BASIC Geography ver. 1.30 Business 187 assumes students have learned some basic geography in middle school and high school, and from reading periodicals, exploring the Web, and talking to friends. This sheet lists nations, cities, etc., whose locations I will assume you know. If you don’t know where they are, you can the countries in a printed atlas or the web site (Clicking on the continent or region that contains a city or nation listed below on the main sitesatlas world map will usually bring up a map on which you can find what you’re looking for.) Using one of the excellent atlases in the Martin Luther King library is even better. If you have trouble finding anything, please see the instructor. Nation On the continent of North America Canada Mexico On the continent of South America Brazil Argentina City Toronto Montreal Vancouver Mexico City Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo Buenos Aires Note: “Latin America” includes all nations of North and South America that speak Spanish or Portuguese (two languages closely related to Latin, the language of ancient Rome). Thus Latin America includes Mexico and almost all countries to the south of it, plus some nations (Cuba) to the east of it in the Caribbean Sea. On the continent of Europe England France Spain Italy Germany Sweden Russia (in both Europe and Asia) London Paris Madrid Rome Milan Berlin Frankfurt Moscow On the continent of Asia Turkey (in both Europe and Asia) Israel Saudi Arabia Iraq Istanbul Jerusalem Mecca Baghdad Note: Turkey, Israel, Iraq, and Iran in Asia together with Egypt in Africa and nearby countries are in a region often called the Middle East (it’s to the east of the U.S. and most of Europe, but not as far east as India, China, or Japan.) Pakistan India Bangladesh China Taiwan* Thailand Vietnam Korea, North (a communist country) Korea, South (a capitalist country) Japan Indonesia Philippines On the continent of Africa Egypt South Africa Australia (a nation that is also a continent) New Delhi Beijing Shanghai Hong Kong Bangkok Seoul Tokyo Jakarta Manila Cairo Sydney Melbourne New Zealand (located southeast of Australia in the Pacific Ocean) * Taiwan is considered a province of China, but it has a separate, democratic capitalist, government