The Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures and Quantum Devices

The Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures and
Quantum Devices (FFF042)
Project report
The project report should be 5 pages long, corresponding to 3-4 pages of text
plus figures and references. The report should be written in English and on a
level such that the other students in the course can understand (and enjoy) it.
After discussing the report with your supervisor it should be emailed as a pdffile to Mats-Erik Pistol before 13.00 on Wednesday, December 12. This
probably means that your supervisor should get your report on Tuesday.
You should read the reports of the other groups before the presentations and
all project reports will therefore be made available to you (electronically as
well as printed) by Wednesday afternoon.
Project presentation
The projects will be presented at the symposium on Thursday December 13.
There will be 15 minutes assigned to each project but this includes time for
questions. In practice there will therefore be 12 minutes of presentation
followed by 3 minutes of questions.
Schedule for Thursday, Dec 13 in lecture Rydberg
13.00 Growth of GaP Nanowires with AlGaP Shell and analyzing by Raman
Stylianos Tsopanidis, Robin Ekelund
13.15 Absorption and reflection of light in nanowire arrays
Fredrik Lindelöw, Johan Kjörnsberg
13.30 Absorption in quantum wires
Susan Schmid, Christian Bonjour
13.45 Investigations of the angular dependence of a nanowire bases solar cell
Matthias Riep, David Volbers, Sally Ahrari
14.00 Blinking quantum dots
André Bengtson, Åsa Bengtson, Rasmus Wulff
14.15 Break
14.30 Transmission through a quantum point contact
Jonatan Persson, Dorian Bugnot
14.45 Electrical conductivity of InP nanowires
Erik Svenson, Staffan Rydén
15.00 Calculations of the bandstructure of GaAs using k.p-theory
Fredrik Norrman Brange, Tomás Örn Rosdahl
15.15 Electrophoresis of DNA
Anastasia Syntychaki, Panagiota Samatoglou, Pontus Adler
15.30 Surface studies of planar resist thickness for nanochannel fabrication
Ali Hosseinnia, Jovana Colvin
16.00 End