VDC brochure

Interoute Virtual Data Centre.
Hands on cloud control.
Scale your
resource on
Choose where
in Europe you
want your data
and secure
Interoute Virtual
Data Centre
Virtual Data Centre (VDC) is Interoute’s
scalable, fully automated Infrastructure as
a Service (IaaS) solution. VDC provides on
demand computing, storage & applications
integrated into the heart of your IT
Interoute VDC is the first cloud computing solution that can
be deployed with the simplicity and convenience of the public
cloud, combined with the security and confidence that a
private cloud brings.
The ability to offer fully automated public and private cloud
on the same platform makes VDC unique.
Interoute Virtual Data Centre combines computing
virtualisation in the cloud with network virtualisation in
the ground. VDC delivers virtual IT infrastructure as a fully
automated online service and connects across Europe using
Interoute’s virtualised MPLS fibre optic network.
With VDC you don’t have to spend time and effort on
installing and managing firewalls between your Virtual Data
Centres, because all data traffic is inherently secure as it
moves between them. This advanced technology gives you
the choice between having VDC delivered as a private cloud
service via your corporate VPN or as a cloud service via the
public Internet - or both.
The VDC Data Centres are not isolated but built into
Interoute’s pan-European network which spans more than
60,000 km of lit fibre, making VDC Europe’s largest cloud
services platform. The network advantage means we don’t
charge you for any data transfers in and out of your VDC or
between VDC zones.
Interoute VDC is the virtual equivalent of a real physical
data centre. It gives you the same control and resource as
having your own data centre but without the cost of buying
equipment, power, colocation, network and manpower.
Within your Virtual Data Centre you can choose to build your
server, switching and storing in exactly the same way as you
would in the physical world. You can specify RAM, CPU and
storage to create any configuration you want, as often as you
like. This allows you to add new applications, services and
customers as fast as your sales demand.
Interoute VDC has all the benefits you expect from a cloud;
computing infrastructure, elasticity, pay-as-you-go pricing
and real-time deployment. But VDC is not simply a cloud of
virtual servers. It is a completely new approach to designing
and operating a secure computing solution, which gives you
an actual data centre you can control with a click on Europe’s
largest cloud computing platform.
Interoute Virtual Data Centre is a truly unique cloud
computing platform – the first without compromises.
- 60,000km of lit fibre
- 10 hosting data centres
- 31 colocation centres
- 21 city networks
- 102 cities connected
- 30 connected countries
- 10 subsea landing stations
- 15 languages supported
What makes Interoute VDC stand out
from the cloud?
Private and public cloud on one platform – Using Interoute’s
pan-European virtualised MPLS network, you can create a
private connection directly into VDC using your corporate VPN
or you can simply access VDC via the public Internet. You can
also use a combination of both.
Keep your data within your control – You can choose
where to put your data in one of our VDC zones in Geneva,
Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris and London (with Milan, Hong Kong
and New York locations coming soon). This helps ensure
your business complies with European data laws. In addition,
keeping your data in Europe, with a European cloud provider,
means it is out of reach of the U.S. Patriot Act.
Move your data for free – If you decide to move your data,
we don’t charge you for any data transfer between our VDC
zones in Geneva, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris and London (with
Milan, Hong Kong and New York locations coming soon). In
fact, we don’t charge you to move data within your VPN and
VDC sites or the public Internet.
One platform, any application – Interoute is the first to
virtualise both computing, storage and the network. This
unique combination means you get a secure cloud service
which you can tailor to match all your applications.
Integration – Because VDC exists within the Interoute
network, we can integrate it securely into your network and
IT infrastructure where you want it. With VDC, you can enjoy
a large public elastic computing solution or a highly secure
certified private solution. VDC’s flexibility makes it perfect for
the world of hybrid legacy architectures. Interoute VDC can be
your first and safest entry into the new economic revolution
of cloud computing.
Security – Interoute’s customers include many of the world’s
most demanding enterprises and governments. The same
expertise from serving these customers went into creating
VDC. It is a secure cloud within a secure network, using
proven MPLS technology to separate and protect your data,
applications and other sensitive corporate assets. Within the
actual VDC Virtual Machine environment you can create VLAN
segregated, DMZ enabled, multi-tiered networks. Interoute
VDC can replace your current IT infrastructure without
compromising security.
Elasticity – Interoute places no limitations on the amount
of machines, storage or network you can provision. VDC can
expand and shrink to match your business needs. Our API
ensures that your costs can be set to track demand precisely
and automatically, making Interoute VDC the most cost
effective and secure platform available.
Resilience – Because Interoute VDC is built into the fabric
of one of the world’s largest networks and because we
don’t charge for connections between Interoute Virtual Data
Centres, you can now build real resilience at a fraction of the
traditional cost. This solution is so cost effective, it redefines
the future of computing and how you can do business.
No vendor lock-in – Interoute supports multiple hypervisors
so migrating your existing cloud service to Interoute can be
done without causing compatibility problems. To give you
freedom from technology and supplier lock-in, images and
data can easily be downloaded and migrated from VDC to
another solution. Combine this with sophisticated networking
and Interoute VDC makes migration easy.
Fully automated service – You can start using VDC today by
visiting www.interoute.com/vdc. Using the online portal, you
can be ready to provision your first instance in minutes.
Our Network
Internal Servers
Web Presence
Build your IT
Infrastructure in an Instant
VDC is fully automated and available
on demand online from the Interoute
CloudStore www.cloudstore.interoute.com
So, you can provision entire ICT solutions
into your own Virtual Data Centre
environment in just a few clicks.
Customise your machine – Each Virtual Machine can be
customised with a variety of CPU, RAM, storage, backup
and disaster recovery to allow bespoke system builds.
These high level controls help you avoid spending money
on unused resources.
Integrate with existing systems – Use our API to control
your VDC infrastructure direct from your existing applications.
Save time and resource by using the API to code CPU, RAM
and Disc changes directly into your systems.
Create your own appliances or use prebuilt templates
– Interoute has created the most popular appliances and
loaded them in our CloudStore. You also have the freedom to
create or upload your own appliances and manage a private
service catalogue for your business.
Role-based administration – You can control user access
within your organisation. Your community can get up
and running fast because IT managers can use their own
controlled builds for creating and controlling the cost of their
service catalogue.
Measured service – Active reports allow you to monitor
the usage of VDC services. You can use this information
to allocate resources within the VDC environment, so your
consumption never exceeds your budget.
Simple pricing – There are two purchasing models;
Utility and Commit.
• Utility pay-as-you-go pricing. Each virtual resource is
priced per hour of allocation and the total amount used is
charged at the end of each month.
• Commit pricing. Charges a fixed rate per month for
a set amount of resources. Packages are available in
Small, Medium and Large. If you need to, you can still
burst beyond your committed resource, which is charged
according to the associated rate card.
VDC Pricing Calculator
Visit www.interoute.com/vdc/pricing-tool to use
the VDC pricing calculator and get a price package
recommended for your needs.
Ordering Interoute VDC online is simple:
Select the geographic zone for your data.
Select Hypervisor.
Select the contract duration.
Select a VDC payment package.
Launch the VDC Control Centre.
Launch Virtual Appliance, Storage and Network elements.
Upload your own or use Interoute supplied templates
to create one or more Virtual Machines.
Specify the CPU, RAM and Network configuration of
each Virtual Machine.
Define the size of each storage volume and attach to a
designated Virtual Machine.
Format the attached volumes with your preferred OS/file
system variant or use the device raw.
Deploy your Virtual Machines.
Manage your machines using the Web Console,
Create your ICT service using your VDC environment and
access it over integrated IPVPN or Internet connection.
Fully Automated Backup
& Disaster Recovery
Interoute Virtual Data Centre storage
options include the ability to create
local and remote copies of all your data
continuously with one click of the mouse.
You can choose whether the volume you
need is standalone, replicated locally or
remotely in one of the other Interoute
Virtual Data Centre zones.
Interoute Virtual Data Centre opens up a world of highly
resilient solutions for your computing needs, at price points
simply impractical with traditional technologies. With VDC
you can integrate resiliency, backup and disaster recovery
into the heart of your ICT infrastructure.
To help you be prepared for any unexpected incidents,
VDC features:
• Local backup – you can have a snapshot of your storage
volume in the same location as your VDC.
• Remote backup – you can take a snapshot of your storage volume and replicate it to another VDC location.
Both local backup and remote backup maintain a Recovery
Point Objective (RPO) of four hours, providing you with
a comprehensive data recovery system. The associated
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is also just four hours.
Interoute’s platform ownership, advanced technology and
independent certification ensures that your Virtual Data
Centre solution is secure, dependable and resilient.
Each of Interoute’s Tier 3 Data Centres has dual-powered
equipment and multiple uplinks to the outside world. They are
certified as ISO 27001, ISAE 3402 and PCI-DSS for information
security and data integrity. Furthermore, our Berlin Data
Centre has achieved the BSI IT-Grundschutz certification.
Interoute offers you a complete end-to-end SLA (99.99%),
so you can be confident that your service will be there when
you need it.
• 24/7/365 support - Interoute VDC virtual resources,
compute, network and storage are fully managed and
supported by Interoute’s European operation centres,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Interoute VDC can typically
replicate a private in-house cloud
implementation for just 20% of
the equivalent CAPEX costs over
a 3 year period.
All your business applications in one place
Interoute has created a set of the most popular appliances for
you to choose from across nine categories: Communications,
Operating Systems, Databases, Compute and Storage,
Security, Web, Network, Business Applications and
Professional Services.
• You can specify the CPU and RAM for an instance of a
Virtual Machine at deployment.
You can also create and upload your own appliances, creating
an internal appliance marketplace for your own use.
• The speed of deployment depends on the virtual
appliance; you can deploy a firewall in under a minute
and a 50GB Windows server in around two minutes. When the computing requirement is no longer there,
you can decommission resources quickly and easily.
All appliances are built into Interoute VDC and deployed
and managed through the CloudStore portal at the click
of a button:
• You can install middleware or application software on a
Virtual Machine and take a snapshot of this to create and manage new appliance templates.
Compute and storage
Operating systems
Business apps
Professional services
Constrain strokes when enlarging or reducing art
Sign up today
for a free VDC trial
Visit www.interoute.com/vdc
Interoute Communications Limited,
Walbrook Building, 195 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9SG, UK.
T: +44 020 7025 9000 E: info@interoute.com