If you have any questions, please contact your local

August 7, 2001
Release 7.0 of the SEDAR software is planned for implementation on September
4, 2001. The implementation date will be confirmed in a subsequent Subscriber
The new release of the software and an updated Filer User Guide and
Installation Guide will be distributed on CD-ROM later in August 2001.
Installation of Release 7.0
Note: When installing SEDAR R7.0 on a Windows NT 4 workstation or Windows
2000 Professional machine, the installation must be run by the “administrator”
user account or by a user with administration user access. This is a requirement
of MQ Series and not doing so will result in SEDAR not installing correctly.
Version 7.0 of the SEDAR Filer Manual will be available on CD-ROM later in the
fall. However, a copy will be added to the web sites of the securities regulators in
British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec prior to the implementation of
Release 7.0.
A Subscriber Update and CSA Notice to be issued later in August 2001 will
explain the principal changes and enhancements made in Release 7.0.
If you have any questions, please contact your local
Customer Support Representative or the SEDAR Help
Desk at 1-800-219-5381.
CDS INC. 2001. All rights reserved.
CDS INC. 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ontario M5H 2C9
SEDAR is a registered trademark of the Canadian Securities Administrators,
used under license.