Semiconductor Nanoelectronics - JARA

Semiconductor Nanoelectronics
The main driving force for modern nanotechnology is the down scaling of semiconductor
microtechnology. This is, in particular, the miniaturization of very large Silicon integration
(VLSI) for ultimate performance of microprocessors. However, the approach of increasing
the performance of semiconductor circuitry by down scaling of device dimensions will
reach its physical limits within the next 20 years. Thus, new paths have to be explored to
overcome the limits of current mainstream Si technology. This will include fundamental
science on new materials, novel concepts and architectures, as well as advanced
computing algorithms. The research covering these tasks of increasing complexity requires
profound knowledge in Si based CMOS technology as well as expertise in semiconductor
physics, material science, nanotechnology and electrical engineering. The JARA-FIT
consortium offers the necessary expertise by combining scientists of physics, chemistry and
In close collaboration with
industry, JARA-FIT develops advanced CMOS technology, driving
the approach to its physical limits. In
the focus is the development of
devices combining strained Si/SiGe
technology, high gate dielectrics and
matching gate metals. In particular,
devices based on strained Si on
insulator (sSOI) are in the focus of
interest, since high mobility channel
materials such as strained silicon
yield a performance increase without
scaling. The single gate sSOI
technology using the “Jülich”
process is currently being transferred
into the industry (Figure 1). New
multigate architectures such as FinFETs enable a further reduction of
device dimensions. From the point of
Figure 2: Development of nanowire technology
view of electrostatics, silicon nanowires have attracted particular
interest. They offer, in addition, the possibility to combine strained Si with a gate all around
technology (Figure 2). Here, uniaxial tensile strain is shown to be beneficial for electron
mobility, in particular, at low strain levels. Theoretical and experimental physics collaborate
in order to predict and verify further possibilities in device improvement. Importantly, the
gathered core competences in Si nano-technology for advanced CMOS devices and the indepth understanding of processes compatible to industrial production provides the basic
knowledge for integration of new ideas and novel materials into future semiconductor
devices (Figure 3).
Sophisticated equipment for device processing and analysis is a key ingredient
provided within JARA-FIT including clean room processing as well as selected highly
developed analytic tools. The ion beam technology including ion implantation facilities as
well as a Tandretron (Figure 4) for the analysis of strained Si nanostructures and new gate
materials are outstanding examples.
Along with the ongoing miniaturization of transistor dimensions allowing for ever
higher packing densities within microprocessors, the power, i.e., heat management
becomes an inherent problem. Thus, it is inevitable to dramatically reduce the energy
consumption per switch. It appears to be possible that the heat management may limit the
down scaling of standard CMOS technology.
Figure 1: Electron microscopy
image (TEM) of an n-type MOS short
channel transistor on “Jülich”
strained Silicon on Insulator
fabricated at the AMD production
line (Dresden)
Figure 3: (a) Electron microscopy
image (SEM) of a 50 nm suspended
nanowire produced by reactive ion
etching and underetching. (b) SEM
image of a buried nanowire with a
diameter of 30 nm, forming a strained
channel for a gate all around
Figure 4: Goniometer stage at a
Tandretron ion beam line used to
determine the structural properties of
building blocks of sophisticated Si
CMOS devices
Figure 5: Schematic view of a
GaAs/AlGaAs core shell quantum
wire with attached gate contacts for
quantum information technology
(left) and electron microscopy
image (SEM) of a regimented array
of GaAs nanowires on a GaAs (111)
substrate grown by MOVPE (right)
Figure 6: GaN nanowire device with
two titanium gold contacts to
measure the electrical transport
Figure 7: Transmission-Electron-Microscopy (TEM) image of a GaN/ AlN
heterostructure imbedded in a nanowire
Figure 8: Three-dimensional Si-Ge
quantum dot crystal fabricated by
molecular beam epitaxy using
templated self-assembly. The image is
microscopy images (SEM) and one
atomic force microscopy image
In fact, the current trend to use multi-core processors for computing is at least partly driven
by the heat management. Thus the requirement of low power consumption is one of the
key elements for strategies to compete with and go beyond the current CMOS technology.
Ultimately, quantum computation is considered as a convincing concept, since the
integration of a relatively small number of devices already outperforms current computer
technology. Within JARA-FIT the possibilities to realize quantum bits in semiconductor
nanowires are explored (see article on page 9: Quantum Information). This research
requires the fabrication of well defined quantum wires, mastering the device technology.
Both, top-down as well as bottom-up approaches are studied using either advanced
lithography to define and cut out nanostructures from a two-dimensional layer sequence or
self-assembly on a structured template in order to position nanostructures on a surface.
Controlled growth of quantum wires is achieved by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) as well
as by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) (Figure 5). Catalyst- free self-assembly of
Ga(In)N quantum wires on Si and of Ga(In)As wires on GaAs substrates are in the focus of
interest. The possibility to grow nanowires in the Al-Ga-In-N material system on Si and SiO2
coated substrates offers remarkable routes to integrate the compound semiconductor
devices with new functionality into Si circuitry (Figure 6). The formation of hetero- and core
shell structures within semiconductor quantum wires (Figure 7), moreover, allows the
formation of quantum structures with critical dimensions of a few nanometers. These
structures can be used, e.g., to integrate single photon sources for applications in quantum
cryptography. Moreover, nanowires will be fabricated within the Al-Ga-In-Sb materials
system. InSb is a semiconductor with an extraordinary small effective mass for electrons
and with a very small band gap. In combination with AlGaSb, this materials system allows a
huge variety of band alignments and, thus, is ideally suited for fundamental studies of
quantum effects in nanostructures. The bottom-up approach, i.e. the growth of these
nanostructures, gives control of the interfaces and surface passivation on the atomic level
provided that the precise analysis of the surface and interface states is possible.
To overcome the limitations of statistically distributed nucleation of nanowires on
surfaces, various paths to control the nucleation by modifying the surface chemically and
morphologically are investigated. This approach of self-assembly on structured templates
offers exciting routes to create new artificial materials, like, e.g., regimented arrays of
nanowires (Figure 5) or three-dimensional quantum dot crystals (Figure 8). Within these
artificial crystals, the electronic states of neighboring dots will couple giving rise to a new
bandstructure. The study of these artificial materials, in particular, their structural,
electronic, photonic and magnetic properties will lead to new fundamental insights, which
might also be valuable for information technology. The defined positioning of quantum
dots and wires on templates is, moreover, a promising route to electrically address
individual quantum structures in a controlled manner.
The experimental studies on semiconductor nanostructures are accompanied by detailed
theoretical analysis. Quantum confinement and many-body effects are explored using
nanoelectronic systems relevant for applications. The central goal is the development of
appropriate models, which can be implemented as simulation tools for the calculation of
electronic transport properties up to the THz regime. The physical challenge is a quantum
mechanical description of the Coulomb interaction and the thermodynamical
nonequilibrium properties (e.g. due to applied voltages) on the same footing. For an
adequate numerical simulation, we employ a combination of diagonalization techniques in
Fock space and a nonequilibrium Green‘s function approach.