Minutes July 31, 2014 Coalition Meeting Next Coalition Meeting: Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 2-4pm, location City Place. Attendees: Lyndsey Baker, Ashton Graham, Diana Whiteman, Lois Deasy, Liz Medcalf, Chris Delaney, Bob Flanigan, Lt. Donahue, Chief Smith, Barbara Glasbrenner, Larry Guthrie, Bill Mackay, Gene Morgan, Lt. Cutter, Jesse Ketterman. I. Welcome and Announcements: a. 2015 Strategic Plan & Budget is awaiting approval. Requested $149,904.00 for implementation strategies. Total funding requested: $309,273.53. b. Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) Conference highlights: Lyndsey attended the Orlando conference last week. Three recurring themes: 1. Develop a communication plan 2. Develop a sustainability plan 3. Use social media c. Parent Handbook for Preview FSU. Provided nearly 600 copies to parents in June. (An example Handbook was shown.) d. Bi-annual law enforcement luncheon scheduled for August 13 th II. 2013-2014 Strategic Summary: Group Enforcement & Adjudication Strategy Chair/people responsible Updates and Progress Tip Hotline: 687STOP Lyndsey Baker Lt. Ralston 18 calls from September to June Party Patrols Chief Smith Lt. Donahue 124 knock and talks performed 6 properties met the criteria to be defined as a “party house” and 20 properties were placed on a watch list 39 Excessive noise citations Saturation Patrols Chief Smith Chief Douty 516 hours of saturation patrols 25 dates of patrols Violations warranted: 13 noise citations 1 5 noise warnings 9 disturbances 16 noise complaints 46 underage citations 40 open container Frostburg compliance checks: 10 rounds= 5 rounds fall/5 rounds spring 258 total attempts to purchase underage 8 violations all fall/0 violations in spring TIPS Training: 63 staff trained from Sept-May Participating businesses: 18 partners Fbar Dante's Wild Things Zen-Shi The Dawg House Hiway Pizza American Legion Outback El Canelo Moose Gladstone Cindy's Tavern Wildwater Yamato Steakhouse Devlin's Pub The Draft Acropolis (Closed) The Diamond Lounge (Closed) Compliance Checks Lyndsey Baker Lt. Cutter Cooperating Alcohol Agreement Chris Werner Lyndsey Baker Messaging Campaigns for bars and retail outlets Chris Werner Ashton Graham 4 messaging campaigns: 10 Low-Risk Strategies Open Container Campaign Alcohol 101 Campaign Public Urination Campaign Low-Risk Events Lyndsey Baker 8 low-risk events: 6 Trivia events Retail Availability 2 2 Sushi contests 645 total attendees 3 events with voluntary breathalyzers and BAC education 82 breathalyzers given 55 registered below legal limit for operating a motor vehicle Parents who Host Shawn Golden Messaging and Education Number of parent pledges to host only alcohol free parties collected: 333 Number of community/school events attended by coalition: 16 Number of community awareness assessments administered: 120 Number of parent education packets provided to parents: 183 MADD, Power of Parents Lyndsey Baker Alcohol.Edu April Baer 118 MRHS students completed AlcoholEdu during Health Classes. Messaging Campaigns Shawn Golden Jamie Williams April Baer Press releases: 6 released to news outlets Cumberland Times-News Allegany Radio Corp. Yahoo The Washington Post FSU Statelines The Frostburg Express The Bottom Line Radio Ads: Talk Radio= 380 ads—Parents who Host, Lose the Most WQZK= 1- 5 minute interview regarding cooperating alcohol agreement and 326 ads—Parents who Host, Lose the Most, Above the Influence, and TIP Hotline WDZN= 212 ads—Parents who Host, Above the Influence, and TIP Hotline WYDK= 259 ads—Parents who Host, Above the Influence, and TIP Hotline Posters: 2 poster campaigns at FSU- Number of handbooks on talking with teens about alcohol given: 84 Social Host Liability Underage Drinking High Risk Drinking Tip Hotline 10 low risk drinking strategies Social norming 3 “Party Smart”, a social host campaign and a low-risk campaign during homecoming and Halloween. 2 poster campaigns at MRHS“The Bro Code” and “Girls night out sober”, both underage drinking campaigns. Social norming Campaign: “I choose not to drink because…” 9 MRHS student photo campaigns 1 billboard Disseminated at 23 Frostburg businesses, 3 community libraries, and 3 schools Social media: 47 “Likes” on Facebook and 112 have viewed the Coalition Facebook page. III. 2013-2014 Expenses Summary: Total Travel/Training Total Food Postage Total Printing Total Office Supplies Membership Fee Total After Prom Total Implementation Total Salary Total Spent FY'14 Total Budget FY'14 over ~ (under) Enforcement Strategies TIP Hotline Saturation/Party Patrols Compliance Checks Retail Strategies TIPS Training/CARD 101 Training $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,556.98 1,272.20 21.27 1,565.00 830.99 200.00 3,709.95 52,199.91 19,073.70 80,430.00 80,430.00 - $ $ $ $ 21,473.40 428.40 14,205.00 6,840.00 $ 9,342.35 $ 6,694.35 4 Messaging Campaigns-printing Low-risk Events Messaging and Education Strategies Campaign/Promotional Materials Parent Handbook AlcoholEdu for MRHS Graphic Design MRHS Stadium Sign Talk Radio Allegany Radio Billboards IV. $ $ 728.00 1,920.00 $ 21,384.16 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,803.90 2,824.76 3,595.50 3,000.00 200.00 1,559.00 4,296.00 3,105.00 Evaluation Report Results: January 2014-June 2014 Social Availability By fall 2013, decrease the percent of FSU students who drink in off-campus house parties by 5% as measured by Alcohol.edu. Baseline: 60% of students drink at off campus house parties Goal: 55% of students drink at off campus house parties Results: Fall 2012 data showed an increase from the baseline to 62%. Fall 2013 showed a decrease to 58%. Other Measures: According to the MD-CAS, approximately 90% of Frostburg students said that alcohol is easy or very easy to obtain. With regard to social availability, 62% of past-month drinkers reported drinking at an off-campus party during the past month, and 16% had taken advantage of a small admission fee for unlimited drinks at a private party. By fall 2013, increase awareness of the consequences for FSU Students who provide alcohol to minors as measured by the monthly NCHIP Survey. Baseline: 26.4% Goal: 40% of students increase their awareness Results: Spring 2013: 57% Fall 2013: 66% Spring 2014: 59% 5 Other Measures: The following charts provide data collected from the NCHIP Monthly Survey Summary for the academic year of 2013-2014 for the question: Are you aware of university policies relating to alcohol? 6 By the end of the 2012-2013 academic year, reduce the number of noise violations by 15% as measured by the Off-Campus Housing Violations Report. Baseline: 56 noise violations Goal: 48 noise violations Results: 2011-2012 academic year: 56 noise citations. 2012-2013 academic year: 45 noise citations, a 20% decrease over the previous year. 2013-2014 academic year: 39 noise citations, an 11% decrease over the previous year and a 30% decrease over baseline. Other Measures: In addition to noise citations, there were 24 noise complaints and 23 noise warnings for the 2013-2014 academic year and property managers were notified 22 times of noise violations at their rentals. By fall 2014, increase awareness of alcohol consequences to 25% parents of Mt. Ridge High School students through the Power of Parents, MADD Training Program as measured by the number of participants in the program. Baseline: 0 Goal: Parents of 238 (25%) Mountain Ridge students attend MADD, Power of Parent workshops Results: 2012-2013: 60 2013-2014: 84 Total: 144, or 18% of parents of Mountain Ridge students Strategy: Media Advocacy Table 1: Newspaper and radio process data Newspaper Date 1/30/2014 4/23/2014 Number 1 Press Release 1 Press Release Source CTN CTN Topic Underage drinking Alcohol Awareness Month # Reached 23,000 23,000 Radio January February March May May May May May 80 80 80 131 97 195 212 162 Talk Radio Talk Radio Talk Radio WQZK WDYK WQZK WDZN WDYK Parent Message Parent Message Parent Message PWH-Tip Line PWH-Tip Line PWH-Tip Line-UA PWH-Tip Line-UA PWH-TipLine-UA 5,400 5,400 5,400 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 7 Table 2: Billboard process data Date Number Billboard 4/21/2014Advertising 6/30/2014 1 Billboard 5/9/20146/27/2014 1 Billboard 5/9/20146/27/2014 1 Billboard Total Source Rt. 40 @ former Continental Hotel Rt. 40 @ former Continental Hotel Rt. 40 @ McDonalds Topic # Reached MRHS social norming 37,203 weekly impressions PWH campaign 48,425 weekly impressions TIP Hotline 42,814 weekly impressions 3 Billboards Strategy: Media Campaigns Table 3: Poster, billboard, and other process data Type Date Posters Billboards Refrigerator Clings Number of campaigns January 2 Poster Campaigns January 1 Poster Campaign March 1 Poster Campaign April-June 1 Billboard Campaign April 1 PWH Cling per cooler Location Number disseminated MRHS 20 posters FSU 130 FSU 130 posters RT. 40 1 billboard Frostburg 8 clings Retailers Topic Number Reached Underage Drinking 810 daily Social Host Liability 4,500 daily High Risk Drinking 4,500 daily PWH 48,000 weekly PWH variable Social / Community Norms By spring semester 2013, decrease the 30 day alcohol use among Mountain Ridge seniors and FSU students by 5% as measured by the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) on the FSU campus and the YRBS survey at the high school level. Baseline: FSU-47.9%/Seniors-49.5% Goal: FSU-43%/Seniors-44% Results: The 30 day alcohol usage rate, according to the NCHA executive summary, is 47.5%, a decrease of 0.4%. The 30 day alcohol usage rate for high school seniors, according to Allegany County YRBS data is 43%, a decrease of 6.5%. 8 Other Measures: AlcoholEdu for high school was administered during health classes at Mountain Ridge this reporting period. The executive summary will be available in August. By spring semester 2013, decrease the number of FSU students who state they consume shots of alcohol and high alcohol by volume drinks by 5% as measured by AlcoholEdu and the yearly Making It Count presentation data, respectively. Baseline: Liquor shots-35%/High alcohol by volume-15% Goal: Liquor shots-30%/High alcohol by volume-10% Results: AlcoholEdu—Data collected from fall 2012 reported that 51% are consuming alcohol by shots. Data collected from fall 2013 indicates that 43% are consuming alcohol by shots. AlcoholEdu is not administered during the spring semester. Making It Count—Data collected from fall 2012 reported that 15% of students are consuming jungle juice consisting of grain alcohol that is 90% alcohol by volume. Data collected from spring 2013 reported that 10% of students are consuming jungle juice consisting of grain alcohol that is 90% alcohol by volume. Data collected from fall 2013 indicates that 15% of students are consuming jungle juice. Making It Count is not administered during the spring semester. Other Measures: Similarly, the results from the MD-CAS show grain alcohol usage at 15.8%, above the state average of the other schools surveyed by the Maryland Collaborative at 11.6%. Strategy: Social Norming Campaign Table 5: Social norming process data Type Date 4/9/2014 Poster 4/21/2014 to Billboard 6/27/2014 Number of campaigns 9 different campaign messages/ images 1 Billboard message with all 9 photo campaigns/ images Locations MRHS, 3 community libraries, and 23 businesses Rt. 40 between LaVale and Frostburg Number distributed 41 posters Topic Number Reached “I choose not to drink alcohol because…” 4,600 daily 1 billboard “We have reasons not to drink alcohol. What’s yours?” 48,000 weekly 9 Strategy: Educate Parents about issues such as local underage drinking, youth access to alcohol, effective measures to reduce youth access and adolescent brain development research regarding damage due to alcohol use, i.e. MADD, Power of Parents Handbook and Parents who Host, Lose the Most pledge cards. Table 6: PWH and MADD process data Date of Event 1/9/2014 1/16/2014 1/23/2014 1/25/2014 2/6/2014 2/10/2014 2/21/2014 4/22/2014 Type of Event MRHS Girls Bball Game MRHS Girls Bball Game MRHS Boys Bball Game MRHS Wrestling Parent Teacher Conference MRHS Girls Bball Game MRHS Girls Bball Game MADD workshop/ Band Assoc. Total # of books given out Pledge Cards 0 0 0 5 12 0 4 24 45 11 0 42 19 0 25 62 0 159 Enforcement and Adjudication For each academic year, increase alcohol-related citations among FSU students by 15% as measured by the FSU Student Conduct Report (data is collected from FSUPD and FPD Reports). Baseline: 73 alcohol citations Goal: 84 citations per academic year for the next four years Results: The alcohol citations for the 2011-2012 academic year are 99, a 35% increase. The alcohol citations for the 2012-2013 academic year are 110, an 11% increase over the previous year and a 50% increase over the base line. The alcohol citations for the 2013-2014 academic year are 147, a 34% increase over the previous year and a 102% increase over base line. Other Measures: Total off-campus violations for the 2013-2014 academic year increased from 212 for the 2012-2013 academic year to 304 for this year. By fall 2014, decrease the number of second time underage alcohol citations by 5% through increased fines at the university level as measured by the FSU Student Conduct Report (data is collected from FSUPD and FPD Reports). Baseline: 15% of alcohol offenders who get a second citation Goal: 10% second time violations Results: 10 2010-2011 academic year, 15% of FSU students received a second alcohol citation. 2011-2012 academic year, 12% of FSU students received a second alcohol citation. 2012-2013 academic year, 17% of FSU students receive a second alcohol citation. 2013-2014 academic year, 25% of FSU students receive a second alcohol citation. Other Measures: The data collected from the MD-CAS reports that 6% of students who drank during the past year, got into trouble with the police (4.3% with campus police and 2.0% with city police). Strategy: Party Patrols Table 7: Knock and Talk process data Knock and Talks Number 4 21 9 10 Month February March April May Total 44 Table 8: Party house process data 2014 Party House Watch list Property Date Violation Does it meet criteria of a party house? 1 11/14/2013 11/17/2014 2/1/2014 3/9/2014 4/8/2014 Noise Complaint Disturbance Compliant Noise Citation Theft Theft No 12/20/2013 2/8/2014 2/9/2014 2/24/2014 Disturbance DOP Disturbance Compliant Telephone Misuse No 2 11 3 9/8/2013 12/9/2013 12/13/2013 12/13/2013 12/15/2013 2/23/2014 CDS Activity Trash Citation Theft Complaint CDS Activity Medical Emergency Noise Citation Noise Citation Assault with a deadly weapon No 9/22/2013 11/17/2013 12/4/2013 4/26/2014 Noise Complaint DOP Trash Citation Noise Citation No 2/3/2014 4/4/2014 5/4/2014 9/10/2013 10/26/2013 12/2/2013 5/10/2014 Theft Disturbance DOP No Possible CDS Unregistered keg Trash Citation Disturbance No 3/30/2014 5/16/2014 4 5 6 7 2/16/2014 2/28/2014 3/28/2014 8 1/2/2014 2/13/2014 5/17/2014 Disturbance Noise Citation Noise Complaint B&E Noise Citation B&E 9 11/1/2013 1/25/2014 2/22/2014 Noise Warning Noise Citation Noise Warning Yes 12/1/2013 2/9/2014 3/7/2014 9/2/2013 9/12/2013 9/2/2013 Noise Warning Noise Citation Noise Complaint Yes Noise Warning Noise Citation Noise Citation Disturbance Disturbance Yes Noise Warning Noise Citation Disturbance Complaint No 10 11 12 5/5/2014 5/10/2014 11/10/2013 11/10/2013 5/3/2014 Yes No 12 13 10/12/2013 10/12/2013 12/2/2013 12/7/2013 3/11/2014 Alcohol Complaint Trash Citation Disturbance Theft Theft No 14 8/29/2013 9/20/2013 9/14/2013 4/11/2014 4/12/2014 Noise Complaint Disturbance Complaint Noise Citation Noise Complaint Noise Complaint Yes 15 2/22/2014 5/2/2014 4/21/2014 Noise Citation DOP Drug Violation No 16 2/22/2014 5/11/2014 5/18/2014 Noise Citation Noise Warning Disturbance Yes 17 12/24/2013 4/13/2014 9/21/2013 Assault Disturbance Alcohol Poisoning No Table 9: noise violation data Off-Campus Violations Excessive noise Increase/Reduction 2011 30 Baseline 2012 50 67% increase 2013 44 12% decrease 2014 39 11% decrease Strategy: Implement Saturation Patrols during targeted time periods such as the post-closing hours, i.e. 7pm-3am. Table 10: saturation patrol process data Month Jan. 2014 Feb. 2014 Mar. 2014 Apr. 2014 Saturation Patrols Date/hours worked 1/30/2014= 18.5hrs FSU 2/2/2014=8hrs FPD 3/8-3/9=80 hours FPD - 34 hrs FSU 3/13/2014= 16 hours FPD 3/25/2014=6 hours FPD 3/27-3/29=64 hours FSU 4/24/2014=16 hours FPD Underage Citations Date/number 2/2/2014=1 3/08/14=5 3/8/2014=4 3/13/2014=1 3/27-29/2014=4 Open Container Citations Date/number 1/30/2014=1 3/08/2014=20 3/27-29/2014=2 4/24/2014=1 4/25/2014=4 13 4/25/2014=8 hours FPD May 2014 4/26/2014=8 hours FPD 5/1/2014=8 hours FPD 4/26/2014=1 5/8/2014=2 5/9/2014=1 5/3/2014=2 hours FPD 5/8/2014=16 hours FPD 5/2/2014=29 hours FSU 5/9/2014=11.5 hours FSU 325 hours 23 Open Container 24 Underage Spring Totals: Strategy: TIP Hotline Table 11: Tip Hotline process data TIP Hotline Calls Month This year/last year Jan. 2013 0 Feb. 2013 This year=1/last year=2 Mar. 2013 This year=2/last year=4 Apr. 2013 This year=6/last year=10 May 2013 This year=2/last year=4 Spring Totals: This year=11/last year=20 Strategy: Compliance Checks Table 12: compliance check process data Spring 2014 Dates Checked Businesses Tried Violations Violators: 3/5/14-3/6/2014 29 0 x 4/1/14-4/3/14 29 0 x 4/22/14-4/23/2014 16 0 x 5/27/2014 9 0 x 5/28/2014 20 0 x Total: 5 rounds 103 attempts 0 14 Retail Availability Each semester, increase the number of staff for five bars that are trained on “over serving” a patron by two staff members as measured by the number of staff who complete TIPS Training. Baseline: 1 staff member per bar Goal: All staff at five bars/retail outlets Results: From July 2012 to December 2012, five Frostburg bars were TIPS trained with all of their staff participating in the training. From January 2013 through June 2013, ten Frostburg bars were TIPS trained with all of their staff participating in the training. In addition, new employees hired by the businesses who were trained last fall were trained, for a total of 67 people being trained last year. From July 2013 to December 2013, 2 new bars were TIPS trained and two partner bars were closed. Twenty-eight employees were trained this period, for a total of 95 people being trained by the coalition. From January 2014 to June 2014, 3 new bars joined the agreement. Forty employees were trained this period, for a total of 135 people trained by the coalition. Other Measures: The MD-CAS survey reported that of the students who are under the age of 21, only 2.7%, or 3 of them purchased alcohol at a restaurant, bar, or club compared to 20.7%, or 317 of students under the age of 21 from the other Maryland Collaborative Schools. This data indicates that the high number of RBS trained servers working in Frostburg alcohol establishments has positively impacted retail access. By fall 2012, increase the number of compliance checks performed by law enforcement by 5 per semester as measured by their data. Baseline: 0 Goal: 5 compliance checks per semester Results: From October 2012 through December 2012, five rounds of compliance checks were performed by Allegany County Sheriff’s Office. Twenty-eight businesses were tried during all five checks with three checks producing violations and two checks producing no violations. From January 2013 through May 2013, five rounds of compliance checks were performed by Allegany County Sheriff’s Office. Twenty-eight businesses were tried during all five checks with two checks producing violations and three checks producing no violations. From September 2013 through December 2013, five rounds of compliance checks were performed by Allegany County Sheriff’s Office. One hundred fifty-five checks were performed resulting in 7 violations. 15 From January 2014 through June 2014, five rounds of compliance checks were performed by Allegany County Sheriff’s Office. One hundred three attempts were made to purchase alcohol and no violations occurred as a result. Strategy: Cooperating Alcohol Agreement—a partnership between the coalition and the bar, i.e. Responsible Beverage Service. Table 13: TIPS Training process data TIPS Training Date Attendance Business 1/5/2014 3/17/2014 5 13 The Dawg House The Gladstone F-Bar The Draft Yamato Japanese Steakhouse 5/4/2014 22 Devlin's Pub The Draft American Legion The Gladstone Zen Shi Table 14: Cooperating Alcohol Agreement process data Cooperating Alcohol Agreement Business Fbar 9/5/2012 9/1/2013 Staff Tips Trained 25 Dante's 10/1/2012 12/1/2013 4 Wild Things 9/14/2013 9/1/2013 1 Zen-Shi 9/1/2012 9/1/2013 11 The Dawg House Closed 4/30/2013 9/1/2013 9 Hiway 2/1/2013 12/1/2013 1 Elks Year 1 Year 2 x x x Messages Displayed 10 Low-Risk Strategies Public Urination Open Container Alcohol 101 10 Low-Risk Strategies Public Urination Open Container Alcohol 101 1 Alcohol 101 10 Low-Risk Strategies 10 Low-Risk Strategies Public Urination Open Container Alcohol 101 10 Low-Risk Strategies Public Urination Open Container Alcohol 101 10 Low-Risk Strategies x Low-Risk Event Trivia Card 101 Yes None yet Yes None yet Yes Sushi Contest Yes Yes None yet x x 16 American Legion 4/1/2013 12/1/2013 5 10 Low-Risk Strategies Public Urination x N/A X x x x x X Outback 10/1/2012 12/1/2013 6 N/A X N/A X N/A X N/A X X 10 Low-Risk Strategies Public Urination Open Container Alcohol 101 10 Low-Risk Strategies Open Container 10 Low-Risk Strategies Open Container Public Urination Alcohol 101 10 Low-Risk Strategies Public Urination x El Canelo x 2/3/2014 0 Moose x 3/6/2014 0 Gladstone x 3/6/2014 7 Olive's x x x X Bar Monkey x x X x x Yes Cindy's Tavern x 10/20/2013 2 10 Low-Risk Strategies N/A X Wildwater x 10/20/2013 2 10 Low-Risk Strategies N/A X The Trail Inn x x X x x X K of C WMSRR 7/23/2014 Eagles 4/7/2013 Closed 5 x x x Sand Springs x x X x x X The Hurry Back x x X x x X 6/1/2013 Closed 1 X X X 6/1/2013 Closed 3 X x x x x x x x X Byrnes Store 9/1/2012 Closed 7 N/A Lil Corner Market 1/1/2013 The Diamond Lounge Acropolis Giuseppe’s 3 Lucky Liquors x x x Beer wine spirits x x x Yamato Steakhouse Devlin's Pub x 3/17/2014 3 Social Host Liability Grain Alcohol 10 Low-Risk Strategies Social Host Liability Grain Alcohol PWH window clings for beer coolers PWH window clings for beer coolers PWH window clings for beer coolers 10 Low-Risk Strategies x 5/4/2014 8 Low- Risk Strategies N/A X The Draft x 3/17/2014 12 10 Low-Risk Strategies N/A X n/a n/a 13 n/a n/a n/a 20122013=12 20132014=18 Total staff trained: 113 5 different campaigns Displayed at 20 different businesses 2 events 40 staff trained in Card 301 BURG Totals 2 N/A X x x x X N/A X 17 Long-term Outcome Evaluation PRIORITY: Decrease underage drinking (12-20 year olds) and decrease young adult binge drinking (18-25 year olds) in the Frostburg Community. Decrease the percentage of high school seniors that consume alcohol by 10% as measured by the High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey in the fall of 2013 and decrease the binge drinking rate among Frostburg State University Students by 10% as measured by the Core Survey in Spring Semester 2015. Baseline: High School Seniors: Baseline - 72.4%* *The baseline data was used from the Maryland Adolescent Survey, 2007. Results: According to the YRBS (2013), the percentage of high school seniors that ever consumed alcohol is 66%, a 6.4% decrease. Baseline: FSU Students: Baseline - 43.5%* *The baseline data was used from the CORE Survey, 2011. Results: According to the CORE Survey (2013), the percentage of FSU students who binge drink is 41%, a 2.5% decrease. V. MD Collaborative to Reduce College Drinking: a. Maryland College Alcohol Survey(MD-CAS) results for FSU Spring of 2014, 384 FSU students participated in a survey about alcohol behaviors. The results of the survey were shared. b. Social Host Ordinance: Issue Brief draft A sample draft of the Issue Brief publication was shown. For more information on the Social Host Ordinance proposal or Issue Brief, please contact Jeff Graham. VI. Calendar of Events: MRHS Back To School Night: August 20, 2014, 6pm Westmar Middle Back To School Night: August 21, 2014, 6pm MRHS fall athletic events: which ones do we want to attend? Block Party: September 3, 2014, 6pm-10pm—Table set up at 5pm 18