Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Lecture on EE 3115 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentations Contact Hours: 3, Credit: 3 Md. Alamgir Hossain Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering(EEE) Khulna University of Engineering & Technology(KUET) Khulna-9203, Bangladesh Contents 1 Measurement of Resistance 1.1 1.2 1.3 1 Measurement of Medium Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.1 Method of Measurement of Medium Resistance . . . . . . 1 Measurement of Low Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.2.1 Method of Measurement of Low Resistance . . . . . . . . 10 Measurement of High Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.3.1 Use of Guard Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.3.2 Methods of Measurement of High Resistance . . . . . . . 15 1.3.3 Loss of Charge Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.3.4 Methods of Measurement of Earth Resistance . . . . . . . 18 Bibliography 22 Chapter 1 Measurement of Resistance Contents 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.1 Measurement of Medium Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.1 Method of Measurement of Medium Resistance . . . . . . 1 Measurement of Low Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.2.1 Method of Measurement of Low Resistance . . . . . . . . 10 Measurement of High Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.3.1 Use of Guard Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.3.2 Methods of Measurement of High Resistance . . . . . . . 15 1.3.3 Loss of Charge Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.3.4 Methods of Measurement of Earth Resistance . . . . . . . 18 Measurement of Medium Resistance Classification of Resistances: Low resistance- ≤ 1Ω, Medium resistance- 1Ω ∼ 100kΩ and High resistance- ≥ 100kΩ 1.1.1 Method of Measurement of Medium Resistance i. Ammeter-Voltmeter method ii. Substitution method iii. Wheatstone bridge method and 1.1. Measurement of Medium Resistance 2 iv. Ohmmeter method Ammeter Voltmeter (AV) Method In AV method the measured resistance is given by Rm = V/I, where V and I is the voltage and current reading of voltmeter and ammeter respectively. The available connection methods are shown in figure (1.1). A Ra I=IV+IR A IV VA V V VR R V V RV IR R (a) (b) Figure 1.1: AV method to measure medium resistance For figure (1.1)(a), Rm1 = V Va + VR IRa + IR = = = Ra + R I I I (1.1) Therefore, the true value of resistance, R = Rm1 − Ra = Rm1 (1 − Ra /Rm1 ) (1.2) Relative error, Rm1 − R Ra = R R (1.3) V V V R = = = I IV + IR V/RV + V/R 1 + R/RV (1.4) εa = For figure (1.1)(b), Rm2 = (1.5) Therefore, the true value of resistance Rm2 RV 1 R= = Rm2 RV − Rm2 1 − Rm2 /RV ! (1.6) Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.1. Measurement of Medium Resistance 3 If Rv >> Rm2 then, 1 1 − Rm2 /RV !−1 = (1 + Rm2 /RV ) + ..... Neglecting higher order term, the true value of resistance become, R = Rm2 (1 + Rm2 /RV )) (1.7) R2 Rm2 − R = − m2 R RRV (1.8) Relative error, εb = Since, the value of Rm2 ≈ R, relative error εb = − R RV (1.9) The magnitude of error in both cases will be same if Ra R = R RV p R = Ra RV (1.10) If test resistance is greater than that of calculated from equation (1.10), then figure (1.1)(a) is used, otherwise figure (1.1)(b). Wheatstone Bridge Method The method of measuring medium resistance by using Wheatstone bridge is shown in figure (1.2). The bridge is said to be balanced if there is no current flow through the galvanometer or the potential difference across the galvanometer is zero. Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.1. Measurement of Medium Resistance 4 b P Q I3 I1 a c G I4 I2 R S d E Figure 1.2: Wheatstone bridge At balance condition, I1 P = I2 R (1.11) The galvanometer current will be zero if E P+Q E I2 = I4 = R+S I1 = I3 = (1.12) (1.13) Combining equations (1.11), (1.12) and (1.13) result P R = P+Q R+S P R = S Q (1.14) In equation (1.14), P and Q are known standard resistors and by varying standard variable resistor S the null point of the galvanometer is obtained and the value of unknown resistor R is calculated. Sensitivity of Wheatstone Bridge It is frequently desirable to the know the galvanometer response to be expected in a bridge which is slightly unbalanced so that a current flows through the galvanomeMd. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.1. Measurement of Medium Resistance 5 ter. This may be used in order to • select a galvanometer with which a given unbalance may be observed in a specified bridge arrangement, • determine the minimum unbalance which can be observed with a given galvanometer in a specified bridge arrangement and • determine the deflection to be expected for a given unbalance. The sensitivity to unbalance can be measured by solving bridge circuit for a small unbalance. Suppose, the resistance R is replaced by R + ∆R creating a small unbalance. This will create an emf e across the galvanometer branch. The voltage drop between points a and b as well as between a and d are given by EP P+Q E(R + ∆R) = I2 (R∆R) = R + ∆R + S Eab = I1 P = Ead Therefore, the voltage difference between points d and b is " # R + ∆R P e=E − R + ∆R + S P + Q (1.15) (1.16) (1.17) since, P R = P+Q R+S # R ES ∆R R + ∆R =E − = 2 R + ∆R + S r + S (R + S ) + ∆R(R + S ) " e = Ead − Eab (1.18) as ∆R(R + S ) << (R + S )2 e≈ ES ∆R (R + S )2 (1.19) Let, S v be the voltage sensitivity of a galvanometer. Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.1. Measurement of Medium Resistance 6 Therefore, the deflection of the galvanometer, θ = S ve = S v ES ∆R (R + S )2 (1.20) The bridge sensitivity S B is defined as the deflection of the galvanometer per unit fractional change in unknown resistance. The bridge sensitivity, θ S v ES R = ∆R/R (R + S )2 S vE S vE = R = P S +2+ R +2+ S Q SB = (1.21) (1.22) Q P The bridge sensitivity will be maximum if and only if the bridge has all equal arms i,e P = Q = R = S . The maximum bridge sensitivity is S Bmax = S vE 4 (1.23) Galvanometer Current: The current through the galvanometer can be found by the Thevenin equivalent circuit. The Thevenin voltage E0 between terminal b and d is given by E(R + ∆R) EP E0 = Ead − Eab = I2 (R + ∆R) − I1 P = − R + ∆R + S P + Q # " (R + ∆R) P − = E R + ∆R + S P + Q R+ R a Ro P d b c Q S Figure 1.3: (a) Finding Thevenin resistance (1.24) Eo G (b) Thevenin equivalent circuit Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.1. Measurement of Medium Resistance For a bridge arm with equal arms R = S = P = Q. Therefore, " # " # (R + ∆R) R (R + ∆R) 1 E0 = E − =E − R + ∆R + S R + S 2R + ∆R 2 ∆R ≈ E( ) 4R 7 (1.25) (1.26) Since, ∆R << R the Thevenin equivalent resistance of the bridge, R0 = RS PQ + R+S P+Q (1.27) For equal arms P = Q = R = S , R0 = R and the current in through the galvanometer is E0 R0 + G (1.28) E(∆R/4R) R+G (1.29) Ig = For a bridge with equal arms, Ig = We know that the deflection of the galvanometer, θ = S ve = S v ES ∆R (R + S )2 (1.30) But, if S i be the current sensitivity of the galvanometer, then Sv = Therefore, θ = S ve = Si R0 + G (1.31) S i ES ∆R (R0 + G)(R + S )2 (1.32) S i E∆R 4R(R + G) (1.33) For a bridge with equal arms, θ = S ve = And the bridge sensitivity, SB = θ S i ES R = ∆R/R (R0 + G)(R + S )2 (1.34) For a bridge with equal arms the bridge sensitivity, SB = S iE 4(R + G) (1.35) Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.1. Measurement of Medium Resistance 8 Precision Measurement of Medium Resistance with Wheatstone Bridge In case of medium resistance measurements with Wheatstone bridge, the following factors should be taken into consideration: i. Resistance of connecting leads ii. Thermoelectric effects iii. Temperature effects iv. Contact resistances In precision measurements, the accurate comparisons are made on an equal ratio bridge with a fixed standard nominally equal to the resistance under test. The problem is further reduced by determining the exact ratio of R to S or the difference between them. A slide wire bridge is used to determine that difference between the standard and unknown resistance. Carey Foster Slide Wire Bridge This bridge is suitable for comparing two nearly equal resistances. Resistance P and Q are adjusted so that the ratio P/Q is approximately equal to the ratio R/S . Let, balanced point d is obtained at a distance l1 as shown in figure (1.4) . Therefore at balance condition, P R + l1 r = Q S + (L − l1 )r P R + l1 r + S + (L − l1 )r R + S + Lr +1 = = Q S + (L − l1 )r S + (L − l1 )r (1.36) (1.37) where, r is the resistance per unit length of the slide wire. Then R and S are interchanged and balanced obtained again at a distance l2 . Similarly for second balance point, P S + l2 r = Q R + (L − l2 )r P S + l2 r + R + (L − l2 )r R + S + Lr +1 = = Q R + (L − l2 )r R + (L − l2 )r (1.38) (1.39) Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.1. Measurement of Medium Resistance 9 b Q P G a c S R d l2 l1 L E Figure 1.4: Carey Foster bridge to measure medium resistance From equation (1.37) and (1.39) S + (L − l1 )r = R + (L − l2 )r S − R = (l1 − l2 )r (1.40) (1.41) Thus the difference between S and R is obtained form the resistance per unit length of the slide wire together with the difference (l1 − l2 ) between the two slide wire lengths at balance. The slide wire is calibrated, .i.e. r is obtained by shunting either S or R by a known resistance and again determining the difference in length (l10 − l20 ). Suppose, S is known and S 0 is its value when shunted by known resistance. After shunting S equation (1.41) becomes S 0 − R = (l10 − l20 )r (1.42) Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.2. Measurement of Low Resistance 10 Therefore, equation (1.41) and (1.42) yield S −R S0 − R = 0 l1 − l2 l1 − l20 S (l10 − l20 ) − S 0 (l1 − l2 ) R = l10 − l20 − l1 + l2 (1.43) (1.44) The equation (1.44) shows that this method gives the direct comparison between R and S in terms of length only and the resistances of P and Q contact resistance, and the resistances of connecting leads are eliminated. Limitations of Wheatstone bridge: • few Ω to several MΩ • upper limit is set by reducing the sensitivity to unbalance caused by resistance values • upper limit can be extended by increasing emf that causes heat • inaccuracy due to leakage out of insulation • contact resistance presents a source of uncertainty that is difficult to overcome 1.2 1.2.1 Measurement of Low Resistance Method of Measurement of Low Resistance i. Ammeter-Voltmeter method ii. Kelvin Double bridge method iii. Potentiometer method Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.2. Measurement of Low Resistance 11 b Q P G a c S R m n d r1 r2 r E Figure 1.5: Kelvin bridge method for low resistance measurement Kelvin Double Bridge Method of Measurement of Low Resistance Kelvin bridge, a modification of Wheatstone bridge, method increases the accuracy in measurement of low resistance and remove the effect of connecting leads and contact resistance. As shown in figure (1.5), r represents the resistance of lead that connects the unknown resistance R and standard resistance S . The galvanometer is connected at point d that divides the resistance r into r1 and r2 such that, r1 P = r2 Q (1.45) Using equation (1.45) we have, r1 P P = ⇒ r1 = r r1 + r2 P + Q P+Q r1 + r2 P + Q Q ⇒ = ⇒ r2 = r r2 Q P+Q ⇒ (1.46) (1.47) Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.2. Measurement of Low Resistance 12 From the figure at balance condition P R + r1 = S + r2 Q P (S + r2 ) R + r1 = Q P P Q R+ r = (S + r) P+Q Q P+Q P R = .S Q (1.48) (1.49) (1.50) (1.51) So, connecting the galvanometer at point d, the resistance of leads does not affect the result. But, the problems with the above method are • the method is not practical • difficult to find correct galvanometer null point To solve the above problems, two actual resistance unit of correct ratio is connected between points m and n as shown in figure (1.6) which is the original Kelvin Double bridge. The ratio arm of p and q is connected at d to eliminate the effect of conb Q P G d p a R q n m r I S c I Rb E Figure 1.6: Kelvin Double bridge method for low resistance measurement necting leads between R and S . The value of P, Q, p and q are like that p/q = P/Q. Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.2. Measurement of Low Resistance 13 Under balance condition there is no current through galvanometer, which means Eab = Eamd . Where, Eab = and P Eac P+Q (p + q)r Eac = I R + S + p+q+r " # and " Eamd # r = I R+ p p+q+r At balance condition, ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Eab = Eamd " # P r Eac = I R + p P+Q p+q+r " # " # r P (p + q)r I R+S + p = I R+ P+Q p+q+r p+q+r " # qr P p P − R= S + Q p+q+r Q q p P P since, = R= S Q q Q (1.52) (1.53) (1.54) (1.55) (1.56) The equation (1.56) shows that, the resistance of connecting leads has no effect but error may be introduced in the ratio arms, i.e. p q = P Q may not equal. Thermoelectric effect can be removed by reversing the battery connection, and true value of R will be the mean of two readings. Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.3. Measurement of High Resistance 1.3 14 Measurement of High Resistance Examples of high resistance i. insulation resistance of components, machine, cables ii. high resistance circuit elements, vacuum tubes iii. leakage resistance of capacitor iv. surface resistance v. volume resistance 1.3.1 Use of Guard Circuit The main problem in measurement of high resistance is the leakage resistance. To eliminate the errors due to leakage resistance some form of guard circuits are generally used as shown in the figure (1.8). In figure (1.7) the high resistance mounted on a piece of insulating material is measured by the ammeter-voltmeter method. The micro-ammeter measures the sum of the current through the resistor IR+IL μA IR E V Resistance Terminal IL R Figure 1.7: High resistance measurement without Guard circuit Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.3. Measurement of High Resistance 15 (IR ) and the current through the leakage path around the resistor (IL ). Therefore, the measured value of the resistor calculated form the reading of the voltmeter and micro-ammeter will not be the true value of the resistor but will be in error. In figure (1.8) a guard terminal is added to the resistance terminal block and microammeter is bypassed. Now, micro-ammeter will measure only the current through the resistor R that allows to determine the correct measurement of the resistor. IL μA IR IR E V Guard Terminal IL R Figure 1.8: High resistance measurement with Guard circuit 1.3.2 Methods of Measurement of High Resistance i. Direct deflection method ii. Loss of Charge method iii. Megohm bridge iv. Meggar Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.3. Measurement of High Resistance 1.3.3 16 Loss of Charge Method In this method the insulation resistance R to be measured is connected in parallel with a capacitor C and a electrostatic voltmeter. The capacitor is charged to some suitable voltage by means of supply voltage V and then allowed to discharge through the resistance. V V R C Figure 1.9: Circuit for Loss of Charge Method V v=Ve-t/RC Figure 1.10: Circuit for Loss of Charge Method The voltage across the capacitor v at any instant t after application of supply voltage V as shown in figure (1.9) is given by v = Ve−t/RC (1.57) Therefore, the insulation resistance, R= t 0.4343t = Cloge (V/v) Clog10 (V/v) (1.58) Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.3. Measurement of High Resistance 17 More accurate result may be obtained by using change in voltage V − v directly and calling this change e, i.e. R= 0.4343t V Clog10 V−e (1.59) This method is suitable for high resistance measurement but it requires a capacitor having very high leakage resistance as high as the resistance being measured. This method is also time consuming. Actually, in this method the effect of the resistance of electrostatic voltmeter is ignored and the leakage resistance of the capacitor is assumed infinite. In practical, correction must be applied. In figure (1.11), R1 represents the resistance of voltmeter and capacitor. V C V R1 R Figure 1.11: Circuit for Loss of Charge Method The measured resistances, R0 =R1 ||R = 0.4343t/Clog10 (V/v) R1 =0.4343t/Clog10 (V/v) (1.60) R0 =RR1 /R + R1 where, R0 represents the resistance when two resistances are in operation, test is repeated disconnecting the resistance R. Then the true value R is obtained by using the equation (1.60). Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.3. Measurement of High Resistance 1.3.4 18 Methods of Measurement of Earth Resistance The earth resistance should be as minimum as possible used to: protect various parts of insulations, high voltage discharge and for stabilizing 3 − φ circuit. The methods of measuring earth resistance: i. Fall of Potential Method and ii. Earth Tester Fall of Potential Method A V V Auxiliary Electrode Auxiliary Electrode Earth Electrode I (a) A V V E D C B (b) V VBC VED E D (c) C B Figure 1.12: Fall of Potential Method Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.3. Measurement of High Resistance 19 As shown in figure (1.12) a current is passed through earth electrode E to another electrode B. The lines of first electrode current diverge and those of second electrode current converge. As a result the current density is much greater in the vicinity of the electrodes than at a distance from them. The potential distribution between the electrodes is shown in figure 1.12(c). It is obvious from the curve that the potential rises in the proximity of electrodes E and B and is constant along the middle section. The resistance of earth therefore, Earth Resistance RE = V/I = VEA /I RE Distance between electrodes E and A Figure 1.13: Earth resistance Localization of Cable Faults Fault occurring in cables which are in use on lower distribution voltage. The common faults are: Ground fault(core of the cable to ground) and short circuit fault(core of one cable to that of another cable). The methods for localizing of these type of cable faults are i. Murray Loop Test ii. Varley Loop Test Murray Loop Test: The connection diagram of this method is shown in figure (1.14). The resistances P, Q, R and X forms essentially a Wheatstone bridge. Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.3. Measurement of High Resistance P 20 Sound Cable R G l E Q X l1 Faulty Cable Figure 1.14: Murray Loop Test Under balance condition, P Q X Q X Q = ⇒ = ⇒ = R X R P X+R P+Q Q X= (R + X) P+Q (1.61) (1.62) If l1 represents the length of the fault from the test end and l is the length of each cable then l1 = Q .2l P+Q (1.63) Therefore, the position of the fault may be located if the length of the cable is known. In this test it seen that the fault resistance does not alter the balance condition because it enters the battery circuit. But, if the fault resistance is high, this may reduce the sensitivity of the bridge and accurate measurement will be impossible. This high resistance effect may be reduced by applying high dc or ac voltage that may carbonize the insulation of the cable at the point of fault. Varley Loop Test: The necessary connection diagram for this test is shown in figure (1.15). An SPDT switch K is set at position 1 and balance is obtained by varying S. Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh 1.3. Measurement of High Resistance 21 Sound Cable P R G l Q S X l1 Faulty Cable 1 K E 2 Figure 1.15: Varley Loop Test Let, for first case the value of S is S 1 . Under balance condition, Q R+X P P = ⇒ = R+X S1 S1 Q P R+X = S1 Q (1.64) (1.65) The switch K is thrown to position 2 and bridge is rebalanced. Then, the balance condition gives for the value of S is S 2 P Q = R X + S2 R P = X + S2 Q P+Q R + X + S2 = X + S2 Q (R + X)Q − S 2 P X = P+Q (1.66) (1.67) (1.68) (1.69) The value of X is obtained from equation (1.69) with the help of equation(1.65). For the cables of same cross section and resistivity, the resistances are proportional to the length. Now, if X = lr and R + X = 2lr then X l1 = R+X 2l l1 = X 2l R+X (1.70) (1.71) Md. Alamgir Hossain, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET, Bangladesh Bibliography [1] A. K. Sawhney,"A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation”. (Not cited.)