Graduate Program Survey Master of Arts in Reading Spring 2010 We are asking you to help the School of Education improve our Master’s in Reading by completing the following survey. This data will be used to improve course offerings and teaching strategies. At the end of the survey, you will find a place to write comments and to provide demographic data that can be used to help to make programmatic improvements. This survey can be returned through e-mail to Dr. Gary Stewart at Rate how well you were prepared in the following areas. Rate each item on a 3-point scale with 3 = Very Prepared, 2 = Prepared, 1 – Not Well Prepared Item 1. I teach reading as a process. 2. I can identify the nature and multiple causes of reading and writing difficulties 3. I understanding the importance of literacy for personal and social growth 4. I recognize that literacy can be a means for transmitting moral and cultural values 5. I recognize that reading is the process of constructing meaning through the interaction of the reader’s existing knowledge, the information suggested by the written language, and the context of the reading situation 6. I know major theories of language development, cognition, and learning 7. I recognize the impact of physical, perceptual, emotional, social, cultural, environmental, and intellectual factors on learning, language development, and reading acquisition 8. I demonstrate an understanding that written language is a symbolic system 9. I know relevant reading research from general education and how it has influenced literacy education 10. I teach classic and contemporary children’s and young adults’ literature, and easy-reading fiction and nonfiction for adults, at appropriate levels 11. I recognize the importance of giving learners opportunities in all aspects of literacy (e.g., as readers, writers, thinkers, reactors, or responders) Average 2.5 2 2.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 12. I align goals, instruction, and assessment 13. I am aware of the interrelation of language and literacy acquisition 14. I demonstrate an understanding of principles of new language acquisition 15. I demonstrate an understanding of phonemic, morphemic, semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic systems of language and their relation to the reading and writing process 2 2.5 2 16. I provide opportunities for students to integrate their use of literacy through reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing visually 17. I demonstrate an understanding of emergent literacy and the experiences that support it 18. I demonstrate an understanding of the role of metacognition in reading and writing, and listening and speaking 19. I demonstrate an understanding of how contextual factors in the school can influence student learning and reading (e.g., grouping procedures, school programs, and assessment) 20. I understand the principles for diagnosing reading difficulties 21. I can create individualized and group instructional interventions targeted toward those students in greatest need or at low proficiency levels 22. I show that spelling is developmental and is based on student knowledge of the phonological system and of the letter names, their judgments of phonetic similarities and differences, and their ability to abstract phonetic information from letter names 23. I can identify federal, state, and local programs designed to help students with reading and writing problems 24. I can create a literate environment that fosters interest and growth in all aspects of literacy 25. I create a literate environment that fosters interest and growth in all aspects of literacy 26. I create a literate environment that fosters interest and growth in all aspects of literacy 2.5 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 27. I integrate language arts in all content areas 28. I use instructional and information technologies to support literacy learning 29. I include parents as partners in the literacy development of their children 30. teach students to monitor their own word identification through the use of syntax, semantic, and graphophonemic relations 31. I use phonics to teach students to use their knowledge of letter/sound correspondence to identify sounds in the construction of meaning 33 I provide direct instruction and model when and how to use multiple comprehension strategies, including retelling 34 I ensure that students can use various aspects of text to gain comprehension, including conventions of written English, text structure and genres, figurative language, and inter-textual links 35 I teach students to vary reading rate according to the purpose(s) and difficulty of the material 2 2 2.5 2.5 2 2 2 36. I teach students to draft, revise, and edit their writing and the conventions of standard written English needed to edit their compositions 36. I develop and conduct assessments that involve multiple indicators of learner progress 37. I administer and use information from norm-referenced tests, criterion-referenced tests, formal and informal inventories, constructed response measures, portfoliobased assessments, student self-evaluations, work/performance samples, observations, anecdotal records, journals, and other indicators of student progress to inform instruction and learning 38. I communicate with students about their strengths, areas for improvement, and ways to achieve improvement 39. I involve parents in cooperative efforts and programs to support students’ reading and writing development and .communicate with allied professionals and paraprofessionals in assessing student achievement and planning instruction 40. I supervise, coordinate, and support all services associated with literacy programs (e.g., needs assessment, program development, budgeting and evaluation, and grant and proposal writing) 41. I help develop individual educational plans for students with severe learning problems related to literacy 42. I initiate, implement, and evaluate professional development programs and provide professional development experiences that help emphasize the dynamic interaction among prior knowledge, experience, and the school context as well as among other aspects of reading development 43. I conduct research with a range of methodologies (e.g., ethnographic, descriptive, experimental, or historical) promote and facilitate teacher- and classroom-based research 44. I provide professional development and training for paraprofessionals observe and evaluate paraprofessionals interacting with children and provide feedback to them on their performance 45. I reflect on one’s practice to improve instruction and other services to students 46. I participate in local, state, national, and international professional organizations whose mission is the improvement of literacy 47. I promote collegiality with other literacy professionals through regular conversations, discussions, and consultations about learners, literacy theory, and assessment and instruction Overall, how would rate your satisfaction with your preparation in the Reading program? 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 2.5 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2