Department for Learning Development ’Students as Researchers Scheme’ **Please note this scheme is only available to undergraduate students** Name Dr Gobind Pillai Section/Subject Electrical Engineering/ Integration of renewables School/Department SSE / Electronics and control Contact email Title of research project/activity Performance evaluation of HVDC transmission system for Offshore Wind Generation Pedagogic or Discipline Specific Discipline specific Summary of project research activity Owing to the depletion of fossil fuels and consequent green energy initiatives such as the EU 2020, the number of offshore Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) being installed is growing at a very fast rate. The distance between offshore wind farms and on-shore electricity grids are growing longer. For distances greater than 100 km researchers [1, 2] have identified that High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) submarine cable transmission could be more economical than AC transmission. Unlike conventional AC transmission systems, HVDC systems are composed of power electronic circuitry which has a higher susceptibility for generating harmonics. Wind speed is weather dependant and variations can occurs within minutes or even seconds [3]. The transmission system be it AC or HVDC should be able to cope with the variation in the wind generator output as a consequence of wind speed variation. The quality of the output power from the transmission system in terms of frequency and voltage or current harmonics should not deteriorate below the limits set in the grid regulations. In this context, this project will investigate the impact of wind speed variations on a wind turbine generator connected to a HVDC transmission system. The students will develop a realistic wind speed variation model each for 2 tentative windfarm locations based on literature survey. A laboratory model of the system will be made by the students with support from the staff. The first student will be using a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) to emulate the WTG. The second student will be working on a HVDC training rig to emulate the power transmission. They will also jointly work on a power electronic training rig for grid inter-connection. Both wind speed variation models will be programmed into the input controller of the DFIG separately. The switching parameters of the HVDC system for both locations will be calculated by the students with support from the project team. A power quality analysis of HVDC system's output will be conducted. The outcomes of this research will provide insights on the impact of input power variations on the output power quality of HVDC systems and their suitability for transmitting offshore wind energy. References [1] P. Bresesti, W.L. Kling, R.L. Hendriks and R. Vailati, “HVDC Connection of Offshore Wind Farms to the Transmission System”, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 22, pp. 37-43, 2007. [2] R. Perveen, N. Kishor and S.R. Mohanty, "Off-shore wind farm development: Present status and challenges." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 29, pp. 780-792, 2014. [3] J. Kiviluoma, H. Holttinen, W.D. Edward, R. Scharff, L. Söder, N. Menemenlis, C. Nicolaos et al. "Variability in LargeScale Wind Power Generation." Wind Energy, 2015. Have you obtained ethical clearance for this project? Yes on 02.10.2015. Summary of student tasks 1. Literature review on wind speed variations- common for both students 2. Development of a numerical model of wind speed variation for the location- common for both students 3. Create the laboratory model of the system with assistance from the staff. Student 1 to focus on the wind generator (DFIG) and Student 2 to focus on transmission (HVDC). 4. Experimental performance evaluation of the systemcommon for both students 5. Result analysis and reporting research findings- common for both students Research output(s) for student 1. Ability to read and understand state of the art research in Electrical Engineering. 2. Numerical skills essential for research. 3. Ability to conduct realistic experiments in a laboratory environment. 4. Experience in academic writing and communicating research results 5. Experience of working with a wider project team and managing their roles within the team. Are there specific criteria students need to address when applying for the project? This project is suitable for a second/ third year undergraduate in Electrical and Electronics/ Instrumentation and Control engineering. The candidate should have: 1. Good background in mathematics 2. An interest in wind energy generation 3. Some knowledge of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics is desirable but not mandatory. Anticipated timeline for project The exact timetable will be discussed with student to consider the exam, assignment and other commitments. December-February 2016 Task 1 – 10 hours Task 2 – 10 hours March-May 2016 Task 3 – 15 hours Task 4 – 10 hours June 2016 Task 5 – 5 hours Project Gantt chart: DEC JAN FEB MAR APRIL MAY JUNE Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Number of student hours required (normally 65 hours) Two research students, 50 hrs per research student. Are there any additional costs associated with the student researcher i.e. travel? Please provide details of how this will be funded No.