OFFICE USE Application Number Received by Date Distributed by Kia Ora! Welcome to Unitec Institute of Technology Application/Enrolment Form 2016 You can save time and paperwork if you apply online at This form is for new students or current/returning students applying for a new programme. You should also be a citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Tokelau, Niue or Australia. If you have any questions about your application please call us on 0800 10 95 10 or email and one of our advisors will be happy to help. International students can contact the International Office on +64 9 815 4302 or email for information and assistance. PERSONAL INFORMATION Enter details as shown on your birth or marriage certificate or passport. You are required to provide certified copies of your name, date of birth and residence or citizenship status. Please refer to details on page 2. Last name First names Preferred first name If you have changed your name (e.g. by marriage or deed poll), please include certified proof. Previous name(s) ✔ Female Male Date of birth Day/Month/Year Is this your first application to study at Unitec? ✔ Yes No Unitec Student ID number (if known) Name of programme(s) you are applying for in order of preference 1. 2. 3. 4. Specialisation or major (See or programme brochure for details) Preferred campus. Mt Albert campus (Carrington Rd, Mt Albert) Northern campus (10 Rothwell Ave, Albany) Waitākere campus Not sure Semester 2 Summer School (Ratanui St, Henderson) Year and semester you will commence study. Year Full-time Semester 1 Part-time Email The email address you provide will be used to create a self-service account for you. PLEASE DO NOT FAX OR EMAIL THIS FORM. FAXED OR EMAILED COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Page 1. Unitec Application/Enrolment Form ETHNIC GROUP Tick up to three boxes. African Australian British/Irish Cambodian Chinese Cook Island Maori Dutch Fijian Filipino German Greek Indian Italian Japanese Korean Latin American Middle Eastern NZ European/Pakeha New Zealand Maori Niuean Polish Samoan South Slav Sri Lankan Tokelauan Tongan Vietnamese Other Pacific Peoples* Other Southeast Asian* Other Asian* Other European* Other* *If other, please specify the ethnic group you identify with: If you have identified as NZ Māori, enter the name of your iwi. (You can enter up to three iwi names). If you do not know what to enter, contact the Pae Arahi, Hare Paniora (ph +64 9 815 4321 ext 7783 or email, or Maia (ph +64 9 815 4321 ext 8695) for assistance. Iwi CITIZENSHIP To qualify as a domestic student, and to be entitled to the Government tuition subsidy, you must be a citizen of New Zealand (including students from the Cook Islands, Tokelau, or Niue who have New Zealand citizenship) or a permanent resident of New Zealand or a citizen or permanent resident of Australia residing in New Zealand. You must provide evidence of citizenship or permanent residency. You are required to provide original documentation or a certified copy of the original document. A certified copy is a photocopy that an authorised person who has sighted the original documentation has confirmed, dated and signed. An authorised person is a person listed in the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957 who is able to take declarations. This person could be a Barrister or Solicitor of the High Court, a Justice of the Peace (listed in the Yellow Pages), a Notary Public, a Court Registrar or Deputy Registrar, a Member of Parliament, or a Land Transport Safety Authority, Public Trust, or local authority employee designated for this purpose. If you are in a remote community and are unable to access a person listed in the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957, a school principal, minister of religion, or general practitioner is acceptable. You may bring original document/s to Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero) for Unitec staff to make a photocopy of the document/s and verify, stamp and sign the copy. Where a birth certificate, passport or certificate of NZ citizenship has been provided and there has been a change of name since that document was issued, a marriage certificate, dissolution of marriage certificate or statutory declaration document will also be needed in order to confirm current details. If you are applying to Unitec for the first time you need to supply proof of citizenship and eligibility to study. Certified documentation is essential. Please tick one of the boxes below. In the right hand column next to the box you have ticked, please tick and supply a certified copy of one of the relevant documents with this application form. Choose the citizenship or permanent residence status that applies to you. New Zealand Citizen New Zealand birth certificate New Zealand passport Certificate of NZ citizenship A statement of Whakapapa stating your full name and date of birth and countersigned by a kaumatua Birth certificate with place of birth stated as Cook Islands, Niue or Tokelau New Zealand Permanent Resident Passport with a current residency permit My country of citizenship is: Australian Citizen Australian birth certificate – only if you were born before August 1986 Australian passport Certificate of Australian citizenship Australian Permanent Resident Passport with a current residency permit My country of citizenship is: Refugee status A document from Immigration New Zealand confirming refugee status. (Should evidence of New Zealand permanent residence also be required then a passport with a current residency permit or a letter from Immigration New Zealand confirming permanent resident status will need to be provided) PLEASE DO NOT FAX OR EMAIL THIS FORM. FAXED OR EMAILED COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Page 2. Unitec Application/Enrolment Form CONTACT DETAILS Your preferred address for all Unitec correspondence. Postal address Postcode Phone (0 Town/city Mobile ( ) Fax (0 ) ) Your address while studying (if different from above). Street address Postcode Town/city Mobile ( Phone (0 Fax (0 ) ) ) Work/business address (if applicable). Company name Postal address Town/city Postcode EMERGENCY CONTACT Name Home phone (0 Mobile phone ( ) ) Work phone (0 ) Relationship STATISTICAL INFORMATION The Ministry of Education requires this data to be collected before your application can be processed. Is this the first year you have enrolled in a University, Polytechnic, College of Education, Private Training Establishment, or Wananga in New Zealand or overseas since leaving school? Do not include STAR, community or hobby classes. ✔ No Yes If you answered “No”, please enter the name of the organisation you studied at and the year of your first enrolment: Name Year What was your main activity in New Zealand in the year before starting this programme/s at Unitec? (select only one). Student of a Secondary School Wage/salary worker Student of a Polytechnic Self employed Student of a University Unemployed or other beneficiary Student of a Wananga Student of a Private Training Establishment (PTE) e.g. DPB, Sickness, ACC (excluding retired) Houseperson/retired Overseas Name of Private Training Establishment PLEASE DO NOT FAX OR EMAIL THIS FORM. FAXED OR EMAILED COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Page 3. Unitec Application/Enrolment Form What is the highest level of achievement you hold from a secondary school? (Select only one). This may be a “traditional” award such as School Certificate, a number of credits, or a National Certificate at a certain level on the National Qualifications Framework. Your NZQA Record of Learning shows you how many credits you have. No formal secondary qualification NCEA Level 3 or Bursary or Scholarship 14 or more credits at any level NCEA Level 1 or School Certificate Overseas qualification, including International Baccalaureate and Cambridge International Exams (please specify) CEA Level 2 or New Zealand Sixth N Form Certificate (one or more subjects) Not known University Entrance Other (please specify) (one or more subjects) PREVIOUS EDUCATION Please attach either your NZQA record of learning, your original academic transcript or a certified copy of either document. Unitec reserves the right to contact any institution holding relevant academic records to confirm information supplied. Enter your National Student Number (NSN Number) here (if known). SECONDARY SCHOOL /HIGH SCHOOL The Ministry of Education requires this data to be collected before your application can be processed. Write ‘overseas’ if applicable. Secondary school/high school attended When was your last year at secondary school/high school? (e.g. 2010) If you are still at school, what subjects are you studying and at what level? Subjects Level If you have no qualifications, please tick here ✔ TERTIARY STUDIES TERTIARY STUDY AND/OR PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Please provide details of all previous and current tertiary study. Qualification Institution Start date End date Completed In progress Completed In progress Completed In progress Completed In progress PLEASE DO NOT FAX OR EMAIL THIS FORM. FAXED OR EMAILED COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Page 4. Unitec Application/Enrolment Form SUPPORT The Ministry of Education requires this data to be collected. The information you supply is confidential and will not affect your application. Extra support may be available for students with certified medical conditions, disabilities/ impairments or learning difficulties. In order to be considered for this support, students must provide the information below. Please note, an offer of place on a programme made prior to an assessment for your declared disability does not mean that support is available. We are unable to guarantee any support without an assessment. If you have any queries please contact the Disability Liaison Centre at Do you live with the effects of an injury, long-term illness or disability, or do you identify as being Deaf? Yes ✔ No Please specify the type of your injury, illness or impairment Blind Deaf Hearing Head injury Physical Mobility Specific learning Speech Medical Vision Mental health Temporary impairment Other, please specify Would you like to be contacted by the Disability Liaison Centre to be considered for support? Yes ✔ No Do you need a NZ Sign Language Interpreter or notetaker for classes or exams? Yes ✔ No In the event of an emergency, would you need help to evacuate the building? Yes ✔ No CAREER BACKGROUND SUMMARY We invite applicants to tell us about any work experience relevant to their field of study. Please provide details of your work experience in the section below or submit a CV with your application. Have you attached your CV or other supporting documentation? ✔ Yes No Employer Position Start/end dates Summary What activities are you involved in (school, community, cultural, etc) that will support this application? (You may continue on a separate page if you wish, writing your full name on any additional paper used.) Why have you chosen this programme/s? Please indicate what type of employment interests you after graduating. (You may continue on a separate page if you wish, writing your full name on any additional paper used.) The language of instruction at Unitec is English. If English is not your first language and you have an IELTS or TOEFL score (dated 2 years or less), please include a certified copy of your original IELTS/TOEFL results. (Please note, you may be required to produce your original result notice.) IELTS/TOEFL score PLEASE DO NOT FAX OR EMAIL THIS FORM. FAXED OR EMAILED COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Page 5. Unitec Application/Enrolment Form Please state other languages known and indicate your level of ability. Native/fluent Able to translate Conversational Native/fluent Able to translate Conversational Native/fluent Able to translate Conversational FEE PAYMENT Confirmation of enrolment – will be provided in the form of an invoice. Fee payments – are due seven days prior to the course start date. Access to Unitec services is dependent on your fees being paid. Unitec fees – include Tuition fee, Student Services fee, and GST. Depending on the programme taken, other approved fees may be charged including Unit Standard fees, Examination fees, Audition fees, Course Material costs etc. Student Loan – if paying by Student Loan, please telephone StudyLink for advice prior to the start of your programme on 0800 88 99 00 or visit Indicate how you will pay your fees. Cheque Credit card Student Loan Other Please specify IRD NUMBER Providing your IRD number is voluntary and is used for a Student Loan interest write-off. For more information on interest-free student loans, visit PAYMENT OF FEES, WITHDRAWAL, REFUND AND CANCELLATION POLICY Fees must be paid seven days prior to the course start date (this being the due date shown on the tax invoice/ statement) or a loan application must be in progress. The current Unitec Admissions, Enrolments and Fees policy relating to fee refunds for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents is listed below. This policy may be amended from time to time with the latest version available on the Unitec website Refund Policy for New Zealand Citizens and Permanent Residents » If a domestic student applies in writing to withdraw before the official class start date of the class a full 100% refund of fees paid shall be given with the exception of any non-refundable deposit. » If a student submits an application to withdraw from a course of 12 weeks or longer (or a course normally taught for 12 weeks or longer that is being offered in condensed form in the summer school) on or before the 10% date of the course*, the student is entitled to a refund of 90% of the fees paid and no record of the student’s enrolment will be entered onto the student’s academic record. » If a student has paid a holding deposit and subsequently withdraws, the full deposit shall be retained or 10% of the total fee, whichever is the greater. If the student who has withdrawn has not paid any fees, the normal 10% retained amount is to be pursued through the debt collection process. Amounts under $100 remain a charge on the student’s account, and will be pursued through the debt collection agency at the discretion of the Finance Committee. No further enrolments will be possible until this balance has been paid. » If a student withdraws in writing from a course/programme of 12 weeks or longer (or a course normally taught for 12 weeks or longer that is being offered in condensed summer school form) after the 10% date but before the submission or sitting of the final summative assessment, no refund is given, except in exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances refunds require the Application for Exceptional Refund of Fees Form to be lodged with Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero) within 30 days of the last day of attendance or prior to the last day of the course whichever date is earlier, and require the approval of the Executive Dean of the Faculty or their representative. In such cases a refund of fees may be given to a maximum of 30% of the fees paid. » A student may change from one course/class to another course/class within the same semester and a direct transfer of fee will take place in the student management system if the student applies to do so prior to the 10% date of the class in which the student is enrolled. In the case of a change to a course/class with a higher fee then the student must pay the difference. If the change is to a course/class of a lower fee then the difference shall be refunded. » All domestic students with credit balances in their account shall be reviewed on a six monthly basis. Faculties will be contacted to verify the credit and monies refunded appropriately. » The Executive Dean of the Faculty (or person approved by him/her) is authorised within the limits of their financial delegated authority to approve refunds for domestic students on a compassionate basis in exceptional circumstances (such as serious illness, etc.) The amount of the refund will be at the discretion of the Executive Dean of the Faculty, or the person approved above by him/her. * Means the date which is 10% of the way through the course duration as defined by the number of days from the official class start date to the class end date. The 10% date is defined as being 20% of the way through the first semester component of the double semester course. PLEASE DO NOT FAX OR EMAIL THIS FORM. FAXED OR EMAILED COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Page 6. Unitec Application/Enrolment Form PERSONAL INFORMATION – PRIVACY ACT 1993 Unitec collects and holds personal information about students to comply with various statutes, including the Education Act, the Public Finance Act and the Inland Revenue Act and to enable Unitec to make decisions in relation to your tertiary study at Unitec and to provide you with information relevant to your study, participation in the Unitec community and regarding services and facilities available to you. We may use the personal information provided by you on this form to send you information about Unitec courses and programmes that may be of interest to you. If you do not provide all or any part of the information requested on this form, or if any information provided by you is not true and correct, then Unitec may refuse to process your application or may terminate your enrolment. Personal information collected on this form and other documents submitted to support this application may be disclosed to academic and administration staff where relevant to their duties, and also where relevant to other agencies such as the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand Qualifications Authority, Inland Revenue Department, Ministry of Social Development, StudyLink, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Career Services, tribal trusts and scholarship providers, Immigration New Zealand, Industry Training Organisations, Industry Licensing and Registration bodies, Ed. Collective, other tertiary institutions, previous secondary schools and providers of work experience for students in courses with a practical component. Please note that your name, date of birth and residency as entered on this enrolment form will be included in the National Student Index, and will be used in an Authorised Information Matching programme with the New Zealand Birth Register. For further information please see In addition, when required by law, Unitec will release information to government agencies such as the New Zealand Police, Department of Justice, Inland Revenue, Ministry of Social Development and the Accident Compensation Corporation. You have the right to access and correct personal information about you which has been collected by Unitec, in accordance with Unitec’s Privacy of Information Policy and Procedures, available at PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR APPLICATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL YOU HAVE SIGNED THE DECLARATION ON THE NEXT PAGE. COURSE ENROLMENT Please complete this section ONLY if you know which courses you intend to take for the programme/s you are applying for. (If you have been forwarded a selection sheet please complete and attach it here.) Unitec Student ID Number OFFICE USE COURSE APPROVAL Each course must be approved by the department teaching the course with the appropriate authorised signature. Funding Source Initials Course no. e.g. MATH 4001 Class no. Course name 1010 Introduction to Statistics PLEASE DO NOT FAX OR EMAIL THIS FORM. FAXED OR EMAILED COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Page 7. Unitec Application/Enrolment Form DECLARATION » I declare that the information provided by me on this form is complete and correct. I also undertake that any further information I provide to Unitec (whether for a change to my enrolment or applying for a new programme or otherwise) will also be complete and accurate. » I understand that failure to disclose required information or the supply of incorrect information may result in my enrolment not being processed, or in my enrolment being cancelled. » I agree to abide by all Unitec statutes, regulations and policies as may be amended from time to time. » I have read and accept the privacy and policy statements printed on page 7 of this form. I understand that I can access Unitec’s Privacy of Information Policy on the Unitec website » I undertake to make prompt payment of fees as notified on the invoice confirming my enrolment. » I understand that payment must be received within the due time and that, failing this, formal recovery action may be taken to recover unpaid fees. Furthermore, I understand that I will be liable for all costs relating to such recovery. » I agree that before I use the Internet at Unitec, I will familiarise myself with the Unitec’s Electronic Devices and Systems Policy and I will abide by them. I accept that failure on my part to abide by this policy may lead to the termination of my access to the Internet via Unitec and that I may be required to pay any internet-related costs incurred by my actions that do not accord with the policy and guidelines (as well as reasonable costs of recovering those costs). » I authorise the use of my computer login code for admission and enrolment purposes, I accept responsibility for all uses of my individual computer login code and I agree not to give my computer login code or password to other users. » I understand that Unitec may need to validate the information provided on this form and attachments. I authorise Unitec to collect information for this purpose from any agency holding the source of this information. » I consent to receiving electronic messages from Unitec in relation to goods, services and facilities that are available to me as a Unitec applicant or student. Signature Date Day/Month/Year CHECKLIST Make sure your application can be processed. Please note that all copies of your documentation must be certified by a Justice of the Peace (JP), Kaumatua or Solicitor or any other authorised person as listed on page 2. You may also bring your original documents to Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero) for staff to sight and verify. Completed all relevant sections on this form? (Note: Question 37 is optional and should only be completed if courses have been selected.) Attached certified proof of citizenship? (Question 14) i.e. at least one of the following: 1. New Zealand Birth Certificate 2. Certificate of New Zealand Citizenship 3. New Zealand Passport 4. Whakapapa 5. Cook Islands, Niue or Tokelau birth certificate 6. Immigration New Zealand document Attached certified proof of New Zealand residency? i.e. passport with a current residency permit Attached certified proof of academic qualifications? (Question 27) 1. IELTS/TOEFL score 2. NCEA or other secondary school results 3. Bursary results 4. Academic transcript Completed an online Student Loan Application (if necessary)? Read and signed the Declaration? PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: Student Central Unitec Institute of Technology Private Bag 92025 Victoria St West Auckland 1142, New Zealand PLEASE DO NOT FAX OR EMAIL THIS FORM. FAXED OR EMAILED COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. U008773/0914/300 Page 8. Unitec Application/Enrolment Form