ART 157: Introduction to Art Course Description and Purpose

ART 157: Introduction to Art
Fall 2013
Schedule #20155
Monday/Wednesday 2-3:15 pm
Last revised 8/25/13
Note: this syllabus is subject to change. Please check Blackboard for course updates.
Course Description and Purpose
This is an illustrated lecture course that deals with the meaning of art derived from
an investigation of the principles of art. Designed to increase the understanding and
appreciation of art, this course will introduce students to a variety of artmaking
practices through history. It will allow students to develop a vocabulary for analyzing
art and a means for interpreting and reflecting upon the significance of art. In
addition to the study of the formal properties of art and design, we will also consider
the cultural and historical significance of a variety of art forms through a thematic
study of select examples from the history of art.
Prerequisites: none. This course is open to all students interested in learning about
Instructor Information and Office Hours
Lucy Eron,
Office: ART 557 (located in the Art Building on the top floor, indoor hallway)
Office Hours: Monday or Wednesday by appointment only, 3:30-4:00pm
Please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see me if you have any issues
with the course or would like to address specific questions outside of class.
Required Text
Gateways to Art: Understanding the Visual Arts, 1st Edition, Debra J. DeWitte, Ralph
M. Larmann, M. Kathryn Shields, Thames & Hudson. Available in SDSU Bookstore.
PowerPoints of the lectures will be posted on Blackboard that you may download as
a study tool. Consult the site for class announcements, assignments and grades.
For Blackboard support visit: or (619) 5943189,
Classroom Etiquette
Because this is a large lecture class, please do your part to minimize distractions so
as not to disrupt the flow of class for others. Please arrive to class on time and avoid
leaving early (if you absolutely must leave early, please sit near the door). Laptops
and iPads are not permitted in class. Though some students do use laptops for
notetaking purposes, more often than not they provide a distraction for both the
user and other students, especially in a darkened room. If you have special
circumstances for which you require a laptop during class, please contact Student
Disability Services (information below) and then make an appointment with me, and I
will be happy to discuss making accommodations. Also, cell phones are not
permitted in class, so please be sure they are turned off and put away. Please do
not talk during class—if you have a question, just raise your hand and I will be happy
to answer it. Any repeated disruptions to class may result in the student being asked
to leave.
Course Requirements
Assigned readings from the textbook should be completed before class. Stay caught
up on the reading, and take thorough notes as you read. You are responsible for all
material covered in the readings except for images that are not covered in class.
There will be three non-cumulative examinations during the semester: two midterms
and one final exam. They will consist of multiple choice and short answer/essay
questions (final exam only), and will cover the major themes and content covered in
the course as well as slide identifications (artist, title, and approximate date) of the
images presented in class (you will not be tested on images that are not covered in
class). Questions will come from the readings, lectures, and in-class videos; therefore,
attendance and good note-taking are essential for success in the course. The exams
are NOT open-note and require plenty of advance preparation. You may download
the class PowerPoint presentations from Blackboard to use as a study tool. Study
guides will be posted about 2 weeks before each exam date on Blackboard as well.
You must bring a large red scantron form and a #2 pencil for the first midterm
and a small red scantron form for the second midterm and final exam. You must
also bring a blue book for the final exam essay questions.
There will be two papers assignments during the semester. The first paper will
require students to analyze two works of art in a local art museum and the second
will require students to analyze an entire exhibition. The paper requirements will be
posted on Blackboard and discussed in class well before the assignment due dates.
To earn a high score, the papers must follow instructions, apply content covered in
the course, be well organized, well written, and demonstrate proper grammar and
Missed Exams or Late Papers
If you do not take an exam or turn in the papers on time you will receive a grade of
0. Make-up exams or late papers will not be accepted, unless you have a serious
illness or death in the immediate family (documentation will be required). However, if
you have a valid excuse as noted, you still must contact me to schedule your makeup exam as soon as possible after the missed exam or notify me of a late paper
The course grade will be calculated from the two mid-term exam grades, two paper
grades, and the final exam as follows:
Midterm 1 – 25%
Midterm 2 – 25%
Papers 1 & 2 – 25%
Final Exam – 25%
Letter grades will be assigned to the total percentage earned by the end of the
semester as follows:
93% and higher
59% and lower
Plagiarism and Cheating
Will not be tolerated and will result in automatic grade of F in the course and
reporting to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. If you are unprepared
for an exam, just try your best rather than risk cheating. Examples of cheating for an
exam include unauthorized sharing of answers, use of study materials, altering
answers and resubmitting for re-grading, or having another student take an exam for
you. Providing false data for writing a paper or citing false or fictitious references
also counts as cheating, as does submitting the same paper for multiple classes.
Plagiarism includes taking credit for work that is not yours, using direct quotes from
an author without quotation marks, or paraphrasing another author without giving
credit to the original sources. For more information, please visit the Office of Student
Rights and Responsibilities.
Students who may require special accommodations in the course should contact me
to discuss accommodations for which you have received prior authorization from
Student Disability Services. If you have a disability please first contact SDS (Calpulli
Center 3101) at 619-594-6473 or visit:
Course Calendar
This schedule is subject to change. Please check Blackboard for announcements
and updates. Readings indicated should be completed before class on the date
Aug 26
Welcome to ART 157 (course synopsis,
syllabus, requirements)
Aug 28
Introduction to Art Appreciation
Sept 2
No class - Labor Day Holiday
Sept 4
Issues in Art
Introduction, pages 26-43
Part 4: 542-553; Part 3: 336-340
(Art of China)
Sept 9
The Dimensions of Art
Part 1: 44-61
Sept 11
The Dimensions of Art, cont.
Part 1: 62-75
Sept 16
Representing Space, Time, and Motion
Part 1: 76-91, 106-115
Sept 18
Color and Illusion
Part 1: 92-105; Part 4: 508-519
Sept 23
Complexity, Scale, and Proportion
Part 1: 116-135
Sept 25
Engaging the Viewer
Part 1: 136-151
Sept 30
Meaning in Art
Part 1: 152-163
Oct 2
Meaning in Art, cont.; Themes in Art
Pages 139, 187, 394, 573, and
History: Judith Beheading Holofernes
Oct 7
Midterm 1
Bring scantron and #2 pencil
Oct 9
Mark-making: Drawing and Painting
Part 2: 166-191
Oct 14
Mark-making, cont.: Printmaking
Part 2: 192-203
Oct 16
Photography and Film
Part 2: 212-239
Oct 21
The Craft
Part 2: 248-259
Oct 23
Form Making
Part 2: 260-273
Oct 28
Place Making
Part 2: 274-291
Oct 30
Beyond Simply Making
Part 2: 240-247 and 578-589;
Paper #1 due in class
Nov 4
Themes in Art History: Reclining Nudes
Pages 560-561; 574
Nov 6
Midterm 2
Bring scantron and #2 pencil
Nov 11
No class – Veteran’s Day Holiday
Nov 13
Art and the Public
Part 4: 454-469
Nov 18
Art and the Spirit
Part 4: 470-483
Nov 20
Art and the Spirit, cont.
Part 4: 484-495
Nov 25
Art and Science
Part 4: 496-507
Nov 27
Museum visits, TBA
Dec 2
Art and Politics
Part 4: 520-541
Dec 4
Art and Identity
Part 4: 554-567
Dec 9
Art and Identity, cont.
Part 4: 568-577;
Paper #2 due in class
Dec 11
Last day of class – exam review
Dec 16
Final Exam 2:00-3:15pm
Bring scantron, #2 pencil, and
blue book