PC/E Payment Services Automation and process optimization for transaction-based financial business PC/E Payment Services Process optimization of card-based transactions has long been a concern for retail banks. With its scalability and industrialized processing of payment transactions, PC/E Payment Services enables you to make optimal use of your resources. YOUR CHALLENGES Banks are under tremendous pressure to operate profitably. This means reducing costs and handling transactions efficiently. | Banks need a flexible solution for efficient handling of payment transactions Intensifying competition and market globalization are forcing retail banks to streamline their organizations and automate their processes, including those related to the electronic transactions that make up their core business. Payment transactions, in particular, have lost none of their significance in recent years, and retail banks have realized that their profitability depends to a quite large extent on the cost-efficiency and highly available processing of these transactions. | Efficiency in core tasks Maintaining high profitability is essential given the variety of new transaction types, delivery channels and technologies. Yet their rapid integration is often hindered by outdated platforms. In addition, bank operations need to run without interruption. To ensure protection adainst card fraud a risk control system based on real-time information is a prerequisite. Faced with SEPA, the EMV standard and the expectations of customers, retail banks must strive to make their payment handling processes more efficient, especially where cross-border transactions are concerned. Retail banks also need a multichannel architecture to support similar processes independently of the medium used. The good news is: provided their core functions are designed efficiently and they fully exploit their synergy potential, banks can succeed in achieving attractive margins for a calculable risk despite the formidable requirements of good payment services. | Our solution: the functions ❚ Automation of card-based payment transactions and administration of all payment cards across all delivery channels ❚ Routing and switching of authorization requests to the various back-office systems ❚ Authorization of EMV transactions ❚ Clearing and settlement of inter-bank fees ❚ Integrated, multi-level risk management concept | Efficient design of core banking functions with PC/E Payment Services No matter what channel you use to provide them, all your services should, where possible, be implemented in an optimal manner using the same process mechanisms, both within your network and in interaction with other service providers. This also applies to cross-border payment transactions – and the key word here is SEPA. PC/E Payment Services allows you to standardize and automate services, so that what used to be channel-specific functions can now be reused in other delivery channels. And new channels and transaction types can be implemented quickly and easily using PC/E Payment Services. OUR SOLUTION – YOUR BENEFIT | Strengthen your processes with our software PC/E Payment Services optimizes cardbased payment transactions along the entire process chain: from data capture, identification, routing and switching to authorization via all types of delivery channel. These include, for example, electronic transactions such as payments at the POS or ATM withdrawals. Our solution supports every type of payment card, including the debit or credit cards of leading providers, as well as a variety of procedures (e.g. EMV), networks and host systems. The value chain even includes downstream processes such as settlement and interbank clearing. Thanks to its unique, multi-level approach, our solution prevents payment card fraud online and in realtime, whether it is attempted via the terminal devices or servers. PC/E Payment Services helps you optimize your payment transaction costs while at the same time meet your customers' requirements for security and performance. | High availability and performance Scaleable and highly flexible, our solution can easily be adapted to your individual bank processes. That offers you a decisive competitive advantage: high availability. Integrated, multi-level fault tolerance is ensured by the heart of the handling process, the payment server. It functions as a separate level between the terminals and the backend systems, guaranteeing the availability of the systems and the information they contain. The system's high performance enables fast processing of increasing transaction volumes. The choice of the shortest path in transaction processing ensures that routing to the card providers, processes and internal systems is handled efficiently and with low levels of redundance. | Your benefits at a glance ❚ Enhanced efficiency thanks to optimized processes for all payment transactions ❚ Shorter development times and rapid launch of new solution components ❚ Cluster server architecture offers integrated fault tolerance ❚ Industrialized transaction processing lowers costs Credit card | Optimal handling of card-based transactions across all channels Since many consumers pay with cards, financial service providers are increasingly under pressure to integrate card-based transactions efficiently in their overall concepts to optimize the related processes. This applies to payment transactions across all channels – including the Internet and mobile banking. If these services are currently handled by external providers or processed in technical silos, you can change that with the SOA-based multichannel architecture of our software. PC/E Payment Services can help your institution exploit synergies and implement all cashless-payment options in a centralized IT architecture, thus simplifying and modernizing payment processing in its entirety. | Identifying and preventing fraud Our solution provides multilevel protection against attempted fraud in international electronic payment transactions. Real-time information is gathered from transaction processing on all payment cards and channels to help intercept and isolate manipulated transactions. This not only helps you improve the profitability of your systems, but also reinforces customer confidence and bolsters your image as a secure payment services provider. Debit card Host The payment server functions as a separate level between the terminals and the backend systems, ensuring the availability of the systems and the information they contain. PC/E Payment Server Self-service POS Internet Front office Call center Our solution's great flexibility means rapid integration; its high performance and protection against manipulation and attempted fraud enhance customer confidence. and utilize them successfully for marketing and sales. E X PA N D I N G T O M E E T T H E F U T U R E | A uniform architecture with intelligent business services PC/E Payment Services enables efficient automated payment transaction processes. The modular design of our PC/E Suite means you can combine and use it together with other software products. Thus, in combination with PC/E Self-Service you can obtain routing, authorization and transaction handling functions for all your systems. The net-centric software solution enables you to integrate self-service systems – a popular point of contact for customers – in a multichannel architecture What's more, integration is possible with the flexible software collection ProClassic, which provides a wide array of self-service functions and attractive user interfaces for the operation of your entire, heterogeneous self-service landscape. To ensure that you enjoy the full benefits of this software, we advise you right from the very start. And Wincor Nixdorf’s Professional Services will guide you through every stage of your IT project! Intelligent software means improved processes The PC/E Retail Banking Solution Suite offers you an IT architecture that optimizes your sales and service processes in the front office, for a decisive edge that ensures a successful future. OUR PC/E SUITE | New IT concepts for retail banks The sector: The main pillars of traditional banking business are crumbling; their profitability can no longer be regarded as stable, let alone rising. This is due in part to flexible customers, who are quick to change banks when they have a better offer elsewhere. Market liberalization makes this flexibility possible; thus, the winner is the bank that succeeds in appealing to consumers' emotions and staying one step ahead of the competition. However, the generally complex, heterogeneous IT architecture of most financial institutions does not support this strategy or the processes it requires. | PC/E Retail Banking Solution Suite: new momentum for sales and service Your chances on the market hinge upon the right strategy. Front office service and sales play a key role, and here our modular PC/E Retail Banking Solution Suite covers a wide array of topics. What are the strengths of this software package? It concentrates completely on the front office, enabling the transformation of your business processes and the associated IT architecture into a future-proof retail banking. | The modular software suite that lets you do more Channel Delivery comprises solutions for retail banks' delivery channels, making all your processes uniform, transparent and holistic for your customers, whatever channel they use. Banking Business Enabling consists of modules for the sales and service processes of all these channels. Thanks to its multichannel concept, these business processes can be flexibly integrated. Management & Optimization shows you how Wincor Nixdorf manages and optimizes retail banking processes and reduces operating costs. Security offers a holistic security strategy that protects a retail bank’s IT systems and networks as well as its internal and external communications. | The PC/E architecture – open to the future Our solution is based on an open, netcentric multichannel architecture that is designed to be service-oriented. Individual modules, called Business Services, can be used in any channel. This enables you to customize your retail bank's business processes. Added value from an IT perspective ... ❚ Reusability ❚ Rapid integration ❚ Expandability Added value from a business perspective ... ❚ Increase in profitability ❚ Reduction in costs ❚ Investment protection and futureproofness ❚ "Emotionalization" of retail banking From the very first draft, our Professional Services support you with well-founded, precise consulting. In the case of IT integration, this can range all the way to outsourcing. Published by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1 33106 Paderborn, Germany Phone +49 (0) 52 51 / 693 - 33 01 Fax +49 (0) 52 51 / 693 - 59 18 www.wincor-nixdorf.com info.banking@wincor-nixdorf.com © Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH All product names are registered trademarks of Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH. All rights reserved, particularly in relation to the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model. Subject to availability and technical modifications. Order-No. R-11012-J-Z740-1-7600 Printed in Germany, January 2010, w