JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY, VOL. 46, NO. 1, P. 234-239 FIGS. 1-5, MARCH 1976 Copyright © 1976, The Society of Ecenomic Paleontologistsand Mineralogists T R A C E FOSSILS I N T H E L O W E R T A L F O R M A T I O N MUSSOORIE AND THEIR ENVIRONMENTAL OF SIGNIFICANCE 1 D. M. B A N E R J E E AND M. J. NARAIN Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi-ll0007 (India) ABSTRACT: In the course of lithological mapping of the Krol-Tal succession near Mussoorie in Garhwal Himalaya, a variety of trace fossils have been recorded, occurring as ridge like epireliefs in the Lower Tal micaceous sandstones. So far, only two variety of trails have been identified, boil1 belonging to ichnogenus ,4ulichnites. A comprehensive study of lithological variations, sedimentary structures, fossils, and close association with shallow-water marine phosphorites in the area, together with the distribution of trace fossils vis-a-vis the types of sandstone has given an indication of depositional conditions prevailing at the time of deposition of Lower Tal sediments. INTRODUCTION Geological mapping in the Mussoorle area of Garhwa] Himalaya has revealed several trace fossils in the middle and upper layers of the subgreywacke and micaeeous sandstone, belonging to the Psammitic and Pelitic Members of the Lower Tal Formation (Table 1). The best preserved section is exposed along the Mussoorie-Tehri Road and the trace fossils are seen between Batagad and Masrana (Fig. 1). These animal trails occur as ridges and grooves with positive epirelief and rarely as passively filled full reliefs. Sediments of the Lower Tal Formation have recently acquired economic significance due to discovery of sedimentary phosphorite in its lower part, associated with bedded chert, carbonaceous shale, and phyllites. Mode in which the bedded phosphorites originate has always been a debatable subject. It is however presumed that these phosphorites were formed in shallow parts of the ocean basin, in view of the association of oneolites and stromatolitie structures in the related sediments. The Lower Tal Formation is believed to be Middle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous on the basis of scanty fossils. Auden (1934) discovered some poorly preserved molluscs in Upper Tal sediments, and Wadia (1953) reported belemnite, coral, and gastropod assemblage of Jurassic age without commenting on specific morphologies. Black shales of the Pelitic Member of the Lower Tal Formation 1Manuscript received December 27, 1974; revised April 24, 1975. 234 near Surkhet, southeast of Mussoorie has yielded Posidonia ornati, a pelecypod of Jurassic age (Srivastava, 1963). Some crustaceans (Esteria maryinata Defretin) from the Bagi area, located east of Surkhet, probably indicate a Neocomian age for the Pelitic Member. Gansset (1964) noted "vermicular tubes" in the Upper Tal shales, without specifying what these tubes are. The Upper Tal Formation is predominantly arenaceous and consists of rippled and crossbedded arkoses and orthoquartzites in the lower part, while the uppermost part is made up of lumachellh type limestone containing badly preserved lamellibranch, coral, and gastropod shells. This limestone passes into the Subathu Limestone (Tertiary). The lower limit of the Tal Formation is conventionally put below the phosphate-chert member, which overlies the Upper Krol Dolomite with localized disconfortuities. However, there is growing feeling and evidence in favor of considering the KrolTal boundary as continuous, without any break (Patwardhan and Ahluwalia, 1973). The record of trace fossils from the Lower Tal Formation is significant, because it reflects the burrowing activities of the clams, snails and related biota during the deposition of Lower Tal sediments. Like the poor body fossil assemblage, the trace fossils are also scanty and of restricted occurrence. The litholog (Fig. 2) shows the vertical distribution of Tal sediments, fossils, biogenic structures, common physical sedimentary structures, grain size frequency, and probable depth of sedimentation. TRACE FOSSILS IN L O W E R TAL F O R M A T I O N 235 TAI~LE 1.--Stratigraphie succession in Mussoorie Area Thickness Upper Tal Formation Lower Tal Formation Upper Krol Formation Shelly calcareous grit. Quartzite, arkose, grit and shale. .............. Local Disconformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calcareous Member -Ferrugenous limestone and calcarenite. Psammitic Member -Subgreywacke, siltstone, micaeeous sandstone shale. -Silty shale, siltstone, black micaceous Pelitic Member sandstone and shale with pyrite. -Phosphate-pelletal bedded and reworked Phosphate-chert Member with chert layer. Bedded chert. -Argillaceous limestone with brecciation Transition Zone and stromatolites. Dolomite, limestone and red shales Description of Trace Fossils These trails occur as positive epireliefs on jointed and fractured micaceous sandstone surfaces (Fig. 3) thereby making it difficult to collect a complete specimen. In cross-section, mica flakes lie in a plane normal to the course of the trail and oblique to the bedding. Along the sides, the mica flakes stand vertically and parallel with the trail (Fig. 4a). The trails are 0.5 to 1 cm deep and 3 cm wide, and may taper to 2.5 cm on the ends; observed length is about 60 cm. By gentle tapping the positive epirelief can be removed to expose the negative epirelief, and in this process the median discontinuity plane breaks the structure into two symmetrical halves. The trails are straight to smoothly arched. The median discontinuity plane is formed by the assymmetrically sloping epirelief, which shows steeper slopes of the two lobes on the same side. In some specimens, a lateral discontinuity plane is also present. Another variety of trail has been recorded in this area with uniform width of 3.75 cm throughout their 40 to 75 cm length (Fig. 5) consisting of two equal parts with straight to slightly meandering structure. The median discontinuity plane is formed ,by the junction of two gently sloping surfaces of the convex epirelief (Fig. 4b). The relief depth is 1 cm. The structure looks as if a pair of half tubes are lying obliquely by their sides. Our field observations indicate that these trails invariably occur crossing each other and it was felt that the older trail is displaced upward by the younger trail, without any damage to the older structure. However, after studying the photographs and sketches of these trails, R. W. Frey (Personal communication, 1975) suggested that 20 m 1,300 m 5m 500 m 150 m 10-40 m 200 m the reverse should be true. In his opinion, it is the upper trail which is younger, and this juxtaposition is merely the place where a later formed trail crossed over the earlier formed one. The older trail was not obliterated at the junction simply because they were semi-consolidated by mucous etc. and therefore more firm than the surrounding sediments. The curved shape of these bilobate trails may have been the result of displacement of moving snail from its straight course down the southeasterly dip of the bed which coincides with the local sediment transport direction, as indicated by current ripples and cross laminations. Remarks : - - T h e specimen can be compared with Rouaultia de Tromelin, 1877 (Hiintzschel, 1962), but differ from it in their greater width ( > 1 cm) and indistinct lateral furrows. Similar forms have been reported from the Bhander Limestone (Upper Vindhyan) of Rewa District and named as Rouaultia rewanensis n. sp. by Verma and Prasad (1968). Nereites sp. (Crimes, 1970, p. 104, plate 1,b) from the Lower Cambrian to Silurian turbidites of Welseh and Leinster sequences has fairly close physical resemblance with the trails described here. However Nereites belong to a vastly different facies. Glaessner (1969, p. 388-389, Fig. 9c) used the invalid name Rouaultia de Tromelin (Hiintzsche], 1965, p. 80) for one of his specimen from the Arumbera Formation (lower Paleozoic) of Australia. This form has close similarity with the two ichnospecies described above. However, the closest comparison could be made with ichnogenus Aulichnites Fenton and Fenton, 1937 (HS.ntzschel, 1962) characterized by bilobate trails and simple body structure. The authors 236 D. M. B A N E R / E E A N D M. Y. N A R A I N Index 78t 5' mop ~eyUS500RIE . 3O 1' \ t I Km I " Kolti v o soo K~ ,1@ ° Jf , 90" • -. . '-~ o O --Vo 0 •okhSt, 47 0 0 0 t.So o 40 ~ 0 '~4 O~L 0 p .... . , . . . 2fi 2C . o . , ~2 /'i // L ha __3 /I rr --7-----'-' _ _ tl ,]~ MUSSOORIE. F It t# l' II 7 8°1 51 DIP • STRIKE FIg. rence chert• stone• u.~,. 1o~,-s.~'. '¢- M.j. ,,.'.,-.iN. .,,/'JFAULT @ TRACE FOSSIL LOCATION l.--Geological sketch map of a part of Mussoorie Synform showing location of trace fossil occur(@). Legend: 1. Limestone, dolomite and argillaceous limestone. 2. Phosphorite with bedded 3. Silty shale• 4. Subgreywacke, siltstone, micaceous sandstone. 5. Calcarenite and ferruginous lime6. Calcareous grit, quartzite and green shale. had considered the two types of trail described here as belonging to two distinct ichnogenera. This was however not true. R. W. Frey (Pers. Comm., 1975) suggested that both the trace fossils belong to a single ichnogenus Aulichhires. The assymmetry of the first ichnospecies is probably the result of current drift which could not affect the second type of trace fossil because of their formation at quieter moments of sedimentation. Bathymetric considerations and the distribution of the body fossils in sediments indicate that these Aulichnites trails may have been caused by snail like animals. E N V I R O N M E N T OF DEPOSITION Trails described in this paper have been recorded only from thickly bedded mieaceous sandstone (subgreywacke) of the Psammite Member of the Lower Tal Formation. The sub- F:G. 2.--Litholog showing relationship between different observed parameters used for environmental interpretation. Legend: 1. Fossiliferous limestone. 2. Calcareous shaly quartzite. 3. Shaly and phyllitic quartzite. 4. Subgreywacke. 5. Orthoquartzite. 6. Carbonaceous shale. 7. Shale and phyllite. 8. Bedded chert. 9. Pelletal phosphorite. 10. Bedded phosphorite with chert. 11. Calcarenite. 12. Reworked phosphorite TRACE FOSSILS /N LOWER TAL FORMATION LITHOLOG SHOWING PARAMETERS RELATIONSHIP B E T W E E N D I F F E R E N T OBSERVED FOR E N V I R O N M E N T A L I N T E R P R E T A T I O N ' USED Primary Sedimentary Structure ~ 237 LE GE NO I. ~ 0 t.. C ~0 - cTM .-- '-.o II ~..~ 61616 '.+:.~,:. ~: :÷:~,:. J c '- &~ O =~ ~- E 23// 3 /~1 O Ln o h, J* ~s he I~0 ~ 1.2 ~ Zr, u. / z U;; ~lllilill - ~ "-' - o ul - '6F~7 g o w ...... E ml~o & 7 ~ ~ w .."... o-It ° If:ill Itl~ I 31 ' ~ w g t3 [ ~ ' ] _ ~ ,~ ~ v 0 ~' ,.:2:::. • o..,~ 0 9 III ,, . t~ ~ ]3 o . . . " 18 . . . . . . . TO "r~l o z _ .01o = ."', 0 19 . . . . . . o w cn 20"" "'. / / / and frag'mental dolomite. 13. Stromatolitic dolomite. 14. Krol Dolomite. 15. Irregular sharp contact. 16. Transition gradual but rapid. 17, Distinct flat contact. 18. Gradual transitional contact. 19. Transition gradual but hardly visible. 20. Irregular with gradual transition, 21. Lenticular wavy laminations. 22. Cross bedding. 23. Striations, 24. Current tipples 10-20 cm Wave Length ( < 5 cm high). 25. Wave tipple lamination with pointed top. 26. Mud cracks. 27. Disrupted parallel lamination, 28. Lenficular lamknae. 29. Load cast, 30. Lenticular wavy bedding (1-5 m). 31. Lenticular wavy Bedding (:> 5 m). 32. Concretions ( < 5 cm). 33. Nodules. 34, Dendrites. 35. Fragmental inclusions. 36. Trails (parallel to bedding). 37. Trails (cutting across the bedding), 38. Stromatolific algal structures. 39, Fossil fragments. 40. Echinoids. 41. Corals. 43. Lamellibranchs. 43. Gastropods. 44. Coarse sand 2-0.5 ram. 45. Medium sand 0.5-0.25 mm. 46. Fine sand 0.25-0,0625 ram. 47. Silt 0.0625-0.004 ram, 48. Clay < 0.004 ram. 238 D. M. B A N E R J E E AND 3I. J. N A R A I N FIG. 3.--Bilobate trail of slightly assymmetrical Aulichnltes in micaceous silty sandstone showing convex epirelief (hammer gives scale). greywacke type of rocks are interlayered with reddish green to chocolate colored shaly layers. The thin arenaceous interbedded layers (2-3 cm thick) show profuse development of current ripples, many displaying interference pattern. The first type of trail was found amidst thinly laminated sandy layers that show ripple-drift cross-laminations in vertical section. Some of the layers higher up in the sequence show smalI load casts and convolution of ripple laminations. Mica flakes & sand Course of Bedding ~on Course of trail Bedding Median Mica flakes & sand B Fro. 4.--a. Sketch o{ vertical cross section of the assvmmetrical trail showing sand grains and mica flake orientation, h Sketch of vertical cross section of undisturbed Aulichnites trail showing mica flake orientation and position of median and slope of the ridges F1G. 5.---Undisturbed Aulichnites trail showing overriding relationship--(hammer gives scale). Thin, graded layers also occur sparingly in the lower part of the sequence, characterized by thin, parallel laminations. This assemblage of sedimentary structures perhaps reflect the deposition of these subgreywacke-type sediments in the depth zone characteristic of midway between near-shore and distal turbidite environments. Detailed study of similar environments have been carried out in other parts of the world (Crimes, 1973). The second variety of trail occurs a little higher in the sequence in an almost identical lithology but lacking in mud-rich shaly layers. The sandstones containing this form show a higher order of sorting, uniform grain size (0.10 ram), well preserved oscillation ripple marks, and they indicate a transition to, and interlayering with, detrital, bluish-grey limestone and marl. The overlying sediments were probably deposited in shallow water tidal flats with typical sedimentary structures. Association of such environmental conditions with abundant Aulichnites trails represents the Cru~iana facies of Seilacher (1962) and Crimes (1970). The overlying Upper Tal Formation is predominantly composed of littoral sediments (orthoquartzite, arkosic sandstone, fragmental and detrital limestone, etc.) with well-preserved shallow-water primary sedimentary structures. The lower part of the Lower Tal Formation is characterized by a chert-shale phosphorite association, which reflects a partly reducing environment in shallow marine waters ; it is represented by reworked phosphate pellets, perfect to near perfect rounding of grains, and presence of oneolites and stromatolites in the transitional zone. TRACE FOSSILS IN LOWER Such rapid fluctuations of water depth from midway between proximal and distal turbidite zones to shallow tidal flat environments perhaps suggest very unstable shelf conditions during the Krol-Tal sedimentation, in which repeated marine transgression and regression were related to the local tectonic movements. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS W e are grateful to Dr. Robert W. Frey of University of Georgia, U.S.A., for identification of the trace fossils, critical review of the manuscript and m a n y useful suggestions for the improvement of the paper and to Shri K. K. V e r m a of the Geological Survey of India and Dr. S. B. Bhatia of Chandigarh University for initial help with identification. Shri V. Ramesh prepared the sketches and helped d u r i n g the field work. Financial assistance from W a d i a Institute of H i m a l a y a n Geology, Delhi for the field trip is thankfully acknowledged. REFERENCES AUDEN, J. B., 1934, The geology of Krol Belt: Records, Geol. Survey India, v. 67, p. 461--471. CRIMES, T. P., 1970, The significance of trace fossils in sedimentology, stratigraphy, and palaeoecology with examples from Lower Palaeozoic strata: in Crimes, T. P., and J. C. Harper (eds.), Trace TAL FORMATION 239 Fossils, Geol. Jour. Special Issue No. 3, Liverpool, p. 101-126. , 1973, From limestone to distal turbidites: A facies and trace fossil analysis in the Zumaya flysch (Paleocene-Eocene), North Spain: Sedimentology, v. 20, p. 105-131. GANSSER, A., 1964, Geology of the Himalayas, Interscience Publ. Co., New York, p. 85-91. GLAESSNER, M. 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PRASAD, 1968, On the occurrence of some trace fossils in the Bhander Limestone (Upper Vindhyau) of Rewa District, M.P.: Current Science, v. 19, p. 557-558. WADIA, D. N., 1953, Geology of India, Macmillan, London, p. 422---425.