UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT TO COUNCIL 2009-2010 1 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE (EADC) EADC has the following membership and terms of reference (approved by Council on 22 February 2010):Membership Ex-Officio Members Vice-Chancellor: Professor Colin Riordan Director of Human Resources: Mrs Sue Endean Academic Registrar: Dr Wayne Campbell Director of Student Support: Ms Rachel Fletcher Assistant Director of Student Support (Disability): Ms Angela Jones Equality and Diversity Officer: Mr Syd Kent Equality and Diversity Officer, Students’ Union: Mr Nibras Hadi Nominated/Representative/Elected Members One representative from each of the three campus Trade Unions; Ms Natalie Gray, Professor Peter Patrick, one vacancy One student member elected by the Students’ Union Council: None Appointed Members One External Member of Council Mrs Rosy Stamp (Chair) One Dean Dr Leon Burnett One Head of Department Professor Jane Wright Terms of Reference a) To agree policy in relation to equality and diversity issues, consulting students, staff and external interest groups as appropriate, and to make recommendations to Senate and to Council as appropriate; b) to monitor key performance indicators in accordance with an agreed schedule; c) to monitor the implementation of requirements and recommendations that arise from the introduction of new policies and procedures or the review of existing policies and procedures; d) to review existing policies, procedures and service provision in relation to equality and diversity; e) to receive and advise on action arising from external consultation exercises; f) to decide on the programme of Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs), to receive final EIA reports and monitor the implementation of any recommendations arising from final EIA reports; g) to submit an annual report to Council. 2 APPROVAL OF POLICIES During the course of the year Council approved the Disability Equality Scheme. Council is now being asked to approve the following revised policies, both of which were approved by the Equality and Diversity Committee on 13 May 2010. Code of Practice on the Promotion or Race Equality Under 18s and Vulnerable Adults policy, available from this link: 3 EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENTS (EIAs) An EIA looking at Student Discipline was completed in May 2010. Although EADC will not receive the final report from the panel at its meeting in November 2010, it is aware that no evidence of discrimination was found. An EIA looking at Student Progress and Retention is also currently in progress. In order to more quickly identify those policies for which a full EIA is necessary, at its meeting in May 2010 EADC approved a ‘fast-track’ EIA template which will be rolled out to Departments and Sections over the coming months. 4 STUDENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STATISTICS EADC received reports from Undergraduate and Postgraduate Admissions, the Disciplinary and Membership Panel, Student Support, The Counselling Service, the Careers Centre and the Academic Section (student complaints). One area of concern was identified in relation to the report from the Disciplinary and Membership Panel; namely that the proportion of black students seen by the Proctor and referred to the Disciplinary Panel in 2008/2009 was significantly in excess of their representation in the overall student population. The Committee asked for further investigation, following which it was reassured that no discrimination had taken place. 5 STAFF EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STATISTICS EADC received staff statistics, including Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs), as at 31 March 2009 (at the November 2009 meeting) and 31 March 2010 (at the May 2010 meeting). Two areas of concern were identified; firstly (relating to the statistics for 2009) that the percentage of ethnic minority applicants being interviewed was less than the percentage of applicants, whereas for people who are white and British the percentage being interviewed was greater than the percentage who applied. Secondly (relating to the statistics for 2010), that no black applicants to General Support Staff and Office Support Staff positions were appointed and only four applicants interviewed. EADC asked for further investigations to be undertaken; these investigations are ongoing. 6 PROGRESS ON THE UNIVERSITY’S EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY TARGETS Although it appears that all targets have been met, some cannot be measured properly due to the reclassification of Teaching Fellows as Lecturers. Evidence from the consultation exercise being undertaken as part of the production of a Single Equality Scheme will be used to identify meaningful and relevant revised targets. 7 EQUALITY ACT 2010 EADC approved the creation of a core Implementation Group to facilitate the production of the University’s first Single Equality Scheme. The Scheme will encompass the new equality legislation which comes into force in October 2010 (the public sector duties follow in April 2010). The Group is chaired by Professor Jane Wright, Head of the School of Law. 8 OTHER BUSINESS 1. Two Ticks Disability Symbol – following submission of the first annual report to Job Centre Plus in July 2009, approval was obtained to continue using the symbol for a further year. 2. Access Forum – EADC received three reports from the Access Forum over the course of the year. Major achievements include the production of a Campus Access Map and an ‘accessible route-finder’ mobile phone app for finding one’s way across campus via step-free and minimum-gradient routes, progress towards producing an ‘interactive’ campus map and the installation of a new drop level counter in the Information Centre. 3. International Staff Website – in November 2009 the University committed to a three-year subscription to the website The site contains advice and information on how to make the smooth transition to living in the UK and working in the UK Higher Education system. Certain areas of the site, such contain Essex-specific information, other areas contain generic information. 4. Essex Coalition of Disabled People (ECDP) – In May 2010 the University became affiliated with ECDP, an organisation run by and for disabled people in Essex. 5. Work experience scheme for disabled people – in February 2010 USG approved the introduction of a work experience scheme for disabled people and staff in the Equality and Diversity Unit are working with local organisations, such as ECDP and Tuck by Truck, to promote the scheme. 6. Review of Harassment Advisory Network – a review group, chaired by Paul Gray, has been set up to look at the functioning of the Network and the role of its advisors and to make recommendations for change as appropriate. The group is due to report its finding to the November 2010 meeting of EADC. Karen Bush Policy and Projects Officer, Human Resources June 2010