P PRIOR TO THE MID-1960S, WHEN MERCURY ARC VALVES WERE USED AS THE MAIN ac-dc/dc-ac conversion equipment, the increase of the dc transmission voltage level from ±400 kV (3/133kV groups in series) to ±450 kV (3/150-kV groups in series) did represent at that time a huge technological effort by the power equipment industry. Thyristor power semiconductor technology for ac-dc/dc-ac conversion was first applied in the early 1970s, and many HVDC schemes did immediately apply the voltage level of ±500 kV for dc transmission, with little evidence of too great a technological challenge. Then, by the late 1970s, the necessity to transmit 6,300 MW over 900 km led the Brazilian electricity sector managers to decide upon adopting the HVDC transmission alternative (for the Paraguayan-side 50-Hz generators energy supply) in a geographically parallel transmission scheme with 765-kV ac circuits (for the Brazilian-side 60-Hz generators). At that time, FURNAS, the Brazilian utility in charge of the transmission installation, had prepared a set of technical specifications for the HVDC equipment, so as to enable manufacturers to bid the most economical alternative between © ARTVILLE march/april 2007 1540-7977/07/$25.00©2007 IEEE IEEE power & energy magazine 61 Also, in terms of the total project cost in $/kW, for HVDC projects with Total Cost (Investments + Capitalized Losses) transmission lines longer than 1,500 km, the transmission line would likely represent the dominant cost compoDirect Investments = F( kV, Conductors nent—above 50% of the total investSection and Number) ment cost of the project—which brings up the importance of designing the line 2 Cost of Losses = F (Power, and 1/kV ) with accurate optimization studies. In fact, the predominance of the line cost Voltage kV on the total project cost will work in favor of the 800-kV option. figure 1. Selection of optimal voltage level: Direct investment plus losses. The transmission line cost has two main components: ✔ the investment in the equipment, including conducOptimal Voltage Level f(min) tors, insulators, tower structures, engineering, environmental and construction costs, and other hardware equipment ✔ the capitalized costs of power losses. Length and Both components will show values that will vary from Power Rating country to country. However, the cost optimization, which Increase will determine the transmission voltage level, for a specified power transmission rating would be to find an optimal Voltage kV point ( fmin ) or region on an economic analysis of the type shown in Figure 1. figure 2. Optimal voltage as length and power increases. As the power rating (P) becomes higher, the optimal voltage (V) will also increase, mainly due to the benefit of reduc±500 kV to ±600 kV. The latter was chosen as being the ing power losses that shows a factor related to the square of most economically attractive and adopted by FURNAS. inverse voltage (P/V2 ), such as shown in Figure 2, which can Since the 1980s no other HVDC scheme required a be obtained for a given power rating and line length of the larger amount of power or a longer transmission distance project. Therefore, as an indicator, beyond 1,500 km and to justify the employment of a voltage level above ±500 3,000 MW, the alternative of ±800 kV is probably the most kV. However, the thyristor technology above ±500 kV was attractive from an overall economic analysis, considering the made available about 25 years ago, or in other words, one total cost (investment plus capitalized loss components). Considerations similar to those that led FURNAS to adopt full technological cycle behind. More recently, many requirements of employing bulk the transmission voltage of ±600 kV discussed above are power transmission corridors are being seriously considered, now leading China and India to seriously examine economisome of them already at the edge of an official commitment, at cal voltage levels of ±800 kV. the time this article is being prepared. Voltage levels above ±500 kV are again “on stage,” with the range under considera- Transmission Configurations tion being either ±600 kV or ±800 kV. What has been com- for HVDC Lines monly shared among experts in the field nowadays is that the What has been said before reflects the economic analysis 33% voltage level rise—from the available 600 kV to a new of a new project. However, another economic-derived 800 kV-would represent a smaller technological step than was aspect will show up in relation to the environmental pertaken 25 years ago in Brazil or 40 years ago with the transition mits and reports needed in preparation to build and operate from mercury arc technology to solid-state thyristors. With the a new transmission line, which can be quite demanding in need for 800 kV on the horizon, this article discusses impor- terms of time and resources; i.e., it indeed represents a cost tant aspects to consider as well as technological challenges that component to be considered in the financial model of the project. This aspect will act in favor of concentrating more need to be overcome for successful implementation. power in fewer projects. Or, in other words, as the effort to Choosing 800-kV DC be ready to build a new scheme is considerable, it is better When power transfer ratings above 3,000 MW per bipole and dis- to maximize the amount of power that can be transmitted tances beyond 1,500 km are being considered, the voltage level of over the new corridor. In terms of comparing 500-kV, 600±800 kV should be examined as a competitive alternative, as it kV and 800-kV transmission tower configurations, Figure may be more economical than either ±600 kV or ±500 kV. 3 describes typical tower heights and horizontal distances Cost $ or Unit Cost $/kW Cost $ Optimal Voltage Level f(min) 62 IEEE power & energy magazine march/april 2007 for each voltage level. This comparison shows for the three voltage levels that differences in tower height (H) and horizontal spacing (D and R) are not so remarkable. This confirms the additional advantage to utilize higher voltage levels for new transmission projects. The Necessity of Power Evacuation: Cares to Be Taken If a fault occurs in the line, rendering one conductor pole unavailable, HVDC schemes can temporarily continue to carry at least half of the power through the other conductor pole, using the ground or another conductor as the path for current return. Additionally, in many projects, each of the pole conductors is designed with temporary double power-carrying capacity, so as to overcome this limitation. If a fault occurs in the station (valves or transformers), the resource available would be to use the overload capability of the (remaining) converter station equipment, so as to reduce the percentage of power not available. This feature, although it might lead to additional costs, is an important part of the engineering studies of a project. The reliability studies to be carried out during the system planning phase should recognize the likelihood (frequency and duration) of possible faults in the HVDC link, in order to improve the level of the information on how much power shall be considered as being unavailable. Several factors need to be addressed: ✔ line faults: monopolar or bipolar, permanent or transient nature ✔ station faults: critical equipment, switching possibilities, spare units ✔ load factor of the HVDC link: this is of special impor- tance when the link is connected to a remote generation station, and the generation has a nonuniform, or seasonal, load shape. As counterparts of these factors, the project owner should consider: ✔ contingency power capacity of each line pole ✔ overload capability of the converter stations. All these factors should be analyzed and carefully balanced against the function of the HVDC project, whether it is going to be a transmission or an interconnection project. Normally, transmission projects are designed to supply power to a load area. Interconnection projects deal with energy transfers between areas and therefore exhibit different roles and may be designed with specific performance targets. Another aspect of importance when dealing with new HVDC schemes, and especially if they employ 800 kV, is the possibility of having many HVDC lines feeding the same electrical area—the HVDC multi-infeed issue. Research on this aspect started in the early 1990s by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)/University of Wisconsin-Madison and Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Electrica (CEPEL). More recently, CIGRÉ Working Group B4.41 has addressed this issue, establishing performance indicators to predict situations more prone to multiple commutation failures. A technical report from this working group is expected to be made available by the end of 2007. HVDC Performance Statistics and Design Targets HVDC statistics of failures have been continuously and consistently analyzed and treated by one CIGRÉ Advisory Group D + − H kV 500 600 800 D (m) 13 15 20 H (m) 47 51 58 R RoW (m) 65 80 100 R figure 3. Transmission electrical distances for 500-kV, 600-kV, and 800-kV dc. march/april 2007 IEEE power & energy magazine 63 Beyond 1,500 km and 3,000 MW, the alternative of ±800 kV is probably the most attractive from an overall economic analysis, considering the total cost. (AG04—HVDC System Performance) since the 1970s. One of the main parameters of these statistics is the resulting HVDC forced energy unavailability (percentage in time where the energy is not available). As those statistics gather information from almost all operating schemes, it is not an easy task to summarize the operational indices based on average values, since some schemes show particularities that may lead to high unavailability times, due, for instance, to lack of spare equipment; at the same time, many dc schemes do not show any failures. Some recent results issued by this working body, considering a representative number of schemes and time observation period, can be summarized in Table 1. As the issue of large converter transformer failures has been a critical and negative operational factor, the overall statistics are greatly affected if transformer failures are or not considered. Table 1, for comparison purposes, also includes reliability design indices specified in most recent schemes. For transmission line reliability, one interesting experience comes from the FURNAS Itaipu HVDC lines. Twelve-year (1988–2000) statistics reported a total of 54 events (either monopolar or bipolar) with a total duration time of 25 hours, or, around two outages/year and 1.9 hours/year as average. One should have in mind that these lines crossed a region of high values of extreme wind speed, which has been responsible for several tower breakdowns over the years. Some recent HVDC schemes recently implemented in southern China specified a maximum of 6 and 0.1 for monopolar and bipolar outages/year, respectively. The first years of operation of those schemes have led to operational performance indices that are compatible with those specified. CIGRÉ AG04 statistics show that average duration time of station outages is in the order of 10 hours/year. The numbers and arguments presented here, in a summarized form and not in great detail, provide arguments for a technical discussion on how system reliability constraints can influence the configuration of the HVDC scheme, and especially those new schemes of 800 kV. In summary, one can say that: ✔ the number of forced bipolar line outages is very small; usually these faults are associated with tower breakdown (due to extreme winds for instance) and therefore most line faults happen at one pole (due to insulation or switching misoperation, for instance); this is why the issue of operation with one pole with ground return (via electrodes) becomes so important in HVDC schemes ✔ also, for converter group faults (within stations), a full loss of the whole station is a much rarer event than losing one pole (in the case of one converter per pole) or a portion of a pole (in the case of two series converters per pole) ✔ the statistics presented above would have to be used with different criteria, depending on if the link will have the role of either power supply (MW-based) or energy interconnector (MWh-based), with the latter being able to be designed under more relaxed requirements ✔ however, even knowing that the number of expected average hours of unavailability is reduced, the possibility of losing a power block of 3,000 to 6,000 MW, even being a rare event or typically of short duration, is a subject of major concern to the power grid; perhaps, rather than doubling equipment as a safeguard, system measures to alleviate the impact upon the grid, such as load transfer, special switching in the network as well as in the dc station, generation re-dispatching, etc., could be analyzed ✔ also, to allow monopolar operation, the HVDC system designer should carefully dimension and plan the ground electrodes, as this element plays an important role when only one conductor pole is available. There is general consensus within the HVDC community that a better table 1. Summary of operational and design targets for availability of HVDC schemes. knowledge of the land path (crossed by the line) geology and Overall Energy Availability of HVDC schemes (10 year (a) 98.5% geomorphology is vital to guaranrecords) considering: (a) overall performance; (b) 99.5% (b) excluding transformer failures tee that operation with current Forced Energy Unavailability—Specification Targets 0.5% (or 99.5% return through ground would not of availability) cause any adverse interference with Scheduled Energy Unavailability—Specification Targets 1% (or 98.5% of availability telecommunication or pipelines, or considering forced and cause transformer saturation in scheduled) nearby transformers 64 IEEE power & energy magazine march/april 2007 The fact that there are some clear technological developments to be accomplished should not preclude the go ahead of this alternative. ✔ if a fault occurs in the converter station, some other strategies may apply, mainly those derived from converter switching (paralleling) or making use of spare units—especially those related to converter transformers, which have been behaving as the critical equipment in many HVDC schemes, especially those with higher power ratings. Electrical Design Considerations of Transmission Lines Operating experience with HVDC transmission lines in the voltage range of ±400 kV to ±600 kV around the world, along with the results from research studies carried out at voltages between ±600 kV and ±1,200 kV, has established the technical feasibility of transmission lines at ±800 kV. Electrical design of ±800 kV transmission lines requires consideration of the following aspects: ✔ corona ✔ air insulation ✔ insulators. The vast amount of knowledge and experience gained in designing and operating ac transmission lines at voltages up to 800 kV, and some even at 1,100 kV, cannot be applied directly to the case of dc lines because of basic differences in the electric field and space charge environments in the vicinity of ac and dc transmission lines. The alternating nature of electric fields produced by ac lines leads to the space charges created by corona being confined within a narrow region around the conductors. In contrast, the steady nature of electric fields produced by dc lines makes the space charge generated by corona fill the entire space between the conductors and ground. These differences in the electric field and space charge environment have a large influence on the corona and insulator performance, and to a lesser extent on the air insulation performance, of dc transmission lines. The current state of knowledge of the corona, air insulation, and insulator performance of dc transmission lines is reviewed below and any additional research studies required for the design and operation of future ±800 kV transmission lines are highlighted. Corona Performance Corona performance of both ac and dc transmission lines is generally defined in terms of corona losses (CLs), radio interference (RI), and audible noise (AN). However, for dc march/april 2007 lines, the corona-generated space charge environment, defined in terms of the ground-level electric fields and ion currents, is also an important design consideration. One of the earliest comprehensive investigations on dc corona was carried out in Sweden. The studies were made on a test line at voltages up to ±600 kV. The measurements included CL and RI for different conductor configurations, mainly under fair weather conditions, since it was observed that, unlike in the case of ac corona, RI levels for dc corona were lower under conditions of rain than in fair weather (although the corona losses in rain are higher, as in the ac case, compared to those in fair weather). Research and development necessary for the design and operation of the Celilo-Sylmar ±400-kV transmission line were carried out by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) at the HVDC test center at The Dalles, Oregon. Following completion of the ±400-kV transmission line, the test center was modified as the EPRI-HVDC Project for studies in the range ±400 kV to ±600 kV. The studies included long-term measurements and statistical analysis of CL, RI, and AN from a number of different conductor configurations and, for the first time, also of ground-level electric fields and ion currents. The results of the 4-year project, specifically directed at investigation of the phenomena, characteristics, and requirements of dc transmission lines in the ±400 kV to ±600 kV range, were summarized in a reference book by EPRI called Transmission Line Reference Book HVDC To ±600 kV, popularly known as the Green Book. Following publication of the Green Book, EPRI sponsored a large project at the Institute de Recherche d’Hydro Quebec (IREQ) to study the technical feasibility of HVDC transmission in the range of ±600 kV to ±1,200 kV. A large amount of statistical data was obtained on the corona performance of three bundles consisting of four, six, and eight subconductors, selected for operation at nominal voltages of ±750 kV, ±900 kV, and ±1,050 kV, respectively. Based on the results obtained in different seasons and weather conditions, some empirical formulas were derived for CL, RI, and AN. A comprehensive study of the ground-level electric field and ion environment was also carried out. Finally, controlled psychophysical studies were carried out to determine design criteria for RI and AN from HVDC lines. A study, sponsored jointly by EPRI and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), was carried out at the research center at Lenox, Massachusetts, initially conceived to cover the IEEE power & energy magazine 65 voltage range of ±600 kV to ±1,200 kV, but subsequently modified to cover the voltage range of only ±400 kV to ±600 kV. Special techniques were developed in this study to measure the space charge densities in the vicinity of the line and particularly the space charge due to large ions (charged aerosols) carried downwind from the line. The results of this study were documented in EPRI’s HVDC Transmission Line Reference Book and a tentative methodology was proposed for corona design of transmission lines in the range of ±400 kV to ±600 kV. In the EPRI studies at IREQ, a full-scale tower structure corresponding to a bipolar dc line was simulated in the highvoltage laboratory and tests were carried out for different conductor-tower clearances, with mixed (i.e., switching impulse superimposed on dc) positive voltages applied to one pole with the other pole either grounded or with a negative bias voltage applied to it. In the EPRI study at Lenox, the influence of preexisting space charge on the flashover characteristics under the application of mixed voltages was studied. Air Insulation Performance Insulator Performance Data on flashover and withstand characteristics of conductortower and conductor-ground air gaps, under the application of lightning and switching overvoltages, are required for determining the minimum clearances necessary on HVDC transmission lines. A good proportion of the results obtained from studies carried out for ac transmission lines can be used for the design of dc lines. In the EPRI-BPA study, a flashover tower and a paved outdoor area were constructed at the Dalles test facility to carry out studies of various air gaps associated with dc transmission lines and substations. As in the case of ac lines, flashover at normal operating voltage due to contamination and/or wet weather conditions has been considered the most critical factor influencing the selection of insulator strings on HVDC transmission lines. Some of the early studies to understand the dc withstand characteristics of polluted insulators were carried out in Sweden. In the EPRI-BPA study, artificial contamination tests were carried out on a large variety of line insulator strings in a specially built fog chamber. The main objective of the EPRI-IREQ study was to develop specifications of the UHV Gr id ºôÃËúµç ÃË ÃºµçI ÎÚ³ľ ¾Æë Ö÷ Íø Nort h e as Northeast ÎýÃË Îý úµçII t ÎýÃË ¹¹þÃÜ µç³§ ¡Á Nort North h i n a China ¹þÃÜ ¹þ ¶þ¡¢Èý³§ °²Î÷ °² ÃÉ Î÷úµçIV ÃÉ Î÷úµçII I Nort h w e Northwest °×Òø °× ÓÀ µÇ 260 0 ¾±̧ß Äþ¶« 26 Î÷Äþ ƽ Á¹ ǬÏØ À-Î÷Íß ¹Ùͤͤ 100 10 0 É ±± ɱ±Ãºµç 220 Òǿ¨ ¶« s t 400 400 μ±± À¼ ÖÝ ¶« ¶« 150 ÀÖ É½ ÑÅ ½-Ë® µç ´¨ Î÷ Î÷Ë® µç 300 ÖØ Çì 360 360 ͼÀý ÐìÖÝ ÖÝ 160 160 270 270 ÑØ º£ºËµç Á¬ÔÆ̧ Û 270 500kV½» Á÷ 500 Kv °ÙÍò ·ü ¼¶½»Á÷ ³üÖÝ © 170 Ì©ÖÝ 170 130 70 170 ÎÞÎý150ÉϺ£Î÷±± 170 ÄϾ© ¾© 26 260 0 170 ÉϺ£Î÷ÄÏ 100 440 ÑØ º£ºËµç º¼±± Î人 440 Îߺþ 290 24 240 0 »´ÄÏúµç »´ 220 220 800 KvÖ±Á÷ ¡À800kV¼¶ 750 Kv 750kV½» Á÷ ½ð »ª 280 ³¤É³300 380 380 400 400 ÄÏ Äϲý 360 360 Ea ½ð ɳ½-II ÆÚ Ú ¸ÓÖÝ Ch South So China 280 280 300 30 0 ÐìÖÝ Ã µçºµç 450 300 300 4500 ½ð ɳ½½-IÆÚ Çൺ 36 360 0 140 140 i n ¾£ aÖ Ý 300 0 ¶÷Ê© 30 ÑØ º£ºËµç 250 340 ¼Ã ÄÏ Ô¥±± פÂíµê 300 ÑØ º£µçÔ´ 300 300 240 ½ú ÖРúµç ÈýÏ¿µØ ϵçÕ¾ 270 270 ÑÅ Áú½-Ìݼ¶ ¼¶ ÌÆɽ 120 Ìì ½ò 280 280 ʯ¼Ò ׯ ׯ 400 ÄÏÑô ÑÅ °²Central China Ce ntr a l Ch ´¨ Î÷Ë® µç 300 300 Î÷°²¶« 330 ¡Á 470 Tibet 42 420 0 ½ú ÖÐ 300 460 46 0 ½ú ¶«ÄÏúµç 100 ½ú ¶«ÄÏ ½ú ¶«ÄÏúµçII 300 ¶«ÄϽ¼ Ti ÉòÑô 480 150 ±±¾© ¶« 150 450 450 ÃÉÎ÷ ÃÉ Î÷úµçII ÃÉÎ÷úµçI µçV ÃÉ Î÷úµç ÄþÏÄúµç ÕÅ Ò´ 480 480 Ch 200 200 280 28 0 s t ¸£ÖÝ 170 17 East China 410 ÑØ º£ºËµç ΠÑØ º£ºËµç i n a Ȫ ȪÖÝ Taibei figure 4. Plans for a ±800-kV (red lines) future UHV grid in China. 66 IEEE power & energy magazine march/april 2007 Another important aspect with new HVDC schemes, and especially if they employ 800 kV, is to clearly define whether the link will have the role of power supply or energy interconnector. HVDC power supply to determine the 50% flashover voltage of heavily contaminated insulators with an accuracy of 5%. Following completion of the EPRI project, additional studies were carried out at IREQ on dc source requirements for pollution tests. In the EPRI study at Lenox, extensive studies were carried out on the pollution performance of different types of line and station insulators and on the performance of wall bushings. Design Considerations The design of a new HVDC transmission line for satisfactory corona performance requires two sets of information: first, analytical or empirical methods for predicting the corona performance of the proposed line configuration, and, second, design criteria for acceptable corona performance. However, the information presently available from either research studies on experimental lines or measurement surveys on operating dc transmission lines may not be adequate for deriving accurate empirical formulas for predicting the corona performance, particularly for ±800 kV. However, the information on acceptable levels of RI, AN, and ground-level electric fields and ion currents may be sufficient to establish tentative design guidelines. Information currently available on the flashover and withstand characteristics of air gaps is adequate for the design of ±800-kV transmission systems. The selection of insulator strings for reliable operation under conditions of pollution requires knowledge of the nature and severity of pollution along the route traversed by the transmission line. This information can be obtained by conducting pollution surveys along the line route. The number and type of insulators in the string may then be obtained either using available data on the required specific leakage distances or through actual tests in a pollution chamber. Need for Additional Research Studies The review presented above underlines the importance of research and development studies before undertaking the design, construction, and operation of any large-scale HVDC transmission system. Research studies would also permit optimization of the new systems taking due account of any local environmental constraints, operation and maintenance requirements, and new developments in material and equipment technologies. Currently available experimental data may not be adequate for predicting the corona performance, particularly the march/april 2007 ground-level electric fields and ion currents, of new ±800-kV transmission lines. There is need for studies on experimental lines with different conductor bundles as well as for longterm measurements on existing HVDC transmission lines in order to develop accurate methods for predicting the corona performance of future HVDC transmission lines. Although currently available information may be adequate for the air insulation design of ±800 kV transmission lines, some questions remain unanswered, such as the influence of electrodes and of any preexisting space charges on the flashover characteristics of line and station air gaps. Studies are also required for developing safe operating and maintenance practices for ±800 kV transmission lines. Further research is needed for optimal selection of insulators and ensuring reliable operation of ±800 kV lines. Studies are also required to evaluate the effect of nonsoluble materials on the flashover characteristics of insulators and the behavior of nonceramic insulators stressed with direct voltages and their aging characteristics. Research Topics Relevant to 800-kV HVDC Systems The technical challenges that should be faced when designing new ±800-kV HVDC systems are summarized below. Converter Transformers This equipment constitutes a key parameter for any new HVDC project, and especially when dealing with ±800 kV due to the large amount of power that can be interrupted due to a transformer outage. CIGRÉ AG 04 statistics reveal that many failures have been occurring, albeit concentrated in a few HVDC schemes (i.e., apparently some projects have shown to be less robust regarding transformers). Also, these statistics show that causes of failures arise from different sources, such as mechanical, insulation, oil contamination, etc. There is no direct relation of failures with voltage levels, but they tend to be concentrated in large power projects. Higher Power Handling Capability of Thyristors The existing thyristor technology, referred to as 5 in. diameter, may need to be expanded to a larger width (6 in.) to accommodate the current level required by some of the 800-kV projects under consideration; such development, although not negligible in terms of technological effort, should not be considered as a critical aspect. IEEE power & energy magazine 67 The adoption of ±800 kV as the nominal voltage for new HVDC applications brings along some technological challenges that should be examined by the electrical power industry and academia. External Insulation An investigation of technical problems associated with HVDC converter stations at voltages above 600 kV has revealed that one of the critical considerations in implementing ±800 kV systems is the design and development of outdoor dc wall bushings. Operating experience has shown that for systems above ±400 kV, the problems with the performance of dc wall bushings become increasingly more serious. Increasing the specific leakage distance was found to be not sufficient to improve the performance of bushings. Laboratory investigations have shown that nonuniform wetting of bushings under rain is a more critical condition than pollution for the observed flashovers. Extensive investigations have, therefore, been carried out to understand the mechanism of bushing flashover in nonuniform rain. Results of these investigations clearly show that increasing the specific leakage path while keeping the same insulator length does not improve the performance of wall bushings under nonuniform rain. The use of hydrophobic coatings and of booster sheds has been shown to be effective in improving the performance of wall bushings. The use of silicone rubber or other similar materials rather than porcelain is also being seriously considered. However, there is still a need for research studies to evaluate the effectiveness of new methods and materials in improving the performance of dc wall bushings for operation at ±800 kV. Electrodes As already mentioned above, the electrode design for ±800 kV systems would play a relevant role in the configuration design and selection. The electrode design should allow ground return with minimal (preferably no) adverse factors since this mode of operation is critical for reliability. Configurations Another interesting design aspect is related to the configuration of the HVDC scheme. Due to the size of power to be handled, the series or parallel arrangements, one or two valve groups per pole, should be compared with great care; also, the possible staging (expansion from the base configuration) of the project might be a key factor in determining the best configuration. Availability of Test Facilities This is another interesting aspect that seems to be fulfilled as the 800-kV market appears to be so promising (see next section). Leading manufacturers have formed internal project teams or cooperative efforts to rapidly develop testing facilities necestable 2. Possible 800-kV DC Projects in China. sary to test new project orders. Project Yunnan-Guangdong, Yunnan-Eastern China, Yunnan-Central China Jinshajiang-Shanghai Jinshajiang-Jinhua in Zhejiang Jinshajiang-Quanzhou in Guang DonGuangdong Guang Dong Yalongjiang-Chongqing Yalongjiang-Suzhou in Jiangsu Humeng in Inner Mongolia-Liaoning in Shenyang Humeng in Inner Mongolia-Beijing Eastern Ningxia-Nanking in Jiangsu Hami in Xinjiang-Zhengzhou in Henan Tibet-Guangdong, Tibet-Central China, Tibet-Eastern China Kazakhstan-China Far East Hydroelectricity in Russia-Shenyang in Liaoning 68 IEEE power & energy magazine Transmission Distance Capacity Commissioning >1,500 km 24.8 GW 2010–2020 About 2,000 km About 2,000 km >2,000 km 2010–2020 2010–2020 2010–2020 2010–2025 2010–2025 2015–2020 >2,000 km 9.8 GW About 2,400 km 12.6 GW 10.8 GW 2015–2020 2015–2020 2015–2020 >2,000 km 35 GW 2015–2025 >2,000 km 2015–2025 2015–2025 New 800-kV HVDC Market Perspectives Since 2004, there has been an increasing interest in HVDC applications involving voltage levels above 500 kV. In 2005 and in early 2006, China and India have announced their decision to go for ±800 kV. Brazil is also considering it, but the configurations envisaged might lead to lower than 800-kV solutions. Additionally, applications in the Southern Cone of Africa have created an interest in considering voltage levels higher than 500-kV dc in projects to explore the Inga River potential. march/april 2007 Studies are needed on experimental lines with different conductor bundles and for long-term measurements on existing HVDC transmission lines. Table 2 summarizes the potential applications for new 800-kV dc schemes in China for the next 20 years. Figure 4 describes the location of these schemes within the Chinese grid. Also, in India, the Northeast-Agra 800-kV 6,000-MW project is currently very close to becoming reality. Conclusions The adoption of ±800 kV as the nominal voltage for new HVDC applications brings along some technological challenges that should be examined by the electrical power industry and academia with great care. However, to transmit large blocks of power (over 3,000 MW/bipole and beyond 1,500 km of line length), the option of ±800 kV dc is likely to be the most cost effective alternative. The fact that there are some clear technological developments to be accomplished should not preclude the go ahead of this alternative. They are feasible to be dealt with in due time to match market needs and do represent lower gaps than those in past decades. These are good challenges. HVDC technology will improve compliance with these market needs. For Further Reading C.A.O. Peixoto, “Itaipu 6300 MW HVDC transmission system feasibility and planning aspects,” presented at the U.S. DOE Conf., Phoenix, AZ, USA, Mar. 1980. I. Vancers, D.J. Christofersen, A. Leikbukt, and M.G. Bennett, “A survey of the reliability of HVDC systems throughout the world during 2003–2004,” in Proc. CIGRÉ 2006, Paris, France, Paper B4-202. N. Knudsen and F. Iliceto, “Contribution to the electrical design of HVDC overhead lines,” IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus Systems, vol. PAS-93, no.1, pp. 233–239, 1974. EPRI, Transmission Line Reference Book HVDC To ±600 kV. Palo Alto, CA: EPRI, 1976. EPRI, HVDC Transmission Line Reference Book. EPRI Report TR-102764, 1993. P.S. Maruvada, Corona Performance of High-Voltage Transmission Lines. Ltd., Baldock, UK: Research Studies Press, 2000. Biographies Marcio Szechtman received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from the University of Sao Paulo in 1971 and 1976. He joined CEPEL, the Brazilian Power System Research Center, in march/april 2007 1976 until 1996, when he concentrated his career in the field of HVDC system studies and modeling. He participated in the Itaipu system studies and more recently in the 2,000-MW Garabi back-to-back Argentina-Brazil electrical interconnection. Since 1997 he has been acting as a consultant for technical, economic, and regulatory studies, concerning ac and dc transmission and distribution projects. He is an IEEE/PES Fellow and has a long history with CIGRÉ Study Committee B4 (formerly SC 14) (HVDC and Power Electronic Equipment), serving as chairman since 2002. P. Sarma Maruvada obtained the B.E. in electrical engineering from Andhra University and M.E. in high-voltage engineering from the Indian Institute of Science. He received the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto. He worked as a researcher and research manager at the Hydro Quebec Institute of Research (IREQ) on electrical performance of transmission lines for 29 years and is currently working as a consultant. Dr. Maruvada made significant contributions to the understanding of corona performance and the development of design criteria of ac and dc transmission lines. He is a Fellow of IEEE (1983) and an Honorary Member of CIGRÉ (1998) and has published over 60 papers on the corona performance and the electromagnetic environment of ac and dc transmission systems and a book on Corona Performance of High Voltage Transmission Lines. He was chairman of CIGRÉ Study Committee 36 on Power System Electromagnetic Compatibility (1990–1998). Dr. Maruvada received the 2003 IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award. R.N. Nayak received his B.Sc (electrical engineering) from REC Rourkela and M.Tech. from IIT Kharagpur, India. He is currently working as executive director of engineering, quality assurance and inspection for Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. and is associated with concept to commissioning of transmission projects including EHVAC and HVDC. This includes system planning, design, engineering, procurement, quality management, and implementation. His experience also covers design, engineering, and implementation of state-of-the-art load dispatch, communication systems, and telecommunication networks. He is convener of the CIGRÉ Study Committee B4 Working Group on Technological p&e Assessment of 800 kV HVDC Applications. IEEE power & energy magazine 69