Homework #1 of Advanced Analog Integrated Circuit Design

Homework #1 of
Advanced Analog Integrated Circuit Design
1. Please derive the Quantization Noise in Ideal ADCs (10%)
2. (a) What is the Aperture Error? (10%)
(b) Find the maximum sampling error for a S/H circuit that is
sampling a sinusoidal signal that could be described as
Vin=A.sin2π.fin.t, Where A is 1V and fin=46.8MHz. Assume
that the aperture uncertainty is equal to 10ps. (10%)
(c) Find the maximum resolution of an ADC which can use the S/H
`described in (b) while maintaining a sampling error less than
3. Please explain the operation principle for R-2R based DAC, and
show an example for 5-bit R-2R based DAC (draw its schematic)
4. For algorithmic (or cyclic) ADCs, if Vin=0.68V, and Vref=2V (-1V
to 1V), based on its flow graph, please show the digital output for
6-bit output. (20%)
5. For Flash (or parallel) ADC, please show its schematic for a 4-bit
case. If Vin=0.68V, and Vref=2V (Vrefn=-1V to Vrefp=1V), please
show the digital output code ( in thermometer code format) for the
4-bit example. (20%)