Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion Jose A. Duenas Applications Engineer Precision Analog Texas Instruments Understanding the load presented by the reference pin of SAR ADCs is key when designing dataacquisition systems with low harmonic distortion. The internal circuitry connected to the reference pin of most successive-approximationregister analog-to-digital converters (SAR ADCs) (and some wideband delta-sigma ADCs) consists of switched-capacitor loads. During the conversion process, a switched-capacitor load imposes a current demand that can cause the external system’s reference-output voltage to fluctuate in time. Consequently, the SAR ADC reference-pin voltage also fluctuates. Data-acquisition system Since the amount of switched-capacitor load depends on the input signal to the ADC, the amount Figure 1 shows a simplified schematic of a data- of voltage-reference change also depends on that acquisition system based on a SAR ADC. The input signal. The phenomenon of voltage-reference voltage reference provides a necessary level to fluctuation can directly translate into degradation perform conversions. The buffer circuitry may of the system’s total harmonic distortion (THD). or may not be necessary depending on the Excessive voltage-reference fluctuations can characteristics of the ADC, the reference itself completely run the otherwise stellar performance and the maximum acceptable level of harmonic of a high-performance measurement-system ADC distortion. The microcontroller provides both a into the ground. It does not matter if the application clock and control signals to the ADC, and reads is a motor-drive controller, a power-quality monitor conversion results from the ADC or a medical instrument: All of the engineering effort communication bus. that the system architect dedicated to choosing Equation 1 shows the transfer function of an ideal the proper ADC and synthesizing the optimal SAR ADC with a true differential input range. The input-driver circuitry essentially goes to waste if the transfer function is ideal because it does not take voltage on the reference fluctuates excessively. into consideration offset error, gain error, nonlinearity In this white paper, I will explain how the voltage or intrinsic semiconductor noise. reference affects the THD of an 18-bit acquisition system and how adequate buffer circuitry solves CodewordOUT = �loor vIN the THD degradation problem. System architects and board-level designers can then effectively tackle 2N (1) 2V REF where VIN is the analog input to the data the challenge of creating data-acquisition systems converter, N is the data-converter resolution capable of achieving a high signal-to-noise ratio and VREF is the voltage difference between the (SNR) while maintaining low distortion. data-converter reference pins. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 2 August 2016 REF5045 AVDD Vin Vout Temp + GND Trim AVDD _ 3p3 AVDD BUFFER + _ In VM_ temp C5 1 u V1 5 Out VS _ AVDD 3.3 VREF R1 20 IM_ REF _ in AVDD _ 3p3 + AVDD _ 3p3 C1 590p REF_IN REF_GND A_IN_P SCLK SAR ADC SAR ADC VG _ signal_ src A_ IN_N R3 20 AVdd CS GND DVDD GPIO_ 1 CLK SDI MOSI SDO MISO Microcontroller GND Figure 1. Simplified schematic of a data-acquisition system based on a SAR ADC. The floor(·) function, also known as the integral part CodewordOUT = �loor vIN function, provides the largest integer no greater than 2N 2V REF + error (2) where VIN is the analog input to the data its argument. converter, N is the data-converter resolution, The floor(·) function in Equation 1 represents VREF is the voltage difference between the the quantization process performed by the SAR data-converter reference pins, and error is ADC. Therefore, Equation 1 takes into account the term that accounts for all possible code quantization error introduced by the ADC. errors caused by the ADC or other elements in the system. How ADC output errors degrade THD Regardless of the error source, not every error term Equation 2 shows the output of a data-acquisition causes harmonic distortion in an acquisition system. system similar to the one depicted in Figure 1, but For example, if the error term is constant with with a key difference from Equation 1: the inclusion respect to time, then the output of the acquisition of an error term. Note that the error term could system has only a DC offset. be caused by nonidealities internal to the ADC, Figure 2 shows what goes on in the response of or by nonidealities in the voltage reference and its the data-acquisition system for a DC error case. associated buffer. The transfer function of the system is shown on the It is also possible for the buffer at the input of the left side of Figure 2, the time-domain signals are in SAR ADC to cause the error term in Equation 2; the center, and the frequency domain plot is on the however, in this paper I only account for the effect of right side. The blue traces correspond to Equation 1 the voltage reference and its associated circuitry. The (an ideal system with no error), and the red traces assumption throughout will be that the ADC input correspond to Equation 2 when the error term does buffer provides an exact replica of the input signal, not depend on time. with no added distortion and no added noise. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 3 August 2016 2N CodewordOUT = �loor vIN On the frequency-domain plot, both traces line up exactly, and the only feature visible in the red trace is 2V REF + K1 vIN (t) (3) where VIN(t) is the analog input to the data its DC error. The rest of the red trace is occluded by converter, N is the data-converter resolution, the blue trace. VREF is the voltage difference between the Since the transfer function of the whole system data-converter reference pins, and K1 is a remains linear, a sinusoidal input comes out as constant with respect to time. a sinusoidal output, but with a DC offset and As Figure 3 shows, the transfer function of the quantization error. Consequently, there is no system is also linear in the case expressed via harmonic distortion associated with error terms that Equation 3. For the transfer function in Equation 3, are constant with respect to time. a sinusoidal input comes out of the system as The transfer functions shown in Equation 2 and a sinusoidal, but with a higher (or lower) peak Figure 2 are those of the entire data-acquisition amplitude and with quantization error. system; they include the effect of the voltage In Figure 3, note the absence of significant reference, ADC and other system components. signals at any frequency not corresponding to See reference [1] for more about quantization error. the fundamental input sinusoidal. In a fast Fourier Error terms that are directly proportional to the input transform (FFT) plot, the lack of signals other than signal constitute another example of error terms the fundamental shows the absence of harmonic that do not cause distortion on the system output. distortion. Consequently, there is no harmonic Equation 3 and Figure 3 show how the system distortion associated with error terms directly transfer function and output change when K1 is a proportional to the input signal. constant with respect to time. System transfer function Frequency domain Time domain Output codeword 0 dc offset No THD degradation Amplitude (dBc) -20 Input voltage dc offset: error term is independent of time 0V -40 -60 Offset error - 80 -100 -120 0 1k 2k 3k 4k 5k 6k Frequency (Hz) Figure 2. Output of a system with DC error. System transfer function Frequency domain Time domain Output codeword Gain error Amplitude (dBc) error is proportional to vin(t) Input voltage 0 Gain error -20 0V -40 -60 - 80 No THD degradation -100 -120 0 1k 2k 3k 4k 5k 6k Frequency (Hz) Figure 3. Output of a system with gain error. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 4 August 2016 Errors that are nonlinear functions of the input signal Using the ideal ADC model from Equation 1 introduce harmonic distortion in a data-acquisition ensures that offset error, gain error, ADC nonlinearity system. Equation 4 expresses this phenomenon. or intrinsic semiconductor noise are not causing CodewordOUT = �loor vIN 2N 2V REF + f2 (vIN (t)) performance degradation. (4) Of course, in a real data converter with nonidealities where VIN(t) is the analog input to the data and possessing internal parasitic elements plus converter, N is the data-converter resolution, intrinsic noise, all of the factors that I mentioned VREF is the voltage difference between the data above will play a role in overall system performance. converter reference pins, and f2 is a nonlinear In this paper, however, I will consider only linear, function of VIN(t). noiseless ADCs. Figure 4 shows the result of an error term whose Causes of reference-voltage fluctuations: dependency on the input signal is nonlinear. The internal structure of SAR ADCs transfer function of the overall system is no longer linear in Figure 4; harmonic distortion is therefore The internal circuitry connected to a SAR ADC’s present at the output of the data-acquisition system. reference and analog input pins will differ depending Harmonics at 2 kHz, 3 kHz, 4 kHz and 5 kHz on the exact architecture of the device. Describing indicate harmonic distortion in the system. the exact topology of such internal circuitry is Three approaches for supplying the ADC reference [2] and [3] for more details on specific charge- Armed with an intuitive understanding of which Figure 5 shows a simplified circuit for modeling the types of error influence harmonic distortion, you can behavior of the reference input pin of some SAR ADCs proceed to study the specific effects of the voltage The model in Figure 5 is general and suitable for reference on an acquisition system. analyzing the performance of SAR-based systems outside the scope of this paper. See references redistribution schemes used in SAR ADCs. because, regardless of the charge-redistribution The analysis begins with Equation 1. An idealized architecture, one fact remains common to most ADC model is necessary because the objective is to SAR ADCs: the internal capacitor bank connected understand the effect that voltage references (and to the reference pin has a capacitance dependent their associated buffering and conditioning circuits) on the input signal. As a result, the current sunk on have on data-converter performance. the reference pin also depends on the input signal. System transfer function Frequency domain Time domain Regions where non-linear error is more evident error is non-linear function of vin(t) Input voltage 0V Amplitude (dBc) Output codeword 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 Harmonic distortion 0 1k 2k 3k 4k Frequency (Hz) 5k 6k Figure 4. Output of a system with nonlinearities. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 5 August 2016 IM_REF_in A_IN_P Bias A_IN_N S1 2 2 1 S3 CI 3 1 Bias REF_IN SAR ADC 1 Charge redistribution circuitry S2 CREF_INT 2 Bias 3 1 S4 2 Bias 3 3 REF_GND The value of the reference capacitor depends on the input voltage Figure 5. Simplified model of a SAR ADC. There are two major time intervals in the operation position 3 and reset the voltages of the sampling of the SAR ADC: acquisition and conversion. During and reference capacitors to an internal bias point. the acquisition time, all switches in Figure 5 are in At the beginning of the subsequent acquisition position 1; therefore, switches S1 and S2 connect cycle, all switches return to position 1 and the the sampling capacitor CI to the analog input pins process repeats. A_IN_P and A_IN_N, while the reference capacitor In a theoretical acquisition system, the VREF term in CREF_INT is isolated from the REF_IN and REF_GND pins. Equation 1 (corresponding to the voltage given to During the conversion time, all switches in the reference capacitor CREF_INT) would be a constant Figure 5 are in position 2. Switches S1 and S2 regardless of the input signal to the data converter. disconnect the sampling capacitor from the analog Appendix B discusses such an ideal system. input pins, while S3 and S4 connect the reference In a real system like the one depicted in capacitor CREF_INT to the REF_IN and REF_GND pins. Figure 6, the current demanded by the reference Finally, toward the end of the conversion period pin produces a voltage drop across the output (for a short time before the beginning of the next impedance of the voltage reference circuitry. acquisition period), S1, S2, S3 and S4 move to Reference core } Zout Reference block Voltage drop across output impedance of the reference block VREF AVDD_3p3 I_REF_in REF _ IN REF_ GND AVdd CS A _ IN _ P SAR SAR ADCADC A _ IN _ N GND SCLK SDI SDO Figure 6. Voltage drop on the circuit connected to the REF_IN pin. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 6 August 2016 This drop across the output impedance of the CodewordOUT = �loor vIN reference block causes input-dependent variations on the voltage of the internal reference capacitor. 2N (5) 2V REF (t) where VIN is the analog input to the data Inevitably, there is a corresponding inaccuracy in the converter, N is the data-converter resolution, conversion, since it is the internal voltage on CREF_INT and VREF(t) is the time-varying voltage that is used for analog-to-digital conversion. applied to the data-converter reference pin. Two key questions are how severe the voltage VREF(t) = drop is and how you can mitigate it. I’ll explore the answer to the first question in the sections “System VREF + kvIN(t) (6) where VREF is the DC portion of the reference without reference buffer,” “System with reference pin voltage, VIN is the analog input to the data buffer” and “System with REF6045.” converter, and k is a constant with respect to time. Dispelling a common misconception Such a notion is false. Equation 5 and Equation 6 Many designers believe that if Equation 5 and can be combined and rewritten as Equation 7. It is Equation 6 express the voltage on the ADC a misinterpretation to think that Equation 7 can be reference pin (with VREF and k both constants with factored into the right-hand side of Equation 1 plus a linear error term. respect to time), that you can then calibrate the error caused by reference-voltage fluctuations just as if it were part of a gain error term. Non-linear influence of input voltage on current demanded by the reference pin 430.00µ I_REF_in Current is demanded by the reference pin during conversion time No current is demanded during acquisition time 320.00µ 210.00µ 100.00µ -10.00µ 4.00 Vin_diff 2.00 0.00 -2.00 -4.00 0.00 10.00µ 20.00µ Time(s) 30.00µ 40.00µ 50.00µ Figure 7. Current demanded by the reference pin of an 18-bit SAR ADC. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 7 August 2016 2N CodewordOUT = �loor vIN (7) 2(VREF + kvIN(t)) Amplitude (dBc) Equation 8 re-expresses Equation 7. Appendix A provides a proof that Equation 7 and Equation 8 are equivalent. Equation 8 shows how ADC output code words have a nonlinear dependency on the input signal, even when the variation on the reference-pin voltage is directly proportional to the input signal. CodewordOUT = �loor vIN 2N 2VREF − 2N−1 2 k(vIN(t)) 2 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 -190 SNR THD SFDR SINAD 0 50 100 150 250 300 350 400 450 500 Frequency (kHz) (8) VREF + kVREFvIN(t) 200 = 109.7 dB = −133.4 dB = 128.0 dB = 109.7 dB Figure 8. Key AC performance metrics and FFT for an ideal 18-bit SAR ADC. SPICE modeling Note these features in Figure 7: In order to study the effects of voltage references • The current demanded is 0 A during the acquisition phase. on the performance of data-acquisition systems, I • The input-voltage level is inversely related to the created a SPICE model based on lab measurements current drawn. of the current demanded by the reference pin of an • The value of the peak current demanded by the ADC 18-bit SAR ADC. reference pin is a nonlinear function of the analog Figure 7 shows modeled current for a differential input signal; although the peak current decreases analog input ramping from –4 V to 4 V when the with the increasing differential input signal, this 18-bit ADC is running at 800 kSPS. decrease is not perfectly linear. You will notice bumps in the current waveform. U4 REF5045 Vin Vout Temp + GND _ R11 200m V1 5 Trim VM_ temp C5 1u VS _ AVDD 3.3 C11 10u VREF R1 20 IM_ REF _ in + AVDD _ 3p3 AVDD + AVDD REF_IN REF_GND AVdd CS C1 590p VG _ signal_ src AVDD _ 3p3 A_IN_P SAR ADC VM_in_diff R3 20 A_IN_GND GND SCLK GPIO_ 1 CLK SDI MOSI SDO MISO AVDD _ 3p3 DVDD Microcontroller GND Figure 9. Schematic of a data-acquisition system without a reference buffer. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 8 August 2016 Obtaining a closed-form algebraic expression for the The top performance of an 18-bit acquisition system voltage on the reference terminal of a SAR ADC as a is bounded by the ideal ADC transfer function given function of ADC input voltage (and ADC architecture) in Equation 1. is outside the scope of this paper. However, the SAR Figure 8 shows a 16,384-point FFT of the output ADC output codes will contain some distortion due code words for an ideal 18-bit SAR ADC running to the relationship between the reference-pin input at 1 MSPS with a 10-kHz, 4.347-VPK differential- current and ADC analog-input voltage. input sine wave. The nominal reference voltage is This output distortion would be present even if the 4.5 V and the input-signal amplitude corresponds relationship between reference-pin input current and to 0.3 dB below full scale. Under these conditions, ADC input voltage were linear (an idealized case that no 18-bit data-acquisition system can yield better does not match the behavior of integrated performance than that shown in Figure 8. circuits [ICs]). Appendix B shows the circuit schematic used to Figure 7 shows that in a physical SAR ADC, the obtain the results of Figure 8. reference-pin input current is a nonlinear function Appendix C shows how to calculate the key of the ADC input voltage; thus, the ADC output alternating current (AC) performance metrics of a codes’ distortion is further accentuated, especially data-acquisition system based on its FFT. when the voltage reference driving circuitry is not designed properly. System without reference buffer Upper-bound performance of an 18-bit SAR ADC Figure 9 shows the first circuit analyzed. It essentially consists of the REF5045 and those passive elements around it feeding directly into Before exploring the performance of various the reference pin of an 18-bit SAR ADC. reference circuits, let us review the top performance metric values of the ideal case, for comparison. 430.00µ I_REF_in 320.00µ 210.00µ 100.00µ -10.00µ 4.50 VREF 4.50 4.50 4.35 472.5 µVpp VIN_diff 0.00 -4.35 55.00m 55.02m 55.04m Time (s) 55.06m 55.08m 55.10m Figure 10. Simulation results for a system without a reference buffer. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 9 August 2016 Amplitude (dBc) 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 -190 The blue trace labeled VIN_diff is the 10-kHz differential SNR THD SFDR SINAD input signal connected to the SAR ADC. = 109.7 dB = −92.5 dB = 92.5 dB = 92.4 dB The red trace labeled I_REF_IN is the current flowing into the REF_IN pin of the ADC. Just as in Figure 7, the current demanded by the REF_IN pin is a nonlinear function of the differential input signal. The black trace labeled VREF is the voltage with respect to ground of the REF_IN pin of the ADC; ideally, this voltage would be 4.5 VDC. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 In reality, the voltage on the REF_IN pin is Frequency (kHz) approximately 4.502 VDC with a 472.5-µVpp Figure 11. Key AC performance metrics and FFT for a system without a reference buffer. ripple modulated by the differential input signal and the sampling clock of the ADC. The output This data converter has a linear transfer function and of the REF5045 fluctuates because of the current no intrinsic noise; however, the current drawn from the drawn by the reference pin in conjunction with the reference pin corresponds to that shown in Figure 7. REF5045 output impedance, plus the effects of R11 The data converter is running at 1 MSPS and the and C11. input signal is a 10-kHz, 4.347-VPK sine wave. A 16,384-point FFT of the ADC-acquired data better The differential input-signal amplitude corresponds to quantifies the effect of the ripple observed on the 0.3 dB below full scale, since the nominal reference REF_IN pin. Figure 11 shows the FFT and the critical voltage is 4.5 V. AC performance metrics obtained. Figure 10 shows the simulation results for the circuit See Appendix C for more information on how to in Figure 9. calculate the key AC performance metrics of a dataacquisition system based on its FFT. AVDD Vin VM_ temp + _ 3 Vout R11 200m Temp GND R12 1k 5 4 Trim - - OPA333 1 AVDD R1 20 3 2 5 + + REF5045 + + AVDD 2 C7 1µ - - C8 1µ C5 1µ THS4281 6 4 C3 1µ C11 10u AVDD _ 3p3 AVDD + R13 20k V1 5 R11 200m C4 10µ VS _ AVDD 3.3 VREF IM_ REF _ in R1 20 + AVDD _ 3p3 REF_IN REF_GND AVdd CS A_IN_P VG _ signal_ src SAR ADC SAR ADC C1 590p A_IN_GND GND R3 20 SCLK GPIO_ 1 CLK SDI MOSI SDO MISO AVDD _ 3p3 DVDD Microcontroller GND Figure 12. Schematic of a data-acquisition system with a reference buffer. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 10 August 2016 I_REF _ in 430.00µ 320.00µ 210.00µ 100.00µ -10.00µ 4.50 VREF 4.50 153.6 µVpp 4.50 4.35 VIN _diff 0.00 -4.35 55.00 55.02m 55.04m Time (s) 55.06m 55.08m 55.10m Figure 13. Simulation results for a system with a reference buffer. 10-kHz, 4.347-VPK sine wave. The input-signal The next circuit simulated consists of the REF5045 amplitude corresponds to 0.3 dB below full scale, and a reference buffer constructed with two since the nominal reference voltage is 4.5 V. amplifiers (THS4281 and OPA333) in a composite The blue trace labeled Vin_diff is the 10-kHz double-feedback architecture, as shown in Figure 12. differential input signal connected to the ideal Figure 13 shows the simulation results for the circuit SAR ADC. in Figure 12. The SAR data converter is, once The red trace labeled I_REF_IN is the current flowing again, running at 1 MSPS, and the input signal is a into the ADC REF_IN pin. Note that, just as Figure 7 Amplitude (dBc) System with reference buffer 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 -190 shows, the current demanded by the REF_IN pin is a nonlinear function of the differential input signal. SNR THD SFDR SINAD = = = = 109.7 118.8 119.0 109.2 The black trace labeled VREF is the ADC REF_IN dB dB dB dB pin voltage with respect to ground. The voltage on the REF_IN pin consists of a 4.502-VDC level plus a 153.6-µVpp ripple modulated by the differential input signal and the sampling clock of the ADC. When using a buffer, the voltage ripple observed on the ADC REF_IN pin decreases by a factor of three 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 compared to the ripple observed in Figure 9’s circuit. 500 Frequency (kHz) A 16,384-point FFT of the ADC-acquired data better Figure 14. Key AC performance metrics and FFT for a system with a reference buffer. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion quantifies the effect of the ripple observed on the REF_IN pin. 11 August 2016 AVDD VIN EN SS OUT_F REF6045 R11 100m GND_S AVDD _ 3p3 AVDD GND_F + FILT OUT_S V1 5 R2 1MEG VS _ AVDD 3.3 C2 1u VREF IM_ REF _ in R1 20 + AVDD _ 3p3 REF_IN REF_GND AVdd CS VG _ signal_ src A_IN_P C1 590p SCLK SAR ADC SAR ADC A_ IN_GND GND R3 20 AVDD _ 3p3 GPIO_ 1 CLK SDI MOSI SDO MISO DVDD Microcontroller GND Figure 15. Schematic of a data-acquisition system with the REF6045. Figure 14 shows the FFT and the critical AC The REF6045 is a voltage reference with an integrated performance metrics obtained. Note that the system output driver featuring ultra-low output impedance. in Figure 12 performs better than the system in The same conditions and assumptions used in the Figure 9. When using a buffer circuit, THD improves previous two cases apply for the circuit used to test by 26.3 dB. the REF6045: a SAR ADC with a linear transfer func- The system depicted in Figure 12 performs much tion and no intrinsic noise, sampling at 1-MSPS and better than the system shown in Figure 9 because a 10-kHz, 4.347-VPK sine-wave input. the output impedance of the reference buffer Figure 15 shows the circuit schematic and used in Figure 12 is lower than the REF5045 Figure 16 shows the simulation results for the circuit output impedance. based on the REF6045. System with REF6045 The last circuit simulated consists of the REF6045 and those passive elements around it feeding directly into the reference pin of an ideal 18-bit SAR ADC. Average reference pin voltage (V) Peak-to-peak variation in VREF (uV) SNR (dB) THD (dB) SFDR (dB) SINAD (dB) Maximum quiescent current of voltage reference and its buffer (mA) Ideal ADC with no VREF fluctuation 4.5 0 109.7 -133.4 128 109.7 REF5045 by itself 4.502 472.5 109.7 -92.5 92.5 92.4 REF5045 with driving buffer 4.502 153.6 109.6 -118.8 119 109.2 N/A 1 1.925 REF6045 4.501 76.8 109.8 -123.7 124.5 109.6 0.7 Table 1. Performance comparison. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 12 August 2016 430.00u I_REF_in 320.00u 210.00u 100.00u -10.00u 4.50 VREF 4.50 76.8 uVpp 4.50 4.35 VIN _diff 0.00 -4.35 55.00m 55.02m 55.04m 55.06m Time (s) 55.08m 55.10m Figure 16. Simulation results for a system with the REF6045. Performance comparison The blue trace labeled Vin_diff is the 10-kHz differential input signal connected to the ideal SAR ADC. Table 1 provides a comparison of the four The red trace labeled I_REF_IN is the current flowing scenarios simulated. In summary, the system that into the ADC REF_IN pin. Note that, just as Figure 7 uses the REF6045 (Figure 15) is the one that more shows, the current demanded by the REF_IN pin is closely approaches the upper boundary of 18- a nonlinear function of the differential input signal. bit performance. The low output impedance of The black trace labeled VREF is the ADC REF_IN the REF6045’s integrated output driver is the key pin voltage with respect to ground. The voltage on parameter enabling the system in Figure 15 to yield the REF_IN pin consists of a 4.501-VDC level plus a –123.7 dB of THD – which is 4.9 dB better than the 76.8-µVpp ripple modulated by the differential input system depicted in Figure 12 and 31.2 dB better than signal and the sampling clock of the ADC. a system with no voltage-reference buffer. A 16,384-point FFT of the ADC-acquired data better quantifies the effect of the ripple observed on the REF_IN pin. Amplitude (dBc) Figure 17 shows the FFT and the critical AC performance metrics obtained. System performance improves even further from the second case simulated (REF5045 plus buffer circuit): THD improves by another 4.9 dB. The system depicted in Figure 15 performs better than the system in Figure 12 because the output impedance of the internal buffer integrated into the SNR THD SFDR SINAD 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 = = = = 109.8 −123.7 124.5 109.6 350 400 dB dB dB dB 450 500 Frequency (kHz) REF6045 is lower than the output impedance of the Figure 17. Key AC performance metrics and FFT for a system with the REF6045. buffer used in Figure 12. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 -190 13 August 2016 430.00 u 430.00 u I_REF_in I_REF_in 320.00 u 320.00 u 210.00 u 210.00 u 100.00 u 100.00 u -10 .00 u 4.50 -10 .00 u 4 .50 VREF for REF6045 4.50 VREF REF5045 with buffer 4 .50 21.2 uV 47.6 uV Effective sampling time 4.50 55 .02 m 55 .02 m Time (s) Effective sampling time 4 .50 55 .02 m 55 .02 m 55.02 m Time (s) 55 .02 m Figure 18. Settling times for systems depicted in Figure 12 and Figure 15. References In the time domain, the peak-to-peak voltage variation of the reference input pin provides a rough 1. Jayant, N. and P. Noll. “Digital Coding of Waveforms: indicator of how much distortion a suboptimal Principles and Applications to Speech and Video.” voltage-reference buffer produces. Prentice-Hall, 1984. Another point of comparison is the settling time of 2. Kugelstadt, T. “The operation of the SAR-ADC based the voltage on the REF_IN pin. Figure 18 shows the on charge redistribution.” Texas Instruments Analog settling behavior of the circuits depicted in Applications Journal, Feb. 2000. Figure 12 and Figure 15. 3. Chen, F., A. Chandrakasan and V. Stojanovic. “A Low- Note that the SAR ADC does not use the VREF power Area-efficient Switching Scheme for Charge- value obtained exactly at the beginning of the sharing DACs in SAR ADCs.” 2010 IEEE Custom conversion period; instead, the internal processing Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2010. 1-4. delay in the ADC allows the value of VREF to start 4. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) advancing toward settling before the ADC uses Standard for Terminology and Test Methods for Analog-to- the voltage for the first time at the point labeled Digital Converters, IEEE Std. 1241-2010. “Effective sampling time” in Figure 18 (which 5. Kay, A. and T. Green, “Analog Engineer’s Pocket corresponds to the determination of the most Reference,” Third Edition. Texas Instruments, 2015. significant bit in the conversion process). Figure 18 shows that the integrated output driver in the REF6045 brings VREF closer to its fully settled value faster than the reference-buffer circuit used in Figure 12. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 14 August 2016 Appendix A Finding a common denominator for the terms inside the brackets: Equations 9-16 are proof that Equation 7 and { CodewordOUT = �loor vIN(t) Equation 8 are equivalent. Starting from Equation 8 (repeated here for 2VREF −2 2 { CodewordOUT = �loor vIN(t) 2N 2VREF − 2N−1 k(vIN(t)) 2 VREF + kVREFvIN(t) } { (9) CodewordOUT = �loor vIN(t) { CodewordOUT = �loor vIN(t) 2VREF − 2N 2 2 k(vIN(t)) VREF + kVREFvIN(t) (10) { 2N 2 1 VREF − V2 k(vIN(t)) REF + kVREFvIN(t) 2N 2 VREF VREF + kVREFvIN(t) 2 } (14) inside the brackets: { CodewordOUT = �loor vIN(t) } (11) 2N 2 VREF VREF (VREF+kvIN(t)) } (15) Equation 7 follows by simplifying the fraction inside the brackets: Taking 2N/2 as a common factor: CodewordOUT = �loor vIN(t) } (13) Taking VREF as a common factor in the denominator Expanding 2N-1: 2N 2 VREF + kVREFvIN(t) the brackets: k(vIN(t))2 VREF + kVREFvIN(t) Taking VIN as a common factor: VREF + k(vIN(t))−k(vIN(t)) } { CodewordOUT = �loor vIN(t) (12) Appendix B 2N 2 1 VREF +kvIN(t) } (16) below full scale, since the nominal reference voltage used is 4.5 V. An ideal voltage source that has no Ideal case: Constant reference voltage Figure 19 shows the schematic used to simulate an ideal 18-bit SAR ADC, running at 1 MSPS, with a therefore, the voltage-reference pin has no ripple voltage, despite the current drawn during the 10-kHz, 4.347-VPK differential-input sine wave. The conversion process. input-signal amplitude corresponds to 0.3 dB + output impedance provides the reference voltage; } AVDD _ 3p3 No voltage drop regardless of reference current + CodewordOUT = �loor vIN N−1 2 Performing the sum of the numerator terms inside convenience as Equation 9): 2N 2N VREF VS _ AVDD 3.3 I_REF_in R1 20 AVDD _ 3p3 + AVDD _ 3p3 VG _ signal_ src C1 590p R3 20 REF_IN REF_GND AVdd CS A_IN_P SCLK SAR ADC SAR ADC SDI A_ IN_GND SDO GND GPIO_ 1 CLK MOSI MISO DVDD Microcontroller GND Figure 19. System schematic with constant voltage on CREF_IN. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 15 August 2016 Amplitude (dBc) 0 -10 -20 -30 5th harmonic -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 6th harmonic Fundamental 7th harmonic 4th harmonic dc 8th harmonic 3rd harmonic 9th harmonic 2nd harmonic 10th harmonic 0 1k 2k 3k 4k 5k 6k 7k 8k 9k 10k 11k 12k Frequency (Hz) Figure 20. Components of an FFT. The theoretical SNR expected for a full-scale signal According to IEEE standard 1241, THD is: “For a in an 18-bit ADC is given by Equation 17: pure sine-wave input of specified amplitude and SNRtheoretical = 6.02N + 1.76 = 6.02(18) + 1.76 = 110.12 dB (17) frequency, the root-sum-of-squares (RSS) of all the harmonic distortion components including their The SNR obtained in the four simulations hovers aliases in the spectral output of the analog-to- around 109.6 dB to 109.8 dB, which is roughly digital converter. Unless otherwise specified, THD 0.3 dB below the theoretical SNR; this is due to is estimated by the RSS of the second through the the fact that the input signal used for simulation tenth harmonics, inclusive.” is not a full-scale signal (4.5 VPK). Instead, the Figure 20 shows an FFT plot and Table 2 maximum input voltage applied is 4.347 VPK shows the corresponding harmonic values. (0.3 dB below full scale). Selecting a test input The fundamental component is circled in blue, signal with some headroom below full scale is a harmonics 2 through 10 are circled in black and common practice in ADC testing in order to avoid the DC component is circled in green. possible saturation or operation in the nonlinear IEEE standard 1241 explains that “THD is often region of the data converter. expressed as a decibel ratio with respect to the root-mean-square amplitude of the output Appendix C component at the input frequency...” Calculation of SNR, THD and SINAD If the amplitude of each harmonic component is This section provides a basic tutorial on how to expressed in decibels with respect to the input calculate the critical AC performance metrics in carrier frequency (dBc), then the THD can be data-acquisition systems. The starting point is the calculated as shown in Equation 18: FFT of the system output for a sinusoidal input. Di 10 THD = 10 log10 ∑10 i=2 10 A comprehensive treatment of the subject is outside the scope of this paper. See references [4] and [5] for more information and numerical examples. Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion 16 (18) August 2016 Harmonic 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Amplitude (dBc) 0 -101 -95 -107 -111 -104 -111 -115 -117 -119 Variable D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 Table 2. Harmonic amplitudes. Evaluating Equation 18 with the data from Table 2 yields Equations 19 and Equation 20: −101 10 THD = 10 log10 10 + 10 −95 10 −107 10 + 10 −111 10 + 10 −104 10 + 10 −111 10 + 10 −115 10 + 10 −117 10 + 10 (19) −119 10 + 10 (20) THD = −93.21 dB Equation 21 calculates the signal-to-noise-and- Equation 22 calculates the SNR. For example, distortion ratio (SINAD). For example, suppose suppose Figure 22 shows the values obtained in an Figure 21 shows the values obtained in an N-point N-point FFT; suppose also that the fundamental tone FFT; suppose also that the fundamental tone lands lands at frequency f1, which corresponds to j times at frequency f1, which corresponds to j times the frequency step Δf (for integer j). the frequency step Δf (for integer j). Equation 21 Equation 22 requires the inclusion of all terms in requires the inclusion of all terms in the FFT except the FFT except 11 terms: the DC term, X0; the two terms: the DC term, X0, and the fundamental fundamental term, D1; and all harmonic terms, from term, D1. the second through the tenth. N −1 Xi SINAD = −10 log10 ∑ 2i=1 1010 i=j Voltage-reference impact on total harmonic distortion N (21) SINAD = −10 log10 ∑ 2 −1 i=1 i=j Xi 1010 (22) Xi= D2, D3,..., D10 17 August 2016 Frequency Amplitude (dBc) 0 X0 Δf X1 2(Δf) X2 3(Δf) X3 4(Δf) X4 5(Δf) X5 f1 - Δf Xj-1 f1 D1 f1 + Δf Xj+1 f1 + 2(Δf) Xj+2 f1 + 3(Δf) Xj+3 (N/2 - 1)(Δf) XN/2 - 1 Exclude dc from SINAD calculation Include all these terms in the SINAD calculation Exclude fundamental from SINAD calculation Include all these terms in the SINAD calculation Figure 21. Table of FFT components used in SINAD calculation Frequency Amplitude (dBc) 0 Δf X0 2(Δf) X2 f1 - Δf Xj-1 f1 D1 f1 + Δf Xj+1 X1 2(f1) - Δf X2j-1 2(f1) D2 2(f1) + Δf X2j+1 (N/2 - 1)(Δf) XN/2 - 1 Exclude dc from SNR calculation Include all these terms in the SNR calculation Exclude fundamental from SNR calculation Include all these terms in the SNR calculation Exclude ALL harmonics SNR calculation Include all these terms (EXCEPT harmonics) in the SNR calculation Figure 22.Table of FFT components used in SNR calculation. Important Notice: The products and services of Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries described herein are sold subject to TI’s standard terms and conditions of sale. Customers are advised to obtain the most current and complete information about TI products and services before placing orders. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer’s applications or product designs, software performance, or infringement of patents. The publication of information regarding any other company’s products or services does not constitute TI’s approval, warranty or endorsement thereof. The platform bar is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 Texas Instruments Incorporated Printed in the U.S.A. SLYY097 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46, latest issue, and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48, latest issue. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All semiconductor products (also referred to herein as “components”) are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. 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