NCEA Level 3 French Student Information Languages Department Onslow College 2016 NCEA Level 3 French THE COURSE This course caters to advanced-level students who have completed NCEA level 2. Emphasis is placed on your ability to speak, read, write and understand French. Communication is the primary goal of this. Written work will reinforce skills covered orally. Conversations, presentations, and tests (listening, oral and written) will be carried out regularly. You will become familiar with various aspects of French-speaking cultures through readings, discussions, research, etc. The four language skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking are developed through a series of texts covering a range of topics. ASSESSMENT FOR NCEA: Level 3 French contributes up to 21 credits for NCEA. Work is assessed in two ways: internally (I) and externally (E) * portfolio-based standard Version Credits Mode (Internal /external UE LIT Read UE LIT Write 91543 FRE 3.1 V2 5 E x x Interact clearly using spoken French to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives in different situations. * 91545 FRE 3.3 v1 6 I x x Demonstrate understanding of a variety of extended written and/or visual French texts. 91546 FRE 3.4 v1 5 E x x v1 5 I x 21 11xI 10xE 0 Read 0 Write NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Standard Demonstrate understanding of a variety of extended spoken French texts. Write a variety of text types in clear French to 91547 explore and justify varied ideas and FRE 3.5 perspectives. * Credit summary for 13FRE To achieve these standards you will need communication skills, language knowledge and cultural knowledge up to level 8 of the curriculum. ( There will be one assessment opportunity for the two external standards on Tuesday 15th November 2016. This examination is administered by NZQA. There will be a practice assessment for these external standards in class and during the school exams in Term 3. For the internal standards AS 91547 and AS91545 you will compile a portfolio of written material and a portfolio of oral interactions during the year, from which you will select 3-5 pieces to submit for assessment at the end of the year. You will need to begin to manage your collection of written texts as early as Term 1. Submission date for the portfolio is the last week of term 3. The result of each achievement standard assessment will be one of four grades: Not Achieved Achieved N A Merit Excellence M E Students gaining 14 or more credits at Merit or Excellence will receive a course endorsement. Formative assessment will be on-going. This may be in the shape of end of topic tests, self and peer assessment, activities designed to test your understanding of vocabulary and grammar structures encountered, feedback on writing and recorded interactions. You will be expected to commit to regular learning of vocabulary and grammar on the Language Perfect website ( ). At the very least you need to be familiar with the vocabulary and grammatical structures around which the level 3 external examinations will be based. Please read the Onslow College NCEA booklet to ensure you understand all your rights and responsibilities concerning assessments. In accordance with information published in that: absence is NOT accepted as a reason for not submitting the internally assessed Achievement Standards 91545 and 91547 on the due date except where there is a family emergency, e.g. bereavement or major medical or other emergency, or you are ill or hurt in an accident. Documentation is required in all cases. Where appropriate a Medical Certificate will be tendered as soon as is possible after your return to school. individual computer or printer problems at home or in the school computer labs are NOT acceptable reasons for late work. requests for a change of due date for assessment work may be granted at the discretion of the subject Head of Department for: - a curriculum activity (field trip in another subject) or sport/cultural representation at national or regional level - a school activity (e.g. a major production), other sport or cultural activities, a religious festival Application must be in writing at least 7 days in advance, with a parent's a signature. you may appeal decisions about late work or extensions cheating may result in the loss of grades or withdrawal from the qualification compassionate consideration for external qualifications may be given because of ill-health, an accident or family bereavement. Grades generated will in most cases be based on Term 3 exam results you have a right to check all internal assessment data held on computer before it is submitted to NZQA in November you will be asked to sign an authenticity statement for internally assessed achievement standards establishing work tendered/completed is your own. LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT RESOURCES You are responsible for all Language Department resources issued in your name. Write your name and form class neatly inside the front cover to ensure any misplaced texts can be returned to you, and that you return the correct text to the library at the end of the year. You will be charged for the replacement cost of lost or damaged items.