Disturbance Observer Based Tracking Control

Chia-Shang Liu
Huei Peng
e-mail: hpeng@umich.edu
Department of Mechanical Engineering and
Applied Mechanics,
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2121
Disturbance Observer Based
Tracking Control
A disturbance observer based tracking control algorithm is presented in this paper. The
key idea of the proposed method is that the plant nonlinearities and parameter variations
can be lumped into a disturbance term. The lumped disturbance signal is estimated based
on a plant dynamic observer. A state observer then corrects the disturbance estimation in
a two-step design. First, a Lyapunov-based feedback estimation law is used. The estimation is then improved by using a feedforward correction term. The control of a telescopic
robot arm is used as an example system for the proposed algorithm. Simulation results
comparing the proposed algorithm against a standard adaptive control scheme and a
sliding mode control algorithm show that the proposed scheme achieves superior performance, especially when large external disturbances are present.
Tracking control for uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown
disturbances is a challenging problem. To achieve good tracking
under uncertainties, one usually needs to combine several or all of
the following three mechanisms in the control design: adaptation,
feedforward 共plant-inversion兲, and high-gain, this paper is no exception. The tracking control of nonlinear systems under plant
uncertainties and exogenous disturbances is studied in this paper.
However, we will focus on the robotic examples for both literature review and numerical simulations.
Many adaptive control schemes for robotic manipulators assume that the structure of the manipulator dynamics is known
and/or the unknown parameters influence the system dynamics in
an affine manner 关1–5兴. There are several inherent difficulties
associated with these approaches. First of all, the plant dynamic
structure may not be known exactly. Second, it was demonstrated
关6,7兴 that some of these designs may lack robustness against uncertainties. Recently, adaptive control algorithms requiring less
model information were proposed 关8–11兴. These algorithms adjust the control gains based on the system performance and thus
are commonly referred to as performance-based adaptive control.
These algorithms require little knowledge of system structures and
parameter values. However, the control signal might become quite
large. Plant-inversion based methods 共e.g., I/O linearization, backstepping兲, roughly speaking, focus on the canceling of unwanted
nonlinear dynamics. High-gain approaches such as sliding model
controls could guarantee stability but, again, sometimes require
very large control signals. While in some cases this may be a
viable approach, in many other applications it may not be the best
In this paper, a disturbance-estimation based tracking control
method is presented. Disturbance observer based control algorithms first appeared in the late 1980s 关12兴. Since then, they have
been applied to many applications 关13–15兴. Recently, the H ⬁
technique has been applied for the design of an optimal disturbance observer 关16兴. In this paper, we focus on the design for
nonlinear systems. The magnitude of the disturbance is estimated
based on the state estimation error in a two-step design. The estimated disturbance can then be used to improve the performance of
literally any control algorithms. In this paper, a simple computed
torque method is selected. The performance of the disturbanceobserver-enhanced method is then compared against those of a
simple adaptive control and a simple robust control algorithm.
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems and Control Division for publication in the
received by the Dynamic Systems and Control Division May 15, 1997. Associate
Technical Editor: E. Misawa.
332 Õ Vol. 122, JUNE 2000
2 Disturbance Estimation Based Tracking Control
The nonlinear systems studied in this paper are assumed to have
the following form
ẋ 共 t 兲 ⫽Ax 共 t 兲 ⫹⌫ 共 u,x 兲 ⫹Bd
where x苸R denotes the state vector, A苸R
is the known state
matrix, ⌫(u,x)苸R n is a known nonlinear vector, d苸R m is the
lumped disturbance vector which includes uncertainties of A, ⌫
and external disturbances. B苸R n⫻m is the known disturbance input matrix. Due to the lumped nature of d, B is usually square. An
‘‘observer’’ for this system is
x̂˙ 共 t 兲 ⫽Ax̂ 共 t 兲 ⫹⌫ 共 u,x 兲 ⫹Bd̂ 共 t 兲 ⫹K 共 x⫺x̂ 兲
where K苸R
is the observer gain. The error dynamics are then
ė⫽A k e⫹Be d , where e⫽x̂⫺x, e d ⫽d̂(t)⫺d(t), and A k ⫽A⫺K
is the closed-loop state matrix. Since we have full state feedback,
K can be chosen to make A k Hurwitz. The disturbance estimation
laws are then chosen to be
ė d o ⫽d̂ o ⫽⫺B T Pe
d̂ 共 t 兲 ⫽d̂ o 共 t 兲 ⫺K o e
K o A k ⫹K o BK o ⫹B P⫽0
where d̂ o (t) is the uncorrected estimated disturbance, d̂(t) is the
corrected estimated disturbance, and K o is the correction gain.
The disturbance estimation schemes shown in Eqs. 共3兲–共5兲 consist
of two steps: 共i兲 precorrection, obtained by assuming that the disturbances are constant 共under which Eq. 共3兲 becomes true兲, and
共ii兲 estimation correction for time-varying disturbances. The convergence property of the uncorrected estimation scheme 共Eq. 共3兲兲
is summarized in the following two facts.
Fact 1: If d is constant and A k is Hurwitz, then the update law
ė d o ⫽⫺B T Pe guarantees V⬍0 for the Lyapunov function V
⫽e T Pe⫹e Td o e d o .
Proof: see Appendix.
Fact 2: If the update law 共Eq. 共3兲兲 is applied to a system with
constant disturbances, then 共i兲 e苸L⬁ 艚L2 and e d o 苸L⬁ , and 共ii兲
limt→⬁ e(t)→0 and limt→⬁ Be d o (t)→0. Furthermore, if B has
full column rank, then we also have 共iii兲 limt→⬁ e d o (t)→0.
Proof: see Appendix.
It should be noted that matrix B can always be modified
to satisfy the column-rank requirement of Fact 2. The main prob-
Copyright © 2000 by ASME
Transactions of the ASME
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the disturbance estimation
Fig. 2 Telescopic robot arm
lem of Eq. 共3兲 is that when d(t) is time-varying, it cannot be
implemented. To relax this restriction, we introduce the following
Lemma 3: If 共i兲 the assumptions in Facts 1 and 2 are satisfied,
except that d(t) may be time-varying. An improved disturbance
estimation is then d̂(t)⫽d̂ o (t)⫺K o e, where e d o ⫽K o e describes
the approximated relationship between e and e d o , and K o is solved
from Eq. 共5兲.
Proof: see Appendix.
The disturbance estimation procedure is summarized in Fig. 1.
It should be noted that Eq. 共5兲 is algebraic, and the existence of a
solution is guaranteed. When K o is low dimensional 共like the robotic example to be presented below兲, it can be solved symbolically. For higher dimensional K o , a numerical solution might
have to be used.
Tracking Control Example—Robot Manipulators
3.1 Dynamic Equations of the Robot Manipulator. The
dynamics of a robot manipulator in general can be described as
M n 共 q 兲 q̈⫹C n 共 q,q̇ 兲 q̇⫹g n 共 q 兲 ⫽F
where q苸R is the generalized coordinate, (•) n denotes nominal
functions, M n (q)苸R n⫻n is the inertia matrix, C n (q,q̇)苸R n⫻n includes the Coriolis and centrifugal terms, g n (q) is the gravity
term, and F苸R n is the control input associated with the generalized coordinate q. Under external disturbances and plant uncertainties, the true plant dynamics are assumed to be M (q)q̈
M (q)⫽M n (q)
⫹⌬M (q), C(q,q̇)⫽C n (q,q̇)⫹⌬C(q,q̇), and g(q)⫽g n (q)
⫹⌬g(q), and d(q,q̇,t)苸R n represents the disturbance input.
3.2 Disturbance Observer Based Tracking Control. If
the parameters of the system are exactly known, the computed
torque method would generate a control signal F⫽M n (q)(q̈ d
⫺k 1 ė d ⫺k 2 e d )⫹C n (q,q̇)q̇⫹g n (q), where q d is the desired trajectory, e d ⫽q⫺q d is displacement error, and k 1 and k 2 are the
feedback gains. When there are no uncertainties, the error dynamics are ë d ⫹k 1 ė d ⫹k 2 e d ⫽0, which can be made asymptotically
stable by choosing k 1 and k 2 . When uncertainties exist, however,
the error dynamics become ë d ⫹k 1 ė d ⫹k 2 e d ⫹ ␦ (q̈,q̇,q)⫽0, where
␦ (q̈,q̇,q)⫽⌬M (q)q̈⫹⌬C(q,q̇)q̇⫹⌬g(q)⫹d(q,q̇,t).
␦ (q̈,q̇,q)⫽0, the system can only be driven to a neighborhood of
the desired trajectory. In the following, we will introduce a disturbance observer based tracking control which can be viewed as
a ‘‘disturbance-observer-enhanced computed torque’’ scheme.
Lemma 4: For a plant under constant disturbances, if 共i兲 The
control input is chosen to be F⫽q̈ d ⫺k 1 ė d ⫺k 2 e d ⫺ŵ d (q,q̇,q̈,t),
and 共ii兲 the estimation algorithms ŵ˙ d o ⫽⫺B T PE d and
Lemma 4 is a direct extension of the results presented in Section 2. It should be noted that we do not have to start from the
computed torque method. The estimated disturbance can be used
to enhance literally any control algorithms.
4 Case Study „Tracking Control of a Telescopic Robot
4.1 System Description. The schematic diagram of the robot arm is shown in Fig. 2. Two actuators are used to control the
angle ␾ and length l . The mass of the extension arm is assumed
to be small compared with the payload M. The dynamic equations
were found to be M l 2 / ␣ m ( ␾¨ ⫹ ␣ 1 ␾˙ ⫹ ␣ 2 ␾ ⫹g/ l sin(␾)⫹d1)⫽u1
and M /k m ( l¨ ⫹ ␣ 3 l˙ ⫹ ␣ 4 l ⫺g cos(␾)⫹d2)⫽u2 , where ␣ 1
⫽ ␣ f /M l 2 ⫹2 l˙ / l , ␣ 2 ⫽ ␣ s /M l 2 , ␣ 3 ⫽k f /M , ␣ 4 ⫽k s /M ⫺ ␾˙ 2 ,
d 1 and d 2 are unknown disturbances, ␣ s and k s are the stiffness
coefficients, ␣ f and k f are the viscous friction coefficients, and u 1
and u 2 are the electrical currents applied to the actuators. The
torque in the joint and the force in the arm are assumed to be
T 1 ⫽ ␣ m u 1 and T 2 ⫽k m u 2 , respectively, where ␣ m and k m are unknown constants. In the following subsections, three full-state
feedback control algorithms are presented.
4.2 Adaptive Control. A classical adaptive observer 关17兴 is
used to estimate the parameters ␣ m , ␣ f , ␣ s , k m , k f , and k s . To
implement this algorithm, the dynamics are shown in a different
ẋ⫽Ax⫹B ␪ T f 共 x,u 兲 ⫹g 共 x,u 兲
where ␪ is the unknown vector. The adaptive observer is chosen to
x̂˙ ⫽Ax̂⫹B ␪ˆ T f 共 x,u 兲 ⫹g 共 x,u 兲 ⫹K 共 x⫺x̂ 兲
Based on which ␪ can be estimated from ␪ˆ˙ ⫽⫺ f T (x,u)B T Pe,
where e⫽x̂⫺x, P is a positive definite matrix solved from A Tk P
⫹ PA k ⫽⫺Q, Q⬎0. More specifically, the update laws are
冋 册
冋 册
␾ˆ ⫺ ␾
˙ u 兴关 0 1 兴 P
关 ␣ˆ˙ s ␣ˆ˙ f ␣ˆ˙ m 兴 ⫽⫺ 关 ⫺ ␾ ⫺ ␾
␾ ˙
␾ˆ ⫺ ␾˙
˙ ˙ ˙
关 k̂ s k̂ f k̂ m 兴 ⫽⫺ 关 ⫺ l
⫺ l˙ u 2 兴关 0 1 兴 P l
u 1⫽
Ml 2 ¨
g sin共 ␾ 兲
␾ d ⫹ ␣ˆ 1 ␾˙ ⫹ ␣ˆ 2 ␾ ⫹
⫹k 1 ė ␾ ⫹k 2 e ␾
ˆ␣ m
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
u 2⫽
lˆ ⫺ l˙
lˆ ⫺ l
The control law is then
ŵ d (q,q̇,q̈,t)⫽ŵ d o (q,q̇,q̈,t)⫺K o E d are used, where E d ⫽ 关 ė d 兴 .
Then we can have limt→⬁ e d (t)→0, limt→⬁ ė d (t)→0, and
limt→⬁ e w (t)→0, where e w (t)⫽w d ⫺ŵ d .
M ¨
共 l d ⫹ ␣ˆ 3 l˙ ⫹ ␣ˆ 4 l ⫺g cos共 ␾ 兲 ⫹k 3 ė l ⫹k 4 e l 兲
k̂ m
JUNE 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 333
where ␣ˆ 1 ⫽ ␣ˆ f /M l 2 ⫹2( l˙ / l ),
and ␣ˆ 4 ⫽k̂ s /M ⫺ ␾˙ 2 .
␣ˆ 2 ⫽ ␣ˆ s /M l 2 ,
␣ˆ 3 ⫽k̂ f /M ,
4.3 Sliding Mode Control. The basic idea of sliding mode
control is to use switching 共saturation兲 functions with gains larger
enough to cover the uncertainties. For the telescopic robot example, the sliding surfaces are chosen to be S 1 ⫽ ␾˙ ⫺ ␾˙ d ⫹␭ 1 ( ␾
⫺ ␾ d ) and S 2 ⫽ l˙ ⫺ l˙ d ⫹␭ 2 ( l ⫺ l d ), where ␭ 1 and ␭ 2 determine
the sliding dynamics. The control signals are then obtained from
Ṡ 1 ⫽⫺ ␬ 1 sat(S 1 /␭ 1 ␾ b ) and Ṡ 2 ⫽⫺ ␬ 2 sat(S 2 /␭ 2 l b ), where
sat共•兲 is the saturation function, and ␾ b and l b are the widths of
the boundary layers. Since this is a standard design process, the
detail is omitted.
4.4 Disturbance Observer Based Tracking Control. The
robot dynamics are rewritten as ␾¨ ⫽u 1 ⫹w ␾ and l¨ ⫽u 2 ⫹w l ,
where the lumped disturbances are w ␾ ⫽ ␾¨ ⫺M l 2 / ␣ m ( ␾¨ ⫹ ␣ 1 ␾˙
⫹ ␣ 2 ␾ ⫹g/ l sin(␾)⫹d1), and w l ⫽ l¨ ⫺M /k m ( l¨ ⫹ ␣ 3 l˙ ⫹ ␣ 4 l
⫺g cos(␾)⫹d2). From the enhanced computed torque method presented in Section 3.2, the control algorithm is u 1 ⫽ ␾¨ d ⫹k 1 ė ␾
⫹k 2 e ␾ ⫺ŵ ␾ and u 2 ⫽ l¨ d ⫹k 3 ė l ⫹k 4 e l ⫺ŵ l . The error dynamics
are then ë ␾ ⫺k 1 ė ␾ ⫺k 2 e ␾ ⫽e w ␾ and ë l ⫺k 3 ė l ⫺k 4 e l ⫽e w l ,
where e w ␾ ⫽w ␾ ⫺ŵ ␾ and e w l ⫽w l ⫺ŵ l . In matrix form, the error dynamics are Ė ␾ ⫽A ␾ E ␾ ⫹Be w ␾ and Ė l ⫽A l E l ⫹Be w l
where E ␾ ⫽ 关 ė ␾ 兴 , E l ⫽ 关 ė l 兴 , A ␾ ⫽ 关 0k 2 k11 兴 , A l ⫽ 关 0k 4 k13 兴 , and B
⫽ 关 01 兴 . By applying Fact 1, and if we choose the Lyapunov candidate V ( • ) ⫽E (T• ) P ( • ) E ( • ) ⫹e wT ( • ) e w ( • ) , where P ( • ) satisfies A (T• ) P ( • )
⫹ P ( • ) A ( • ) ⫽⫺Q ( • ) , and the subscript 共•兲 denotes either ␾ or l .
Then the adaptive law ė w ( • ) ⫽⫺B T P ( • ) E ( • ) guarantees V̇ ( • ) ⫽
⫺E (T• ) P ( • ) E ( • ) ⬍0. Since B has full column rank, from Fact 2 we
have limt→⬁ E ( • ) (t)→0 and limt→⬁ e w ( • ) →0.
Fig. 4 Simulation results for the sliding mode control
system to the desired trajectory 共Fig. 3兲. This is mainly due to the
fact that the parameter estimation does not work properly under
external disturbances.
Sliding Mode Control. The control gains for the sliding mode
control algorithm are ␭ 1 ⫽15, ␭ 2 ⫽8, ␾ b ⫽0.05, l b ⫽0.02, and
␬ 1 ⫽25, ␬ 2 ⫽25. Simulation results are shown in Fig. 4. The
Numerical Simulation Results
The simulation results of the three control algorithms shown in
the previous section are presented in this section. The nominal
plant parameters are assumed to be M ⫽1.5, ¯␣ m ⫽k̄ m ⫽1.0, ¯␣ s
⫽k̄ s ⫽0.65, and ¯␣ f ⫽k̄ f ⫽0.65. The true plant parameters are M
⫽1.5, ␣ m ⫽k m ⫽0.35, ␣ s ⫽k s ⫽0.85, and ␣ f ⫽k f ⫽0.45. The desired trajectories to be followed are ␾ d ⫽ ␲ /2 sin(2␲t)⫹␲ and
l d ⫽0.2 sin(2␲t)⫹1. In addition to parameter mismatch, external
disturbances are assumed to exist, and are d 1 ⫽25 sin(2␲t)
⫹35 sin(20␲ t) and d 2 ⫽25 sin(2␲t)⫹15 sin(20␲ t), respectively.
Adaptive Control. The observer gains used are K⫽ 关 12
12 7 兴 ,
P ␾ ⫽0.1, and P l ⫽0.1, and the control gains are k 1 ⫽28, k 2
⫽400, k 3 ⫽28, k 4 ⫽400. The adaptive observer fails to drive the
Fig. 3 Simulation results for the adaptive control
334 Õ Vol. 122, JUNE 2000
Fig. 5 Tracking errors for disturbance observer based „DOB…
and sliding mode control „SMC…
Fig. 6 Tracking error plots for disturbance observer based
„DOB… control
Transactions of the ASME
tracking performance is adequate, except the arm extension rate.
However, the control signal chatters excessively due to the high
feedback gains.
Disturbance Observer Based Tracking Control. The observer
gains used are K o ⫽ 关 47.97 7.54兴 and P⫽ 关 37.92
0.21 0.73 兴 , and the control gains are k 1 ⫽28, k 2 ⫽400, k 3 ⫽28, k 4 ⫽400. Since the adaptive control approach fails to work satisfactorily under external
disturbances, we will focus on the comparison between sliding
mode control 共SMC兲 and the proposed 共DOB兲 algorithm 共Fig. 5兲.
The DOB control achieves superior tracking. From the arm extension rate plot, the control torque oscillates much less than that of
the SMC.
Finally, Fig. 6 shows the results comparing the DOB controller
with and without the estimation correction. It can be seen that
when the correction is not used, steady-state error exists in the
length tracking. A major benefit of the correction is thus to eliminate the steady-state error caused by external disturbances.
Proof of Lemma 3:
From ė⫽A k e⫹Be d o , e(t) is generated from a linear dynamics
excited by e d o (t). Intuitively, we can assume that
e d o 共 t 兲 ⫽K o 共 t 兲 e 共 t 兲
is a good low-frequency approximation of the relationship between e d o and e, where K o (t) is potentially time varying. In order
to satisfy the condition that V̇⬍0, Eq. 共A4兲 must be consistent
with Eq. 共A2兲. Taking the derivative of Eq. 共A4兲
ė d o 共 t 兲 ⫽K̇ o 共 t 兲 e 共 t 兲 ⫹K o 共 t 兲 ė
⫽K̇ o 共 t 兲 e 共 t 兲 ⫹K o 共 t 兲共 A k e 共 t 兲 ⫹Be d o 共 t 兲兲
Proof of Fact 1:
Choose the Lyapunov candidate V⫽e T Pe⫹e dTo e d o . The derivative of this function along the trajectory of the error dynamics is
V̇⫽⫺e T Qe⫹2e T PBe d o ⫹2ė Td o e d o
If the adaptive law
ė d o ⫽⫺B T Pe
is applied, Eq. 共A1兲 becomes V̇⫽⫺e T Qe⬍0.
Proof of Fact 2:
共i兲 Since V(0)⫽e T (0) Pe(0)⫹e dTo (0)e d o (0)苸L⬁ and V̇⫽
⫺e T Qe⬍0, it is obvious e苸L⬁ and e d o 苸L⬁ . Also, since
兰 t0 V̇ dt⫽V(t)⫺V(0)⫽⫺ 兰 t0 e T Qe dt⬍⬁, e苸L2 .
共ii兲 Since e苸L⬁ and e d o 苸L⬁ , we have ė苸L⬁ . From the facts
ė苸L⬁ and e苸L⬁ 艚L2 , according to Barbalat’s lemma 关18兴, we
have limt→⬁ e(t)→0. From ë⫽A k ė⫹Bė d o and 共A2兲, we have
ë⫽A k ė⫺BB T Pe
Since e苸L⬁ and ė苸L⬁ , from 共A3兲, we have ë苸L⬁ . Because
limt→⬁ 兰 t0 ė(t)dt⫽⫺e(0)⬍⬁, and ė is uniformly continuous (ë
苸L⬁ ), from Barbalat’s lemma, limt→ ⬁ ė(t)→0. Since
limt→⬁ ė(t)→0 and limt→⬁ e(t)→0, from, ė⫽A k e⫹Be d o , we
have limt→⬁ Be d o (t)→0. If B has full column rank, we can conclude that limt→⬁ e d o (t)→0.
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
Substituting ė d o ⫽⫺B T Pe and e d o (t)⫽K o (t)e(t) into Eq. 共A5兲,
we have
K̇ o 共 t 兲 ⫽⫺ 共 K o 共 t 兲 A k ⫹K o 共 t 兲 BK o 共 t 兲 ⫹B T P 兲
A disturbance observer based tracking control scheme for nonlinear systems was proposed. The plant uncertainty, unmodeled
dynamics, and external disturbances are lumped into a disturbance
term, which is estimated based on the state estimation error in a
two-step design. Based on the proposed disturbance estimation
scheme, a tracking controller is then constructed which is asymptotically stabilizing in the sense of Lyapunov. The disturbance
estimation based tracking control is compared with a classical
adaptive controller and a sliding mode controller. A telescopic
robot manipulator is used as an application example. The proposed control algorithm was found to generate superior tracking
performance and smoother control action. This superior performance is due to the fact that all the system uncertainties are compensated without requiring large feedback gains.
Eq. 共A6兲 can be integrated in real-time. Or, to simplify the implementation, the steady-state solution can be used:
K o A k ⫹K o BK o ⫹B T P⫽0
From Eq. 共A4兲, the disturbance estimation correction is then
d̂(t)⫽d̂ o (t)⫺K o e.
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