IMPEDANCE SPECTROSCOPY FLOW CYTOMETRY: PARAMETERS FOR LABEL-FREE CELL DIFFERENTIATION Karen Cheung, Shady Gawad and Philippe Renaud Microsystems Laboratory, STI-LMIS Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Abstract This work presents label-free separation of cells in an on-chip flow cytometer based on impedance spectroscopy. The amplitude, opacity, and phase information can be used for discrimination depending on the cell types. Red blood cells, ghosts, and fixed cells are differentiated based on differences in their membrane and cytoplasm dielectric properties. Among other applications, detecting changes in cell conductivity and membrane capacitance will allow the indentification of early-stage apoptosis or cancer. Keywords: impedance spectroscopy, label-free, separation, flow cytometry 1. Introduction As a non-invasive technique, dielectric spectroscopy is suitable for the characterization of living biological cells. Impedance measurements over a wide frequency range give information on cell size, membrane capacitance, cytoplasm conductivity, and cytoplasm permittivity as a function of frequency [1]. This information can be used to distinguish cell populations without the need for fluorescent, magnetic, or other cell markers. The impedance spectroscopy flow cytometer used here permits rapid dielectric characterization of a cell population with a simple microfluidic channel [2]. As cells flow individually through the detection area of the microfluidic channel, they are measured at two discrete frequencies which are applied simultaneously. The reference frequency is kept low and constant, while the second frequency is swept from 300 kHz to 20 MHz. The amplitude and phase information from the individual cells are averaged to give an impedance spectrum for the entire population. 2. Theory Biological cells are polarized in an AC electric field. At low frequencies, the cell is essentially nonconducting due to the plasma membrane, which does not allow the passage of current. The low frequency conductivity is the impedance parameter detected in a Coulter volume measurement, and particles of the same volume but different dielectric properties will not be differentiated solely with measurements at low frequencies. At intermediate frequencies, this membrane polarization decreases. This phenomenon is known as the beta dispersion, or dielectric relaxation. Measurements in the intermediate range of the β-dispersion give information about plasma membrane properties. At high frequencies, the plasma membranes are minimally polarized, and measurements here give information about the dielectric properties of the cell interior. The ratio of the impedance amplitude at a high frequency to a low frequency, also known as opacity, can be used as a measure of the difference in particle resistivity at the two frequencies [3]. Relative phase is defined as the difference of phase to a reference signal. The amplitude, opacity, and/or phase can be used to discriminate between different cell populations; the key parameter(s) will depend on the cells under consideration. 3. Experimental Three cell models were used: red blood cells (RBCs), ghosts, and RBCs fixed in glutaraldehyde. Fresh blood was collected from healthy human donors in heparinized tubes. After centrifugation, the buffy coat and plasma proteins were removed. The RBCs were washed and suspended in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). RBC ghost preparation: RBCs were suspended in a hypotonic solution which lyses the cells and releases the cell contents. The membranes were washed and resuspended in PBS to reseal the membrane sacks. The resulting ghosts are clear membranes filled with saline solution. RBCs fixed in glutaraldehyde: RBCs were suspended in various concentrations of glutaraldehyde (0.02, 0.2, 0.5, 2.0, 5.0%) in PBS and incubated for 1 hour at room temperature. Glutaraldehyde fixation cross-links protein amine groups in the lipid membrane. The fixed cells were washed and resuspended in PBS. 4. Results and discussion Since RBCs, RBC ghosts, and fixed RBCs are all similar in size, they can not be differentiated using impedance signal amplitude (Fig. 1). The opacity of RBCs above 1 MHz increases with increasing glutaraldehyde concentration (Fig. 2). With opacity, RBCs and ghosts follow the same trend and cannot be discriminated (Fig. 3). In contrast, the fixed cells appear more opaque than normal cells and are differentiated at high frequencies. In the low frequency range, where the measurement only gives information about cell size, the opacity spectra for normal RBCs and fixed RBCs overlap. As the measurement passes the dielectric relaxation, the spectra for normal RBCs and fixed RBCs diverge. The relative phase above 10 MHz indicates that the ghosts, which are filled with the buffer solution, are more conductive on the interior than RBCs (Fig. 4). Increased opacity in the high frequency range can be attributed to a decrease in cytoplasm conductivity. Both a decrease of ion mobility and the fixation of proteins within the cytoplasm can contribute to decreased cytoplasm conductivity. Red blood cells fixed using increasing concentrations of glutaraldehyde show increasing opacity, possibly indicating a higher degree of crosslinking between cell membrane and the cytoskeleton. A change in the membrane properties will shift the characteristic frequency of the beta dispersion and change the opacity spectrum. While normal RBCs are modeled as thin membranes surrounding a conductive interior, crosslinking of cell proteins using glutaraldehyde could have bonded the cytoplasmic membrane proteins more tightly to the membrane. Since capacitance scales inversely with distance of charge separation, merging the thin membrane with a thicker layer of cytoplasmic proteins effectively increases the membrane thickness and decreases membrane capacitance. 5. Conclusions Measurements from several frequency regions give information about the dielectric properties of the membrane and cytoplasm since cell membranes exclude low-frequency currents and pass high-frequency currents. Red blood cells, ghosts, and fixed cells are differentiated based on differences in their membrane and cytoplasm dielectric properties. This label-free method implemented in a microfabricated flow cytometer is a powerful tool for the characterization of cells. Future work will aim to distinguish more subtle differences between cell types. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Swiss Innovation Promotion Agency (CTI project 5803.1) and LEISTER Microsystems. Microfabrication was done in the Center of MicroNanoTechnology (CMI). References [ 1] K Asami, T Yonezawa, H Wakamatsu, N Koyanagi, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 40 (1996) 141-145. [ 2] S Gawad, L Schild, Ph Renaud, Lab on a Chip, 1 (2001) 76-82. [ 3] RA Hoffman, TS Johnson, WB Britt, Cytometry, 1:6 (1981) 377-384. Figure 1. Amplitude measurements of RBCs, fixed RBCs, and ghosts show no differentiation based on signal amplitude since the cells are similar in size. Amplitude measurements are taken at a single frequency. The low frequency conductivity is the impedance parameter detected in a Coulter volume measurement. Figure 2. Opacity measurements of RBCs and fixed RBCs. Opacity is defined as the ratio of signal amplitude at a given frequency to a low frequency (602 kHz) amplitude. Glutaraldehyde fixation crosslinks the cytoskeletal network and decreases cytoplasm conductivity. The high frequency opacity increases with increasing glutaraldehyde concentration. Figure 3. Opacity measurements of RBCs, ghosts, and fixed RBCs. RBCs are not discriminated from ghosts by opacity, while fixed cells and RBCs are clearly differentiated in the high frequency range of opacity. Figure 4. Relative phase measurements of RBCs, ghosts and fixed RBCs. Relative phase is defined as the difference of phase to a reference signal (602 kHz). RBCs and fixed RBCs are well differentiated from ghosts at high frequency by the phase information. Each point represents measurements from ~ 800 cells.