Sample Midterm Exam and Exam Format Geography2002

Sample Midterm Exam and Exam Format
Geography2002- Spring 2012
The exam will have 50 multiple choice questions (with 2-3 bonus questions, also multiple
choice). Each correct answer is worth 2 pts, so students are scored out of 100 pts. Each
question has 4 possible answers, as in the examples below.
Of the 50 questions, about half are from the readings and about half from lecture. There
will be about 8-10 clicker questions (questions and answers are on the link on the class
webpage) on the exam. There will also be 4 map questions on the exam (like the
Colombia map clicker question from 6 February lecture).
1. Moldova borders on which of the following combination of states:
a.) Romania and Ukraine
b.) Russia and Romania
c.) Poland and Ukraine
d.) Romania and Bulgaria
2. In the former Yugoslavia, Serbs constituted more than 10% of the population in
which combination of republics:
a.) Serbia, Macedonia and Slovenia
b.) Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia
c.) Serbia, Hungary and Bulgaria
d.) Slovodia, Slovakia and Dobrynia
3. Irredentism is defined as
a) demands for separate state by a minority
b) claim on a part of an adjoining state on the basis of shared ethnicity
c) the serious tooth decay problems of Central Asians
d) the successful peaceful disintegration of a state (e.g. Czechoslovakia)
4. Which of the following is NOT true of nations? a) A nation is a group of people sharing cultural characteristics b) A nation has a specified homeland c) In Africa, political borders match national borders d) There are more nations than states 5. All of the following statements about economic globalization are true EXCEPT: A.
Economic globalization facilitates horizontal linkages allowing firms to increase the scope of their activity B.
Economic globalization is a global phenomenon while political globalization (democratization) is confined to the West (United States, Europe) and the former Communist states of the former Soviet Union and central Europe. C.
Economic globalization involves a reduction in the time it takes to move goods over distance D.
Economic globalization allows companies such as Nike to relocate factories from one country to the next, in pursuit of low wages 6. Time-space convergence is an expression that refers to which of the following:
A. The increasing transportation costs evident (for example) in rising air fares B. The increasing amount of time required to cover a fixed distance C. Relative distance reductions D. Absolute space reconfigurations 7.Locate the country where the Dayton Agreement ended the fighting in 1995 (A, B, C, or D). C