Cabbage School Newsletter

Cabbage School Newsletter
In MONTH your child tried FOOD ITEM with locally grown cabbage from FARM NAME in CITY.
Prepare this delicious recipe with your family and ask your child(ren) if they can answer the
following trivia questions.
1. Cabbage originated over 8000 years ago from what area of the world?
2. Cabbage is a leaf vegetable that is often preserved to make what?
3. Cabbages are a rich source of fiber and vitamin C and are ___ % water.
1. Northern China. Cabbage has a long history of use as both a food and a
medicine. Did you know in Minnesota, cabbage is grown at the Southern
Research and Outreach Center in Waseca, as part of a University of
Minnesota medical and nutrition study? Plant scientists are developing
ways to enhance the plant's production of nutriceuticals (chemicals such
as glucosinolates) that reduce the risk of cancer.
2. Sauerkraut and kim chee
3. 90%