PROBLEMS atom, (b) the volume- of the nucleus, and' (c) the percentage of the volume of the atom that is occupied by the nucleus. 2. In a Rutherford scattering experiment a target nucleus has a diameter of lA X 10-14 m. The incoming Cl particle has a mass of 6.64 X 10-27 kg. What is the kinetic energy of an Cl particle that has a de Broglie wavelength equal to the diameter of the target nucleus? Ignore relativistic effects. 3. The nucleus of a hydrogen atom is a single proton, which has a radius of about 1.0 X IO-IY m. The single electron in a hydrogen atom normally orbits the nucleus at a distance of 5.3 X 10-11 m. What is the ratio of the density of the hydrogen nucleus to the density of the complete hydrogen atom? 4. Review Conceptual Example I and use the information therein as an aid in working this problem. Suppose you're building a scale model of the hydrogen atom, and the nucleus is represented by a ball of radius 3.2 cm (somewhat smaller than a baseball). How many miles away (I mi = 1.61 X 105 cm) should the electron be placed? * 15. ssm A wavelength of 410.2 nm is emitted by the hydrogen atoms in a high-voltage discharge tube. What are the initial and final values of the quantum number n for the energy level transition that produces this wavelength? *@ The energy of the n = 2 Bohr orbit is - 30.6 eV for an unidentified ionized atom in which only one electron moves about the nucleus. What is the radius of the n = 5 orbit for this species? * 17. ssm For atomic hydrogen, the Paschen series of lines occurs when nf = 3, whereas the Brackett series occurs when nf = 4 in Equation 30.14. Using this equation, show that the ranges of wavelengths in these two series overlap. *@ Interactive LearningWare 30.1 at www.wiley.comlcolIege/cutnell reviews the concepts that play roles in this problem. A hydrogen atom emits a photon that has momentum with a magnitude of 5A52 X 10-27 kg' m/so This photon is emitted because the electron in the atom falls from a higher energy level into the n = I leveL What is the quantum number of the level from which the electron falls? Use a value of 6.626 X 10-34 J. s for Planck's constant. radius of 4.8 X 10-15 m. How much work (in electron volts) is done by the electric force as a proton is brought from infinity, where it is at rest, to the "surface" of a copper nucleus? There are Z protons in the nucleus of an atom, where Z is the atomic number of the element. An Cl particle carries a charge of +2e. In a scattering experiment, an Cl particle, heading directly toward a nucleus in a metal foil, will come to a halt when all the particle's kinetic energy is converted to electric potential energy. In such a situation, how close will an Cl particle with a kinetic energy of 5.0 X 10-13 J come to a gold nucleus (Z = 79)? ** Section 30.2 Line Spectra Section 30.3 The Bohr Model of the Hydrogen ** 20. 7. ssm www Concept Simulation 30.1 at www.wiley.comlcollege/ cutnell reviews the concepts on which the solution to this problem depends. The electron in a hydrogen atom is in the first excited state, when the electron acquires an additional 2.86 eV of energy. What is the quantum number n of the state'into which the electron moves? Section 30.5 The Quantum of the Hydrogen Atom 8. Using the Bohr model, determine the ratio of the energy of the nth orbit of a triply ionized beryllium atom (BeH, Z = 4) to the energy of the nth orbit of a hydrogen atom (H). "@ ~ond excited state? (!!J: (a) What is the minimum energy (in electron volts) that is required to remove the electron from the ground state of a singly ionized helium atom (He+, Z = 2)? (b) What is the ionization energy for He+? 11. ssm Find the energy (in joules) of the photon that is emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from the n = 7 energy level to produce a line in the Paschen series . .-@ A makes hydrogen atom is in the ground state. It absorbs energy and a transition to the n = 3 excited state. The atom returns to the ground state by emitting two photons. What are their wavelengths? 13. Consider the Bohr energy expression (Equation 30.13) as it applies to singly ionized helium He+ (Z = 2) and doubly ionized lithium Li2+ (Z = 3). This expression predicts equal electron energies for these two species for certain values of the quantum number n (the quantum number is different for each species). For quantum numbers less than or equal to 9, what are the lowest three energies (in electron volts) for which the helium energy level is equal to the lithium energy level? 19. A diffraction grating is used in the first order to separate the wavelengths in the Balmer series of atomic hydrogen. (Section 27.7 discusses diffraction gratings.) The grating and an observation screen (see Figure 27.32) are separated by a distance of 81.0 cm. You may assume that () is small, so sin () = ()when radian measure is used for (). How many lines per centimeter should the grating have so that the longest and the next-to-the-Iongest wavelengths in the series will be separated by 3.00 cm on the screen? A certain species of ionized atoms produces an emission line spectrum according to the Bohr model, but the number of protons Z in the nucleus is unknown. A group of lines in the spectrum forms a series in which the shortest wavelength is 22.79 nm and the longest wavelength is 41.02 nm. Find the next-to-the-Iongest wavelength in the series of lines. Atom 9. A singly ionized helium atom (He+) has only one electron in orbit about the nucleus. What is the radius of the ion when it is in the 971 rilf.)In hydrogen atom the radius of orbitofBthe is sixteen greater ~ thethe radius of orbit A. The total energy electron times in orbit A is - 3AO eV. What is the total energy of the electron in orbit B? * 5. ssm The nucleus of a copper atom contains 29 protons and has a * 6. I Mechanical Picture The orbital quantum number for the electron in a hydrogen atom = 5. What is the smallest possible value (algebraically) for the total energy of this electron? Give your answer in electron volts. IS £ 22. A hydrogen atom is in its second excited state. cording to quantum mechanics, (a) the total energy atom, (b) the magnitude of the maximum angular electron can have in this state, and (c) the maximum Determine, ac(in eV) of the momentum the value that the z , 23. ssm www The principal quantum number for an electron in an the the angular momentum cannumber have. is me = 2. What ~mponent a om is n =Lz6,ofand magnetic quantum possible values for the orbital quantum number £ could this electron have? 24. The maximum value for the magnetic quantum number in state A is me = 2, while in state B it is me = I. What is the ratio LA/LB of the magnitudes of the orbital angular momenta of an electron in these two states? * 25. Interactive Solution 30.25 at www.wiley.comlcollege/cutnell offers one approach to problems of this type. For an electron in a hydrogen atom, the z component of the angular momentum has a maximum value of L, = 4.22 X 10-34 J . s. Find the three smallest possible values (algebraically) for the total energy (in electron volts) that this atom could have. 972 I CHAPTER 30 I THE NATURE OF THE ATOM ff6J Review Conceptual as backg;ound for thismechanics problem. ~ the hydrogen atom, Example the Bohr6 model and quantum both give the same value for the energy of the nth state. However, they do not give the same value for the orbital angular momentum L. (a) For n = I, determine the values of L [in units of h/(27T)] predicted by the Bohr model and quantum mechanics. (b) Repeat part (a) for n = 3, noting that quantum mechanics permits more than one value of £ when the electron is in the n = 3 state. ** 27. ssm www An electron is in the n = 5 state. What is the small- est possible value for the angle between the z component of the orbital angular momentum and the orbital angular momentum? Section 30.6 The Pauli Exclusion Principle Table of the Elements and the Periodic 28. Two of the three electrons in a lithium atom have quantum numbers of n = 1, £ = 0, me = 0, m, = +! and n = 1, £ = 0, me = 0, m, = What quantum numbers can the third electron have if the atom is in (a) its ground state and (b) its first excited state? -!. 29. In the style shown in Table 30.3, write down the ground-state electronic configuration for arsenic As (2 = 33). Refer to Figure 30.17 for the order in which the sub shells fill. 30. Figure 30.17 was constructed using the Pauli exclusion principle and indicates that the n = 1 shell holds 2 electrons, the n = 2 shell holds 8 electrons, and the n = 3 shell holds 18 electrons. These numbers can be obtained by adding the numbers given in'the figure for the subshells contained within a given shell. How many electrons can be put into the n = 5 shell, which is only partly shown in the figure? 31. Write down the fourteen sets of the four quantum numbers that correspond to the electrons in a completely filled 4f subshell. * 32. What is the atom with the smallest atomic number that contains the same number of electrons in its s subshells as it does in its d sub- shell? Refer to Figure 30.17 for the order in which the subshells fill. Section 30.7 X-Rays 33. ssm Molybdenum has an atomic number of 2 = 42. Using the Bohr model, estimate the wavelength of the Kcx X-ray. 34. Interactive LearningWare 30.2 at www.wiley.comlcollege/cutnell reviews the concepts that are pertinent to this problem. By using the Bohr model, decide which element is likely to emit a Kcx X-ray with a wavelength of 4.5 X 10-9 m. 35. Interactive Solution 30.35 at www.wiley.comlcollege/cutnell provides one model for solving problems such as this one. An X-ray tube is being operated at a potential difference of 52.0 kV. What is the Bremsstrahlung wavelength that corresponds to 35.0% of the kinetic energy with which an electron collides with the metal target in the tube? I ADDITIONAL 36. What is the minimum potential difference that must be applied to an X-ray tube to knock a K-shell electron completely out of an atom in a copper (2 = 29) target? Use the Bohr model as needed. ssm An X-ray tube contains a silver (2 = 47) target. The high voltage in this tube is increased from zero. Using the Bohr model, find the value of the voltage at which the Kcx X-ray just appears in the X-ray spectrum. * 37. * 38. Multiple-Concept Example 9 reviews the concepts that are important in this problem. An electron, traveling at a speed of 6.00 X 107 m/s, strikes the target of an X-ray tube. Upon impact, the electron decelerates to one-quarter of its original speed, emitting an X-ray in the process. What is the wavelength of the X-ray photon? r.' Section 30.8 The Laser tached retina back into place. The wavelength of the ssm wwwAlaserisusedineyesurgerytoweldadelaser beam is 514 nm, and the power is 1.5 W. During surgery, the laser beam is turned on for 0.050 s. During this time, how many photons are emitted by the laser? 39. R 40. ~ The dye laser used in the treatment of the port-wine stain 8 in (seedioxide Sectionlaser 30.9) has a wavelength ~ 585Figure nm. A30.30 carbon produces a wavelengthof of 1.06 X 10-5 m. What is the minimum number of photons that the carbon dioxide laser must produce to deliver at least as much or more energy to a target as does a single photon from the dye laser? 41. A pulsed laser emits light in a series of short pulses, each having a duration of 25.0 ms. The average power of each pulse is 5.00 mW, and the wavelength of the light is 633 nm. Find (a) the energy of each pulse and (b) the number of photons in each pulse. T' . an eye condition known as narrow-angle glaucoma, in A laserpressure peripheral iridotomy 42. • which buildup in the iseyea procedure can lead tofor losstreating of vision. A neodymium YAG laser (wavelength = 1064 nm) is used in the procedure to punch a tiny hole in the peripheral iris, thereby relieving the pressure buildup. In one application the laser delivers 4.1 X 10-3 J of energy to the iris in creating the hole. How many photons does the laser deliver? * 43. Fusion is the process by which the sun produces energy. One experimental technique for creating controlled fusion utilizes a solid-state laser that emits a wavelength of 1060 nm and can produce a power of 1.0 X 1014 W for a pulse duration of 1.1 X 10-11 s. In contrast, the helium/neon laser used at the checkout counter in a bar-code scanner emits a wavelength of 633 nm and produces a power of about 1.0 X 10-3 W. How long (in days) would the helium/neon laser have to operate to produce the same number of photons that the solid-state laser produces in 1.1 X 1O-11 s? PROBLEMS 44. Referring to Figure 30.17 for the order in which the sub shells fill and following the style used in Table 30.3, determine the groundstate electronic configuration for cadmium Cd (2 = 48). 45. ssm www In the line spectrum of atomic hydrogen there is also a group of lines known as the Pfund series. These lines are produced when electrons, excited to high energy levels, make transitions to the n = 5 level. Determine (a) the longest wavelength and (b) the shortest wavelength in this series. (c) Refer to Figure 24.10 and identify the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which these lines are found. 46. The atomic number of lead is 2 = 82. According to the Bohr model, what is the energy (in joules) of a Kcx X-ray photon? 47. ssm When an electron makes a transition between energy levels of an atom, there are no restrictions on the initial and final values of Chapter 30 Problems 8. 1515 REASONING According to the Bohr model, the energy (in joules) of the nth orbit of an atom containing a single electron is En = -(2.18x10-18 (30.12) J) Z: n where Z is the atomic number of the atom. The ratio of the energies of the two atoms can be obtained directly by using this relation. SOLUTION (ZBe3+ Taking the ratio of the energy E n, B e 3+ of the nth orbit of a beryllium atom = 4) to the energy En, H of the nth orbit of a hydrogen (ZH = I) atom gives En, B,;' = En.H -(2.18xlO-18 J) Z~,;. 2 Z2 "2 =~=Z~ -(2.18x 10-18 J) ZH (4)2 (1)2 = [lli n2 9. REASONING The atomic number for helium is Z = 2. The ground state is the n = 1 state, the first excited state is the n = 2 state, and the second excited state is the n = 3 state. With Z= 2 and n = 3, we can use Equation 30.10 to find the radius of the ion. SOLUTION The radius ofthe second excited state is (30.10) 10. REASONING a. The total energy En for a single electron in the nth state is given by Z2 En = -(13.6 eV)-2 n (30.13) where Z = 2 for helium. The minimum amount of energy required to remove the electron from the ground state (n = 1) is that needed to move the electron into the state for which n = 2. This amount equals the difference between the two energy levels. b. The ionization energy defined as the minimum amount of energy required to remove the electron from the n = 1 orbit to the highest possible excited state (n = 00) . 1516 THE NATURE OF THE ATOM SOLUTION a. The minimum amount of energy required to remove the electron from the ground state (n = 1) and move it into the state for which n = 2 is eV)(2)' Minimum energy = E, _ El = -(13.6 22 - [-(13.6 12 eV) (2)' ] = 140.8 eVI b. The ionization energy is the difference between the ground-state energy (n = 1) and the energy in the highest possible excited state (n = 00) . Thus, Ionization energy ~ E__ El = -(13.6(00) e~) (2)' [-(13.6 12eV)(2)']_ -154.4 eVI 11, 11. I SSMI REASONING According to Equation 30.14, the wavelength A emitted by the hydrogen atom when it makes a transition from the level with by -=---A1 2tr2mk2e4 h3e (Z2) wIth --- ( nl 1 ni2 1J nj,nf =1,2,3, nj to the level with nf is given ... and nj >nf . where 2tr2mk2e4 /(h3e) = 1.097 X 107 m-I and Z= 1 for hydrogen. Once the wavelength for the particular transition in question is determined, Equation 29.2 (E = hf = he / A) can be used to find the energy of the emitted photon. SOLUTION In the Paschen series, nf= 3. Using the above expression with Z= 1, nj = 7 and nf= 3, we find that ~ = (1.097 X 107 m-I)(I') (3~- 71,) or m A=1.005xlO-6 The photon energy is E=-=-----------= he (6.63XlO-34 J.s)(3.00XI08 A 1.005xl0-6 m rnls) 1.98xl0-19 I '------ J I Chapter 30 12. 1517 REASONING Since the atom emits two photons as it returns to the ground state, one is emitted when the electron falls from n = 3 to n = 2, and the other is emitted when it subsequently drops from n = 2 to n = 1. The wavelengths of the photons emitted during these transitions are given by Equation 30.14 with the appropriate values for the initial and final numbers, ni and ne SOLUTION The wavelengths of the photons are n =3 ton =2 ,.1,= 1 1 "22-"32 ( 1.097x10 7 m _1)()2(1 1) =1.524xlO ,.1,= n = 2 to n = 1 ~ =(1.097X107 REASONING m -1 6 (30.14) !6.56XlO-7ml m-1)(1)2(*_ 212)=8.228X106 A=I1.22X10-7 13. Problems m-I (30.14) m! The Bohr expression as it applies to anyone-electron species of atomic number Z, is given by Equation 30.13: En = -(13.6 eV)(Z2 / n2). For certain values of the quantum number n, this expression predicts equal electron energies for singly ionized helium He + (Z = 2) and doubly ionized lithium Li + (Z = 3). As stated in the problem, the quantum number n is different for the equal energy states for each species. SOLUTION For, equal energies, we can write or Z2 -(13.6 eV) ~e nHe Z2 = -(13.6 eV) ii nLi Simplifying, this becomes or 4 9 2 2 nLi nHe Thus, Therefore, the value of the helium energy level is equal to the lithium energy level for any value of nHe that is two-thirds of nLi· For quantum numbers less than or equal to 9, an --1518 --~- --- ---- -- -- THE NATURE OF THE ATOM equality in energy levels will occur for nHe = 2,4, 6 corresponding to nLi = 3, 6, 9. The results are summarized in the following table. -13.6 eV -1.S1eV -3.40eV 936nLiEnergy I. nHe 42 14. REASONING In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom the total energy En of the electron is given in electron volts by Equation 30.13 and the orbital radius rn is given in meters by Equation 30.10: Solving the radius equation for n2 and substituting the result into the energy equation gives En = -13.6 = (-13.6)(S.29X10-11) rnl(S.29X10-11) rn Thus, the energy is inversely proportional to the radius, and it is on this fact that we base our solution. SOLUTION We know that the radius of orbit B is sixteen times greater than the radius of orbit A. Since the total energy is inversely proportional to the radius, it follows that the total energy of the electron in orbit B is one-sixteenth of the total energy in orbit A: EA _ -3.40 eV EB=16.016.0 -I' = 1-0.213 eVI j. IS. I SSM I REASONING A wavelength of 410.2 nm is emitted by the hydrogen atoms in a high-voltage discharge tube. This transition lies in the visible region (380-7S0 nm) of the hydrogen spectrum. Thus, we can conclude that the transition is in the Balmer series and, therefore, that nf = 2. The value of ni can be found using Equation 30.14, according to which the Ba1mer series transitions are given by 11 = 3, 4, S, ... Chapter 30 Problems 1519 This expression may be solved for ni for the energy transition that produces the given wavelength. Solving for ni' we find that SOLUTION Therefore, the initial and final states are identified by I n i = 6 and nf = 2 I· 16. REASONING given by The energy levels and radii of a hydrogenic species of atomic number Z are Equations30.13 and 30.10, respectively: and En=-(13.6eV)(Z2/n2) = (5.29 x 10-11 m)( n2 /Z) . We can use Equation 30.13 to find the value of Z for the unidentified ionized atom and then calculate the radius of the n = 5 orbit using Equation 30.10. rn SOLUTION Solving Equation 30.13 for atomic number Z of the unknown species, we have Z= Enn2eV = ~{(-30.6 =3 -13.6 -13.6eV)(2)2 eV Therefore, the radius of the n = 5 orbit is 17. I SSMI REASONING AND SOLUTION For the Paschen series, nf = 3. The range of wavelengths occurs for values of nj = 4 to ni = shortest wavelength occurs for nj = 00 00. Using Equation 30.14, we find that the and is given by /L=8.204x10-7 ~---~v~---~ m Shortest wavelength in Paschen series 1520 THE NATURE OF THE ATOM The longest wavelength in the Paschen series occurs for or ni= 4 and is given by A = 1.875 X 10-6 m ~---~v·~---~ Longest wavelength in Paschen series For the Brackett series, nf= 4. The range of wavelengths occurs for values of ni = 00, Using Equation 30.14, we find that the shortest wavelength occurs for given by ni = 5 to ni= 00 and is A=1.459x10-6 m v Shortest wavelength in Brackett series The longest wavelength in the Brackett series occurs for or ~ =(l.097Xl07 m-I)( ni = 5 and A = 4.051 is given by X 10-6 m v 41,- 5; J Longest wavelength in Brackett series Since the longest wavelength in the Paschen series falls within the Brackett series, the wavelengths of the two series overlap. 18. REASONING· To obtain the quantum number of the higher level from which the electron falls, we will use Equation 30.14 for the reciprocal of the wavelength A of the photon: where R is the Rydberg constant and nf and ni' respectively, are the quantum numbers of the final and initial levels. Although we are not directly given the wavelength, we do have a value for the magnitude p of the photon's momentum, and the momentum and the wavelength are related according to Equation 29.6: h j~. '~ ',[i oi p=-A where his Planck's constant. Using Equation 30.14 to substitute for ~, we obtain A Chapter 30 Problems p=-=hR --- (1) (1nf A h 1521 nf1 J SOLUTION Rearranging Equation (1) gives _1 __ 1 _ P nf or nf - hR _1 __ 1 _L nf - nf hR Thus, we find 1 nj2 19. 1 P _ 1 = ni - hR 5.452x10-27 kg·m/s -12- (6.626X10-34 -0.2499 J.s)(1.097X107 m-l) or n =!lI 1 REASONING AND SOLUTION We need to use Equation 30.14 to find the spacing between the longest and next-to-the longest wavelengths in the Ba1mer series. In order to do this, we need to first find these two wavelengths. Longest: -=R /41 --( nf1 = 1.097x10 m --ni2 1J ( 7 -1)( 22 1 32 1 or /4 = 656.3 nm or ~ = 486.2 nm ) Next-to-Iongest: ~ =R( ~_~ nf nj J~(1.097XI07 m-I)(_l22 __42 _I 1) Equation 27.7 states that sin B= mAid. Using the small angle approximation, we have sin B"'" tan B"'" B = Y L so that y/L = mAid. The position of the fringe due to the longest wavelength is Yl = mAlL/d. For the next-to-Iongest, Y2 = m~L/d. therefore, Yl - Y2 = (mL/d)(Al -~) The difference in the positions on the screen is, which gives d= mL(/4 -~) Yj- Y2 Chapter 30 Problems 21. 1523 REASONING The orbital quantum number .e has values of 0, 1, 2, ..... , (n -1), according to the discussion in Section 30.5. Since.e = 5, we can conclude, therefore, that n ;? 6. This knowledge about the principal quantum number n can be used with Equation 30.13, E n = -(13.6 eV)Z2/n2, to determine the smallest value for the total energy E n . SOLUTION The smallest value of E n (i.e., the most negative) occurs when n = 6. Thus, using Z = 1 for hydrogen, we find Z2 En = -(13.6 eV)~ 12 = -(13.6 eV)"62 = 1-0.378 eV I 22. REASONING a. The ground state is the n = 1 state, the first excited state is the n = 2 state, and the second excited state is the n = 3 state. The total energy (in eV) of a hydrogen atom in the n = 3 state is given by Equation 30.13. b. According to quantum mechanics, the magnitude L of the angular momentum is given by where .e is the orbital quantum number. The Equation 30.15 as L=~.e(.e+l)(h/21r), can have is one less discussion in Section 30.5 indicates that the maximum value that .e than the principal quantum number, so that .e max = n - 1. c. Equation 30.16 gives the z-component Lz of the angular momentum as Lz = m£ (h / 21r) , where me is the magnetic quantum number. the maximum value that which is .e m£ According to the discussion in Section 30.5, can attain is when it is equal to the orbital quantum number, max' SOLUTION a. The total energy of the hydrogen atom is given by Equation 30.13. Using n = 3, we have E3 = (13.6 32 eV)(1)2 = 1-1.51 eVI b. The maximum orbital quantum number is .e max = n - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2. The maximum angular momentum Lmax has a magnitude given by Equation 30.15: THE NATURE OF THE ATOM 1524 c. The maximum value for the z-component Lz of the angular momentum is (withmf =J!max=2) Lz =m £ ~=(2)6.63XlO-34 2tr 2tr 23. ISSMII wwwl ],s=12.11X10-34 .------ The values that I can have depend on the value of n, and REASONING only the following integers are allowed: I = 0, 1, 2, ... (n -1). The values that ml can have depend on the value of I , with only the following positive and negative integers being permitted: mf = -J!, ... -2, -1,0, +1, +2, .. .+e. SOLUTION Thus, when n = 6, the possible values of I are 0, 1,2,3, 4,5. Now when = 2 , the possible values of I are 2, 3, 4, 5, ... These two series of integers overlap for the integers 2, 3, 4, and 5. Therefore, the possible values for the orbital quantum number I mf that this electron could have are 11 = 2, 3, 4, 51. 24. REASONING The maximum value for the magnetic quantum number is ml = I ; thus, in state A, I = 2, while in state B, I = 1. According to the quantum mechanical theory of angular momentum, the magnitude of the orbital angular momentum for a state of given I is L = -JJ!(J! + 1) (h / 2tr) LA / ~ (Equation 30.15). This expression can be used to form the ratio of the magnitudes of the orbital angular momenta for the two states. SOLUTION Using Equation 30.15, we find that h LA = .j2(2+ LB -J1(1 + 1) 2& h ~ V2 @" ~v'3 ~11.7321 1) 2tr 25. REASONING The total energy En for a hydrogen atom in the quantum mechanical picture is the same as in the Bohr model and is given by Equation 30.13: 1 E/1 = -(13.6 eV)2n (30.13) Thus, we need to determine values for the principal quantum number n if we are to calculate the three smallest possible values for E. Since the maximum value of the orbital quantum number J! is n - 1, we can obtain a minimum value for n as nmin = J! + 1. But how to obtain Chapter 30 Problems 1525 It can be obtained, because the problem statement gives the maximum value of Lz, the z £? component of the angular momentum. According to Equation 30.16, Lz is h = mf Lz (30.16) 21C where mf is the magnetic quantum number and his Planck's constant. For a given value of the allowed values for mf are as follows: £ -£, .. " -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, ... , +£. Thus, the maximum value ofmf is £, and we can use Equation 30.16 to calculate the maximum value of from the maximum value given for Lz· mf SOLUTION Solving Equation 30.16 for mf gives rn, ~ 21fL, ~ 21f(4.22X10-34 h 6.63xl0-34 J.J,s)_4 S As explained in the REASONING, Therefore, a minimum value for n is this maximum n mm . =£+1=4+1=5 or value for mf indicates that £ = 4. n>5 - This means that the three energies we seek correspond to n = 5, n = 6, and n = 7. Using Equation 30.13, we find them to be [n = 5] E5 = -(13.6 eV)~5 = 1-0.544 eVj [n = 6] E6 = -(13.6 eV)~6 = 1-0.378 eV[ E7 = -(13.6 eV)~7 = 1-0.278 eV[ [n=7] 26. REASONING AND SOLUTION a. For the angular momentum, Bohr's value is given by Equation 30.8, with n = 1, According to quantum theory, the angular momentum is given by Equation 30.15. n=I,£=O For THE NATURE OF THE ATOM 1526 b. For n = 3; Bohr theory gives while quantum mechanics gives [n = 3, .e = 0] [n=3,.e=1] [n 27. = 3, .e = 2] I SSMII wwwl REASONING Let e denote the angle between the angular momentum L and its z-component Lz· We can see from the figure at the right that Lz = L cos e . Using i "1 ,j ;i Equation 30.16 for Lz and Equation 30.15 for L, we have 1 ! " The smallest value for e corresponds to the largest value of cos e. For a given value of I , the largest value for cos e corresponds to the largest value for rn,. But the largest possible value for rnl is rnl = I . Therefore, we find that cos e =.e ~.e(.e+l) re ~£+1 SOLUTION The smallest value for e corresponds to the largest value for I. When the electron is in the n = 5 state, the largest allowed value of I is I = 4 ; therefore, we see that or e = cos -1 ( J4i5) = I 26.6° I