Inter-Ing 2007 „INTERDISCIPLINARITY IN ENGINEERING” SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, TG. MUREŞ – ROMÂNIA, 15 -16 November 2007. DEVICE FOR THE D.C. – D.C. CONVERTERS PWM COMMAND Alexandru MORAR “Petru Maior” University of Tg.-Mures, Romania Abstract: The author presents in this paper an electronic device for the PWM command of the twoquadrant of four-quadrant choppers. A simple construction and enhanced operation safety, very smooth regulation of the duty cycle, 11 values programming for the working frequency (500Hz – 5KHz), TTL or CMOS compatibility are some of the advantages presented by this electronic device. Keywords: PWM device, 2-Q chopper, 4-Q chopper, saw tooth voltage generator. 1. Introduction A spectacular evolution in the field of the electric energy conversion has been produced by the emergence and development of new power semiconductor devices which facilitated the power converter improvement and diversification, interposed between the power supply and the electrical device motor. The d.c.– d.c. converter, also known as chopper, is frequently used for the separatelyexcited d.c. motors speed regulation, being a converter which transforms a d.c. voltage, applied to the input, into rectangular pulses to the output. The average value of a chopper’s output voltage can be modified between zero and the feeding voltage, using the “Pulse Wawe Modulation” principle of constant frequency pulses. In this way it is possible to achieve the regulation by voltage of the d.c. motors speed [1],…,[5]. The block diagram of such an electrical drive system is presented in Fig. 1. IBM PC COMPUTER FOUR QUADRANT CHOPPER V+ +U T1 PWM1 DBUS ABUS PWM SIGNAL GENERATOR V+ K u PWM PROT Lf D3 DIGITAL PART CBUS INTERFACE T3 D1 T2 PWM2 T4 D2 DRIVER D4 - ? LOAD + COMP - LEM OPTICAL ENCODER V+ A BN P1 (FREQUENCY) P2 (DUTY CYCLE) Fig. 1. Block diagram of d.c. electrical drive system. IV-24-1 Ex M i + There are schemes of chopper operating in two or four quadrants, largely used in practice. The H bridge converters are widely utilized in the adjustable electrical drives with d.c. motors. An arm of this bridge is obtained by serially connecting two controllable power switching devices (bipolar transistors, MOSFET, IGBT, GTO, MCT). Each device has an antiparallel diode, called “free-wheeling diode”. The two devices of an arm structure work anti-phase like. In practice, for passing from a state into another, the devices will be simultaneously blocked for a short length of time, called “dead time ”[4], [5], [9]. The PWM command signal can be generated either with the IBM-PC computer, in this case being necessary a specialized interface and the required software tools, or with a special electronic device. Taking into consideration what has already been revealed the authors present in this paper an electronic device for PWM commanding the two or four quadrant chopper. 2. Device’s description The command circuit for choppers, realized with traditional electronic means, are widely used. The block diagram from where it can be deduced the operating principle of the device for the chopper’s PWM command is presented in Fig. 2. There has been made the following notations: OSC-astable circuit; M-monostable circuit; CD1, CD2-discharging circuits, GTLV1, GTLV2-variable linear voltage generators; CS-selection circuit; CE-output circuit. DUTY CYCLE=50% I0 K V+ + K1 [50-0]% K2 R1 C1 R2 OSC CD1 I1 C1 C2 GTLV1 V+ = = T T + [50-100]% T - FOUR QUADRANT CHOPPER I2 CE PWM-CMOS C2 BS PWM K3 R3 C3 M PWM1 DP R4 CD2 PWM-TTL T V+ C4 GTLV2 + T TWO QUADRANT CHOPPER - [0-100]% PROT I3 PWM2 T C3 A1 A0 K1 K0 V+ P (DUTY CYCLE) Fig. 2. Block diagram of the PWM device. The signal from the astable circuit output, of programmable frequency and duty cycle 50%, is applied to a sawtooth voltage generator, composed by the discharging circuit CD1 and the variable linear voltage generator GTLV1. In the four-quadrant choppers case, the sawtooth voltage is compared to a reference voltage fixed with the potentiometer P by the comparators COMP1 and COMP2. At the output of these comparators there are obtained PWM signals with adjustable duty cycle in the range of [50-100]% (clockwise drive) respectively [50-0]% (anticlockwise drive). In the two-quadrant chopper case, the signal from the astable circuit output is applied at the monostable circuit M input. The very short time pulses from the monostable output command a second sawtooth voltage generator made in the CD2 discharging circuit and the variable linear IV-24-2 voltage generator GTLV2. The sawtooth voltage is compared with the same reference voltage by the COMP3 comparator, at whose output it is obtained PWM signal with the duty cycle adjustable in the range [0-100]%.By means of the switches K0, K1 and of the selection circuit CS it is selected: the signal with the duty cycle 50% from the OSC astable circuit output (resting motor),the PWM signal with the duty cycle adjustable in the range [50-100]% (clockwise electrical drive motor), the PWM signal with the duty cycle adjustable range [50-0]% (anticlockwise electrical drive motor), or the PWM signal with the duty cycle adjustable in the range [0-100]% (two-quadrant choppers command).Through the intermediary of the CE output circuit , the device provides PWM signal TTL or CMOS compatible. Meantime, through the intermediary of a DP digital command part, there are also generated PWM command signals with “dead time” for the power semiconductor devices of the half-bridge and full-bridge converter. The electrical schematic of the programmable oscillator is shown in Fig. 3. 1K10 1K9 1K8 1K7 1K6 1K5 1K4 1K3 IC1 +5 OSC 14 13 OSC 10 11 +5 +5 TRIGTRIG+ OSCO AST AST Q Q EXT RES RETRIG C R R-C COM GND 1K2 6 8 4 5 9 12 1K1 C2 R2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 R1 1 2 3 C1 7 CD4047BE RESET Fig. 3. Electrical schematic of the programmable oscillator. Nowadays, the CMOS integrated circuits imposed them selves as a dominant family among the other families of digital circuits [6], [7].There are to be emphasized the following advantages: low consumption power, enhanced immunity at perturbations, absence of input current. Consequently, it has been utilized the integrated circuit MMC 4047. There has also been utilized a rotating switch K with 3 sections and 11 positions each. The first section 1K1-1K10 is utilized for the working frequency programming (11 values in the range 500Hz-5kHz ), the other 2 section (2K1-2K10 and 3K1-3K10) being utilized within the two variable linear voltage generators. The 11 working frequencies values are established by means of 10 multiturn adjustable resistances S1-S10. In Fig. 4 it is presented the electrical block diagram of the PWM generator for the fourquadrant choppers command. The variable linear generator is realized with constant current generator and with the capacitor C1 [8] whereas the discharging circuit is realized with the transistor T2.The 10 multiturn adjustable resistances S1-S10 are in or off the circuit trough the intermediary of the second section of the rotating switch K. Thus, for any value of the working frequency, the maximum amplitude f the sawtooth remains the same, Umax (see Fig.5).Consequently, the smoothness of the duty cycle regulation remain the same, very good, for every selected value of the working frequency. Led with the emitter-repeater realized with the operational amplifier I2A of type TLO84, the sawtooth voltage is applied to the comparators I3A, I3B of type betaM 339, where it is compared with the prescribed command voltage by means of the multiturn potentiometer P. The electrical schematic of the PWM generator for the two-quadrant chopper command is presented in Fig. 6. The constant current generator realized with the transistor T1 together with the capacitor C1 forms a second variable linear voltage generator. IV-24-3 +15 2K10 2K9 2K8 2K7 2K6 2K5 2K4 2K3 2K2 2K1 R3 S1' S2' S3' S4' S5' S6' D1 S7' D2 D3 S8' S9' T2 S10' C3 R4 -15 +5 IC3AF PM2 15 PM4 +15 C5 CD4050BCN IC3AE 11 R8 R7 6 5 2 6 I1A C_PM4 R6 9 IC4C TL084ACN 8 P_PM3 COM +5 R9 C7 PM5 +15 R12 9 R13 8 I2A C_PM5 C_PM2 C9 CD4050BCN +15 Fig. 4. Electrical schematic of the PWM generator for the 4-Q choppers. Fig. 5. Logic timing diagram of the PWM generator for the 4-Q choppers. IV-24-4 C8 R15 IC5C KA339 14 3 3 T1 NPN C 4 CD4050BCN IC3AA R11 R14 IC5B KA339 1 4 CD4050BCN IC3AB R5 10 11 C4 7 7 PM3 12 CD4050BCN IC3AC OSC R10 12 14 +15 3K10 3K9 3K8 3K7 3K6 3K5 3K4 3K3 3K2 3K1 R16 S1'' S2'' S3'' S4'' S5'' D4 S6'' S7'' D5 D6 S8'' S9'' T4 S10'' C11 R17 IC3BD 9 CD4050BCN IC3BB +5 6 8 OSC 4 5 +5 9 12 RESET R18 C12 1 2 3 7 IC2 TRIGTRIG+ +5 OSCO AST AST Q EXT RES RETRIG C R R-C COM GND CD4047BE Q 14 10 5 PM6 10 C_PM6 4 CD4050BCN IC3BE 13 11 11 12 CD4050BCN IC3BA 3 2 C13 R21 R19 T3 NPN 6 B +5 PM8 R22 10 R23 11 IC5D KA339 13 R24 I3A C_PM8 R20 CD4050BCN IC3BF 14 5 PM7 IC4B TL084ACN 7 C_PM7 15 COM CD4050BCN Fig. 6. Electrical schematic of the PWM generator for the 2-Q choppers By means of the multiturn adjustable resistances S1”-S10” as well as of the third section of the rotating switch K, it is modified the variable linear voltage slope so that, indifferent of the working frequency value, the maximum amplitude is the same Umax. The discharging circuit, realized with the transistor T2, is commanded by the very short-time pulses obtained at the I1 monostable circuit output of the type MMC 4047(see Fig. 7). Fig. 7. Logic timing diagram of the PWM generator for the 2-Q choppers. IV-24-5 The signal provided by the astable circuit OSC (duty cycle 50%) as well as the signals of the PWM command of the four-quadrant (I1a and I2a) and the two-quadrant (I3a) choppers are applied to the dual 4-line to 1-line multiplexer I3 of type CDB 4253E (see Fig. 8).Thus, through the intermediary of the switches K1, K0 the desired PWM signal is selected (see Table 1). +5 R27 1 OSC DM7407N I1A I2A I3A SN7400N R25 11 13 +5 SN7400N R28 DM7407N C? +5 7 R? U?B Y2 9 3 4 DM7407N SN74153N R? C? C? +15 +15 1 U?A DM74ALS04BN 6 6 8 4 5 9 12 1 2 3 7 6 8 4 5 9 12 1 2 3 7 2 U?A 3 2 13 10 TRIG- VCC 14 TRIG+ OSCO Q +15 AST AST U? CD4047BE EXT QRES 11 RETRIG R-C COM GND 13 10 TRIG- VCC 14 TRIG+ OSCO Q +5 U? CD4047BE AST AST SN7400N R30 EXT QRES 11 RETRIG 2 R-C COM 3 1 C R C R R26 IC6A GND +5 PWM_TTL GND R? SN7400N D8 PWM_CMOS R? IC6B 5 1 P? 4 +5 R29 4 16 +15 Y1 2OE 2C0 2C1 2C2 2C3 8 C? +5 K2 1OE 1C0 1C1 1C2 1C3 15 10 11 12 13 IC6D VCC U?B 3 4 PM12 D7 +5 A B 1 6 5 4 3 8 10 12 14 2 2 IC6C U? R? U?A KA339 2 3 9 K1 +5 U?A +5 5 12 R? 2 CD4011BCN PROT1 5 P? U?B 5 4 6 U?B 6 CD4011BCN C? P? 3 CD4001BCN P? PROT1 +15 U?A 1 PWM1 P? 4 CD4001BCN PWM2 C? Fig. 8. Electrical schematic of the selection circuit, output circuit and digital part. K1 0 0 1 1 K0 0 1 0 1 PWM-TTL 50% [50-0]% [50-100]% [0-100]% Table 1 The working modes. PWM-CMOS Obs. 50% STOP [50-0]% FOUR-QUADRANT CHOPPER [50-100]% FOUR-QUADRANT CHOPPER [0-100]% TWO-QUADRANT CHOPPER The output circuit CE is composed by the TTL-CMOS interface realized with the comparator I4A of type betaM 339 and the noninverting buffers I2B of type MMC 4050 for obtaining the CMOS-PWM signal and I5A of type CDB 407E for obtaining the TTL-PWM signal. In Fig. 8 it is also presented the electrical schematic of the digital command part by means of which there are obtained the “dead-time” command signals PWM1, PWM2 of the power semiconductor devices within the half-bridge and full-bridge converter. 3. Experimental results. The experimental researches has been made in the Electrical Drives Laboratory of the Engineering Faculty, “Petru Maior” University of Targu- Mures. The general view of the PWM IV-24-6 devices is shown in Fig. 9. It is has been integrated in a high-performance trial stand dedicated to the separately-excited d.c. motors driving systems command. As experimental results, the command PWM signal of a different working frequency, are shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 9. General view of the PWM device. 4. Conclusions The electronic device for the choppers PWM command presented in this paper has the following advantages: • Very smooth regulation of the duty cycle indifferent of the working frequency value; • The programming possibility, in the range of 500Hz – 5kHz, of the working frequency value; • Offers complementary PWM signals with “dead-time”; • Offers PWM signal, TTL or CMOS compatible, for commanding two or four quadrant choppers. References 1 . Leonard W., Control of Electrical Drives, Springer-Verlage, Berlin, 1985. 2 . Mohan N., Undeland T., Robbins W., Power Electronics-Converters, Application and Design, John Wiley & Sons , New York, 1989. 3 . Străinescu I., Variantelor statice de tensiune continuă. Editura Technică, Bucureşti, 1983. 4. Bogdanov I., Microprocesorul în comanda acţionărilor electrice.Editura Facla, Timişoara, 1989. 5 . Kelemen A., Imecs M., Electronică de putere. Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1980. 6. 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