UV PHOTON ASSISTED CVD OF SiO2 FOR LOW-DRIFT InP MISFET’S P. Dimitriou, G. Post, A. Scavennec To cite this version: P. Dimitriou, G. Post, A. Scavennec. UV PHOTON ASSISTED CVD OF SiO2 FOR LOWDRIFT InP MISFET’S. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1989, 50 (C5), pp.C5-675-C5-679. <10.1051/jphyscol:1989579>. <jpa-00229612> HAL Id: jpa-00229612 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/jpa-00229612 Submitted on 1 Jan 1989 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE Colloque C5, suppl6ment au n05, Tome 50, mai 1989 UV PHOTON ASSISTED CVD OF SiO, FOR LOW-DRIFT InP MISFET'S P. DIMITRIOU, G. POST and A. SCAVENNEC CNET, Laboratoire de Bagneux, 196, avenue Henri Ravera, F-92220 Bagneux, France RESUME Des couches de silice ont CtC dCposCes B basse tempCrature (100~200°C)sur des substrats de InP par le procCdC CVD assist6 par photon UV avec photosensibilisation au mercure de melanges SiH,-N20. Les propriCtCs Clectriques et physico-chimiques des couches isolantes et des interfaces isolantsemiconducteur ont ktk ktudikes. La rkduction de l'oxyde natif sur InP par l'hydrogkne atomique, produit par photodtcomposition UV de l'ammoniac avant dCp6t de SiO,, permet de rCduire la dispersion de la capacitC MIS en frCquence et conduit Zi une rkduction de la dCrive du courant drain-source des transistors MIS InP. Abstract Silicon dioxide (SiO,) films were produced at low temperatures (100"-200°C) on InP substrates by mercury-photosensitized CVD from SiH,-N20 mixtures. Electrical and physico-chemical properties of the insulator films and insulator-semiconductor interfaces were investigated. Prior to the deposition of SiO, films, the native oxide film on InP substrates was reduced by atomic hydrogen formed by UV photon-assisted decomposition of ammonia. This preliminary step was found to be effective in reducing the frequency dispersion of C-V characteristics and more importantly the drift in drain source current of InP MISFET's. 1 - INTRODUCTION InP and its alloys, are very promising materials for the fabrication of high speed active devices for microwave and integrated optoelectronic applications. Since native oxide of InP usually present very poor dielectric properties, realisation of InP Metal-Oxyde-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET's) has so far met little success. High quality heteromorphic insulators such as silicon dioxide (SiO,) can be deposited by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). However this has to be done only at low temperatures because InP electronic surface properties degrade when temperature rises above 300°C. On the other hand as the substrate temperature decreases, SiO, dielectric and physicochemical properties tend to become unsatisfactory due to the inclusion of impurities. As the InP Metal-Insulator FET's (MISFET's) performances depend critically on the control of the semiconductor insulator interface and on the bulk dielectric properties of SiO,, a compromise between deposition temperature and SiO, dielectric quality has to be found. Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1989579 JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE C5-676 High quality SiO, films on InP can be chemically vapor deposited at low temperatures via UV photodissociation of SiH,-N,Omixtures [ l ][2]. UVphoton assisted CVD is asoft and appropriate$echnique as well as the SiHJO, pyrolysis techniques [3][4] in contrast to direct plasma CVD, in which damage due to the presence of energetic particles degrade the InP surface and interface properties. In this paper, we report the beneficial effect on electrical properties form NH, UV dissociation before SiO, deposition on InP, and the influence of substrate temperature on the deposition rate. 2 - BACKGROUND ON SiH,/N,O UV DISSOCIATION PROCESS As reported earlier [5][6], dissociation of reactant gases by UV photons (2537 A) for SiO, formation is quite complex. For direct dissociation of reactant gases the main chemical reactions are : hV N,O -+ N,+O SiH, + SiH, for h <2115A for h < 1650A hU As the availableUV photon sources are emitting at h = 2537 W, the above reactions are characterised by a very low yield. For that reason reactant gases are mixed with mercury atoms (Hg) in order to induce electronic energy transfer during inelastic collisions between the active molecules and the Hg atoms excited by resonant photoabsorption (photosensitized process). Moreover, surface reactions may contribute to the formation of SiO, layers by lowering the energy of chemical bonds of the various radicals. Typical deposition rate of 50 A/min at 170°Chave been reported elsewere [2]. 3 - RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Our experiments were carried out in a commercial PVD 1000 system with a square stainless steel reactor covered by a thick quartz window (viton 0-ring). The susceptor was back heated up to 200°C by infrared lamps placed inside the chamber. UV light (2537 A) was provided by a mercury lamp (Vilber Lourmat TG 120) situated in the upper part of the reactor. Premixed reactant gases were flown over a mercury cell before introduction in the chamber. Deposition rate of Si0,depends drastically on the UV photon intensity and on the total pressure. But the quality of SiO, insulating layer depends mainly on reactant gases ratio and substrate temperature. For that, the total pressure, deposition time and reactant gas ratio of diluted SiH, (5 % in NZ)and N20, were kept constant. Silicon dioxide deposition was obtained simultaneously on InP and Si substrates. SiO, thickness and refractive index measured by ellipsometry (6328 A). The large influence of the substrate temperature on the Si0,film quality has been analysed in more details : In figure 1 the SiO, deposition rate on InP is plotted versus substiate temperature. For each point we considered the mean optical power received on the surface during the deposition time. The same shape of the curve was observed on Si substrates. The deposition rate increases with increasing temperature up to 180°Cand then tends to saturate. In the whole range of deposition temperature no noticeable change in the dielectric constant was observed. InP 5% SiH4 h s *s W z 0 8 W 0 160 170 180 190 200 210 Fig. 1: Deposition rate of SiO, on InP versus substrate temperature at constant total pressure and reactant gas ratio of diluted SiH, and N,O After evaporation of Ti-Au electrodes (160 pm in diameter) through a metal shadow mask, electrical properties of MIS diodes were studied for as deposited SiOzlayers on InP. The breakdown strength was usually 5 to 7 MV/cm and the resistivity in the range of 1014- 1015Qcm. 15 I SiO, / 0287 - I I InP e = 920A LL P. v 18- 5- -1% -5 0 5 I0 VOLTAGE I V ) Figure 2 : Capacitance versus applied voltage of SiO,/InP diodes at 1MHz, after Ti-Au electrodes annealing a t 250°C. The plot diameter was 160 pm, the sweep rate 0.5 Vls and SiO, thickness 920 A. On the recorded curves measured for field strength up to I MV/cm giving the MIS capacitance versus applied voltage, we can see a small hysteresis and a satisfactory capacitance modulation. The interface state density evaluated following the Nicollian and Goetzberger method [7] is usually in the 10" - 1012~ r neV-' - ~ range. In-situ cleaning with UV excited NH, before dielectric deposition has already been proposed as an efficient step for improving the interfacial properties of MIS structures on GaAs [8].We applied the same surface treatment on InP with different conditions for native oxide reduction. JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE C5-678 In order to control the drain source current I, drift behaviour of InP MISFET's we carried out additional electrical investigations on MIS diodes, with and without surface cleaning. The frequency dispersion from 1 KHz to 100 KHz of capacitance in the full bias range is evaluated to about 2 % and is displayed in figure 3. Without InP surface treatment C-V frequency dispersion is usually about 6 %. This illustrates the benefitresulting from aphotochemical in situ treatment of InP surface before SiO,deposition, which is attributed to the reduction of the InP native oxide. 15 1 OZILM SiOl / InP e = 920A A C = 2% Fig. 3 : Frequency dispersion of capacitance with applied voltage within 1 KHz and 100 KHz for SiO,/InP diodes at 1 MVIcm With these two methods, with and without surface cleaning, wecompared the output characteristics of MISFET's realised on InP. The drift in drain current is a major drawback of the InP MISFET technology and has so far hampered any development of this device. The drift in current, which can be associated with a drift in threshold voltage due to carrier trapping, is quite often recorded for different bias conditions which prevents direct comparison of the results from different teams. Here we monitored the drain current in saturation at V, = 2V on depletion devices with a 2 pm long channel after applying a voltage step on the gate (VG = OV to -2V or -2V to OV). We observed that the I, drift was much lower for in situ UV NH, surface treated transistors that for untreated samples (typically 10 % instead of 30 % after 105sec). This can be related to the corresponding observed frequency dispersion of MIS diodes [9]. 4 - CONCLUSION Si0,deposition at low temperature by UV photodissociation of reactant gases is a very promising method for the fabrication of InP MISFET's and the passivation of active components on InP or more generally on 111-V compounds. We showed that under appropriate conditions (surface preparationldeposition), one can reduce the dispersion in capacitance of SiOJInP MIS diodes. This also lead to the reduction of the drift in source drain current of InP MISFET's. REFERENCES [l] [2] Peters J.W. Tech. Digest of 1981IEEE, IEDM, 240 Sharma V. 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