1. Click the blue Windows button in the lower left corner of your

1. Click the blue Windows button in the
lower left corner of your screen then
click Control Panel.
2. Click View network status and
3. Click Manage wireless networks
4. Click Add
5. Click Manually create a network
6. Type CISD-BYOD (case sensitive) in
the Network name box, choose WPA2Enterprise in the Security type box then
select AES in the Encryption type box.
These settings may already be chosen.
Click Next
7. Click Change connection settings
8. Click Security tab
9. Choose Microsoft: Protected EAP
(PEAP) in the Choose a network
authentication method box
10. Click Settings
11. UN-check Validate server
12. Click Secured password (EAPMSCHAP v2)
13. Click Configure
14. UN-check the box next to
Automatically use my Windows logon
Name then click OK.
15. Click OK at the Protected EAP
Properties window.
16. Click Advanced Settings
17. Checkmark the box next to Specify
authentication mode & select User
authentication in the dropdown menu
18. Click OK
19. Click OK again at the CISD-BYODWirelees Network Properties window.
20. Close the two open windows by
clicking Close or the red X in the upper
right corner of the window.
21. When the information bubble
appears in the system tray, click on it
and when prompted, enter your
Computer username & password. Click
If you don’t get prompted or are
unable to click on the bubble,
proceed to Step 22.
22. Click on the Wireless Network icon
in the lower right corner of your screen.
It will like like example A or B
23. Find the Wireless Network
Connection named CISD-BYOD.
If CISD-BYOD says Connected, you
have successfully connected to the
CISD-BYOD network.
If there is a button that says Connect,
click it and enter your Computer
username and password then click OK