELL/IDS menu, move the cursor to the appropriate item and give this command. MENU CANCEL Cancels the menu and returns you to the previous form. ACCELL/Manager 97 98 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Chapter 5: ACCELL/Generator 5.1 Introduction to the ACCELL/Language The ACCELL/Generator is an application generator used to create and maintain forms used in ACCELL/IDS applications. Using the Generator, you can draw forms on the screen, instantly change the size, shape, and location of form windows, define and locate fields, set attributes, create help windows and default menus, and specify the flow of forms and fields. You can also indicate which operations to allow on each field and form and associate screen fields directly with the database. The ACCELL/Generator is designed to work like an ACCELL/IDS application so that you can easily switch between designing forms and running applications without having to remember two different sets of commands. Many applications can be created with the ACCELL/Generator alone. But ACCELL/ Language is also available if you need to add more logic and computational ability to your application. Attributes specified in Language override those specified in the Generator. A series of convenient Generator forms is provided to simplify the task of creating forms for your applications. An overview of the ACCELL/Generator structure is shown in Figure 28. 99 Setting Tab Forms Session Defaults Edit New Form Your Form Video Defaults List of DB Tables Mark Attributes Form Definition Field Definition List of Fields from Target Table Advanced Form Definition CHOOSE NEXT FORM Figure 28. Overview of ACCELL/Generator Forms The next section gives an overview of how each type of form is used in the forms creation process. 100 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 5.2 Creating forms Each form made with the Generator is stored in a separate file. An overview of the steps for creating forms follows. Defining form characteristics When you enter the Generator to create a form, the Form Definition form appears on the screen. Form definition consists of filling in this form. Information entered includes the name of the target table in the database to be used by the form, the operations allowed on the form, the number of records (occurrences) displayed on the form, the order in which to sort selected records, and the field execution order. Specifying Next Form characteristics To specify which forms will follow the form you are defining, you fill in the Choose Next Form form. Information specified on this form includes the name of the next forms and the transaction level at which those forms will run. Entering more than one next form will automatically generate a menu at the appropriate point when the application runs, letting the end user choose which form to execute next. Sizing and locating the form window In this step, you specify the size of the form window and its location on the physical screen. This can be done any time after the form is defined. Adding Form Trim The Generator forms editor can be used to add letters, numbers, headings, or graphic trim anywhere within the form window's boundaries. Other editing commands help speed up the editing process and let you perform editing tasks such as moving trim and fields around on the form. ACCELL/Generator 101 Defining field characteristics To define screen field characteristics you press ADD FIELD and fill in the Field Definition form. A field definition includes naming the field and specifying input constraints, writing a For Your Information (FYI) message to display when the cursor is positioned on that field, and specifying optional field parameters. For standard forms, make sure that at least one of the fields on the form has the STOP_FOR_INPUT parameter set to YES. If none of the fields are marked as STOP_FOR_INPUT, the ACCELL/Manager will continuously loop through the form, looking for a field to stop on. A Master Application form may have no fields with Stop_For_Input set to yes (effectively skipping the form) if the first form is specified via either the CHOOSE FIRST FORM language section or the NEXT FORM specification in the Generator Defining Advanced Field characteristics More sophisticated field characteristics, such as video display attributes and display justification, can be defined with the Advanced Field Definition form. This form is called up by entering the NEXT FORM command from the Field Definition form. Defining help forms Help forms are used to provide specific information on individual fields, such as required format or allowed abbreviations. You can make Help forms for any field within a form by pressing ADD HELP while positioned on the field. Help forms are created just like regular forms. Marking repeating areas Multi-occurrence forms allow more than one record to be displayed on the screen at a time. For multi-occurrence forms, you need to mark the specific part of a form that will be repeated. The repeating area can include trim as well as screen fields. 102 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Exiting ACCELL/Generator When you issue the PREV FORM command from the form you are working on, you are returned to the ACCELL/Environment menu or the operating system prompt, depending on how you entered the Generator. If you have not saved all changes made during the session, ACCELL/IDS asks if you want to continue to exit and discard the changes. The sections that follow outline in detail how to perform each of the steps just described. Help for the ACCELL/Generator There are two ways to obtain help in the Generator. You can enter the ACCELL/IDS HELP MENU command to display a list of all the Generator commands and their functions. You can also obtain help for individual fields on the Generator forms by issuing the FIELD HELP command while the cursor is positioned on a field; this displays information specific to that field. Entering the Generator You can enter the Generator directly from the Environment or from the operating system prompt. From the Environment, choose the Edit ACCELL/Generator Forms option on the Application/Form Operation menu. When working from the operating system prompt, make sure you are in the application's home directory, and use the following syntax: AGEN [–ai] form_name For additional information on how to enter the Generator from the Environment, see Chapter 3. For more information on the additional command parameters available when entering the Generator from the operating system, see Chapter 9. Defining form characteristics Form Definition consists of filling in information on the Form Definition form. When you first enter the Generator to create a form, the Form Definition form appears as shown in the following figure: ACCELL/Generator 103 • If you are creating a new form, some of the fields on these forms will be empty. Others will be filled with default field values. • If you are editing an existing form, you must press NEXT FORM to call up the appropriate Form Definition form; it does not appear automatically. You change entries made on this form by typing new values over the old ones. replace stored update record 1 of 1 DEFINITION FORM FORM DEFINITION Form Name. fcompany :fcompany Target Table: Occurrences. : 1 Field Order.:ROW Menu Label. : File Name. : fcompany.fq Help Archive.: fcompany.hlp Allow Target.: Find: YES Update: YES Delete: YES Add: YES Sort Field Ordering #1: #3: #5: #7: ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND Master Form: NO Sort Field #2: #4: #6: #8: Ordering ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND A YES indicates this is the Master Form. A NO indicates this is a Standard Form. Enter the name of the form. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 29. ACCELL/Generator Form Definition Form The following fields appear on the Form Definition form. Form Name Specifies the name of the form. Form names can contain up to 10 characters. The form name is filled in automatically based on the name you specified when entering the Generator. Target Table (optional) Identifies the database table to be automatically referenced by the 104 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference form. Entry in this field is optional and no entry is allowed for Master Application forms. Issue a ZOOM command from this field to see the following form listing all the database tables available to the application. To choose a target table from this form, move the cursor to the table name with NEXT RECORD. Then press PREV FORM to return the table name to the Form Definition form. replace stored update record 1 of 1 TARGET TABLE NAMES company Form Name. : Target Table: altaddr Occurrences. : 1 Field Order.:ROW orders: Menu Label. nvenry: fcompany.fq File Name. Items Help Archive.: fcompany.hlp employee Find: YES Update: YES Delete: YES Add: YES Allow Target.: contact leads Sort Field Ordering Sort Field Ordering #1: #3: #5: #7: ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND Master Form: NO #2: #4: #6: #8: ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND A YES indicates this is the Master Form. A NO indicates this is a Standard Form. Use PREV FOPRM to select an entry, CANCEL ZOOM to exit. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 30. ACCELL/Generator Target Table Form Occurrences Specifies the number of records that will appear on a multi-occurrence form. The default entry for this field is 1 but you can optionally change this number. If no number is specified, one record is displayed. There is no need to change this field entry if you are not defining a multi-occurrence form. See Marking Repeating Areas, for more information on multi-occurrence forms. ACCELL/Generator 105 Field Order Specifies the order in which the cursor will move between the fields on the form. The two entries allowed for this field are R for ROW or C for COLumn. ROW indicates a left to right then top to bottom order; COLumn indicates a top to bottom then left to right order. The default field value is ROW. Menu Label (optional) Defines what text will appear on a form menu. Form menus are automatically displayed when there is more than one possible next form; they let the end user choose between two or more next forms. Descriptions longer than the window width can be entered and manipulated with the left and right arrow keys. However, for a single column format, labels longer than 70 characters (for an 80-character display width) are automatically truncated by the ACCELL/Manager. For a two-column format (80-character display width), labels exceeding 35 characters are automatically truncated. File Name Specifies the pathname of the file the form is stored in. The file name is automatically generated based on the name you choose for the form and the operating system directory you are working in. Standard form file names have the suffix .fq. Master Application form names have the suffix .aq. You may optionally change the file name assigned by ACCELL/IDS. Help Archive Specifies the pathname of the archive that will store any Help forms you create for this form. The help archive name is generated automatically based on the name you choose for the form. Help archives normally have the suffix .hlp. You may optionally change the help archive name assigned by ACCELL/IDS. Allow Target Specifies the operations to be allowed on the form's target table: Find, Update, Delete, and Add. The default value for these fields is YES. You can optionally change any of these fields by typing N for NO to disallow a specific operation. Find must be allowed for a database search to take place. Sort Field (optional) Specifies the name of the target table field or fields to use when sorting records retrieved from the database. Names of fields which are to be 106 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference used as sort keys should be entered in sort order. If nothing is specified, records are retrieved from the database. Ordering (optional) Specifies the field order to use when sorting information retrieved from the database. Information can be sorted in ascending or descending order. The default value for this field is ASCENDING. Entries allowed in this field can be either A for ascending or D for descending. The sort field or fields will be sorted alphabetically or numerically depending on the type of information they contain. Master Form Indicates whether this form is the Master Application form for the application. Each application must have one and only one Master Application form. The ACCELL/Generator sets this field for the user. The field is set to NO for standard forms, YES for Master Application forms. Note that the ACCELL/Environment creates a default Master Application form for you. Saving the Form Definition To save your form definition entries, press ADD/UPDATE. If you want to discard the changes you just made, press PREV FORM without pressing ADD/UPDATE. When you press PREV FORM, you'll be placed inside the forms editor, where you can draw a new form or edit an existing form. If there are any forms that will follow the form you just defined, you'll need to fill out the Choose Next Form form. To continue to Choose Next Form, press NEXT FORM and the Generator automatically updates your form definition. Specifying NEXT FORM Characteristics Next forms are all the forms in an application that immediately follow the current form. If the form you are defining has any next forms, you need to specify the next form ACCELL/Generator 107 names and transaction levels by filling in the Choose Next Form form. Press NEXT FORM from the Form Definition form to call up the following Choose Next Form form: replace stored update record 1 of 1 CHOOSE NEXT FORM)S) Form Name. : Target Transaction Table: Next Form Level Occurrences. : Name 1 Field Order.:ROW Menu Label. : 1 File Name. : fcompany.fq Help Archive.: fcompany.hlp Allow Target.: Find: YES Update: YES Delete: YES Add: YES Sort Field Ordering #1: #3: #5: #7: ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND Master Form: NO Sort Field #2: #4: #6: #8: Ordering ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND A YES indicates this is the Master Form. A NO indicates this is a Standard Form. Enter the name of the form. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 31. ACCELL/Generator Choose Next Form form. After you've entered one row of information on this form, press ADD/UPDATE to save your entry and move the cursor to the next row. Descriptions of all the fields on the Choose Next Form form follow. Next Form Name Names the next form or forms called from the current form by the NEXT FORM command. Only Standard forms need to be listed here, not Zoom or Help forms. You need to list the names of all the next forms that follow the form you are working on. Transaction Level Sets the transaction level for the next form. Press FIELD HELP for a list 108 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference of the available transaction levels. Normally you specify one of the CONTINUE TRANSACTION levels for next forms, but you could also start a new transaction on the next form. See the description of the Choose Next Form section, Chapter 7, for more information on transaction levels. The default transaction level is 1. Completing Choose Next Form definition Before returning to the form you are defining, you can save the entry you made on the Choose Next Form Specification form by pressing ADD/UPDATE. Alternately, you can simply press NEXT FORM and the Generator will save the changes for you automatically before going into the forms editor. If you choose to exit Choose Next Form by pressing PREV FORM, you will lose the last change you made unless you saved it with ADD/UPDATE. Sizing and Locating Forms You can change a form's physical screen location and its dimensions from within the Generator. It is a good idea to size and locate the form before you define fields to insure that there is enough room for all the fields on the form; this way you can also see how the fields will look in relation to the actual size of the form. Sizing forms There are two commands for changing form size: • SIZE FORM changes the size of the form without changing the position of the fields and trim inside the form. When you give this command, the cursor jumps to the lower right corner of the form. You can then move the cursor to expand or contract the form size. The form cannot be made smaller than the area already defined by the form's fields or trim. It can be enlarged within the limits allowed by the physical screen. A beep sounds if you attempt to move the cursor beyond the edge of a boundary or over existing trim. When you press SIZE FORM again, ACCELL/ IDS repaints your form in the correct size. • SIZE TRIM changes the size of the form as well as the positioning of its contents. It works exactly like SIZE FORM except that any trim or fields in the ACCELL/Generator 109 form are also moved; fields and trim maintain their spatial relationship with the lower right corner of the form when moved. Locating forms Form location is changed by giving the MOVE FORM command from the form you are creating. When you give this command the cursor moves to the upper left corner of the form. You can then move the cursor to anywhere in the allowed physical screen limits to mark the upper left corner of the form. The first line and last two lines of the screen are reserved as the system display area. The left and right limits are the edges of the terminal screen. ACCELL/IDS will not let you move the form into reserved areas; it sounds a beep. Press MOVE FORM again and ACCELL/IDS will repaint your form in the new location. CENTER FORM can be used to center the form vertically and horizontally. CENTER FORM HORIZON centers the current form horizontally. CENTER FORM VERT centers the current form horizontally. Adding form trim Any area inside a form window not occupied by a field can be filled with trim. The term trim refers to any alphanumeric characters or graphic symbols that are displayed each time the form is called up. For example, a heading or label that precedes a field is considered trim. You enter trim by positioning the cursor and typing the desired information or graphic decoration. Different portions of the trim can be displayed in different video modes by changing the attributes for each heading or graphic element. Displaying and resetting tab stops The SET TAB STOPS command enables you to control tab settings. Each capital T on the display indicates the position of a tab stop. You can change the settings by moving the Ts, or by adding new ones where you wish to insert tab stops. 110 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Changing the display mode of new trim You can change how the trim appears on the screen as you type within with the SET VIDEO DEFAULTS command. This command lets you choose any combination of reverse video, blinking, underlining, or low intensity display characteristics by calling up the following Video Defaults form: replace stored update record 1 of 1 VIDEO SETTINGS Reverse. . . : Blink. . . . : Underline. . : Low Intensity: NO NO NO NO Should reverse video be enabled? - Yes or No. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 32. ACCELL/Generator Video Defaults Form To activate any of the video display modes listed on the Video Defaults form, position the cursor on the appropriate field and type Y for YES; repeat this for any other modes you want to activate. Then press NEXT FORM to save your changes and return to the form where you are working. Any trim that you type in now will appear in the video settings you specified on the Video Defaults form. ACCELL/Generator 111 Changing the display of existing trim You can use the MARK VIDEO AREA command to change the display mode of trim that you have already entered on a form. To use this command, first position the cursor at the beginning of the trim area you want to change. Press MARK VIDEO AREA and then move the cursor to the other end of the area you want to change. Press MARK VIDEO AREA again. The following Mark Video Area form appears on your screen. replace stored update record 1 of 1 MARK VIDEO AREA Reverse. . . : Blink. . . . : Underline. . : Low Intensity: NO NO NO NO Should reverse video be enabled? - Yes or No. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 33. ACCELL/Generator Mark Video Area Form To activate any of the video display modes listed on the Mark Video Area form, position the cursor on the appropriate field and type Y for yes; repeat this for any other modes you want to activate. Then press NEXT FORM to save your changes and return to the form where you are working. The display of all the trim in the area you designated will now appear in the new combination of video modes you specified on the Mark Attributes form. 112 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Alphanumeric characters Numbers, letters, and punctuation are added to the screen simply by typing them in the desired location. Use the Generator commands to move the cursor, change editing modes, and delete characters. See section 5.3, under Generator Command Descriptions, for a description of all the Generator commands. The HELP MENU command calls up a form with information about the form editing commands. Graphic trim The GRAPHICS MODE command makes it possible to enter graphic symbols--for example, box corners and horizontal and vertical lines as trim--by shifting the keyboard into graphics mode. Graphics are painted onto the screen by typing the keyboard keys that correspond to the appropriate characters. The following table shows which keys are assigned to which characters. Letter Symbol Letter Symbol Letter Symbol Letter Symbol Letter Symbol A D G J M B E H K N C F I L O NOTE: You can type the graphics keys in either upper or lower case. Using color graphics ACCELL/IDS applications can use up to 16 colors on terminals that support local mapping of video attribute combinations to color. Video attributes set in the Generator may be mapped to various colors using the setup menus for your particular color terminal. See the documentation accompanying the terminal for more information on mapping video attributes to color in ACCELL/IDS. ACCELL/Generator 113 The following table shows the video attribute combinations available in ACCELL/IDS: Reverse Blink Underline Low Intensity ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Terminals with built-in mapping capabilities and simple setup menus make it much easier to map colors. For terminals that do not have these features, you can easily map single video display attributes to colors by appending color command escape sequences to single attribute command entries in your system unicap file. This gives you four colors--one for each of the Reverse, Blink, Underline, and Low Intensity video display settings. Defining field characteristics After defining the characteristics of the form and any next forms, you can begin defining fields on the form. To define a field, locate the cursor at the field's desired position and issue the ADD FIELD command. If the cursor is located on an existing field, the Field Definition form with the entry for that field appears and can be modified. If no field is defined at that position, a blank Field Definition form appears. 114 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference NOTE: At least one field on a standard form must have Stop For Input set to YES. If no fields are set to Stop For Input, the ACCELL Manager continuously loops through the form, looking for a field to stop on. Likewise, if all fields are tab stop fields, at least one must have Stop For Input set to YES. Otherwise, when the user presses TAB, the Manager loops through the form, looking for a field to stop on. The Field Definition form looks like the following: replace stored update zoom record 1 of 1 COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: Field Name...: MAIN PHONE: In Target Table: CONTACT: Field Length...: Stop for Input.: Required.......: FYI Message....: SALES REP#: NAME: PHONE: FIELD DEFINITION ZIP: NO 0 YES NO Data Type......: Window Width...: 0 Tab Stop.......: NO Case Conversion: NONE Enter a field name, or ZOOM for a list of fields. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 34. ACCELL/Generator Field Definition Form The following fields are displayed in the Field Definition Form. Field Name ACCELL/Generator Specifies the field name. The name must be distinct from other field names on this form and can optionally be a database field name from the target table. If you enter a name that is the same as a target 115 (database) field name, a Y (YES) is automatically filled in on the field labeled In Target Table. The Data Type and Field Length values for database fields are automatically assigned according to the defaults for the data type of that field. Pressing ZOOM from this field calls up the following list of available database field names to help in selecting an appropriate name. replace stored update COMPANY: ADDRESS: record 1 of 9 TARGET TABLE FIELDS CITY: MAIN PHONE: CONTACT: Name STATE: Type ZIP: SALES REP#: NAME: PHONE: Width co_address_2 co_address_1 STRING 30 STRING 30 co_city STRING 24 co_key NUMERIC 5 co_name STRING 30 co_phone STRING 14 co_sales_rep NUMERIC 5 co_state STRING 2 Use PREV FORM to select an entry, CANCEL ZOOM to cancel. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Sz Form F4-Mv Form F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 35. ACCELL/Generator Target Table Form In Target Table Specifies whether or not the field in is the target database table. This display-only field is automatically filled in with the appropriate value after you enter a field name and press RETURN. Fields in the target table (YES) are called database screen fields. Fields not in the target table (NO) are called non-database screen fields. 116 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Data Type Indicates the ACCELL/IDS data type. The following data types are available in ACCELL/IDS: STRING, NUMERIC, AMOUNT, DATE, TIME, FLOAT, or BOOLEAN. You can select the appropriate data type by typing the first letter of any of the available data types. If you are defining a database screen field, the Data Type field is automatically filled in with the data type for the database field when you save your form entry. Field Length Specifies the number of characters that are accepted during input. If you are defining a database screen field, the Field Length field is filled in automatically with the database field length when you save your form entry. If the application end user tries to type in more characters than are allowed, an error message is displayed. The default value for this field is set by the session defaults, displayed and modified using the SET SESSION DEFAULT command. Window Width Determines the width of the field window that appears on the form. This is a display-only field that is filled in when you save your form entry. The value filled in is the default width for the field's data type. For example, NUMERIC fields have a default Window Width of 5. You can change the default setting from the form you are working on with the SIZE FIELD LEFT and SIZE FIELD RIGHT commands. During data entry, if Field Length is longer than Window Width, characters will scroll horizontally to the left until the end of the input area is reached. Stop for Input Indicates whether the cursor will stop at this field when the form is executed. When set to NO, the cursor will skip over this field. Acceptable entries for this field are N for NO and Y for YES. The default setting is YES. NOTE: This does not control whether field language sections will execute. Field language sections execute whether or not a field has STOP_FOR_INPUT set to NO. A form must have at least one field with STOP_FOR_INPUT set to YES. Otherwise, when the user tries to run the form, the Manager loops through the form, looking for a field to stop on. ACCELL/Generator 117 Tab Stop Specifies whether or not the field is a tab stop. The end user can reach tab-stopped fields quickly when an application runs by pressing the NEXT TAB and PREV TAB keys. When the user is tabbing through fields, ACCELL/IDS skips any ACCELL/Language that applies to nontab fields. The allowed entries for this field are Y for YES and N for NO. NO is the default setting. If you have fields with Tab set to YES, make sure that at least one of them has Stop for Input set to YES. Otherwise, when the user presses TAB, the Manager continuously loops through the form, looking for a field to stop on. Required Indicates whether, when positioned at the field, the user must enter something in this field before the application can continue. It does not apply if the user never enters the field. If set to YES, the application end user must fill in the field for the application to proceed. Acceptable entries for this field are N for NO and Y for YES. The default setting is NO. Case Conversion Determines whether the information in the field will be displayed in all UPPER CASE, all lower case, or as it was entered. Acceptable entries for this field are U for UPPER, L for lower, or N for none. For example, if you answer U for UPPER the characters typed in by the end user will appear in all upper case. The default field value is none, for no case conversion. FYI Message Specifies the message to display when the cursor is positioned on the field you are defining. This message appears on the bottom of the screen when the application runs. Exiting the Field Definition form To leave the Field Definition form and save the information entered, issue the ADD FIELD command again. To leave the form and abandon the changes, issue the PREV FORM command instead. 118 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference To define more advanced field characteristics, give the NEXT FORM command from the Field Definition form. Your Field Definition form entry will be saved automatically. Relocation fields When you use the ADD FIELD command, the defined field is initially located where the cursor is positioned. After a field is MOVE FIELD command. To move a screen field, position the cursor anywhere on the field to be moved, issue the MOVE FIELD command, and move the cursor to the new location. The field will move with the cursor. When the location is satisfactory, give the command again. A beep will sound if the new position overlays either an existing field or trim. Deleting fields You can remove fields by locating the cursor anywhere on the field and giving the DELETE FIELD command. This clears that place on the form and erases any characteristics defined for that field. Defining Advanced Field characteristics Issuing the NEXT FORM command from the Field Definition form ends regular field definition and displays the Advanced Field Definition form. This form is used to define more sophisticated screen field characteristics. Any fields on this form skipped by the cursor are display-only fields and are automatically set by ACCELL/IDS. ACCELL/Generator 119 The Advanced Field Definition form looks like this: replace stored/modified update zoom record 1 of 1 COMPANY: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SALES REP#: NNNNN ADDRESS: NAME: ADVANCED FIELD DEFINITION PHONE: CITY: Field Name......: STATE: ZIP: In Target Table.:NO Data Type .....: MAIN PHONE: Field Length....:0 Window Width...: 0 CONTACT: Stop for input..:YES Tab Stop.......: NO Required........:NO Case Conversion: NONE FYI Message.....: Help Form name..: Help Archive....:fcompany.hlp Updateable......:YES Multi Valued....: NO Display Format..: Display Justify.: LEFT Field Video Attributes Reverse.....: NO Underline...: NO Blink.........: NO Low Intensity.: NO Enter a field name, or ZOOM for a list of fields. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 36. ACCELL/Generator Advanced Field Definition Form The first six lines on the Advanced Field Definition form are repeated from the Field Definition form so that you can change the entries for these fields. In addition, the Advanced Field Definition form contains the following fields Help Form Name Names a Help form to be associated with the field you are currently positioned on. When running an application, the application end user can issue the FIELD HELP command to display the appropriate Help form. Help forms are optional. See Creating Help Forms, for information on defining Help forms. The default Help form name is the field name with the suffix .hlp appended to it. 120 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Help Archive Specifies the pathname of the file the Help forms are stored in. ACCELL/IDS generates a help archive file name automatically based on the form name and the directory where you are working; this name can be changed if so desired. Multi Valued Indicates whether or not this field has a separate, distinct value for each record in the selected set. Database screen fields are always multi valued. This means Multi Valued is a display-only field for database screen fields. If Multi Valued is filled in with NO, the field you are defining will display the same value for each record in the selected set. If Multi Valued is set to YES, the field will hold a separate value for each record in the selected set. The following table shows the default values for Multi Valued based on the relationship between the screen field and the form type. Type of Field Type of Form Multi-valued Default Database Screen field All YES (display-only field) Non-database Screen field SIngle Occurrence NO Non-database Screen Field Outside repeating area NO on Multi-Occurrence form Non-database Screen filed Inside repeating area on Multi-Occurrence form YES Since non-database screen fields are normally used to display the results of a calculation or a database lookup, setting Multi Valued to YES will allow you to perform the calculation or lookup only once, and then save the results in the selected set. When Multi Valued is set to NO, you must perform the calculation or lookup every time the current record changes to see the correct value on the screen. (You would do this in a WHEN FIELD CHANGES Language section.) ACCELL/Generator 121 Updateable Specifies whether the field can or cannot be updated by editing, adding, or deleting information. Acceptable entries for this field are Y for YES and N for NO. YES is the default setting. This attribute can be used with Stop for Input to let the user stop on a field and scroll or zoom without changing the field's contents. Display Justify Specifies the justification of information that is displayed on forms: left, right, or centered. The allowed entries are L for LEFT, R for RIGHT, C for CENTER, or N for NONE. The default is LEFT justification. Display Format Specifies the display format for data types with more than one format. For information, see DISPLAY in section “ACCELL Statement Descriptions.” Reverse Turns the reverse video display for the field on or off. This attribute can be combined with any of the other three video display attributes. Acceptable entries for this field are Y for YES and N for NO; NO is the default setting. Blink Turns blinking display for the field on or off. This attribute can be combined with any of the other three video display attributes. Acceptable entries for this field are Y for YES and N for NO. NO is the default setting. Underline Turns underlining display for the field on or off. This attribute can be combined with any of the other three video display attributes. Acceptable entries for this field are Y for YES and N for NO. The default setting is NO. Low Intensity Turns low intensity display for the field on or off. This attribute can be combined with any of the other three video display attributes. Acceptable entries for this field are Y for YES and N for NO. NO is the default setting. 122 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Creating help forms You can create a Help form for any currently defined field with the ADD HELP command. Creating a Help form is just like creating a Standard form except that you cannot define screen fields. Help forms are used only for displaying text. Position the cursor on the field and press ADD HELP. Once the blank Help form appears, you can size and locate the form as needed. Then type in any help information you want to appear on the form. When finished, press NEXT FORM to save your Help form and return to editing your Standard form. If you want to discard the changes made to the Help form, press PREV FORM. When the application is run, the Help form is called up in the location you specified when the end user locates the cursor anywhere on that field and gives the FIELD HELP command. Marking repeating areas Forms that are used to display more than one target table record at a time are called multi-occurrence forms. For multi-occurrence forms, you must mark the area to be repeated for each record with the MARK REPEATING AREA DOWN command. This command works with the Occurrences form attribute. The lines within the marked area are repeated the number of times indicated by the Occurrences form attribute when the form is executed. The area outside the repeating area operates normally. The repeating area may include trim as well as screen fields. Each form can have only one repeating area. To mark a repeating area, position the cursor at the top line of the area and enter the MARK REPEATING AREA DOWN command. Then move the cursor down to the bottom of the repeating area and enter MARK REPEATING AREA DOWN again. The SHOW REPEATING AREA command is used to preview the form. It displays the non-repeating areas in reverse video. This command temporarily overrides any other commands or settings that change the video mode for field and trim displays. To ACCELL/Generator 123 return to normal display settings, give the command again or press NEXT FIELD. A sample multi-occurrence form with SHOW REPEATING AREA active follows: replace form: finventory row 1 col:1 INVENTORY INQUIRY & MAINTENANCE MAP:S PART DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT WEIGHT QUANTITY QUANTITY NUMBER PRICE COST (LBS) ON HAND ON ORDER NNNNN SSSSSSSSSS AAAA F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Sz Form AAAA AAAA NNNNN F4_Mv Form F5-Fld Help NNNNNNN F10-More Key Figure 37. Sample Multi-Occurrence Form in the Generator 124 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Press SHOW REPEATING AREA again to return the display to normal. If you set Occurrences to three, the sample form would appear as follows when the form executes: replace stored update record 1 of 2 RECORDS FOUND COMPANY: J. A. Donne & Associates SALES REP#: 4 ADDRESS: 501 Broadway NAME: A Karont Suite 1050 PHONE: (612) 745-2301 CITY: St. Paul STATE: MN ZIP: 60451 MAIN PHONE: (408) 340-7100 CONTACT: INVENTORY INQUIRY & MAINTENANCE MAP: E Bishop Marketing Manager (408) 340-7160 MAP: ITEM# PART# DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE EXTENSION QTY SHIP STATUS PART UNIT UNIT WEIGHT QUANTITY QUANTITY 9 NUMBER DESCRIPTION PRICE COST (LBS) ON HAND ON ORDER 10 11 5021 Oak Bookcase, 85.50 30.00 40.00 12 0 12 5022 Oak Bookcase, 155.95 50.00 60.00 7 6 13 14 MAP: Press HELP to locate where you are, or RETURN to continue. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Prv Rec F4-Nxt Rec F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 38. Multi-Occurrence Form with Three Occurrences NOTE: The ACCELL/Manager expands the form automatically to the correct size. You can override the default Generator form position and number of occurrences in ACCELL/Language. NOTE: Be sure to position the form in the Generator so the Manager has room to display the correct number of occurrences. If not, the Manager will truncate the form until it fits. ACCELL/Generator 125 Setting session defaults The Generator uses a set of defaults for form editing sessions. Session defaults affect things like left and right margin, form length and width, and Help form length and width. You can change the Generator defaults using the SET SESSION DEFAULTS to generate the following Session Defaults form: replace stored update record 1 of 1 FIELD DEFINITION 1 Left margine.......: Form Length........: 15 Help Form Length...: 10 Numeric Field Size.: 5 Amount Field Size..: 7 Default Edit Mode.: REPLACE Display Errors.....: NO Right Margine.....: Form Width........: Help Form Width...: String Field Size.: Float Field Size..: 80 60 40 10 7 Specify the left margin for forms created in this session. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 39. Session Defaults Form To change an entry on this form, move the cursor to the appropriate entry with RETURN and type the new value over the old one. Then press NEXT FORM to return to the forms editor and your changes are saved automatically. You may optionally press PREV FORM to discard your changes and return to the forms editor.t NOTE: 126 The FYI line displays instructions to help you enter information on the current form. FYI is handy to consult while moving between forms, or Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference while adding information to fields. For more information on display errors, see section 4.3, Error Handling. Editing new forms When you are finished working with a form in the Generator, you may optionally call up another form to work without leaving the Generator. Press EDIT NEW FORM to call up the following Edit New Form form. Then type the form name and press NEXT FORM. The specified form will appear and you can begin working on it with the Generator. replace stored update zoom record 1 of 1 EDIT ANOTHER FORM Form Name: NEXT FORM. Enter a form name and press Enter the name of the form to edit next and press NEXT FORM to continue. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Prv Rec F4- Nxt F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 40. Edit New Form Edit New Form can be used to edit existing forms or create new forms. If you would like to work on the Master Application form, you need to specify the .aq suffix. There is no need to specify suffixes for Standard forms; ACCELL/IDS automatically appends the suffix to form names. ACCELL/Generator 127 In addition to the form name, you can give the same arguments as you would from the operating system prompt for the AGEN command. See section 9.3, ACCELL Command Level Development, for information on working with the Generator from the operating system prompt. Exiting the Generator Before you leave the ACCELL/Generator, be sure to save the form you have created by giving the ADD/UPDATE command. The asterisk (*) on the top line of the system area means that there are some changes that have not yet been saved. NOTE: If you don't save your changes with ADD/UPDATE, you will lose them when you press PREV FORM or ABORT APPLICATION. When you press PREV FORM from the form you are working on, you are returned to either the ACCELL/Environment menu or the operating system prompt, depending on how you entered the Generator. 128 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 5.3 Generator commands The ACCELL/Generator commands used to edit forms are identical to input editing user commands available in the ACCELL/Manager. Generator commands are usually assigned to dedicated function keys but can also be issued using the alternate command sequences designated on the Developer's Command Summary card, in Appendix B. For a list of default key assignments, issue the HELP MENU command from within ACCELL/Generator. Note that the command key assignments can be reassigned using the unicap utility. See Appendix B for information on customizing key assignments. Generator command summary A list of ACCELL/Generator commands grouped by function follows. Descriptions of all the commands appear in the Generator Command Descriptions section. Note that standard ACCELL/Manager user commands, such as NEXT FIELD, PREV FIELD, NEXT FORM, PREV FORM, ADD/UPDATE, EXPALIN ERROR, HELP MENU, and FIELD HELP are also used in ACCELL/Generator. For a complete list of user commands, see section 4.5, “User Commands”. Form Commands SIZE FORM MOVE FORM CENTER FORM SIZE TRIM Screen Field Commands ADD FIELD SIZE FIELD LEFT SIZE FIELD RIGHT ADD HELP MOVE FIELD DELETE FIELD ACCELL/Generator 129 Cursor Motion Commands UP DOWN MOVE LEFT MOVE RIGHT CURSOR LEFT CURSOR RIGHT WORD LEFT WORD RIGHT Editing Commands SET VIDEO DEFAULTS REPLACE/INSERT CENTER LINE CENTER ALL UNREPLACE LEFT DELETE CHAR DELETE CHAR LEFT DELETE LEFT DELETE LINE DELETE RIGHT DELETE TRIM THIS LINE INSERT LINE MARK VIDEO AREA Repeating Area Commands MARK REPEATING AREA SHOW REPEATING AREA Miscellaneous Commands SET TAB STOPS ROW/COL DISPLAY SET SESSION DEFAULTS EDIT NEW FORM ABORT GENERATOR Graphics Commands 130 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference GRAPHICS MODE ROUND LOWER LEFT CORNER ROUND UPPER LEFT CORNER ROUND LOWER RIGHT CORNER ROUND UPPER RIGHT CORNER SQUARE LOWER LEFT CORNER SQUARE UPPER LEFT CORNER SQUARE LOWER RIGHT CORNER SQUARE UPPER RIGHT CORNER CROSSED LINES VERTICAL LINES HORIZONTAL LINE RIGHT TEE LEFT TEE TOP TEE BOTTOM TEE For a summary of all commands and their equivalent escape sequences, see Appendix B. Generator command descriptions Most of the commands that follow work in the same basic way: You press them once to activate them, and press them again to deactivate them. Once these commands are activated, pressing them a second time saves any changes you’ve made and returns you to the forms editor. For example, if you press ADD FIELD and then fill in the Field Definition form, pressing ADD FIELD a second time will save your entry and return you to the form you're working on. Other examples of such commands are GRAPHICS MODE, ADD HELP, and MOVE FIELD. NEXT FROM will also save your changes and deactivate the command. If there is no next form, you will be returned to the forms editor. Otherwise, the next Generator form will be displayed. Pressing PREV FROM will usually cancel On/Off commands and clear any changes, unless you've explicitly saved them with ADD/UPDATE ACCELL/Generator 131 Form commands SIZE FORM Enlarges or reduces the size of the form you are creating. After you enter the command, the cursor jumps to the lower right corner of the form. You then use the arrow keys to change the size of the form. The form size cannot be enlarged beyond the limits of the physical screen and it cannot be reduced beyond the point where it overlaps any trim or fields on the form. A beep will sound if you try to move the cursor into an area that is off limits. SIZE TRIM Changes the size of the form as well as the positioning of its contents. It works exactly like SIZE FORM except that any trim or fields in the form are also moved; fields and trim maintain their spatial relationship with the lower right corner of the form when moved. MOVE FORM Changes the form's location. After you give the command, the cursor moves to the upper left corner of the form. You can then move the cursor to the new location and give the command again; the form and all its trim and screen fields will move to the new location. CENTER FORM Centers the form vertically and horizontally, including all its trim and screen fields, in the middle of the screen. CENTER FORM HORIZON Centers the current form horizontally. CENTER FORM VERT Centers the current form horizontally. Screen field commands ADD FIELD 132 Lets you create screen fields and define their attributes. If no field is defined at the location of the cursor, a blank Field Definition form Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference appears when you give this command. If the cursor is located on an existing field, a Field Definition form with information on that field appears and its entry can be modified. Give the command again to save your changes and return to the forms editor. SIZE FIELD LEFT Changes the window width of the field from the left edge. To use this command, position the cursor anywhere on the field. Give the command and the cursor will move to the left edge of the field window. Move the cursor to the right or left as appropriate, and give the command again. The field window display on the form changes sizes as appropriate. SIZE FIELD RIGHT Changes the window width of the field from the right edge. To use this command, position the cursor anywhere on the field. Give the command and the cursor will move to the right edge of the field window. Move the cursor to the left or right as appropriate, and give the command again. The field window display on the form changes size according to the position of the cursor. ADD HELP Lets you create a Help form for the screen field where the cursor is currently positioned. The command is legal only when the cursor is on a defined screen field. If a Help form is not yet defined for that field, a default-sized blank Help form appears. You can then alter its size and location and add trim. If a Help form already exists for that field, the Help form is displayed and you can modify it. Help forms can only contain trim, not screen fields. All screen field commands are disabled when you are editing a Help form. MOVE FIELD Lets you reposition a screen field within a form. To use this command, you position the cursor on an existing screen field, issue the command, move the cursor to the new location, and reissue the command. ACCELL/Generator 133 ACCELL/IDS will not let you move a screen field so that it overlaps another screen field or form trim. DELETE FIELD Deletes the screen field the cursor is currently positioned on. All field characteristics defined for the field are also deleted. Any trim remains on the line. Cursor motion commands UP Moves the cursor up to the same column on the previous line. This command is assigned to the up arrow key if one is available on your terminal. DOWN Moves the cursor down to the same column on the next line. This command is assigned to the down arrow key if one is available on your terminal. MOVE LEFT Moves the cursor one character to the left. This command is assigned to the left arrow key if one is available on your terminal. MOVE RIGHT Moves the cursor one character to the right. This command is assigned to the right arrow key if one is available on your terminal. CURSOR LEFT Moves the cursor to the beginning of the word immediately to the left of where the cursor is positioned. This command is convenient for quickly moving backward across a line. CURSOR RIGHT Moves the cursor to the beginning of the word immediately to the right of where the cursor is positioned. This command is convenient for quickly moving forward across a line. WORD LEFT Moves the cursor to the end of the word immediately to the left of where the cursor is currently positioned. This command is convenient for quickly moving backward across a line. 134 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference WORD RIGHT Moves the cursor to the end of the word immediately to the right of where the cursor is currently positioned. This command is convenient for quickly moving forward across a line. Editing commands SET VIDEO DEFAUILTS Changes the video mode display for trim that you are going to type in. When you give this command, a menu of video display options appears on the screen. You can select any combination of reverse video, blinking, underlining, or low intensity display characteristics by positioning the cursor on the field for each option and typing Y for Yes. Press NEXT FORM to save your changes and return to the forms editor. The most recent video display settings determine the appearance of characters you type on the form. You can change the settings back to normal by calling up the Cursor Attributes menu again and answering N for NO in all the fields. REPLACE/INSERT Switches between two input modes. In Insert mode, characters you type are inserted immediately before the cursor; any trim and fields following the cursor move to the right. Trim and fields cannot be moved off the form. In Replace mode, you can type characters over existing trim. CENTER LINE Centers the line where the cursor is positioned on the form. Both trim and screen fields are centered. CENTER ALL Centers all the trim and screen fields both vertically and horizontally on the form. DELETE LEFT Deletes all trim and characters to the left of the cursor on the current line. ACCELL/Generator 135 DELETE RIGHT Deletes all trim and characters to the right of the cursor on the current line. DELETE CHAR Deletes the character under the cursor, moving the rest of the information on the line one space to the left. This command does not work if the cursor is positioned over a screen field. DELETE CHAR LEFT Deletes the character to the left of the cursor, moving the rest of the line one space to the left. This command does not work if the cursor is positioned over a screen field. DELETE TRIM THIS LINE Deletes all trim on the line where the cursor is currently positioned. Any fields defined on that line remain on the form. DELETE LINE Removes a line from the form at the current cursor position. Any screen fields on the line are deleted as well. INSERT LINE Adds a blank line to the form at the current cursor position, and moves all the lower lines down. MARK VIDEO AREA Lets you change the video mode for trim you have already typed in. To use this command, position the cursor at the beginning of the trim area you want to change and give the command. Then move the cursor to the end of the trim area you want to change and give the command again. The Mark Attributes menu appears on the screen. You can select any combination of reverse video, blinking, underlining, or low intensity display characteristics by positioning the cursor on the appropriate fields on the menu and typing Y for YES. Save your changes and return to the forms editor with the NEXT FORM command. 136 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference When you return to the form you are working on, the trim area you marked will be displayed in the selected combination of video mode characteristics. You can change the video settings back to normal by calling up the Mark Attributes menu and answering N for NO in all the fields. UNREPLACE LEFT Works only in Replace mode. It moves the cursor one position to the left and restores the previously displayed character. Repeating Area commands MARK REPEATING AREA DOWN Lets you mark the repeating area of a multi occurrence form. The term repeating area refers to one or more consecutive lines of your form that you want to display a number of times. Marking an area not only designates what trim to repeat, but also which fields to repeat with that trim. To use this command, position the cursor at the top of the area to be marked. Give the command, move the cursor to the bottom of the repeating area, and give the command again. When the application runs, the trim and fields in the marked area are repeated a specified number of times. The number depends on what you specified on the Form Definition form in the Occurrences field. For example, if you have designated five as the number of occurrences and you have one field in your repainting area, five record values for that field will be displayed on the form at a time. The areas of the form outside the repeating area are displayed normally. See Marking Repeating Areas, for more information on marking repeating areas. SHOW REPEATING AREA Lets you preview the form by displaying all repeating fields and trim in normal video, while displaying non-repeating areas in reverse video. This command overrides any other commands or settings that change the video attributes of the fields. ACCELL/Generator 137 Miscellaneous commands SET TAB STOPS Calls up the Setting Tabs form, which shows the current tab stop settings. Each capital T on the display indicates the position of a tab stop. You can change the settings by repositioning the capital Ts where you want tab stops. Use PREV FORM to leave the form. ROW/COL DISPLAY Switches the display of cursor coordinates that appears in the upper system area on and off. SET SESSION DEFAULTS Calls up a form with options that let you change the ACCELL/ Generator default settings for the current session. If you make any changes on this form, save them and return to the forms editor by pressing NEXT FORM or SET SESSION DEFAULTS. Press PREV FORM to cancel your changes. EDIT NEW FORM Lets you edit a new form without leaving the Generator. When you give the command, the Edit New Form form appears. Enter the name of the form and press RETURN. The specified form will appear on your screen. Before you give this command, you should save any changes made to the current form with the ADD/UPDATE command. For Master Application forms, you need to include the suffix after the form name. ACCELL/IDS automatically appends the suffix to Standard forms. You can also include with form names the same arguments used when entering the Generator from the operating system prompt. (See Chapter 9 for information on using the Generator from the operating system prompt.) ABORT GENERATOR Cancels the current form, without saving your changes. The command returns to the point in the system where the user created the form. This command exits the form immediately and does not execute any Language sections. 138 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Graphics commands GRAPHICS MODE Switches the keyboard in and out of graphics mode. When in graphics mode, each alphabetic key is assigned to a graphic character in the line graphic character set, instead of standard alphabet letters. This means you can add graphic trim to your form when in graphics mode by pressing the appropriate keys on your keyboard. Give the command again to leave graphics mode. The following table outlines which graphic characters are assigned to which alphabetic keys in graphics mode. Letter Symbol Letter Symbol Letter Symbol Letter Symbol Letter Symbol A D G J M B E H K N C F I L O ACCELL/Generator 139 140 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Chapter 6: ACCELL/Language overview 6.1 Introduction to the ACCELL/Language The ACCELL/Language is a comprehensive fourth generation language that lets you add high-level logic and computation capability to your application. It operates on database tables and Generator forms, combining information from many different tables into a single form. ACCELL/Language scripts contain non-procedural sections, which in turn contain statements. Each section is identified by a name indicating when the section is executed. This means that you do not have to worry about the order of the sections. For example, statements in a BEFORE FIND section are always executed before a database search regardless of where the section appears in the script. Each Language section is optional. If you do not include a section, the Manager automatically performs a default action for you, based on your specifications in the Generator. Within each section, you can put as many statements as you want. Statement order is important within sections and gives you procedural control when you want it. The Language syntax is designed so that special symbols are optional (for example, the following are optional: ; # $). This gives your script a neat, easy-to-read appearance. This section describes some of the general features of the ACCELL/Language; variable and form attributes, ACCELL/IDS variables, name classes, system functions, data types, and operators. Chapter 7 of this manual explains the ACCELL/Language sections. Chapter 8 explains the ACCELL/Language statements. 141 6.2 Variables This section describes ACCELL/IDS variable classes, use of variable names and references, declaration of variables, scope of variables, determining variable types, and variable assignment compatibility. ACCELL/IDS Variable classes ACCELL/IDS’s variables are more flexible than those in most languages. If you are familiar with programming languages such as BASIC or COBOL, you probably think of a variable as a named value with a specific type. Another way of thinking about variables is to imagine a variable as a collection of properties or attributes. From this point of view, BASIC and COBOL variables are collections of three attributes: name, value, and type. Every ACCELL/IDS variable has these three attributes and many more. In addition, ACCELL/IDS variables may refer to one or more objects at the same time. An ACCELL/IDS variable may refer to a field in a database record (a database variable), to a field displayed on a form (a screen variable), a field stored in memory (general variable), or to a combination of these. 142 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Figure 41 summarizes the possible ACCELL/IDS variable classes, and the terms used to describe them:. Screen variable Value on the Screen/Target variable General variable Value in memory Target variable Value from database Figure 41. ACCELL/IDS Variable Classes Class Description General Variable Does not refer to either a target field or a screen field Screen Variable Refers only to a screen field Target Variable Refers only to a target field Screen/Target Variable Refers simultaneously to a target field and a screen field Variable names and references A variable’s name determines what it references. A variable with the same name as a screen field refers to the screen field (screen variable). A variable name identical to a target field name refers to the target field (target variable). If a screen field has the same name as a target field, a variable with the same name references both the screen field and the target field (screen/target variable). A variable name distinct from any currently defined target or screen field is a general variable. All ACCELL/IDS variable names, no matter what they refer to, have the same form: ACCELL/Language overview 143 [form_name:][$]variable_name The form_name is optional and specifies which form the variable appears on; it affects the variable’s scope and declaration and is discussed in the section Scope of Variables on. The $ helps ACCELL/IDS recognize that the character string following it (variable_name) is the name of a variable. When you specify the form name and include the $, the two work in concert: the $ immediately classifies the character string as a variable, and the form name reduces the scope of ACCELL/IDS’s search. Using variables alone will cause the application to run slower. Consistently using the $ with the form name will ensure faster applications and guarantee that the application will be consistent with later ACCELL/ IDS releases. The variable_name, itself, must begin with a letter or an underscore (_). The rest of the name may consist of letters, digits, or underscores in any combination up to a total of forty-four characters. ACCELL/IDS does distinguish between upper and lower case letters in variable names. This means that the names $CONTACT_ADDRESS, $contact_address, and $Contact_Address represent three different variables. (ACCELL/IDS keywords, however, are not case sensitive.) Variable declaration In many programming languages (Pascal and C, for example), variables must appear in an explicit declaration before they can be used. In other languages (for example, BASIC and FORTRAN), the first use of a variable declares it. ACCELL/IDS’s main method of declaring variables resembles BASIC and FORTRAN. A variable’s first appearance in an ACCELL/IDS application implicitly declares it. Context and the variable’s name determine the variable type and the object it identifies. When you first declare a variable (usually the first time it appears), ACCELL/IDS sets it to a special value denoted by UNDEFINED. A variable having the value UNDEFINED may be tested or used in an assignment to another variable. The variable may not participate in any other operations, such as computations. 144 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Scope of variables A variable’s scope is the range of forms from which it can be referenced. In ACCELL/ IDS, the scope of a variable is the form it is declared on and any successive forms. That is, any variable appearing on a preceding form that is still active can be referenced by the current form. As noted earlier, a variable reference may include a form name as a prefix. For example, the variable reference employee: $first_name indicates that first_name appears on the form employee. When ACCELL/IDS encounters a variable without a prefix, it must perform a check to determine whether the variable appears on a previous form or is a new variable. To determine whether or not the variable is new, ACCELL/IDS searches its list of previous forms (the active form list) to see if the variable appears on any of those forms. If the variable appears on a previous form, the current use of the variable is treated as an instance of the old variable. If the variable is not found, its current use is taken as a declaration. It is good programming practice to use form name prefixes with variable names. The use of the form name speeds up application execution by eliminating the search of the active forms list. Using the form name can also prevent confusion and eliminate inadvertent references to variables on other forms. For example, in the statement SET count TO 0; count refers to a local variable only if it does not appear on any other active form. Using form name prefixes avoids any confusion as to which variable is being referenced. Form name references allow you to use the same name on different forms as in the two statements: SET form1:count TO 0; SET form2:count TO 1; Another way to avoid referencing an old variable with a current name is to include the variable in a LOCAL declaration. For example, the statement LOCAL count; ACCELL/Language overview 145 guarantees that all references to count refer only to the current form. The general form of the LOCAL statement is LOCAL variable_list; where variable_list is a sequence of variable names separated by commas. Explicit references to variables on other forms may cause errors in two situations. An error message is generated if the variable does not exist on the referenced form, or if the referenced form is not active. Determining variable type In most programming languages a variable’s type is determined either by the declaration it appears in (C, Pascal) or by the form of its name (BASIC, FORTRAN). In ACCELL/IDS, a variable’s class affects how its type is determined. ACCELL/IDS uses the following guidelines to determine variable type: • A general variable’s type is determined by the first value assigned to it. The statement that follows concatenates two variables and assigns the result to the general variable $EMP_FULL_NAME: SET $EMP_FULL_NAME TO $EMP_FIRST_NAME + $EMP_LAST_NAME $EMP_FIRST_NAME and $EMP_LAST_NAME are string variables; thus, after the assignment, $EMP_FULL_NAME is a string variable. • A screen variable’s type is determined by the ACCELL/Generator when the user produces a form. • A target variable’s type is determined by the field in the database it refers to. • A screen/target variable has the same type as the corresponding database field. The corresponding screen field must also have the same type. NOTE: 146 A general variable’s type may be changed by assigning UNDEFINED to it and then assigning a new value of a different type. With all other variables, assignments made to the variable must be assignmentcompatible with the type. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Variable assignment compatibility ACCELL automatically performs some type conversions in assignment statements (SET and SET/SELECT). Data type combinations that are automatically converted are assignment-compatible. The table below shows which data types are assignment-compatible. The row headings indicate the data type of the receiving variable. The column headings indicate the data type of the value being assigned. Performing an assignment where the resulting type is not defined in the table will produce a run-time error. Conversion functions are available for some non-assignment compatible data types. See ACCELL/IDS Type Conversion Functions. To Set Numberic Float NUMERIC NUMBERIC NUMERIC* NUMERIC* FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT* AMOUNT BOOL STR DATE TIME Amount Bool Str Date Time BOOL STR DATE TIME * indicates value is truncated ACCELL/Language overview 147 6.3 ACCELL/IDS attributes In ACCELL/IDS, forms and variables are described by attribute lists. ACCELL/IDS maintains such a list for every form in an application and for every variable on a form or in a Language script. The values assigned to attributes determine the characteristics of a form or variable. Attribute values can be directly tested and manipulated by an ACCELL/IDS application, allowing developers to produce dynamic, powerful scripts. All ACCELL/IDS forms have the same set of attributes-the same elements in their lists of characteristics. These attributes include where the form is displayed, the form name, what the form’s next and previous fields are, and which database operations are allowed. A variable may have several different sets of attributes, depending on its class. General variables have only a few attributes. Screen variables have the same attributes as general variables plus a special set of screen attributes controlling such things as case conversion and display format. Similarly, target variables possess a unique set of target attributes. Screen/target variables have the attributes of general, screen, and target variables. Some attributes may be changed by Language scripts, but they are also manipulated by ACCELL/IDS during execution. The following table shows a partial list of target variable attributes and possible values for them. (These will be discussed in detail a little later.) Beginning values Attribute Attribute Value Variable Name $doc_name Value Fenster, Alexander CLEAR_FIND_EXP [A–M]* SEARCH-RANGES UNDEFINED CLEAR_ADD_EXP UNDEFINED Notice that although the CLEAR_FIND_EXP has a value, the SEARCH_RANGES attribute does not. When a CLEAR TO FIND is done, ACCELL/IDS evaluates the 148 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference CLEAR_FIND_EXP attribute, expands it into one or more search ranges, and assigns those ranges to the SEARCH_RANGES attribute. After a CLEAR TO FIND, the attribute list for $doc_name would look like this: After CLEAR TO FIND Attribute Attribute Value Variable Name $doc_name Value Fenster, Alexander CLEAR_FIND_EXP [A–M]* SEARCH-RANGES [A–M]* CLEAR_ADD_EXP UNDEFINED In this case, ACCELL/IDS evaluates the CLEAR_FIND_EXP and places the results in SEARCH_RANGES. Note that the SEARCH_RANGES value can be changed by other statements or user commands. Similarly, when a CLEAR TO ADD is done, the Clear to Add expression (CLEAR_ADD_EXP) is evaluated, and the Value attribute is changed accordingly. After CLEAR TO ADD Attribute Attribute Value Variable Name $doc_name Value UNDEFINED CLEAR_FIND_EXP [A–M]* SEARCH-RANGES [A–M]* CLEAR_ADD_EXP UNDEFINED Variable attributes All ACCELL/IDS variables have two attributes in common: ACCELL_TYPE and CLEAR_ADD_EXP. ACCELL_TYPE is a string indicating the ACCELL/IDS variable type (e.g., NUMERIC, DATE, ...). CLEAR_ADD_EXP is the Clear to Add expression. These are the only attributes that a general variable has besides its value. ACCELL/Language overview 149 The table below lists all of the general variable attributes. Settable attributes may appear on either side of an assignment statement. Non-settable attributes can appear only on the right hand side of assignment statements. General Variable Attribute Name (type) Description ACCELL_TYPE (string) ACCELL variable type CLEAR_ADD_EXP (expression) Clear to Add expression Settable Yes Notice that CLEAR_ADD_EXP is an expression and not a single value. When a Clear to Add is done, ACCELL/IDS evaluates the Clear to Add expression and assigns the resulting value to the variable. Variable attribute names are not case sensitive since they are considered ACCELL/ IDS keywords. This means that CLEAR_ADD_EXP, Clear_Add_Exp, and clear_add_exp all refer to the same attribute. Values of an attribute can be referenced by using the variable name followed by a colon and the attribute name: [form_name:][$]variable_name:attribute Target variable attributes Through the target variable attributes, an application can gain access to information about the database field linked to the target variable. You may reference target variable attributes the same way as any other variable attribute-use the variable name followed by a colon and the attribute name. For example: co-key: CLEAR_FIND_EXP Target variable attribute names are not case sensitive. This means that DB_LENGTH, Db_Length, and db_length all refer to the same attribute. 150 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The following table lists the valid target variable attributes. Settable attributes may appear on either side of an assignment statement. Non-settable attributes can appear only on the right-hand side of assignment statements. Target Variable Attribute Name (type) Description Settable TARGET_FIELD (string) Long name for database target table field DB_LENGTH (numeric) database field length CLEAR_FIND_EXP (expression) Clear to Find expression SEARCH_RANGES (expression) current search criteria used in the Yes FIND command Yes Note that CLEAR_FIND_EXP is an expression and not a single value. When a CLEAR TO FIND is done, ACCELL/IDS evaluates the Clear to Find expression and assigns appropriate values to the attribute SEARCH_RANGES. Setting the CLEAR_FIND_EXP and SEARCH_RANGES target attributes allows the developer to alter the composition of the search criteria that the ACCELL/Manager uses when the user presses FIND. To understand how to use these two attributes, it is necessary to describe the steps that the ACCELL/Manager performs when the user presses FIND. Before it can execute the FIND command, the ACCELL/Manager must be placed in Find mode. Find mode tells the Manager that the user will be entering search criteria on the current form. The search criteria are used to search the form’s target table for matching records. A form is in find mode after one of the following steps: • the end user presses CLEAR TO FIND • the ACCELL/Language specifies CLEAR TO FIND; e.g., NEXT ACTION IS CLEAR_TO_FIND. • the ACCELL/Language sets the current form’s AUTO_FIND attribute to TRUE. See Form Attributes. • the current form’s AUD_ON_ENTRY is set to FALSE, the default for this attribute. See Form Attributes. ACCELL/Language overview 151 When the ACCELL/Manager enters Find mode, it performs a Clear to Find. Whether called implicitly (within an ACCELL/Language script via AUTO_FIND/ AUD_ON_ENTRY) or explicitly (the user presses CLEAR TO FIND), the Clear to Find is always performed. When Clear to Find executes, the CLEAR_FIND_EXP attribute is evaluated. If CLEAR_FIND_EXP is set, it contains the target variable’s initial search conditions. CLEAR_FIND_EXP contains an expression, not a single value. Sample CLEAR_FIND_EXP expressions are: ’5000-7500’ ’Ch’ ’5-75, 120-370, 400, 410, 420’ During the FIND operation, the SEARCH_RANGES attributes of the target variables are used to determine which records to actually select. The SEARCH_RANGES expression can be reassigned a new expression when the user enters new criteria on the form. The SEARCH_RANGES attribute may also be modified in the ACCELL/Language. An ACCELL/Language script can assign a new expression to SEARCH_RANGES. Such modifications will not appear on the form, but they will affect which records are selected during the FIND. Once modifications to the SEARCH_RANGES are made in the Language, the user cannot change the search criteria. Screen variable attributes Only variables that have the same name as a screen field (that are screen variables) have screen variable attributes. Screen variable attributes are initialized in the ACCELL/Generator. The screen variable display formatting attributes provide flexibility in displaying data on the screen. Formatting attributes affect the number of characters allowed in a screen field (length), the number of leading and trailing characters permitted, and the justification of information entered into the field. 152 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference A screen variable’s ACCELL/IDS type determines the variable’s default display and input formats. (See the discussion of the DISPLAY and INPUT statements in the ACCELL Statement Description section on for more information about default formats.) You can obtain or set the value of a screen variable attribute in the same way as any other variable attribute-use the variable name followed by a colon and the attribute name. For example: SET S_NAME:DISPLAY_JUSTIFY TO ’RIGHT’ Screen variable attribute names are not case sensitive. This means that LOW_INTENSITY, Low_Intensity, and low_intensity all refer to the same attribute. The following tables list the valid screen variable attributes. Settable attributes may appear on either side of an assignment statement. Non-settable attributes can appear only on the right-hand side of assignment statements. Screen Variable Attribute Name (type) Description FIELD_NAME (string) screen field name REQUIRED (boolean) input required on field Yes UPDATEABLE (boolean) field may be updated Yea FINDABLE (boolean) field may have search value specified Yes MULTI_VALUED (boolean) field is in the repeating area on a multioccurrence form CASE_CONVERSION (string) indicates any case conversion to be performed on input; a value of UPPER maps all input to upper case characters; a value of LOWER maps all input to lower case characters; NONE performs no conversion Yes REVERSE (boolean) reverse attribute on Yes BLINK (boolean) blink attribute on Yes UNDERLINE (boolean) underline attribute on Yes LOW_INTENSITY (boolean) low intensity on Yes DATA_TYPE (string) the type of data input/displayed FIELD_LENGTH (numeric) field length for input DISPLAY_FORMAT (string) the field’s display format; formats can be directly assigned to the attribute; see the DISPLAY statement for a discussion of display formats ACCELL/Language overview Settable Yes 153 Screen Variable Attribute Name (type) Description Settable DISPLAY_JUSTIFY (string) a string containing one of the keywords LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTERED to indicate display justification Yes ROW (numeric) field origin row coordinate Yes COL (numeric) field origin column coordinate Yes WINDOW_WIDTH (numeric) number of characters on screen used for field Yes STOP_FOR_INPUT (boolean) when set to true, the field becomes an input field Yes AUTO_ZOOM (boolean) if enabled, zoom is automatically executed Yes FYI_MESSAGE (string) information message displayed automatically Yes FYI_ROW (numeric) row of FYI message origin FYI_COL (numeric) column of FYI message origin TAB_STOP (boolean) field is tab stopped HELP_FORM_NAME (string) name of field’s Help form HELP_ARCHIVE (string) path to Help form archive HELP_FORM_ROW (numeric) row number of Help form origin Yes HELP_FORM_COL (numeric) column number of Help form origin Yes NEXT_FIELD (string) the name of the next field to execute after this field Yes AUTO_ACCEPT (boolean) when TRUE, causes automatic skipping to the next field when the user fills up the current field Yes Yes Form attributes Each time ACCELL/IDS executes a form, all form attributes are set to their default ACCELL/Generator settings, or the settings specified in the form’s script. Settings specified in scripts take precedence over those specified in the Generator. Form attributes appear in the following format in assignment statements: [form:]attribute form is the form name. The brackets indicate that form may be omitted if the attribute is for the current form. Form attribute names are not case sensitive. This means that ROW_ORIGIN, Row_Origin, and row_origin all refer to the same attribute. 154 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The table that follows lists all of the form attributes. The values of settable attributes may be changed in scripts. Settable attributes may appear on either side of an assignment statement. Non-settable attributes can only appear on the right hand side of assignments. Form Attribute Name (type) Description Settable ROW_ORIGIN (numeric) upper left-hand corner of form row number (absolute) COL_ORIGIN (numeric) upper left-hand corner of form column number (absolute) FORM_NAME (string) name of form HEIGHT (numeric) number of rows form occupies WIDTH (numeric) number of columns form occupies TARGET_TABLE (string) name of target table (undefined if none) CUR_NEXT_FIELD (string) name of current next field PREV_FIELD (string) name of previous field on which input occurred PREV_FORM (string) name of previous form FIND_ALLOWED (boolean) Find allowed for duration of form Yes UPDATE_ALLOWED (boolean) Update allowed for duration of form Yes DELETE_ALLOWED (boolean) Delete allowed for duration of form Yes ADD_ALLOWED (boolean) Add allowed for duration of form Yes MENU_LABEL (string) label displayed in CHOOSE NEXT FORM or CHOOSE FIRST FORM statement on menu OCCURRENCES (numeric) maximum number of occurrences of repeating area Yes AUD_ON_ENTRY (boolean) if TRUE then Add mode is default, else Find mode; overridden by AUTO_FIND attribute Yes CLEAR_AFTER_AU (boolean) if TRUE an implicit Clear to Add is done after an Add Yes AUTO_COMMIT (boolean) if TRUE, each Add/Update operation is logged, all Yes locks downgraded to SLOCKS, and the current transaction continues FIRST_FIELD (string) name of the first field to be executed Yes AUTO_FIND (boolean) executes a FIND command after the BEFORE FORM section is completed Yes FIND_COUNT sets size of group of records to be added to selected set Yes ACCELL/Language overview Yes 155 6.4 ACCELL/IDS name classes ACCELL/IDS uses many different names, each of which must be distinguished in some way. Part of identifying a name is determining its class-what kind of name it is. The sections below list the various name classes, their characteristics, and what ACCELL/IDS uses to determine a name’s class. ACCELL/IDS relies extensively on context to determine a name’s class. If ACCELL/IDS cannot determine the class from the context, it assumes the name is a form name. A name can be in more than one class, depending on the context. For example, a target table name (database name) can also be a form name. Database names All target table names and names of target table fields are classified as database names. These names are case sensitive, and use the form table_name.field_name, or # field_name. NOTE: The symbol # is short for the table name followed by a period. Either # or the table name and a period must precede emp_department and emp_job_code, since they are database field names. ACCELL/IDS names All ACCELL/IDS system functions and system variables are classified as ACCELL/ IDS names. These names are case sensitive: they must be in lower case. a system function or system variable name is always followed by a special suffix character: the dollar sign ($), e.g., current_date$(). Language keywords All ACCELL/IDS keywords such as SET, TO, NEXT, and WHERE are classified as keyword names. Only context distinguishes keyword names from form and user names. Keyword names are not case sensitive. This means that where and set are equivalent to WHERE and SET. 156 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Attribute names All variable and form attributes are classified as attribute names. These names are not case sensitive. They are treated as reserved words for the purpose of distinguishing between different name classes. Form names All form and application names are classified as form names. These names are distinguished from keyword and user names by context only. Form names are case sensitive. User names All user-defined names, including user functions, screen fields, target fields, and general variables, are user names. These names are case sensitive and may be preceded by a special character ($) that identifies them as user names. If no special character is included, then they are distinguished from other name classes by context. The following table indicates which names are case sensitive and which are not: Name class Case sensitive Database names Yes ACCELL/IDS names Yes Language keyword No Attribute names No Form names Yes User names Yes A general rule for determining case sensitivity is that all ACCELL/IDS reserved words, including attribute names, are not case sensitive. All other names are case sensitive. ACCELL/Language overview 157 6.5 ACCELL/IDS system functions and variables ACCELL/IDS provides a set of system functions that, among other functions, allow you to include non-printing characters in strings, get the current date and time, obtain information about the current record, and get information about the user’s name and group. There are also several string functions that help you handle string information more efficiently. ACCELL/IDS also provides functions to convert data of one type to another type. These functions are listed separately in the ACCELL Type Conversion Functions section. ACCELL/IDS system variables let you test and change the internal state of the ACCELL/Manager. Applications can change system variable values by using SET statements. ACCELL/IDS system functions The following section briefly defines and summarizes each ACCELL/IDS system function. aud_mode$() 158 Description: Determines if the current mode of operation is Add/Update/Delete mode. Arguments: none Returns: TRUE if the current mode of operation is Add/Update/Delete mode FALSE if the current mode of operation is not Add/Update/ Delete mode; in this case the current mode of operation is Find mode. This function is useful in the ON NEXT FORM (or ON PREVIOUS FORM) section to determine Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference the current mode of operation from which a NEXT FORM (or PREV FORM) command was issued. Related Functions: is_current_record_stored$(), record_is_current$(), current_record_count$() Example: ON NEXT FORM IF NOT ( aud_mode$() ) THEN BEGIN SET acct:$acctno:SEARCH_RANGE TO ’100’ NEXT ACTION IS FIND END AFTER FIND IF ( record_is_current$() ) THEN NEXT ACTION IS NEXT FORM would set the search range for the account numbers to 100 only if the current mode of operation was Find mode. If the search located records, the application would then move to the next form. beep$(beep_count) Description: Makes the user’s console beep by sending ASCII bell characters. This function is used to notify the user of some special event such as an error message, invalid action, or important task. Arguments: beep_count Returns: none the number of bell characters to send to the terminal Example: IF finventory:$nv_q_on_hand = 0 THEN BEGIN beep$(3) DISPLAY ’No more items in inventory -- Time to reorder!’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT END ACCELL/Language overview 159 would send three ASCII bell characters to the user’s console when the item’s quantity on hand in inventory reaches zero. char_code_to_str$(ascii_val) Description: Translates an ASCII value into a single character string. This function is used primarily to include non-printing characters in strings. Arguments: ascii_val Returns: Single character for ASCII value ascii_val the decimal ASCII value to be translated. This value must be an integer in the range 0 to 127 (valid ASCII values). Related Functions: str_to_char_code$() Example: SET ctrlC TO char_code_to_str$(3) would assign the ASCII representation of ^c (CTRL c) to the ACCELL/IDS variable ctrlC. clip_str$(string) Description: Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string. This function does not remove embedded blanks. This function is useful for removing extra blanks from a database string field. Arguments: string Returns: The clipped string (string with leading and trailing blanks removed) string from which to remove leading and trailing blanks Example: DISPLAY clip_str$(’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT 160 2167 E. Main St. ’) Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference would display the string ‘2167 E. Main St.’ in the FYI message line. close_message_file$() Description: This function closes a previously opened message file. Only one message file can be open at a time. See the description for the ACCELL/IDS system function get_message$() for a complete description of message files. Arguments: none Returns: none Related Functions: get_message$(), open_message_file$() Example: See example for ACCELL/IDS system function get_message$() current_date$() Description: Obtains the current date from the operating system. Arguments: none Returns: The current date as stored by the operating system. This date is in the same format as the ACCELL/IDS data type DATE. Related Functions: current_time$() Example: IF fleads:$ld_date_found = UNDEFINED THEN SET fleads:$ld_date_found TO current_date$() would assign the current date to the ld_date_found variable if this variable was undefined. ACCELL/Language overview 161 current_record_count$() Description: Determines the number of records in the selected set. Arguments: none Returns: While in Find mode, the return value will be zero. After completing a successful find, the return value will reflect the number of records selected from the database. The return value will then be adjusted accordingly if adds and deletes are completed. Note that immediately after a CLEAR TO ADD command, the return value is not adjusted. Since a CLEAR TO ADD command entered from Find mode would result in a return value of zero, current_record_count$() cannot be used to determine ACCELL/IDS’s current mode of operation. Related Functions: current_record_num$() is_current_record_stored$() Example: IF ( current_record_count$() = 0 ) THEN DISPLAY ’Search found no records, please re-enter search criteria’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT would determine if a FIND has successfully located matching records. current_record_num$() Description: Determines the relative number of the current record within the selected set. Arguments: none Returns: The relative number of the current record within the selected set. If no records have been selected, this function returns zero (0). Related Functions: 162 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference current_record_count$() is_current_record_stored$() Example: ON NEXT RECORD IF ( current_record_num$() = (current_record_count$() ) THEN NEXT ACTION IS CLEAR_TO_ADD would determine if the current record was the first record of the selected set. current_time$() Description: Obtains the current time from the operating system. Arguments: none Returns: The current time as determined by the operating system. This time is in the same format as the ACCELL/IDS data type TIME. Related Functions: current_date$() Example: IF time_entered = UNDEFINED THEN SET time_entered TO current_time$() would assign the current time to the time_entered variable if this variable was undefined flush_to_disk$() Description: This function causes the ACCELL/Manager to call the operating system system function sync(). The sync() function causes the operating system to write the current user memory buffers to disk. Calling flush_to_disk$() flushes all previously unwritten buffers out to disk so that all file modifications up to that point are saved. For more ACCELL/Language overview 163 information on sync(), refer to your operating system Reference Manuals. Arguments: none Returns: none Example: If the CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement specifies START TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY or START TX SET_CONSISTENCY, you may want to call flush_to_disk$() first to ensure all information for the current transaction has been saved. ON NEXT FORM flush_to_disk$() get_message$(msgnum) Description: This function obtains a message from the current message file. A message file is a file you can create to store your application messages. This file assigns an integer number to each message string. Using a message file instead of embedding the messages in your code significantly reduces memory usage at runtime as well as simplifying code maintenance. Lines in the message file have the format: #### | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx where ‘####’ is the line’s message number and ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’ is the message text. The delimiter is any character following the first blank. In this example, the delimiter is ‘|’. The get_message$() function looks for a line in the message file that begins with the number msgnum. A message file must be opened with the open_message_file$() function before get_message$() can extract messages. Arguments: 164 msgnum the integer message number of the message to be retrieved from the message file Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Returns: The message text which corresponds to the line in the message file whose message number is msgnum. Related Functions: open_message_file$(), close_message_file$() Example: $UNIFY/unifymsgs is an example of a message file. Example: Message 98 99 100 101 file /usr/apps/messages segment: | Invalid entry, please try again! | Inventory number out of range | Record not updated! | Record updated and stored! Language segment: IF ( open_message_file$(’/usr/apps/messages’) = 0 ) THEN BEGIN DISPLAY get_message$(100) FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT close_message_file$() END This Language segment displays the message: Record not updated! in the FYI message line. getenv$(string) Description: Obtain the value of an environment variable in the user’s environment. Arguments: string Returns: Returns the value of an environment variable. The value returned is a string. ACCELL/Language overview the name of the environment variable whose value is needed. 165 Example: Useful to determine values in the user’s environment before deciding what actions to take. SET path_name TO getenv$(’DBPATH’) would get the value of the environment variable DBPATH and assign this value to the ACCELL/IDS variable path_name. glob_str_compare$(string,mask) Description: This function compares a string with a string mask. See String Comparison Masks, for more information on glob_str_compare$() and search masks. Arguments: string string to compare mask a string containing the characters of the search pattern TRUE if the string matches the mask FALSE if the string does not match the mask Returns: Related Functions: reg_exp_str_compare$() Example: This example displays ‘Matched String!’ when the variable a_strng contains a string of three digits. IF ( glob_str_compare$(a_strng, ’[0-9][0-9][0-9]’) ) THEN DISPLAY ’Matched String!’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT group_id$() Description: 166 Obtain the user’s group ID number from the operating system groups. This function allows you to take advantage of the security groups already set up by the operating system. You can take actions in your applications based upon the operating system group which the particular user belongs to. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Arguments: none Returns: The integer value of the user’s group ID number. Related Functions: group_name$() Example: IF ( group_id$() > 6 ) THEN DISPLAY ’You do not have permission to view this field’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT group_name$() Description: Obtains the name of the user’s group from the operating system groups. This function allows you to take advantage of the security groups already set up by the operating system. You can take actions in your applications based upon the operating system group which the particular user belongs to. Arguments: none Returns: The string value of the user’s group name. The group name is the name of the group of the user running the application. Related Functions: group_id$() Example: IF ( group_name$() = ’payroll’ ) THEN UPDATE employee SET #emp_salary TO femployee:$new_salary WHERE #emp_name = femployee:$emp_lname ACCELL/Language overview 167 is_current_record_stored$() Description: Determines if there is a record in the database (the target record) with the same field values as the current current record. This function is useful for determining whether you need to update a record. Arguments: none Returns: TRUE there exists a target record with contents identical to the current record. In this instance, an ADD/UPDATE command will not change the field values in the target record because the current record and the target record are exactly the same. FALSE the current record has not been stored. An ADD/ UPDATE command will affect the target record. After the ADD/UPDATE, the target record will be updated with the current record field values. Changing form context (for example, with PREV FORM) may cause the new field values in the current record to be lost unless they are stored in the database. Related Functions: current_record_count$() current_record_num$() Example: ON PREVIOUS FORM IF ( NOT is_current_record_stored$() ) THEN UPDATE CURRENT RECORD last_command$( ) Description: 168 The last_command$() system function returns a numeric value indicating the last ACCELL/IDS user command executed. When checking the last_command$() return value, use the return value names in your 4GL script. These return value names are listed in the Return Status column of Figure NO TAG. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference To use the last_command$() function, you must use the ACCELL/IDS preprocessor statement, #include, to include the header file command.h in your 4GL script. This header file contains definitions for the last_command$() return value names. It is located in the include directory of the ACCELL/IDS release. NOTE: The last_command$() function does not return a value for user commands initiated with the NEXT ACTION command. This function only returns the value when the end user issues a user command. Arguments: none Returns: A NUMERIC value-see the following table for a list of return value names. last_command$() Return Values Return status Last user command CMD_PFRM PREV FORM CMD_NFRM NEXT FORM CMD_PFLD PREV FIELD CMD_NFLD NEXT FIELD CMD_PTAB PREV TAB CMD_NTAB NEXT TAB CMD_CTOF CLEAR TO FIND CMD_FIND FIND CMD_ZOOM ZOOM CMD_CNZM CANCEL ZOOM CMD_CTOA CLEAR TO ADD CMD_ADUP ADD/UPDATE CMD_DLRC DELETE RECORD CMD_NREC NEXT RECORD CMD_PREC PREV RECORD CMD_NSET NEXT SET CMD_PSET PREV SET ACCELL/Language overview 169 last_command$() Return Values Return status Last user command CMD_FREC FIRST RECORD CMD_LREC LAST RECORD CMD_EXIT ABORT APPLICATION CMD_MNSL MENU SELECT CMD_MNCN MENU CANCEL Example: #include "command.h" : : /* Reject the LAST RECORD command but allow NEXT RECORD and NEXT SET */ ON NEXT RECOR IF ( last_command$() = CMD_LREC ) THEN REJECT OPERATION ELSE DISPLAY ’Moving to next set of records’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT The ON NEXT RECORD 4GL section executes when the user commands NEXT RECORD, NEXT SET and LAST RECORD execute. This code sample uses REJECT OPERATION to reject the LAST RECORD command. The NEXT RECORD or NEXT SETS would still execute the statements in ON NEXT RECORD. Note the #include statement to include the last_command$() header file, command.h. open_message_file$(filename) Description: 170 This function opens a file of messages. If a message file is already open, open_message_file will close it, first. Messages are stored, one per line, in a special format. Multiple message files can exist. However, only one message file can be open at a time. See the explanation of the ACCELL/IDS system function get_message$() for a more complete description of message files. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Arguments: filename string which contains the full pathname of the message file to open Returns: 0 - if the message file is successfully opened; otherwise, the value of errno is returned Related Functions: close_message_file$(), get_message$() Example: See example for ACCELL/IDS system function get_message$(). pad_str_left$(string, padstr, length) Description: This function pads the left side of a string with a specified character. Arguments: string The string to pad padstr The character to pad the left of the string with. If the pad string is null, string remains unchanged. If the pad string contains more than one character, the first character of the string is used as the pad character. length The desired length of the padded string. If the pad length is less than the string argument, then string remains unchanged. Returns: The padded string Related Functions: pad_str_right$() Example: SET str TO ’four’ ACCELL/Language overview 171 IF ( pad_str_left$(str, ’x’, 10) = ’xxxxxxfour’ ) THEN DISPLAY ’Left padded string with length of 10’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE pad_str_right$(string, padstr, length) Description: This function pads the right side of a string with a specified character. Arguments: string The string to pad padstr The character to pad the right of the string with. If the pad string is null, string remains unchanged. If the pad string contains more than one character, the first character of the string is used as the pad character. length The desired length of the padded string. If the pad length is less than the string argument, then string remains unchanged. Returns: The padded string Related Functions: pad_str_left$() Example: SET str TO ’four’ IF ( pad_str_right$(str, ’x’, 10) = ’fourxxxxxx’ ) THEN DISPLAY ’Right padded string with length of 10’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE 172 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference push_shell$() Description: Allows the user to access the operating system shell from within an ACCELL/IDS application. The operating system environment variable SHELL determines which type of shell is started. To exit this shell, the user types ‘exit’ (^d, or the shell terminate command). Arguments: none Returns: none Example: IF (user_response = ’Y’ ) THEN push_shell$() record_is_current$() Description: Determines if there is a current record in the application. A current record is the target record currently displayed on a form. Arguments: none Returns: TRUE if there is a current record: when you have done a FIND and found records. If the current record has modified some of the target record fields but has not yet been stored with , record_is_current$() still returns TRUE. FALSE if there is no record current. This function returns FALSE after an unsuccessful find, immediately following a command (there is no target record), or when there is a set on a form with no target table. Example: ON NEXT FORM IF NOT record_is_current$() THEN ACCELL/Language overview 173 REJECT OPERATION reg_exp_str_compare$(string, mask) Description: Enables regular expression checking on a string. It compare a string with a special string mask. The mask contains a regular expression that defines the valid string patterns. For a more complete description of the search mask, see String Comparison Masks. The use of regular expressions provides a complete string specification notation that greatly exceeds the capability of glob_str_compare$. Arguments: Returns: string the string to perform the regular expression checking on mask a string containing the regular expression. 1 the string matches the mask 0 the string does not match the mask -1 failure; possibly due to insufficient memory -2 malformed expression Related Functions: glob_str_compare$() Example: IF ( reg_exp_str_compare$(emp_name, ’Jo[^a]n’) = 1 ) THEN DISPLAY ’Matched string!’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT sleep$(amount) Description: 174 Suspends the application execution for a specified period of time. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Arguments: amount Returns: none the number of seconds to suspend the execution. Example: DISPLAY ’Welcome to the ACCELL Application’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE sleep$(10) status$() Description: Obtains the status of the outcome of the last database, pipe, or lock operation in the application. Arguments: none Returns: Refer to The status$() Function for a more complete description of this system function. Example: INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE IF ( status$() <> 0 ) THEN DISPLAY ’Cannot Insert the Record’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT strlen$(string) Description: Determines the number of characters in a string. Arguments: string Returns: The number of characters in a string. the string whose characters you want to count. Example: FIELD TITLE ON FIELD INPUT IF ( strlen$(title) > 30 ) THEN BEGIN ACCELL/Language overview 175 DISPLAY ’Title too long-abbreviate to 30’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT RESTART ON FIELD END str_to_char_code$(char) Description: Translates a single string character into an ASCII value. Arguments: char Returns: The returned ASCII value is an integer in the range 0 to 127 (valid ASCII values). the string character to be translated. Related Functions: char_code_to_str$() str_to_date$(string) Description: Translates a string to an ACCELL DATE value. Leading white space characters such as spaces and tabs are skipped during the translation. Arguments: string Returns: The date value of the string. This value is in the DATE data type format. the string containing the date to be translated. The date in the string must be in the format determined by the DATETP environment variable. The default DATETP setting is MM/DD/YY. See Chapter 9.2, Environment Variables, for more about DATETP. Example: SET newdate TO str_to_date$(’1/1/88’) will set newdate to 01/01/88. when the DATETP environment variable is set to the default format. 176 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference str_to_time$(string) Description: Translates a string to a time value. Leading white space characters such as spaces and tabs are skipped during the translation. Arguments: string the string with the time to be translated. The time in the string must be in the form: HH:MM where "HH" is a two-digit (or one-digit for hours less than 10, e.g., 9:36) hour and "MM" is a two digit number of minutes. A twenty-four-hour clock is assumed. Returns: The time value of the string. This value is in the ACCELL TIME data type format. Example: SET newtime TO str_to_time$(’15:30’) str_to_val$(string) Description: Translates a string to a numeric value. Leading white space characters such as spaces and tabs and spaces are skipped during the translation. The function quits when it encounters the first non-digit character (except for the ".", "-", or "+" characters). Arguments: string Returns: The numeric value of the argument string. If the argument string contains a decimal point, then the returned value is a floating point number (FLOAT). Otherwise, the returned value is an integer (NUMERIC). If the string argument cannot be converted to a numeric value or is null, this function returns zero. the string with the character representation of the number to be translated. Related Functions: ACCELL/Language overview 177 val_to_str$() Example: SET num_val TO str_to_val$(’ 91’) substr$(string, startsub, endsub) Description: Obtains a substring from a string. Arguments: string The string which contains the needed substring startsub starting position within string where the needed substring begins endsub ending position within string where the needed substring ends Returns: The substring within string specified by the startsub and endsub arguments. Example: SET area_code TO substr$(emp_phone, 2, 4) SET local_phone TO substr$(emp_phone, 7, 14) where emp_phone is a string variable of length 14. It contains the phone number in the form: (xxx) yyy-yyyy (xxx is the area code and yyy-yyyy is the local phone number). system$(command string) 178 Description: Allows the user to execute a shell command from within an application. The screen is cleared both before and after execution of command string. Arguments: command string the string containing the command to be executed. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Returns; 0 for successful execution -1 if function was called incorrectly Related Functions: push_shell$() Example: system$(’vi totals’) user_id$() Description: Obtains the user’s ID number from the operating system user IDs. Arguments: none Returns: The user ID number of the user currently running the application. Example: /* To include id of employee who added a record to a file */ BEFORE ADD SET emp_uid TO user_id$() user_name$() Description: Obtains the user’s name from the operating system login names. Arguments: none Returns: The user name of the user currently running the application. Example: /* To include name of employee who added a record to a file */ BEFORE ADD SET emp_name TO user_name$() ACCELL/Language overview 179 val_to_str$(value) Description: Translates a numeric value to a string. Arguments: value Returns: The string value of a number. No leading or trailing spaces are included in the returned string. the number to convert. This number may be either an integer or a floating point value. Related Functions: str_to_val$() Example: SET char_val TO val_to_str$(91) yesno$(yes_no_mesg, default_val) Description: This function displays a prompt message on the FYI line and then retrieves the user response. Arguments: yes_no_msg string for question to display on FYI line default_val integer value to control the default response to the question possible values: 1: Default response is "YES" 0: Default response is "NO" -1: No default (The user must type in a response). These can be modified, for example, to "Y" and "N", by modifying the unifymsgs file (messages 3114 and 3115). Returns: 180 TRUE if the user’s response to the yes_no_msg prompt is either "yes" or "YES" Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference FALSE if the user’s response to the yes_no_msg prompt is either "no" or "NO" Example: ON NEXT RECORD IF ( NOT (is_current_record_stored$() )) THEN BEGIN IF ( yesno$(’You are about to loose your record changes? Do you want them saved?’,-1)) THEN BEGIN DISPLAY ’Updating...’ for FYI_MESSAGE UPDATE CURRENT RECORD DISPLAY ’Record Updated’ for FYI_MESSAGE END END THE status$() FUNCTION The status$() system function is used in ACCELL Language to verify the success or failure of the last DML (Data Management Language) operation. You would check status$() to see if DML statements such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SLOCK, were successful. The following list contains the status$() returns. In general, a positive return denotes at least partial success, a zero return denotes complete success, and negative return values indicate that an error(s) has occurred and the operation was not completed. NOTE: AFA is used as an abbreviation for ACCELL/DBMS’ Advanced Field Attributes feature. As an example, the following ACCELL/Language code fragment uses the status$() function to check whether or not the given part number was found in the inventory table: FIELD itm_stock_number ON FIELD INPUT ACCELL/Language overview 181 SET sdesc, fitems:$itm_price_qtd TO SELECT #nv_description, #nv_unit_price FROM nvntry WHERE #nv_number = fitems:$itm_stock_number IF status$() < 0 THEN /* if not on file do over */ BEGIN beep$(1) DISPLAY ’Invalid Part Number. Try again.’ FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT RESTART ON FIELD END 182 Return value Description of status 8 Conflicting XLOCK(s) 7 Lock granted, but automatically promoted to a table lock 6 Environment variable not found 5 No record current to supply default value 4 A field is inaccessible 3 Default value conversion error 2 No record current for field 1 Bad AFA environment variable in format 0 Success –1 Bad AFA list found doing an ADD/UPDATE Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Return value Description of status –2 Domain check failed –3 Duplicate value found in a No-duplicates B-tree while adding –4 Attempt to store a duplicate key –5 Unable to create the sort/merge file –6 Unable to open the sort/merge file –7 Key field(s) were required and not specified –8 Interrupted search –9 Too many active scans –10 Not applicable –11 Attempt to reference a nonexistent record –12 Record was already deleted –13 Couldn’t open selection file –14 No read permissionon record –15 Key can’t be changed due to references to it –16 No more space in database to add record –17 Error creating the selection file –18 The selection table is full (too many search criteria) –19 No write permission on record –20 Internal system error –21 Find not allowed –22 Update not allowed –23 Delete not allowed –24 Add not allowed –25 Out of memory –26 Returned data may be invalid. It was read without first doing a lock –27 to –34 Undefined status values –35 No records were selected –36 Some of the fields in record not updated –37 None of the records were updated –38 None of the records were deleted –39 Partial update, some records were not updated –40 Partial deletion, some records were not deleted ACCELL/Language overview 183 Return value 184 Description of status –41 Record was not updated –42 Record was not deleted –43 None of the records were locked –44 Partial lock, some records were not locked –45 Unable to acquire lock due to conflict –46 Not applicable –47 There was n undefined database field in a INSERT/UPDATE/SELECT –48 An illegal ACCELL/IDS to DBMS data type conversion –49 ‘scnid’ is not found –50 Feature not yet implemented –51 Name of field/table does not exist –52 Attempt to enter search item in selection table failed –53 Unknown database type –54 Bad DBMS length –55 Combination field not allowed –56 Tried to free a NIL pointer to a database value –57 atoxx: Internal conversion error –58 End of scan (records not found) –59 Invalid table ID –60 Invalid record ID –61 Not applicable –62 Server is not connected –63 IPC read error –64 IPC write error –65 Could not connect to server –66 Not applicable –67 Not applicable –68 Not applicable –69 The record was not inserted. Check for valid rference values for explicit erelationships. –70 Illegal argument encountered –71 Could not get the incode of the database –72 Attempt to start a new transaction without ending previous one Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Return value Description of status –73 Transaction logging error –74 There is no default value for the field –75 Error in retrieving default value for a field on insert for field whose value is not specified. –76 There is no value associated with this field –77 Illegal test specified in scan –78 The referenced field is not a combined field –79 There was a bad uss function return –80 Transaction being committed has no locks –81 There is no room in the active transaction list –82 Invalid transaction ID –83 Failed to close a file –84 Error opening B-tree –85 Fatal error in B-tree access; rebuild –86 Hash key error –87 Request was not a demotion request –88 Internal locking inconsistency –89 Lock manager initialization failed –90 Out of shared memory –91 Mismatch between the lock manager code and the shared memory data structures (incompatible versions) –92 Could not attach shared memory at the appropriate address String comparison masks This subsection explains the metacharacters that can be used in a glob_str_compare$() and reg_exp_str_compare$() mask. Although the glob_str_compare$() function provides a much more limited range of pattern matching than reg_exp_str_compare$(), it is included in the ACCELL/IDS system functions so that you can maintain compatibility with previously written applications. NOTE: The metacharacters may work differently in the two functions. ACCELL/Language overview 185 Masks for the glob_str_compare$() function The glob_str_compare$() function allows you to compare a string with a string mask. The characters are defined below: * An asterisk matches any string, including the null string. For example, ‘John*’ matches the strings ‘John’, ‘Johnson’, etc. ? A question mark matches any single character. For example, ‘dat?’ matches ‘date’ and ‘data’, but not ‘dates’. [] The character class brackets match any character that is a member of the class. The class is those characters in brackets. For example, ‘code[12]A’ matches ‘code1A’ and ‘code2A’ only. - A dash in brackets specifies a range of characters to match. For example, ‘[M-O]dept’ matches ‘Mdept’, ‘Ndept’, and ‘Odept’ only. NOTE: All ordinary characters (all characters except *, ?, [, ], -, and › match themselves. Masks for the reg_exp_str_compare$() function The reg_exp_str_compare$() function allows you to adopt a powerful pattern matching notation for strings. You can use regular expression notation to describe a precise pattern mask to use during string comparison. The characters are defined below: [] The character class brackets match any character that is a member of the class. The class is made up of the characters in the brackets. ^ 186 A caret in brackets negates the character class. It must be the first character after the "[". Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference For example, ‘[^abc]’ recognizes any character except ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’. - A dash in brackets specifies a range of characters. The dash can only be included as a member of the class when it is the first character or last character of the class. For example, ‘[-a]’ matches ’-’ or ’a’, or, ‘[a-c]t’ matches ’at’, bt’, and ’ct’ . A period matches any character. (This is equivalent to the ? character in glob_str_compare$().) * An asterisk matches the previous regular expression zero or more times. For example, ‘a*’ matches the null string or the strings ‘a’, ‘aa’, ‘aaa’, etc. + A plus symbol matches the previous regular expression one or more times. This feature is supplied to ACCELL/IDS through the operating system; you will not be able to use this notation if your operating system does not support this type of regular expression. For example, ‘[a-z]+’ matches any lower case alphabetic string of any length equal to or greater than 1. {} Braces indicate repetition of the previous regular expression. This feature is supplied to ACCELL/IDS through the operating system; you will not be able to use this notation if your operating system does not support this type of regular expression. {} Braces indicate repetition of the previous regular expression. m An integer in braces matches the previous regular expression m times. The integer must be less than 256. For example, ‘a{3}’ matches "a" three times, which matches only the string ‘aaa’. ACCELL/Language overview 187 m, An integer and a comma in braces match the previous regular expression m or more times. For example, ‘b{1,}’ matches "b" one or more times, which matches the strings ‘b’, ‘bb’, ‘bbb’, etc. m,n An integer, comma, and another integer in braces match the previous regular expression at least m but not more than n times. Both of the integers m and n must be less than 256. For example, ‘c{1,2}’ matches "c" at least one but not more than two times, which matches the strings ‘c’ or ‘cc’. () The parentheses are used for grouping. Grouping allows repetition operators to work on each character or an entire subexpression. For example, the regular expression ‘(ab){1,2}’ matches the strings ‘ab’ and ‘abab’. NOTE: All ordinary characters (all characters except [], ^, -, ., *, +, {}, (), and › match themselves. Using the reg_exp_str_compare$() function can greatly simplify the pattern mask you need to use. For example, if you wanted to set the legal values for a telephone number and the telephone number field has the general format "222-3333", you would need the following pattern masks for the glob_str_compare$() and reg_exp_str_compare$() functions: glob_str_compare$(phone, ’[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]’) reg_exp_str_compare$(phone, ’[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}’) 188 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference ACCELL/IDS system variables ACCELL/IDS provides a set of system variables that you can use in your ACCELL/ Language scripts. ACCELL/IDS system variables let you test and change the internal state of the ACCELL/Manager. Applications can change system variable values by using SET statements in ACCELL/Language scripts. Currently, ACCELL/IDS system variables are accepted in both upper and lower case by the ACCELL/IDS linker. A future ACCELL/IDS update will allow these variables to be entered only in lower case. To avoid having to revise your Language scripts in the future, use lower case for all ACCELL/IDS system variables. add_allowed$ Description: Indicates if the access level allows Add operations. The access level is initialized by the user access code when the user starts up the ACCELL Manager. See Chapter 9.3, under Setting Up End User Access to an Application for more information on the user access code. This variable may be reset in ACCELL/Language to override the Add permission of the user access code. The variable can also override the application forms’ Add operation permission set up in the ACCELL/ Generator (in the Form Definition form ) whose value is stored in the ADD_ALLOWED form attribute. Values: TRUE if user is allowed to add new records to the database FALSE if user is not allowed to add new records to the database Example: IF (group_id$() > 10) THEN SET add_allowed$ to TRUE ACCELL/Language overview 189 delete_allowed$ Description: Indicates if the access level allows Delete operations. The access level is initialized by the user access code when the user starts up the ACCELL Manager. See Chapter 9.3, under Setting Up End User Access to an Application for more information on the user access code. This variable may be reset in ACCELL/Language to override the Delete permission of the user access code. The variable can also override the application forms’ Delete operation permission set up in the ACCELL/ Generator (in the Form Definition form) whose value is stored in the DELETE_ALLOWED form attribute. Values: TRUE if user is allowed to delete existing records from the database FALSE if user is not allowed to delete existing records from the database Example: IF (group_id$() > 10) THEN SET delete_allowed$ to TRUE find_allowed$ Description: Indicates if the access level allows Find operations. The access level is initialized by the user access code when the user starts up the ACCELL Manager. See Chapter 9.3, under Setting Up End User Access to an Application for more information on the user access code. This variable may be reset in ACCELL/Language to override the Find permission of the user access code. The variable can also override the application forms’ Find operation permission set up in the ACCELL/ Generator (in the Form Definition form) whose value is stored in the FIND_ALLOWED form attribute. 190 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Values: TRUE if user is allowed to search for records in the database FALSE if user is not allowed to search for records in the database Example: IF (group_id$() > 10) THEN SET find_allowed$ to TRUE info_level$ Description: Indicates the user’s information level setting. The information level is initialized to the Novice level. See Chapter 4.3, under Information Levels for more information on user information levels. This variable may be reset in ACCELL/Language to change the user information level. Values: 0 to set the user information level to "Novice" (default value) 1 to set the user information level to "Intermediate" 2 to set the user information level to "Expert" If set to other values (for example, 3 or -2), information and error messages are deactivated. Example: BEFORE FORM SET info_level$ to 2 update_allowed$ Description: Indicates if the access level allows Update operations. The access level is initialized by the user access code when the user starts up the ACCELL/Language overview 191 ACCELL Manager. See Setting Up End User Access to an Application in Chapter 9.2 for more information on the user access code. This variable may be reset in ACCELL/Language to override the Update permission of the user access code. The variable can also override the application forms’ Update operation permission set up in the ACCELL/Generator (in the Form Definition form) whose value is stored in the ADD_ALLOWED form attribute. Values: TRUE if user is allowed to update existing records in the database FALSE if user is not allowed to update existing records in the database Example: IF (group_id$() > 10) THEN SET update_allowed$ to TRUE 192 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 6.6 Data types ACCELL/IDS supports seven data types: NUMERIC Numeric data, no decimal point FLOAT Floating point data AMOUNT Floating point value containing an integral number of basic currency units, such as pennies BOOL Boolean data STRING String data DATE Number of days from a base date. Numeric value. TIME Number of hours and minutes since midnight. Numeric value. The format is HH:MM In addition, there is an internal ACCELL/IDS value, UNDEFINED, used for fields and variables without values. ACCELL/IDS automatically converts between these types and the standard DBMS data types whenever data moves to or from the database. ACCELL/IDS also automatically converts data types in some statements when the types are assignment-compatible. See the assignment-compatibility chart, Chapter 6.2, Variables under Variable Assignment Compatibility. All other conversions must be performed by using the conversion functions described in ACCELL Type Conversion Functions on. ACCELL/Language overview 193 The following table lists the internal storage types, the corresponding DBMS data types, and the maximum precision for each ACCELL/IDS data type: ACCELL storage type Maximum precision NUMERIC (1–4) NUMERIC (5–9) long 9 digits FLOAT FLOAT double 17 digits, up to 9 of which are decimal places AMOUNT AMOUNT (1–7) double 11 digits plus 2 decimal places BOOL n/a long STRING STRING point to char 256 bytes DATE DATE LDATE long 1900 thru 2075 TIME TIME long ACCELL type DBMS type NUMERIC NOTE: The maximum precisions in this table are machine dependent. The table values assume 32-bit twos complement integers and 64-bit floating point values. ACCELL type conversion functions ACCELL/IDS provides the functions below to convert from one data type to another. These functions force ACCELL/IDS to treat particular values as if they had types other than their assigned type. date_to_mdy$(date,num_month, num_day,num_year) Takes a value of type DATE (date) and returns three NUMERIC values corresponding to the month, day, and year. The year is returned as a four-digit number. mdy_to_date$(num_month,num_day,num_year) Takes three NUMERIC arguments corresponding to month, day, and year, and returns a DATE value for the date. The year must be given as a four digit number. For example, you would use 1986 and not 86. 194 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference to_amount$(argument) Must have a NUMERIC or FLOAT argument. Returns an AMOUNT value. to_bool$(argument) Must have NUMERIC as an argument. If the argument is 0, FALSE will be returned if the argument is 1, TRUE will be returned; any other value will cause an error. to_date$(argument) Must have a NUMERIC as an argument. ACCELL/IDS date values extend the range of DBMS date values. to_float$(argument) Must have a NUMERIC or AMOUNT argument. Returns a FLOAT value. to_num$(argument) Can have any argument type but STRING. If the argument is a FLOAT or AMOUNT, it must be in the range between -2#! and +2#!-1 and it will be truncated. If the argument is a BOOL, then FALSE will return 0 and TRUE will return 1. If the argument is DATE or TIME, any value is legal and the inverse of the to_date$ or to_time$ functions will be performed. to_time$(argument) Must have a NUMERIC argument. All integers are permitted and are interpreted as the number of minutes since midnight. ACCELL/Language overview 195 6.7 Operators All standard arithmetic, relational, and logical operators are available in ACCELL/IDS. ACCELL/IDS performs some automatic type coercion as needed before performing the operations. The resulting type is determined by the operand types and the operation. See the tables for each operator for information about specific types. The operator symbols and their definitions are summarized below. Assignment Operator In ACCELL/IDS the SET expression is the assignment operator. For example: SET $count to 1 Arithmetic and Concatenation Operators + addition, concatenation, unary plus - subtraction, unary minus / division * multiplication % modulus Bitwise Operators ~ bitwise ones complement & bitwise AND | bitwise inclusive OR ^ bitwise exclusive OR Relational Operators 196 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference < less than > greater than <= less than or equal to >= greater than or equal to = equal to <> not equal Logical Operators NOT logical negation AND logical and OR logical or Precedence and Associativity The next table shows the precedence and associativity rules for all ACCELL/IDS operators. Those operators on the same line have the same precedence; rows appear in order of decreasing precedence. Operator Associativity () left to right + – NOT (unary) right to left */% left to right + – (binary) left to right ,< <= > >+ = <> left to right & left to right ^ left to right AND left to right OR right to left SET left to right ACCELL/Language overview 197 Operator Associativity Each operator works on only a subset of the possible type combinations. The tables in the following sections show the type that results from performing each of the operations. A blank entry in the table indicates an illegal combination of operand types. Using an illegal combination will produce a runtime error. The left-hand column indicates the type of the first operand. The column headings indicate the type of the second operand. The table for the assignment operator (SET) appears in the Variable Assignment Compatibility section on. Arithmetic and concatenation operators Addition/Concatenation expr1 + expr2 Numeric Float Amount NUMERIC NUMERIC FLOAT AMOUNT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT Bool Str Date Time DATE TIME BOOL STRING STR DATE DATE TIME TIME TIME Note that any addition involving FLOAT and NUMERIC values produces a FLOAT result. Any addition involving an AMOUNT value produces an AMOUNT result. A NUMERIC result is produced only by the addition of two NUMERIC values. The addition operator acts as a concatenation operator between STRING items. Concatenation can only be performed on STRING values. NUMERIC values can be added to TIME (value added is taken as number of minutes) and DATE (value added is taken as number of days) values. 198 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Subtraction expr1 - expr2 Numeric Float Amount NUMERIC NUMERIC FLOAT AMOUNT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT Bool Str Date Time BOOL STRING DATE DATE TIME TIME NUMERIC NUMERIC Note that any subtraction involving FLOAT and NUMERIC values produces a FLOAT result. Any subtraction involving an AMOUNT value produces an AMOUNT result. A NUMERIC result is produced only by the subtraction of two NUMERIC values. Subtraction performed on DATE items produces a NUMERIC result that is the number of days between the two dates. Similarly, subtracting TIME values produces a NUMERIC result that is the number of minutes between the times. NUMERIC values can be subtracted from DATE (value subtracted is number of days) and TIME (value subtracted is number of minutes) values. Multiplication expr1 * expr2 Numeric Float Amount NUMERIC NUMERIC FLOAT AMOUNT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT Bool Str Date Time BOOL STRING DATE TIME ACCELL/Language overview 199 Multiplication can only be performed on NUMERIC, FLOAT, and AMOUNT values. Any multiplication involving AMOUNT values produces an AMOUNT result. Multiplications involving NUMERIC and FLOAT values produce FLOAT results. Division expr1 / expr2 Numeric Float Amount NUMERIC NUMERIC FLOAT AMOUNT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT Bool Str Date Time BOOL STRING DATE TIME Division can only be performed on NUMERIC, FLOAT, and AMOUNT values. Division involving both NUMERIC and FLOAT values produces a FLOAT result. Any division involving an AMOUNT value produces an AMOUNT result. Division by zero produces a runtime error. Modulus expr1 % expr2 Numeric NUMERIC Float Amount Bool Str Date Time NUMERIC FLOAT AMOUNT S BOOL STRING DATE TIME 200 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The first expression (expr1) may be negative. Modulus operations can only be performed on NUMERIC values. Unary minus - expr Unary minus is legal on NUMERIC, FLOAT, and AMOUNT operands and yields the type of its operand. Unary plus + expr Unary plus may be used to indicate a positive value with NUMERIC, FLOAT, and AMOUNT operands. ACCELL/IDS assumes that all unsigned values are positive. Relational operators expr1 ( = | < > | > | >= | < | <= ) expr2 The tables for the various relational operators are similar enough that they can be presented in one composite table. STRING values are compared character by character until the ends of the strings are reached or two characters differ. When two characters differ, the string containing the character with the smaller ASCII code value is ‘‘less than’’ the other string. The effect is an alphabetic ordering except that capital letters are ‘‘less than’’ lower case letters. A string that is identical to only the first part of a second string will also be ‘‘less than’’ the second string. Numeric Float Amount NUMERIC BOOL BOOL BOOL FLOAT BOOL BOOL BOOL AMOUNT BOOL BOOL BOOL Bool Str Date Time NOTE:* Only ‘ = ’ and ‘ < > ’ are legal with boolean operands. ACCELL/Language overview 201 Numeric Float BOOL Amount Bool Str Date Time BOOL* STRING BOOL DATE BOOL TIME BOOL NOTE:* Only ‘ = ’ and ‘ < > ’ are legal with boolean operands. Logical operators expr1 ( AND | OR ) expr2 NOT expr The logical operators are only legal on BOOL operands and always produce a BOOL result. AND represents logical AND, OR represents logical OR, and NOT represents logical negation. Expressions are evaluated from left to right until a result can be determined for the entire expression. Note that ACCELL/IDS quits evaluating an expression containing logical operators as soon as it can determine the value of the entire expression. Because of this, some operations in a statement may not be performed. Bitwise operators expr1 ( & | | | ^ ) expr2 ~ expr1 The bitwise operators are only legal on NUMERIC operands and always produce a NUMERIC result. ‘ & ’ represents bitwise AND, ‘ | ’ represents bitwise inclusive or, ‘ ^ ’ represents bitwise exclusive or, and ‘ ~ ’ represents ones compliment. The following tables show the effects of the operators on a single bit in A and a single bit in B for all possible combinations of bits. Remember that these are bitwise operators. This means that in the first table the operation is performed on the first 202 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference operand’s first bit and the second operand’s first bit, and then on successive pairs of bits. A B A&B A|B A^B 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 A – 0 1 1 0 A ACCELL/Language overview 203 204 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Chapter 7: ACCELL/Language sections 7.1 Introduction This chapter contains descriptions of all the ACCELL/Language sections. Look through this chapter to see what Language sections are available and to get a sense of the relationships among them. When writing your applications, come back to this part of the manual and read about each of the Language sections you are using. For more information, see Appendix A, ACCELL/Language Grammar under How to Use the Grammar and Language Sections. ACCELL/Language scripts for an application consist of various sections, such as an Application control section, Form control sections, and Field control sections. All Language sections are optional. If a Language section is left out, ACCELL/IDS uses default values specified in the ACCELL/Generator as necessary. The Application control section enables you to execute statements before or after the application runs. Language in the Application control section can be used, for example, to establish a user's identity or to display final statistics. This section can only appear in the Master Application form's Language script. Form control sections are broken down into smaller sections containing statements executed before the form is started, when a NEXT FORM command is given, after a FIND has been performed, and so on. The Form Language sections also contain sections for controlling specific form fields. Each Field control section is broken down into sections executed as the user moves to the field, when the field value changes, and so on. 205 MASTER FORM BEFORE APPLICATION AFTER APPLICATION CHOOSE FIRST FORM STANDARD FORM . . . APPLICATION STANDARD FORM . . . STANDARD FORM BEFORE FORM AFTER FORM RETURN AFTER ZOOM ON PREVIOUS FORM ON NEXT FORM CHOOSE NEXT FORM ON CLEAR TO FIND BEFORE FIND ON FIND AFTER FIND BEFORE UPDATE AFTER UPDATE DEFORE DELETE AFTER DELETE ON CLEAR TO ADD BEFORE ADD AFTER ADD ON NEXT RECORD ON PREVIOUS RECORD ON EXIT FIELD . . . FIELD . . . INIT FIELD BEFORE FIELD ON FIELD AFTER FIELD WHEN FIELD CHANGES FIELD FORMS LANGUAGE SECTIONS Figure 42. ACCELL/IDS forms and language sections Most ACCELL/Language statement may appear in any Language section. However, the INPUT statement is usually restricted to the ON FIELD Language section. For specific exceptions, see Appendix C, ACCELL/IDS Error Messages, ACPL error numbers 2916, 2719, 2924-2929, and 2932. In summary, the script for an application may consist of an Application control section and Form control sections. Each Form section breaks down into further subsections such as BEFORE FORM, ON NEXT FORM, BEFORE FIND, BEFORE ADD and into a series of Field control sections. Each Field section breaks down into sections such as BEFORE FIELD, ON FIELD, and WHEN FIELD CHANGES. 206 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 7.2 Master Application Form control section Every application includes a unique Master Application form that is either generated automatically or provided by the developer. Advanced developers can use the optional Language section associated with this form to provide additional application control. This section describes the Master Application form control section and its subsections. Beginning developers may want to skip this part for now, and continue with the section Standard Form Control Section. The Master Application form script can be used to establish global variables that are available to any form in the application. Variables appear in the script as [appl_name:] variable_name. This is possible because the Master Application form remains on the active form list throughout application execution. In addition, the Master Application form script can be used to perform operations before or after the application executes. The Master Application script contains a required header and optional BEFORE APPLICATION, AFTER APPLICATION, CHOOSE FIRST FORM, and FIELD sections. Sections such as BEFORE ADD are not allowed because the Master Application form does not have a target table. A Master Application form may, however, get information from database tables. ACCELL/Language sections 207 The figure that follows illustrates the execution of the Master Application Language sections. Start of application Executes BEFORE APPLICATION CHOOSE FIRST FORM replace not stored find COMPANY: ADDRESS: SALES REP#: NAME: PHONE: CITY: MAIN PHONE: CONTACT STATE: ZIP: MAP: Enter the first line of street address. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Find F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Executes AFTER APPLICATION End of application Figure 43. Master Application Language section execution NOTE: 208 In the descriptions, an asterisk (*) indicates an item that may appear once or more, or not at all. Parentheses are not part of the header but instead indicate repeated elements. Brackets indicate optional elements. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Application header The application header section is required. Each part of the header is described below. The APPLICATION statement names the application. It has the following syntax: APPLICATION application_name; The REQUIRED FORMS clause lists all forms that must be included in the application. It has the following syntax: REQUIRED FORMS form_name IN 'archive_name.fa' [, form_name IN 'archive_name.fa' ]* [;] where form_name is the name of a form that is in the application archive archive_name. The suffix .fa and the single quotes must be included in the IN clause. The REQUIRED FORMS clause is required if the application contains any Standard form Language scripts, and must be included even if a form does not have a .fs file. Before application section The BEFORE APPLICATION section can be used to establish a user's identity, deny entry to the application, initialize application totals, establish security constraints, or anything else done before an application begins. If present, BEFORE APPLICATION executes as soon as the application is initialized, and before any forms are executed. Local variables for all subsequent forms may also be defined in the BEFORE APPLICATION section or in a BEFORE FORM section. After application section The AFTER APPLICATION Language section can be used to perform actions at the end of an application, such as updating counts, displaying messages, displaying summary statistics, or any kind of final operation. If present, the AFTER APPLICATION section executes after the user selects the EXIT option from an ACCELL/IDS menu, or after a NEXT ACTION IS EXIT is executed. ACCELL/Language sections 209 NOTE: This section is not executed when the user issues an ABORT APPLICATION command. To make sure this section is always executed, remove the ABORT APPLICATION command from the unicap file. CHOOSE FIRST FORM section The CHOOSE FIRST FORM section is identical to the CHOOSE NEXT FORM Language section, except that it can appear only in a Master Application form. See Choose Next Form, for a description of CHOOSE NEXT FORM. Other language sections The Master Application form script may also contain the following Language sections that do not require a target table: FIELD ON NEXT FORM ON PREVIOUS FORM AFTER FORM RETURN ON EXIT AFTER ZOOM BEFORE FORM 210 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 7.3 Standard form control section The bulk of any application consists of Standard forms that you create in the ACCELL/ Environment. These forms may have ACCELL/Language scripts associated with them. This section describes Standard form Language scripts and their sections. A Standard form Language script contains a form declaration, a series of sections applying to the form such as BEFORE FORM, ON NEXT FORM, and Language sections for individual fields. The Standard form Language script can be used to specify conditions unique to a particular form, such as the table accessed by the form and the variables local to the form. It is also used to determine when to execute the next form and to establish conditions such as transaction level under which the next form will be executed. The figure that follows shows how form control sections are executed in response to NEXT FORM and PREV FORM user commands. ACCELL/Language sections 211 replac not stored find COMPANY: ADDRESS: SALES REP#: NAME: PHONE: NEXT FORM CITY: MAIN PHONE: CONTACT STATE: PREV FORM ZIP: MAP: Enter the first line of street address. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Find Suspends current ON FIELD Executes ON PREVIOUS FORM AFTER ZOOM (if returning from zoom form) AFTER FORM RETURN Resumes suspended ON FIELD Suspends current ON FIELD Executes ON NEXT FORM INIT FIELDS BEFORE FIELD ON FIELD (for first field) replace not stored ORDER#: TERMS F5-Fld Help F10-More Key find NO RECORDS FOUND ENTERED FILL CODE: SHIP VIA: SHIP TO ABOVE ADDRESS: MAP: Enter the date or RETURN for F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Find F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Figure 44. Form control language execution 212 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Form declaration The form declaration identifies the form, specifies the table, if any, with which the form works, and declares any variables local to the form. A form declaration has the following format: FORM form_name [ TARGET_TABLE table_name ] [ LOCAL variable_list ] [;] The form_name after the keyword FORM is the form's identifier. The form name must match that of an existing form created with the ACCELL/Generator. The TARGET_TABLE clause associates the script with a database table. TARGET_TABLE causes automatic declaration of any local variables having the same name as the target table fields. The TARGET_TABLE clause is required if the form references a table and must refer to the same table as the form. The Language Compiler uses the TARGET_TABLE clause to establish some variable references and to check for syntax and semantic errors. The LOCAL clause lists the names of variables that will be considered local to this form. The effect of the clause is to treat all variables in the list as if they were prefixed with the form's identifier, form_name. Applications run more efficiently if local variables are explicitly declared in the LOCAL clause or implicitly declared local by using the form name as a prefix. Either method saves time by eliminating the active forms list search performed when ACCELL/IDS encounters a variable without a form name prefix. Because the runtime search is eliminated, all references to variables declared LOCAL refer to the local variable, even if the identifier appears on another form. Note that target field variables are implicitly local. See section 6.2, Variables, under Scope of Variables, for more information. Variables declared LOCAL on the current form can be referenced by successive forms. The following sections list and describe all of the form control sections. ACCELL/Language sections 213 BEFORE FORM section The BEFORE FORM Language section can be used to perform any necessary initializations–any necessary form set up–before a form begins. The BEFORE FORM Language section executes after the form is initialized, but before any fields are executed. ON NEXT FORM section The ON NEXT FORM section, if present, contains statements performed when the application user issues a NEXT FORM command. Execution occurs before the CHOOSE NEXT FORM Language section is done and the form is left. This section can be used to keep an unauthorized user from going to the next form, or to perform checks on the state of the form, or to save any uncommitted changes made by the user. ON PREVIOUS FORM section The ON PREVIOUS FORM Language section, if present, contains statements executed when the user enters a PREV FORM command. Execution occurs before the form is deactivated. This section can be used to perform any necessary operations before returning to the previous form. For example, a REJECT OPERATION statement in this section could be used to keep the user from returning to the previous form until they had met some specified condition, or entered all required data. AFTER FORM RETURN section The AFTER FORM RETURN Language section is executed when a PREV FORM command is executed on a form. This section is contained in the form that you are returning to with PREV FORM. You may be returning from either a ZOOM or a NEXT FORM command. Both master and standard forms can contain this Language section. For example: /* In this Order/Items application, returning from a next form signifies that you are done with an order. */ 214 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference FORM forders TARGET_TABLE order AFTER FORM RETURN IF ( yesno$( 'Enter a new order?' , -1) ) THEN BEGIN UPDATE CURRENT RECORD NEXT ACTION IS CLEAR TO ADD END AFTER ZOOM section The AFTER ZOOM section appears on the Zoomed-To form, and executes when a user issues a PREV FORM command on a Zoom form. The section can be used to set global variables or values as a way of bringing additional information back from the zoomed-to form. CHOOSE NEXT FORM section The CHOOSE NEXT FORM Language section executes in response to a NEXT FORM user command. CHOOSE NEXT FORM is executed after the ON NEXT FORM section is finished. The only statement allowed in the CHOOSE NEXT FORM section are one or more NEXT FORM statements: WHEN logical_expression] transaction_level USING (form | EXIT) For example: /* */ CHOOSE NEXT FORM WHEN group_name$() = 'clerks' START TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY USING data_entry; WHEN group_name$() = 'supervsrs' START RECORD_CONSISTENCY USING administr; NOTE: Clerks will have a data_entry form as the next form; supervisors will have an administrative form as the next form. ACCELL/Language sections 215 The individual parts of this statement are described below. WHEN expressions [WHEN logical_expression] When the CHOOSE NEXT FORM section is executed, ACCELL/IDS evaluates the WHEN expression for each NEXT FORM statement. The WHEN expression must have a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) or it will cause an error. NEXT FORM statements without a WHEN expression are treated as if they had WHEN expressions with a TRUE value. • If only one NEXT FORM statement has a true WHEN expression then the form specified in that expression is the next form. • If more than one WHEN expression is true, ACCELL/IDS displays a menu listing the possible forms. • If none of the WHEN expressions are true, ACCELL/IDS tells the user that there is no next form. Transaction levels transaction_level ACCELL/IDS applications may run on multi-user systems where more than one person may be using the database at any one time. Thus a mechanism is necessary to keep one user's database operations from interfering with another user's operations. ACCELL/IDS controls access to parts of the database by organizing operations into transactions that control parts of the database until the operation is finished. A transaction may consist of single or multiple forms. When a transaction is finished, all locks on records or sets of records are released, an entry is written in the transaction log, and a new transaction may be started. One user's transactions cannot make use of information entered by other users that has not yet been committed (added/updated) to the database. Uncommitted changes include all information added or changed within the current unfinished transaction. Other users cannot read this information because ACCELL/IDS retains an exclusive lock (XLOCK) on added, modified, or deleted records until the transaction is finished. 216 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference ACCELL/IDS applications can run at one of two transaction levels: current record consistency or set consistency. The transaction level specified in the NEXT FORM statement sets the transaction level at which the next form runs. Current record consistency guarantees that the transaction's current record cannot be modified by another transaction. This is done by putting a shared lock (SLOCK) on the current record. Other transactions, however, can modify records in the selected set other than the current record. Set consistency allows other transactions to read this transaction's selected set, but no other transaction may modify records in the set. Set consistency puts a shared lock (SLOCK) on each record in the selected set. Which transaction level to use depends on how the form is used, whether it is a single-occurrence or a multi-occurrence form, and how much concurrence you want to allow. In general, single-occurrence forms should have a transaction level of record consistency; multi-occurrence forms should have a transaction level of set consistency. Along with specifying the transaction level, the transaction level clause also determines whether the execution of the next form starts a new transaction, continues the current transaction, or starts the transaction over again. Below is a list of valid NEXT FORM transaction level clauses: CONTINUE TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY continues the current transaction with current record consistency. The new form is added to the active form list. CONTINUE TX SET_CONSISTENCY continues the current transaction with selected set consistency. The new form is added to the active form list. START TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY begins a new transaction with current record consistency. All locks held by the previous transaction are released and the active form list is cleared (all active forms are deactivated). The new form becomes the first form on the new active form list. Other transactions may not change this transaction's current record. This is done by putting a shared lock on the current record. Records in the selected set other than the current record may be changed by other transactions. START TX SET_CONSISTENCY begins a new transaction with selected set consistency. All locks held by the previous transaction are released and the active ACCELL/Language sections 217 form list is cleared (all active forms are deactivated). The new form becomes the first form on the new active form list. Other transactions may read this transaction's selected set but may not modify the records. This is done by putting a shared lock on each record in the selected set. RESTART TX begins by performing the same actions as the COMMIT TX statement: all locks are changed to shared locks (SLOCKs) and the transaction is logged. Downgrading the locks allows other transactions to read the records held by the transaction. In addition, the RESTART TX clause removes all forms occurring after the next form from the active forms list. For example, suppose there are five active forms. If a NEXT FORM with RESTART TX is done from the fifth form to the second form, then the third, fourth, and fifth forms would be removed from the active forms list. The current record and the selected set remain the same as they were before the RESTART TX. RESTART TX can only be used in a NEXT FORM to an active form. If the specified next form is not active, an error is displayed. RESTART TX is convenient for entering significant amounts of information across several forms while maintaining control over the selected set. The AUTO_COMMIT attribute and the COMMIT TX statement both affect transaction handling. See Chapter 6.3, under Form Attributes, and Chapter 8.2, ACCELL/IDS Statement Descriptions, for more information. ON EXIT section The ON EXIT Language section can be used in both the Master Application form and a Standard form. The ON EXIT section is executed on a Master Application form when: 218 • the EXIT clause is used with the CHOOSE FIRST FORM Language section in the Master Application form • the PREV FORM command is issued from the Master Application form • The ON EXIT section is executed after the ON PREVIOUS FORM section (if present) Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference • the ABORT APPLICATION command is issued from the Master Application form The ON EXIT section is executed on a Standard form when: • the NEXT ACTION IS EXIT statement is used in the Standard form • the ABORT APPLICATION command is issued from the Standard form • the USING EXIT clause is used with the CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement in the Standard form Language script. When one of the above conditions exists, only the ON EXIT section of the current form is executed; any ON EXIT sections in other forms will not be executed. This code section can be used to perform activities specific to the current form before leaving the application. It can also disable an exit from the current form. For example: /* The use invoked the ABORT APPLICATION command from the Order form but is not permitted to leave the application from this form. */ FORM forders ON EXIT DISPLAY 'You cannot exit this application from this form!' FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT REJECT OPERATION Find Language sections The Find Language sections are executed whenever a FIND command is given. Note that a FIND can be requested by the user, or done automatically if the form's AUTO_FIND attribute is set to TRUE. Find mode is entered whenever a CLEAR TO FIND is done and is the only user mode where FIND is permitted. When performing a Find, ACCELL/IDS searches the target database table for all records meeting the specified search criteria. Any field with an undefined value is ignored as a search criteria during a Find. Records meeting the search criteria become part of a new selected set. The selected set may be empty if no acceptable records are found. The previous selected set is discarded when Find mode is entered. ACCELL/Language sections 219 BEFORE FIND is the first Find Language section executed; it may specify additional search criteria, initialize totals, counts, and similar actions. The ON FIND section is executed once for each acceptable record found. The AFTER FIND section is executed after the records are found, but before control is returned to the user. The user is notified of how many records were found before ACCELL/IDS leaves Find mode. If an error occurs during a Find, the user remains in Find mode. The new selected set may contain only partial results of the Find, especially if another user has an exclusive lock (XLOCK) on records that would otherwise have been included. 220 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Figure 45 illustrates Find section execution in response to the FIND user command. replace not stored find COMPANY: ADDRESS: SALES REP#: NAME: PHONE: CITY: MAIN PHONE: CONTACT STATE: ZIP: MAP: CLEAR TO FIND FIND Enter company name. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Find Executes BEFORE FIND Executes AFTER FIND Creates selected set from the records found and displays the first record. Executes ON FIND SECTION FOR EACH RECORD FOUND. F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Executes ON CLEAR TO FIND Displays CLEAR TO FIND values in the form’s field. Enters ADD/UPDATE/DELETE mode. Figure 45. Find Section Execution BEFORE FIND section The BEFORE FIND Language section is executed just before ACCELL/IDS begins the database search. The BEFORE FIND section can be used to initialize totals, set up variables for aggregate functions, and specify additional search criteria. ACCELL/Language sections 221 In the BEFORE FIND section, additional search criteria are specified by setting the SEARCH_RANGES attribute of appropriate variables. Note that setting variable values at this point will not establish search criteria, because search ranges, specified via SEARCH_RANGES, and not variable values, are used in selecting records. ON CLEAR TO FIND section The ON CLEAR TO FIND Language section is executed following a CLEAR TO FIND command. The CLEAR TO FIND command can be either explicit, requiring the user to press CLEAR TO FIND, or implicit, in which case an implied CLEAR TO FIND is executed when you are in the BEFORE FORM Language section and the default mode is Find. The CLEAR TO FIND command occurs only on forms that have target tables. The command notifies ACCELL/IDS that search criteria for a database search on the target table is about to occur. Since target tables cannot be associated with the Master Application form, the ON CLEAR TO FIND section can only be used for Standard forms. NOTE: Do not use the NEXT ACTION IS CLEAR TO FIND statement in the ON CLEAR TO FIND Language section. NEXT ACTION IS CLEAR TO FIND will create an infinite loop in the code. For example: /* Finds only records with order numbers > 500 */ FORM forders TARGET_TABLE orders ON CLEAR TO FIND SET forders:$ord_num:CLEAR_FIND_EXP TO 500 => ON FIND section The ON FIND section contains statements executed for each record that meets the search criteria. This section is executed before control is returned to the user, after executing a FIND. The ON FIND section can be thought of as a loop that executes once for each record found. Within the ON FIND section, each newly found record is 222 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference treated as if it were the current record. This means that each record can be processed as it is found, using the target variables to obtain the record field values. The ON FIND section can be used to increment counts and to calculate totals. In addition, the REJECT RECORD statement, which can only be used in this section, can be used to prevent a record from being added to the selected set. A rejected record is also excluded from the total of current_record_count$(). For example, in a Find on a table of employee information, REJECT RECORD could be used to prevent inspection of a particular employee's record. AFTER FIND section The AFTER FIND Language section is executed immediately after ACCELL/IDS completes the database search, even if the find is unsuccessful. This section can be used to display or test any totals or counts calculated during the find. Such totals and counts can be displayed by assigning values to screen variables in this section. For example, the system function current_record_count$() could be used to determine and display how many records had been found. The application could also perform different actions depending on how many records were found. Add Language sections The Add Language sections are executed when the user issues an ADD/UPDATE command while in Add/Update/Delete mode. These Language sections are executed only if a current record created by a CLEAR TO ADD is present. All new records are added to the end of the selected set. Records added or updated are exclusive locked (XLOCK) until the transaction is committed. On multi-occurrence forms, a CLEAR TO ADD displays the last form full of the selected set. The new record is displayed using the CLEAR TO ADD defaults. NOTE: The ACCELL/DBMS automatically provides referential integrity constraints and ensures uniqueness for all primary keys. ACCELL/Language sections 223 ACCELL/DBMS automatically performs key field checking and prohibits operations that would violate referential and key constraints. For example, because of the referential integrity constraints, a record that refers to another record can be Added/Updated only if the referenced record already exists. Additional data dictionary level validity constraints may be specified for fields (Advanced Field Attributes), thus ensuring data consistency. 224 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Figure 46 shows Add and Update Language execution in response to the ADD/ UPDATE user command. replace not stored find COMPANY: SALES REP#: ADDRESS: NAME: PHONE: CITY: MAIN PHONE: STATE: CONTACT ZIP: MAP: CLEAR TO ADD ADD/ UPDATE Enter company name. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Find Executes BEFORE ADD or BEFORE UPDATE Executes AFTER ADD or AFTER UPDATE Adds the new record to the database or Modifies the current record in the database F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Executes ON CLEAR TO ADD Displays CLEAR TO ADD values in the form’s field. Enters ADD/UPDATE/DELETE mode. Figure 46. Add/Update language execution BEFORE ADD section The BEFORE ADD section is executed immediately before beginning the requested Add. ACCELL/Language sections 225 BEFORE ADD can be used to log the user who added specific records, to provide additional security constraints, to verify that the user does want to do an ADD/ UPDATE and to perform additional validity checking. An Add operation can be aborted by using the REJECT OPERATION statement in this section. ON CLEAR TO ADD section The ON CLEAR TO ADD section executes whenever the user presses CLEAR TO ADD or an implicit Clear to Add is performed. This Language section provides an alternative to using the Clear to Add expression (CLEAR_ADD_EXP attribute) to set a variable's default value. AFTER ADD section The AFTER ADD section is executed immediately after completion of the requested Add, even if the Add is unsuccessful. AFTER ADD can be used to count records added, to update totals, or to perform validity checking. Check the status of an Add operation in this section and be sure to notify the user if it has failed. Update Language sections The Update Language sections are executed when the user issues the command while in Add/Update/Delete mode. It is only executed if the current record is present in the database. NOTE: 226 The ACCELL/DBMS automatically provides referential integrity constraints and ensures uniqueness for all primary keys. ACCELL/ DBMS automatically performs key field checking and prohibits operations that would violate referential and key constraints. For example, because of the referential integrity constraints, a record that refers to another record can be Added/Updated only if the referenced record already exists. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference NOTE: Figure 46, shows Add and Update Language execution. BEFORE UPDATE section The BEFORE UPDATE section is executed immediately before the requested update is performed. BEFORE UPDATE can be used to log which users modified specific records, to provide additional security constraints, to verify that the user does want to do an Add/ Update, and to perform additional validity checking. The update operation can be aborted by using the REJECT OPERATION statement in this section. AFTER UPDATE section The AFTER UPDATE section is executed immediately after the requested Update is completed. AFTER UPDATE can be used to count the number of records modified, to update totals. Delete Language sections The Delete Language sections are executed when the user issues a DELETE RECORD command while in Add/Update/Delete mode. ACCELL/IDS performs a delete only if there is a current record selected from the database; all Delete Language sections are executed regardless of the outcome of the DELETE RECORD command. ACCELL/Language sections 227 The figure that follows illustrates Delete Language execution in response to the DELETE RECORD user command. replace not stored find COMPANY: ADDRESS: SALES REP#: NAME: PHONE: CITY: MAIN PHONE: CONTACT STATE: ZIP: MAP: DELETE Enter company name. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Find Executes AFTER DELETE F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Executes AFTER DELETE Deletes the current record from the selected set and the database, and displays the next record in the set Figure 47. Delete Language Execution BEFORE DELETE section The BEFORE DELETE section is executed immediately before the requested Delete is performed. 228 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The BEFORE DELETE section can be used to reject the DELETE RECORD command or to query the user before performing the deletion. AFTER DELETE section The AFTER DELETE Language section is executed immediately after completion of the requested Delete, even if the Delete is unsuccessful. AFTER DELETE can be used to count records deleted, to update totals. Record Language sections Record Language sections can be used to insure that the current record has been updated before the user is allowed to move to the previous or next record in a selected set. The two record language sections, ON NEXT RECORD and ON PREVIOUS RECORD, may affect performance. Consider carefully the effect on runtime performance if you write extensive code in these sections. Record language sections execute each time the user moves between records within a selected set. These sections execute after the user issues the selected set command NEXT RECORD, PREV RECORD, FIRST RECORD, LAST RECORD, NEXT SET, or PREV SET, and before the current record changes and the screen is updated. ON NEXT RECORD section The ON NEXT RECORD Language section is executed whenever the user issues one of the following record commands: NEXT RECORD NEXT SET LAST RECORD This language section can only be used for Standard forms. If the user enters a NEXT RECORD command and there is no next record, the ON NEXT RECORD section still executes. ACCELL/Language sections 229 NOTE: Do not use the NEXT ACTION IS NEXT RECORD statement in the ON NEXT RECORD Language section. NEXT ACTION IS NEXT RECORD will create an infinite loop in the code. For example: FORM forders TARGET_TABLE orders ON NEXT RECORD IF ( NOT is_current_record_stored$ () )THEN BEGIN DISPLAY 'WARNING! The current record has not been updated FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT REJECT OPERATION END ON PREVIOUS RECORD section The ON PREVIOUS RECORD Language section is executed whenever the user issues one of the following record commands: PREV RECORD PREV SET FIRST RECORD This language section can only be used for Standard forms. If the user enters a PREV RECORD command and there is no next record, the ON PREV RECORD section still executes. NOTE: Do not use the NEXT ACTION IS PREVIOUS RECORD statement in the ON PREVIOUS RECORD Language section. NEXT ACTION IS PREVIOUS RECORD will create an infinite loop in the code. For example: FORM forders TARGET_TABLE orders 230 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference ON PREVIOUS RECORD IF ( NOT is_current_record_stored$ () )THEN BEGIN DISPLAY 'WARNING! The current record has not been updated FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT REJECT OPERATION END Field Language sections Field Language sections can be used to initialize field attributes and values, control and perform input to screen fields, and process input values. ACCELL/Language sections 231 Figure 48 shows Field Language execution in response to the NEXT FIELD and PREVIOUS FIELD user commands. replace not stored find COMPANY: ADDRESS: SALES REP#: NAME: PHONE: ADD/ UPDATE CITY: MAIN PHONE: CONTACT STATE: ZIP: MAP: CLEAR TO ADD Enter company name. F1-Prv Form F2-Nxt Form F3-Find F5-Fld Help F10-More Key Executes for current field any remaining ON FIELD WHEN FIELD CHANGES AFTER FIELD Executes for next field BEFORE FIELD ON FIELD Figure 48. Field Language execution NOTE: In Find mode, only the INIT FIELD section is executed. INIT FIELD section The INIT FIELD Language section is executed after the form's initialization but before the BEFORE FORM Language section. This section should be used to initialize those field attribute values that are not expected to change during the form's execution. The 232 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference form can also be used to override the default field attribute values set by the ACCELL/ Generator. Because the order in which fields are initialized is undefined, use of arbitrary Language statements in this section is not recommended. BEFORE FIELD section The BEFORE FIELD section is executed upon initializing all fields, and upon initial processing of a given field in the form's field-to-field progression. This section is executed either just before input to a field or when the user issues a PREV FIELD command. User input is not allowed during execution of this section. This section can be used to initialize appropriate variables. It is also possible to prevent input by setting the field's STOP_FOR_INPUT attribute to FALSE in this Language section. ON FIELD section The ON FIELD section is executed immediately after the BEFORE FIELD section, if the BEFORE FIELD section occurs. ON FIELD is the only section that can include an INPUT statement. This section is normally used to get user input and perform checking before accepting input. Input checking can be done in the ON FIELD section by using appropriate conditional and RESTART ON FIELD statements. If a field does not have an explicit ON FIELD section, ACCELL/IDS performs an implicit INPUT. If you use the ON FIELD section you must include an INPUT statement. To allow for user input, the WHEN FIELD CHANGES Language section is not executed until the ON FIELD section is finished. ACCELL/IDS NOTE: NEXT FORM and ZOOM commands suspend execution of the ON FIELD section. ACCELL/IDS. NOTE: ON FIELD executes whether or not STOP FOR INPUT is set. ACCELL/Language sections 233 AFTER FIELD section AFTER FIELD is executed as the final processing action for a given field in a form's field-to-field progression. It is normally used to process accepted input data. AFTER FIELD can be used to redisplay data entered in a different format or to set default values if the user enters nothing in the field. However, it cannot be used to restart input if a validity check fails. WHEN FIELD CHANGES section The WHEN FIELD CHANGES Language section executes every time the value of the screen field changes. The execution of ON FIELD temporarily delays execution of WHEN FIELD CHANGES until after ON FIELD is finished. No INPUT statements are allowed in this section. Do not do anything in this section that changes the field's value. Changing the value will produce an infinite loop. For example, the following statement produces an infinite loop if it appears in the WHEN FIELD CHANGES section of the employee_age field Language: SET employee_age TO UNDEFINED; The WHEN FIELD CHANGES section can be used to calculate the value for a dependent screen field, as in calculating the extension (price times quantity) if either price or quantity change. The section can also be used to perform operations such as displaying fields from other database tables when the value of a reference field changes. An example of this would be selecting the customer's name and address from the customer table when the customer number in the orders table changes. 234 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Chapter 8: ACCELL/Language statements 8.1 Introduction An ACCELL/IDS application consists of a set of forms and a set of optional ACCELL/ Language scripts. Each script must be associated with a form, and usually consists of one or more sections, such as AFTER ADD or ON FIELD. These sections contain ACCELL/IDS statements of three types: database statements, screen statements, and control statements. Database statements directly manipulate records and fields in the database. Records can be selected, updated, inserted, deleted, or locked. Database statements form the Data Manipulation Language or DML, a subset of the ACCELL/Language. The syntax of the DML is based on SQL, the industry-standard database query language. Screen statements control the display of application information on the screen. Control statements select the sequence of forms, modify variables, get user responses to prompts, and change the flow of control. Other control statements–the external function and pipeline statements–make it possible to extend ACCELL/IDS by writing your own functions in C or by transmitting information to external files or programs. The following sections describe the three kinds of statements. Detailed descriptions of the statements appear in alphabetical order in the ACCELL/IDS Statement Descriptions section. For more information on statements, see Appendix A, ACCELL/ Language Grammar, under Statements. 235 Database statements ACCELL/IDS database statements let you write Language statements to select and modify records in tables. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the industry standard database language, developed as part of IBM's System R research project. ACCELL/IDS's DML statements are compiled to produce extremely efficient intermediate code, unlike many fourth generation language products that interpret the statements during execution. ACCELL/IDS database statements may select and operate on a single record or a set of records. Sets of records are manipulated by statements using the WHERE clause. The SET/SELECT statement description explains the use of the WHERE clause. In addition, locking options (XLOCK, SLOCK, and UNLOCK) can be set in some database statements to protect records and tables. There are two ways in which records are changed in an ACCELL/IDS application: by user commands and by ACCELL/Language statements. User commands such as FIND, ADD/UPDATE and DELETE RECORD allow the user to manipulate the database and immediately see the results. Database changes made through Language statements will be invisible to the user unless you make provisions to notify the user of changes. When writing applications, be sure to tell the user about all important database changes made by Language statements. All database fields referenced in a single database statement must come from the same table. Note that this does not limit a form to manipulating a single table–different statements can manipulate different tables. The following is a functional listing of the database DML statements: 236 SET/SELECT Assigns database field values from selected records to ACCELL/IDS variables. UPDATE CURRENT RECORD Changes specified field values in the current target record. UPDATE Changes specified field values in a single record or a set of records. INSERT Adds a new record to a specified table. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference DELETE CURRENT RECORD Deletes the current target record. DELETE Deletes a record or set of records from a specified table. XLOCK, SLOCK, AND UNLOCK Protects selected records (XLOCK, SLOCK) or unlocks (UNLOCK) previously locked records. Selecting records ACCELL/IDS lets you manipulate sets of records or single records. In statements that work with sets of records, the set is specified by the database table name and the WHERE clause. The WHERE clause is a logical expression that usually contains tests on database field values. For example, the following UPDATE statement will retrieve all records from the employee table that have a job code of “REP”. UPDATE employee SET #emp_department TO 'SALES' WHERE #emp_job_code = 'REP'; As the records are retrieved, the department field will be set to “SALES” and the record will be written back out to the database. ACCELL/IDS performs the update on every record in the table that meets the conditions in the WHERE clause. Database statement effects Although database statements can modify the selected set of any active form in the application, this is not a good practice. Future releases of ACCELL/IDS may disallow modification of another form's selected set. Such changes are invisible to the user because the Manager is unaware of changes made this way and, consequently, does not update the screen. Good application design requires that the user be notified of all database changes. Database statement errors Database statement errors must be handled by the application. This can be done by using the system function status$() to test the result of a database statement. See the description of status$() in Chapter 6.5, ACCELL/IDS System Functions and Variables. ACCELL/Language statements 237 Locking specifications Lock statements and specifications (XLOCK, SLOCK, and UNLOCK) let you specify additional protection for records. Locking statements protect records your application is using from the actions of other transactions. Any statements in your application, however, can modify records locked by your application. ACCELL/IDS performs some automatic record locking. The current record always has a shared lock. Any record that has been added or modified by the current transaction has an exclusive lock. In addition, transaction level settings automatically set some locks. See Choose Next Form section, for more information about transaction levels and locking, and Chapter 9.6, Transaction Control and Locking, for a complete description of transaction level and locking interaction. The ACCELL/IDS DBMS and the ACCELL/Manager interact with DBMS utilities and XLOCK as follows: The DBMS utilities ... XLOCK the ... BUDS IDXMNT REDB REKEY REPLAY REPOINT SCOM database DBLOAD (insert, update) SQL (delete) specified tables If the database utility cannot get the XLOCK, someone else is using the table or database. In this case, the utility does not start. See XLOCK, for more information on ACCELL/IDS locking. Screen statements Screen statements control the display of information and get user responses to prompts. The table below lists the screen statements by functional group: 238 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Screen statements DISPLAY EXPRESSION Displays an expression in a screen field window or on the FYI message line. DISPLAY TRIM Displays a copy of a form's trim at a specified screen position. ERASE TRIM Erases the last instance of displayed trim for a specific form and position. REFRESH SCREEN Forces ACCELL/IDS to update the screen if any part of the screen has changed since the last time information was written to it. REFRESH SCREEN repaints the entire screen. Simulates the REPAINT user command REPAINT SCREEN Repaints the entire screen. Simulates the REPAINT user command. User Response statement INPUT Enables the developer to determine the point in the ON FIELD section where an input will be allowed. Can only be used in the ON FIELD Language section. Control statements Control statements test values, make assignments to non-target variables, control the sequence of forms processing, change the flow of control, enable calls to external C functions, and write information to external files or processes. The table below lists the control statements by functional groups. With the Flow of Control statements, you can conditionally execute blocks of statements or repeat statement blocks under various conditions. Descriptions and flowcharts for each Flow of Control statement appear in the ACCELL/IDS Statement Descriptions section. ACCELL/Language statements 239 Assignment statement SET Assigns a specific value (including UNDEFINED) to an ACCELL/IDS variable or ACCELL/IDS attributes. Flow of Control statements IF Conditionally executes a statement or block of statements. WHILE Repeats a statement or block of statements while a condition is met. FOR Repeats a statement or block of statements. Similar to WHILE, and also provides for initializing and incrementing. REPEAT Repeats a statement or block of statements. Similar to FOR and WHILE except that the termination condition is tested at the end of the loop. SWITCH Selects one of several possible actions. RESTART Restarts the ON FIELD section. Used when bad input is detected. Reject statements REJECT RECORD Prevents a record form being added to the selected set. May only be used in the ON FIND section. REJECT OPERATION Keeps a user command from being executed. May only be used in the following sections: BEFORE FIND, BEFORE UPDATE, BEFORE DELETE, BEFORE ADD, ON NEXT RECORD, ON PREVIOUS RECORD, ON CLEAR TO FIND, ON PREVIOUS FORM, ON NEXT FORM, and ON EXIT. Commit statement COMMIT TRANSACTION Marks the current transaction as completed in the ACCELL/DBMS Transaction Log. The statement starts a new transaction and retains all locks except that exclusive locks are downgraded to shared locks. Next Action statement NEXT ACTION 240 Simulates a user command from inside the application. Can be used to do a FIND, PREV FORM, NEXT RECORD, PREV RECORD, CLEAR TO ADD, CLEAR TO FIND or ABORT APPLICATION. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Form sequence control statements CHOOSE FIRST FORM Determines the first form in an application. Actually a Language section rather than a statement. CHOOSE NEXT FORM Determines from a standard form the next form to execute. Actually a Language section rather than a statement. ENABLE ZOOM For the current field, enables calling up a Zoom form. DISABLE ZOOM Disables the Zoom form for the current field. External functions and pipe statements EXTERN STATEMENT Declares an external function written in the C language. CREATE PIPELINE Creates a pipeline to write information from the application to a series of programs. WRITE PIPELINE Writes information to a created pipeline. CLOSE PIPELINE Closes a pipeline, ensuring that any remaining information is transmitted to the external process. Closes external files and halts processes in the pipeline. ACCELL/Language statements 241 8.2 ACCELL/IDS statement descriptions This section contains complete descriptions, including syntax listings, for all of the ACCELL/Language statements. The descriptions appear in alphabetical order. Sample statements are provided with each description to demonstrate how the statement can be used. Anywhere that statement appears in the syntax listings, you may use a single statement or a statement block. A statement block consists of the keyword BEGIN followed by a series of statements and terminated with the keyword END. Semicolons may be used to terminate statements. An asterisk (*) in a statement description indicates an item that may appear zero or more times. A plus sign ( + ) follows an item that appears one or more times. Neither the asterisk nor the plus sign are part of the statement. A vertical bar ( | ) indicates alternative elements. For example, (item1|item2|item3) means you can use one of the elements item1, item2, or item3. Parentheses are used to enclose lists of alternatives. Neither the parentheses nor the vertical bars are part of the statement except where noted. Brackets ([ ]) enclose optional statement elements. Brackets are not part of the statement syntax. Upper case words indicate statement keywords. Although keywords appear in upper case, you may use either upper or lower case in your applications. Lower case words indicate parts of the statement you supply when you use the statement. NOTE: 242 The sample statements in this section assume that you are familiar with the tutorial application and that you have the tutorial database design for reference. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference CHOOSE FIRST FORM and CHOOSE NEXT FORM CHOOSE FIRST FORM [ WHEN logical_expression] transaction_level USING (form_name|EXIT)* NOTE: transaction_level and USING are required in CHOOSE FIRST FORM and CHOOSE NEXT FORM statements. CHOOSE NEXT FORM [[ WHEN logical_expression] transaction_level USING (form_name|EXIT)] * logical_expression An expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. The expression is evaluated to see if the form specified by form_name is a candidate next form. The expression may include any of the ACCELL/IDS relational and logical operators. transaction_level Specifies whether or not to start a new transaction and at what level. The element used must be one of the following: CONTINUE TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY, CONTINUE TX SET_CONSISTENCY, RESTART TX, START TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY, START TX SET_CONSISTENCY. form_name The name of the next form. Either a string expression or a form name. CHOOSE FIRST FORM and CHOOSE NEXT FORM are both statements and Language sections. Each consists of a section heading (CHOOSE FIRST FORM, CHOOSE NEXT FORM) and one or more NEXT FORM statements. CHOOSE FIRST FORM and CHOOSE NEXT FORM determine which form is executed next. You can also set NEXT FORM in AGEN; CHOOSE FIRST/NEXT will override any NEXT FORM specification made in the ACCELL/Generator. CHOOSE FIRST FORM is used only in the Master Application form Language script and determines the first form executed in the application. CHOOSE NEXT FORM is used in a Standard form Language script and determines the next form executed. Notice that CHOOSE FIRST FORM and CHOOSE NEXT FORM also establish the beginning and end of transactions through the transaction level clause. See the description of the CHOOSE NEXT FORM language section in Chapter 7, ACCELL/ Language sections, for more information about transaction levels. ACCELL/Language statements 243 If EXIT is used instead of a form name, ACCELL/IDS executes the ON EXIT section for the current form (if one exists), and then ends the application. Sample statements CHOOSE FIRST FORM WHEN user_name$() < > 'Alexander' START TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY USING EXIT; WHEN user_name$() = 'Alexander' START TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY USING first_form CHOOSE NEXT FORM WHEN company_name = 'Allied Amalgamated' CONTINUE TX SET_CONSISTENCY USING company_form In the first example, the statements get the user's name from the operating system using the user_name$ function. If the user's name is any name other than Alexander, the application exits. The effect of the statements is to keep anyone with the wrong user name from running the application. In the second example, the next form selected would be company_form when company_name is equal to Allied Amalgamated. For company names other than Allied Amalgamated, the user would get the message: There is no next form. CLOSE PIPELINE CLOSE PIPELINE variable variable A standard ACCELL/IDS variable name containing the identifier of an open pipeline. Closes the pipeline identified by the variable. Pipelines must be closed before the application ends in order to avoid loss of data. Sample Statement 244 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference CLOSE PIPELINE $pipe1; This statement closes the pipeline identified by $pipe1. Before closing the pipeline, any remaining data is transmitted to the waiting file or process. See Write Pipeline, for examples of all of the pipeline statements. COMMIT COMMIT TX The COMMIT TX statement writes an end transaction entry in the ACCELL/DBMS Transaction Log and ends the current transaction (see the ACCELL/DBMS Reference Manual for more information about transaction logging). A new transaction is started. All locks are retained, but all exclusive locks (XLOCKs) are downgraded to shared locks (SLOCKs). The form attribute AUTO_COMMIT also can be used to log transactions. See the Form Attributes section, for more information. CREATE PIPELINE CREATE PIPELINE variable program_name_list [OUTPUT [IS] string_expression] ; program_name_list A series of program names, separated by commas. The program names form a standard operating system pipeline. string_expression The pathname of the data file to receive output from the last process in the pipeline. May be a string constant or string variable. variable A standard ACCELL/IDS variable to receive the identifier of the opened pipeline. Creates a pipeline to send information out of the application to a program or a series of programs. When ACCELL/IDS executes the statement, it creates a pipeline, stores an identifier in the variable, and transmits any data from corresponding WRITE PIPELINE statements to the programs in the program name list. Optionally, ACCELL/IDS sends the output from the last program to a data file identified by the OUTPUT IS clause. ACCELL/Language statements 245 The value of the variable must remain unchanged until the pipeline is closed. The programs in the list represent a standard operating system pipe. That is, the output of the application goes to the first program. The output of the first program becomes the input to the second program, and so on. If literal program names rather than variables are used, each program name must be enclosed in single quotes. Use CLOSE PIPELINE to ensure that all data has been written to the file or process. Sample Statement CREATE PIPELINE $pipe_one 'RPT script -','lpr'; This statement creates a pipeline to the report generator RPT. The RPT package receives its formatting commands from script and the report information from the standard input (indicated by the minus sign). The output of RPT is sent to the line printer spooler, lpr. Note that command line arguments for a program in the pipeline must be part of the same string as the program name. (See the description of WRITE PIPELINE for examples of all of the pipeline statements.) DELETE DELETE CURRENT RECORD ; DELETE table_name [WHERE logical_expression]; logical_expression Any expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. The expression is evaluated to determine whether or not to delete a given record. A logical expression may include any of the ACCELL/IDS relational and logical operators. table_name The identifier of a database table containing records to be deleted. In the first form, the DELETE statement removes the current record from the database. A new current record is then chosen. The second form of the DELETE statement removes the record or records from the database identified by the WHERE clause. Notice that using the WHERE clause makes the DELETE statement operate on a set of records; all records that satisfy the WHERE conditions are deleted. If no WHERE 246 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference clause appears, the second form of the statement deletes all of the records in the table. Use the system function status$ to test the results of a DELETE statement. All deleted records remain locked until the transaction is committed and an UNLOCK is executed. Sample Statement DELETE text WHERE #tx_lead = fleads:ld_key ; This statement deletes all records in the table text that meet the condition in the WHERE clause. In the tutorial application, this statement would delete the text lines for the current lead displayed on the Text form. Recall that the database enforces referential integrity constraints and does not allow deletion of a parent record when a subordinate record still exists. In this example, the Text record must be deleted before the Lead record. The # symbol is short for the table name followed by a period. #tx_lead could also have been written text.tx_lead. DISABLE ZOOM DISABLE ZOOM TO form_name ; form_name The name of the Zoom form. It is either a string expression or a form name. The DISABLE ZOOM statement disables zooming from the current field to the specified Zoom form. Disabling an already disabled Zoom does not produce an error. Sample Statement DISABLE ZOOM TO fsalesrep; This statement disables a zoom to the fsalesrep form for the current field. This feature could be useful, for example, in an INIT FIELD section, where an ENABLE ZOOM is executed once for a form. Then, DISABLE ZOOM could be used to turn the zoom off. DISPLAY DISPLAY [expression] [FOR (screen_field | FYI_MESSAGE)] ACCELL/Language statements 247 [WAIT] [USING format_expression] [DISPLAY_JUSTIFY [IS] (LEFT | RIGHT | CENTERED | string_expression set to 'LEFT'/'RIGHT'/'CENTERED')] ; expression The ACCELL/IDS expression to display in the specified screen field or FYI message area. Can be any valid expression–for example, a string, a numeric constant, or a numeric expression. format_expression A series of format characters, enclosed in single quotes, to control the display of the expression. Format expressions can be written for values of any data type. Other formats are controlled by environment variables. See the following discussion for more information. screen_field The name of the screen field in which to display the value of the expression. The default is the current screen field. string_expression A string variable or string constant set to 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', or 'CENTERED'. The DISPLAY statement displays an expression in a screen field window or in the FYI message area. NOTE: Screen variable attributes are not applied to the displayed expression. The format of the displayed value must be explicitly stated in the USING and DISPLAY_JUSTIFY clauses of the DISPLAY statement. If expression is omitted, ACCELL/IDS displays the current value of screen_field. If neither the FOR nor the FYI_MESSAGE clauses appear, ACCELL/IDS uses the current field. Using a non-screen field name in the DISPLAY statement is an error. If used, the WAIT clause causes the application to pause until the user presses RETURN. The WAIT clause should be used with the FYI_MESSAGE option to make sure the user sees the message. The DISPLAY_JUSTIFY option specifies left or right justification, or centering. DATE format is determined by the setting of the environment variable DATETP. The default format for the date is MM/DD/YY. This may be changed by making an assignment to DATETP. See Chapter 9.2, Environment Variables for more information about environment variables. The default time format is HH:MM. The time is given according to a twenty-four-hour clock. 248 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The USING option determines how values of any data type appear in the field window. If the USING clause is omitted, ACCELL/IDS uses a default format for amount and numeric values. The format_expression in the USING clause consists of an AMOUNT, NUMERIC, FLOAT, or STRING format. A format expression consists of format codes for each digit in the number or character in the string. The table below describes the valid format codes that can be used for AMOUNT, NUMERIC, and FLOAT values: Format language Description # print digit or blank & print digit or zero (print leading zeros) * print digit or * (asterisk fill) $ print digit or $ or blank (floating $) + print digit or + or blank (floating +) — prints only for positive values – print digit or – or blank (floating –) — prints only for negative values ( print digit or ( or blank — prints only for negative values ) print digit or ) or blank — prints only for negative values , print , or blank . print . or blank NOTE: A negative sign (-) displays only if specified in the format. If not specified, the negative value will display without any sign. However, the negative value will be stored in the database as a negative For a value of 0 (zero), the ones digit is displayed, as well as ¢ (cents) for amounts. For example: Format Displayed value *** **0 ### _ _0 ##.## _0.00 #.## 0.00 **.&& *0.00 or *0.45 (for .45) NOTE: Underscores (_) indicate leading blanks ACCELL/Language statements 249 The following table shows how different formats display the number 1,246.75: Format Displayed value &&&&&&.&& 001246.75 $$,$$$.&& $1,246.75 $$$,$$$,&& _$1,246.75 ***,***.&& **1,246.75 $##,###.&& $ 1,246.75 (##,####.&&) __1,246.75 NOTE: Underscores (__) indicate leading blanks FLOAT expressions can also be displayed using the printf format syntax. This format is exactly like the operating system printf function. See the Direct HLI Programmer's Manual for more information on printf. The format specification has the following syntax: %[-][minimum field width][.][precision]f | e | g Items enclosed in square brackets ([]) are optional. A list of items separated by the vertical bar ( | ) indicates that you must choose one of the items in the list. The percent sign ( % ) is required. The optional minus sign (–) before the conversion specification indicates that the result is to be left justified in the field width. The minimum field width is a number indicating the minimum number of print positions in the result. If the result has fewer characters, it will be padded with blank spaces to fill up the field width. precision is the number of digits to appear after the decimal point. If precision is 0, no digits after the decimal point are printed, and the decimal point is not printed either. The conversion characters (f, e, and g) have the following meanings: 250 f The field is converted to decimal notation in the style [–]ddd.ddd, where the number of digits after the decimal point is equal to the precision specification. e The field is converted in the style [–]d.ddde-+dd, where there is one digit before the decimal point and the number of digits after is equal to the precision specification. g The field is converted in style f or style e, whichever gives full precision in minimum space. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The following examples illustrate how various printf (FLOAT) format expressions affect output: Format Value Result ‘%10.2f’ 12.3 “ 12.30” ‘%10.2f’ 123.456 “ 123.46” ‘%12.4e’ 123.456 “ 1.23456e+02” ‘%10.4g’ 123.456 “ 123.4560” ‘%8.4g’ 123456789 “1.23e+08” STRING expressions can also be formatted with the USING option. The character format codes for STRINGs are as follows: Format Code Description % print character ^ print the complete string value X print the character X \\ print a backslash \ \\% print a percent sign % \\^ print a caret sign ^ \\X print the character X The following examples illustrate how character format codes can affect STRING output: Format Value Result none Invalid part number “Invalid part number” ‘%%%%%%%%%%%’ Part Number “Part Number” ‘ERROR–^’ Invalid Item “Error–Invalid Item” ‘^\\%’ 23 “23%” ACCELL/Language statements 251 Sample Statement DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY 'Press any key to continue' FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT current_date$() FOR fleads:ld_next_date current_date$() current_time$() DISPLAY 'status = ' + val_to_str$(status$()) for fyi_message wait The first statement prints the message in the FYI message area and pauses until the user presses RETURN. The next two statements use the function current_date$ to get the date from the operating system and display it. The statement with the FOR clause displays the date in the field ld_next_date on the form fleads. The other statement displays it on the current screen field. The next statement displays the current time using the ACCELL/IDS function current_time$() to get the time from the operating system. The final statement displays 'status=', followed returned by the status$ string system function NOTE: You must concatenate strings (+) into a single expression to print two fields of information for an fyi message. DISPLAY TRIM DISPLAY TRIM [FOR form_name ] [AT position] [WAIT]; 252 form_name The form whose trim is to be displayed. Either a string expression or a form name. This cannot be a Help form name. position The row and column number for the upper left corner of the displayed trim. A position consists of the row number, a comma, and the column number, all enclosed in parentheses. Any numeric expression can be used for row and column numbers. The position may be preceded by an “at” symbol (@) to indicate absolute rather than relative coordinates (relative to the current form's origin). Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The DISPLAY TRIM statement creates and displays a copy of a form's trim. Each execution of the statement creates a new copy of the trim. The statement only produces a copy of the trim–it does not display a true form. If you omit the FOR clause, the statement displays the current form's trim. A “commercial at” symbol (@) in front of the position indicates absolute coordinates measured from the upper left corner of the screen. Without the ``at'' symbol, the coordinates are relative to the origin of the last form. If the AT clause is left out, ACCELL/IDS uses the specified form's most recent position. That is, ACCELL/IDS will write over the current form if you display the current form. If used, the WAIT clause displays the message: Press RETURN to continue on the FYI message line and causes the application to pause until the user presses the return key. When the user presses the return key, the trim is automatically erased. DISPLAY TRIM is one of the few instances when a form can alter a part of the screen not within the form window. The window created for the new trim is controlled by the current form. If the window is not erased by an appropriate ERASE TRIM statement, it will be automatically erased when the user exits the current form. The trim may also be erased by another form being written over it. Sample Statements DISPLAY TRIM FOR fitems; DISPLAY TRIM FOR err_form AT @(3,10) WAIT; The first statement displays the trim for the form fitems. In the Tutorial, if used in the BEFORE FORM section of the forders script, this statement would give the user a better idea of what forms are used in order entry. The second statement displays a developer-supplied error window (the form err_form) beginning at row 3, column 10 and waits for a user response before erasing the trim to continue. Notice that the form coordinates are absolute coordinates. ACCELL/Language statements 253 ENABLE ZOOM ENABLE ZOOM [RECORD_CONSISTENCY | SET_CONSISTENCY] TO form_name [AT position] [REPEATED numeric_expression] [RETURN KEY] ; form_name The name of the Zoom form. Either a string expression or a form name. numeric_expression Any expression or variable that evaluates to a numeric value. Here, the numeric expression determines how many occurrences of a multi-occurrence form will appear at one time. position The row and column number for the upper left corner of the displayed trim. A position consists of the row number, a comma, and the column number, all enclosed in parentheses. Any numeric expression can be used for row and column numbers. The position may be preceded by an “at”' symbol (@) to indicate absolute rather than relative coordinates (relative to the current form's origin). The ENABLE ZOOM statement sets optional parameters and enables zooming to the specified Zoom form. Enabling an already enabled Zoom does not produce an error. All the parameters are reset each time this statement is executed. To enable the Zoom capability on screen fields when you initialize your screen form in Find mode, you must specify ENABLE ZOOM from within the field's INIT FIELD Language section. If you do this in BEFORE FIELD, it is enabled only in ADD/ UPDATE/DELETE mode. Be sure not to use the DISABLE ZOOM statement in any code section for fields that you wish to Zoom from in Find mode. For the field you Zoom from, the field attributes Stop for Input and Updatable must be set to yes. For example: BEFORE FORM SET AUD_ON_ENTRY TO FALSE FIELD cust_name INIT FIELD ENABLE ZOOM to cust_rec 254 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The RECORD_CONSISTENCY and SET_CONSISTENCY options determine the transaction level for database operations performed from the Zoom form. The transaction level is set to the level for the previous form when the application returns from the Zoom form. If the transaction level is omitted, the Zoom form executes at the same level as the current form. The AT clause determines the location of the form's upper left corner. If omitted, the Zoom form has the same origin defined for it within ACCELL/Generator. An error occurs if there is not enough room for the form on the screen. A “commercial at” symbol (@) in front of the position indicates absolute coordinates measured from the upper left corner of the screen. Without the “at” symbol, the coordinates are relative to the origin of the last form. The REPEATED option temporarily resets the number of occurrences for a multioccurrence form. It is not an error to use this clause on forms that are not multioccurrence forms: ACCELL/IDS simply ignores the option. The RETURN KEY option lets you bring key values back to a form from the Zoom form. Only the key on the Zoom form can be brought back automatically. If a key consists of more than one field, the first value in the first Zoom form key field is displayed in the form field at which the zoom was performed. Successive key fields are displayed in successive form fields in key field order. Thus, a screen field is required for each part of the key. Key field order is specified in the database design. ACCELL/IDS handles RETURN KEY errors normally except that any fields not yet processed are discarded. If RETURN KEY is specified but there is no key to return, input resumes on the current form's current field. Similarly, if the user presses CANCEL ZOOM, no value is returned. Sample Statement FIELD co_sales_rep BEFORE FIELD ENABLE ZOOM TO fsalesrep RETURN KEY ACCELL/Language statements 255 This statement, in the BEFORE FIELD section of the fcompany form enables a zoom to the fsalesrep form from the co_sales_rep field and on PREV FORM the sales representative key is returned. The zoom is disabled by the following statement: DISABLE ZOOM TO fsalesrep ERASE TRIM ERASE TRIM [FOR form_name ] [AT position]; form_name The name of the form whose trim is being erased. It is either a string expression or a form name. position The row and column number for the upper left corner of the displayed trim. A position consists of the row number, a comma, and the column number, all enclosed in parentheses. Any numeric expression can be used for row and column numbers. The position may be preceded by an “at” symbol (@) to indicate absolute rather than relative coordinates. The ERASE TRIM statement erases the last instance of trim displayed at the specified position. If trim has been displayed several times on top of itself, ERASE TRIM erases only the most recently created trim. If the FOR and AT clauses are omitted, ERASE TRIM erases the last trim displayed. A “commercial at” symbol (@) in front of the position indicates absolute coordinates measured from the upper left corner of the screen. Without the “at” symbol, the coordinates are relative to the origin of the last form. If there is no AT clause, ACCELL/IDS uses the location of the form's most recent occurrence. Instances of form trim are identified by position and form name. Using the ERASE TRIM statement when there is no displayed trim is an error. An error message is generated if the AT clause specifies a position at which there is no trim. Sample Statement ERASE TRIM FOR fitems; 256 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference This statement erases the trim for the fitems form at the last place it was displayed. Statements to display and erase trim can be used to produce custom Help forms that appear under program control. To display such a screen, use a DISPLAY TRIM statement in the BEFORE FIELD section. The form will remain on the screen until the user moves to another field if you put an ERASE TRIM statement in the AFTER FIELD section. EXTERN EXTERN C (type_spec | VOID) FUNCTION function_name ([formal_parameter_list]); formal_parameter_list A list of ACCELL/IDS variables indicating how many parameters are passed to a developer-written C function. The maximum number of parameters is 31. Variable names are separated by commas. A variable in the parameter list that is set in the function must be preceded by the keyword RESULT. function_name The name of the developer-written function. The form and length of the name depend on the local C compiler. type_spec The ACCELL/IDS type of the function value. Valid types are NUMERIC, FLOAT, AMOUNT, BOOL, STRING, DATE, and TIME. The EXTERN statement makes it possible to call a developer-supplied function written in C. The function can return a value like a standard ACCELL/IDS function or return values through variables in the parameter list. If the keyword VOID is used rather than a type_spec, ACCELL/IDS assumes the function does not return a value. See Chapter 9.4, User Functions, for complete information about writing and incorporating functions. Sample Statement EXTERN C FLOAT FUNCTION paycalc(principal,rate,term) This declaration defines an external function named paycalc that has as arguments principal, rate, and term. It returns a FLOAT value. ACCELL/Language statements 257 In an application, a call to paycalc might look like SET answer TO paycalc(10000,12,48); This statement calls the function paycalc which uses the values 10000, 12, and 48. paycalc returns a value that is assigned to the variable answer. The returned value is a FLOAT. EXTERN statements must be the first statements in a language script. FOR FOR ([first_expression]; [logical_expression]; [second_expression]) statement first_expression Any valid ACCELL/IDS expression. The expression is evaluated once at the beginning of the loop. logical_expression Any ACCELL/IDS expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. The expression is evaluated at the beginning of each loop iteration. The loop ends when the expression becomes FALSE. second_expression Any valid ACCELL/IDS expression. This expression is evaluated at the end of each loop iteration. See the discussions of IF and WHILE. statement Any valid ACCELL/IDS statement. Note that this includes statement blocks, as well as single statements. The FOR statement executes statement as long as the logical_expression is TRUE. At the beginning of the FOR statement, ACCELL/IDS performs a one-time evaluation of the first expression. Next, it evaluates the logical_expression. If the logical_expression is TRUE, the statement executes, the second_expression is evaluated, and ACCELL/IDS again evaluates the logical_expression. This sequence continues until logical_expression is FALSE. When the logical_expression is FALSE, the FOR statement ends. The FOR statement is equivalent to the following WHILE loop: first_expression; WHILE logical_expression; BEGIN statement; 258 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference second_expression; END You can use a FOR loop or a WHILE loop depending on your programming style and personal preference. The following flowchart illustrates the execution sequence of the FOR statement: FOR EVALUTE FIRST COMPANY EXPRESSION IS LOGICAL EXPRESSION TRUE? NO YES DO THE STATEMENT COMPANY OR BLOCK EVALUATE SECOND COMPANY EXPRESSION Figure 49. Execution sequence of FOR statement ACCELL/Language statements 259 Sample Statement FOR (SET $index TO 1; $index < 100; SET $index TO $index + 1) DISPLAY index; This statement displays the numbers 1 through 99 in the current screen field. IF IF logical_expression THEN statement [ ELSE statement ] logical_expression Any ACCELL/IDS expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. statement Any valid ACCELL/IDS statement. Note that this includes statement blocks, as well as single statements. The IF statement conditionally executes a statement or block. ACCELL/IDS evaluates the logical_ expression and, if it is TRUE, the statement or block following THEN is executed. If the logical_expression is FALSE, the statement following THEN is skipped; if there is an ELSE, its statement or block is executed when logical_expression is TRUE. 260 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The following flowcharts illustrate the execution sequence of the IF statement: IF NO IS LOGICAL EXPRESSION TRUE? YES DO THE STATEMENT OR BLOCK AFTER THE WORD THEN CO M PAN Y Figure 50. IF statement execution, No ELSE clause ACCELL/Language statements 261 IF NO IS LOGICAL EXPRESSION TRUE? YES DO THE STATEMENT OR BLOCK AFTER THE WORD THEN DO THE STATEMENT OR BLOCK AFTER THE WORD ELSE Figure 51. IF statement execution with ELSE clause Sample Statement IF forders:ord_terms = UNDEFINED THEN SET forders:ord_terms TO `2% 10, net 30 days' This statement is used in the forders form Language script to set the order terms to the default value of '2% 10, net 30 days' if the user does not enter a value for it. INPUT INPUT 262 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The INPUT statement retrieves information the user types into the current field. Input is allowed only for screen variables. Up to 256 characters may be entered. The INPUT statement is used only in an ON FIELD section. On input to a Boolean field, only ``Y'' and ``N'' are allowed. Boolean field input is not case sensitive. Information entered using an INPUT statement can be tested and the user required to re-enter it using a combination of IF, RESTART ON FIELD, and DISPLAY statements. RESTART ON FIELD lets you redo input by restarting the ON FIELD Language section. The DISPLAY statement can be used to display an appropriate error message explaining why the input must be reentered. The INPUT statement is affected by the current value of the field's attributes. For example, if a field's STOP_FOR_INPUT attribute is set to NO, the INPUT statement cannot be executed. Sample Statement FIELD sc_name_field ON FIELD INPUT; IF (NOT namechk($sc_name_field)) THEN BEGIN DISPLAY 'Letters, blanks, apostrophes, hyphens only' FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT; RESTART ON FIELD; END; This section receives input from the field sc_name_field. After an entry is made, the input value is passed to a user function, namechk. If namechk returns FALSE–the input is not valid–then the section displays an error message and restarts the ON FIELD section. Note the use of the WAIT option on the DISPLAY statement. Without the WAIT option, the error message would appear, but would not remain on the screen long enough for the user to read it. ACCELL/Language statements 263 INSERT INSERT INTO table_name [(] db_field_name_list [)]: expression_list db_field_name_list A list of target fields separated by commas. This list contains the fields in the new record that will have values assigned to them. Any fields not in the list are assigned the DBMS default values. expression_list A list of ACCELL/IDS expressions separated by commas. The expressions are evaluated and the values are assigned to the corresponding fields in db_field_name_list. table_name The name of a database table. The new record is added to this table. The INSERT INTO statement adds a new record to the specified table. The statement assigns the first value in expression_list to the first target field, the second value to the second field, and so on until the end of the list. ACCELL/IDS then inserts the record into the table. The expressions must be assignment compatible with the DBMS type of the data fields. Assignments are made to all record fields whether specified or not. If the expression list is shorter than the database field list, ACCELL/IDS assigns the corresponding DBMS default value to the field. The expression list must include a value for the key field. Use the system function status$ to test the result of an INSERT. NOTE: The parentheses around db_field_name_list are optional but are part of the statement. Sample Statement INSERT INTO stock #st_number, #st_description, #st_unit_price: 2000, 'Stool, Artists', $49.95; This statement would assign the values 2000, `Stool, Artists', and $49.95 to the variables st_number, st_description, and st_unit_price. These variables would then be used to make a new entry in the database table stock. Because st_number is a key field, an error would occur if an item with stock number 2000 is already in the table. 264 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference NEXT ACTION NEXT ACTION [IS] action_keyword; action_keyword One of the keywords listed below. Used to simulate the corresponding user command from within the application. The NEXT ACTION statement simulates a user command from inside the application. NEXT ACTION can be used to force execution of a user command without having to rely on the user to press a key. NEXT ACTION can only be used to perform the following actions: FIND NEXT FORM PREV FORM NEXT RECORD PREV RECORD CLEAR TO ADD CLEAR TO FIND ABORT APPLICATION The EXIT option starts execution of the AFTER APPLICATION section, if one exists, and then terminates the application. If there is no AFTER APPLICATION section, the application comes to a normal end. Sample Statement IF current_record_num$() = current_record_count$() THEN NEXT ACTION is CLEAR TO ADD This statement is used in the fitems Language script to automatically perform a CLEAR TO ADD if the user presses from the last field of the last item record for an order. REFRESH SCREEN REFRESH SCREEN ACCELL/Language statements 265 The REFRESH SCREEN statement forces an immediate update of the information on the screen. ACCELL/IDS buffers output to the terminal, periodically updating the information on the screen. Because of this use of buffered output, the displayed information may not immediately reflect database changes. The REFRESH SCREEN statement forces ACCELL/IDS to update the display to reflect any changes you may have just made. REJECT OPERATION REJECT OPERATION The REJECT OPERATION statement keeps the user from performing a specific operation. The Language section the statement appears in determines the operation rejected. The table below shows the allowed Language sections and the corresponding operation the statement prevents. Language section Rejected operation Executed code section BEFORE FIND FIND BEFORE FIND, AFTER FIND BEFORE ADD ADD BEFORE ADD, AFTER ADD BEFORE UPDATE UPDATE BEFORE UPDATE, AFTER UPDATE BEFORE DELETE DELETE BEFORE DELETE, AFTER DELETE ON NEXT FORM NEXT FORM N/A ON PREVIOUS FORM PREVIOUS FORM N/A ON NEXT RECORD NEXT RECORD, NEXT SET, LAST RECORD N/A PREV RECORD, PREV SET, FIRST RECORD N/A ON CLEAR TO FIND CLEAR TO FIND N/A ON EXIT ABORT APPLICATION N/A ON PREVIOUS RECORD N/A N/A REJECT OPERATION keeps executing the relevant code section (BEFORE ... and AFTER ...) and then returns after completing the section. If the code sections are to execute only if the operation is successful, the code must be within an IF test having the same criteria used for acceptance. 266 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The only “goto” language statement is NEXT ACTION. Sample Statement BEFORE ADD IF user_name$() < > 'Alexander' THEN REJECT OPERATION This section prevents anyone with a user name other than Alexander from doing an Add. REJECT RECORD REJECT RECORD The REJECT RECORD statement discards a record found by a user FIND command. REJECT RECORD may appear only in the ON FIND Language section. The rejected record is not included in the selected set and cannot be viewed by the user. REJECT RECORD provides another way to limit a user's search criteria–in addition to the use of search ranges–to provide additional security for specified users or records. Rejected records are excluded from the total of current_record_count$. Sample Statement ON FIND IF emp_last_name = 'Smithers' THEN REJECT RECORD This REJECT RECORD statement keeps the record for Smithers from being selected, viewed, or altered. REPAINT SCREEN REPAINT SCREEN REPAINT SCREEN restores the entire screen display. The statement can be used to restore the display after a call to an external procedure that produces screen output. The effect is the same as the user giving the REPAINT command. ACCELL/Language statements 267 REPEAT REPEAT statement_list UNTIL logical_expression; logical_expression Any ACCELL/IDS expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. The statement_list repeats until the expression becomes TRUE. statement_list One or more ACCELL/IDS statements. These statements form the body of the REPEAT loop. The REPEAT statement repeatedly executes a statement list as long as logical_expression is FALSE. The major difference between the REPEAT and WHILE statements is that ACCELL/IDS evaluates logical_expression after each execution of the statement. This means that a REPEAT loop's statement list is executed at least once; a WHILE loop's statement will not be executed at all if logical_expression is initially FALSE. The following flowchart illustrates the execution sequence of the REPEAT statement: REPEAT DO STATEMENT LIST EVALUATE EXPRESSION AFTER WORD UNTIL IS LOGICAL EXPRESSION TRUE? YES NO Figure 52. Execution sequence for REPEAT statement Sample Statements SET indx TO 100 REPEAT DISPLAY indx SET indx TO indx + 1 UNTIL indx > 50 268 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference This REPEAT statement displays the value 100 in the current screen field and then leaves the loop. RESTART ON FIELD RESTART ON FIELD The RESTART ON FIELD statement starts the ON FIELD section over again. NOTE: This statement can appear only in an ON FIELD Language section. Sample Statements FIELD answer ON FIELD INPUT IF answer < > 'good' AND answer < > 'bad' THEN BEGIN DISPLAY 'Enter "good" or "bad". Press any key to continue.' FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT RESTART ON FIELD END The statements above receive input from the screen field answer. If the input is not one of the two correct values, the DISPLAY statement prints a message in the FYI MESSAGE area and the RESTART statement restarts the ON FIELD section. The WAIT option must be used on the DISPLAY statement. Without the WAIT option, ACCELL/IDS displays the message–but it is immediately overlaid with the field's FYI message, preventing the user from reading the error message. ACCELL/Language statements 269 SET SET (variable | attribute) TO expression attribute Any valid ACCELL/IDS attribute name. The attribute will be set to the value of the expression. The expression and the attribute must be assignment compatible. See section 6.3, ACCELL/IDS Attributes for a complete list of attributes. variable Any valid ACCELL/IDS variable. The variable is set to the value of the expression. The expression and the variable must be assignment compatible. See Chapter 6.2, Variables for more information about variables. NOTE: The parentheses in the syntax description are not part of the statement. The assignment statement, SET, changes the value of an ACCELL/IDS variable or attribute and may, indirectly, change screen field and target record values. If the variable is a screen or screen/target variable, the displayed value changes when the variable's value changes. If the screen field linked to the variable is part of a covered active form, the new field value appears only when the form reappears. If the variable is linked to a field in the target table, changing its value changes the field value only in the current record's buffer. The new value is not added to the database until the current record is added or updated. In the ACCELL/Language the SET statement is not actually a statement; it is an expression. This means that the SET statement, unlike other statements, has a value. Because SET has a value, you can put a SET statement inside another SET statement to perform multiple assignments. You can use SET anywhere that an expression may appear. Sample Statements SET var1 TO SET var2 TO SET var3 TO 0 DISPLAY SET var1 TO var1 + 1 SET screen_field:REVERSE TO TRUE The first statement assigns the value 0 to the three variables, var1, var2, and var3. 270 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The second statement increments the variable var1 and displays the value. The final statement sets the REVERSE attribute of the screen variable screen_field to TRUE. Setting the REVERSE attribute to TRUE displays the field in reverse video on the screen. SET/SELECT FIELD SET variable_list TO SELECT [AND (XLOCK | SLOCK) db_field_name_list FROM table_name [WHERE logical_expression] [ORDER BY db_field_name_list] [EXECUTING statement_block] variable_list A list of variables separated by commas. Values are to be assigned to these variables. db_field_name_list A list of database field names separated by commas. In the first db_field_name_list, these are database variables whose values are assigned to the variables in variable_list. All database variable names must be preceded by the table name and a period or the table name symbol #. The db_field_name_list in the ORDER BY clause sorts the records in the resulting selected set according to the list. Each item in the list is used as a sort field and must be followed by ASCENDING or DESCENDING. logical_expression Any ACCELL/IDS expression that evaluates to either TRUE or FALSE. The expression determines which records are chosen by the SELECT clause. statement_block A series of ACCELL/IDS statements starting with the keyword BEGIN and ending with the keyword END. The statement_block in the EXECUTING clause is done once for each record selected. UNLOCK statements cannot appear in the block. NOTE: Even if the statement block contains only one statement, BEGIN and END are required. table_name The name of a database table from which records will be selected. The SET/SELECT statement retrieves some or all of a record's fields from the database and assigns their values to the specified variables. There is no implicit ordering to the assignments. The SET/SELECT statement operates on one or more records depending on the combination of the WHERE clause and the EXECUTING block. When the WHERE ACCELL/Language statements 271 clause appears by itself, ACCELL/IDS arbitrarily picks one of the records meeting the WHERE criteria and makes the assignments to the variables in the variable_list. For example, the following statement arbitrarily picks one record from the set of employees in the sales department and assigns the last name to the variable one_name. SET one_name TO SELECT employee.emp_last_name FROM employee WHERE employee.emp_department = 'SALES' The WHERE clause in combination with the EXECUTING block causes ACCELL/IDS to cycle through all records that meet the WHERE criteria. For example, the following statement cycles through all of the records for employees in the “Sales” department and displays their last names in the current screen field. Notice the use of the symbol # as a short notation for the table name. SET one_name TO SELECT #emp_last_name FROM employee WHERE #emp_department = 'SALES' EXECUTING BEGIN DISPLAY one_name END ACCELL/IDS automatically chooses (from several paths that may be available) the optimum access path to the data specified by the WHERE clause. The ACCELL/ DBMS supports four access methods: • hashing – on a primary key • B-tree index – on any field or group of fields • explicit relationships – linked references between parent and child records • buffered sequential scan – all types of fields For WHERE clause optimization to function correctly, you should fully expand all expressions before using them in the WHERE clause. Expanding all expressions in the WHERE clause can result in a ten-fold performance increase over any single access method. 272 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference For example, the WHERE clause in the following statement contains expressions that have not been fully expanded: SET finventory:$nv_number TO SELECT #nv_number FROM nvntry WHERE #nv_description = half_name_1 + half_name_2 ACCELL/IDS cannot correctly determine the optimum access method for selecting this data. To ensure WHERE clause optimization, the clause above should be expanded as follows: whole_name = half_name_1 + half_name_2 SET finventory:$nv_number TO SELECT #nv_number FROM nvntry WHERE #nv_description = whole_name The ORDER BY clause causes records to be selected in the sort order determined by the db_field_name_list in the clause. For example, the clause: ORDER BY emp_last_name ASCENDING could be used in the preceding example to display the employee names in alphabetical order. Each item in db_field_name_list is used as a sort field and must be followed by ASCENDING or DESCENDING. If a locking option (XLOCK or SLOCK) appears in the statement, the selected record or records change lock status according to the locking option. The EXECUTING clause includes a block of statements that is done once for each record that meets the SELECT criteria. In addition, STRING comparisons using the operators <, >, <=, and >= must be specified in an IF statement within the EXECUTING block. For example: SET $empid, $lname TO SELECT #empid, #lname FROM emp‘ EXECUTING BEGIN IF ( $lname > 'S' ) THEN END ACCELL/Language statements 273 SET/SELECT, like SET, is an expression. The value of SET/SELECT is the value of the first variable in variable_list. This allows you to place a SET/SELECT to perform multiple assignments or to use a SET/SELECT anywhere an expression may appear. The system function status$ can be used to test the results of a SET/SELECT statement. Sample Statement SET s_emp_first, s_emp_last, s_emp_ext TO SELECT #emp_first_name, #emp_last_name, #emp_ext FROM employee WHERE #emp_job_code = 'REP' This statement selects all employees with a job code of “Rep”. However, only one of those records' values will be assigned to the variable list after the keyword SET. The selection of the record is arbitrary. Remember that the symbol # is a short notation for the table name followed by a period. For example, #emp_first_name is the same as employee.emp_first_name. The following statement selects the same set of records as the previous statement. However, the executing block executes once for each record selected. The effect is to display the values of the three variables for every employee with a job code of “Rep”. SET s_emp_first, s_emp_last, s_emp_ext TO SELECT #emp_first_name, #emp_last_name, #emp_ext FROM employee WHERE #emp_job_code = 'REP' EXECUTING BEGIN DISPLAY s_emp_first + s_emp_last + s_emp_ext WAIT END The following statement selects and displays the same employees as the preceding example except that the employees appear in alphabetical order: SET s_emp_first, s_emp_last, s_emp_ext TO SELECT #emp_first_name, #emp_last_name, #emp_ext 274 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference FROM employee WHERE #emp_job_code = 'REP' ORDER BY #emp_last_name ASCENDING, #emp_first_name ASCENDING EXECUTING BEGIN DISPLAY s_emp_first + s_emp_last + s_emp_ext WAIT END The following statement shows how an IF statement within the EXECUTING clause is used instead of a WHERE clause for a string comparison operation. SET $empid, $lname TO SELECT #empid, #lname FROM emp EXECUTING BEGIN IF ( $lname > 'S' ) THEN BEGIN .... END END SLOCK SLOCK table_name [WHERE logical_expression]; table_name The name of the table to be SLOCKed or the table containing the records to be SLOCKed. logical_expression Any ACCELL/IDS expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. When the WHERE clause appears, ACCELL/IDS evaluates this expression for every record in the table. A record is SLOCKed only when logical_expression is TRUE. An SLOCK statement protects selected records and tables. An SLOCK is a shared lock. Any transaction may read an SLOCKed record or table, but no other transaction may modify it. The WHERE option, when used, identifies the set of records to lock; the set may be empty. ACCELL/IDS evaluates the logical expression for each record in the table. When the expression is TRUE, the record is SLOCKed. When there is no WHERE clause, the statement requests a lock on the entire table. ACCELL/Language statements 275 Any time a lock is attempted on a set of records, the lock fails if a member of the set cannot be locked. ACCELL/IDS automatically unlocks all locked records at the end of the current transaction. Locking statements affect only other users of the database. An application can read and modify any records it has locked. The ACCELL Lock Manager allows the Environment to place “Shared” locks at the application level. Many developers can be working on the same application at the same time, but are prevented from adding, deleting, or updating on the same form or in the same Language script at the same time. Execution of an SLOCK statement does not guarantee that the record or table is locked. The statement generates a request for a shared lock on the object. If the request cannot be granted, ACCELL/IDS generates an error message. Such an error usually indicates that another transaction (application) is holding a conflicting lock. You can use the system function status$ to test the results of an SLOCK statement. You can write your application so it attempts a lock several times if an SLOCK fails. If, after repeated attempts, the lock still fails, it is best to start the transaction over and release all locks. This prevents a deadlock with another application over the database. Be sure your application provides appropriate messages to the user about the locking problems. Sample Statements SLOCK employee SLOCK employee WHERE #emp_job_code = 'REP' The first SLOCK statement requests a lock on the entire table employee. The second statement requests a lock on the records in the employee table that meet the WHERE criteria. If one of the records cannot be locked, the status$ function returns a value greater than zero, indicating partial success. NOTE: 276 Remember, the # symbol is short for the table name followed by a period. #emp_job_code could also have been written Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference employee.emp_job_code. Either the # symbol or the table name must be used because emp_job_code is a database name. SWITCH SWITCH expression BEGIN ((CASE constant: | DEFAULT:) + statement_list) + END ; constant A valid ACCELL/IDS constant. The constant can be of any of the valid ACCELL/IDS types: NUMERIC, FLOAT, AMOUNT, BOOL, STRING, DATE, or TIME. statement_list A series of ACCELL/IDS statements. A SWITCH statement usually appears as follows: SWITCH expression BEGIN CASE constant: statement_list CASE constant: statement_list . . . DEFAULT: statement_list END When ACCELL/IDS encounters a SWITCH statement, it evaluates the expression following SWITCH and compares it to all of the constants following the CASE keywords. When the value matches, the statement list corresponding to that case executes. If there is no match, the statement_list following DEFAULT executes. Each case must be unique. When using SWITCH, do not make any assumptions about the order in which the switch value and constants are compared: there is no fixed comparison order. There can be only one DEFAULT in a SWITCH. The DEFAULT may appear anywhere in the body of the SWITCH. When you want to use a single statement_list in more than one case, you may use more than one CASE and constant combination in front of the statement_list. This produces a SWITCH statement with the following form: ACCELL/Language statements 277 SWITCH expression BEGIN . . . CASE constant: CASE constant: statement_list . . END The following flowchart illustrates the execution sequence of the SWITCH statement: SWITCH EXPRESSION MATCHES EVALUATE EXPRESSION AND FIND MATCHING CASE EXPRESSION MATCHES NO EXPRESSION MATCHES DO THE STATEMENTS FOR FIRST CASE DO THE STATEMENTS FOR SECOND CASE DO THE STATEMENTS FOR DEFAULT CASE CONTINUE TO NEXT STATEMENT Figure 53. SWITCH statement execution sequence 278 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Sample Statement SWITCH ship_code BEGIN CASE 'U': SET exp_ship_code CASE 'P': SET exp_ship_code CASE 'A': SET exp_ship_code DEFAULT: SET exp_ship_code END TO 'UPS' TO 'Parcel Post' TO 'Air Express' TO 'Unspecified' The SWITCH statement above tests an abbreviated shipping code (ship_code) and sets the variable exp_ship_code to an appropriate expanded shipping code. UNLOCK UNLOCK table_name [WHERE logical_expression]; logical_expression Any ACCELL/IDS expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. When the WHERE clause appears, ACCELL/IDS evaluates this expression for every record in the table. ACCELL/IDS unlocks a record only when logical_expression is TRUE. table_name The name of the table to be UNLOCKed or the table containing the records to be UNLOCKed. The UNLOCK statement unlocks selected records and tables locked by previous statements in the current transaction. Only those tables or records that have not been exclusive locked (XLOCKed) are unlocked. All other records or tables remain locked until the current transaction ends. The WHERE option, when used, identifies the set of records to unlock; the set may be empty. ACCELL/IDS evaluates the logical expression for each record in the table. When the expression is TRUE, the record is unlocked. When there is no WHERE clause, the statement requests that the entire table be unlocked. Unlocking records that are already unlocked is not an error. It is good programming practice to unlock any records or tables no longer required. This frees database resources for other applications. ACCELL/Language statements 279 You can use the system function status$ to test the results of an UNLOCK statement. Sample Statements UNLOCK employee UNLOCK employee WHERE #emp_job_code = 'REP' The first UNLOCK statement unlocks the entire table employee. The second statement unlocks the records in the employee table that have an employee job code (emp_job_code) equal to “Rep”. The # symbol is short for the table name followed by a period. Either the # symbol or the table name must be used because emp_job_code is a database name. #emp_job_code could also have been written employee.emp_job_code. UPDATE CURRENT RECORD UPDATE CURRENT RECORD; UPDATE table_name SET db_field_name_list TO expression_list WHERE logical_expression; db_field_name_list A list of database field names separated by commas. The target variable names must be preceded by the table name and a period or the symbol #. The target variables are assigned the values in expression_list. The first variable is given the first value in the expression list, the second variable is given the second value in the list, and so on. expression_list A list of ACCELL/IDS expressions. Each expression is evaluated and the resulting value is assigned to the corresponding variable. The expressions must be assignment-compatible with the variables. table_name The table containing the records to be updated. UPDATE CURRENT RECORD writes the current record to the database using the values of the current record's fields. UPDATE CURRENT RECORD should be used carefully because it does not cause execution of any of the Update Language sections. 280 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The second form of the UPDATE statement updates the fields of the selected record. When a WHERE clause is used, the statement goes through a series of steps: • A record, selected by the WHERE clause, is read. • The values in the expression list are assigned to the variables in the database field name list (db_field_name_list). The first value in the expression list is assigned to the first database field, the second value in the expression list is assigned to the second database field, and so on until the ends of the lists are reached. • The updated record is written to the database. The sequence is performed for every record that meets the WHERE criteria. If the WHERE clause identifies an empty set, no action is taken. Expression list values and database fields must be assignment compatible. To test the results of an UPDATE statement, use the status$ function. Using the AFA unique option When a field uses the AFA unique option, ACCELL/IDS generates a unique field value after the Add is completed. Thus, immediately following a CLEAR TO ADD command, the field using the AFA unique contains only the unique offset value. After completing the Add with the ADD/UPDATE command or with the UPDATE CURRENT RECORD statement, the field contains the generated unique value. For example, suppose there is a numeric field called anum in the database table part. The AFA description for anum is: anum: (unique+100) To add a new record to the part table, first press CLEAR TO ADD A unique offset value of 100 appears in the anum field on the part form. Press ADD/UPDATE to save this new record; the anum field is updated and the generated unique value is displayed in the anum field. For instance, if there were currently three records in the part table (anum values 100, 101, 102), the new anum value would now display as 103. ACCELL/Language statements 281 Unique values are not always assigned in sequential order; deleted numbers may be reused. Sample Statement UPDATE employee SET #emp_department TO 'SALES' WHERE #emp_job_code = 'REP' This UPDATE statement retrieves each record in the table employee that has a job code equal to REP. As each record is read, the department code field (emp_department) is set equal to SALES and the record is written back to the database. The # symbol is a quick way of indicating the table name followed by a period. #emp_job_code could also have been written employee.emp_job_code. Either the # symbol or the table name must be used because emp_job_code is a database field. WHILE WHILE logical_expression statement logical_expression Any ACCELL/IDS expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. The statement is performed as long as the expression is TRUE. statement Any ACCELL/IDS statement, including a statement block. The WHILE statement repeatedly executes a statement. First, ACCELL/IDS evaluates logical_expression. If TRUE, statement is executed and ACCELL/IDS re-evaluates the logical_expression. This continues until logical_expression becomes FALSE. The following flowchart illustrates the execution sequence of the WHILE statement: 282 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference WHILE IS LOGICAL EXPRESSION TRUE? NO YES DO THE STATEMENT OR BLOCK AFTER THE WORD THEN Figure 54. Execution sequence of WHILE statement Sample Statements SET index TO 1 WHILE index < 100 BEGIN DISPLAY index REFRESH SCREEN SET index TO index + 1 END SET index TO 100 WHILE index < 100 BEGIN DISPLAY index REFRESH SCREEN SET index TO index + 1 END ACCELL/Language statements 283 The first WHILE loop displays the numbers 1 to 99 in the current screen field. The second WHILE loop would not be executed because the initial value of the index is not less than 100. WRITE PIPELINE WRITE PIPELINE variable expression_list; expression_list One or more ACCELL/IDS expressions separated by commas. variable A standard ACCELL/IDS variable containing the identifier of an open pipeline. Writes the elements of the expression list to the pipeline identified by the variable. The information is written as a stream of ASCII characters separated by the standard separator character. ACCELL/IDS automatically inserts separator characters between the expressions, and appends a newline (/n). The separator character is usually a vertical bar (|), although it can be changed by assigning a different value to the environment variable SEPARATOR. The application must be written in such a way as to write the information in the correct format for the programs in the pipeline. WRITE PIPELINE does not perform any implicit formatting. Use the RPT data format whenever possible. This consists of a vertical bar (|) as a field separator and a newline character () as a record terminator. See Chapter 9.5, Pipelines, for more information about using pipelines. To test the results of a WRITE PIPELINE statement, use the status$ function. Sample Statement WRITE PIPELINE $pipe_one emp_first_name, emp_last_name, emp_job_language The statement above writes the employee's first name, last name, and job language to the pipeline identified by $pipe_one. The information is written out in a standard RPT format with fields separated by vertical bars (supplied by ACCELL/IDS) and a newline marking the end of the record. 284 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference XLOCK XLOCK table_name [WHERE logical_expression]; logical_expression Any ACCELL/IDS expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. A record is XLOCKed only when logical_expression is TRUE. When the WHERE clause is used, ACCELL/IDS evaluates this expression for every record in the table. table_name The name of the table to be XLOCKed or the table containing the records to be XLOCKed. The XLOCK statement protects selected records and tables. An XLOCK is an exclusive lock: only the transaction that locked the table or record may use it. Other transactions may neither read nor change the table or record. WHERE identifies the set of records to lock; the set may be empty. When there is no WHERE clause, the statement requests a lock on the entire table. If one of the records in the set cannot be locked, the status$ function returns a value greater than zero, indicating partial success. All locked records are automatically unlocked at the end of the current transaction. Locking statements affect only other users of the database. An application can read and modify any records it has locked. Execution of the XLOCK statement does not guarantee that the record or table is locked. The statement generates a request for an exclusive lock on the object. If the request cannot be granted, ACCELL/IDS generates an error message. Such an error usually indicates that another transaction (application) is holding a conflicting lock. You can use the system function status$ to test the results of an XLOCK statement. You can write your application so it attempts a lock several times if an XLOCK fails. If, after repeated attempts, the lock still fails, it is best to start the transaction over and release all locks. This prevents a deadlock with another application over the database. Be sure your application provides appropriate messages to the user about the locking problems. See Chapter 8.1, under Locking Specifications, for a description of ACCELL/DBMS– ACCELL/Manager interaction. ACCELL/Language statements 285 286 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Chapter 9: Advanced application design 9.1 ACCELL/IDS files Several advanced features for experienced developers are available in ACCELL/IDS: command level operation, control of user access, in-line C functions, pipelines, and transaction control and locking. This section explains these features and demonstrates how to use them in applications. Command level operation provides a way of running ACCELL/IDS directly from the operating system prompt, rather than from the ACCELL/Environment menus. If you are planning to use ACCELL/IDS solely from the Environment, you may want to skip Chapter 9.1, ACCELL/IDS Files, and Chapter 9.3, ACCELL/IDS Command Level Development, and look at the parts on environment variables, user functions, pipelines, transaction control and locking, and application optimization. To use ACCELL/IDS from the operating system prompt level, you should understand the ACCELL/IDS file structure and how it works. Types of ACCELL/IDS files ACCELL/IDS creates several types of files. Each file type is used at a different stage of application development or processing. An ACCELL/IDS file name is followed by a dot and a two- or three-letter suffix indicating its type. The file name is usually the same as the form or application the file is part of. For example, fcompany.fq contains the screen file (.fq) for the company form (company). 287 .fq and .aq files These are the Standard form (.fq) and Master Application form (.aq) screen files created by the ACCELL/Generator. They store a form's trim, screen field definitions, and other characteristics specified in the ACCELL/Generator. Each form has its own .fq or .aq file. The ACCELL/Environment automatically creates the .aq file for the Master Application form and gives it the same name as the application. The ACCELL/IDS ASQ2Q utility also generates .fq files. .fs and .as files The .fs and .as files are form source Language files that contain Language scripts for Standard and Master Application forms. The Environment automatically creates the .as file for the Master Application form. You create .fs files for your application using your system editor. Regardless of what name you give to .fs files, the Environment automatically assigns a file name to the file consisting of the form name and a .fs extension. .sy, .cd, and .io files The .sy, .cd, and .io files are optionally produced by the ACCELL/IDS Compiler (ACPL), when you use the -s, -c, and -p options, respectively. The .sy file contains the list of symbols used in the form. The .cd file shows the code produced by the ACCELL/IDS Compiler. And the .io file contains the output of the C preprocessor. .fo and .ao files The .fo and .ao files are form object files for Standard and Master Application forms. They are compiled versions of .fs and .as files produced by the ACCELL/IDS Compiler (ACPL). 288 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference .fa files The .fa file is a form archive file. Form archives contain executable images–with the compiled object code–of each form in an application, and are used by the manager at runtime. The Environment puts all forms for each application into a single archive, although you can include more than one archive in an application when working at the command level. The ACCELL/IDS Combiner/Archiver (ACMB) produces form archive files. The Combiner/Archiver takes each .fq file in the application, combines it with the corresponding .fo file if one exists, and archives the results in a .fa file. .al files The .al file is the application load map file produced by linking the application. The Manager uses this file to control execution of the application. The file contains information that lets the Manager find the needed files. .al files are produced by the Linker (ALNK). .hlp files The .hlp files are trim archive files that store Field Help forms. The ACCELL/ Generator (AGEN) creates and manages these files. The manager uses these files at runtime. The ACCELL/IDS ASQ2H utility also generates .hlp files. ACCELL/IDS file processing Once you design the forms and create the Language scripts, the ACCELL/IDS Development Environment processes forms and scripts to create the files used during application execution. The illustration that follows shows how this process works: Advanced application design 289 .fs and .as files created with system editor ACCELL/IDS SmartlinkTM Compiler (ACPL) ACCELL/IDS SmartlinkTM Generator (AGEN) .fo and .ao files .fq and .aq files created with ACCELL/IDS Generator .hlp files ACCELL/IDS Combiner Archiver (ACMB) .fa .fa .fa .fa ACCELL/IDS Linker Loader (ALNK) Figure 55. File processing 290 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The .fs and .as files are run through the ACCELL/IDS Smartlinkt Compiler to create .fo and .ao files, respectively. .fq and .aq files are then combined with .fo and .ao files by the ACCELL/IDS Combiner/Archiver to create .fa files. Finally, the ACCELL/IDS Linker reads all the .fa files and creates one .al file. A single option on the ACCELL/Environment Application/Form Operation menu, Compile/Integrate Forms & Language, performs this entire operation. (See Chapter 3 for more information on the Environment.) For this option to work, you must be sure to follow the Environment conventions if you create files outside of the Environment: Place all files in one directory–.fs and .fq pairs with the same name, .as and .aq pairs with the same name, only one .fa file, and .hlp files. How ACCELL/IDS uses files when running applications When an application runs, the Manager uses the .fa and .hlp files and the single .al file to run the application: .fa .fa .fa .fa .fa ACCELL/Manager (AMGR) Figure 56. Use of ACCELL/IDS files at runtime Advanced application design 291 Recall that the .al file contains information on the location of each form's executable image. When you run an application, ACCELL/IDS uses the .al, .fa, and .hlp files to locate the forms and display them in the proper sequence. Environment variables required by ACCELL/IDS The list below shows the environment variables that must be set in order to run ACCELL/IDS. A check (4) under "Developing" following the variable indicates a variable needed for application development. A check under "Running" indicates a variable that must be set in order to run an application. For exact information on how to set these variables, see Chapter 9.2, Environment Variables. Required environment variables Environment variable 292 Developing Running ACLENV ✔ ACLPATH ✔ DBPATH ✔ ✔ PATH ✔ ✔ TERM ✔ ✔ TEMCAP ✔ ✔ UNICAP ✔ ✔ UNFIY ✔ ✔ Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 9.2 Environment variables The standard operating system shell gives you a convenient way of setting up parameters that can be accessed by shell scripts and programs. These parameters are called environment variables. Environment variables take the form: name=value where both name and value are arbitrary strings. An example of an environment variable is PATH. PATH is used by the operating system to determine which directories to search to locate programs. The default value for PATH is :/bin:/usr/bin. Using the default value, the shell would search for programs only in the current directory, /bin, and /usr/bin. How to set environment variables Suppose you put your ACCELL/IDS release into /usr/ACCELL/IDS. You would then want to add /usr/ACCELL/bin to your PATH list. Assuming you are using the Bourne shell, you would enter: PATH=:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ACCELL/bin or PATH=$PATH:/usr/ACCELL/bin where $PATH substitutes the current value of the variable PATH. If you want this new PATH to take effect in subshells, you must export the variable. This is done by entering: export PATH If you are using the C shell (csh) you can set environment variables and export them using the following syntax: Advanced application design 293 setenv variable_name value For example: setenv PATH $PATH:/usr/accell/bin Using environment variables To enable ACCELL/IDS to process correctly using a default directory structure, you only need to set the TERM environment variable. If you set only the TERM variable, you must be in your database directory, where the files file.db, unify.db, and *.idx are located, when you run ACCELL/IDS. If you want to start up ACCELL/IDS from any directory, while still using the default directory structure, you must also set DBPATH. DBPATH should be set to the database directory containing the files file.db, unify.db, and *.idx. The startup shell script, ACCELL/IDS, will automatically set the following environment variables to their default setting: Environment variable Startup default BUDEV the device specified by the installation procedures DBPATH the current directory PATH appends the location of the ACCELL/IDS system bin directory, as specificied by the installation procedures, to $PATH TERMCAP the temcap file located in $UNIFY UNIFY the location of the ACCELL/IDS system lib directory as specified by the installation procedures To allow for a non-default directory structure, or a non-standard backup device, system editor, or ACCELL/IDS system file location, you should set the appropriate environment variables from the basic environment variables list. See the subsection, Basic Environment Variables. Environment variable setting commands can be added to your .profile or .login file to have the variables set and exported automatically when you log in. Refer to profile and login in your operating system documentation for further information. 294 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference As an application developer, be sure the end user has the appropriate variables set or has an easy method of setting them; for example, a shell script. By setting all the necessary environment variables correctly and using a standard directory structure, users can run an ACCELL/IDS application without knowledge of how the operating system works. NOTE: The manual sections in the following environment variable descriptions refer to the ACCELL/IDS DBMS Developer's Reference Manual. Basic environment variables The following is the basic set of environment variables that should be defined to run applications. ACLEN V Pathname to the root application development directory. This directory contains all your individual application directories. ACLENV only needs to be set if you use a directory structure other than the ACCELL/IDS default. If DBPATH has been set, the default value for ACLENV is: $DBPATH/../aclenv otherwise, ACLENV is set to: ./../aclenv DBPATH The directory where your application database files are located. This includes the files file.db, unify.db, and all .idx files. If you set DBPATH, you can access the database from any directory. When you set the DBPATH variable, all the above files must be located in the indicated directory, or ACCELL/IDS will not find them. If DBPATH is not set, all the above files are assumed to be in the current directory. EDIT The name of a text editor or word processor. The default setting is the UC Berkeley vi editor. If you don't have the vi editor, or if you have something else you like better, you can reset EDIT. The EDIT variable is used by Create or Modify Help Documentation (section 12.4), Edit SQL or RPT Command Scripts (section 12.5), Edit ACCELL/Language Scripts, and SQL Extensions (Chapter 16.3) when editing queries. (Chapter numbers refer to the DBMS Developer's Reference Manual.) Advanced application design 295 PATH contain the directory where the ACCELL/IDS system programs are located. In addition, it can contain the directory where your application programs are located, if you want to execute them from somewhere other than the current directory. The standard PATH is set to :/bin:/usr/bin. For example, if you installed your ACCELL/IDS release system files in the directory: /usr/ACCELL/bin you would probably want to set PATH to: $PATH:/usr/accell/bin TERM The type of your terminal, as defined in your termcap file. There is no default value, so this variable must be set for your terminal to work properly. TERMCAP The pathname of the termcap file. This file tells ACCELL/IDS how your terminal works. The termcap file supplied in the ACCELL/IDS Release has many additional video attributes defined that are not included in the standard operating system release. You should use the ACCELL/IDS Release termcap file when running ACCELL/IDS. The default setting for TERMCAP is /etc/termcap. UNIFY The location of the ACCELL/IDS system lib directory. If it is not set to the right directory, or if it is set to null, ACCELL/IDS cannot locate the DBMS .q files, ACCELL/IDS message and help archives, Development Environment forms and help, or the ACCELL/IDS libraries. For example, if ACCELL/IDS is installed in the /usr/ACCELL/IDS directory, UNIFY should be set to: /usr/accell/lib 296 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Advanced environment variables The following are additional environment variables that may be required for your application to run properly. ACLPATH Pathname of the directory containing the .fa and .hlp forms archives. You only need to set this variable if your application's .fa, .hlp, and .al files are located in a different directory than the one you are running ACCELL/IDS from. If the specified file name does not begin with ./ or /, ACLPATH is appended to the beginning of the Help Form Name, Help Archive, and File Name file, as defined on the Generator Form Definition and Advanced Field Definition forms. The ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler sets ACLPATH for you using: $ACLENV/application_name if ACLENV is set, or: $DBPATH/../aclenv/application_name if DBPATH is set, or by default: ./../application_name where application_name is the name of the application. The ACLPATH variable is also used by the ACCELL/IDS linker, ALNK. If ALNK is run from the operating system shell, ACLPATH will default to the current directory if not set. ACPLPP The name of the preprocessor. The default is /lib/cpp, the UNIFY preprocessor. If needed, you can specify the name of a custom preprocessor. AGENINIT A string used to set parameters for the ACCELL/Manager. Use the following syntax to set the AGENINIT variable: AGENINIT="param=val[param=val ...]" where param refers to a parameter name, and val is a valid parameter value. Each parameter=value setting is a single string with no embedded spaces. A single space between each set of parameter settings separates them in the AGENINIT string, as shown in the following example: "error_file=AGEN.err num_windows=10" Use AGENINIT to set the following parameters: error_file pathname of the error file used by the Generator. heap_size size of heap memory used by the Generator. selected_set_dir pathname of the directory where the temporary files for selected sets are kept. num_windows maximum number of windows that can be active at a time. Advanced application design 297 stack_block_size size of the blocks used in the stack. The following table summarizes the defaults for the AGENINIT parameters: Parameter Default Maximum Minimum error_file /dev/null n/a n/a heap_size 8k 512k bytes 247 bytes selected_set_dir /usr/tmp n/a n/a num_windows 128 windows 1024 2 stack_block_size 4k each 1MB 256 bytes The default heap_size setting is sufficient for all but the largest applications. You need not worry about this setting until you are notified of a heap memory problem by ACCELL/IDS. If ACCELL/IDS tells you a heap memory problem exists, increase the heap size in 2k increments until the error no longer exists. The num_windows parameter can be set to any integer between 1 and 1024. The stack_block_size parameter has a valid range of 256 bytes to 1 Megabyte. This parameter setting can be important because each code section for a form must fit in one stack block. This value will need to be increased for very large and complex forms. AMGRINIT A string used to set parameters for the ACCELL/Manager. Use the following syntax to set the AMGRINIT variable: AMGRINIT="param=val[param=val ...]" where param refers to a parameter name, and val is a valid parameter value. Each parameter=value setting is a single string with no embedded spaces. A single space between each set of parameter settings separates them in the AMGRINIT string, as shown in the following example: "border_dsp=no fnkey_dsp=no" Use AMGRINIT to set the following parameters: error_file pathname of the error file used by the Manager explicit_mode the mode used for string field searches heap_size size of heap memory selected_set_dir directory that all the selected record sets go to num_windows maximum number of windows that can be active at a time 298 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference stack_block_size size of the blocks used in the stack sort_mem_size maximum amount of memory to use during sorting init_mem_size initial process size list_scan flag to report database access method used to select/find a record set mode_dsp the mode display, on or off fnkey_dsp function key display, on or off fyi_dsp FYI line display, on or off border_dsp the application area window border display, on or off mode_row placement of the mode display fnkey_row placement of the function key display fyi_row placement of the FYI line display open_archives maximum number of open form archive files The following table summarizes the defaults for the AMGRINIT parameters: Parameter Default Maximum Minimum error_file /dev/null n/a n/a explicit_mode no n/a n/a heap_size 8k <192k bytes 247 bytes selected_set_dir /usr/tmp n/a n/a num_windows 128 windows 1024 2 stack_block_size 4k each 1MB 256 bytes sort_mem_size 24k less 1 byte 1024 4k init_mem_size 65,535 none 0 list_scan no n/a n/a border_dsp yes n/a n/a fnkey_dsp yes n/a n/a fyi_dsp yes n/a n/a Advanced application design 299 mode_dsp yes n/a n/a fnkey_row max_row max_row min_row fyi_row max_row -1 max_row min_row mode_row min_row max_row min_row open_archives 5 1 The explict_mode parameter is used to toggle between default and explicit modes of performing searches on string fields. See Chapter 4, Find Mode, for information on explicit and default searches. The default heap_size setting is sufficient for all but the largest applications. You need not worry about this setting until you are notified of a heap memory problem by ACCELL/IDS. If ACCELL/IDS tells you a heap memory problem exists, increase the heap size in 2k increments until the error no longer exists. The num_windows parameter can be set to any integer between 1 and 1024. The stack_block_size parameter has a valid range of 256 bytes to 1 Megabyte. This parameter setting can be important because each code section for a form must fit in one stack block. This value will need to be increased for very large and complex forms. If you increase the size of the sort memory, sort_mem_size, data sorts process in memory instead of on disk. Data sorts are faster when processed in memory. However, increasing sort_mem_size will also increase your process size. The parameter, init_mem_size, is used to define the initial process size for the application. By increasing the process memory size, you may be able to obtain better performance and a faster startup. If the list_scan parameter is set to YES, the ACCELL/Manager will write data access information to the Manager error file (error_file). The Manager will report the access method (random, hash, explicit relationship, B-tree, or buffered sequential access) used each time a set of records is selected. Information on the database scan type is added to the error_file when the database statements select, insert, update, set, and delete process and when the Manager FIND command processes. As an example, you might use the following setting: AMGRINIT="list_scan=yes error_file=ACCELL/IDS.err" To specify the mode, function key, FYI line displays, and window border displays, use the syntax shown in the following table: 300 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Option Syntax Turn border or line display on or off { border_dsp | fnkey_dsp | fyi_dsp | mode_dsp } = { yes | no } Position line display at top of screen { fnkey_row | fyi_row | more_row } = min_row [+1 | +2] { fnkey_row | fyi_row | more_row } = max_row [-1 | -2] Position line display at bottom of screen In the preceding table, min_row refers to the top record–the default position for the mode line display. max_row is the bottom record–the default position for the function key line display. When you change mode line, function key line, and FYI line display positions, the application area shifts up or down to adjust for the changes. NOTE: If you change any one of the three locations, you must change all three locations. For example (on the Bourne shell), to place the FYI message line at the top, the status (mode) on the line below, and turn the function key line and border displays off, set AMGRINIT with the following command: AMGRINIT="border_dsp=no fnkey_dsp=no fyi_row=min_row mode_row=min_row+1 fnkey_row=max_row" APPMAP The name of the application map file. This file is used to access multiple databases in ACCELL/IDS. Refer to Chapter 9.3 under Accessing Multiple databases for more information on using multiple databases and the APPMAP variable. BINEDIT The name of a binary editor. This editor is used in ENTER for editing binary fields. To edit a binary field in ENTER, press CTRL D when the cursor is on the position reserved for a binary field. BUBLK The size in bytes of a block used by the backup device. If this variable is not set, the block size defaults to 4096 bytes. BUDEV The complete path name of the system backup device. This is a diskette drive, a cartridge tape drive, or a 9-track tape drive. There is no default value, so this must be set for any program that uses the backup device. It is usually set up by the installation procedure. BUDRVR The name of a custom program to be used as the backup device filter. The specified program is a custom version of the BUDRVR program. BUDRVR reads from and writes to BUDEV, a file. If the BUDRVR environment variable is not set, the default backup device filter is BUDRVR. Advanced application design 301 BUTAPESZ The number of blocks that fit on one tape or diskette on the backup device specified in BUDEV. To ensure a successful backup, this variable must be set. If this variable is not set or is set to zero (0), blocks are read or written until the read or write cannot be completed. The budb utility uses the BUTAPESZ environment variable to indicate the number of blocks to be written to the media. If BUTAPESZ is not set, budb relies on the operating system to correctly handle the end-of-media condition; however, the end-of-media condition is often not handled correctly by the operating system. In these cases, you must specify BUTAPESZ in the environment; otherwise, the backup may not be recoverable. Always set BUTAPESZ to a value smaller than the number of blocks that can fit on the media. Allow approximately 100 extra 1k blocks of unused media or 25 extra 4k blocks. To determine the approximate number of blocks that can fit on the backup media and to verify correct handling of the end-of-media condition, take the following steps: 1. Back up the database without setting BUTAPESZ. BUDB will display the number of blocks on the media while backing up the database. Make a note of how many blocks were written on each tape. 2. Set the BUTAPESZ environment variable to approximately 25 less than the number of blocks written to the first tape. For example, if budb indicates that 45654 blocks were written to the first tape, you would set BUTAPESZ to 45629. 3. Back up the database again using the smaller BUTAPESZ. This is a safety copy of your database. 4. Unset the BUTAPESZ environment variable; you can unset BUTAPESZ by logging out. 5. Because restoring the database is a risky operation on a production system, you may wish to make additional backups prior to running redb by using tar or cpio for regular files and dd for raw partition database volumes. 6. Using redb, try to restore the backup created in step 1. If this fails, your operating system may not correctly handle end of tape. You should then use the media created in step 3 to restore your database, and always remember to set BUTAPESZ before starting your backup. An alternate technique is to calculate and set BUTAPESZ for all backups. It can be calculated by taking the capacity of the tape in kilobytes and dividing by 4; reduce this number by 5 to 10 percent to allow for interrecord gaps. Then assign this number to BUTAPESZ. CURR 302 Controls the display format for amounts on DBMS ENTER screens and in RPT. Up to seven characters can be entered to define the currency amount format. The first three characters are required and the last four characters are optional. Each character in the CURR specification is described as follows: Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The first character in the string is reserved for the thousands separator. Enter a comma (,), a period (.), or a blank ( ). This character is required. The second character is the decimal point. Enter a period (.) or a comma (,). This character is required. The third character indicates the truncation position, the number of decimal digits that appear after the decimal point. Enter either a two (2) or a zero (0). If you enter a zero, neither the decimal digits nor the decimal point display. This character is required. The fourth character indicates the position of the currency symbol in the amount display. Use a greater than symbol (>) to display the currency symbol on the right. Use a less than symbol (<) to display the currency symbol on the left. This character is optional, and need only appear if a currency symbol is specified. The fifth, six, and seventh characters are reserved for the currency symbol. The currency symbol can be any one, two, or three characters except numeric characters. For example, the currency symbol can be $, DM, or xxx. These characters are optional. The default currency format is comma-separated thousands, with a decimal point and two decimal digits, as follows: CURR=",.2" For example, if CURR is not set, 100 thousand dollars displays as follows: 100,000.00 And if CURR is set to: " ,2>xxx" then 100 thousand dollars displays as: 100000,00xxx DATETP The format in which to accept and display dates from January 1, 1900 to December 31, 2077. This environment variable can also be used to change all brackets that display on menus and screen forms to parentheses. The default date format, AM, is MM/DD/YY, where M stands for month, D stands for day, and Y stands for year. The default format also displays brackets on menus and screen forms. The valid values for DATETP are the following: AM American format, MM/DD/YY and brackets. EU European format, DD/MM/YY and parentheses. IN International format, YY/MM /DD and parentheses. US United States format, MM/DD/YY and parentheses. Advanced application design 303 If you need to format long dates (four-digit year) from October 1, 1752 through December 31, 9999, use the LDATEFMT environment variable, also described in this section. DBNAME The name of the ACCELL/IDS database file. This variable need not be set if the default file name file.db is suitable for your system. If you want to set the database file to something other than the default, you must use an ordinary file name, not a pathname. Therefore, the value of DBNAME cannot contain slashes (/). The DBMS uses the following logic to determine the name of the database file: If unify.db is given to opendb() then unify.db is used, else if DBNAME is set to a valid file name, then the file named in DBNAME is used, else file.db is used. If the database filename is not unify.db, the name of the raw database file is always obtained by adding an "r" to the end of the database file name. DEFSIZE IF the databse filename is ... THEN the raw database filename is ... file.db file.dbr dbfile dbfile The default process size–used when NSEGS is 0– to calculate the shared memory attach address. The default value for DEFSIZE is 1MB. You can set DEFSIZE to another multiple of 1MB if you don't want the DBMS to use 1MB. You must set DEFSIZE to a multiple of 1MB, as shown in the following example, which sets DEFSIZE to 1MB: DEFSIZE=1048576 NOTE: If DEFSIZE is set too high, you may run into a range of addresses used by the stack. For more information on how NSEGS and DEFSIZE, see the description of NSEGS. DELIMFLD Whether or not the current field on a form is highlighted in reverse video. The possible values are: Y or y N or n The value of Y (yes) means that the current field on a form will be highlighted. If DELIMFLD is set to N (no), the current field on a form will not be highlighted while ACCELL/IDS waits for input. If DELIMFLD is not set, default value for this variable is Y. This variable is useful when you want to reduce the amount of I/O performed by the ACCELL/IDS application at runtime. FLTFMT 304 Format for printing floating point numbers. The default for FLTFMT is %g. You can specify any other valid conversion character for C float variables, for example: %17.9f, %.2f, or %.0f. For more information about formatting, see display in Chapter 8. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference LDATEFMT The format in which long dates are accepted and displayed. If LDATEFMT is not set, the default format is MM/DD/YY. The valid settings for this variable are the following: DD/MM/YY or DD-MM-YY or DD.MM.YY DD/MM/YYYY MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YYYY YY/MM/DD YYYY/MM/DD DD/AAA/YY DD/AAA/YYYY where D (day), M (month), Y (year), and A (alphabetic month) can be entered in upper or lower case. The separator can be a slash (/), dash (-), or period (.). To specify that days or months less than 10 display as 1 - 9 rather than 01 - 09, you can enter D and M. For example, if LDATEFMT is set as follows: LDATEFMT=M/D/YYYY the first day of June displays as 6/1/1999 rather than 06/01/1999. To specify a three-letter month, as in "MAY" or "DEC", use the DD/AAA/YY or DD/AAA/ YYYY form. LMPROMO The maximum number of locks allowed on a database object before it is promoted to a like lock of the next higher object, for example, from a record to a table. The Lock Manager uses LMPROMO to conserve memory. If conflicting locks exist, lock promotion may be postponed until a subsequent lock call. The default maximum number of locks is 50. You can set LMPROMO to a number from 1 up to the maximum integer value allowed by your computer system. A larger setting increases multi-user access ability, but uses more memory. A smaller setting decreases multi-user access ability, but uses memory better. The Lock Manager promotes the locks if there are no conflicting locks. A premature promotion causes other transactions to be locked out. NOTE: LOCKDIR LMPROMO is only used when a Lock Manager shared memory partition is created. If LMPROMO is changed, you must remove the shared memory partition and restart the application. The named pipes directory. The nonshared version of the ACCELL/IDS Lock Manager creates special files called named pipes (or sockets) for inter-process communication. Named pipes have .p suffixes. Advanced application design 305 If LOCKDIR is set, the named pipes are stored in the specified directory. Otherwise, the named pipes are stored in the default directory, /usr/tmp. If /usr/tmp does not exist, the named pipes are stored in the directory specified in DBPATH. NOTE: MAXOPNBTS LOCKDIR is only used if there is no shared memory. The maximum number of B-tree files that may be open at one time. If MAXOPNBTS is not set, the default maximum number of open B-trees is 5. When MAXOPNBTS is set, the size of MAXOPNBTS affects B-tree performance in the following ways: NOUMSGS l If MAXOPNBTS is set to a number greater than 5, B-tree index searches may be faster than at the default. However, less file descriptors are available for user programs. l If MAXOPNBTS is set to a number less than 5, B-tree searches are slower because ACCELL/IDS must repeatedly open B-trees. However, more file descriptors are available for user programs. Controls the display of progress messages while data dictionary report programs run. The progress messages include: Selecting, Sorting, and Formatting. If the variable NOUMSGS is set to T (True), the progress messages do not display. The default value for NOUMSGS is F (False). The following programs display progress messages when NOUMSGS is set to F: NSEGS System name Menu description lemp Print individual privileges lexec Print list of programs lgrp Print group privileges lmenu Print menus schlist Print database design sfrep Print screens Indicates whether ACCELL/IDS can use a system default attach address for shared memory. The default, if NSEGS is not set, is zero (0). When NSEGS is set to one (1), the DBMS uses the default system attach address. You should set NSEGS to one if the system provides the same default address for all processes attaching to a segment. When NSEGS is set to zero (0), the DBMS calculates an attach address based on the DEFSIZE environment variable value, as outlined below: 306 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference l The DBMS calculates an attach address that is comfortably outside the process data space. In this case, shared memory segments are attached relative to the process size. l If the DBMS cannot attach at the calculated attach address, it steps down through memory, in even steps, until it can attach. NOTE: Because it steps down in even decrements, the DBMS attaches at the original default, if it can find no other attach address. l The DBMS looks in the DEFSIZE environment variable for a default process size to use in calculating the attach address. The default value for DEFSIZE is 1MB. You can set DEFSIZE to another multiple of 1MB if you don't want the DBMS to use 1MB. For more information on DEFSIZE, see the DEFSIZE description. PAGELN The page length for LST and RPT reports. The default value is 66. This value is also used for the following data dictionary and database reports: Print Database Design Print Menus Print Group Privileges Print Individual Privileges Print List of Programs Print, Display database Statistics Print, Display B-Tree Statistics SEPARATOR The field separator for RPT, SQL, DBLOAD, and BMTOFF. The default separator is the pipe symbol (|). (BMTOFF is the program that interfaces ENTER to RPT.) SHMID The ID number to be used for the shared memory segment dedicated to the ACCELL/ IDS Lock Manager. The default setting for SHMID is 4903. Set SHMID if you want to run an application that uses another database that has a different memory segment. NOTE: All applications that use the same database must use the same ID number. SHMMAX The maximum size allowed for the shared memory segment. Set this variable to a size appropriate for your operating system. At the first call to the Lock Manager, the Lock Manager tries to create a shared memory segment of the requested size. If the requested size is larger than the size allowed by the operating system, the Lock Manager cycles down in 2 K-byte jumps until it successfully creates a shared memory segment. The default setting for SHMMAX is 32767. SHMMIN The minimum shared memory segment size. The Lock Manager uses SHMMIN with SHMMAX. The Lock Manager must be able to find a shared memory segment greater than or equal to the setting of SHMMIN for ACCELL/IDS to run. The default setting for SHMMIN is 4096 bytes. Advanced application design 307 SPOOLER The name of your system's line printer spooler. You should set this to the standard operating system spooler, usually lpr. If you want, you can also specify options for the spooler. For example, if you want to get a mail message after the file is printed, you can set SPOOLER as follows: SPOOLER="lpr -m" The SPOOLER environment variable must be set so that output can be piped or redirected to $SPOOLER using one of the following syntax forms: cat filename | $SPOOLER $SPOOLER < filename $SPOOLER filename1 filename2 SQLPMEM The amount of memory used during an SQL sort to hold projected fields (the fields in the select clause that are not part of the order by clause). If this variable is set too low and the sort needs more memory for projected fields, the overflow is stored in a disk file. This slows down sort performance. For more information about setting internal SQL table sizes, see SQL Extensions, Chapter 16.3 of the DBMS Developer's Reference Manual. SQLSMEM The amount of memory used during an SQL sort to hold the sort keys. If this variable is set too low and the sort needs more room for the sort keys, the overflow is stored in a disk file. This slows down sort performance. For more information about setting internal SQL table sizes, see SQL Extensions, Chapter 16.3 of the DBMS Developer's Reference Manual. TIMEM The maximum amount of memory used by SQL as a buffer for a temporary index. If this variable is set too low and the temporary index requires more memory, the overflow is stored in up to two disk files. If the temporary index uses less memory than specified in TIMEM, only the smaller amount is used. For more information about setting TIMEM and other internal SQL table sizes, see Chapter 16.3 of the DBMS Developer's Reference Manual. UCFLAGS Specifies the C compiler options to be used by ucc to generate an object file during program loading. If UCFLAGS is not set, the default is -c. For more information about ucc, see Chapter 1.5 of the Direct HLI Programmer's Manual. UCNAME Specifies the name of the C language compiler to be used during program loading and by ucc. If UCNAME is not set, the default C compiler is cc. For more information about ucc, see Chapter 1.5 of the Direct HLI Programmer's Manual. UNICAP The complete pathname of the ACCELL/IDS unicap file; for example, /usr/lib/ myunicap. If UNICAP is not set, the default location of this file is in $UNIFY/unicap. This file is used by Paint Screen Forms (Chapter 13.2 of the DBMS Developer's Reference Manual) and the Menu Handler, Generator, and Manager to determine how the keyboard works. The unicap file is described in Chapter 6.2 of the ACCELL/IDS DBMS Developer's Reference Manual and in Appendix B of the ACCELL/IDS Developer's Reference Manual. 308 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference UNIFYTMP The pathname of the temporary directory used by the DBMS. The default value for UNIFYTMP is the directory /tmp. You can reset the temporary directory to any existing directory on your system, provided the following: l The directory pathname begins with root (/) l The directory path name does not exceed 17 characters l The temporary directory must also have read, write, and execute permission for all users The following is an example of a UNIFYTMP setting: UNIFYTMP=/usr/mytmp UUACL The current user's access level for the current program. The access level value is a string of length 2, "00" to "15" that indicates the user's access level for the current program. This value is defined in Add or Modify Individual Privileges. . UUID The ID of the current user as defined in Add or Modify Individual Privileges. This variable is set by the Menu Handler so user programs can reference it. VOLPATH The complete pathname for your database volumes. When VOLPATH is not set, all your databasevb volumes are assumed to be in the current directory or in $DBPATH, if DBPATH is set. NOTE: Advanced application design Do not set the VOLPATH environment variable unless the database volumes directory is different than the application database directory. 309 9.3 ACCELL/IDS command level development A series of special commands lets you develop and run applications directly from the operating system prompt. This way of working with ACCELL/IDS provides an alternative to selecting options from ACCELL/Environment menus. Command level operation requires a greater understanding of the operating system and is not recommended for inexperienced developers. To work effectively at the system level, you should be in the same directory as the application. Generally, an application's forms, Language scripts, and other files reside in a single directory. This directory has the same name as the application; it is an immediate subdirectory of the directory named in the ACLENV environment variable. The following illustration shows this relationship: ACLPATH Application_name Form 1 Application_name Form 2 Application_name Form 3 Form n Figure 57. Application directory structure In working at the operating system level, you only need to use the form name after commands–each command automatically appends the appropriate file suffix to the 310 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference form name. You can override the automatic suffixes by using the -i option with the command. The -i option forces the command to take the file name exactly as you type it in. The sections that follow describe the ACCELL/IDS operating system commands and tell you how to use the commands to create and run an application. In the syntax for operating system commands, the following conventions are used: bold words Command key words. Enter them exactly as they are printed. italicized words Words that you provide; for example, variable names, table names, or constants. [] Square brackets that enclose optional elements. The square brackets are not part of the command. Entering the ACCELL/Generator from the operating system To enter the ACCELL/Generator from the operating system, type the AGEN command, followed by the name of the form you want to create or edit. For example, the following command lets you create or edit the form sample: AGEN sample The general form of the AGEN command is: AGEN [–a] [–i] filename If you are going to edit or create a Master Application form, you must use the -a flag to indicate a Master Application form. When the -a and -i flags are both used, they must be combined in the single sequence -ai. One of the advantages of using the Generator at the operating system level is being able to specify a list of forms to edit. For example, if you type the following command, the Generator will edit, in turn, tutorial.aq, fcompany.fq, forders.fq, and fleads.fq: AGEN -a tutorial fcompany forders fleads Advanced application design 311 If you use a list of forms that includes a Master Application form, the Master Application file must appear first. When you have finished editing each form, press ADD/UPDATE to save it; then press PREV FORM to edit the next form. Compiling language scripts from the operating system The ACCELL/Environment automatically takes care of compiling Language scripts when it processes an application. If you want to compile a script from the operating system, use the ACPL command. ACPL uses the operating system preprocessor cpp. Through the use of cpp, ACPL allows you to use macros to define whole sections of code, or leave debug statements in your code without having to comment them out. The command has the following format: ACPL [–a] [–i] [–p] [–s] [–c] [–Idir] filename You must use the –a option to compile a Master Application form Language script (an .as file). You may also specify a list of files to compile. Like the Generator, if you use the –a option, the first file in the list must be the Master Application script. When both the –a and –i flags are used, they must be combined in the single sequence –ai. Use the –p option to view the preprocessed file. When using –p, the line numbers contained in the compiler error messages can be misleading. Whenever a compilation error occurs, the intermediate file is left in the directory, form_name.io. The –s option produces symbol table output in a .sy file. The –c option produces an ACCELL/IDS machine assembly code file. The –Idir option searches for #include files in dir, where dir is the name a directory. For example: ACPL -I$UNIFY/../include empform 312 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference compiles the Language script empform.fs. Note that there is no space before the directory name. The preprocessor could be used as follows: #include "example.h" form example before form #ifdef DEBUG display 'debug mode' for fyi_message wait #endif if not(open_message_file$(MESFILE)) then display OPENERR for fyi_message wait where example.h contains: #define DEBUG #define MESFILE '/usr/application/messages' #define OPENER 'There was an error opening the error file' NOTE: If you have an ANSII–standard C preprocessor, any line that begins with a pound sign (#) is interpreted as a compiler control statement. Therefore, be careful not to place ACCELL/IDS statements beginning with # at the beginning of a line. In the following example the highlighted line will cause a compilation error: form saleschart target_table company field co_sales.rep when field changes set $rcp_name to select #rep_name from employee where #rep_key = $co_sales_rep To correct this problem, you can reformat the statement or insert a blank comment at the beginning of the line, for example: /* */ #rep_name from employee Advanced application design 313 Combining forms and language scripts from the operating system Forms and Language scripts can be combined using the Combiner/Integrator command, ACMB. The ACMB command takes two arguments: the archive name (usually the same as the application), and the form name. The general form of the command is ACMB [–i] archive_name [–a] form_name When both the –a and –i flags are used, they must be combined in the single sequence –ai. Linking files from the operating system When you process files in the Environment, linking is done automatically. To link a file from the operating system, use the ALNK command. The command word ALNK is followed by the archive name and the application name. Generally, the archive name and the application name are the same. In this case, you can type: ALNK application_name If the archive and the application have different names, you type: ALNK archive_name application_name The ALNK command has the following format: ALNK [–i] archive_name application_name [–i] [.al_filename] Building ACCELL/IDS executables with make When you compile Language scripts from the operating system, you need to keep track of which steps to run whenever you change a given script. For example, if you change a Standard form script, the .fs script must be recompiled (with ACPL). The new script and its .fq form file must be recombined (with ACMB) into an archive, and the new archive must be relinked into the application (with ALNK). 314 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference If you modify a Standard form, the .fq form file and its .fs script must be recombined (with ACMB), and the new archive must be relinked into the application (with ALNK). If you modify the Master Application script, the .as script must be recompiled (with the –a option of ACPL). The new script and its .aq form file must be recombined (with the –a option of ACMB), and the application must be relinked. You can have ACCELL/IDS automatically figure out which files to compile, combine, and link by using the operating system make utility. The make utility reads the file makefile to see which files need to be reprocessed (compiled, combined, and linked) when a given file changes. The makefile contains the list of commands needed to reprocess the modified files. The syntax of the makefile is complex. So to save you from having to create your own makefile, ACCELL/IDS provides the makeamake command. The makeamake command makes a makefile which contains commands to compile (ACPL) and archive (ACMB) each of the form and script files, and link the application (ALNK). NOTE: You should run makeamake after creating all forms and scripts for an application. Rerun makeamake when you add or delete forms and scripts. Running makeamake ensures that the makefile is up to date. The makefile is then used to relink an application after changes have been made to form and language files outside of the ACCELL/IDS Development Environment. These changes normally occur when form files–.fq and .aq files–are modified using the ACCELL/IDS AGEN program, and when Language files–.fs and .as files–are modified using a system editor. For a description of the AGEN command, see Entering the ACCELL/ Generator From the Operating System. To generate a makefile, take the following steps: 1. Change to the application directory where you want to generate a makefile. If you have the ACLENV environment variable set, enter: cd $ACLENV/application_dir If you do not have the ACLENV environment variable set but are using the default ACCELL/IDS directory structure, you can enter: cd ../aclenv/application_dir Advanced application design 315 where application_dir is the application directory containing your form and Language files. 2. Remove any existing makefile. rm makefile 3. Generate a new makefile for your application: makeamake To use a makefile to relink your application, run the operating system utility, make: make The make program runs using the makefile. This utility compares the dates of all files listed in the makefile to see if any files have been modified since the previous relink. Depending on the actual files you have modified, make automatically runs the appropriate processing steps. Moving an application Generally, an ACCELL/IDS application's files reside in a single directory. This directory is usually a subdirectory of the directory pointed to by the environment variable ACLENV. Moving an application to another directory involves copying the application's files (forms and Language scripts) to the other directory. When an application is moved, remember that successfully running the application requires two environment variables to be set in the user's login directory: DBPATH must be set to the pathname for the database, and ACLPATH must be set to the pathname to the directory containing the copied ACCELL/IDS application files. If the application is moved to another computer, make sure that any scripts or forms referenced by the application but residing in other directories are also transferred. You can make a copy of an application that can be executed but cannot be modified: copy all of the .hlp, .fa, and .al files. The application will run without the .fq and .fs files, but it cannot be modified without these source files. 316 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Renaming an application It is possible to rename your application after it has been added to the ACCELL/ Environment. To rename your application, take the following steps: 1. Move to your application root directory. The application root directory is the directory containing your individual application directories. The ACCELL/IDS environment variable ACLENV should point to the root directory. If you have the ACLENV environment variable set, enter: cd $ACLENV If you do not have the ACLENV environment variable set but are using the default ACCELL/IDS directory structure, you can enter: cd .../aclenv where .../ is the default ACCELL/IDS directory. 2. Move the old application directory to a new name. mv old_appl_name new_appl_name where old_appl_name is the name of the application you want to rename, and new_appl_name is the new name you want to assign to the application. 3. Change directory to the new application directory. cd new_appl_name 4. Move the old application's .as, .al, and .aq files to similar files using the new application name. mv old_appl_name.as new_appl_name.as mv old_appl_name.al new_appl_name.al mv old_appl_name.aq new_appl_name.aq 5. Edit the .as file and change all occurrences of the old application name to the new application name. This includes all form and file names. 6. Start ACCELL/IDS. accell 7. Enter the ACCELL/Environment (option 1 of the ACCELL/IDS Main Menu). 8. Display the Application List form by pressing ZOOM at the Current Application form. Advanced application design 317 9. Delete the old application entry by moving the cursor to entry on the Application List and pressing DELETE RECORD. Answer YES to the Delete confirmation prompt 10. Add the new application to the Application List by pressing CLEAR TO ADD to move to a blank line on the form, entering the new application name and description, and pressing ADD/UPDATE to save the entry. 11. Change the application name in the Master Application Form by selecting the Edit ACCELL/Generator Form option from the Application/Form Operation menu for the new_application_name form. Change the Form Name on the Form Definition form to the new_application_name. 12. Compile and integrate the new application by pressing selecting the Compile, Integrate option from the Application/Form Operation menu. 13. .Move to the directory the old application's .ao and .fa files located in and remove the files to save space. rm old_application_name.ao rm old_application_name.fa Registering ACCELL/IDS applications You can register an ACCELL/IDS application with the ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler using the AREG program from a command line. Normally, application registration and deregistration is done for you automatically by the ACCELL/Environment. When you add a new application to the Application List, the Environment runs the AREG program. You can also run AREG manually. The syntax for AREG is: AREG [–a | –d] application_name where the –a option is used when you want to add (register) an application, and the – d option is used when you want to delete (deregister) an application. You must choose only one of these two options. For example, if you want to delete an application called accounts without starting up the ACCELL/Environment, you can use the AREG command from the operating system shell: 318 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference AREG –d accounts Accessing multiple databases It is possible to access several ACCELL/IDS applications, each with its own database, from the ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler. The ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler is the software system that controls the display and selection of menu items. When you start up ACCELL/IDS, it is the Menu Handler that displays the ACCELL/IDS Main Menu and waits for you to select a menu item. From within the Menu Handler, you can select your own applications and the ACCELL/IDS Manager can determine which database to use for the application. NOTE: In order to access multiple databases, you must select your applications from within the ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler. The multiple databases feature will not work when you start up the application directly by running the ACCELL/IDS Manager from the operating system shell. The multiple database feature assumes that all the runtime applications are registered with the ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler in the master application. The master application is not usually a complete ACCELL/IDS application. It may contain forms but has no actual application data (no file.db file). The master application serves as the runtime environment for the runtime applications. Suppose you have four applications: appA, appB, appC, and appD and that these applications have already been developed from within the ACCELL/IDS Development Environment. Figure 58 shows the directory structure of the development Advanced application design 319 environment. u sr d ev ela pp s a pp A ac len v db a pp licatio n files d atab ase file s a pp D ap pB ap pC aclen v a cle nv a cle nv db a pp licatio n file s a pplica tion file s da ta ba se files ap plication files ap psd b d atab ase files Figure 58.. Development directory structure Each of the four applications appA, appB, appC, and appD, is in a subdirectory of the /usr/develapps directory. The application files are in the application's aclenv directory and the database files are in its db directory. Application appA has its application files (.fs , .fq , .aq , .as , .hlp , .al , and .fa files) in the /usr/develapps/appA/aclenv directory and its database files (.db and .idx files) in the /usr/develapps/appA/db directory. Application appD has its application files in the /usr/develapps/appD/aclenv directory and its database files in the /usr/develapps/appD/db directory. Applications appB and appC have their application files in the directories /usr/develapps/appB/aclenv and / usr/develapps/appC/aclenv respectively. These two applications, however, share a common database. Their database files are stored in the directory /usr/develapps/ appsdb. Figure 59 shows a runtime directory structure for the development structure in Figure 58 runtime directory structure contains the master application and the runtime files for each application. In Figure 59 directory /usr/runtimeapps contains the master application. The /usr/develapps directory has the same structure as shown in Figure 58. 320 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference us r ru ntim e ap ps aclen v ap pA ap pB dev ela pp s db ap pC a ppA ap pB ap pC ap pD a pps db ap pD a ppA .a l app B .al a pp C .a l app D .a l a ppA .fa app B .fa a pp C .fa app D .fa Figure 59. Example runtime directory structure To create the runtime directory structure, you need to create a master application directory. The master application is the application where each of the runtime applications is registered. In order for the Menu Handler and the Manager to be able to access the applications, the runtime files for all these applications must be stored under the master application directory. Each application is stored in a subdirectory of the master application's aclenv directory. These subdirectories contain the runtime files for each of the applications. The ACCELL/IDS application runtime files are the application load map (the .al file) and the application archive file (the .fa file). All other ACCELL/IDS application files (.fq , .fs, .aq, .as, and .hlp files ) remain in the application's development directory. Only the .fa and .al files are actually needed at application runtime. In Figure 59, the directory /usr/runtimeapps contains the master application. The master application directory stores the four applications: appA, appB, appC, and appD. The master application database is in /usr/runtimeapps/db. The /usr/ runtimeapps/aclenv directory contains the runtime application subdirectories. Each of the subdirectories: appA, appB, appC, and appD contains the runtime files for a single application. databases for the runtime applications remain in the development directory structure. To set up a master application, follow the steps below: Advanced application design 321 1. .Create a subdirectory for the master application. cd appsroot mkdir runtime where appsroot is the absolute pathname of where you want to store your master application and runtime is the name of the master application directory. For the example in Figure 59 would be the /usr directory and runtime would be the runtimeapps directory. 2. Create the db subdirectory for the master application's database. mkdir db where db is the name of the master application's database directory. For the example in Figure 59, db would be the db directory. 3. Create a aclenv subdirectory to store the runtime applications. cd runtime mkdir aclenv where runtime is the name of the master application directory. 4. Create an application subdirectory in the aclenv directory of the master application. This subdirectory should have the same name as the runtime application. cd aclenv mkdir appname where appname is the name of the runtime application. 5. Into this new runtime subdirectory, copy only the .al and .fa files for the runtime application from the development structure. cp old/appname/aclenv/appname.al appname cp old/appname/aclenv/appname.fa appname where old is the absolute pathname of the application's development files and appname is the name of the runtime application. For the example in Figure 59 old would be the pathname /usr/develapps and appname would be either appA, appB, appC or appD. The cp commands for copying the runtime files for appA would be: 322 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference cp /usr/develapps/appA/aclenv/appA.al appA cp /usr/develapps/appA/aclenv/appA.fa appA 6. Set the DBPATH environment variable to point to the master application database. For the example in Figure 59, DBPATH would be set to: /usr/runtimeapps/db 7. Register the runtime application with the master application. To register an application, use the ACCELL/IDS utility AREG. For more information on using AREG, refer to Chapter 9.3 under Registering ACCELL/IDS Applications. AREG –a appname where appname is the name of the runtime application. NOTE: If your application has not been registered with the ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler, you will not be able to select it from within the ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler. 8. You can also create menu items for your applications on the ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler menus. These menu items will enable you to select your applications by typing the menu item number at a menu's SELECTION: prompt. You create menu items with the ACCELL/DBMS program, Add, Modify or Delete Menus (menumnt). You can enter the menumnt program directly from the ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler by typing "menumnt" at the SELECTION: prompt. To add the menu item entries, refer to Chapter 12.2, Add, Modify or Delete Menus of the ACCELL/DBMS Reference Manual for information on using the menumnt program. 9. Repeat Steps 4 through 8 for each of the runtime applications. For the example in Figure 59 you would perform these steps four times: once for each of the runtime applications, appA, appB, appC, and appD. In addition to the application's .al and .fa files, the Manager also needs to know where to find the data for each runtime application. The location of an application's database is given by the ACCELL/IDS environment variable DBPATH. If all runtime applications used a single database, then the DBPATH variable could be set to this pathname and the Manager could always find the application data. However, when the runtime Advanced application design 323 applications access different databases, the Manager must have some way of setting DBPATH to point to the correct database for each application. For the Manager to know which database to access for each application, you create a file called an application map. This file associates an application with its corresponding database. The application map file contains two fields of information. The first field is the absolute pathname of the application's load map: its .al file. The second field is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the application's database. The two fields must be separated by a single space (1 blank character). 10. Create the application map file. For the example in Figure 59, suppose the application map for the directory structure above was stored in the file /usr/runtimeapps/aclenv/appsmap. The appsmap file would contain the following application information: /usr/runtimeapps/aclenv/appA/appA.al /usr/runtimeapps/aclenv/appB/appB.al /usr/runtimeapps/aclenv/appC/appC.al /usr/runtimeapps/aclenv/appD/appD.al /usr/develapps/appA/db /usr/develapps/appsdb /usr/develapps/appsdb /usr/develapps/appD/db Once you have created the application map, you must set the ACCELL/IDS environment variable APPMAP. The variable should be set to the absolute pathname of your application map file. When you select an application from within the ACCELL/ IDS Menu Handler, the Menu Handler checks the ACCELL/IDS master application database for the application name. If the Menu Handler finds that the selected item is an existing ACCELL/IDS application, it sends the name of the application's load map file (its .al file) to the ACCELL/IDS Manager. 11. Set the ACCELL/IDS environment variable APPMAP to the absolute pathname of the application map file. For the example in Figure 59, APPMAP would be set to: /usr/runtimeapps/aclenv/appsmap When it receives the name of the load map, the Manager first checks for the APPMAP environment variable. If APPMAP is set, the Manager opens the indicated application map file. If, for any reason, the Manager is unable to open this file, the Manager exits and execution is returned to the Menu Handler. You will only receive an error message indicating that this open has failed if you have initialized the ACCELL/IDS Manager with the name of an error file. Refer to the description of the environment variable 324 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference AMGRINIT in Chapter 9.2 under Advanced Environment Variables for information on initializing the Manager and naming an error file. If the Manager successfully opens the application map, it searches the first field of the file for the load map name that matches the name sent by the Menu Handler. If it finds this name, the Manager then gets the pathname from the entry's second field. This pathname is the location of the application's database directory. The Manager sets the DBPATH environment variable to this database path. The Manager will only reset the DBPATH variable if: • the APPMAP variable is set to a valid application map file. • the name of the application's load map is found in the application map file. If either of these conditions is not met, the DBPATH variable remains set to its initial value. Once you have registered the runtime applications, created the application map, and set the APPMAP variable, you can access any of the runtime applications from within the Menu Handler without having to manually reset DBPATH. To run a runtime application from the master application, follow the steps below. 12. Return to the master application directory. Make sure that the required ACCELL/IDS environment variables are set to the master application. cd runtime where runtime is the name of the master application directory. For the example in Figure 59, runtime would be /usr/runtimeapps: 13. Start up the ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler on the master application. ACCELL 14. Select your application from within the ACCELL/IDS Menu Handler. The Menu Handler will send your application name to the ACCELL/IDS Manager and the Manager will set DBPATH and begin execution of your application. Suppose you started up ACCELL/IDS and selected application appB from the Main Menu. The Menu Handler sends the name application's load map file, appB.al, down to the ACCELL/IDS Manager. The Manager checks the status of the APPMAP variable. Since APPMAP is set, the Manager opens the indicated application map, / usr/runtimeapps/aclenv/appsmap, and searches for the application load map file that Advanced application design 325 matches the name sent from the Menu Handler. There is an entry for appB on line 2 of the application map file so the Manager would reset the DBPATH environment variable to the pathname contained in the second field of this matching entry. DBPATH would be set to /usr/develapps/appsdb and the application appB would access data from the /usr/develapps/appsdb database. As the final step, the Manager would start up the execution of appB. Setting up end user access to an application An ACCELL/IDS application can be started either from a command line or from a DBMS menu. The Environment automatically includes applications in the DBMS menus when they are added. The command line has the following form: AMGR path_to_application access_code where path_to_application is a standard operating system pathname to the .al file of the application. The access_code is a number from 0 to 15 that determines which of the four operations, Find, Add, Update, and Delete, are allowed. The default is 15. The following table shows the relationship between the number and the allowed operations. A check (4) indicates the operation is allowed; a minus (–) indicates a disallowed operation. Access code Find 326 Add Update Delete 1 – – – – 2 – – – ✔ 3 – – ✔ – 5 – ✔ – – 5 – ✔ – ✔ 6 – ✔ ✔ – 7 – ✔ ✔ ✔ 8 ✔ – – – Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Access code Find Add Update Delete 9 ✔ – – ✔ 10 ✔ – ✔ – 11 ✔ – ✔ ✔ 12 ✔ ✔ – – 13 ✔ ✔ – ✔ 14 ✔ ✔ ✔ – 15 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ The following is a command line for the tutorial application allowing all operations except delete: AMGR /usr/bin/tutorial/tutorial.al 11 Listing form defaults and help text ACCELL/IDS includes five utility programs to list the form and field attributes of your Master Application, Standard, and Help forms: FRMDOC Q2ASC H2ASC ASC2Q ASC2H FRMDOC The FRMDOC program takes a Standard or Master Application form and produces a listing of the form's characteristics on your terminal. The program is useful when generating documentation for the application forms. FRMDOC produces a multiple-page report about the specified screen form. The report contains the following information: • the form's relation to the database • whether the form is single-occurrence or multi-occurrence Advanced application design 327 • the associated help forms • the form's screen coordinates and size • the form image (as it appears in the ACCELL/Generator) • the field coordinates and video attributes • the trim coordinates and video attributes • the field definitions • any advanced field definitions • FYI messages The syntax for FRMDOC is as follows: FRMDOC [–a] [–i] form_name [> ascii_file] where form_name is the name of the form you want information for. This form_name does not need to include the .fq or .aq form file suffix. The –a option is needed to see the form documentation for the Master Application form. The –i option overrides the default file extensions and uses the file name exactly as entered. When both options are used, they must be combined in a single sequence: –ai. notice that the output for this program is sent to standard output. Output can be redirected to a file. Q2ASC The program Q2ASC takes a Standard or Master Application form and produces an ASCII file. The file includes a listing of all form and field characteristics and their settings as well as a reproduction of the form. The syntax for Q2ASC is as follows: Q2ASC [–a] [–i] form_file [> ascii_file] If you are going to convert a Master Application screen file, you must use the –a flag. Q2ASC will add either a .fq or .aq to the form file as appropriate. The –i option overrides the default file extensions and uses the file name exactly as it is typed. When the –a and –i flags are both used, they must be combined in the single sequence –ai. Notice that the output is written to the standard output and can be redirected to a file or printed on your terminal. 328 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference H2ASC The program H2ASC takes a Help form archive and produces an ASCII file. The syntax for H2ASC is as follows: H2ASC [–a] [–i] help_archive [> ascii_file] The –a and –i options work the same as they do for Q2ASC. Like Q2ASC, output from H2ASC is written to the standard output and can be redirected to a file or listed on your terminal. ASC2Q AND ASC2H ACCELL/IDS also includes two programs, ASC2Q and ASC2H to convert ASCII form and help files back to form screen files and help archives. The syntax for the ASC2Q and ASC2H programs is as follows: ASC2Q [–a] [–i] form_file < ascii_file ASC2H [–a] [–i] form_file < ascii_file The –a and –i options have the same meaning as they have for Q2ASC and H2ASC. The options apply to the resulting form file. Notice that input is taken from the standard input and may be redirected. Sometimes a corrupted form screen file can be restored by converting it to an ASCII file and then converting it back. Advanced application design 329 9.4 User functions ACCELL/IDS's user function facility allows you to add functions, written in C, to the ACCELL/Language. To add a user function, you perform three steps: 1. Write the function in C 2. Modify ACCELL/IDS's user function table and relink the ACCELL/Manager 3. Use the function in the Language script The sections that follow describe how to write a sample function and provide detailed information on writing user functions of all types. The first section demonstrates how a function would be used in an application. The second and third sections discuss writing the function in C and describe how to link a user function with the Manager. User functions and applications Suppose you wanted to write a boolean function namechk to verify the format of a name typed in a field. The function returns TRUE if the name consists only of letters, apostrophes, blanks, and hyphens. It returns FALSE if there are any other characters in the name. To use the function, you would first declare it at the beginning of a Language script as follows: EXTERN C BOOL FUNCTION namechk(sparm) where sparm is a string parameter containing the name to check. This tells the ACCELL/IDS compiler that the form uses the external C function namechk. The function returns a boolean (BOOL) value, and has a single argument. The rest of the Language script would appear after the function declaration. Later in the script, you could use the declared function in the ON FIELD section to test a name entered by the user. The section might appear as follows, assuming the input is placed in the screen variable $sc_name_field: 330 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference FIELD sc_name_field ON FIELD INPUT; IF (NOT namechk($sc_name_field)) THEN BEGIN DISPLAY 'Letters, blanks, apostrophes, hyphens only' FOR FYI_MESSAGE WAIT; RESTART ON FIELD; END; This section gets the name from the user, calls the boolean C function namechk to test it, and, if the name is invalid (namechk returns FALSE), restarts the input. A sample user function The code for the user function namechk appears on the following page. The details of passing arguments from ACCELL/IDS to a user C function appear in User Function Conventions. Notice that the sample function namechk has a single argument, $sc_name_field, when used in the application. User functions may have up to 31 arguments. Regardless of the number in the application, ACCELL/IDS passes only two arguments to the C function itself: the number of arguments in the function invocation, and an array of structures (AVAL structures described in chookincl.h) that contain information about the arguments. In the sample function, these two arguments are numargs and acclarg. Also, notice that the function namechk includes a local declaration of an AVAL structure, retval, to use for returning the function value. User functions may pass values back to an application in two ways. • First, to return a value for the function, the user function declares a local AVAL structure (retval) and calls the function chookrt to transmit the value. Using the C return statement will not return the value in a way the application can recognize. • The second way of passing values back to an application is through the argument list. This method is described in EXTERN Statement Syntax and Multiple Return Values. Advanced application design 331 namechk begins by defining some of the elements of the return value. Next, the function checks to make sure the correct number and type of arguments were passed to it. If there are problems with the arguments, the return value is set to FALSE (NO), and the function halts and returns to the application. If the arguments are correct, the function gets the string containing the name, checks its format, and returns an appropriate value. #include <include/chookincl.h> /* Include the ACCELL/IDS user function definitions */ #define YES 1 #define NO 0 namechk(numargs,acclarg) int numargs; /* Number of arguments from ACCELL/IDS */ AVAL acclarg[]; /* Array of AVAL structs containing information about the arguments */ { AVAL retval; /*Define an AVAL struct for the returned value */ char *p; int c; retval.aknd = A_BOOL; /* Set the return value type to boolean */ retval.dfflg = YES; /* Yes, the value is defined */ /* Make sure there is exactly one argument, that it is defined, and that it is a string argument. */ if(numargs <= 0 || numargs > 1 || acclarg[0].dfflg != YES || acclarg[0].aknd != A_STR) { retval.aval.boval = NO; /* Set the return value to FALSE*/ chookrt(&retval); /* Pass the return value to ACCELL/IDS */ return; /* Leave the function */ } else { p = acclarg[0].aval.stval; /* Set local pointer to string */ retval.aval.boval = YES; /* Set return value to TRUE */ 332 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference /* Loop until the end of the string is reached or until an invalid character is found */ while(c = *p + + ) { if(!isalpha(c) && c != ' ' && c != '' && c != '–') { retval.aval.boval = NO; /* Invalid character */ break; } } chookrt(&retval); /* Return the value, whatever it is */ return; /* Return to the application */ } } Combining the application and the user function There are two final steps that link the user function and ACCELL/IDS: making an entry in the external function table file, and relinking the Manager. These steps are described in the next two sections. Modifying the user function table ACCELL/IDS contains a file in the include directory called chooktb.c. This file contains a table listing all of the external user functions. A listing of the file follows: #include <include/chookincl.h> /** REPLACE with your function declarations **/ extern int chook1(); /*** c-hook table global definition - MODIFY ***/ CHOOK chooktb[] = { /**** REPLACE with your functions here: ****/ /**** one-line for each function ****/ { "chook1",chook1 }, Advanced application design 333 }; /*** number of elements in chook table ***/ /*** DO NOT MODIFY ***/ int nhooks = (sizeof(chooktb)/sizeof(*chooktb)); To include a new function, make a copy of chooktb.c in your current directory. Then use the system editor to add an extern statement for the function and to make an entry in the array chooktb. For the function namechk, this would involve adding the following line after the entry extern int chook1(): extern int namechk(); You would also add the following line after the line { "chook1",chook1 }: { "namechk", namechk } Once the entries are made in the file, the last major step is to relink the manager. The relinking process is described in the next section. Relinking the manager To make namechk available to an application, the function and the modified table chooktb.c must be compiled. Then, the compiled function and table must be linked to ACCELL/IDS to create a new ACCELL/IDS that includes the function. The system C compiler is used to compile the function and the table. To compile namechk.c and chooktb.c, use these two commands: cc -c -I include_path pathname/namechk.c cc -c pathname/chooktb.c where pathname is the pathname of the directory where the function and its include files are located. If the include files are located elsewhere, you must use the –I option and specify the include directory pathname. For other usages of cc, see your operating system manual. 334 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The two object files in your directory, namechk.o and chooktb.o, need to be linked with the Manager to form a new, custom Manager. Linking is done with amgr.ld. The general form of the command to relink the Manager is: amgr.ld custom_accell_name function_object_files chooktb.o For example, the object files namechk.o and chooktb.o can be linked with the Manager to form a new Manager, amgr0986, with the following command: amgr.ld amgr0986 namechk.o chooktb.o The new Manager, amgr0986, could be executed by the following command: amgr0986 application_name 15 See the ACCELL/IDS Command Level Development section for more information. User function conventions This section describes in detail how ACCELL/IDS and user functions pass information back and forth. The chookincl.h Header File describes the file chookincl.h which defines the structures and symbolic constants used in calling a user function. The next subsection, The AVAL Structure, describes the AVAL structure, used to pass values in and out of user functions. The subsection, EXTERN Statement Syntax and Multiple Return Values describes the full EXTERN statement syntax along with a method for passing multiple values back to an application. The chookincl.h header file The file chookincl.h must appear in a #include in your user function definition. This file defines all of the elements involved in passing values to and from a user function. It also defines a set of symbolic constants used to simplify writing functions. Specifically, the file contains definitions of the following: • AVAL–the structure containing information about the type and value of an argument • A union (aval) inside the AVAL structure used to hold the argument value Advanced application design 335 • The symbolic constants A_INT, A_FLT, A_BOOL, A_STR, A_DATE, A_TIME, and A_AMNT used to indicate the type of the variable in an AVAL structure A description of each element follows. The AVAL Structure The AVAL structure is used both in passing arguments to a user function and in passing values back to the application. If you look back at the sample function, namechk, you will see that AVAL structures appear in two places. First, the arguments passed to the function are contained in an array of AVAL structures. Second, because namechk passed a value back to the application, the returned value was contained in an AVAL structure. The AVAL structure is defined in the file chookincl.h as part of a typedef. This means that whenever you need an AVAL structure, you can write something like the following: AVAL retval; The AVAL structure is defined as follows: struct AVAL { char aknd; /* ACCELL/IDS data type */ char dfflg; /* define flag: 1 if defined, otherwise 0 */ union { double amval; /* ACCELL/IDS AMOUNT value */ int boval; /* ACCELL/IDS BOOLEAN value */ long daval; /* ACCELL/IDS DATE value */ double flval; /* ACCELL/IDS FLOAT value */ long inval; /* ACCELL/IDS INTEGER value */ char *stval; /* ACCELL/IDS STRING value */ long tival; /* ACCELL/IDS TIME value */ struct align *alignval; /* Force alignment */ } aval; } NOTE: 336 The AVAL structure may change from one release to another. Make sure you use the correct chookincl.h file. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Although at first glance the aval union looks like it contains eight different items, it will in fact contain only a single value. A union, as you may recall, is a method C uses for handling a value that may be of several different types. This means that the AVAL structure contains only three things: 1. a variable aknd used to indicate the data type 2. a variable dfflg, set to 1 if the variable is defined and set to 0 if undefined 3. the actual value The AVAL structure accounts for the way the values were returned in the name checking function. Remember that when you want to gain access to an element of a structure in C, you write the structure identifier followed by a period and the element name. Thus, to tell the application that the returned value was a boolean value, the symbolic constant A_BOOL was assigned to the aknd element of the return value: retval.aknd = A_BOOL; Placing the actual value inside the AVAL structure is slightly more complicated. To assign the value, you use the structure name, a period, the name of the structure element–this time the union aval–followed by a period, and then the identifier of the variable in the union. In the name checking function, the following statement was used to return a boolean value FALSE: retval.aval.boval = NO; If an integer value had been returned, the assignment statement would have been almost the same, differing only in the element of the union used, as follows: retval.aval.inval = int_result; Returning Function Values In order to use a value returned from a function, ACCELL/IDS has to process the AVAL structure containing the value. Because of the need for processing, the standard C return statement will not work. Instead, you use a special function, chookrt. Calling chookrt causes the structure passed to it to become the function return value. In the name checking function, the call looked like this: Advanced application design 337 chookrt(&retval); NOTE: The function argument is the address of the structure (a pointer), not the structure itself. Symbolic Constants for Data Types The file chookincl.h includes definitions of symbolic constants for the data types. These constants should be used in testing and in making assignments to the data type element, aknd, in the AVAL structure. The constants and their meanings appear in the following table: Constant Meaning A_INT NUMERIC data A_FLT FLOAT data A_BOOL BOOL data A_STR STRING data A_DATE DATE data A_TIME TIME data A_AMNT AMOUNT data EXTERN statement syntax and multiple return values The EXTERN statement is used in the Language script to declare user functions the script uses. The EXTERN statement's syntax is as follows: EXTERN C (type_specifier | VOID) FUNCTION function_name ([formal_parameter_list]); The valid function type specifiers are NUMERIC, FLOAT, AMOUNT, BOOL, STRING, DATE, and TIME. The function type specifies the type of value returned by the function. If VOID is used instead of a type specifier, the function does not return a value to the application. The parameter list is optional and can be used to pass arguments to the function and to set return values in the application. In order to set a value in the application through 338 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference the parameter list, the parameter to contain the value must be preceded by the keyword RESULT. Assignments made in a function to a RESULT parameter's AVAL structure change the corresponding application variable's value when the function returns. Note that the value of a variable passed as a RESULT parameter only changes after the function returns. For example, if we had a function func1 that took one value and set two values, we could declare it with the EXTERN statement below: EXTERN C VOID FUNCTION func1 ($x1, RESULT $x2, RESULT $x3); The arguments would be passed as an array of three AVAL structures. The function func1 would make assignments to the second and third elements of the array before returning to the application. Because there is no function value returned, func1 would not call the function chookrt. Notes on writing user functions ACCELL/IDS does not perform checks on the number or the type of function arguments. Each function you write must check the number and the type of arguments. When returning a string through a RESULT parameter, you must avoid overwriting memory beyond the end of the string. Always use the C function strlen to determine a string's length before making an assignment to it. Also, if a RESULT parameter is an undefined string, the user function must obtain permanent storage for the string. This can be done by using a global or static variable, or by calling the memory allocation function malloc. Suppose you are returning a string in the second element of the argument list, acclarg. The string has been built up in a temporary string, p. To return the string, obtain the necessary storage from the operating system, copy the string into the allocated area, and make the necessary assignment to the AVAL structure: q = malloc(strlen(p)+1); /* allow one space for the null */ strcpy(q,p); acclarg[1].aval.stval = q; Advanced application design 339 Note that you would still need to set the other elements of the AVAL structure acclarg[1] before returning from the function. If you obtain storage through a call to malloc, you must be able to free the storage when you are finished with it. Be sure to note and save the address. 340 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 9.5 Pipelines The ACCELL/IDS pipeline feature lets you pass data from your application to an external data file or to another program. Thus, you can use your ACCELL/IDS applications with your current report generation programs without rewriting them. To use a pipeline in a 4GL script, you follow these three steps: • Establish the pipeline with the CREATE PIPELINE statement. • Write the information to the pipeline using the WRITE PIPELINE statement. • Clear and close the pipeline with the CLOSE PIPELINE statement. The following sections describe the syntax of pipeline statements and how output data format is controlled. Pipeline statement syntax This section describes the syntax and the operation of each pipeline statement. Statement descriptions are in the order that they would be used in an application. For a description of each element of the pipeline statements, see Chapter 8.2, ACCELL/ IDS Statement Descriptions. Square brackets ([ ]) indicate optional parts of the statements. They are not parts of the statements. Create pipeline CREATE PIPELINE variable program_name_list [OUTPUT [IS] string_expression]; This statement creates a pipeline to send information out of the application to a program, a series of programs, or a file. When ACCELL/IDS executes the statement, it creates a pipeline, stores an identifier in a variable, and transmits any data from a corresponding WRITE PIPELINE statement to the programs in the list (program_name_list). Optionally, ACCELL/IDS sends the information to a data file identified by the string expression in the OUTPUT IS clause. Advanced application design 341 The variable containing the pipeline identifier must remain unchanged until the pipeline is closed. The programs in program_name_list are taken to represent a standard operating system pipeline. That is, the output of the pipeline goes to the first program. The output of the first program becomes the input to the second program, and so on. If literal program names are used, they must be enclosed in single quotation marks (') and separated by commas. For example, the statement that follows creates a pipeline to send the data to RPT, the DBMS Report Generator, which would then send its output to the line printer spooler (lpr): CREATE PIPELINE $pipe_one 'RPT script -', 'lpr'; The characters script – following RPT are command line arguments for RPT. They tell RPT that report formatting information appears in the file script and that all report data comes from the standard input. Alternatively, the program names may be stored in string variables. These variables would simply be listed, separated by commas. When the OUTPUT IS option is used, the string expression specifies a file to receive the output from the final program in the pipeline. If the final program writes its output to a file instead of to stdout, the file specified by OUTPUT IS will be empty. Write pipeline WRITE PIPELINE variable expression_list; This statement writes the elements of expression_list to the pipeline identified by variable. Each field is separated by the standard separator character, usually |. A newline character () is appended to the expression_list. For example, the statement below writes a numeric constant, a string constant, and a form variable to the pipeline identified by $pipe_one: WRITE PIPELINE $pipe_one 50, 'Standard Terms',form:variable; 342 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference If variable contained the string "Region 4", then the output to the pipeline would be as follows: 50|Standard Terms|Region 4 The default separator character (|) may be changed by setting the environment variable SEPARATOR. See the DBMS Developer's Reference Manual for more information. Close pipeline CLOSE PIPELINE variable; This statement closes the pipeline identified by the variable. Be sure to close all pipelines before the application ends in order to avoid loss of data. Controlling pipeline output format The output from WRITE PIPELINE is a continuous ASCII stream. Output is only broken up into lines when a newline character appears in the expression list or at the end of a statement. Newline characters () must appear when using a pipeline to send information to RPT. RPT expects input in the form of records terminated by a newline with fields separated by the standard separator character. Writing data in the correct format for pipeline programs often involves using multiple WRITE statements and various flow of control statements. The table that follows lists the available escape sequences for writing non-printing characters with WRITE PIPELINE statements. Other non-printing characters may be written using the system function char_code_to_str$ in the WRITE PIPELINE statement. Escape Sequence Result \b Backspace \n Newline \r Return (ASCII 13) \t Tab Advanced application design 343 9.6 Transaction control and locking ACCELL/IDS applications may run on multi-user systems where more than one person is using the same database. Because a database is shared among users, some mechanism is necessary to prevent one user's operations from interfering with another user's operations. ACCELL/IDS prevents such interference by: • organizing database operations into transactions • providing locking mechanisms to transactions In the ACCELL/Language, you can explicitly control certain aspects of the transaction: • initialize a form's transaction information • request transaction locks for database operations • handle transaction work (committing the transaction) Each of these topics is described in this chapter. ACCELL/IDS transaction management ACCELL/IDS controls access to the database by organizing database operations into transactions. A transaction is a set of database operations that must proceed uninterrupted by others who want to access the database. Therefore, a transaction is an atomic unit of work that operates on the database. ACCELL/IDS transaction control allows you to define when a transaction starts. When a new transaction starts, the current transaction ends and a new transaction begins. By defining when a transaction begins and ends, you control which database operations must always be performed as a unit. In ACCELL/IDS, you control transactions on a form-by-form basis. The ACCELL/ Manager determines how to handle the current transaction when the Manager receives the command to move to the application's Next form. The Manager receives the "Next form" command in one of the following ways: 344 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference • the application end user issues the NEXT FORM command • the NEXT ACTION IS NEXT FORM Language statement executes NOTE: In this chapter, the phrase "Next form" refers both to Next forms (from Standard forms) and First forms (from a Master Application form) unless explicitly indicated otherwise. When the Manager receives the "Next form" command, it needs to know: • the name of the Next form to move to • the transaction level for this Next form This information is contained in the form's Next form definitions. Next Form definitions If the form has only one Next form defined, the Manager obtains the name of the Next form from this Next form definition. If the current form has several Next forms defined, the Manager displays the Next Form menu and waits for the application end user to select the desired Next form. If no Next forms are defined, the Manager displays an error message and ignores the "Next form" command. ACCELL/IDS Transaction levels Once the Manager has the name of the Next form, it checks the Next form's transaction level to determine how to control the current transaction. The Next form's transaction level tells the Manager how to handle the current transaction when the Next form begins execution. When execution of the Next form begins, the transaction level can tell the Manager to: • start a new transaction (Start Tx) • continue the current transaction (Continue Tx) • restart a transaction (Restart Tx) Each of these transaction levels affects when the current transaction ends. Starting a transaction Advanced application design 345 The Start Transaction (Start Tx) transaction level tells the ACCELL/Manager to start a new transaction when the associated Next form begins execution. All database operations performed on the Next form are not part of the current transaction; they are in a new transaction. To begin a Next form at the Start Tx transaction level, the Manager: • commits the current transaction • releases all existing locks (SLOCKs and XLOCKs) held by the current transaction • deactivates all active forms back to the Master Application form • activates the specified Next form • starts a new transaction with the specified Next form • begins execution of the specified Next form All locks held by the previous transaction are released when Start Tx begins a new transaction. This transaction level clears all active forms back to the Master Application form. For this reason, the Next form that has a transaction level of Start Tx is actually a First form: it follows the Master Application form. The Manager performs a Start Tx when it encounters: • a CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement with the transaction clause of: START TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY or STARTTXSET_CONSISTENCY • a CHOOSE NEXT FORM entry for the Next form with a transaction level number of 3 (Start Tx at Record Consistency) or 4 (Start Tx at Set Consistency) If the Manager finds a CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement for the Next form, it uses the transaction level in the CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement. Otherwise, the Manager uses the CHOOSE NEXT FORM entry. 346 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Continuing a transaction The Continue Transaction (Continue Tx) transaction level tells the ACCELL/Manager to continue the current transaction when the associated Next form begins execution. All database operations performed on the Next form are part of the current transaction. To begin a Next form at the Continue Tx transaction level, the Manager: • activates the specified Next form • begins execution of the specified Next form This transaction level maintains the active forms and the acquired locks. The Manager performs a Continue Tx when it encounters: • a CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement with the transaction clause of: CONTINUE TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY or CONTINUETXSET_CONSISTENCY • a CHOOSE NEXT FORM entry for the Next form with a transaction level number of 1 (Continue Tx at Record Consistency) or 2 (Continue Tx at Set Consistency) If the Manager finds a CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement for the Next form, it uses the transaction level in the CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement. Otherwise, the Manager uses the CHOOSE NEXT FORM entry. Restarting a transaction The Restart Transaction (Restart Tx) transaction level tells the ACCELL/Manager to start a new transaction with a Next form that is already active. A transaction "restarts" by returning execution to the specified Next form. If the specified Next form is not currently active, a runtime error occurs. Advanced application design 347 All locks held from the previous invocation of the Next form still exist. However, these locks have all been downgraded to SLOCKs. The Next form still has the same current record and the same selected set. To begin a Next form at the Restart Tx transaction level, the Manager: • commits the current transaction, downgrading all existing XLOCKs to LOCKs • deactivates all forms back to the specified Next form • starts a new transaction with the specified Next form • begins execution of the specified Next form Notice the following differences between the Start Tx and the Restart Tx transaction levels: • Restart Tx does not perform the Start Tx operation to start a new transaction: it does not release all locks, it only downgrades them to SLOCKs. • Restart Tx does not activate the specified Next form because it can only start a transaction with a Next form that is already active. • Restart Tx deactivates all active forms back to the specified Next form while Start Tx deactivates all active forms back to the Master Application form. • Restart Tx maintains the selected set of records on the next form and all its previous forms. All database operations performed on the Next form are not part of the current transaction; they are in a new transaction. The Manager performs a Restart Tx when it encounters: • a CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement with the transaction clause of RESTART TX • a Choose Next Form entry for the Next form with a transaction level number of 5 (Restart Tx) If the Manager finds a CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement for the Next form, it uses the transaction level in the CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement. Otherwise, the Manager uses the CHOOSE NEXT FORM entry. 348 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference NOTE: You cannot redefine the Next form's consistency level with the Restart Tx transaction level. The Manager restarts the transaction at the consistency level currently defined for the Next form. The "Restart Transaction" is useful for entering significant amounts of information across several forms while maintaining control over the selected set. Lock requests When a database operation accesses the database, it must be able to complete its database access without interruption. An interruption could cause the data being selected, added, updated, or deleted to become inconsistent. To guarantee that the database operation is uninterrupted, the transaction uses locking. ACCELL/IDS lock management allows transactions to limit access by other transactions to a locked database object. When the transaction acquires a lock on a database object, this lock limits how other transactions can access the locked object. By locking an object, the transaction ensures that no other transaction can access the object in such a way that the data could be corrupted. Only a transaction may hold locks on database objects. For a transaction to acquire a lock: • the transaction issues a lock request on a database object. • ACCELL/IDS grants the lock request if no conflicting locks exist on the desired database object. Once the transaction acquires a lock on the database object, it can access the object until the lock is released. Issuing lock requests A transaction issues a lock request to ACCELL/IDS indicating that the transaction needs to control access to a database object. The lock request specifies: • the database object to be locked • the type of ACCELL/IDS lock requested Advanced application design 349 A database object is an entity in the database that can be locked. The lock restricts how other transactions can access the object. ACCELL/IDS has two levels of database objects: • a database table • a single record in the table These database objects are arranged in levels. If a lock is held at one level of database object, all lower level objects are also locked. For example, because tables are composed of records, if a table is locked, all its records are locked. NOTE: ACCELL/IDS cannot request a lock at the database schema level. Only table and record lock requests are valid. Once a transaction has started, the transaction may issue lock requests on database objects. If a lock request is granted, then the transaction can access the object. Read access allows the transaction to read the database object. Read/Write access allows the transaction to modify the object; modification includes an Add, an Update or a Delete operation. The type of access permitted (Read or Read/Write access) is determined by the type of lock the transaction acquires. The transaction should acquire the appropriate lock type to perform the desired database operation. For example, the Select operation only requires Read access while all other database operations (Add, Update, and Delete) require Read/Write access. ACCELL/IDS supports two types of locks on database objects. These locks are: • SLOCKs (shared locks) – for Read access • XLOCKs (exclusive locks) – for Read/Write access A transaction can have Read access to an object without requesting a lock. However, if it does not request a lock, the transaction has no way of knowing how other transactions are accessing the object. 350 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference For example, if Transaction A wants Read access on a particular database table, it can still access the table without requesting a lock on the table. However, if Transaction B already has Read/Write access on the same table, it is probably modifying the table data. Without requesting a lock, Transaction A has no guarantee that the data it is accessing is not in the process of being modified. If Transaction A requested a Read access lock (an SLOCK), this request would be denied when Transaction B already had Read/Write access (an XLOCK). Transaction A's lock request would fail and the Transaction would not access inconsistent data. To modify an object, a transaction must have Read/Write access granted. This access can only be granted by the requesting of an XLOCK on the database object to be modified. The SLOCK An SLOCK is a shared lock. It allows transactions to share a database object. When a transaction acquires an SLOCK on a database object, this transaction is granted Read access on the object. Other transactions can also be granted SLOCKs, allowing them Read access as well. NOTE: A transaction holding an SLOCK on a database object can read the object but cannot modify it. Requesting an SLOCK ensures data consistency because no other transaction can be granted Read/Write access to an object when this object SLOCKed. Because no other transaction can be granted Read/Write access, no other transaction can modify the object as long as the object is SLOCKed. A transaction should request an SLOCK when it performs a database Find operation because the transaction only needs Read access to an object to search it. To acquire an SLOCK • During an interactive Find operation, ACCELL/IDS automatically issues SLOCK requests on target table records associated with the selected set . • You can explicitly request SLOCKs for selected records during a noninteractive Find operation. Advanced application design 351 • You can explicitly request SLOCKs on a table or on specific records within a table. You determine how the selected set is SLOCKed by specifying a consistency level in the form's target table. You explicitly issue SLOCK requests during a non-interactive Find by adding the SLOCK locking clause to the SET/SELECT statement. You can also request SLOCKs on a table or records with the Language SLOCK statement. A transaction acquiring an SLOCK holds the lock until the SLOCK is released. To release an SLOCK: • ACCELL/IDS automatically releases all locks (SLOCKs and XLOCKs) for the current transaction when it performs a Start Tx. • At record consistency, ACCELL/IDS automatically releases the SLOCK for the current record when the current record changes. • You can explicitly request a lock release for an SLOCKed object. When the Manager moves to a specified Next form at the Start Tx transaction level, it releases all locks (SLOCKs and XLOCKs) held by the current transaction before terminating the transaction. When a form is running at record consistency, ACCELL/IDS automatically SLOCKs the current record. When another record in the selected set becomes current, ACCELL/IDS releases the SLOCK on the previous current record and issues an SLOCK request on the new current record. You can use the UNLOCK statement to explicitly release an SLOCK on a database object. The XLOCK An XLOCK is an exclusive lock. It allows a transaction exclusive access to a database object. When a transaction acquires an XLOCK on a database object, this transaction is granted Read/Write access on the object. Other transactions can be granted neither Read nor Read/Write access on an XLOCKed object. 352 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference NOTE: A transaction holding an XLOCK on a database object can read and modify the object. Modifying the object can be an Add, Update, or Delete operation. Requesting an XLOCK ensures data integrity because other transactions cannot be granted Read or Read/Write access to a database object when this object is XLOCKed. Because no other transaction can be granted access, no other transaction can read the data being modified nor can it modify the data as long as the object is SLOCKed. A transaction must request an XLOCK when it performs a database Add, Update, or Delete operation. The transaction must have Read/Write permission on an object to perform one of these operations. To acquire an XLOCK • During an interactive Add, Update, or Delete operation, ACCELL/IDS automatically issues XLOCK requests on target table records associated with the selected set. • During a non-interactive Insert, Update, or Delete operation, the DML statements (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) automatically request XLOCKs on specified database records. • You can explicitly request XLOCKs for selected records during a noninteractive Find operation. • You can explicitly request XLOCKs on a table or on specific records within a table. You can request XLOCKs on a table or records with the Language XLOCK statement. You explicitly issue XLOCK requests during a non-interactive Find by adding the XLOCK locking clause to the SET/SELECT statement. A transaction acquiring an XLOCK holds the lock until: • ACCELL/IDS automatically releases all locks (SLOCKs and XLOCKs) for the current transaction when it performs a Start Tx. • When a transaction is committed, ACCELL/IDS automatically downgrades all XLOCKs to SLOCKs. Advanced application design 353 • You can request a lock release for an XLOCKed object by first downgrading the XLOCK to an SLOCK and then releasing the SLOCK. When the Manager moves to a specified Next form at the Start Tx transaction level, it releases all locks (SLOCKs and XLOCKs) held by the current transaction before terminating the transaction. When the transaction is committed, all XLOCKs are downgraded to SLOCKs. You use the COMMIT TX statement to commit a transaction. When the Manager moves to a specified Next form at the Restart Tx transaction level, it automatically commits the current transaction so all XLOCKs are downgraded to SLOCKs as well. You cannot use the UNLOCK statement to explicitly release an XLOCK. However, you can use COMMIT TX to downgrade the XLOCKs and then use UNLOCK to release the SLOCKs. Granting lock requests If the transaction's lock request is granted, then the transaction can access the requested database object. The type of lock request determines the type of access (Read or Read/Write) permitted. Whether the lock request is granted to the transaction depends upon: • the locks held by other transactions • the locks already held by the current transaction The following table summarizes the lock request rules. In this table, "Maybe" means that the lock request is granted only if no other transaction holds a conflicting lock. Lock requested by A Lock held by transaction A Row SLOCK Row XLOCK Table SLOCK Table XLOCK Row SLCOK Granted Granted Granted Granted Row XLOCK Maybe Granted Maybe Granted Table SLOCK Maybe Maybe Granted Granted Table XLOCK Maybe Maybe Maybe Granted Locks held by other transactions 354 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The locks held by other transactions can affect a transaction's lock request when: • the transaction issues an SLOCK request – if no other transaction holds an XLOCK on the object • the transaction issues an XLOCK request – if no other transaction holds any lock on the object Two or more transactions may hold shared locks (SLOCKs) on an object, while only one transaction may hold an exclusive lock (XLOCK) on an object. The following table summarizes how a lock request issued by one transaction interacts with locks held by another transaction. Lock held by transaction B Lock requested by B SLOCK XLOCK SLOCK Granted Denied XLOCK Denied Denied Figure 60. Locking Interaction between Transactions A transaction can have Read access to an object without requesting a lock. However, if it does not request a lock, the transaction has no way of knowing how other transactions are accessing the object. For example, if Transaction B wants Read access on a particular database table, it can still access the table without requesting a lock on the table. However, if Transaction A already has an XLOCK (Read/Write access) on the same table, it is probably modifying the table data. Without requesting a lock, Transaction B has no guarantee that the data it is accessing is not in the process of being modified. If Transaction B requested an SLOCK (Read access), this request would be denied when Transaction A already had an XLOCK (Read/Write access). Transaction B's SLOCK request would probably fail and the transaction would not access inconsistent data. Locks held by the current transaction The locks held by the current transaction can also affect a transaction's lock request if: • the transaction already holds the same lock on the object Advanced application design 355 • the transaction already holds a higher level lock on the object • the transaction already holds a lock of the same level on a higher level object It is not an error for a transaction to request the same lock more than once. However, the number of successful lock requests is not recorded, so only one unlock request is necessary to release the lock. Lock promotion A transaction has a limit on the number of locks it can hold at one time. To stay under this limit, the ACCELL/DBMS may automatically perform lock promotion when large numbers of records or tables are locked. Lock promotion is a way of reducing the number of locks held by a transaction. If a transaction already holds a large number of lock requests on records in a single table and the transaction requests an additional record from the same table, the ACCELL// DBMS "promotes" the lock request from a record lock request to a table lock request. If the number of locks held by a transaction exceeds the lock limit, ACCELL/IDS may request the same type of lock on the next higher-level database object. Additional requests for the same type of lock on the lower-level object will not actually create the requested lock. When a table lock is granted, all record locks for that table held by the transaction are released. Record locks are also released if you explicitly request a table lock after acquiring several record locks. To specify the number of locks that a single transaction can hold, you can set the LMPROMO configuration parameter. If you do not want the database to promote locks, set LMPROMO to zero (0). By default, a transaction is allowed to acquire 50 locks before the lock is promoted to a higher level. Specifying a form's transaction information When a Next form begins execution, the ACCELL/Manager needs to know how the form affects the current transaction. To provide this information, each Next form has transaction information defined: • 356 a transaction level Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference • a consistency level A transaction level tells the Manager how to control the current transaction. All Next forms have transaction levels. The consistency level tells the Manager how to issue lock requests for the form's selected set. Only Next forms with target tables need to have consistency levels. Initializing the transaction information You initialize a Next form's transaction information by creating a Next form definition on the ACCELL/Generator's Choose Next Form form. The CHOOSE NEXT FORM allows you to enter: • the name of the Next form • the Next form's transaction level number A transaction level number specifies both the transaction level and the consistency level to use for the Next form. The following table summarizes the values for the Next form transaction level number. Transaction level number is ... Transaction level is ... Consistency level is ... 1 Continue Tx Record consistency 2 Continue Tx Set consistency 3 Start Tx Record consistency 4 Start Tx Set consistency 5 Restart Tx Current consistency level The transaction level number that appears by default depends upon whether the working form in the Generator is the Master Application form or a Standard form. If the Generator working form is the Master Application form, the Choose Next Form form lists the names of possible First forms. The First form follows the Master Application form in the application. By default, the transaction level number for a First form is 3: Start Tx with Record Consistency. You can specify a Start Tx transaction level only for a Master Application form (transaction level numbers 3 and 4). Advanced application design 357 If the Generator working form is a Standard form, the Choose Next Form form lists the names of possible Next forms. A Next form follows a Standard form in the application. By default, the transaction level number for a Next form is 1: Continue Tx with Record Consistency. Which transaction level to use depends on how what database operations are performed on the form and how the form is activated. A transaction level of Start Tx causes the Manager to deactivate all active forms back to the Master Application form before activating the Next form. A Restart Tx transaction level deactivates all active forms back to the specified Next form. A Continue Tx transaction level just causes the Manager to activate the Next form. Which consistency level to use depends on whether the form is a single-occurrence or a multi-occurrence form, and how much concurrency you want to allow. In general, single-occurrence forms should have a transaction level of record consistency; multioccurrence forms should have a transaction level of set consistency. Changing the transaction information To change the default transaction level number, you can either: • enter the new transaction level number in the Transaction Level field • use a Language statement to assign a new transaction level or consistency level Entering a new transaction level number on Choose Next Form changes the transaction information for every activation of the associated Next form. Using a Language statement can change the transaction level or the consistency level for a particular activation of the associated Next form. The next time the Next form is activated, the Manager returns to the transaction information defined in the Generator. With a Language statement, you can change the: • transaction level • consistency level Changing the transaction level 358 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The transaction level for a Next form is initialized by the transaction level number associated with the Next form definition on the Choose Next Form form. You can change the transaction level for a Next form at runtime with a CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement. A CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement is either: • CHOOSE NEXT FORM – for a Next form (a form following a Standard form • CHOOSE FIRST FORM – for a First form (a form following the Master Application form) At runtime, the ACCELL/Manager uses this statement to select the valid Next forms. The CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement specifies the name, transaction level, and consistency level for the Next form. The transaction clause allows you to specify the transaction level: • Start Tx – start a new transaction • Continue Tx – continue the current transaction • Restart Tx – restart a transaction The following table shows CHOOSE NEXT FORM transaction clause values. If the transaction level clause is ... Transaction level is ... Consistency level is ... CONTINUE TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY Continue Tx Record consistency CONTINUE TX SET_CONSISTENCY Continue Tx Set consistency START TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY Start Tx Record consistency START TX SET_CONSISTENCY Start Tx Set consistency RESTART TX Restart Tx Current consistency level If a form's Language script contains a CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement, the Next forms defined in this statement override the Next Forms defined in the ACCELL/ Generator. Changing the consistency level Advanced application design 359 When you define an ACCELL/IDS form with a target table, the ACCELL/Manager automatically performs the locking for the form's selected set. The type of locks the Manager requests for the selected set is determined by the form's consistencylevel. You initialize a Next form's consistency level by entering the transaction level number on the ACCELL/Generator's Choose Next Form form. You can initialize the consistency level to: • Record Consistency – request an SLOCK for the target table record associated with the form's current record • Set Consistency – request an SLOCK for all target table record associated with the form's selected set On the Choose Next Form form, the default consistency level for both First forms and Next forms is Record Consistency. You can change this initial consistency level by modifying the transaction level number in the Transaction Level field. You can change the consistency level for a Next form at runtime for: • a Next form – with a CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement • a Zoom form – with the ENABLE ZOOM statement For a Next form To change the consistency level for a Next Form, use one of the CHOOSE NEXT FORM statements: • CHOOSE NEXT FORM – for a Next form (a form following a Standard form) • CHOOSE FIRST FORM – for a First form (a form following the Master Application form) At runtime, the ACCELL/Manager uses the CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement to select the valid Next forms. The CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement specifies the name, transaction level, and consistency level for the Next form. The transaction clause allows you to specify the Next form's consistency level. 360 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference If a form's Language script contains a CHOOSE NEXT FORM statement, the Next forms defined in this statement override the Next Forms defined in the ACCELL/ Generator. For a Zoom form To change the consistency level for a Zoom form, use the ENABLE ZOOM statement. This statement has a consistency level clause that allows you to specify either RECORD_CONSISTENCY or SET_CONSISTENCY as the Zoom form's consistency level. If a form's Language script contains an ENABLE ZOOM statement with a consistency level clause, this consistency level overrides the Next Form consistency level defined in the ACCELL/Generator. Without the consistency level clause, the Zoom form executes at the consistency level of the calling form. NOTE: You cannot change the transaction level for a Zoom form. The transaction level for a Zoom form is always Continue Tx. Using interactive operations in a transaction An interactive operation is a database operation that accesses the form's target table without explicitly stating the table name. The form's target table is defined within the ACCELL/Generator. An interactive operation can be: • an interactive Find (generated by FIND, NEXT ACTION IS FIND, or AUTO_FIND = TRUE) that creates a selected set • an interactive Add (generated by ADD/UPDATE or UPDATE CURRENT RECORD) that adds a new record to the selected set and a new record to the target table • an interactive Update (generated by ADD/UPDATE or UPDATE CURRENT RECORD) that updates a record in the selected set and a record in the target table • an interactive Delete (generated by DELETE RECORD or DELETE CURRENT RECORD) that deletes a record in the selected set and a record in the target table Advanced application design 361 Lock requests are automatically issued on the target table during an interactive operation. The interactive find In an interactive Find, the ACCELL/Manager automatically initiates a search on the form's target table. If the Manager finds target table records that match the search criteria, it creates a selected set. In the selected set, there is an ACCELL/IDS record for each selected target table record. When a form has a target table, the ACCELL/Manager performs lock management on the selected set automatically. The Manager issues lock requests on the target table when it: • creates the selected set • moves through the selected set • clears the selected set Creating the selected set During an interactive Find, the ACCELL/Manager creates a selected set of records when it finds matching target table records. The type of locks placed on target table records is determined by the form's consistency level. The ACCELL/IDS consistency levels are: • record consistency • set consistency The following table summarizes the lock requests made for each consistency level. Conssistency level is ... Record locking is ... Record Consistency All records satisfying the search criteria are placed in the selected set regardless of their lock status. Only trhe record associated with the current record is SLOCKed; reocrds associated with all other records are unocked. 362 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Conssistency level is ... Record locking is ... If the application shows “dirty” data: The selected set record for an XLOCKed record has the values of the datbase record when the selected set was created. The actual database record may be in the process of being modified or deleted by another transaction. If the application does not show “dirty” data: The selected set record for an XLOCKed record has field values of UNDEFINED Set consistency Lock status of records satsifying the search criteria is checked before the records are placed in the selected set. All records associated wtih selected set records are SLOCKed. XLOCKed records are not placed in the selected set. At record consistency The record consistency consistency level guarantees that the form's current record in the selected set cannot be modified by another transaction. To ensure this consistency, the ACCELL/Manager requests a shared lock (SLOCK) on the current record. Record consistency is appropriate for single-occurrence forms where records are displayed one at a time. The advantage of using record consistency is that it provides greater concurrency: other transactions have access to more records in the target table. The disadvantages of running at record consistency is that a record in the selected set may be updated or deleted by another transaction. At record consistency, all records satisfying the search criteria are placed in the selected set. The Manager requests an SLOCK only for the target table record associated with the current record. Records associated with all other records in the selected set have no lock requested. Therefore, the Manager can create selected set records for all matching target table records, regardless of their lock status. Because the Manager does not issue lock requests for selected records not associated with the current record, other transactions can obtain Read and Read/ Write access on these selected records. Only the record associated with the current record is protected from modification by other transactions. At record consistency, there is a chance for "dirty" data to be selected. The Manager creates selected set records for all target table records satisfying the search criteria. It Advanced application design 363 does not check the lock status of the selected records during the creation of the selected set. Therefore, XLOCKed records may be placed in the selected set. You can reject the XLOCKed record with the REJECT RECORD statement. At set consistency The set consistency consistency level guarantees that all records in the form's selected set cannot be modified by another transaction. To ensure this consistency, the ACCELL/Manager requests a shared lock (SLOCK) for the selected database records. Set consistency is appropriate for multi-occurrence forms where several records are displayed at one time. The advantages of using set consistency is that no other transactions can modify the target table records associated with the selected set until the locks are released. The disadvantages of running at set consistency is fewer target table records are available to other transactions. At set consistency, a record that satisfies the search criteria is placed in the selected set only if the current transaction can acquire SLOCKs on it. If a target table record is currently SLOCKed by another transaction, the SLOCK request can be granted. Therefore, the Manager can create an associated selected set record. However, if a target table record is currently XLOCKed by another transaction, the SLOCK request is not granted and the Manager cannot create an associated selected set record. Because the Manager has acquired an SLOCK for all records associated with the selected set, other transactions can read but cannot modify the selected records. At set consistency, it is not possible for "dirty" data to occur in the selected set because the Manager checks the lock status of selected records before it creates the associated selected set records. If the Manager encounters a target table record that is already XLOCKed, it does not create a selected set record for this XLOCKed record. No XLOCKed records are placed in the selected set and therefore no "dirty" data is selected. When the form is at set consistency, you can use the status$() function to check for XLOCKed records by including it in the AFTER FIND section. 364 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference NOTE: At set consistency, the status$() system function does not return the status code in the ON FIND section. Making a record current Once the ACCELL/Manager creates a selected set, it must establish which record is the current record. At both transaction types (record consistency and set consistency), the Manager must be able to acquire an SLOCK on the target table record associated with the current record. If this record is not SLOCKed, other transactions can update or delete it. At record consistency, the Manager must acquire an SLOCK on a target table record to make a record current. The Manager requests an SLOCK on the first record selected. If this SLOCK is granted, then the associated selected set record becomes the current record. If this SLOCK is not granted, then the Manager requests an SLOCK on the next record selected. If the Manager cannot acquire an SLOCK on any of the selected target table records, a runtime error occurs. The Manager: • displays an error message • performs a CLEAR TO FIND • places the form back in Find mode At the set consistency level, acquiring an SLOCK specifically on the current record's target table record is not necessary because, at set consistency, the Manager has already requested an SLOCK on every target table record associated with the selected set. Only those target table records that could be SLOCKed have records in the selected set. Moving through the selected set Whenever the Manager receives a command to move to another record, the current record changes. The Manager moves to another selected set record when: • the end user issues one of the following commands. NEXT RECORDPREV RECORD FIRST RECORDLAST RECORD NEXT SETPREV SET Advanced application design 365 • one of the following NEXT ACTION statements executes: NEXT ACTION IS NEXT RECORD NEXT ACTION IS PREVIOUS RECORD NEXT ACTION IS FIRST RECORD NEXT ACTION IS LAST RECORD NEXT ACTION IS NEXT SET NEXT ACTION IS PREVIOUS SET When the Manager moves through the selected set, it must determine which selected set record to make current. At record consistency, the Manager must issue an SLOCK request to make another record current. NOTE: At set consistency, the Manager does not need to issue the SLOCK request because all records associated with the selected set already have an SLOCK. At record consistency, to make another selected set record current, the Manager: • requests an SLOCK on the target table record associated with the record being moved to • requests a lock release on the target table record associated with the old current record If the Manager is not granted the SLOCK request, it tries to "skip over" the requested record. It searches for the next record in the selected set whose target table record can be SLOCKed. NOTE: If the Manager cannot acquire an SLOCK on any record, a runtime error occurs. The old current record remains current. Once the new current record has an SLOCK on its target table record, the Manager requests a lock release on the old current record's associated target table record. If this old current record was updated or added, unlocking the current record will not be successful because this current record's associated target table record has been XLOCKed. In this case, the XLOCKed record remains locked until the transaction is committed or restarted. Clearing the selected set 366 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The ACCELL/Manager clears the selected set when: • it performs a CLEAR TO FIND operation • it moves to a previous form with either PREV FORM or CANCEL ZOOM For the CLEAR TO FIND operation, the Manager places the form in Find mode. For PREV FORM or CANCEL ZOOM operation, the Manager clears the selected set. NOTE: When it clears the selected set, the Manager does not perform any transaction operations: the current transaction is neither committed nor restarted. The actions taken by the Manager depend on whether the form is running at record consistency or set consistency. At record consistency, the Manager clears the selected set by: • issuing a lock release request to unlock all SLOCKed target table records associated with the selected set records • discarding the selected set records At set consistency, the Manager just discards the selected set records: all SLOCKs on the target table records associated with the selected set records are retained until the current transaction is committed. If any selected set records were modified or added, their associated target table records have an XLOCK. Regardless of the form's consistency level, the Manager does not release these XLOCKs when it clears the selected set. The XLOCKs remain locked until the current transaction is either committed or restarted. Adding records to the selected set The Manager adds a new record to the selected set if the current record was created with the CLEAR TO ADD command. If the current record was part of a selected set created by FIND (an interactive Find), the Manager updates the current record. The events that initiate an add or update of the current record are: • the end user issues the ADD/UPDATE command • the UPDATE CURRENT RECORD statement executes Advanced application design 367 When it adds a new record, the Manager can also add a new record to the target table (if the form has a target table defined). When the record is added to the database, the Manager requests an XLOCK on the record. This XLOCK remains until the current transaction is committed. By default, the Manager does not perform any transaction operations when it adds a new record. The current transaction is not committed nor is it restarted. However, if the AUTO_COMMIT form attribute is set to TRUE, the Manager does perform a "Commit Transaction" after the interactive Add successfully completes. NOTE: If the AUTO_COMMIT form attribute is set to TRUE, the Manager performs a "Commit Transaction" after every successful interactive operation. The Commit operation downgrades all XLOCKs to SLOCKs. This lock operation allows other transactions to read the target table record just added. The interactive Add operation can fail because of XLOCKed records if the target table is a child table in a link relation. You cannot add a target table record when the parent table is XLOCKed. You can use the status$() system function to check whether the interactive Add failed because the parent table was XLOCKed. For an interactive Add initiated by ADD/UPDATE, check for the Add failure in the AFTER UPDATE Language section. For an interactive Add initiated by UPDATE CURRENT RECORD, check for the Add failure after the UPDATE CURRENT RECORD Language statement. NOTE: The UPDATE CURRENT RECORD statement does not cause the Add Language sections to execute. You must check the lock status of UPDATE CURRENT RECORD in the same section that contains the UPDATE CURRENT RECORD statement. Updating records in the selected set The Manager updates the current record if the current record was part of a selected set created by FIND (an interactive Find). If the current record was created with the 368 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference CLEAR TO ADD command, the Manager adds a new record to the selected set. The events that initiate an add or update of the current record are: • the end user issues the ADD/UPDATE command • the UPDATE CURRENT RECORD statement executes When it updates a record, the Manager can also update a record in the target table (if the form has a target table defined). The Manager acquires an XLOCK on the target table record before updating the record. This XLOCK remains until the current transaction is committed. If ACCELL/IDS cannot obtain the XLOCK, it displays a message and the Update fails. You can use the status$() system function to check whether the Update initiated by ADD/UPDATE encountered a locking conflict. For an interactive Update initiated by ADD/UPDATE, check for XLOCKed records in the AFTER UPDATE Language section. For an interactive Update initiated by UPDATE CURRENT RECORD, check for XLOCKed records after the UPDATE CURRENT RECORD Language statement. NOTE: The UPDATE CURRENT RECORD statement does not cause the Update Language sections to execute. You must check the lock status of UPDATE CURRENT RECORD in the same section that contains the UPDATE CURRENT RECORD statement. By default, the Manager does not commit the current transaction. However, if the AUTO_COMMIT form attribute is set to TRUE, the Manager does perform a "Commit Transaction" after the interactive Update successfully completes. The Commit operation downgrades all XLOCKs to SLOCKs. This lock operation allows other transactions to read the target table record just modified. NOTE: If the AUTO_COMMIT form attribute is set to TRUE, the Manager performs a "Commit Transaction" after every successful interactive operation. Deleting records from the selected set The ACCELL/Manager deletes a record from the selected set when: • the end user issues the DELETE RECORD command Advanced application design 369 • the DELETE CURRENT RECORD statement executes When it deletes a record, the Manager can also delete a record in the target table (if the form has a target table defined). The Manager acquires an XLOCK on the target table record before deleting any record. This XLOCK remains until the current transaction is committed. If ACCELL/IDS cannot obtain the XLOCK, it displays a message and the Delete fails. You can use the status$() system function to check whether the Delete operation failed because of a locking conflict. If a buffered sequential scan is used with the DELETE RECORD command, an SLOCK is acquired on the table. The SLOCK is not released until the table is unlocked. For an interactive Delete initiated by DELETE RECORD, check for XLOCKed records in the AFTER DELETE Language section. For an interactive Delete initiated by DELETE CURRENT RECORD, check for XLOCKed records after the DELETE CURRENT RECORD Language statement. NOTE: The DELETE CURRENT RECORD statement does not cause the Delete Language sections to execute. You must check the lock status of DELETE CURRENT RECORD in the same section that contains the DELETE CURRENT RECORD statement. By default, the Manager does not perform any transaction operations when it deletes a record. The current transaction is not committed nor is it restarted. However, if the AUTO_COMMIT form attribute is set to TRUE, the Manager does perform a "Commit Transaction" after the interactive Delete successfully completes. NOTE: If the AUTO_COMMIT form attribute is set to TRUE, the Manager performs a "Commit Transaction" after every successful interactive operation. If a buffered sequential scan is used with the DELETE CURRENT RECORD command, an SLOCK is acquired on the table. The SLOCK is not released until the table is unlocked. 370 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Using non-interactive operations in a transaction A non-interactive operation is a database operation that accesses a specified database table. A non-interactive operation can be: • a non-interactive lock request (generated by one of the SLOCK, XLOCK, or UNLOCK statements) that locks or unlocks either specified records in a database table or a table itself • a non-interactive Find (generated by the SET/SELECT statement) that searches for records in a specified database table • a non-interactive Insert (generated by the INSERT statement) that inserts records into a specified database table • a non-interactive Update (generated by the UPDATE statement) that updates specified records in a database table • a non-interactive Delete (generated by the DELETE statement) that deletes specified records from a database table The non-interactive Insert, Update, and Delete operations are also referred to as DML operations. Locking database records A lock affects whether other transactions can access a database object. A transaction has Read access to any object it has SLOCKed and Read/Write access to any object it has XLOCKed. The ACCELL/Manager performs some lock management automatically: • when a record is inserted – the Manager XLOCKs the new record • when a record is updated or deleted – the Manager XLOCKs the record before the Update or Delete • when a transaction is committed – the Manager downgrades all XLOCKs to SLOCKs • when a form begins at the Start Tx transaction level – the Manager unlocks all locked records Advanced application design 371 During an ACCELL/IDS transaction, you can create your own lock requests with the locking statements. Use the ACCELL/IDS locking statements in a multi-user application to protect records and tables from modification. The ACCELL/Language locking statements are: • SLOCK – places a shared lock (SLOCK) on a specified record or table • XLOCK – places an exclusive lock (XLOCK) on a specified record or table • UNLOCK – releases a shared lock (SLOCK) on a specified record or table After issuing a lock request, it is good practice to check the status$() return code to ensure that the requested lock was acquired. Performing any operations based on the assumption that the lock has been granted is dangerous because the object may be in the midst of an update and may contain inconsistent data. NOTE: Usually, you will use these locking statements on non-target tables. ACCELL/IDS automatically performs target table locking in an interactive transaction. Each of these locking statements is described in the following sections. The SLOCK statement An SLOCK statement attempts to place an SLOCK on a database object. This object can be either a table or a set of database records. An SLOCK is a shared lock. When a table or record has a shared lock, any transaction may read the SLOCKed object, but no other transaction may modify it. The requested SLOCK is kept until either: • a form begins execution at the Start Tx transaction level • the SLOCK is explicitly released by an UNLOCK The WHERE clause identifies the set of database records in the database table to SLOCK. For each record that meets the WHERE criteria, ACCELL/IDS requests an SLOCK. If an SLOCK statement does not have a WHERE clause, ACCELL/IDS requests an SLOCK on the database table. If this lock request is successful, all records in the 372 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference table acquire an SLOCK. The statement fails if the table cannot be SLOCKed (either the table itself is already XLOCKed or any of the table's records are XLOCKed). Execution of an SLOCK statement does not guarantee that the record or table is SLOCKed. The statement generates a request for a shared lock on the object. If the request cannot be granted, another transaction is probably holding a conflicting lock. You can use the status$() system function to test the success of an SLOCK statement. When the SLOCK statement contains a WHERE clause, SLOCK issues SLOCK requests a on all records meeting the WHERE clause criteria. In this case, SLOCK: • selects a matching record • requests an SLOCK on this record It continues this process until one of the following conditions is met: • no more matching records exist • the SLOCK request fails • some other error occurs You can write your application so it attempts a lock several times if an SLOCK fails. If, after repeated attempts, the lock still fails, it may be best to start the transaction over and release all locks. This prevents a deadlock with another application over the database. Be sure your application provides appropriate messages to the user about the locking problems. The XLOCK Statement An XLOCK statement attempts to place an XLOCK on a database table or on database records. An XLOCK is an exclusive lock. When a table or record has an exclusive lock, only the transaction that XLOCKed the object may use it. Most other transactions may neither read nor change the table or record. The WHERE clause identifies the set of database records in the table table_name to XLOCK. For each record that meets the WHERE criteria, ACCELL/IDS requests an XLOCK. Advanced application design 373 The requested XLOCKs are kept until: • the transaction is committed • the transaction is restarted (a form begins execution at the Restart Tx transaction level) • a new transaction is started (a form begins execution at the Start Tx transaction level) When either of these events occurs, all XLOCKs are downgraded to SLOCKs. NOTE: You cannot use the UNLOCK statement to release an XLOCK. An XLOCK must be downgraded to an SLOCK before it can be released. Once the XLOCK is downgraded to an SLOCK, you can release the SLOCK with the UNLOCK statement or by starting a new transaction. If an XLOCK statement does not have a WHERE clause, ACCELL/IDS requests an XLOCK on the database table. If this lock request is successful, all records in the table acquire an XLOCK. The statement fails if the table cannot be XLOCKed (either the table itself is already XLOCKed or any of the table's records are XLOCKed). Execution of an XLOCK statement does not guarantee that the record or table is XLOCKed. The statement generates a request for a shared lock on the object. If the request cannot be granted, another transaction is probably holding a conflicting lock. You can use the status$() system function to test the success of an XLOCK statement. When the XLOCK statement contains a WHERE clause, XLOCK issues XLOCK requests on all records meeting the WHERE clause criteria. In this case, XLOCK: • selects a matching record • requests an SLOCK on this record It continues this process until one of the following conditions is met: 374 • no more matching records exist • the XLOCK request fails • some other error occurs Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference You can write your application so it attempts a lock several times if an XLOCK fails. If, after repeated attempts, the lock still fails, it may be best to start the transaction over and release all locks. This prevents a deadlock with another application over the database. Be sure your application provides appropriate messages to the user about the locking problems. The UNLOCK Statement An UNLOCK statement attempts to release a lock on a database table or on database records. All lock release requests are treated as suggestions. If an object is currently XLOCKed, the ACCELL/Manager just ignores the UNLOCK suggestion. This statement can release shared locks (SLOCKs) only. To release an XLOCK, you must first downgrade the XLOCK to an SLOCK. The COMMIT TX statement and the RESTART TX clause of the CHOOSE NEXT FORM statements (CHOOSE NEXT FORM and CHOOSE FIRST FORM) automatically downgrade XLOCKs to SLOCKs. Once the XLOCK is downgraded to an SLOCK, you can release the SLOCK with the UNLOCK statement. NOTE: The only way an XLOCK can be released directly (without first being downgraded to an SLOCK) is by the ACCELL/Manager when it begins form execution at the Start Tx transaction level. Within the ACCELL/ Language, you must always downgrade an XLOCK before you can release it. ACCELL/IDS ignores requests to unlock an object when the transaction holds a lock on a higher level object. Thus, if a table is locked, a request to unlock a record in this table is ignored. The following table summarizes the unlock request rules UNLOCK request by A Locks held by transaction A Row SLOCKed Row XLOCKed Table SLOCKed Table XLOCKed UNLOCK record Granted Denied Denied Denied UNLOCK table Granted Denied Granted Denied The WHERE clause identifies the set of database records in the table table_name to unlock. For each record that meets the WHERE criteria, ACCELL/IDS requests a lock Advanced application design 375 release for an SLOCK. If an UNLOCK statement does not have a WHERE clause, ACCELL/IDS requests a lock release for an SLOCK on the database table. The status$() system function always reports success even if the objects cannot be unlocked because they have been XLOCKed. Unlocking a table unlocks all the individually locked records. However, unlocking all the records in the table does not unlock the table. To unlock a table, you must use the UNLOCK statement to explicitly unlock it. Unlocking records that are already unlocked is not an error. It is good programming practice to unlock any records or tables that are no longer required. Once the object is unlocked, other transactions can access it. Using the locking statements To use the locking statements (SLOCK, XLOCK, and UNLOCK), you: • list the database table containing the records you want to lock or unlock • specify which records within the table are to be selected for the locking request (optional) Listing the table name To lock or unlock a database object, you must list the name of a database table. You list the table name just after the locking statement keyword (SLOCK, XLOCK, or UNLOCK). This table name specification has the syntax: UNLOCK table Specifying the records to lock The WHERE clause identifies a set of database records in the table to be locked. To issue a lock request, ACCELL/IDS scans the appropriate table, selecting records based on the search criteria in the WHERE clause. Lock requests and lock release requests both fail for a selected record if the record is currently XLOCKed by another transaction. The locking statement selects all records that satisfy the logical expression following the keyword WHERE. This logical expression describes the search criteria to use 376 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference when selecting the records to delete. This expression usually includes a test on at least one field name from the database table. Lock promotion can occur if the statement has a WHERE clause and a large number of records meet the selection criteria. In this case, you may get better performance by explicitly locking the entire table. If the WHERE clause is omitted, all records in the table are selected from the database and a lock request is issued for the entire table. The table lock request is successful only if it is not currently XLOCKed by another transaction. When you specify a WHERE clause, the Manager determines the optimal database access method to use. For WHERE clause optimization to function correctly, make sure that the logical expression in the WHERE clause is reduced to its simplest form. Reducing all expressions in the WHERE clause to their simplest form greatly enhances access performance. Selecting database records The SET/SELECT statement initiates a non-interactive Find. With the SET/SELECT statement, you control the lock status of the selected record by including the locking clause. This locking clause can contain either of the keywords SLOCK or XLOCK to specify the type of locks you want placed on the selected record. If the SET/SELECT statement includes an EXECUTING clause and a locking clause, the Language statements in the EXECUTING block execute for each selected record and locks are requested for all selected records. However, if no EXECUTING clause exists, SET/SELECT selects only the first record that matches the search criteria and only this single record is locked. NOTE: If the record is XLOCKed, all field values in this record are UNDEFINED. If you omit the locking clause, no locks are placed on the selected records. If you do not include a locking clause on the SET/SELECT statement, ACCELL/IDS does not issue lock requests for the selected records and therefore no locking Advanced application design 377 conflicts can occur. All records satisfying the search criteria are selected regardless of their current lock status. Inserting database records The INSERT statement inserts the record or records into a database table. After a successful insert, the records remain XLOCKed until the transaction is committed. You can use the status$() system function after the INSERT statement to check whether the non-interactive Insert failed because the parent table was XLOCKed. Updating and deleting database recordS For the non-interactive statements UPDATE and DELETE, ACCELL/IDS scans the appropriate table to select the records to update or delete. Either statement selects the first record matching the criteria in the WHERE clause. Before it actually updates (or deletes) this selected record, the UPDATE (or DELETE) statement always requests an XLOCK on this record. If the XLOCK is granted, the statement updates or deletes the record. This XLOCK is retained until the transaction is committed. Once the record is updated (or deleted), the statement selects the next matching record. This process of: • requesting an XLOCK on the record • updating (or deleting) the record if the XLOCK request is successful • selecting the next matching record continues until one of the following conditions is met: • no more matching records exist • an XLOCK request fails • it encounters another error Lock promotion can occur if the statement has a WHERE clause and a large number of records meet the selection criteria. In this case, you may get better performance by 378 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference explicitly locking the entire table with the XLOCK statement before executing the statement. If an UPDATE or DELETE statement does not have a WHERE clause, ACCELL/IDS requests an XLOCK on the entire table. It then performs a sequential search on the table, operating on each record. The statement fails if the table cannot be XLOCKed. You can use the status$() system function after the UPDATE or DELETE statement to check whether the UPDATE (or DELETE) failed because of an XLOCKed record. If a buffered sequential scan is used with the DELETE command, an SLOCK is acquired on the table. The SLOCK is not released until the table is unlocked. Committing a transaction While a transaction is active, it requests locks for database operations. If the form performs a Find operation, the transaction should first hold an SLOCK (Read access) on a database object. If the form performs an Add (Insert), Update, or Delete operation, the transaction should first hold an XLOCK on a database object. When a transaction is committed, locks on all changed or added records are downgraded from XLOCKs to SLOCKs. When these records are SLOCKed, other transactions can read but not modify the records. Using the COMMIT TX statement The COMMIT TX statement performs a Transaction Commit to end the current transaction. After COMMIT TX executes, a new transaction is ready to start. All locks are retained, but all exclusive locks (XLOCKs) held by the transaction have been downgraded to shared locks (SLOCKs). COMMIT TX affects the lock status of every XLOCKed record regardless of whether this record has been locked through an interactive operation (ADD/UPDATE, DELETE RECORD, UPDATE CURRENT RECORD, DELETE CURRENT RECORD) or a noninteractive operation (SET/SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT). NOTE: Once you have committed a transaction with COMMIT TX, the transaction cannot be aborted. Advanced application design 379 The COMMIT TX statement can alternatively be written as COMMIT TX to be compatible with previous releases of the ACCELL/Language. Setting the AUTO_COMMIT attribute The AUTO_COMMIT form attribute is a BOOLEAN flag that controls whether the ACCELL/Manager performs an implicit Transaction Commit after every successful interactive database operation. The Manager checks AUTO_COMMIT form attribute when it successfully completes an interactive Add, Update or Delete operation. If AUTO_COMMIT is TRUE, the Manager performs a Transaction Commit after the operation, downgrading any XLOCKs to SLOCKs, ending the current transaction, and beginning a new transaction. When AUTO_COMMIT downgrades the XLOCKs, it affects the lock status of every XLOCKed record regardless of whether this record has been locked through an interactive operation (ADD/UPDATE, DELETE RECORD, UPDATE CURRENT RECORD, DELETE CURRENT RECORD) or a non-interactive operation (SET/ SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT). If the AUTO_COMMIT form attribute is set to FALSE, interactive database operations are not committed automatically. You must commit them with the COMMIT TX statement, by beginning a Next form at the Start Tx transaction level, or by beginning a Next form at the Restart Tx transaction level. You can set the AUTO_COMMIT form attribute only from within the ACCELL/ Language. There is no way to initialize AUTO_COMMIT from within the ACCELL/ Generator. This form attribute is useful only on a form that has a target table defined. 380 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 9.7 Application optimization This section describes how to optimize your application's performance. You should read this guide before you start developing your application. However, if your application is complete, this section can help you analyze the application's performance. Application performance can be affected in many ways. Applications can have performance problems related to memory use or execution speed. Execution speed problems can be global or relate to specific bottlenecks during the application execution. In this section, "performance" refers to execution speed, and "memory" refers to performance problems related to memory use. If you are having a performance or memory problem, the information in this section should help you determine the nature of problem. The section also gives suggestions for solving some of the more common problems. This section contains three subsections: • Performance Optimization • Memory Optimization • Diagnostic Guide Performance optimization This subsection describes tools that help you identify possible performance problems and several solutions for common problems. Environment variable settings The init_mem_size and sort_mem_size parameters for the AMGRINIT environment variable were designed to increase performance for large applications or databases. ACCELL/IDS allocates and deallocates memory frequently while an application is running. If there is not a large enough contiguous segment of memory, a call to sbrk Advanced application design 381 will result. Often this results in your process being swapped to acquire more memory. Slow processing after the NEXT FORM command is a symptom of this problem. The init_mem_size parameter of the AMGRINIT environment variable controls the initial size of the data segment of your process. The default size is 65,535 bytes. If init_mem_size is set to the maximum data segment size required by your application, calls to sbrk–and swapping to acquire more memory–can be eliminated. ACCELL/IDS incorporates its own sorting package to help optimize performance. You can set the sort_mem_size parameter of the AMGRINIT environment variable to control when sorts occur in memory versus disk. Setting sort_mem_size can dramatically effect sort performance. Note, however, that it also increases the total process size, so be careful setting this parameter. Screen design When you design your forms, be sure to size them efficiently. The form should not include lots of white space because the window manager must keep track of white space and what it covers. This causes unnecessary processing and memory use. Try to design your forms with just the information needed, leaving a small amount of space between the trim/fields and the window border. USING list_scan With the list_scan feature of ACCELL/IDS, you can determine which Pathfindert access method is being used to retrieve data from the DBMS. The list_scan feature reports scan information for both interactive Finds and DML statements contained in ACCELL/IDS language scripts. To turn on the list_scan feature, add the string list_scan=yes to the options in the AMGRINIT environment variable. You must also define the error_file option when using list_scan, or output is directed to /dev/null. To best use list_scan, try using two terminals, one running your application, and the other running tail –f on the error_file. Whenever a Find or DML statement processes you see the type of scan and other information. The list_scan feature is important because usually you want to avoid sequential scans in favor of hash keys, links, or B-Trees. If you require items to be sorted according to a combination of fields that you use often as search criteria, you may want to add a 382 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference combination B-Tree with the same components and ordering. A combination B-Tree would speed up the search, avoiding the sort. When a large sequential scan is unavoidable, you can try browse mode if the semantics of your application permit. The list_scan Report The following four figures show examples of list_scan reports. =============== ubstcn() info =============== scan kind = 4 scan mode = 1 best index = 0 sort ord? 0 empty scn? 0 range scn? 0 no. records = 10 =============== Access info =============== Sequencial Scan Figure 61. Example of Sequential Scan =============== ubstcn() info =============== scan kind = 2 scan mode = 1 best index = 0 sort ord? 0 empty scn? 0 range scn? 0 no. records = 1 =============== Access info =============== Hash-key Scan no. components in key = 1 Figure 62. Example of Hash-Key Scan Advanced application design 383 =============== ubstcn() info =============== scan kind = scan mode = best index = 0 sort ord? empty scn? range scn? no. records = 1 =============== Access info =============== Linked Scan no. components in key = 1 related field number = 55 parent relation id. = 1 parent field no. = 1 Figure 63. Example of Linked Scan 384 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference =============== ubstcn() info =============== scan kind = 3 scan mode = 1 best index = 0 sort ord? 0 empty scn? 0 range scn? 0 no. records = 1 =============== Access info =============== B-Tree Scan duplicate entry flag = 1 duplicate entry flag = 1 no. of b-tree components = 1 no. of components used for b-tree =1 -------------b-tree entries--------------entry 0 0 Figure 64. Example of B-Tree Scan list_scan report elements The following table describes the elements displayed in a list_scan report. Under the heading ubstcn() Element Value Meaning scan kind 0 Unknown scan kind 1 Link scan 2 Hash key scan 3 B-Tree scan 4 Sequential scan 1 direct mode (no sort) 2 Build a tag file (sort) scan mode Advanced application design 385 Under the heading ubstcn() Element Value best index Disregard sort ord? 0 If no sort is specified, or if records are not sorted as a by-product of using the access method (B-tree) 1 If records are returned in sorted order (skip the sort) 0 This is not an empty scan 1 Something about the search criteria identified as being guaranteed to produce no records (num < 10 && num >11) 0 This is not a range scan 1 This is a range scan n The esitmated number of records this scan will produce. This is used internally for access method selection and may or may not match the final result. empty scn range scn no. records Meaning Depending on scan type, some additional information may be included: Under the heading access info Element Meaning no. component in key The number of components in the key for this database related field number parent relation id parent field no. duplicate entry flag no. of b-tree components no. of components used for b-tree Using lmpeek to investigate locking With lmpeek, you can monitor the number and type of locks at a specific time. You can determine if table locks are being obtained or if large numbers of locks are not being released. To use lmpeek, enter the following command at the shell prompt: lmpeek 386 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The following figure shows an example of lmpeek's output. unify% lmpeek ------------------------------trx# 8053.2 (1), dbid: 13027.2077 rid: 1 tid: 0 [SLK] --------------------------------Total 22408 Busy 3156 Free: 19252 Figure 65. Example of lmpeek Output The information displayed by lmpeek can be interpreted as follows: trx# dbid: rid: and tid: [SLK] or [XLK] Transaction information consisting of three parts: l The process ID number l The number of times this process has started a new transaction l The number of locks held by the process now Database information, consisting of two parts: l The inode number of file.db l The device number that file.db resides on. The device number is calculated by multiplying the major device number by 256 and adding the result to the minor device number. Normally rid and tid refer to the relation (table) number and tuple (record) number that is locked. If either number is 0, it has meaning as shown in the following table: State Meaning both rid = 0; tid = 0 The database is locked only rid = 0 There is a resource lock, and tid is the ASCII value for the type of lock (see lock_r in the DBMS Direct HLI Programmer’s Manual). only tid = 0 There is a table lock and the rid number is the number of the locked table (see Data Dictionary Report: Table List). The type lock held on this object. SLK represents shared locks and XLK represents exclusive locks. Advanced application design 387 Using hash table statistics If performance is slow during some hash key scans or inserts, it may be caused by an improperly tuned hash table. The ACCELL/DBMS supports a utility that prints statistics about the hash table. The hash table should usually have 50% of the slots full and an average chain length of less than 6. The longest chain length should not be greater than 100. To generate the hash table statistics report, select Display Hash Table Statistics (hts) from the database Maintenance Menu. The following figure shows an example of the Display Hash Table Statistics report: HASH TABLE STATISTICS Total Entries 198 Per Cent Filled 2.00 Average Chain length ‘1.07 Longest Chain length 2 Starting Address 10520 Number of Chains of Length ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >10 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 66. Example Hash Table Statistics Report For larger tables, if the hash table fills up, or chains are longer than 100, increase the number of expected records. Reconfigure the database and run Display Hash Table Statistics again. In rare cases a table or combination of tables can cause a full hash table or long chains. In this case, try to use a unique B-Tree instead of a hash key. This is always an option, because the DBMS supports multiple access methods (Pathfindert). For more information on Hashing and Reconfiguration, refer to Chapter 2 of the DBMS Direct HLI Programmer's Manual and Chapters 8 and 9 of the DBMS Developer's Reference Manual. 388 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Using code sections Take care when inserting code in an ACCELL/IDS application. For example, if the ON FIND code section contains a time-consuming block of code, finds may take longer to process. This is because a great deal of work is required each time a record is added to your new set. If you were to insert a block of code that averaged 0.05 seconds to process in the ON FIND code section, and your find resulted in 5000 records, ACCELL/IDS would spend over four minutes processing the code. You should ask whether you really need to include such code in the ON FIND section. Perhaps the WHEN FIELD CHANGES code section would be more appropriate. The WHEN FIELD CHANGES will only process for records displayed on the screen. Also take care with the ON NEXT RECORD and ON PREVIOUS RECORD code sections, because they can slow the NEXT RECORD and PREVIOUS RECORD operations. Writing C functions After your application is complete using the ACCELL/IDS Language, you should examine the code. Look for sections that might be optimized by writing a C function. A candidate for optimization would be a complicated pricing function that involves many lookups and computations and which occurs frequently during a transaction. However, there is no absolute rule which defines when you should write C functions. Try using DISPLAY statements in your code to help determine where time is being spent. If you use ifdef's, you can leave the statements in the code for future use. The following example code shows how you can use ifdef: Advanced application design 389 #define DEBUG ... AFTER FIELD #ifdef DEBUG display ‘before pricing-> ‘ + val_to_str$(current_time$()) for fyi_message wait; #endif (pricing function code) #ifdef DEBUG display ‘aftrer pricing -.’ + val_to_str$(current_time$()) for fyi_message wait; #endif Figure 12. Example Code Using ifdef Other conditional statements can be used, such as #if, #ifndef, #else. The pound sign (#) must always appear in field 1. Checking the termcap entry If forms seem to paint very slowly, or cursor movements seem very slow, check the termcap entry for your terminal. It may have unnecessary or excessive pad characters for various string capabilities. If you think this is the problem, reduce the number of pad characters until none remain or other problems are introduced. Checking the ndelaypad setting in unicap If the application has a performance problem associated with input speed, you should check the ndelaypad in the unicap file. The ndelaypad helps the ACCELL/IDS input handler in executables distinguish between a group of characters sent by a function key and a manual sequence typed in by a user. On heavily loaded systems or on network systems, the size of ndelaypad can be increased. This ensures that a function key command can always be recognized. If ndelaypad is set too high, input appears slow. Usually, ndelaypad should have a value of 30 to 60. 390 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Using browse feature If the time between pressing FIND and getting a current set seems too slow, you can try the Browse feature. Browse lets you specify by form the number of records added to the selected set, before control is passed back to the user. If the user scrolls through the set to the boundary, another batch equal to the first is added to the set. This continues until no more records satisfy the search criteria. This concept is similar to declaring a cursor and doing fetches in the Unify Embedded SQL/A product, except that ACCELL/IDS can move back to previous records in the set. This feature is ideal for inventory lookup forms in which, once the user finds the appropriate part, the set is usually discarded. Forms that require a complete set for a total or some other reason would not be appropriate for this feature. The following example illustrates: FORM INVENTORY BEFORE FORM SET INVENTORY:FIND_COUNT TO 25; Using B-Tree indexes to avoid sorting You can use B-Tree indexes to minimize sorting during the processing of an application. For example, on the items form of an order items application, the user does a global find of every item for the current order on the order form. These items are usually sorted by item number. To avoid the sort, set up a B-tree with two components, order and item number, in ascending order. The optimizer then selects the B-Tree as the access method and since the items are already in the correct order, no sort is performed. Take care to include both components in the correct order in the B-Tree. Use list_scan to verify your results. Memory optimization This subsection describes tools that help you measure your application's memory use and several ways to reduce memory requirements. Advanced application design 391 Environment variable settings If your system does not support the number of users expected, or heavy swapping or paging occurs, check your environment variable settings. Some commonly misused environment variable parameters are described here. heap_size The heap_size parameter for the AMGRINIT environment variable controls the size of the heap during processing of either the Generator or the Manager. The heap is used to store strings. The external size of the heap does not grow or shrink during application processing. Internally, heap space is allocated, freed, and compacted as needed. When applications become more complex or have many string variables, the heap space may need to be increased. The default size of the heap is 8k. Even though the maximum size of the heap is 512k, only increase heap_size incrementally until the problem goes away. If, for example, heap_size is set to 100k and only requires 12k, then 88k of user data space is wasted. If your application runs for several iterations, then generates out of heap space errors, you may have logic errors in your code. stack_block_size The stack_block_size parameter for the AMGRINIT environment variable controls the size of stack blocks that are pushed and popped from the ACCELL/IDS machine stack. The stack is where ACCELL/ IDS forms are located during execution of ACCELL/IDS applications. The code for a single form must fit completely in one stack block. This can be either the remaining space in a previously-allocated stack block or in a new one. As more fields or more code accumulate, the size of the form may exceed the default stack block size of 4k. If this happens, increase stack_block_size incrementally until the form processes. If stack_block_size is the problem, the form cannot process. You could set stack_block_size to a very large value, but that would be wasteful. For example, if you set the size to 64k, and the total of all the forms in your application require 65k, then two stack blocks would be allocated, wasting 63k. Transaction design As ACCELL/IDS applications process, forms are pushed and popped from the ACCELL/IDS machine stack. As transactions continue, the stack gets larger. When new transactions begin, all forms from the previous transaction are popped. If your application runs slower over time or increasingly uses more memory, perhaps the transaction logic is incorrect. To illustrate, consider the following transaction diagram 392 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference based on the ACCELL/IDS tutorial: Items Form Cont Tx Order Form Cont Tx Cont Tx Company Form Tutorial Form Start Tx Given the previous diagram, as this application processed, the form stack would continue to grow with more copies of the company, order, and items forms. Each new order would start with an empty set on the company form. The application also would acquire more locks as orders were added. If the user decided after 5 orders to back out of the application, using the command, there would be 15 forms to go through. A better transaction diagram would be as follows: Items Form Cont Tx Order Form Restart Tx Cont Tx Company Form Tutorial Form Start Tx This application would pop the order and items forms after each order, start a new transaction, release the locks on the order and items forms and place the user back on the company form with the same set as before. Advanced application design 393 Externalizing messages As with any application, ACCELL/IDS applications must provide help, give error messages, and communicate in other ways with the user. Including these messages in the program text can use large amounts of memory space. If you want to provide messages in several languages, the problem multiplies. Often error messages never display during application processing, thereby wasting the memory required to store them. for example, in a five-form application with twenty 80-character messages on each form, the application overhead for messages would be 8k. To alleviate this problem, create an external message file and use the message ACCELL/IDS system functions. This way you can easily display messages in multiple languages, or edit messages without recompiling. In addition, application memory requirements can be reduced. You may decide to open the message file only when required to avoid wasting a file descriptor, as shown in the following example: open_message$("/usr/ACCELL/messages"); display get_message$(100) for fyi_message wait; close_messages$(); UNIX-tunable parameters If your system does not seem to support as many users as you might expect, check the UNIX-tunable parameters to see if they are set properly for your system. UNIX lets you specify the number of buffers (NBUF) for the buffer cache. This can reduce access time considerably in many cases because the system finds what it needs in memory instead of by accessing the disk. In some cases, the buffer parameter is set too high, causing the system to swap. Swapping is extremely expensive, negating any benefit received from finding data in the buffer cache. You can use the sar command to determine the buffer cache hit ratio and discover whether swapping is occurring. Using UNIX tools to determine process size You can use the UNIX utilities crash and ps to help determine your process size. 394 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The ps command prints the size of the process in the SZ field of its output, as shown in the following example: FLAGS S UID PID PPID C PRI NI ADDR SZ WCHAN TTY TIME COMD 108001 S dawn 1728 1723 0 26 20 1170 141 ffd35768 i25 0:08 AMGR The value reported for SZ is the size in data blocks of the core image of the process. It does not include the text portion of the process. The value reflects the process's static and dynamic data memory use. In the above example, the data space used is approximately 288,768 bytes. (141 * 2 * 1024–Assuming 2048 byte pages) Some systems support the /etc/crash command, which can be used to obtain the text, data, and bss memory use for a process. Consult your system guide for information on how to use crash. Diagnostic guide This subsection contains a table of common performance or memory problem symptoms and directions on where to look for more information. If the symptom is ... Then try using ... Long delays moving from form to form Environment variables (init_mem_size parameter). Screen design. Reduced code in ON NEXT FORM Finds taking too long Environment variables (sort_mem_size parameter) Browse feature. list_scan. B-trees to avoid sorting. Reduced code in BEFORE FIND. Reduced code in ON FIND. Reduced code in AFTER FIND. Some Adds/Inserts take a very long time Hash table statistics. Reduced code in AFTER ADD. Reduced code in BEFORE ADD. Long delays moving record to record Reduced code in ON NEXT RECORD. Process size too large, swapping occurring, or system not supporting enough users Memory optimization Application runs progressively slower Transaction design. Locking. Slow input or slow screen painting termcap, unicap, or the input driver Advanced application design 395 9.8 Writing batch applications Batch applications written with ACCELL/IDS are powerful and easy to write. All that is required is that you create a blank master application form, create a language file with the code in the ON NEXT FORM code section, and execute the application in the background. For example: AMGR batchapp.al > /dev/null & A sample application is presented at the end of this subsection for your reference. Included is the code and a representation of the Master Application form and a shell script that drives the application. The application is based on the ACCELL/IDS tutorial application. It prints out all the current orders in the database. Considerations The following are considerations and performance suggestions when creating batch applications with ACCELL/IDS: 1. The blank master application form should be made as small as possible to optimize performance and minimize memory requirements. 2. The function key, status, and FYI lines should not be displayed since they will not be used. 3. If there are no fields and borders displayed, it is not necessary to redirect output to /dev/null. This will help the application do the minimum processing. 4. Since batch operations are run without operator intervention (for example, night runs) you should pipe runtime status information and error messages to a batch status file. The batch status file will help greatly when trying to reconstruct the events of a failed run. Batch status files are also useful in identifying where batch programs are spending their time. An example of a batch status file is presented below: 396 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Batch Status Pipe Created|06/13/87|21:48 Data Pipe Created|06/13/87|21:48 Processing Order Number |10001|06/13/87|21:48 Processing Order Number |12485|06/13/87|21:48 Processing Order Number |10002|06/13/87|21:48 Processing Order Number |10003|06/13/87|21:48 Processing Order Number |10004|06/13/87|21:48 Processing Order Number |10005|06/13/87|21:48 Processing Order Number |10010|06/13/87|21:49 Processing Order Number |10011|06/13/87|21:49 Processing Order Number |10012|06/13/87|21:49 NORMAL TERMINATION|06/13/87|21:49 5. Batch programs should attempt to acquire all the resources they will need before beginning to modify information. Batch programs, unlike interactive programs, can not always try again or make another decision. If your application will require certain files to be opened or certain tables read, be sure to open or lock the files first and return a fatal error, if this fails, before operating against data. 6. Checking status$() returns in batch programs is even more important than in interactive programs. Use CASE statements if you wish to take specific actions for specific status returns. 7. As with all applications, use external message files. External files will make your code easier to maintain and reduce the amount of memory required to execute your application. Sample Application The following is the the message file used with the sample batch application: 1|ABNORMAL TERMINATION 2|NORMAL TERMINATION 100|Error Pipe Created 200|Data Pipe Created 300|ERROR IN ORDER SELECTION, STATUS = 400|Processing Order Number 500|ERROR IN COMPANY SELECTION, STATUS = 600|ERROR IN ALTERNATE ADDRESS SELECTION, STATUS = 700|ERROR IN ITEM SELECTION, STATUS = 800|ERROR IN INVENTORY SELECTION, STATUS = Advanced application design 397 Excerpts from FRMDOC ouptut (after running it on the Master Application form) are shown below. For purposes of the example, one field is present on the Master Application form. FORM batchapp ---------------|SSSSSSSSSSSSSS| ---------------FIELD ACCELL/IDS DB INP WN SFI TAB REQ CASE NAME TYPE FLD LEN WID ________________________________________________________________ indicator STRING N 14 14 F F F N # Batch Script to turn off unneeded interfaces and execute # Batch Report. # AMGRINIT="fnkey_dsp=no mode_dsp=no border_dsp=no fyi_dsp=no" export AMGRINIT AMGR batchapp.al >/dev/null & The Master Application form Language Script is shown below: /*************************************************************** * * batchapp.as * * FORM: batchapp * DESCRIPTION: * * AUTHOR: dw * DATE: June 12, 1987 * REVIEWER: * * MODIFICATION HISTORY: * Date Author Description * * ***************************************************************/ APPLICATION batchapp FIELD indicator BEFORE FIELD NEXT ACTION IS NEXT FORM 398 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference ON NEXT FORM /* Place the batch code in the on next form code section of the master application form. Normally, the master application form does an auto next form when there are no fields on it so code can be made to execute with no user input.In this case I have placed a field on the form so that the application can be run interactively and give the operator some feedback. Therefore the field code sections and next action statement became necessary. Optionally, developers may wish to require a keystroke to start the batch process.In this way the application can be more easily controlled when running interactively. To do this merely create a keystroke file with the appropriate keystrokes in it and when running batch redirect input into it. */ /* Open the message file. Fatal Error if unsuccessful. */ IF ((open_message_file$('batch_messages')) <> 0) THEN BEGIN SET batchapp:$indicator to ' ABORTING'; REFRESH SCREEN; /* Needed so message is flushed */ sleep$(1); NEXT ACTION IS EXIT END SET batchapp:$indicator to ' PRINTING'; REFRESH SCREEN; /* Needed so message is flushed */ /* Open a pipe to an error/message file so messages about execution can be saved. Fatal Error. */ CREATE PIPELINE batchapp:errpipe 'cat' OUTPUT IS 'batch.out'; IF status$() <> 0 THEN BEGIN SET batchapp:$indicator to ' ABORTING'; REFRESH SCREEN; /* Needed so message is flushed */ sleep$(1); NEXT ACTION IS EXIT; END /* If you cannot open pipes there is not much of a reason to continue */ /* Now write a message to the error file Advanced application design 399 */ WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:errpipe get_message$(100), current_date$(), current_time$(); /* Now open the data pipeline for the report */ CREATE PIPELINE batchapp:datapipe 'RPT sorder.rpt -', 'lpr' IF status$() <> 0 THEN BEGIN WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:errpipe get_message$(100); WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:$errpipe get_message$(1) close_message_file$(); CLOSE PIPELINE batchapp:errpipe NEXT ACTION IS EXIT END /* If you cannot open pipes there is not much of a reason to continue, but in this case clean up first. */ WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:errpipe get_message$(200), current_date$(), current_time$(); /* Select all orders */ SET batchapp:$ord_number, batchapp:$ord_company, batchapp:$ord_terms, batchapp:$ord_fill_code, batchapp:$ord_date, batchapp:$ord_ship_via, batchapp:$ord_sales_rep, batchapp:$ord_alt_shipto, batchapp:$ord_nxt_item TO SELECT orders.ord_number, orders.ord_company, orders.ord_terms, orders.ord_fill_code, orders.ord_date, orders.ord_ship_via, orders.ord_sales_rep, 400 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference orders.ord_alt_shipto, orders.ord_nxt_item FROM orders EXECUTING BEGIN /* Check Status of order set select statement */ IF status$() <> 0 THEN BEGIN WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:$errpipe get_message$(300), status$(), current_date$(), current_time$(); END ELSE BEGIN WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:$errpipe get_message$(400), batchapp:$ord_number, current_date$(), current_time$(); END SET batchapp:$co_key, batchapp:$co_name, batchapp:$co_address_1, batchapp:$co_address_2, batchapp:$co_city, batchapp:$co_state, batchapp:$co_zip_code, batchapp:$co_phone, batchapp:$co_sales_rep TO SELECT company.co_key, company.co_name, company.co_address_1, company.co_address_2, company.co_city, company.co_state, company.co_zip_code, company.co_phone, company.co_sales_rep Advanced application design 401 FROM company WHERE company.co_key = batchapp:$ord_company IF status$() <> 0 /* A fatal error */ THEN BEGIN WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:$errpipe get_message$(500), status$(), current_date$(), current_time$(); WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:$errpipe get_message$(1); close_message_file$(); CLOSE PIPELINE batchapp:errpipe CLOSE PIPELINE batchapp:datapipe NEXT ACTION IS EXIT END IF batchapp:ord_alt_shipto = UNDEFINED OR batchapp:ord_alt_shipto = 0 THEN BEGIN /* Set the ship to address to the company address */ SET batchapp:alt_name TO batchapp:co_name SET batchapp:alt_address_1 TO batchapp:co_address_1 SET batchapp:alt_city_st_zip TO batchapp:co_city + ', ' + batchapp:co_state + ' ' + batchapp:co_zip_code END; ELSE BEGIN /* else select the alternate address from the database */ SET batchapp:alt_name, batchapp:alt_address_1, batchapp:alt_city, batchapp:alt_state, batchapp:alt_zip_code TO SELECT altaddr.alt_name, altaddr.alt_address_1, altaddr.alt_city, altaddr.alt_state, altaddr.alt_zip_code FROM altaddr WHERE altaddr.alt_key = batchapp:ord_alt_shipto IF status$() <> 0 /* Error */ 402 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference THEN BEGIN SET batchapp:alt_name TO batchapp:co_name SET batchapp:alt_address_1 TO batchapp:co_address_1 SET batchapp:alt_city_st_zip TO batchapp:co_city + ', ' + batchapp:co_state + ' ' + batchapp:co_zip_code /* Let System Administrator know */ WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:$errpipe get_message$(600), status$(), current_date$(), current_time$(); END ELSE /* Select worked so combine alternates */ SET batchapp:alt_city_st_zip TO batchapp:alt_city + ', ' + batchapp:alt_state + ' ' + batchapp:alt_zip_code END; SET ln_num, batchapp:nv_num, batchapp:quantity, batchapp:price_qtd, batchapp:qty_ship, batchapp:status TO SELECT items.itm_line_number, items.itm_stock_number, items.itm_quantity, items.itm_price_qtd, items.itm_qty_shipped, items.itm_status_code FROM items WHERE items.itm_order_number = batchapp:ord_number ORDER BY items.itm_order_number ASCENDING, items.itm_line_number ASCENDING EXECUTING BEGIN IF status$() <> 0 /* A fatal error */ THEN BEGIN WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:$errpipe get_message$(700), Advanced application design 403 status$(), current_date$(), current_time$(); WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:$errpipe get_message$(1) SET batchapp:$indicator to ' ABORTING'; WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:$errpipe get_message$(1) close_message_file$(); CLOSE PIPELINE batchapp:errpipe CLOSE PIPELINE batchapp:datapipe NEXT ACTION IS EXIT END SET batchapp:nv_description TO SELECT nvntry.nv_description FROM nvntry WHERE nvntry.nv_num = batchapp:nv_num; IF status$() <> 0 /* Error */ THEN BEGIN /* Revert to Default */ SET batchapp:nv_description TO 'General Inventory'; /* Let System Administrator know */ WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:$errpipe get_message$(800), status$(), current_date$(), current_time$(); END WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:datapipe batchapp:$co_key, batchapp:$co_name, batchapp:$co_address_1, batchapp:$co_city + ', ' + batchapp:co_state + ' ' + batchapp:$co_zip_code, batchapp:$co_phone, batchapp:$alt_name, batchapp:$alt_address_1, batchapp:$alt_city_st_zip, batchapp:$ord_number, batchapp:$ln_num, batchapp:$nv_num, batchapp:$nv_description, batchapp:$quantity, 404 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference batchapp:$price_qtd, batchapp:$qty_ship, batchapp:$status, batchapp:$ord_terms, batchapp:$ord_ship_via, batchapp:$ord_date END; /* End Select Items */ END; /* End Select Orders */ CLOSE PIPELINE batchapp:datapipe WRITE PIPELINE batchapp:errpipe get_message$(2), current_date$(), current_time$(); CLOSE PIPELINE batchapp:errpipe close_message_file$(); SET batchapp:$indicator to ' COMPLETE'; NEXT ACTION IS EXIT; Advanced application design 405 9.9 Customizing ACCELL/IDS error forms using PAINTHLP After your application is complete, you may want to customize the error forms that can appear when the application processes. For example, you may not want error messages to refer to the ACCELL/IDS Language or to mention the heap. You can tailor these error forms using the PAINTHLP command. ACCELL/IDS error forms are stored in the SERRORS archive in the UNIFY lib directory. Before you modify any error forms, make a backup of the SERRORS archive. ACCELL/IDS identifies error forms by the error number that appears in the upper right corner of the error form. Do not remove this number. The error number will help you communicate with Unify technical support should the need arise. To modify ACCELL/IDS error forms, enter the following command: PAINTHLP SERRORS PAINTHLP asks if you want to add, modify, or delete ACCELL/IDS error forms. Usually, you want to modify an existing error form. To modify an error form, enter "m". PAINTHLP then asks you to enter a form name to modify. PAINTHLP also displays a list of error form names with a summary of their contents. Enter the name of the form name you wish to add, modify, or delete in the format: SERR 2427 where 2427 is the error message number. Then press RETURN. PAINTHLP displays the selected error form. You can edit the trim or resize the form exactly as you did in the Generator. When you finish editing the form, use the ADD/ UPDATE command to save your changes. You can then enter the next form name to edit. 406 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference PAINTHLP ERRORS The following list shows the possible PAINTHLP errors with their error identification numbers: Error # Error message SERR2400 There are no errors to report. SERR2401 There is not enough memory to activate the form. SERR2402 The file is not in the proper format. SERR2403 There has been an internal system error. SERR2404 There is not enough memory to continue processing. SERR2405 User has improper permission to access the file. SERR2406 There has been an I/O error detected by the system. SERR2407 There is no more memory available to create a new form. SERR2408 The form cannot be displayed at the specified location. SERR2409 The specified form cannot be found in the form archive. SERR2410 An arithmetic overflow has occurred in a code section of the form. SERR2411 An arithmetic underflow has occurred in a code section of the form. SERR2412 The specified value is not in a correct DATE format. SERR2413 The current operation requires more heap memory than available. SERR2414 The specified file cannot be found. SERR2415 The data types for this operation do not match. SERR2416 The value's data type is incorrect for this operation. SERR2417 A division by zero is not allowed. SERR2418 The help form archive file cannot be found. SERR2419 The help form cannot be found in the help archive file. SERR2420 *** UNUSED *** SERR2421 *** UNUSED *** SERR2422 *** UNUSED *** SERR2423 *** UNUSED *** SERR2424 *** UNUSED *** SERR2425 *** UNUSED *** SERR2426 The form referenced in the code section is not active. SERR2427 A reference has been made to a non-existent external symbol. SERR2428 The referenced ACCELL/IDS help file cannot be found or is not readable. Advanced application design 407 408 Error # Error message SERR2429 The ACCELL/IDS help sub-system file cannot be found or is not readable. SERR2430 The referenced help form has too many 'next forms' associated with it. SERR2431 The referenced help form cannot be found in the description file. SERR2432 The menu description is too long. SERR2433 Too many menu descriptions. SERR2434 No selected set. SERR2435 This is the last record. SERR2436 This is the first record. SERR2437 This is the last set. SERR2438 This is the first set. SERR2439 The range specifier is invalid . SERR2440 The justification specifier is invalid. SERR2441 The current record is no longer in the database. SERR2442 Cannot open the application '.al' file. SERR2443 Cannot read the application '.al' file. SERR2445 There is no 'next form' for this form. SERR2446 There is no 'previous form'. Use EXIT to leave the application. SERR2447 The referenced c-hook cannot be found in code. SERR2448 Bad heap size parameter. SERR2449 Bad number of forms parameter. SERR2450 Bad stack block size parameter. SERR2451 Unknown parameter. SERR2452 Bad error file parameter. SERR2453 A reference has been made to an invalid screen field name. SERR2454 The referenced form is unknown to the Manager. SERR2455 There was an error while comparing checksums for the referenced form. SERR2456 The checksum could not be calculated. SERR2457 Select one record error. SERR2458 Main_help is missing. SERR2459 The current record could not be locked. Try again later. SERR2460 No screen attributes. SERR2461 No target attributes. SERR2462 A subtraction operation was attempted on strings from within code. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Error # Error message SERR2463 A string specified in code is too long. SERR2464 ONE and EXECUTING. SERR2465 Window does not exist. SERR2466 Trim does not exist. SERR2467 Bad case conversion. SERR2468 The find operation is not allowed using this form. SERR2469 The add operation is not allowed using this form. SERR2470 The update operation is not allowed using this form. SERR2471 The delete operation is not allowed using this form. SERR2472 No operation on rid variable. SERR2473 A RID variable type needed. SERR2474 A call to pipe has failed. SERR2475 A pipe closure has failed. SERR2476 The file descriptor variable for a pipe must be an integer. SERR2477 Output to a pipe has failed. SERR2478 A pipeline fork has failed. SERR2479 There has been abnormal pipeline member termination. SERR2480 Too many or no pipeline tasks have been started. SERR2481 Bad display justification type. SERR2482 *** UNUSED *** SERR2483 Bad arguments to system call. SERR2484 There is no transaction to continue. SERR2485 Bad display format. SERR2486 Value is undefined. SERR2487 Value type is bad. SERR2488 Out of memory during display/format. SERR2489 Bad format type. SERR2490 Bad justification. SERR2491 Bad boolean format. SERR2492 Bad date format. SERR2493 Bad time format. SERR2494 Illegal default justification. SERR2495 Truncated formatted value, buffer too short. Advanced application design 409 410 Error # Error message SERR2496 Cannot open the selected set temporary file. SERR2497 Attempted an arithmetic operation with a null date. SERR2498 Bad input character. SERR2499 A field is required. SERR2500 Bad sort descriptors. SERR2501 A referenced form is not active. The transaction cannot be restarted. SERR2502 There is an undefined boolean variable in a statement. SERR2503 The CLEAR TO ADD command cannot be executed. SERR2504 Unable to open the error file. Check file spelling and permissions. SERR2505 Error in WRITE PIPELINE statement. SERR2506 There was a bad type in type conversion. SERR2508 The specified value is not in correct TIME format. SERR2509 The specified value is not in correct BOOLEAN format. SERR2510 The specified value is not in correct FLOAT format. SERR2511 The specified value is not in correct NUMERIC format. SERR2512 The specified value is not in correct AMOUNT format. SERR2599 Exit the application. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Chapter 10: Runtime execution 10.1 Introduction This section describes how ACCELL/IDS executes ACCELL/Language and user commands. The information will be of interest primarily to experienced application developers who need detailed information about how the ACCELL/Runtime Environment works. The introductory section begins by describing how ACCELL/IDS performs two operations-CLEAR TO FIND and CLEAR TO ADD. After explaining how these operations work, the introduction goes on to describe how ACCELL/IDS begins form execution. The last part of the introduction describes the sequence of events after form execution begins. The last three parts of this section describe application, form, and field execution; detail user mode execution; and provide notes on the execution of specific user commands. Clear To Find and Clear To Add operations When the user presses CLEAR TO FIND, or ACCELL/IDS performs an implicit Clear To Find, ACCELL/IDS discards the selected set and <evaluates all Clear To Find expressions CLEAR_FIND_EXP variable attributes). The results are assigned to the variables' Search Ranges Note that this evaluation changes the value of an attribute, and not the value of the variable. Similarly, when the user presses CLEAR TO ADD, or ACCELL/IDS performs an implicit Clear To Add, ACCELL/IDS evaluates the Clear To Add expressions CLEAR_ADD_EXP variable attributes) and assigns the values to the variables. If a non-target field has a Clear To Add expression with a value of UNDEFINED, the field's value does not change. Unlike Clear to Find, in Clear To Add, a variable's attribute is evaluated, and the results change the value of the variable. 411 Execution of a form When ACCELL/IDS begins executing a form, it performs three steps: 1. The value UNDEFINED is assigned to all variables. 2. ACCELL/IDS then assigns values to the variable attributes that have initial values set in the ACCELL/Generator. 3. ACCELL/IDS executes all of the form's INIT FIELD sections, in an arbitrary order, and then executes the BEFORE FORM Language section. The INIT FIELD sections are executed only once upon entry into the form in the first Find mode. What ACCELL/IDS does next depends on how two form attributes - AUTO_FIND (automatic Find) and AUD_ON_ENTRY (Add, Update, Delete on entry) are set. ACCELL/IDS first tests the AUTO_FIND attribute: • If AUTO_FIND is TRUE, ACCELL/IDS performs a Clear To Find. After all variables have search ranges, ACCELL/IDS performs a Find. • If AUTO_FIND is FALSE, ACCELL/IDS tests the AUD_ON_ENTRY attribute. If AUD_ON_ENTRY is TRUE, ACCELL/IDS evaluates the Clear To Add expressions of all form variables and enters Update mode. If AUD_ON_ENTRY is FALSE, ACCELL/IDS performs a Clear To Find and enters Find mode. The default value for both attributes is FALSE<#010a>ACCELL/IDS performs a Clear To Find and enters Find mode. Find and Add/Update/Delete modes After initializing the form, ACCELL/IDS will be in either Find or Add/Update/Delete mode, depending on how AUTO_FIND and AUD_ON_ENTRY were set. When ACCELL/IDS enters Find mode, it waits for input to the first target field. At this point the user is in control. An ACCELL/IDS Standard form must have at least one screen field for the cursor to stop on. If Find mode is to be used, the Standard form must also have a target field. It is legal to have no fields on a Master Application form. 412 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Similarly, when ACCELL/IDS enters Update mode it performs the BEFORE FIELD, ON FIELD, and AFTER FIELD Language sections for each form field until it reaches a field with a STOP_FOR_INPUT attribute set to TRUE. At this point, the user takes control. If all fields on a form have STOP_FOR_INPUT set to FALSE or if there are no fields defined at all, the ACCELL/Manager will keep searching for a field to stop on. The form processing will be caught in an infinite loop. Likewise, if all tab stop fields have STOP_FOR_INPUT set to FALSE, the Manager will loop continuously, looking for a tab to stop on. Find mode In Find mode, ACCELL/IDS will accept any commands except ADD/UPDATE, DELETE RECORD, and the record movement commands, such as NEXT RECORD. Thus, the user could move on to the next form, enter search criteria, perform a FIND, do a CLEAR TO FIND or perform a CLEAR TO ADD to enter Add/Update/Delete mode. The diagram in Figure 67 illustrates the options a user has in Find mode: ANY OTHER COMMANDS EXCEPT CLEAR TO FIND ADD/UPDATE DELETE RECORD EANTER SEARCH CRITERIA USER RECORD MOVEMENT COMMANDS NEXT FORM PREVIOUS FORM FIND CLEAR TO ADD NEXT FIELD PREVIOUS FIELD NEXT TAB PREVIOUS TAB NEXT FIELD PREVIOUS FIELD Runtime execution 413 Add/Update/Delete mode In Add/Update/Delete mode, the user may perform any command except a FIND. A CLEAR TO FIND command done in Update mode changes the mode to Find. The diagram in Figure illustrates the user's options in Add/Update/Delete mode: ANY OTHER COMMANDS EXCEPT FIND ENTER NEW INFORMATION USER CHANGE EXISTING INFORMATION ADD/UPDATE NEXT FIELD PREVIOUS FIELD The next section describes how ACCELL/IDS executes FIND, ADD, UPDATE, and DELETE RECORD commands. A FIND command can only be done in Find mode. Similarly, ADD/UPDATE and DELETE RECORD commands can only be performed in Add/Update/Delete mode. Find, Add, Update, and Delete Execution When ACCELL/IDS performs a FIND on a form, it begins by executing the BEFORE FIND Language section. When the BEFORE FIND section is finished, the actual FIND is performed. For each record found each record that meets the search criteria ACCELL/IDS executes the ON FIND Language section once. 414 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference When the search is complete, ACCELL/IDS executes the AFTER FIND Language section. If records were found during the search, the application enters Update mode. If no records were found, ACCELL/IDS remains in Find mode. ADD and UPDATE are actually a single command, ADD/UPDATE. ACCELL/IDS determines from the context whether an ADD or an UPDATE will be performed. Although ADD/UPDATE is a single command, different execution sequences are followed, depending on the actual operation. Performing an Add in response to an ADD/UPDATE causes execution of the BEFORE ADD Language section. When the section is finished, ACCELL/IDS adds the record to the database and then performs the AFTER ADD Language section. Similarly, when performing an Update in response to an ADD/UPDATE command, ACCELL/IDS executes the BEFORE UPDATE Language section, performs the Update on the database, and executes the AFTER UPDATE Language section. Performing a DELETE in response to a DELETE RECORD command produces a similar execution sequence – BEFORE DELETE Language section, delete performed on the database, execution of AFTER DELETE Language section. NOTE: Runtime execution When the last record of the selected set is deleted, the Manager performs an implicit CLEAR TO ADD command. If an ON CLEAR TO ADD section exists in the current form's script, this section is executed. 415 10.2 Application, Form and Field execution The previous sections outline how ACCELL/IDS executes a single form, how user modes are initially selected, and how ACCELL/IDS performs CLEAR TO FIND, CLEAR TO ADD, FIND, ADD/UPDATE and DELETE RECORD user commands. This section describes how an application as a whole executes, how ACCELL/IDS performs some specific form control sections, and how field control sections are done for individual form fields. Application execution The ACCELL/Manager handles application execution. The Manager maintains the runtime environment which executes forms and their screen fields, evaluates expressions, and controls transactions and database access. An application's execution sequence is controlled by the information specified in the ACCELL/ Generator and in the application's ACCELL/Language scripts, as well as by commands entered by the user. When an application begins, the first form to appear is the Master Application form, a special form that serves as an application's entry point. The Master Application form is always the first form displayed. The next form displayed is the one specified in the ACCELL/Generator, or specified in the CHOOSE FIRST FORM Language section if the section appears in the Master Application Language script. The CHOOSE FIRST FORM section, if present, overrides any specifications in the ACCELL/Generator. After the first form, application execution consists of choosing among one or more candidate forms specified in either the ACCELL/Generator or the CHOOSE NEXT FORM section of the executing form. The CHOOSE NEXT FORM section, if present, overrides any specifications in the ACCELL/Generator. The application end user controls the execution sequence by zooming to other forms, choosing among multiple next forms, or backing up to previous forms or fields. Any zooms that the application user performs are part of the current transaction. More specifically, when an application runs, the ACCELL/Manager performs the following tasks: 416 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference • Clears the system area of the screen • Performs the INIT FIELD sections of the Master Application form script • Executes the BEFORE APPLICATION section of the Master Application form script, if present • Executes sections of the Master Application form script • Repeatedly selects Standard forms to execute and executes scripts associated with each form • For the current form, repeatedly executes the Field control sections for each field on the form and executes user commands • Executes the AFTER APPLICATION section of the Master Application form script, if present, before ending the application. Applications end because of an ABORT APPLICATION user command, a CHOOSE NEXT FORM section with an EXIT option, a NEXT ACTION IS EXIT statement, or a PREV FORM command from the Master Application form. The ABORT APPLICATION command does not execute the AFTER APPLICATION section. ABORT APPLICATION executes the ON EXIT section of the current form, if it exists. Form execution An individual form's execution sequence depends on the expressions and attributes specified in Language and the ACCELL/Generator, as well as the sequence of commands entered by the user. However, there are some general rules that apply to the execution sequence of all forms. To execute a form, ACCELL/IDS first does the following: • Initializes the form as specified in the ACCELL/Generator • Executes all INIT FIELD Language sections in arbitrary order • Performs the form's BEFORE FORM Language Next, ACCELL/IDS performs these steps: • Cycles through the form's fields, executing any appropriate Field Control Language sections along the way (In Find mode, ACCELL/IDS cycles through the target table fields only.) Runtime execution 417 • Executes any user commands and their associated Language sections • Executes the form's ON NEXT FORM Language section, and chooses the next form to execute if the user enters a NEXT FORM command or a NEXT ACTION IS NEXT FORM statement is executed The sections that follow describe the form sections related to Find execution, and discuss the Form control sections involved in selecting the next form and its transaction level. NOTE: Master Application forms are executed just like Standard forms except that they have no target table. Form Language related to Find This section contains execution notes on the form control sections executed by a FIND command BEFORE FIND, ON FIND, and AFTER FIND. Before Find Language section No Clear To Find expressions are evaluated in this section. Assignments may be made to CLEAR_TO_FIND attributes in this section but they will not be evaluated until the next time the form is executed or a CLEAR TO FIND is performed. Search ranges can be directly set in the BEFORE FIND Language section. There are some special conditions that affect the BEFORE FIND Language section. These are outlined in the following list: • Because there are no target record variables until ACCELL/IDS performs a successful FIND or CLEAR TO ADD it is an error to assign a value to a target variable in the BEFORE FORM or INIT FIELD Language sections. • Screen variables that have a value of UNDEFINED are displayed as blanks in the screen field window • For string valued target variables, you can use the Unify DataServer/ELS metacharacters in search values On Find Language section 418 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference The ON FIND Language section can be thought of as the body of a loop that executes once for each record found. Within the ON FIND section, each newly found record is treated as if it were the current record. Its values can be obtained through the target record variables. This is the only section that may contain a REJECT RECORD statement. After Find Language section The AFTER FIND Language section executes after the database search is completed. Next Form Language sections On Next Form Language section This Language section executes whenever the user issues a NEXT FORM command, or a NEXT ACTION IS NEXT FORM statement processes. Choosing the Next Form to execute After the ON NEXT FORM Language section, the ACCELL/Manager looks for the CHOOSE NEXT FORM Language section and executes it. If there is no CHOOSE NEXT FORM section, the Manager uses the current form's Choose Next Form characteristics from the ACCELL/Generator to determine the next form. CHOOSE NEXT FORM section execution consists of selecting the next form by evaluating the WHEN expressions in the NEXT FORM statements. The next form is chosen as follows: • If more than one WHEN expression is true, the ACCELL/Manager automatically displays a menu of forms using the menu label specified in the ACCELL/Generator. • If only one WHEN expression is true, ACCELL/IDS chooses the form specified in that expression. • If none of the WHEN expressions are true, ACCELL/IDS displays an error message. Runtime execution 419 Once ACCELL/IDS determines which form to execute, it evaluates any special criteria for that form, such as any transaction level information, and begins execution of the form. Transaction levels The NEXT FORM statements set the transaction level of the next form. The following sections contain execution information for those clauses that change the transaction level. START TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY starts a new transaction at the level of current record consistency. The following conditions are true for current record consistency: • Records added or updated by the current transaction, but not yet committed, cannot be updated by other transactions. • Other transactions may not change the current record of this transaction. At the current record consistency level, the current record does not change so long as it remains current. Other records in the current set may change unpredictably. The current record is share locked (SLOCK). START TX SET_CONSISTENCY starts a new transaction at the selected set consistency level. The following conditions are true for selected set consistency: • Records updated by the current transaction, but not yet committed, cannot be updated by other transactions. • Other transactions may not change records in the form's selected set. Records that a transaction has read will not change. If a record is read twice, the same information will be retrieved each time. All records in the selected set are SLOCKed. If records are encountered that someone else has XLOCKed, they cannot be SLOCKed. In this case, the user is informed of the conflict and is asked to choose whether to wait or to abort the transaction. All locks are retained until the end of the transaction unless explicit UNLOCKs are performed. Only SLOCKed records can be unlocked by UNLOCK statements. 420 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Field Execution Field execution is the process of executing each field's Language sections. As each field executes, ACCELL/IDS does the following: • Performs the BEFORE FIELD Language section, where field initialization takes place. • Executes the ON FIELD Language section, where ACCELL/IDS accepts and checks input from the user. • Executes the WHEN FIELD CHANGES Language section if the value of a screen variable changes (WHEN FIELD CHANGES is executed only after ON FIELD execution ends). • Executes the AFTER FIELD Language section, where accepted input is processed. Choosing the Next Field to execute Two attributes affect the next field selection: the form attribute CUR_NEXT_FIELD and the current field's NEXT_FIELD attribute. When ACCELL/IDS selects the next field it simply looks at the value of the CUR_NEXT_FIELD form attribute and begins execution of that field. However, several things may change the CUR_NEXT_FIELD value. Without an explicit assignment, the CUR_NEXT_FIELD attribute tracks the current field's NEXT_FIELD value. Because a form's NEXT_FIELD attributes are initialized to values specified in the ACCELL/Generator, this produces a default field order. There are two ways to change the field order: assigning a field name to the CUR_NEXT_FIELD form attribute or assigning a field name to a field's NEXT_FIELD attribute. An assignment to the form attribute CUR_NEXT_FIELD will remain in effect only until the next field is entered. Thus, changing field order by making an assignment to CUR_NEXT_FIELD can be thought of as a temporary change in the order. Changing the value of a field's NEXT_FIELD attribute will, like an assignment to CUR_NEXT_FIELD, change the field order because it results in the value of CUR_NEXT_FIELD being changed when the field is executed. (Remember that Runtime execution 421 CUR_NEXT_FIELD determines the next executed field and that CUR_NEXT_FIELD tracks the value of the current field's NEXT_FIELD. When a field's NEXT_FIELD attribute is modified, the change remains in effect for the duration of the form. A field's NEXT_FIELD attribute value may be changed in any Language section. NOTE: Modifying the value of the NEXT_FIELD attribute can be used to produce conditional field orders in response to user input. This feature can also produce disarray if used carelessly. For example, the default ACCELL/Generator field order is arranged so the fields form a loop, with the last field's next field set to the first field on the form. Carelessly changing the next field attribute for the last field can make it impossible to get to some fields using the NEXT FIELD or PREV FIELD commands. Tab fields Tab fields are found by following the current next field ordering until a field with the TAB_STOP attribute set to TRUE is found. Tab fields are specified in the ACCELL/ Generator. They provide quicker access to frequently used fields. Previous field order and the field order chain The field order chain controls the previous field order. The chain keeps track of the fields the user has moved the cursor to. The chain only records a field's last occurrence. This may result in the previous field order changing. For example, for the execution sequence field 1 > field 2 > field 3 > field 4 > field 2, the previous field for field 2 becomes field 4. Interactions between fields When writing WHEN FIELD CHANGES sections, be sure you avoid creating a situation in which two fields interact. If two fields modify each other in their WHEN FIELD CHANGES sections, an infinite recursion may take place. 422 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference NOTE: Do not modify the current field's value in the field's WHEN FIELD CHANGES section. Modifying the value in the section will produce an infinite loop. Field display The display format, the screen window length, and the justification specification determine how information appears in a screen field. Every screen field has a display format. The default display format is set in the ACCELL/Generator when the form is created. This format can be changed by the DISPLAY statement's format specification or by making an assignment to the screen attribute DISPLAY_FORMAT. The screen window length is set in the ACCELL/Generator and interacts with the display format. If the display format is longer than the window length, then the user will have to scroll the field left or right in order to see the entire field. If the format length is shorter than the window length, then the justification specification determines the position of the information in the field. The justification specification can be set in the ACCELL/Generator, in the DISPLAY statement, or by assigning LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTERED to the screen attribute DISPLAY_JUSTIFY. Runtime execution 423 10.3 User Modes execution ACCELL/IDS follows different execution sequences in the two user modes, Add/ Update/Delete (AUD) and Find. In general, users spend most of their time in AUD mode, occasionally entering Find mode to retrieve a set of records. The next two sections outline the execution sequences for the two modes. Add/Update/Delete mode There are three execution steps in Add/Update/Delete mode that are repeated until a CLEAR TO FIND command is issued. 1. Initialization First Case – if there is no selected set, an implicit Clear to Add is performed. When a Clear to Add occurs the following takes place: • All variables' Clear to Add expressions are evaluated and the results become the values of the variables. • If present, the ON CLEAR TO ADD Language section is executed. • Field Language sections are executed until ACCELL/IDS encounters a field with STOP_FOR_INPUT set to TRUE. Second Case – if there is a selected set, the application user may move through it using the Record and Field user commands. 2. Input/Recall – After initialization, the user may enter or recall field data. 3. Command Execution – At any point the user may enter commands. Four commands – ADD/UPDATE, DELTE RECORD,CLEAR TO ADD, and CLEAR TO FIND – affect the execution order: • If an ADD/UPDATE command is issued, the added or updated record becomes the new current record. Any new record is added to the end of the selected set. After the Add/Update, ACCELL/IDS returns to step one. If a Clear to Add was done in step one and the CLEAR_AFTER_AU form attribute is TRUE, the program returns to step one as if there were no current set (step one, first 424 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference case). Returning this way allows for continuous data entry. In any other case, the program goes back to step one, second case. • If a DELETE RECORD command is issued, it removes the current record from the current set and the database. The next record, as determined by the display order, becomes the current record. If the last record in the set is deleted, the previous record becomes the current record. ACCELL/IDS then returns to step one. A lock held by another transaction or referential integrity constraints may prevent the record from being deleted. • If a CLEAR TO ADD command is issued, it sends ACCELL/IDS back to step one, first case. • If the user issues a CLEAR TO FIND command, ACCELL/IDS exits Add/ Update/Delete mode and starts Find mode. The selected set is canceled. Find mode Find mode works in three major steps. The sequence followed after the third step depends on the search results or on the command given. 1. Initialization – all Clear to Find expressions of target variables are evaluated and the results are assigned to the variables' search range attributes. Those values with no default Clear to Find expressions have their search ranges set to UNDEFINED. All screen fields not linked to target record fields are set to blanks. 2. Specifying Search Criteria – after the form is initialized, the user may specify search criteria for the target fields by positioning the cursor on a field and making an entry. 3. Execution of Find – when the FIND command is issued, ACCELL/IDS searches the database for all records that match the search criteria. (For the Browse feature, ACCELL/IDS searches the first subset of records. The number of records in the subset is specified in FIND_COUNT. See Chapter 4 for more information about Browse.) • If the search succeeds, the set found becomes the selected set and ACCELL/IDS enters Add/Update/Delete mode. • If the search fails – there is an error message or there are no records found – ACCELL/IDS stays in Find mode, the search criteria entries remain on the screen and the process continues with step two. Runtime execution 425 Find itself can be operated in two modes for STRING field searches: • explicit mode • default mode In explicit mode, searches are performed for the exact match to the search criteria. The asterisk (*) is not appended to the end of the search criteria. In default mode, searches are performed by appending an asterisk (*) to the end of the search criteria if the criteria does not end in a metacharacter. If a metacharacter is the last character of the search criteria, the search is performed explicitly. For more information on the two Find modes see Chapter 4.4, under Explicit and Default Search Modes. 426 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference 10.4 User command execution notes This section includes execution notes only for those commands that have a complex execution sequence. The commands discussed in this section are listed below. CLEAR TO ADD CLEAR TO FIND FIND NEXT FIELD NEXT FORM PREVIOUS FIELD PREVIOUS FORM PREVIOUS TAB RECALL FIELD TAB CLEAR TO ADD The execution sequence for the CLEAR TO FIND command is as follows: If an ON CLEAR TO ADD section for the form exists, the section is processed. If the form's first field has a STOP_FOR_INPUT attribute with a value of FALSE (display-only), then all of the field's associated sections are executed. This is done for any succeeding display only fields until ACCELL/IDS finds the first input field. Next, ACCELL/IDS executes the BEFORE FIELD section of the first input field. Then it executes the ON FIELD Language section of first input field up to the INPUT statement. CLEAR TO FIND CLEAR TO FIND begins Find mode after it does the following: • Processes any ON CLEAR TO FIND • Language sections for the current form. • Fills all screen fields not linked to the target database with blanks. Runtime execution 427 • Evaluates the Clear to Find expressions of all variables to establish each field's default search range. The cursor stops at the first target table field where Stop for Input is set to TRUE, FIND ACCELL/IDS performs Finds automatically if a form is entered with the AUTO_FIND attribute set to TRUE. FIND ACCELL/IDS performs Finds automatically if a form is entered with the AUTO_FIND attribute set to TRUE. Clear to Find values and search ranges establish the limits on a Find and can usefully be set several places in an application: • Assignments can be made to CLEAR_TO_FIND attributes in the INIT FIELD or BEFORE FORM section. These assignments will be overridden if AUTO_FIND is TRUE. • Search ranges may be directly specified in the BEFORE FIND section. These search ranges override any user entered ranges. • Clear to Find expressions may appear in the ON FIND Language section but will not affect the Find criteria until another Clear to Find is done. Search ranges established by executing the BEFORE FIND section replace the corresponding search ranges derived from Clear to Find expressions as well as user entered search ranges. Also, when FIND is entered, ACCELL/IDS accepts the information in the current input field as part of the search criteria before beginning the Find. Find execution involves the following sections and steps: 428 • Executes BEFORE FIND section. • Performs Find, executing ON FIND section for each record. (For the Browse feature, ACCELL/IDS searches the first subset of records. The number of records in the subset is specified in FIND_COUNT. See Chapter 4 for more information about Browse.) • Executes AFTER FIND section. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference • Executes all leading display only fields before first input field. • Performs BEFORE FIELD section of first input field. • Executes ON FIELD section of first input field up to the point where input is required. NEXT FIELD NEXT FIELD performs the following steps: • Accepts data in the current field. • Performs any remaining ON FIELD section. • Executes WHEN FIELD CHANGES section, if necessary. • Executes AFTER FIELD section. • Executes any leading form display-only (STOP_FOR_INPUT is set to FALSE) fields. • Performs BEFORE FIELD section of the next field. • Executes ON FIELD section of the next field up to the point where input is required. NEXT RECORD NEXT RECORD performs the following steps: • Interrupts current field's ON FIELD section. • Processes ON NEXT RECORD section. • Activates the next record. (For the Browse feature, this may involve retrieving the next subset of the selected set.) • Performs any Language for leading form fields with STOP_FOR_INPUT set to FALSE. • Executes BEFORE FIELD section of the first input field. • Executes ON FIELD section of the first input field up to the point where input is expected. Runtime execution 429 NEXT FORM NEXT FORM performs the following steps: • Suspends input in ON FIELD Language section. • Executes ON NEXT FORM Language section. • Performs CHOOSE NEXT FORM section. • Activates newly chosen form. • Performs the INIT FIELD sections. • Executes BEFORE FORM section. • Performs any Language for leading form fields with STOP_FOR_INPUT set to FALSE. • Executes BEFORE FIELD section of the first input field. • Performs ON FIELD section of the first input field up to the point where input is expected. NEXT SET For a single-occurrence form, NEXT SET works like NEXT RECORD. For a multioccurrence form, NEXT SET performs the following steps: 430 • Interrupts current field's ON FIELD Language section. • Executes ON NEXT RECORD Language section. • Activates the next current set on the form. (For the Browse feature, this may involve retrieving the next subset of the selected set.) • Makes the first new record displayed the current record. • Performs any Language for leading form fields with STOP_FOR_INPUT set to FALSE. • Executes BEFORE FIELD section of the first input field. • Performs ON FIELD section of the first input field up to the point where input is expected. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference PREVIOUS FIELD PREVIOUS FIELD performs the following steps: • Accepts data in the current field. • Executes any remaining ON FIELD section. • Performs WHEN FIELD CHANGES section. • Executes AFTER FIELD section. • Performs BEFORE FIELD section of the previous input field. • Executes ON FIELD section of the previous field up to the point where input is required. PREVIOUS RECORD PREVIOUS RECORD performs the following steps: • Interrupts current field's ON FIELD section. • Processes ON PREVIOUS RECORD section. • Activates the previous record. (For the Browse feature, this may involve retrieving the previous subset of the selected set.) • Performs any Language for leading form fields with STOP_FOR_INPUT set to FALSE. • Executes BEFORE FIELD section of the first input field. • Executes ON FIELD section of the first input field up to the point where input is expected. PREVIOUS FORM PREVIOUS FORM performs the following steps: • Executes ON PREVIOUS FORM section if not a Zoom form. • Performs AFTER ZOOM section if current form is a Zoom form. • Deactivates the current form. Runtime execution 431 • Performs AFTER FORM RETURN section of the previous form. • Resumes execution of the previously suspended input of previous form's ON FIELD section. On a Master Application form, PREV FORM, exits the application after performing the AFTER APPLICATION section. PREVIOUS SET For a single-occurrence form, PREV SET works like PREV RECORD. For a multioccurrence form, PREVIOUS SET performs the following steps: • Interrupts current field's ON FIELD section. • Executes ON PREVIOUS RECORD Language section. • Activates the previous current set on the form. (For the Browse feature, this may involve retrieving the previous subset of the selected set.) • Makes the last new record displayed the current record. • Performs any Language for leading form fields with STOP_FOR_INPUT set to FALSE. • Executes BEFORE FIELD section of the first input field. • Performs ON FIELD section of the first input field up to the point where input is expected. PREVIOUS TAB PREVIOUS TAB performs the following steps: 432 • Accepts data in the current field. • Executes any remaining ON FIELD section. • Performs WHEN FIELD CHANGES section. • Performs AFTER FIELD section. • Executes BEFORE FIELD section of the previous. tab stopped field. Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference • Performs ON FIELD section of the previous tab stopped field up to the point where input is required. RECALL FIELD When RECALL FIELD is used, ACCELL/IDS determines the previous value as follows: • If the last operation was an Add/Update or Delete, the previous value is taken from the corresponding field in the record just Add/Updated or Deleted. • Under any other conditions a previous value does not exist. TAB TAB performs the following steps: • Accepts data in the current field. • Executes any remaining ON FIELD section. • Performs WHEN FIELD CHANGES section. • Performs AFTER FIELD section. • Executes BEFORE FIELD section of the next tab stopped field. • Executes ON FIELD section of the next tab stopped field. • Continues the sequence until encountering a field with STOP_FOR_INPUT set to TRUE. Runtime execution 433 434 Unify ACCELL/IDS Developer’s Reference Appendix A: ACCELL/Language grammar A.1 Introduction This appendix contains a complete grammar for the ACCELL/Language. The grammar is organized into six sections: ACCELL/Language Scripts Describes the declarations appearing at the beginning of a Language script. A script begins with declarations for user functions, form name, target table, and local variables. Specific Language sections such as BEFORE ADD and ON FIELD make up the rest of the form. Language Sections Describes the major divisions of a Language script. A script is divided into sections that apply to the application, a form, specific fields, or user commands. Such sections include AFTER APPLICATION, BEFORE FORM, INIT FIELD, and ON FIND. Statements Contains descriptions of ACCELL/Language statement blocks, statement lists, individual statements, and specifiers used in statements. Statements are used in Language sections to perform many tasks: data base operations, screen display control, managing the sequence of forms, and so on. Specifiers appear in a separate subsection. Expressions Describes ACCELL expressions and lists all operators. Expressions are parts of ACCELL statements and are evaluated during statement execution. Operators are described in a separate subsection. 435 Variables and Constants Describes ACCELL variables, identifiers, and constants. Variables, constants and identifiers include form and screen variables, function names, and numeric constants. Attributes, Characteristics, and System Functions Contains alphabetical lists of ACCELL attributes, form and field characteristics, and system functions. Attributes describe the properties of ACCELL variables and forms. Applications can test any ACCELL attribute and can change many attribute values during execution. Characteristics document specific field and form attribute settings. ACCELL system functions let you conveniently perform such operations as manipulating strings and converting data types. How to use the grammar The syntax of most ACCELL sections, statements, and expressions can be found by turning to the appropriate section. Other elements can be located as follows: • All elements ending with expression or operator appear in the Expressions section. • Any elements ending with name appear under Variables and Constants. • A grammatical element ending with list appears with the corresponding item. For example, expression_list appears with expression in the Expressions section. • An element ending with spec appears under Specifiers. • Elements like IDENTIFIER, that are not reserved words but are part of the grammar, are defined in Variables and Constants. Typographical conventions The grammar uses the following special symbols: 436 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference [] Square brackets enclose optional elements. Brackets only identify optional elements; they are not part of a statement. * An asterisk follows an item that appears zero or more times. The asterisk is not part of the statement. + A plus sign appears after items that may appear one or more times. The plus sign is not part of the statement. () All parentheses, except where noted, enclose a list of alternative items and are not part of the statement. | A vertical bar indicates alternative elements. For example, (item1 | item2 | item3) means you can use one of the elements item1, item2, or item3. The vertical bar, except where noted, is not part of the statement. ; All semicolons are part of the statement or expression. A semicolon ending a statement may be omitted. ACCELL/Language grammar 437 A.2 ACCELL/Language scripts This subsection describes the declarations appearing at the beginning of a Language script. A script begins with declarations for user functions, form name, target table, and local variables. Specific Language sections such as BEFORE ADD and ON FIELD make up the rest of the form. language_script ‘ user_function_declaration* [form] user_function_declaration ‘ EXTERN C (type_spec | VOID) FUNCTION function_name ( [[RESULT] variable_name [, [RESULT] variable_name]*] ); NOTE: The final pair of parentheses is part of the statement. form ‘ master_application | standard master_application ‘ mastapp_header [form_characteristics] mastapp_body mastapp_header ‘ APPLICATION application_name; [REQUIRED FORMS form_decl [, form_decl ]*; ] NOTE: The REQUIRED FORMS statement is required if the application contains any Standard forms. form_decl ‘ form_name IN 'archive_name.fa' 438 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference mastapp_body ‘ [before_application] [after application] [choose_first_form] [either_body] standard ‘ standard_header [form_characteristics] standard_body standard_header ‘ FORM form_name [TARGET_TABLE table_name] ; [LOCAL local_variable_list]; local_variable_list ‘ variable_name [, variable_name]* ; standard_body ‘ [choose_next_form ] [before_add] [after_add] [before_delete] [after delete] [before_find] [on_find] [after_find] [before_update] [after_update] [on_clear_to_find] [on_clear_to_add] [on_previous_record] [on_next_record] [either_body] either_body ‘ [before_form] [screen_field]*d [on_next_form] [after_form_return] [on_exit] [after_zoom] [on_previous_form] ACCELL/Language grammar 439 A.3 Language sections after_add‘ AFTER ADD statement_list after_application‘ AFTER APPLICATION statement_list after_delete‘ AFTER DELETE statement_list after_find‘ AFTER FIND statement_list after_form_return‘ AFTER FORM RETURN statement_list after_update‘ AFTER UPDATE statement_list after_zoom AFTER ZOOM statement_list before_add‘ BEFORE ADD statement_list before_application‘ BEFORE APPLICATION statement_list before_delete‘ BEFORE DELETE statement_list before_find‘ BEFORE FIND statement_list 440 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference before_form‘ BEFORE FORM statement_list before_update‘ BEFORE UPDATE statement_list choose_first_form ‘ CHOOSE FIRST FORM (next_form_statement*) choose_next_form‘ CHOOSE NEXT FORM (next_form_statement*) on_clear_to_add‘ ON CLEAR TO ADD statement_list on_clear_to_find‘ ON CLEAR TO FIND statement_list on_exit‘ ON EXIT statement_list on_find‘ ON FIND statement_list on_next_form‘ ON NEXT FORM statement_list on_next_record‘ ON NEXT RECORD statement_list on_previous_form ‘ ON PREVIOUS FORM statement_list on_previous_record‘ ON PREVIOUS RECORD statement_list screen_field‘ FIELD screen_field_name [field_characteristics] ACCELL/Language grammar 441 ([AFTER FIELD statement_list] | [INIT FIELD statement_list] | [BEFORE FIELD statement_list] | [ON FIELD statement_list] | [WHEN FIELD CHANGES statement_list]) ; 442 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference A.4 Statements statement_block‘ BEGIN statement_list END;* statement_list‘ statement* statement‘ close_pipeline | commit_statement | create_pipeline | delete_statement | display_statement | erase_statement | expression; | for_statement | function_call NOTE: Only functions not returning a value | if_statement | input_statement | lock_statement | next_action | next_form_statement NOTE: next_form_statement may only appear in CHOOSE FIRST FORM and CHOOSE NEXT FORM sections. | record_insert | record_update | refresh_screen | reject_operation | reject_record | repaint_screen ACCELL/Language grammar 443 | repeat_statement | restart_field NOTE: Only the expressions SET and function_call may appear as statements. | statement_block | switch_statement | while_statement | write_pipeline | zoom_statement |; NOTE: A semicolon (;) by itself is a null statement. close_pipeline‘ CLOSE PIPELINE variable_name; commit_statement‘ COMMIT TX create_pipeline‘ CREATE PIPELINE variable_name pipe_spec [ OUTPUT [IS] path_name]; delete_statement‘ DELETE table_name [WHERE logical_db_expression]; | DELETE CURRENT RECORD; display_statement‘ DISPLAY TRIM [FOR form_expression] [AT [@] (row_expression, column_expression)] [WAIT] NOTE: Parentheses ( ) are part of the statement. | DISPLAY [expression] [FOR (screen_field_name | FYI_MESSAGE)] 444 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference [WAIT] [USING format_expression] [DISPLAY_JUSTIFY [IS] justify_spec]; erase_statement‘ ERASE TRIM [FOR form_expression] [AT [@](row_expression, column_expression)]; NOTE: Parentheses ( ) are part of the statement. for_statement‘ FOR ([expression]; [logical_expression]; [expression]) statement NOTE: Parentheses ( ) are part of the statement. function_call‘ function_name ([expression_list]) | system_function if_statement‘ IF expression THEN statement [ELSE statement] input_statement‘ INPUT lock_statement‘ (SLOCK | XLOCK | UNLOCK) table_name [WHERE logical_db_expression]; next_action‘ NEXT ACTION [IS] action_spec; next_form_statement‘ [WHEN logical_expression] transaction_level_spec USING (form_expression | EXIT); ACCELL/Language grammar 445 record_insert‘ INSERT INTO table_name [(]db_field_name_list[)]:expression_list; NOTE: Parentheses ( ) are an optional part of the statement. record_updat‘ UPDATE table_name SET db_field_name_list TO expression_list [WHERE logical_db_expression]; | UPDATE CURRENT RECORD; refresh_screen‘ REFRESH SCREEN; reject_operation‘ REJECT OPERATION; reject_record‘ REJECT RECORD; repaint_screen‘ REPAINT SCREEN; restart_field‘ RESTART ON FIELD; repeat_statement‘ REPEAT statement_list UNTIL logical_expression; set_expression‘ SET variable TO expression set_select_expression‘ SET variable_list TO SELECT [AND (SLOCK | XLOCK)] db_expression_list FROM table_name [WHERE logical_db_expression] [ORDER BY db_field_sort_spec_list] [EXECUTING statement_block] 446 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference switch_statement‘ SWITCH expression BEGIN ((CASE constant: | DEFAULT:) + statement_list) + END; while_statement‘ WHILE logical_expression statement write_pipeline‘ WRITE PIPELINE variable expression_list; zoom_statement‘ ENABLE ZOOM [RECORD_CONSISTENCY | SET_CONSISTENCY] TO form_expression [AT [@](row_expression, column_expression)] [REPEATED numeric_expression] [RETURN KEY]; | DISABLE ZOOM TO form_expression; Specifiers action_spec‘ CLEAR [TO] ADD | CLEAR [TO] FIND | EXIT | FIND | NEXT FORM | PREVIOUS FORM | NEXT RECORD | PREVIOUS RECORD conversion_spec‘ LOWER | NONE | string_expression | UPPER db_field_sort_spec‘ db_field_name sort_spec ACCELL/Language grammar 447 db_field_sort_spec_list‘ db_field_sort_spec (, db_field_sort_spec)* justify_spec‘ CENTERED | LEFT | RIGHT | string_expression pipe_spec‘ ASCENDING DESCENDING | pipe_name [, pipe_name]* sort_spec‘ ASCENDING DESCENDING | string_expression type_spec‘ AMOUNT | BOOL | DATE | FLOAT | NUMERIC | STRING | TIME transaction_level_spec‘ CONTINUE TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY | CONTINUE TX SET_CONSISTENCY | RESTART TX | START TX RECORD_CONSISTENCY | START TX SET_CONSISTENCY 448 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference A.5 Expressions column_expression‘ numeric_expression db_expression‘ expression NOTE: db_field_names are allowed. db_expression_list‘ db_expression [, db_expression]* expression‘ expression [binary_operator expression]* | unary_operator expression | ( expression ) NOTE: Parentheses are part of the expression. | variable | constant | search_range_list | function_name ([expression_list]) NOTE: Parentheses are part of the expression. | set_expression‘ | set_select_expression expression_list‘ expression [, expression]* format_expression‘ See the entry for the DISPLAY statement in Chapter 8.2. ACCELL/Language grammar 449 form_expression‘ form_name | string_expression logical_db_expression‘ db_expression NOTE: db_field_names are allowed. logical_expression‘ expression NOTE: logical_expression must evaluate to a boolean (TRUE or FALSE) value. numeric_expression‘ expression row_expression‘ numeric_expression search_range‘ [expression] [=> expression] | expression => search_range_list‘ search_range [, search_range]* set_expression‘ SET variable TO expression set_select_expression‘ SET variable_list TO SELECT [AND (SLOCK | XLOCK | UNLOCK)] db_expression_list FROM table_name [WHERE logical_db_expression] [ORDER BY db_field_sort_spec_list] [EXECUTING statement_block] 450 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference string_expression‘ expression Operators add_operator‘ + | binary_operator‘ add_operator | bit_and_operator | bit_or_operator | equality_relational_operator | multiplication_operator | non_equality_relational_operator | logical_and_operator | logical_or_operator bit_and_operator‘ & bit_or_operator ‘ | | ^ equality_relational_operator ‘ = | <> logical_and_operator ‘ AND logical_or_operator ‘> OR multiplication_operator ‘ * | / | % non_equality_relational_operator‘ > | >= | < | <= unary_operator ‘ + | - | ~ | NOT ACCELL/Language grammar 451 A.6 Variables and constants application_name‘ IDENTIFIER archive_name‘ Name of form archive. db_field_name‘ table_name.[$] IDENTIFIER | # IDENTIFIER db_field_name_list‘ db_field_name [, db_field_name]* form_name‘ IDENTIFIER function_name‘ variable_name IDENTIFIER‘ A string of up to 44 letters, digits, and underscores, beginning with a letter. path_name‘ the pathname of a file pipe_name‘ program name that forms a standard operating system pipeline screen_field_name‘ [$] IDENTIFIER table_name‘ [$] IDENTIFIER 452 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference variable‘ [form_name:] [variable_name:] attribute | application_name:: [variable_name:] attribute | application_name:: variable_name | system_variable | variable_name | db_field_name variable_name‘ [ $ ] IDENTIFIER variable_list‘ variable [, variable]* Constants The maximum precisions given for AMT_CONST, DATE_CONST, FLT_CONST, INT_CONST, and TIME_CONST are machine-dependent. The values given assume 32-bit twos-complement integers and 64-bit floating point values. constant‘ INT_CONST | FLT_CONST | AMT_CONST | TRUE | FALSE | STR_CONST | DATE_CONST | NULLDATE | TIME_CONST | UNDEFINED NOTE: TRUE, FALSE, NULLDATE, and UNDEFINED are reserved words for the corresponding constants and can be used in statements. AMT_CONST‘ A numeric constant of up to eleven digits including two decimal places. DATE_CONST‘ A nine digit integer constant. ACCELL/Language grammar 453 FLT_CONST‘ A numeric constant of up to seventeen digits. Up to 9 digits may be decimal places. INT_CONST‘ A numeric constant of up to nine digits with no decimal place. STR_CONST‘ A string of up to 256 characters enclosed in apostrophes. TIME_CONST‘ A numeric constant representing the number of minutes since midnight. 454 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference A.7 Attributes, characteristics, and system functions and variables Attributes Abbreviations after form, target, screen, and variable attributes indicate the attribute type: bool Boolean or logical attribute expr Expression valued attribute num Numeric attribute str String valued attribute An s in parentheses (s) after the attribute's type indicates the attribute can be set. attribute‘ form_attribute | variable_attributes variable_attributes‘ variable_attribute (screen_attribute NOTE: Undefined for non-screen variables. | target_attribute) NOTE: Undefined for non-target variables. form_attribute‘ ADD_ALLOWED | AUD_ON_ENTRY | AUTO_COMMIT | AUTO_FIND ACCELL/Language grammar (bool) (bool) (bool) (bool) (s) (s) (s) (s) 455 | CLEAR_AFTER_AU | COL_ORIGIN | CUR_NEXT_FIELD | DELETE_ALLOWED | FIND_ALLOWED | FIND_COUNT | FIRST_FIELD | FORM_NAME | HEIGHT | MENU_LABEL | OCCURRENCES | PREV_FIELD | PREV_FORM | ROW_ORIGIN | TARGET_TABLE NOTE: (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) Value is UNDEFINED if there is no table. | UPDATE_ALLOWED | WIDTH screen_attribute‘ AUTO_ACCEPT | AUTO _ZOOM | BLINK | CASE_CONVERSION | COL | DATA_TYPE | DISPLAY_FORMAT | DISPLAY_JUSTIFY | FIELD_LENGTH | FIELD_NAME | FINDABLE | FYI_COL | FYI_MESSAGE | FYI_ROW | HELP_ARCHIVE | HELP_FORM_NAME | HELP_FORM_COL 456 (bool) (num) (str) (bool) (bool) (num) (str) (str) (num) (str) (num) (str) (str) (num) (str) (bool) (num) (s) (bool) (bool) (bool) (str) (num) (str) (str) (str) (num) (str) (bool) (num) (str) (num) (str) (str) (num) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference | HELP_FORM_ROW | LOW_INTENSITY | MULTI_VALUED | NEXT_FIELD | REQUIRED | REVERSE | ROW | STOP_FOR_INPUT | TAB_STOP | UNDERLINE | UPDATEABLE | WINDOW_WIDTH (num) (bool) (bool) (str) (bool) (bool) (num) (bool) (bool) (bool) (bool) (num) target_attribute‘ CLEAR_FIND_EXP | DB_LENGTH | DB_TYPE | SEARCH_RANGES | TARGET_FIELD (expr) (num) (str) (expr) (str) variable_attribute‘ ACCELL_TYPE | CLEAR_ADD_EXP (str) (expr) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) Characteristics Field and form characteristics are comment sections only. (s) after a characteristic indicates a string-valued characteristic. (u) means that a value of UNDEFINED indicates the system area. field_characteristics‘ CHARACTERISTICS [ACCELL_TYPE type_spec;] [TARGET_FIELD db_field_name;] [DB_TYPE type_spec;] [DB_LENGTH numeric_expression;] [MULTI_VALUED logical_expression;] [REVERSE logical_expression;] [BLINK logical_expression;] ACCELL/Language grammar (s) (s) (s) 457 [UNDERLINE logical_expression;] [LOW_INTENSITY logical_expression;] [DATA_TYPE type_spec;] [DISPLAY_FORMAT string_expression;] [[FIELD_LENGTH numeric expression;]] [DISPLAY_JUSTIFY justify_spec;] [ROW numeric_expression;] [COL numeric_expression;] [WINDOW_WIDTH numeric_expression;] [STOP_FOR_INPUT logical_expression;] [AUTO_ZOOM logical_expression;] [AUTO_ACCEPT logical_expression;] [NEXT_FIELD screen_field_name;] [TAB_STOP logical_expression;] [REQUIRED logical_expression;] [UPDATEABLE logical_expression;] [FINDABLE logical_expression;] [CASE_CONVERSION conversion_spec;] [FYI_MESSAGE string_expression;] [FYI_ROW numeric_expression;] [FYI_COL numeric_expression;] [HELP_FORM_NAME form_name;] [HELP_ARCHIVE string_expression;] [HELP_FORM_ROW numeric_expression;] [HELP_FORM_COL numeric_expression;] ; (s) (s) (s) (s) (u) (u) (s) form_characteristics‘ CHARACTERISTICS [FIND_ALLOWED logical_expression;] [UPDATE_ALLOWED logical_expression;] [DELETE_ALLOWED logical_expression;] [ADD_ALLOWED logical_expression;] [ORDER_BY [db_field_name_list];] [MENU_LABEL string_expression;] [OCCURRENCES numeric_expression;] [WIDTH numeric_expression;] [HEIGHT numeric_expression;] [AUD_ON_ENTRY logical_expression;] 458 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference [CLEAR_AFTER_AU logical_expression;] [AUTO_COMMIT logical_expression;] [ROW_ORIGIN numeric_expression;] [COL_ORIGIN numeric_expression;] [FIRST_FIELD string_expression;] [AUTO_FIND logical_expression;] ; System functions and variables Abbreviations after the function or variable name indicate the type of any arguments and the type of value returned. amt Amount value bool Boolean or logical value date Date value float Floating point value num Numeric value time Time value The symbol "‘ " separates the argument type from the return value type. For example, (num ‘date) indicates the function takes a numeric argument and returns a date value. Multiple types separated by slashes (/) indicate the function argument may be of more than one type. system_function | aud_mode$ | beep$ | char_code_to_str$ | clip_str$ | close_message_file$ | current_date$ | current_record_count$ ACCELL/Language grammar (‘bool) (num) (num‘single_char_str) (st‘str) ( ‘ num) ( ‘ date) ( ‘ num) 459 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | current_record_num$ current_time$ flush_to_disk$ get_message$ getenv$ glob_str_compare$ group_id$ group_name$ is_current_record_stored$ last_command$ open_message_file$ pad_str_left$ pad_str_right$ push_shell$ record_is_current$ reg_exp_str_compare$ sleep$ status$ strlen$ str_to_char_code$ str_to_date str_to_time$ str_to_val$ substr$ system$ user_id$ user_name$ val_to_str$ | yesno$ system_variable$‘ | add_allowed$ | delete_allowed$ | find_allowed$ 460 (‘ num) ( ‘ time) (num‘ str) (str‘ tr) (str,str‘ bool) ( ‘ num) ( ‘ str) ( ‘ bool) ( ‘ num) (str ‘ num) (str, single_char_str, num‘str) (str, single_char_str, num‘str) (No arguments or return value) (‘ bool) (str, str ‘ bool) (num ‘ num) ( ‘ num) (str ‘ num) (single_char_str‘num) (str ‘ date) (str ‘ time) (str ‘ num/float) (str,num,num‘str) (str ‘ num) ( ‘ num) ( ‘ str) (num/float/bool/amt/ date/time/‘ str) (str,num ‘ bool) ( ‘ bool) ( ‘ bool) ( ‘ bool) Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference | info_level$ | update_allowed$ type conversion functions‘ | to_amount$ | to_bool$ | to_date$ | to_float$ | to_num$ | to_time$ ACCELL/Language grammar ( ‘num) ( ‘ bool) (num/float ‘ amt) (num ‘ bool) (num ‘ date) (num/amt ‘ float) (float/bool/amt/date/time ‘ num) (num ‘ time) 461 462 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference Appendix B: Setting up the system B.1 Introduction ACCELL/IDS makes extensive use of the termcap file to control terminal character display. ACCELL/IDS also uses the UNIFY file unicap to link keyboard characters to ACCELL/IDS commands. Standard unicap and termcap files are distributed with ACCELL/IDS and consist of entries organized by terminal type. You only need to modify the termcap and unicap files if your system includes terminals that are not listed in the files. You may also modify the unicap file if you want to customize the ACCELL/IDS commands. To modify the termcap or unicap file, begin by modifying a copy of the file distributed with ACCELL/IDS rather than creating the file from scratch. When you are ready to test the file you modified, change the TERMCAP and UNICAP environment variables to point to the modified copy of the file. The sections below first outline the termcap entries needed by ACCELL/IDS and then describe the unicap entries used to customize commands. Note that these sections describe only additions to the files. For more information about the termcap and unicap files see the operating system and ACCELL/IDS DBMS Reference manuals. 463 B.2 Additional termcap file entries ACCELL/IDS uses the termcap file to control the display of forms. Because a form can have reverse low-intensity underline and blinking fields as well as business line graphics, ACCELL/IDS must know exactly how the terminal handles these video attributes. NOTE: Make sure line wrap is set on before trying to run ACCELL/IDS. The termcap file must indicate whether or not the video attributes–reverse, lowintensity, underline, and blink–are embedded and whether they work independently or in combination. ACCELL/IDS also requires additional termcap entries for terminals that use line graphics. The four sections below describe the format of the additional termcap entries and the entries for embedded, combined, and independent attributes and line graphics capability. Only the entries for combined and independent attributes interact. All other entries act independently. Note that because the termcap file contains an entry for each terminal type, these entries must be made for each terminal type in your system. The termcap entries must match the terminal capabilities. 464 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference B.3 termcap entry formats The ACCELL/IDS termcap entries use only numeric and string capability codes. A numeric capability code has the following form: code#number For example, the ACCELL/IDS numeric capability code sg would appear in the file as sg#1. String capability codes appear in the following form: code=string The standard termcap code dc would be assigned the string ^A by the entry dc=^A. ( signifies the escape character and ^A signifies control/A.) Setting up the system 465 B.4 Screen SIZE entries ACCELL/IDS automatically adjusts to different screen sizes using entries in the termcap file. The entry li# gives the number of lines on the screen; co# determines the number of columns. The default values are 24 lines and 80 columns. Some terminals, however, have 25 lines instead of 24. If your terminal has 25 lines, make sure you include a li#25 entry in your termcap file. The termcap entries must match your terminal. A new, expanded terminal with 60 lines and 132 columns would have li#60 and co#132 in its termcap entry. 466 Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference B.5 Embedded attributes There are four capability codes for embedded attributes. These are listed in the following table: Capability code attributes sg reverse ug underlined wg low-intensity yg blinking These codes appear in the termcap file if the attribute is embedded. The codes are numeric capability codes assigned the value one. The absence of a capability code indicates that the attribute is not embedded. For example, to indicate that reverse is embedded, the entry sg#1 would appear in the file. Below is a partial termcap entry for the Data 2000 terminal that includes the capability code sg: d2|d2000data2000:is=\EU\Ef\E7\E5\E8:am:bs:cd=\E^C:sg#1:mi:nd=\E=: Types of terminals The method used to specify and represent embedded video attributes varies between terminal types. Generally, terminals can be categorized as embedded or nonembedded. For example, the Wyse 50 is a terminal with embedded attributes. The Freedom 110 and ANSI VT100 are non-embedded attribute terminals. You can determine the attribute type of your terminal by referring to your terminal's Owner Manual or contacting the hardware manufacturer. Non-Embedded attribute terminals You can display information on an non-embedded terminal by sending a special sequence (a video control character) to turn on the video mode, such as blinking. Setting up the system 467 Then, any characters sent to the terminal will be presented in the specified video mode up to the point where a new video mode is specified. The video control character does NOT occupy any character position on the screen. The video mode specified is time- dependent. This means that all characters displayed after a video mode is turned on have the specified attribute until the video mode is changed. Embedded attribute terminals Information that is displayed on an embedded terminal is somewhat different. The video control character is position- dependent and occupies 1 or more character positions on the screen. For example, to display "xyz" at coordinates (1,1) in blinking video mode on normal video background, you must first place a blink on video control character at (0,1) and a normal on control character at (4,1). Then write "xyz" at (1,1) through (3,1). NOTE: If xyz had non-blank characters on either side of it (at (0,1) or (4,1)), the non-blank characters would NOT be visible when the video control characters were placed over them. For example, if you had "--xyz--" and changed the alphabetic characters to a blink attribute, you would see "- xyz -", because the "-" on either side of the "xyz" would be overwritten by the video control character. Setting up termcap for an embedded terminal In addition to the normal entries, the following entries must also be included to set up termcap for an embedded terminal: "yg": "wg": "sg": "ug": "rg": "Va": "Vb": 468 /* /* /* /* /* /* /* # chars left by blink on/off */ # chars left by write protect on/off */ # chars left by reverse on/off */ # chars left by underline on/off */ # chars left by reverse + underline on/off */ reverse-OFF underln-OFF low-OFF blink-OFF */ reverse-OFF underln-OFF low-OFF blink-ON */ Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference "Vc": "Vd": "Ve": "Vf": "Vg": "Vh": "Vi": "Vj": "Vk": "Vl": "Vm": "Vn": "Vo": "Vp": /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* reverse-OFF reverse-OFF reverse-OFF reverse-OFF reverse-OFF reverse-OFF reverse-ON reverse-ON reverse-ON reverse-ON reverse-ON reverse-ON reverse-ON reverse-ON underln-OFF underln-OFF underln-ON underln-ON underln-ON underln-ON underln-OFF underln-OFF underln-OFF underln-OFF underln-ON underln-ON underln-ON underln-ON low-ON low-ON low-OFF low-OFF low-ON low-ON low-OFF low-OFF low-ON low-ON low-OFF low-OFF low-ON low-ON blink-OFF blink-ON blink-OFF blink-ON blink-OFF blink-ON blink-OFF blink-ON blink-OFF blink-ON blink-OFF blink-ON blink-OFF blink-ON */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ Embedded terminals and ACCELL/IDS forms Video control characters occupy character positions on an embedded terminal. Therefore, when designing a form, you can avoid problems by leaving a space around areas where the video attributes are not normal. This includes leaving a space between the area and the window border. If spaces are not left for the video control characters, then a number of situations can occur that affect the visual appearance of the form. The following is a list of cases that will cause problems: 1. Marking an area with 1 or more video attributes beginning with the leftmost column (against the left border) or ending with the rightmost column (against the right border). Effect: The video control character will be placed at the first character position just inside the border. The character occupying this position will not be visible. Example: Given "|" represents a border, if you try to display "xyz |" and "xyz" is reverse, "yz |" is displayed. "xyz|" would be displayed as " y |". 2. Marking two areas with different video attributes adjacent to each other (0 spaces dividing the areas). Setting up the system 469 Effect: The video control character for the area on the right must be placed either over the last character of the area on the left or over the first character of the area on the right. This is determined by the order in which the areas are displayed. If the area on the left is displayed first (as in a repaint), the video control character will be placed over the last character of the left area. If the right area is displayed first (if you change the contents in code, etc.), the control character will be placed in the first position of the right area. In general, the placement is time dependent: the last area displayed has precedence over the other areas, and therefore, has its entire area displayed (not covered) if possible. One exception to this is the following: If a control character is placed over a character other than a space and the character just inside the area being marked by the video control character is a space that is neither reverse nor underline, then the control character is placed over the space rather than the character. Example: Given that you try to display "xxxyyy ", where "xxx" is blinking and "yyy" is reverse, if "xxx" is displayed before "yyy", " xx yyy " will be displayed. If "yyy" is displayed before "xxx", then " yy xxx " will be displayed. 3. Placing screen fields (that will accept input) adjacent to each other (0 spaces dividing the fields). Effect: 470 Since the current input field is highlighted by changing the field to reverse video, adjacent input fields that are not separated by spaces will have the same effect as in case 2 above. Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference 4. Placing a screen field (that will accept input) adjacent to a border (either left or right border or both ). Effect: Since current input fields are highlighted by changing the fields to reverse video, a video control character must be placed to the left and right of the field to turn on and off reverse. However, only another window border can overwrite a window border. Therefore, the control character must be placed inside the input field at the first and/or last character position. Then, when a character is entered at the position of the video control character, it will not be displayed, although it is placed in the input buffer. Example: Given that you have a STRING field of length 4 positioned against the left border ("|SSSS"), if you have entered "123" in the field, "| 23" is displayed. If you have entered "1" in the field, "| " is displayed. The precautions presented in this subsection reflect situations that can occur with any software package when using an embedded attribute terminal. To obtain the best software use from a terminal, it is suggested that you select a non-embedded attribute terminal with a good processing speed. Additional information on termcap and unicap can be found in the DBMS Developer's Reference Manual, Chapter 6, termcap and unicap. Setting up the system 471 B.6 Combined and independent attributes Some terminals can only set combinations of reverse (R), low-intensity (L), blinking (B), and underline (U) attributes and cannot set the attributes separately. These terminals use what are called combined attributes. Terminals that set reverse, blink, underline, and low-intensity separately use independent attributes. Combination and independent attributes require special, separate entries in the termcap file. If combination and independent attribute codes both appear in a terminal's entries, the combination code overrides any corresponding independent code. Combined attributes Terminals that use combination settings require special entries in the termcap file that indicate which attributes are used in combination and the specific strings that invoke the combinations. Because there are four attributes and each can be set to on or off, there are sixteen possible combinations, each requiring a unique capability code. The capability codes for the various combinations are Va through Vp. The table that follows shows which capability codes are set for various attribute combinations (note that the table is divided into two pages). The following abbreviations are used for the video attributes. R = Reverse U = Underline L = Low-intensity B = Blink Figure 69 Attributes and capability codes Code L.B. 472 U.B. U.L. R.B. R.L. R.U. U.L.B. R.L.B. R.U.B. R.U.L. R.U.L.B. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Va ✔ ✔ Vb ✔ ✔ Vc ✔ Vd ✔ ✔ ✔ Vf ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Ve ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference Figure 69 Attributes and capability codes (Continued) Code L.B. U.B. U.L. R.B. R.L. R.U. U.L.B. ✔ Vg R.L.B. R.U.B. R.U.L. R.U.L.B. ✔ ✔ ✔ Vh Vi ✔ Vj ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Vk ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Vo ✔ ✔ ✔ Vn ✔ ✔ ✔ Vl Vm ✔ ✔ ✔ Vp For example, if underline and blink (U,B) are the only combined attributes, then the capability codes Va, Vb, Ve, and Vf would appear in the file. If all four attributes are set in combination then all sixteen codes would be included in the file. Each capability code represents a specific combination of on and off settings for the four attributes. These combinations appear in the table that follows. Figure 70 Capability codes meaning Code Reverse Underline Low Blink Va ✔ Vb Vc ✔ Vd ✔ Ve ✔ Vf ✔ Vg ✔ ✔ Vh ✔ ✔ ✔ Vi ✔ Vj ✔ Vk ✔ ✔ Vl ✔ ✔ Setting up the system ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 473 Figure 70 Capability codes meaning (Continued) Code Reverse Underline Low Vm ✔ ✔ Vn ✔ ✔ Vo ✔ ✔ ✔ Vp ✔ ✔ ✔ Blink ✔ ✔ Assuming that the terminal sets only underline and blink in combination, we know from the Attributes and Capability Codes table that the Va, Vb, Ve, and Vf capability codes must appear in the file. From the Capability Code Meaning table we can tell that Va must be assigned the string that turns both underline and blink off. Similarly, Vb must be assigned the string that turns underline off and blink on. Strings assigned to the combined attribute capability codes must consist of the actual characters transmitted to the terminal. An entry for Va, the code that turns on only blink, added to our entry for the Data 2000 terminal might look like this: d2|d2000data2000:is=\EU\Ef\E7\E5\E8:am:bs:cd=\E^C:sg#1:mi:nd=\E=::Va=^A^A: Independent attributes The table below shows the codes for independent attributes and their meanings: 474 Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation Meaning so start reverse video ws start low-intensity se end reverse video we end low-intensity us start underline ys start blinking ue end underline ye end blinking Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference B.7 Graphics capabilities If your terminal uses line graphics, you need to include assignments to the capabilities codes below: Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation Meaning gs start graphics mode gh square lower right corner gx end graphics mode gi single line intersection ga round lower left corner gj viertical line gb round upper left corner gk horizontal line gc round upper right corner gl right tee gd round lower right corner gm left tee ge square lower left corner gn top tee gf sqare upper left corner go bottom tee gg square upper left corner ACCELL/IDS assumes that graphics characters are not embedded. If there are no line graphics capability codes in the file, ACCELL/IDS assumes that graphics are done using the minus (-), pipe ( | ), and plus ( + ) characters. unicap file entries The ACCELL/IDS/Generator includes both extensive forms design and screen editing command sets. The unicap file links these commands to specific keyboard combinations. You need to modify the unicap file only if you want to customize the keyboard commands or if your terminal type is not included in the distributed unicap file. For information about the unicap file and its format see the ACCELL/IDS DBMS Developer's Reference Manual, Chapter 6.2, unicap. The current command key assignments are summarized on the Developer's Command Summary card following Appendix B. Setting up the system 475 Customizing function key names The function key names ACCELL/IDS displays can be customized by changing the first item in the function key entry. Each entry has the following syntax: command = [key_label] | <fn> | character_sequence To change a function key name, replace key_label with your name for the key. The square brackets ([ ])are part of the entry. The current command key assignments are summarized on the Developer's Command Summary card following Appendix B. Special considerations You must modify your unicap file if either of the following two conditions apply to your system: 476 • If DOWN ARROW and RETURN send the same character sequences on your terminal, you must modify the entries in your unicap file so the two keys send different character sequences. • If CTRL Z is a signal on your system, the ZOOM command must be changed to another character sequence. Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference B.8 Developer’s command summary ACCELL/IDS/Manager commands ABORT APPLICATION ADD/UPDATE CANCEL ZOOM CLEAR FIELD CLEAR TO ADD CLEAR TO FIND DELETE CHAR DELETE CHAR LEFT DELETE RECORD EXIT HELP EXPLAIN ERROR FIELD HELP FIND FIRST RECORD HELP MENU LAST RECORD LEFT EDGE OF DATA LEFT EDGE OF FIELD LEFT EDGE OF WINDOW MENU CANCEL MENU DOWN MENU SELECT MENU UP MORE KEY MOVE LEFT MOVE RIGHT NEXT FIELD NEXT FORM NEXT RECORD NEXT SET NEXT TAB PREVIOUS FIELD PREVIOUS FORM PREVIOUS RECORD PREVIOUS SET PREVIOUS TAB RECALL FIELD REPAINT SCREEN REPLACE/INSERT RIGHT EDGE OF DATA RIGHT EDGE OF FIELD RIGHT EDGE OF WINDOW SHOW ERRORS UNREPLACE LEFT ZOOM ^c \Eau \E^z ^y \Eca \Ecf ^f ^x \Edr \Eeh \Eee \Eh \Efi \Efr \EH \Elr \Eld \Elf \E<left arrow> \Emc <down arrow> <RETURN> ^u \Emo <left arrow> <right arrow> <RETURN> \EnF <down arrow> \Ens ^i ^u \EpF <up arrow> \Eps \E^j \Erc ^r ^e \Erd \Erf \E<right arrow> \Ese ^g ^z <F9> <F19> <F7> <F13> <DEL> <F18> <F12> <F5> <F3> <F16> <F6> <F17> <F1> <F2> <up arrow> <F10> <F2> <F4> <F15> <F1> <F3> <F14> <F11> <F8> <F20> Unify Corporation, by this statement, hereby extends its permission to the original licensee to reproduce this summary card. This permission is limited to and applies only to this summary card and is extended to the original licensee only. Setting up the system 477 ACCELL/IDS/Generator commands ABORT GENERATOR ADD FIELD ADD HELP CENTER ALL TRIM HORIZONTALLY CENTER FORM CENTER FORM HORIZONATALLY CENTER FORM VERTICALLY CENTER LINE CHANGE FORM SIZE MOVING TRIM CURSOR LEFT BEGINNING WORD CURSOR RIGHT BEGINNING WORD DELETE CHAR DELETE CHAR LEFT DELETE FIELD DELETE FIELD LEFT DELETE FIELD RIGHT DELETE LINE DELETE REPEATING TRIM DELETE TRIM THIS LINE DOWN EDIT NEW FORM EXIT HELP EXPLAIN ERROR FIELD HELP GRAPHICS HELP MENU INSERT LINE MARK FIXED TRIM MARK REPEATING AREA MARK REPEATING TRIM UP MARK VIDEO AREA MORE KEY MOVE FIELD MOVE FORM MOVE LEFT MOVE RIGHT NEXT FIELD NEXT FORM PREVIOUS FORM REPAINT SCREEN REPLACE/INSERT ROWL/COL DISPLAY SET EDIT TAB STOPS SET SESSION DEFAULTS SET VIDEO DEFAULTS SHOW ERRORS SHOW REPEATING AREA SIZE FIELD LEFT SIZE FIELD RIGHT SIZE FORM UNREPLACE LEFT UP WORD LEFT END WORD WORD RIGHT END WORD 478 ^c \Eaf \Eah \Ect \Ewa \EcF \Ewv \Ecl \Est \Elw \ErW ^f ^x ^df ^dl ^dr \Edl \Edt ^dt <down arrow> \EeF \Eeh \Eee \Eh \Eg \EH \Eil \Etf \Emr \Etu \Emv \Emo \Emf \EmF <left arror> <right arrow> <RETURN> \EnF \Epf ^r ^e \Etc \Ets \Esd \Esv \Ese \Esa \Esl \Esr \EsF ^g <up arrow> \Ewl \Ewr <F11> <F11> <DEL> <F15> <F19> <F12> <F5> <F20> <F6> <F18> <F17> <F16> <F10> <F12> <F4> <F2> <F1> <F8> <F7> <F14> Unify DataServer/ELS Developer’s Reference Appendix C: Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages C.1 ACMB error messages 1801 ACMB ERROR: There was an error in reading the file %s Explanation: This error refers to an unsuccessful attempt to read a .fq or .aq file. This error occurs for one of five reasons: • the .fq or .aq file could not be opened or closed with calls to fopen or fclose • the .fq or .aq file may have been opened, but according to the internal magic number, the file was not a screen form • the maximum number (62) of file descriptions allowed for ACCELL/IDS files has been reached • an fread or fseek call failed • the system is out of memory 1802 ACMB ERROR: There was a bad magic number Explanation: Every ACCELL/IDS file type has a magic number associated with it. This number is stored in the file to help executables distinguish an archive from a screen file. For example, this error can occur when the Combiner is asked to open an archive, and a file is already in the specified location; the file has the same name, and does not contain the correct magic number for an archive file. This error could be caused by the user, or the file may have been corrupted by some system or program failure. 479 Correction: In most cases removing the archive file and trying to ACMB again will correct the problem. See section 9.1, under Types of ACCELL/IDS Files, for a description of the suffix ACCELL/IDS uses to determine which file to remove. 1803 ACMB ERROR: The Combine failed in malloc memory Explanation: This error refers to malloc failures that are allocating space for attributes or form information, etc., when the Combiner is writing the combined temporary file or adding the combined file to the archive. This error will indicate: • the system is out of memory, or • ulimit is set too low 1804 ACMB ERROR: Couldn't find a 'next field' Explanation: When a .fq/.aq file is created, the Generator sets up a list of the fields on the form. Indexes into this list are used to set the initial next field attribute for each field in the list. During processing, the Combiner creates a temporary file containing information from the .fq/.fo, or .aq/ .ao file pair for a form. One of the steps in setting up the file information is to change the initial next field attribute for each field in the list, as set by the Generator, to index the symbol table built from the information in the .fo/.ao and .fq/.aq files. This error will be set if a field occurs in the list set up by the Generator, but cannot be found in the new symbol table built from the symbol tables in the .fo/.ao and .fq/.aq files. 1805 ACMB ERROR: Checksum error. Verify .fs and .fq target table names match Explanation: • 480 When a .fs language script is compiled, a checksum is calculated, based on the target relation id for the form in the current data base. This checksum is stored in the resulting .fo file. The same type of checksum is calculated for a screen and stored in the .fq file. When the Combiner is processing a form that has a language script, it checks to make sure the checksum stored in the language script file is equal to that in the form's screen file. This is one of the checks done by the Combiner to make sure both the script and screen refer to the same target table in the data base. This error can occur if: the target table names in the .fo and .fq files do not match Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference • the data base schema has been changed since the .fo or .fq file was created. NOTE: Even if a .fs file does not refer to a field that has been added to its associated target table, it still must be recompiled so that its checksum will be calculated according to the updated data base. 1806 ACMB ERROR: The field %s is not in the file %s.[af]q Explanation: When a language script is compiled (by ACPL), a list of all screen fields referenced by the script is made and stored in the compiled script. When a screen file (/.aq) is created, it also contains a list of all the screen fields for the screen. When the Combiner is processing a form that has a language script, it checks to make sure that each field listed as a screen field by the script is indeed a screen field on the screen. If a field is in the list in the .fs file but not in the list in the .fq file, then this error is set. 1807 ACMB ERROR: There was a form name mismatch Explanation: When the Combiner is processing a form that has a language script, it does some checks to make sure the information in the compiled script matches the information in the form's screen file. One of these checks is to make sure that the form/application name (specified in the form_declaration of a .fs or .as file) stored in the compiled form matches the form/application name stored in the screen file. If they do not match, then this error is set. 1808 ACMB ERROR: There was a form/application mismatch Explanation: When a screen for a form is created, a flag specifying whether the screen is for a Master Application or a Standard form is stored in the .fq or .aq file. When the Combiner is processing a form that has a language script, it checks to make sure that the form's screen file and the form's compiled language script file both specify the same type of form (Master Application or Standard). If they do not, then this error is set. Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 481 1809 ACMB ERROR: There is a corrupt file Explanation: This error refers to unsuccessful attempts by the Combiner to read all or part of the archive index of an ACCELL/IDS file. The error can occur under one of these conditions: • an fseek call failed • an fread call failed 1810 ACMB ERROR: There was an error in adding the form Explanation: This error occurs when the Combiner is unsuccessful in adding (writing) a form unit (FMUN) to an ACCELL/IDS file. A FMUN is a structure containing information on a form. This error can occur under the following conditions: • the Combiner creates a FMUN from information in the .fo/.fq or .ao/.aq file pair for a form to be added to an application archive. The FMUN is written (added) to a temporary file before it is combined into the archive. If the attempt to write it to the temporary file fails, then this error will be set • when a form is to be combined into an existing application archive file, the Combiner reads in the existing FMUNs in the archive file and sorts them along with the FMUN for the form to be added to the archive. It then writes all the FMUNs out to the archive file. If an attempt to add a FMUN (either a pre-existing FMUN or the new FMUN stored in a temporary file) to the archive file fails, this error will be set 1811 Not applicable 1812 ACMB ERROR: There was an error in reading the form Explanation: 482 Once the Combiner has produced the temporary file of information from the form's .fo/.fq or .ao/.aq file pair, it merges this information into the application archive file if it exists, otherwise it creates a new archive file. This error occurs when the Combiner is merging the information in the temporary file into an existing archive file if the Combiner is unable to read a Form Unit (FMUN) structure for a form specified in the application archive file or for the form to be added. Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference C.2 ALNK error messages 2201 ALNK ERROR: The application linker does not have enough memory. Explanation The Linker tries to read information from the appropriate archive for each required form for an application. The Linker uses malloc to allocate space in which to read the information. This error is set when the malloc fails, and will indicate that: • the system is out of memory, or • ulimit is set too low 2202 ALNK ERROR: There is a duplicate required form %s in the application. Explanation The Linker sets up an internal table containing information on all the required forms for an application. When it is building this table, as it processes each form, the Linker first verifies that it has not built an entry for a form with the same name. If it has, then this error is set. NOTE: The application form is not treated as a required form. Thus, there may be a form in the required forms list with the same name as the application. 2203 Not applicable 2204 ALNK ERROR: Form %s is not in the archive or the archive doesn't exist. Explanation The Linker sets up an internal table containing information on all the required forms for an application, including an index into the Linker's internal list of archive file names containing forms used by the application being processed. After the table is built, the Linker checks each entry to see that each form has an index into the list of archive file names so that the form can be found. If a form does not have an index, then this error is set. 2205 ALNK ERROR: Error opening application archive file %s, Status = %s Explanation In general, this error occurs if an attempt to open an archive file (.fa file) fails. Since the Linker does some initialization processing when Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 483 opening an archive file, this error can occur for any of the following conditions: 1. the .fa file could not be opened with a call to fopen 2. an fread or fseek call failed. freads and fseeks are called to read in the magic number and archive index header for the .fa file 3. the maximum number (62) of file descriptions allowed for ACCELL/IDS files has been reached 4. every ACCELL/IDS file has a magic number associated with it. This number is stored in the file to help executables distinguish an archive from a screen file. This error occurs when the Linker opens an archive file but it does not contain the magic number for an archive file. This error could be caused by the user or the file may have been corrupted by some system or program failure. Status will be set to one of the following: • the value of errno for case 1 and 2 above • the value -11 for case 3 above • the value -2 for case 4 above 2206 ALNK ERROR: Ran out of memory while allocating archive index space. Explanation This error occurs when a malloc call to allocate space in which to read in the archive index of an archive file (.fa file) fails. It will indicate that: • the system is out of memory, or • ulimit is set too low 2207 ALNK ERROR: There was an error reading an archive index, Status = %s Explanation This error occurs when an attempt to read in the archive index of an archive file (.fa file) fails. This can occur if an fseek or fread call fails. Status will indicate the value of errno. 2208 ALNK ERROR: The specified master application form %s not in archive %s Explanation 484 Before processing the required forms for an application, the Linker opens the archive file (.fa file) specified by the command line. The Linker then searches its archive index for an application entry (as Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference opposed to an entry for a form) whose application name matches the application name specified by the command line. If a matching entry is not found, then this error is set. 2209 ALNK ERROR: Error closing an application archive file, Status = %s Explanation This error will be set if an attempt to close (using fclose) an archive file fails. Status will be set to EOF if fclose failed because EOF was reached. 2210 ALNK ERROR: There was an error while reading a form file, Status = %s Explanation Before it can process the forms for an application, the Linker needs to know what forms make up the application, and in what archives the forms reside. The Linker gets this information from the application archive file. The Linker searches the FMUN , or form unit–a structure containing information about a form) that contains the application information as opposed to a FMUN containing information on a form). Once it has found its location, the Linker attempts to read in the application FMUN. If an error occurs while reading in the FMUN, then this error will be set. The read attempt may fail for one of the following reasons: • an fseek or fread call failed • the system is out of memory Status will indicate the value of errno if an fseek or fread call failed. Otherwise, status will be -5, to indicate the system is out of memory. 2211 ALNK ERROR: Ran out of archive name space. Explanation The Linker keeps an internal table of all the archive files that contain forms (the application form and all its required forms) for the application being processed–that is, for all the archives that are used by the application. If– while the Linker is setting up this table of archive names–either the table has reached its ACCELL/IDS defined limit (512 entries), or an attempt to malloc storage for an entry fails, then this error will be set. 2212 Not applicable Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 485 2213 ALNK ERROR: %s: BAD Exit Status = %s Explanation This is a general error code, returned to indicate that the Linker encountered some type of error while attempting to link the application. This error message should be preceded by another, more specific error message, indicating why the Linker was unsuccessful. Status will be the error code for the more specific error message. 2214 ALNK ERROR: Could not open or create the .al file. Explanation Once the Linker has read in all the information it needs from the archive files, it attempts either to create the application file (.al file) if it does not exist, or to open the file to rewrite it, if it does exist. This error will be set if the Linker is unable to open or create the file (e.g., if a call to fopen fails). 2215 ALNK ERROR: There was an error while closing the .al file, Status = %s Explanation This error will be set if the Linker's attempt (using fclose) to close the newly created application file fails. Status will indicate the value of errno. 2216 ALNK ERROR: There was an error while seeking or writing the .al file. Explanation Once the Linker has read in all the information it needs from the archive files, it attempts to write the information to the application file to be created (or re-created). This error will be set if an attempt to write to the file fails (e.g., if an fseek or fwrite call fails). 2217 ALNK ERROR: Error reading data base checksum out of form %s, Status = %s Explanation 486 For each form to be included in the application, the Linker reads its target relation id and target relation checksum from the archive in which the form is located. This error will be set if one of the following conditions occurs while attempting to read this information: • an fread or fseek call fails • a call to allocate memory to hold the information to be read fails Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference NOTE: The checksum is a value calculated from the target relation id of a target table. The checksum is used by various executables to ensure the most recent version of the data base is being used. 2218 ALNK ERROR: Could not find the %s form in the %s archive. Explanation The Linker attempts to locate each form in the archive in which the user specifies the form resides, by searching the archive's index for an entry for a form whose name matches the form name. If an entry for the form is not found in the specified archive, then this error is set. 2219 ALNK ERROR: Ran out of archive names getting checksums Explanation The Linker keeps a list of all the archives containing forms for the application. It also keeps a list of the application's required forms and their associated archive files, and sorts the list in archive file order. Thus, when the Linker tries to read the checksums and target relation ids, it processes all the forms that are stored in the same archive file at the same time. This error will be set if the Linker has read all the archives in the list and it still has forms for which it has not read the target relation information. Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 487 C.3 ACPL error messages 2801 ACPL ERROR: A "(" operator was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting an open parentheses, "(", and it is not found. Correction The "(" is required under these conditions: • after the keyword FOR in a for_statement. • in a user_function_declaration, after the function_name and before any function arguments. • in an AT POSITION clause, a "(" must precede the row and column specified as the position. This clause can appear in the display_statement, zoom_statement, or erase_statement. 2802 ACPL ERROR: A ")" operator was expected. 488 Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler expects a ")" but none is found. Correction The ")" is required in the following instances: • in a for_statement, after the expression to be evaluated at the end of each loop iteration is specified. • in a user function declaration after the function's parameters are specified. Note that parenthesis are required even if the function has no parameters "( )". • in an AT position clause, a ")" must follow the column specified for the position. This clause can appear in the display_statement, zoom_statement, or erase_statement. • if the db_field_name_list of a record_insert statement is preceded by a "(", then it must be followed by an ")". • if an expression contains a function call, signaled by an identifier followed by a "(", then a ")" must follow the list of arguments passed to the function. • if an expression contains a "(" then it must be ended with a ")". Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference 2803 ACPL ERROR: A "," was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler requires a "," (not when it is optional) and it is not found. Correction The "," is required in an AT POSITION clause, where a "," must separate the row and column specified for the position. This clause can appear in the display_statement, zoom_statement, or erase_statement. 2804 Not applicable 2805 ACPL ERROR: A ":" was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting a ":" and it is not found. Correction The ":" is required in the following instances: • a ":" must separate the db_field_name_list and the expression_list in a record_insert statement • in a switch_statement, a ":" must follow the keyword DEFAULT • in a switch_statement, a ":" must follow the constant specified in a CASE clause 2806 ACPL ERROR: A ";" was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting a ";" and it is not found. Correction The ";" is required in the following instances: • in a for_statement after the expression to be evaluated once at the beginning of the for loop. Note that the ";" is required even if no expression is specified. • in a for_statement after the expression to be evaluated at the beginning of each loop iteration. Note that the ";" is required even if no expression is specified. 2807 Not applicable Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 489 2808 Not applicable 2809 Not applicable 2810 Not applicable 2811 Not applicable 2812 ACPL ERROR: The 'BEGIN' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword BEGIN and it is not found. Correction The keyword BEGIN is required in the following instances: • the statement block after an EXECUTING clause must start with the keyword BEGIN . The EXECUTING clause can appear in a set_select_expression. • after the expression following the keyword SWITCH in a switch_statement. 2813 Not applicable 2814 Not applicable 2815 ACPL ERROR: A data base type expected. ExplanationThis error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be a data base type as specified by the type_spec specifier (AMOUNT, STRING, BOOL, DATE, ...) and it is not. CorrectionDo not use the DB_TYPE clause in the field_characteristics statement of a SCREEN FIELD language section. Include a type_spec specifier after the keyword DB_TYPE. 2816 Not applicable 2817 ACPL ERROR: The 'END' keyword was expected. 490 Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword END and it is not found. Correction The END keyword is required in the following instances: Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference • a statement block (started with a BEGIN keyword) must end with the keyword END. • at the end of a switch_statement. 2818 ACPL ERROR: The 'FIELD' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword FIELD and it is not found. Correction The FIELD keyword is required in the following instances: • in a restart_field statement after the keywords RESTART ON. • in the WHEN FIELD CHANGES clause of a SCREEN FIELD language section, the keyword FIELD is required after the keyword WHEN. 2819 Not applicable 2820 ACPL ERROR: The 'FORM' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword FORM and it is not found. Correction The FORM keyword is required in the following instances: • in a CHOOSE NEXT FORM language section after the keyword NEXT if the form is a Standard form. • in a CHOOSE NEXT FORM language section, after the keyword, FIRST, if the form is a Master Application form. 2821 ACPL ERROR: The 'FORMS' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword and it is not found. Correction The FORMS keyword is required in the REQUIRED FORMS clause, in the form_declaration of a Master Application form. FORMS 2822 ACPL ERROR: The 'FROM' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword FROM and it is not found. Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 491 The FROM keyword is required in a set_select_expression; the keyword FROM must appear after the db_field_name_list. Correction 2823 ACPL ERROR: The 'FUNCTION' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword FUNCTION and it is not found. Correction The declaration of a user function must have the FUNCTION keyword after the function's return type specification. 2824 ACPL ERROR: A field identifier was expected. 492 Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be a db_field_name or an identifier, and it is not. Correction The Compiler expects a db_field_name or identifier in the following instances: • when it is processing a db_field_name_list (in a record_insert or record_update statement, or in an ORDERED_BY clause in a FORM CHARACTERISTICS section), the list must be composed of one or more comma separated db_field_names where each db_field_name either begins with '#' or is an identifier. If a comma is present and is not followed by a db_field_name, then this error will be set. • when it is processing a db_field_sort_spec_list in an ORDER BY clause of a set_select_expression, each db_field_sort_spec specifier must begin with a db_field_name. • when it is processing a db_field_name, if it is of the form table_name.[$]IDENTIFIER, the '.[$]' must be followed by an identifier. • when it is starting to process a SCREEN FIELD language section, the initial keyword of the section, FIELD, must be followed by an identifier to specify the screen_field_name. • when it is processing a FIELD CHARACTERISTICS section, if present, the INITIAL_NEXT_FIELD clause must have an identifier after the keyword INITIAL_NEXT_FIELD. • in any other instance, when the Compiler thinks it is processing a db_field_name, it must begin with '#' or an identifier. Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference 2825 ACPL ERROR: A file identifier was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be a UNIX file name, and it is not. Correction A file name is required in the REQUIRED FORMS clause of a form_declaration for a Master Application form, for each form_spec, the IN clause must specify a file name for the application archive. 2826 ACPL ERROR: A form identifier was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be an identifier for a form and it is not. Correction A form identifier is required in the REQUIRED FORMS clause of a form_declaration for a Master Application form, each form_spec must being with an identifier for the form. 2827 ACPL ERROR: A form or user function definition was expected. Explanation A language script must begin with either a form_declaration or a user_function_declaration. This error will be set if neither is found. Correction Begin a language script with either a form_declaration or a user_function_declaration. 2828 ACPL ERROR: Display location was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing a display_statement. Correction If the FOR clause is used, the keyword FOR must be followed by either a screen_field_name or the FYI_MESSAGE keyword. Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 493 2829 Not applicable 2830 Not applicable 2831 ACPL ERROR: The 'INTO' keyword was expected. This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the INTO keyword, and it is not found. The INTO keyword is required in a record_insert statement; INTO must follow the INSERT keyword. Correction 2832 ACPL ERROR: A form or application identifier was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be an identifier for a form or an application name and it is not. Correction Such an identifier is required in the following instances: • • in the form_declaration for a Standard form, the keyword FORM must be followed by an identifier specifying the form_name. in the form_declaration for a Master Application form, the keyword APPLICATION must be followed by an identifier specifying the application_name. 2833 ACPL ERROR: A justification specification was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting a valid justify_spec specifier and it is not found. Correction The justify_spec specifier is required when the optional DISPLAY_JUSTIFY clause is used in the display_statement. 2834 Not applicable 2835 Not applicable 2836 ACPL ERROR: A lock specification was expected. Explanation 494 This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be a lock specification and it is not. Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference A lock specification is required in a set_select_expression; if the keyword AND follows the keyword SELECT, the AND must be followed by a lock specification (e.g. SLOCK, XLOCK, UNLOCK ). Correction 2837 Not applicable 2838 Not applicable 2839 ACPL ERROR: The 'NEXT' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be the NEXT keyword and it is not. Correction The keyword NEXT is required in a Standard form after the keyword CHOOSE in the CHOOSE NEXT FORM language section. 2840 Not applicable 2841 ACPL ERROR: The 'RECORD' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword and it is not found. Correction The RECORD keyword is required in the following instances: RECORD • in a delete_statement where the keyword CURRENT is specified, it must be followed by the keyword RECORD. • in a record_update statement where the keyword CURRENT is specified, it must be followed by the keyword RECORD. • in a reject_record statement the keyword RECORD must follow the keyword REJECT. Since the Compiler can not determine if a reject_record or a reject_operation statement was to be specified, error 2920 will also be set in this case. • in an ON NEXT RECORD language section after the keywords ON NEXT. • in an ON PREVIOUS RECORD language section after the keywords ON PREVIOUS. Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 495 2842 Not applicable 2843 ACPL ERROR: A relation ID specification was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be an identifier specifying a table_name (relation) and it is not. Correction The Compiler expects a table_name identifier in the following instances: • in a delete_statement when the CURRENT RECORD clause is not used, a table_name must follow the keyword DELETE. • in a record_insert statement a table_name must follow the keyword INTO. • in a record_update statement when the CURRENT RECORD clause is not used, a table_name must follow the keyword UPDATE. • in a lock_statement a table_name must follow the first keyword (which specifies the type of lock). • in a SELECT clause, the keyword FROM must be followed by a table_name. 2844 ACPL ERROR: The 'SELECT' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword SELECT and it is not found. Correction The keyword SELECT is required in a set_select_expression after the keyword TO. A set_select_expression is distinguished from a set_expression by the presence of a variable_list after the keyword SET and not just a single variable. 2845 ACPL ERROR: The 'SET' keyword was expected. 496 Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be the SET keyword and it is not. Correction The Compiler expects the SET keyword in a record_update statement when the CURRENT RECORD clause is not used. Under these conditions, the keyword SET must follow the table_name. Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference 2846 ACPL ERROR: An ACCELL/IDS type was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be a valid ACCELL/IDS variable type (AMOUNT, FLOAT, STRING,) ...and it is not. Correction A valid ACCELL/IDS variable type is expected after the keywords ACCELL_TYPE and DATA_TYPE in the field_characteristics comment section for a field. 2847 Not applicable 2848 Not applicable 2849 Not applicable 2850 ACPL ERROR: The 'THEN' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be the THEN keyword, and it is not. Correction The THEN keyword is required in an if_statement after the expression to be evaluated. 2851 Not applicable 2852 Not applicable 2853 ACPL ERROR: The 'TO' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be the TO keyword and it is not. Correction The Compiler expects the TO keyword in the following instances: • in a zoom statement when the DISABLE ZOOM clause is used, the keyword TO must follow the keyword ZOOM. • in a zoom statement when the ENABLE ZOOM clause is used, the keyword TO must follow the optional transaction consistency specification if present (otherwise it must follow the keyword ZOOM). Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 497 • in a record_update statement the keyword TO must follow the db_field_name_list. • in a set_expression or set_select_expression statement, the keyword TO must follow the variable or variable_list specification. 2854 ACPL ERROR: The 'TRIM' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be the TRIM keyword and it is not. Correction The TRIM keyword is required in an erase_statement after the ERASE keyword. 2855 ACPL ERROR: The 'TX' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be the TX keyword and it is not. Correction The Compiler expects the TX keyword in the following instances: • In a commit_statement the keyword TX must follow the keyword COMMIT. • If the CONTINUE clause is used in a transaction_level_spec of a next_form_statement, the keyword TX must follow the keyword CONTINUE. • If the START clause is used in a transaction_level_spec of a next_form_statement, the keyword TX must follow the keyword START. • If the RESTART clause is used in a transaction_level_spec of a next_form_statement, the keyword TX must follow the keyword RESTART. NOTE: This error code is also set if neither the CONTINUE/START/RESTART clauses are found when a transaction_level_spec is expected in a next_form_statement. 2856 ACPL ERROR: The 'UNTIL' keyword was expected. 498 Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be the UNTIL keyword and it is not. Correction The UNTIL keyword is required in a repeat_statement after the statement_list. Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference 2857 ACPL ERROR: The 'USING' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be the USING keyword, and it is not. Correction The USING keyword is required in a next_form_statement after the transaction_level_spec. 2858 ACPL ERROR: A user name was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be a user defined name, and it is not. Correction The Compiler expects such a name in the following instances: • for the function_name in a user_function_declaration. • in a user_function_declaration, for variable_name specifications (if the function has parameters). 2859 Not applicable 2860 ACPL ERROR: A variable was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler expects the next token to be a variable specification, and it is not. Correction It can be set whenever the grammar calls for a variable specification and one is not found. 2861 Not applicable 2862 Not applicable 2863 Not applicable 2864 ACPL ERROR: %s: There is not enough memory. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler tries to allocate memory for its internal use and the memory allocation is unsuccessful. Thus, it is not caused by a syntax error on the user's part. The Compiler allocates storage for internal structures and arrays that it uses in processing an input form file. Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 499 2865 ACPL ERROR: %s: Cannot open file %s. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler cannot open a file. Correction This error will be set in the following cases: • if the Compiler was invoked with the -s option and it was unable to open the symbol table output file. • if the Compiler was invoked with the -c option and it was unable to open the code output file. • if the Compiler could not open the input form file to be compiled. One instance in which this error will occur is if the -a flag is left off the command line for a MAF (and -i is not used). 2866 ACPL ERROR: An illegal character was ignored. Explanation This error occurs when a token was encountered in the form file that the Compiler could not interpret. 2867 ACPL ERROR: An ACCELL/IDS statement was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing a statement and it expects the next token to be the start of another statement (including a no_operation statement, ';'), and it is not. This can happen in control flow statements (e.g., for_statement, if_statement, repeat_statement, while_statement, switch_statement) when the statement being controlled by the control flow statement is not specified. Correction Be sure to specify the statement under control of the control flow statement. 2868 ACPL ERROR: An attribute was expected. 500 Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be an attribute and it is not. Correction An attribute is expected when a variable is being processed and the variable includes a variable_name followed by a ':'. The ':' must be followed by an attribute. Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference 2869 ACPL ERROR: A form code section name was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler has processed the keyword BEFORE or AFTER and thus expects the next keyword to identify a before or after form code section (such as before_form , after_zoom, etc.), and it does not. 2870 Not applicable 2871 Not applicable 2872 Not applicable 2873 ACPL ERROR: The 'KEY' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be the KEY keyword, and it is not. Correction The KEY keyword is required in an ENABLE ZOOM zoom_statement if the RETURN clause is used in which case KEY must follow the keyword RETURN. 2874 Not applicable 2875 ACPL ERROR: The 'CASE' or 'DEFAULT' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be the CASE or DEFAULT keyword, and it is not. This can occur when a switch_statement is being processed. Correction After the BEGIN keyword, the next token must be either CASE or DEFAULT. 2876 Not applicable 2877 ACPL ERROR: The 'CHANGES' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next token to be the CHANGES keyword, and it is not. Correction The keyword CHANGES is required after the keyword FIELD in the WHEN FIELD CHANGES clause of a screen_field language section. Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 501 2878 ACPL ERROR: There was an internal parser error. Explanation In general, this error should not occur. It is included mostly as a safeguard to detect an internal error in the Compiler code. This error will be set under any of these conditions: • if a field characteristic is to processed but there is no Compiler code to process it • if a form characteristic is to processed but there is no Compiler code to process it • if a screen field code section is to be processed but there is no Compiler code to process it • if a variable or form attribute is to be processed but there is no Compiler code to process it • if a loop statement (not a control statement) of some type is to be processed (currently, the restart_field statement is the only one of this type) but there is no Compiler code to process it • when printing the compiled form code, if a variable or form attribute to be printed is not in the Compiler's internal table of allowed variable and form attributes 2879 ACPL ERROR: A help form ID was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing a field_characteristics section. Correction If present, the HELP_FORM_NAME clause must have an identifier after the keyword HELP_FORM_NAME to specify the form_name. 2880 ACPL ERROR: There was a bad conversion. Explanation 502 When the Compiler encounters a constant (e.g., INTEGER, AMOUNT, FLOAT, 'TRUE', DATE, ...) in an input form file, it is read in as a character string. Before storing it internally, the Compiler converts it to its constant type. This error code is returned if the conversion fails. Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference 2881 ACPL ERROR: There are too many %s symbols. Explanation As the Compiler processes an input form file, it builds some internal tables to keep track of its processing. Three of these tables are used to keep track of symbols encountered in the form. A symbol is basically just a term for a user defined token (as opposed to a ACCELL/IDS keyword). The compiler builds a table of local, external, and ambiguous symbols. If any of these tables runs out of space, this error code will be set. 2882 ACPL ERROR: No free registers, the expression is too complex. Explanation This error can occur when the Compiler is converting a parsed expression into ACCELL/IDS code. Registers are used to store intermediate information. The number of available registers is limited to 128. If this limit is reached while an expression is being processed, this error will be set. 2883 ACPL ERROR: An attribute needs a variable name specified. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler expects the next token to be a variable specification. If it finds a field attribute instead, then this error will be set. 2884 ACPL ERROR: Too many errors, can't continue. Explanation The Compiler does not stop processing a form file when an error is found. Instead, it attempts to check the whole file for errors. However, if the Compiler has found the maximum number of errors allowed (10), it will end processing with this error set. 2885 ACPL ERROR: There is a bad system variable. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler thinks it is processing an ACCELL/IDS system variable but the variable's name is not valid (e.g., it does not match any of the valid ACCELL/IDS system variable names). Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 503 2886 Not applicable 2887 ACPL ERROR: Relation ID not found in data dictionary. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler expects the next token to be an identifier specifying a table_name, but the Compiler can not find the identifier in the list of table names in the data base. The Compiler checks a table_name identifier against the data base in the following instances: • in all DML statements where a table_name can be specified (e.g., delete_statement, record_update, record_insert, lock_statement, set_select_expression). • in the TARGET_TABLE clause of the form_declaration. Be sure that the specified table_name is valid – The data dictionary may have been corrupted. Correction 2888 ACPL ERROR: No fields can be found. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler checks the data base to get information on the fields comprising a table or to get information on one field in a table and the field(s) information can not be found in the data base. The Compiler checks the data base for field information in the following instances: • when processing a form, the data base is checked to locate information on the fields comprising the table specified by table_name in the TARGET_TABLE clause of the form_declaration. • before the Compiler writes the compiled form out to a file, the data base is checked to locate information on each local symbol that is a target field (including screen/target fields). 2889 ACPL ERROR: Data base access error - target table has no fields. Explanation 504 This error occurs when the Compiler has finished processing the input form file and is preparing to create the output file containing the compiled form. Included in the output file is the checksum for the target table (if the form has an associated target table). This error will be set if Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference one of the following occurs when the Compiler accesses the data base to calculate the checksum: • the target table has no fields • a malloc call failed The checksum is a value calculated from the target relation id of a target table. It is used by various executables to make sure that the most recent version of the data base is being used. NOTE: 2890 ACPL ERROR: An expression was expected. Explanation This error occurs when a search_range_list is being processed for a set_expression for a CLEAR_FIND_EXP target attribute. Correction Each search_range must begin with either an expression or a range character, =>. 2891 ACPL ERROR: The 'ACTION' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword and it is not found. Correction The keyword ACTION is required in a next_action statement after the keyword NEXT. ACTION 2892 ACPL ERROR: The 'RECORD' or 'FORM' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword FORM or RECORD and it is not found. Correction One of these keywords is required in the following instances: • in an ON_NEXT_FORM language section after the keywords ON NEXT. • in an ON_PREVIOUS_FORM language section after the keywords ON PREVIOUS. • in a next_action statement where the action_keyword is PREVIOUS. Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 505 2893 ACPL ERROR: The 'ADD' or 'FIND' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing a next_action statement and it is expecting the next keyword to be either ADD or FIND, and it is not. Correction One of these keywords must be specified if the action_spec begins with the keyword CLEAR . 2894 ACPL ERROR: A relation identifier does not match. Explanation When a compiler is processing a DML statement (delete_record, record_insert, record_update, set_select_expression, lock_statement) in a form file it does a check to make sure that the relation to which any specified data base fields belong is the same as the relation specified by the table_name. If the relations are different, then this error will be set. 2895 ACPL ERROR: The variable list doesn't match # of scalar_db_exp's. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing a set_select_expression and the number of variables in the variable_list does not match the number of expressions in the db_expression_list. 2896 ACPL ERROR: There is a bad data base field ID. Explanation 506 This error occurs when the Compiler accesses the data base to get information on data base fields specified (directly or indirectly) in a statement and the information can not be found. This can occur in the following instances: • when processing a TARGET_TABLE clause in a Standard Form declaration the data base is accessed to get information on all the field ids in the specified TABLE_NAME. • when processing a db_field_name_list in a statement (for example, in a record_insert statement), the data base is accessed to get information on each field id for each db_field_name in the list. Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference 2897 ACPL ERROR: There is a bad data base field name: %s Explanation After the Compiler parses a db_field_name_list it accesses the data base to get information on the specified data base fields. This error will be set if one of the following occurred when the Compiler was accessing the data base: • if the Compiler was unable to obtain the field id for a specified data base field name. • if the data base field type (retrieved from the data base) is variable length text or variable length binary, since these types are currently not supported by ACCELL. Explanation This error may also be set when a db_field_sort_spec_list is being processed for the ORDER BY clause in a set_select_expression. As each db_field_name of the list is processed, the data base will be accessed to obtain the field id for the field name. If this access fails, this error will be set. 2898 ACPL ERROR: The 'FIRST' keyword was expected. Explanation The CHOOSE NEXT FORM language section can only be used in Standard forms. The CHOOSE FIRST FORM language section can only be used in a Master Application Form (MAF). When the Compiler is processing a MAF and it comes across the keyword CHOOSE as the beginning of a language section, it expects the keyword FIRST to follow. If it does not, then this error is set. 2899 ACPL ERROR: Language section not valid in a Standard Form. Explanation The before_application and after_application language sections can only appear in a Master Application Form (MAF). If the Compiler is processing a Standard Form and one of these sections is encountered, this error will be set. 2900 ACPL ERROR: The CONSTANT expression was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the compiler is expecting a token to be a constant identifier, and it is not. A constant is expected in a switch_statement after each occurrence of the keyword CASE. Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 507 2901 ACPL ERROR: More than one default expression in switch statement. Explanation Only one DEFAULT keyword is allowed in a switch_statement. 2902 ACPL ERROR: There is a UNDEFINED function. Explanation The Compiler builds a table containing information on all user defined functions that were declared at the beginning of a form. It also has a table containing information on all system functions. When the Compiler encounters a function call in an expression in a statement, the appropriate table is searched for a match on the function name (the user function table is searched for user functions, the system function table for system functions). If no match is found, this error is set. Correction User functions must be declared before they are used. Otherwise, they are undefined to the Compiler. 2903 ACPL ERROR: The number of parameters do not match. Explanation The Compiler builds a table containing information on all user defined functions that were declared at the beginning of a form. The Compiler also has a table containing information on all system functions. When the Compiler encounters a function call in an expression within a statement, the number of parameters specified in the function call are compared with the number of parameters expected for the function. This error will be set if either: • too many parameters were specified in the function call • not enough parameters were specified in the function call 2904 ACPL ERROR: A reference parameter was expected. Explanation 508 The Compiler builds a table containing information on all user defined functions that were declared at the beginning of a form. This information includes whether or not a parameter was declared as a RESULT parameter. When the Compiler encounters a user function call in an expression in a statement, the type of parameters specified in the function call are compared against the parameter types expected for the function. This error will be set if the Compiler is expecting a Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference parameter to be a result parameter (e.g., some variable that can be referenced), and instead, a constant expression is found. 2905 ACPL ERROR: A function was redeclared. Explanation If the beginning of a form file contains user function declarations, the Compiler builds a table containing an entry with information for each function declared. If more than one declaration is found for a user function (e.g., the function already has an entry in the table), then this error is set. 2906 ACPL ERROR: Data base ID list/scalar expression mismatch. Explanation This error occurs when the number of expressions in the expression_list for a record_insert or a record_update statement does not match the number of db_field_names in the db_field_name_list. 2907 ACPL ERROR: A 'On Clear To Add' statement was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler thinks it is processing an ON CLEAR TO ADD or ON CLEAR TO FIND language section, and then determines it is not because the TO keyword does not follow the keywords ON CLEAR. 2908 Not applicable 2909 Not applicable 2910 Not applicable 2911 Not applicable 2912 Not applicable 2913 ACPL ERROR: 'SET_CONSISTENCY' or 'RECORD_CONSISTENCY' keyword expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next keyword to be either SET_CONSISTENCY or RECORD_CONSISTENCY and it is not. This can happen when a transaction_level_spec specifier is being processed for a next_form_statement. Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 509 Correction If the specifier begins with either CONTINUE TX or START TX, then the next keyword must be either SET_CONSISTENCY or RECORD_CONSISTENCY. 2914 ACPL ERROR: A 'FIND', 'NEXT' or 'PREVIOUS' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing the start of a new form code section that begins with the keyword ON. It expects the next keyword to be either CLEAR, EXIT, FIND, NEXT, or PREVIOUS, signaling respectively an ON CLEAR TO ADD or ON CLEAR TO FIND, ON EXIT, ON FIND, ON NEXT FORM, or ON PREVIOUS FORM language section. If it does not find one of these keywords, then this error is set. 2915 ACPL ERROR: A PIPELINE was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword PIPELINE and it is not found. Correction The keyword PIPELINE is required in the following instances: • in a create_pipeline statement after the keyword CREATE • in a write_pipeline statement after the keyword WRITE • in a close_pipeline statement after the keyword CLOSE 2916 ACPL ERROR: Statement can only occur in an ON FIELD code section. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing a code section that is not an ON FIELD code section, and encounters a statement that can only occur in an ON FIELD code section. Correction The following statements may only appear in an • the input_statement • the restart_field statement ON FIELD code section: 2917 ACPL ERROR: There is a bad function type. Explanation 510 This error occurs when the Compiler is processing a user_function_declaration at the beginning of a form file. If anything other than 'C' is specified, this error is set. Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference Correction Only C functions are allowed. Thus the declaration must begin with the keywords EXTERN C. 2918 ACPL ERROR: A target attribute is not allowed. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler finds a target variable attribute, included in a variable specification for a variable that is not a target variable. 2919 ACPL ERROR: Statement can only occur in an ON FIND code section. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing a code section that is not an ON FIND code section, and it comes across a statement that can only occur in an ON FIND code section. Correction The reject_record statement is the only statement that can appear only in an ON FIND code section. 2920 ACPL ERROR: A OPERATION was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the next keyword to be either RECORD or OPERATION and it is not. This occurs when a reject_record or reject_operation statement is being processed. Correction The keyword REJECT must be followed by either RECORD or OPERATION. If it is not, then this error will be set. NOTE: The same code is used to process both reject_record and reject_operation statements NOTE: Error 2841 will accompany Error 2920. 2921 Not applicable 2922 Not applicable 2923 Not applicable 2924 ACPL ERROR: Statement may not occur in an ON FIND code section. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing an ON FIND code section, and it comes across a statement that is not allowed in an ON Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 511 FIND code section. Currently, this error is only set if the next_action statement appears in an ON FIND code section. 2925 ACPL ERROR: Statement may not occur in an INIT FIELD code section. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing an INIT FIELD code section, and it comes across a statement that is not allowed in an INIT FIELD code section. Currently, this error is only set if the next_action statement appears in an INIT FIELD code section. 2926 ACPL ERROR: Statement may not occur in an AFTER APPLICATION code section. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing an AFTER APPLICATION code section, and it comes across a statement that is not allowed in an AFTER APPLICATION code section. Currently, this error is only set if the next_action statement appears in an AFTER APPLICATION code section. 2927 ACPL ERROR: Statement may not occur in a BEFORE APPLICATION code section. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing an BEFORE APPLICATION code section, and it comes across a statement that is not allowed in an BEFORE APPLICATION code section. Currently, this error is only set if the next_action statement appears in an BEFORE APPLICATION code section. 2928 ACPL ERROR: Statement may not occur in a WHEN FIELD CHANGES code section. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing an WHEN FIELD CHANGES code section, and it comes across a statement that is not allowed in an WHEN FIELD CHANGES code section. Currently, this error is only set if the next_action statement appears in an c code section. 2929 ACPL ERROR: Statement may not occur in a BEFORE FORM code section. Explanation 512 This error occurs when the Compiler is processing an BEFORE FORM code section, and it comes across a statement that is not allowed in an Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference BEFORE FORM code section. Currently, this error is only set if the next_action statement appears in an BEFORE FORM code section. 2930 ACPL ERROR: There is a bad master application variable. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler thinks it is processing a master application variable. It expects the application_name:: to be followed by an identifier specifying the variable_name. If it is not, then this error is set. 2931 ACPL ERROR: There are Too many program names (pipes) in the program list. Explanation This error occurs when the number of programs specified in the program_name_list of a create_pipeline statement is greater than the maximum number (8) allowed. 2932 ACPL ERROR: The statement may not occur in current code section. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is processing a code section and it comes across a statement that is not allowed in the current type of code section. Currently, this error is set in the following instances: • if the ENABLE ZOOM form of the zoom_statement is found in a form code section (since it is only allowed in a screen field code section) • if the reject_operation statement is found in a form code section in which it is not allowed or in a screen field code section 2933 ACPL ERROR: The 'SCREEN' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword and it is not found. Correction The keyword SCREEN is required in the following instances: • in a refresh_screen statement after the keyword REFRESH • in a repaint_screen statement after the keyword REPAINT SCREEN 2934 ACPL ERROR: Must use START TX in an application. Explanation When the Compiler is processing a transaction_level_spec for a CHOOSE FIRST FORM ... statement in a Master Application form, the Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 513 START TX clause must be used. If it is not (instead, the CONTINUE TX or RESTART TX clause is), then this error will be set. Correction The CONTINUE TX and RESTART TX clauses are only allowed in Standard forms. 2935 ACPL ERROR: There was a duplication of a code section. Explanation The Compiler keeps track of the language sections it has processed. This error will be set if it finds it has already processed the current form code or screen field section. 2936 Not applicable 2937 ACPL ERROR: The 'BY' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler is expecting the keyword BY and it is not found. Correction The keyword BY is required in a set_select_expression statement after the keyword ORDER (if it is present). 2938 ACPL ERROR: UNLOCK not allowed. Explanation This error occurs when a statement has a locking option specified and the specified lock type is not allowed for the statement. Currently, this only occurs if a set_select_expression statement has the UNLOCK locking option specified. 2939 ACPL ERROR: Strings constants exceeded the maximum number for a form. Explanation The Compiler keeps a count of the number of strings (not their length) found in a form file. If the Compiler finds the count exceeds the maximum number allowed (1024) for a form, this error will be set. 2940 ACPL ERROR: Exceeded maximum allowed nesting level. Explanation 514 As the Compiler processes statements in which nesting can occur (for_statement, if_statement, repeat_statement, switch_statement, while_statement), it keeps track of the nesting level. If the maximum nesting level allowed (8) has been exceeded, then this error will be set. Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference 2941 ACPL ERROR: The 'RETURN' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler expects the next token to be the keyword RETURN and it is not. Correction The keyword RETURN is required after the keywords AFTER FORM which introduce the AFTER FORM RETURN form code section. 2942 ACPL ERROR: The Statement was not expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler thinks it has processed a complete form and there are still more statements in the form file. Only one form can be in a form file. NOTE: This error can sometimes occur when an invalid statement is encountered. The statement causes the Compiler to think it has finished processing a code section which really has not yet been finished. 2943 ACPL ERROR: The 'ON' keyword was expected. Explanation This error occurs when the Compiler expects the next token to be the keyword ON, and it is not. The keyword ON is required after the keyword RESTART in the restart_field statement. Unify ACCELL/IDS Error messages 515 516 Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference Glossary ACCELL/Environment The part of ACCELL/IDS that provides easy access to all of ACCELL's development tools. It contains a series of forms that let you enter the Generator, and compile and run applications. ACCELL/Generator An applications generator used to draw forms, to establish field attributes, and to define the order of execution for fields and forms. ACCELL/Language A full-featured fourth-generation language used to combine painted forms with additional flow of control logic and other application language features. ACCELL/Manager The run-time module for the completed ACCELL/Generator forms and ACCELL/Language files. It takes care of calling up the appropriate forms and user displays in the right order and interacting with the end user and the data base. ACCELL/DBMS The UNIFY Relational Data Base Management system, the industry's leading DBMS package, providing proven power and flexibility. active form All the forms that have appeared on the screen since the start of the last transaction are considered active forms. active form chain The sequence of forms that are currently active. Also see active form. Add/Update/Delete mode One of two user modes available to an application end user. In Add/Update/Delete mode the user may add records to the data base, modify existing records, or remove records. See also user modes. 517 aggregate field A field whose contents are calculated from multiple values or fields, such as a field containing an average or a record count. allowable operations The data base operations allowed for an application, form, or field. There are four allowable operations (sometimes rendered as the acronym fuda): find, update, delete, add. application A set of forms designed to accomplish an integrated task, such as prospect tracking or order entry. application area See screen. application generator A fill-in-the-form design tool used to build applications visually on the screen. The ACCELL/ Generator is an application generator. assignment compatible Variables of different type for which automatic type conversion is provided in an assignment statement. For example, when a numeric is assigned to a float variable, ACCELL/IDS first converts the numeric to a float and then assigns the value to the float variable. A float and a string are not assignment compatible. assignment statement An ACCELL/IDS statement that assigns a value to a variable or attribute. The value may be an attribute, the value of another variable, or the result of a calculation. associativity The way in which operators and operands are grouped during processing–either left to right or right to left, depending on the operator. attribute Characteristics of variables, or trim that the application may use or change. Typical attributes include format, length, and initial value during Add or Find. 518 Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference bitwise operator One of the ACCELL/IDS operators such as ^ or | that works on individual bits (binary digits) in integer values. boolean Having only two possible values: TRUE or FALSE. Many ACCELL/IDS form and screen attributes are boolean attributes. border The frame surrounding a displayed form. branching When a form has more than one next form. Using a branching structure prevents too many forms from becoming stacked in the active form chain. C-hook The facility for linking C language functions written by a developer with the ACCELL/ Manager. clause A discrete part of an ACCELL/IDS statement, such as the WHERE expression in the SET/ SELECT statement. clear to add value A target variable attribute used to set a target field's default value during a Clear to Add. The Clear to Add value is placed in the corresponding target field when a Clear to Add is performed. clear to find value A target variable attribute used to establish search ranges for data base searches. Clear to Find values are not the search ranges themselves. Rather, ACCELL/IDS evaluates the Clear to Find expressions to produce the search ranges. Clear to Find values are set in Language sections. Glossary 519 coordinates Row and column numbers used to specify the screen locations of forms and fields. Form location can be given in actual row and column numbers (screen coordinates) or in coordinates relative to the origin of the current form (form coordinates). current form The form currently being processed by ACCELL. If more than one form appears on the screen at one time, the current form is the one on which the cursor rests. current record The record of the current set displayed on a form. On multi- occurrence forms, the record on which the cursor rests. The current record changes when the user issues commands such as NEXT RECORD or PREV RECORD. current set The part of the selected set appearing on the screen. The current set can be thought of as a window through which to view the selected set. data base The Unify data base used by ACCELL. Unify data bases are divided into tables, records, and fields. Also see relational data base. data base statement ACCELL/Language statements that find and modify records in a data base table. data type The formats in which ACCELL/IDS stores data. There are three sets of data types in ACCELL: • ACCELL/IDS data type • UNIFY data type • Internal storage type When ACCELL/IDS processes a form, the information is kept in the ACCELL/IDS format. Information transferred from ACCELL/IDS to the UNIFY data base is converted to the corresponding UNIFY data type. Each UNIFY data type has a specific internal storage format. 520 Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference display-only A screen field that can only be displayed, not modified. error level A classification for types of errors. Errors are divided into four different levels (mild, medium, severe, and fatal) depending on how serious they are. error message An informative message explaining an error that has just occurred. The type of error message displayed depends on the severity of the error and the information level setting. error forms Forms that contain detailed information about particular error conditions. These forms are called up when the end user enters the EXPLAIN ERROR command after an error condition occurs. expression A series of ACCELL/Language elements from which a value can be derived. Expressions include various combinations of operators, variables, constants, and other expressions. field The smallest unit of meaningful information in ACCELL. ACCELL/IDS uses two kinds of fields: screen fields and target fields. Screen fields are the areas on the terminal screen used to display information Target fields are the divisions of the data base records field order chain A list maintained by the Manager that determines the previous or next field when the user enters a PREV FIELD or NEXT FIELD command. The list keeps track of the fields where the user has attempted to enter or change information. field window The area on the screen reserved for displaying screen field information. The field window area may be smaller than the area required for the screen field information. In this case, the user can scroll the window to see the rest of the field's contents. Also see horizontal scrolling. Glossary 521 find A user-requested data base search initiated with a FIND command. Optional search criteria may be specified by the end user or in a Language script. flow of control A general term for the order in which forms and statements in an application are executed. In ACCELL, flow of control involves both the sequence of execution for fields and forms and the sequence of execution for ACCELL/Language statements. form An area on the terminal's screen that displays related headings and data base information. Forms are created with the Generator and may optionally have Language scripts associated with them. Forms are surrounded by a border, which outlines the form window area. The different types of forms are: • Standard • Zoom • Help • Error • Master Application See the definitions of the different form types for more information. form coordinates See coordinates. form menu A menu that appears automatically after the NEXT FORM user command when there is more than one next form to choose from. form window The screen area occupied by a form and its screen fields and trim. A form window always includes the border surrounding the displayed information. The terminal's screen size determines a form's maximum size. 522 Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference for your information (FYI) message A message displayed in the lower left corner of the screen when the cursor is positioned on a screen field. FYI messages can be defined for each screen field on each form in an application. fuda Find, update, delete, and add. Fuda is the acronym for the four possible database operations that an end user can perform while running an application. function key A programmable key that can be assigned to any user command or the Generator editing command. Function keys are labeled with the letter F followed by a number. Function keys are available on most terminal types. general variable An ACCELL/Language variable with a name distinct from any screen field or target field name. These are frequently used to hold the values of intermediate calculations, expressions, and other variables, or to act as state indicators. help form A display-only form that contains explanatory text. These forms are called up with the FIELD HELP user command. horizontal scrolling ACCELL's means of displaying a screen field entry that is longer than the field window. If there is more information than will fit in the window, the end user can keep moving the cursor to the right until the rest of the information shows in the window. The characters of the screen field will move, or scroll, to the left. information level A setting that determines the type of response ACCELL/IDS will have to different kinds of errors. There are two information level settings available in ACCELL: novice and intermediate. Glossary 523 justification How information is positioned in a screen field. • Left justification places the information in the field beginning at the left margin. • Centered justification places the information in the middle of the field. • Right justification displays the information so the end of the data coincides with the right margin. key An identifier for a record. See primary key and secondary key. keyword An individual word in an ACCELL/IDS statement or Language section such as SET, IF, and SWITCH or BEFORE, ON, and AFTER. language script The files containing ACCELL/Language that manipulates forms. Each form may have only one Language script. Language scripts are created and modified using the system editor and are made up of Language sections. language section The divisions of the Language scripts referring to applications, forms, and fields. Each form may have a Language script file divided into a series of Language sections such as BEFORE FORM and INIT FIELD. locking Protecting selected records or tables from being modified or read. Different levels of locking are set for each transaction depending on the amount of protection necessary for your transaction and the amount of interference you can tolerate from other transactions. margin The absolute left or right edge of information in a screen field. For entries that are longer than the field window, the right margin extends beyond the right edge of the window. Also, after scrolling horizontally to the right, the left edge of the information may no longer coincide with the left edge of the window. 524 Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference master application form A special form that serves as an entry point into an application. There can only be one Master Application form per application. This form is automatically generated by ACCELL/ Environment. menu A list of choices displayed to an end user or developer. If there is more than one next form available in a running application, the end user can choose which form to execute next by selecting from a form menu. menu label A message that appears on a form menu when there is more than one next form to choose from. It is normally a one-line message describing the form's function. meta character A special character used to build patterns for checking input statements and for user searches involving string fields. Meta characters can be thought of as wild card characters that match one or more characters. The valid ACCELL/IDS meta characters are ?, *, [ and ]. ? Matches a single character * Matches a string of characters [ ] Specify a character class For example, if trying to find all sales representatives that have last names beginning with A through C, the user could specify [A-C]* as a meta character sequence in the last name field before requesting a FIND. mode One of the three ways in which an application operates. See user modes. multi-occurrence form A standard form that can display more than one record at a time. name class One of six classifications for ACCELL/IDS name groups. Each group of names has specific characteristics that enable ACCELL/IDS to distinguish among names in applications. next field The field to be executed after the field on which the cursor rests. The next field can be reached with the NEXT FIELD user command or by pressing the RETURN key. Glossary 525 next form The form to be executed after the currently displayed form. The next form can be reached with the NEXT FORM user command, or in Language with the NEXT ACTION IS NEXT FORM statement. Not all forms have a next form. next record The record following the currently displayed record. For multi- occurrence forms, the current record is the one the cursor is positioned on. The next record can be displayed or made current with the NEXT RECORD user command, or in Language with the NEXT ACTION IS NEXT RECORD statement. operator Any of the ACCELL/Language arithmetic, relational, or bitwise operators suc a modulus (%), logical or (OR), and exclusive bit or ("). Operators are used in expressions. order-by field A field, specified in the Generator, that determines the order in which to display the current set. For example, if the order-by field is name, ACCELL/IDS sorts the selected set in alphabetical order by name. Up to six order-by fields can be specified for each form and you can specify ascending or descending order for each one. precedence The order in which operators are applied to operands. In most programming languages, multiplication (*) has a higher precedence than addition (+), so the expression A+B*C is equivalent to A+(B*C). previous field The field executed just prior to the field on which the cursor rests. The previous field can be reached with the PREV FIELD user command. previous form The form preceding the currently displayed form. The previous form can be reached with the PREV FORM user command, or in Language with the NEXT ACTION IS PREVIOUS FORM statement. 526 Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference previous record The record preceding the current record. For multi-occurrence forms, the current record is the one the cursor is positioned on. The previous record can be displayed or made current with the PREV RECORD user command, or in Language with the NEXT ACTION IS PREVIOUS RECORD statement. primary key A field or fields used to uniquely identify records in a table. Fields may be specified as primary keys when the data base is defined. See the DBMS Developer's Reference Manual for more information. record A unique group or row of related items in a data base table, such as first name, last name, sales office, and phone number. A record includes an entry for each field in the data base table. relational data base A data base containing information organized in a flexible, tabular format. The table rows are records and the columns are fields. required field A field on a form that must be filled in before the end user can proceed to the next field on the form. reserved word Identifiers such as SET, INPUT, BEFORE, and AFTER that are part of the ACCELL/ Language and normally cannot be used as names for fields, variables, or other elements of the Language. reverse video Displaying field contents as dark characters on a bright background. Reverse video is a screen field attribute that can be set in the Generator or in Language scripts. row or column order An attribute specified in the Generator that indicates whether the cursor will move down a form by column or across a form by row when the application runs. Glossary 527 scope of variables The range of forms on which a Language variable can be used. The scope of a variable includes the form it is declared on and any successor forms. screen The computer terminal screen. The screen is divided into two areas: the system areas and the application area. ACCELL/IDS uses the system area to display system messages and valid function key assignments. The processing ACCELL/IDS application uses and controls the application area. screen coordinates See coordinates. screen field A form area used for displaying and accepting data base information or information from other sources. There are two types of screen fields: • Data base screen fields are linked directly to fields in the data base • Non-data base screen fields can be manipulated in Language to display calculated values or information from other tables. Screen fields may be associated with different types of ACCELL/IDS variables to display different types of information. Screen field information is displayed in field windows. screen/target variable An ACCELL/Language variable that has the same name as a screen field and a target field. screen variable An ACCELL/Language variable that has the same name as a screen field. search criteria The user-entered information that determines the scope of a data base search. ACCELL/ IDS also allows search criteria to be established in Language. The search does not actually take place until the FIND command is issued. searching The act of looking for information in a data base as the result of a user-requested FIND. search range The result of evaluating the Clear to Find expressions of a field. The search ranges are the actual limits imposed on a data base search. 528 Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference secondary key A field or fields that identify records in a table. Used in addition to the primary key. Secondary keys are maintained using a B-Tree mechanism and may be created or dropped as desired. They are commonly used for name lookups, etc. See the DBMS Developer's Reference Manual for more information. selected set A group of records selected from the data base as the result of a search or add/update. The selected set consists of the target records that met the search criteria, plus any new records the user may have added. shell The operating system interface that accepts, interprets, and executes commands. sorting The act of ordering or reordering records according to criteria specified with the order-by field in the Generator. stacking forms The active form chain is a stack of forms. It would be unwise to create an application with a deliberately long sequence of next forms, resulting in a deep stack. This can adversely affect the speed of application execution. statement One of the ACCELL/Language statements. There are three types of ACCELL/Language statements: • Data base statements • Screen statements • Control statements statement block A group of ACCELL/Language statements starting with the keyword BEGIN and ending with the keyword END. A statement block may be used anywhere in ACCELL/IDS that a statement may appear. statement list A series of ACCELL/Language statements, optionally separated by semicolons (;). Glossary 529 standard form Any form created with the Generator besides the Master Application and Help forms. status message Information that appears in the system area of the screen to relay the current status of application execution to the end user. system area See screen. system function Part of a set of ACCELL/IDS functions that performs conversions from one data type to another, and performs various useful functions such as giving the date, time, user name, etc. table The largest division of a relational data base that contains a set of related records. The rows in a table are the individual records; the columns are the fields of the records. The design of the data base determines the structure and number of tables it contains. target table A table in the data base that is the target table of a particular form. target variable An ACCELL/IDS variable having the same name as a target table (data base) field. termcap The terminal capabilities file. A standard operating system file that contains information about the capabilities of the terminals in the system. This file requires several additional entries for ACCELL. transaction A logical unit of work done by an end user on a form or group of forms. During a transaction, certain records in the data base are protected from other users working with the same data base. Transactions are used to guarantee that the actions of one user do not interfere with those of another, and to make the process of updating the data base automatic. 530 Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference transaction level One of two levels at which an application transaction can run. Each level provides a different degree of protection for the data base. trim Any part of a form that is not part of a screen field, such as a heading or field label. type conversion The process of converting data from one data type to another. Type conversion can be accomplished using the ACCELL/IDS type conversion functions. Type conversion is also performed automatically in assignment statements for some data type combinations. UNDEFINED An internal ACCELL/IDS value temporarily given to variables not yet assigned values. Variables with values of UNDEFINED are displayed as blanks on forms and are ignored in data base searches. Such variables can be assigned to other variables but cannot be used with any of the ACCELL/IDS operators. unicap The ACCELL/IDS file that links actual keyboard commands to ACCELL/Generator commands, editing commands, and user commands. updatable A field value that may be modified. Changing a field may modify the corresponding target field. The Updatable attribute determines whether or not the field can be changed. user commands Any of the commands such as NEXT FORM, CLEAR TO FIND, ADD/UPDATEand so forth, that a user may issue while running an application. user modes The two modes available to an application end user are Add/Update/Delete and Find. In Add/Update/Delete mod the user may add records to the data base, modify existing records, or remove records. In Find mode, the user may select data base records that meet specified criteria. Glossary 531 variable An ACCELL/IDS variable may be an identifier for a target field, a screen field, both, or a value internal to an ACCELL/IDS application. See screen variable, target variable, screen/ target variable, and general variable. variable attribute One of a set of attributes that control variable characteristics like format, length, and initial value during Find and Add. Target variables and screen variables each have a unique set of attributes. variable symbol A special variable symbol that is used as a prefix to the variable names. For example, the dollar sign ($) is a variable symbol. Such symbols help ACCELL/IDS distinguish between variables and keywords. video attribute One of the four screen variable attributes–REVERSE, BLINK, LOW INTENSITY, or UNDERLINE–that control the display of information in a field. when expression An expression in a CHOOSE NEXT FORM or CHOOSE FIRST FORM statement that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE and determines the next form executed. where expression An expression in a SET/SELECT statement that determines which data base records the assignments will be made from. A where expression evaluates to either TRUE or FALSE. window A single area displaying information on the screen. Both forms and fields are contained inside of windows in ACCELL. See field window and form window. zoom A user command or special form. The ZOOM command takes the user from a field on the current form to a Zoom form if one exists. Zoom forms can be used to maintain the data base or to provide additional information about possible field values. Zoom forms are created just like regular forms with the Generator. Zooms must be enabled in Language scripts. 532 Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference zoom form Forms that are referenced by ENABLE ZOOM and are invoked by the end user with the ZOOM command. Zoom forms offer a view into other parts of the data base without leaving the context of a transaction. Zoom forms are often used for displaying information or performing tasks that are not done as frequently as other application tasks. The process of calling up a Zoom form with the ZOOM user command is called zooming. Glossary 533 534 Unify ACCELL/IDS Reference