DC compact switchgear (DC CS) for 320 kV A new dimension siemens.com/energy

DC compact switchgear (DC CS)
for 320 kV
The changing generation and load structure in existing
power grids requires increased transmission capacity.
­Longer transmission distances and increased loading
tend to reduce the AC grid’s static and dynamic stability.
To amend this, HVDC systems can be integrated into
­existing AC grids to provide the required transmission
­capacity and at the same time increase grid stability.
A new dimension
in compactness
•space-saving design
What is more, the global trend towards decarbonization
of power generation calls for an increased use of renewable
energy sources (RES). While RES like offshore wind are
typically found at great distances from the load centers,
HVDC provides an effective (and in some cases the only)
technical solution for power transmission.
•reduction of DC switchyard
in converter stations up to 95%
The compact 320 kV DC switchgear DC CS is needed for
HVDC cable connections to remote offshore wind farms
as well as for onshore HVDC projects. Thanks to its com­
pact design, the DC CS helps to reduce the HVDC system’s
space requirements. Hence it is predestinated for appli­
cations where space is limited or expensive, e.g. offshore
HVDC platforms for remote windfarms as well as close
to city centers. Using the DC CS outdoors even in rough
climates adds to this effect. In the near future, DC com­
pact switchgear and transmission solutions facilitate the
realization of multi-terminal arrangements or DC grids,
backing up the existing AC networks.
•safe encapsulation
•suitable for onshore
and offshore ­operation
•reliable operation even under
extreme environmental conditions
•high degree of gas-tightness
•high availability and reliability
•low life cycle and maintenance costs
Answers for energy.
Technical Data
Switchgear, general data
Switchgear type
Udc nominal voltage
Umcov maximum continuous operation voltage
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50 μs)
•to earth
•across the isolating distance at the power frequency voltage
Rated switching impulse withstand voltage (250/2500 μs):
•to earth
•across the isolating distance at the power frequency voltage
Rated normal current
Rated short-time withstand current, 1 second
Ambient temperature range
Leakage rate per year and gas compartment
Rated current
Rated short-time withstand current, 1 second
Type of motor-drive
Closing time
Opening time
Earthing switch / High Speed Earthing Switch
Rated short-time withstand current, 1 second
Type of motor-drive
Closing time
Opening time
DC CS 320 kV
320 kV
336 kV
1175 kV
1175 + 336 kV
950 kV
950 + 336 kV
4000 A
50 kA
–30 to +50 °C
≤ 0.5 % routine test
≤ 0.1 % type test
4000 A
50 kA
≤ 6 s
≤ 6 s
50 kA
≤ 7 s / ≤ 100 ms
≤ 7 s / ≤ 100 ms
Published by and copyright © 2014:
Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Power Transmission Division
Katzwanger Strasse 150
90461 Nuremberg, Germany
For more information, please contact
our Customer Support Center.
Phone: +49 180/524 70 00
Fax: +49 180/524 24 71
(Charges depending on provider)
Power Transmission Division
Order No. E50001-G610-A134-X-4A00
Printed in Germany
Dispo 30003
TH 150-140382 WÜ 473222 DB 07141.5