Anjali Varghese C et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Analysis of Leakage Current and DC Injection in Transformerless PV Inverter Topologies Anjali Varghese C #1, Karpagam M *2, Alwarsamy T #3 # Research Scholar, Anna University, Chennai # Liaison Officer, DOTE, Chennai India 1 3 * Assosciate Professor, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology Coimbatore,India 2 Abstract—Considering low efficiencies of solar panels, the reliability and efficiency of power electronic interface has to be ensured. Transformerless PV inverters increases the efficiency by nearly 2% and decreases cost by 25%. With no galvanic isolation comes the problem of dc injection and ground leakage current which pauses serious problems to core saturation of distribution transformers, cable corrosion, Power quality and EMI problems and has to be limited as per IEEE standards. This paper gives an analysis of leakage current flowing through the parasitic capacitance and also the DC injection in the output of the inverter. Analysis is done for various values of parasitic capacitance. Five different HBridge derived topologies and PWM techniques are evaluated on the basis of leakage current and DC injection. Keyword-DC injection, Common Mode Voltage, Differential Mode Voltage, Parasitic Capacitance, Leakage current. I. INTRODUCTION Avoiding transformers while connecting PV inverters to grid has gained much popularity due to its increased efficiency (nearly by 2%) and decreased cost (nearly by 25%). Transformers used for isolation could either be line frequency transformers which increase the bulkiness of the system while high frequency transformers require more than one power stage and increase system complexity. However, transformerless inverters have a serious drawback of ground leakage current which flows between the PV array and the ground through the parasitic capacitance that exists between PV cell and its frame. When the frame is grounded the parasitic capacitance exists between the PV array and ground. The common mode voltage fluctuations across this capacitance cause ground leakage current flow which initiates problems of EMI, personnel safety, power quality issues and system losses. Large ground leakage currents are formed when parasitic capacitance AC side filter inductors and grid form a resonant circuit. To minimize the leakage current, the maintenance of constant common mode voltage is primarily required. Common mode voltage largely depends on topology of the inverter and PWM techniques. Full bridge configuration with bipolar PWM has constant common mode voltage but with a reduced efficiency and large output current ripple. Full bridge with unipolar PWM has many advantages of increased efficiency and three level output. There are other full bridge derived structures like H5 and HERIC topologies which use additional switches for DC and AC decoupling respectively. Decoupling switches enable the disconnection of PV panel from the grid during freewheeling modes. This helps in limiting the DC link voltage ripple. The galvanic connection between the PV system and the utility also causes DC current injection from PV system to the utility. This DC injection, according to Blewitt et al can be classified as common mode and differential mode DC current injection. Common mode DC injection is established due to the parasitic capacitance that is formed between the PV array and ground. This in turn produces ground leakage current between inverter output and DC stage. A finite DC component is thereby injected to the inverter output through this connection. Ground leakage current can be prevented by maintaining the common mode voltage constant. This can also be prevented by using various topologies and pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques. Differential mode DC injection is produced due to the asymmetrical operation of inverter switches and also due to offset errors produced by sensors and transducers. Also a differential mode voltage component is generated ISSN : 0975-4024 Vol 6 No 1 Feb-Mar 2014 453 Anjali Varghese C et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) within coommon modee component which w is discuussed in section II and can n be avoided uusing equal value filter inductorss. DC injectioon can be elim minated by usiing series cap pacitors, DC liink sensors annd particular topologies t using DC C decoupling during d freewh heeling modess in inverter op peration[1]-[7]. The orrganisation off the paper is as a follows: Seection II contaains modelling g of common mode voltagee . Section III gives the analysis of the five diifferent H-Briidge derived topologies. Seection IV givves the compaarison and on obtained fro om the experim ments. experimeental analysis and Section V summarizes the conclusio N MODE VOLT TAGE MODEL II. COMMON The gaalvanic conneection betweeen PV inverterr and the grid d pauses the problem p of leeakage curren nt and DC injection. This sectionn models the equivalent coommon modee voltage considering bothh differential mode m and common mode voltagee. utput of PV arrray through a DC link Figg. 1 shows thhe model of siingle phase innverter conneccted to the ou capacitorr. LR and LY are a line inducttors respectiveely and Lg is the t inductor on the grid sidee. Parasitic caapacitance can existt between PV V panel and frame, f represeented as CPV, between line and groundd, as CLG and d between transform mer windings, CW. Groound leakage current flow ws from the ooutput of PV V through CPV und. Since grid is also V to the grou groundedd, leakage currrent flows to o the grid. Foor PV inverterrs with galvan nic isolation , the stray caapacitance between transformer windings offeer impedancee to DC curreent and thereefore the DC injection is not much nsformerless innverters sincee winding influenceed by topologgy or PWM technique usedd in inverterss. But in tran capacitannce is absent the t topology as a well as moddulation strateegies can be effectively e moodified to elim minate DC injection. The ccommon modee voltage exissting betweenn R and Y terminals of the line is obtainned where VCM C _RY and VDM_RY aare the comm mon mode and differential m mode voltage between b lines R and Y resppectively. VRNN and VYN are the ouutput voltagess of the invertter with respeect to the negaative terminal N of the DC bus referencee. VCM_RY and VDM_RY are definned as V RNN VYN 2 (1) VDM D _ RY V RN N VYN (2) VCM C _ RY Fig 1. Com mmon Mode Volltage Model VCCM_EFF is the combination of common mode voltage between lin nes and the ccommon mod de voltage producedd by the differrential mode voltage v whichh is influenced by the filterr inductance iimbalances deepicted as Vry. m voltage can be defineed as Effectiive common mode VCM _ EFF VCM _ RY Vry Vry ISSN : 0975-4024 VDM _ RY LY LR 2 LY LR Vol 6 No 1 Feb-Mar 2014 (3) (4) 454 Anjali Varghese C et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Thhis voltage cann be made zerro if LR=LY. T The inverter has h been desig gned with equual output ind ductors. In this papeer, the DC injeection measureed and shownn is the total DC injection in n the output off the inverter[8 8]-[11]. Fig 2. Modeel of Effective Co ommon Mode III. ANA ALYSIS OF TOP POLOGIES a analysis off leakage currrent flowing through t the paarasitic capaciitance and alsso the DC This ssection gives an fferent H-Brid dge derived to opologies andd PWM techn niques are injection in the outpuut of the inverter. Five diff c and D DC injection. Transformerleess inverters bbased on H-B Bridge are evaluatedd on the basiss of leakage current chosen foor their less coomplexity in analysis a and m modelling [12]]-[14]. Bridge with Bipolar Pulse Width W Modulattion (PWM) i) H-B ii)H-B Bridge with Unnipolar Pulse Width W Modulaation iii)H-B Bridge with Hybrid H Pulse Width W Modulat ation iv)H-B Bridge Topoloogy with DC Bypass B (one S Switch) v)H-B Bridge Topologgy with DC Bypass(two B sw witches) i) H-Bridge withh Bipolar Pulsse Width Moddulation Fig 3. H--Bridge inverter Topology T S1 andd S3 are sw witched by com mparing sinussoidal signal with triangulaar carrier signnal and S2 an nd S4 are switchedd complementaarily. There iss no zero outpuut voltage statte in this conffiguration. Thee filtering req quirements WM. The outpu ut voltage is bbipolar in natu ure, (+VDC to -V - DC to +VDC)), and so core losses are are high iin bipolar PW high. Effficiency is low w due to reactive power trannsfer between LR, LY with CPV. ii) H-Bridge withh Unipolar PW WM nces. Two Two leegs are switchhed by comparing high freqquency with siinusoidal and mirrored sinuusoidal referen zero outpput voltage sttates are possible when S11, S3 = ON and a S2, S4 = ON. Since thhe switching ripple r has double thhe switching frequency, the t filtering rrequirements are lowered. The output voltage is un nipolar in ISSN : 0975-4024 Vol 6 No 1 Feb-Mar 2014 455 Anjali Varghese C et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) nature.(00 to +VDC to 0 to –VDC to 0). 0 Losses aree reduced duriing zero voltaage states andd therefore effficiency is higher thhan bipolar. iii) H-Bridge with Hybrid H PWM d at high PWM M frequency. Two zero One leeg is switchedd at low grid frequency andd the other leeg is switched output vooltage states are possible: S1, S2 = ON N and S3, S4 = ON. Effficiency is higgh as in unip polar. The switchingg ripple in thee current follow ws switching frequency and d hence filtering requiremennts are higherr. iv) H-Bridge withh DC Bypass (one Switch) Fig 4. H-Bridgge with DC Bypaass (one Switch) The H – bridge swiitches in this topology t folloow a unipolar switching pattern. Switch S5 is turned off o during the freew wheeling modee of the inverrter. Two zeroo output voltage states are possible: p S1, S2 = ON and d S3, S4 = ON. Efficciency is highh as in unipolaar. The switchhing ripple in the t current folllows switchinng frequency and a hence filtering rrequirements are higher. Th his modulationn can be used only for two quadrant operration. v) H-Bridge withh DC Bypass (Two Switchees) Fig 5. H-Bridgee with DC Bypasss (Two Switches) The H H-Bridge switcches in this top pology follow w a unipolar sw witching patteern. S5 and S66 (DC Bypass switches) are turneed off during zero output voltage statees. The efficieency is lowerr than unipollar has higherr filtering requirem ments. IV. COM MPARISON OF RESULTS mpare the leak kage current off output for th he various topologies, simul ulations were performed p To anaalyze and com in MATL LAB/Simulinkk. Two filter inductors i are placed in the line and neuttral of the outpput as shown. Analysis is done bby varying thee parasitic cap pacitance CPV V over a rang ge of 1µF to 10µF 1 and studdying the FFT T analysis and funddamental valuue of leakagee current. Annalysis of the inverter outp put current w with varying values of ISSN : 0975-4024 Vol 6 No 1 Feb-Mar 2014 456 Anjali Varghese C et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) parasitic capacitance has h been donee. Also the annalysis of effeect of output inductor imbaalance on DC C injection F the efffect of seriess capacitance connected in n the output oof inverter on n the DC has beenn observed. Further injection values has alsso been investtigated. Fig 6. Leakagge Current Vs Parrasitic capacitance Fig 6 shows the efffect of varying parasitic caapacitance on the leakage current c for diffferent topologies. This he basis of leeakage currentt and shows that hybrid sw witched inverter has the chapter eevaluates 5 topologies on th highest lleakage curreent and the topologies wiith DC bypasss has lesser leakage currrent values. In I all the topologiees, the leakagee current increeases with incrreased with in ncreasing valu ues of parasiticc capacitance.. Fig 7. Comparison C of DC C Injection valuees for various topo ologies with vary ying parasitic cappacitance Fig 7 sshows the effeect of various topologies onn DC injection n with varying g parasitic cappacitance. It caan be seen that the vvalue of DC does d not much depend on the value of parasitic p capaacitance but itt rather depen nds on the PWM tecchnique and circuit c topology. As can bbe seen, the DC D injection value v is maxim mum for hyb brid PWM topologyy and least for bipolar topo ology. The U Unipolar topollogy has more DC injectioon than H-Brridge with witch DC Bypaass and H-Bridge with doubble switch DC C Bypass topologies. single sw ISSN : 0975-4024 Vol 6 No 1 Feb-Mar 2014 457 Anjali Varghese C et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Fig 8. Coomparison of DC C Injection values for various topollogies with varyin ng output inducto tor values. Anothher interesting feature can be b seen in fig 8. The effect of varying the output indu ductors can bee observed for the 5 topologies. When W there is no imbalancee that is when n LY = LR, thee DC injectionn values are lesser. But put inductor vvalues, the DC injection haas substantialllly increased for f all the when theere is imbalannce in the outp topologiees. So it can be clearly stateed that DC injeection depend ds on the comm mon mode efffective voltagee. Fig 9. Com mparison of DC Innjection values for various topologgies with varying output inductor values and outpuut series capacitan nce. When series capaciitance is addeed to the diffeerent topologies, as seen in n fig 9 the DC C injection vaalues have n values does not much deepend on thee value of consideraably dropped.. It can be observed that DC injection parasitic capacitance .The value off injected DC C definitely depends d on the effective ccommon mod de voltage which caan be adjusted by the balancce of output innductors. TABLE I Com mparison of Topologies Topology H-Bridge wiith Bipolar PWM M H-Bridge wiith Unipolar PW WM H-Bridge wiith Hybrid PWM M H-Bridge wiith DC Bypass (onee Switch) H-Bridge wiith DC Bypass (twoo Switches) ISSN : 0975-4024 Parameters P Common Mode voltagee VCM Leakage Cu urrent DC Injection w Low Low VDC/2 VDC/2 0,VDC/2 gh Hig High 0,VDC/2 0,VDC/2 0,VDC Hig ghest Highest 0,VDC/2 0,VDC/2 Low w Low VDC/2 VDC/2 west Low Lowest VDC/2 VDC/2 0,VDC/2 , VDC 0,VDC/2 , VDC 0,VDC/2 , VDC Vol 6 No 1 Feb-Mar 2014 Common Effective C Mode Volltage VCM_EFF LY=LR LY=0 458 Anjali Varghese C et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) V. CONCLUSION This work evaluates five different transformerless topologies on the basis of leakage current and DC injection. It can be seen from the analysis that DC decoupling of the inverter during freewheeling tends to reduce the leakage current as well as DC injection. 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