Approved Minutes UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE 28 NOVEMBER 2006 (2:00pm – 4:00pm) MINUTES Chair Present Apologies Secretary Mrs Stamp Mr Capella, Mrs Collett, Miss Cox, Mrs Endean, Ms Gray, Ms Jones, Mr Kent, Dr Vickers Ms Fletcher, Professor Masterson Miss Romaine, Graduate Trainee MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS OF REFERENCE (EADC/06/11) Noted Professor Masterson would be leaving the University at the end of the calendar year. The replacement Dean on EADC would be nominated by the Vice Chancellor’s Advisory Group (VAG) for approval by Senate. Consideration should be given to strengthening the gender balance of EADC, if possible. 56/06 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 23 MAY 2006 Approved The minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2006 were approved. 57/06 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (a) Disseminating Minutes and Reports to Partner Institutions (M.13/06) Reported The process of gathering contact details for partner institutions was in progress. 58/06 Noted The routine procedure would be for EADC minutes to be sent to the named contact at each partner institution, to be shared with the partner’s EO committee as appropriate. In turn, the partners would be asked to send their committee’s minutes to the Equality and Diversity Officer who would refer relevant items to EADC. The Academic Registrar would formally propose the arrangements to the head of each partner institution. 59/06 (b) Complaints from Disabled Students (M. 44/06) Reported The Academic Registrar explained that although a disproportionate number of complaints had been made by students with disabilities, other than those detailed at the previous meeting (EOSG/06/08), the remaining complaints had made no reference to disability. It was difficult to know the reason why disabled students were more likely to make complaints than non-disabled students, but it was thought that perhaps it was due to disabled students being more aware of their rights. Specific attention would be paid to those complaints in the future. 60/06 Resolved that the reports to EADC on Student Complaint Statistics should include a breakdown of all complaints made by disabled students, regardless of whether or 61/06 not they related to disability. REPORT OF CHAIR’S ACTION Reported Following previous circulation to members of the Committee, the RAE 2008: Equal Opportunities Code of Practice had been approved by the Chair on behalf of EADC and recommended for approval to Senate and Council. 62/06 DISABILITY MATTERS (a) Disability Equality Scheme (Final Draft) (EADC/06/12) Reported A draft of the Disability Equality Scheme had been circulated to members of EADC, disabled groups and other staff and students. All resulting comments had either been responded to or incorporated into the final draft of the Scheme. 63/06 Noted Ms Jones was congratulated and thanked for her hard work on the Disability Equality Duty. The wide consultation which had taken place with staff and student groups was particularly appreciated. 64/06 Recommended to Council that the Disability Equality Scheme be approved. 65/06 (b) Update and Further Detail on the Implementation of the ‘Two Ticks’ Disability Symbol (EADC/06/13) Reported Noted A proposal for the University to apply for the ‘Two Ticks’ disability accreditation had been forwarded to VAG. They had requested more information, particularly in terms of Commitment 1: “To interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy and consider them on their abilities.” VAG had been concerned that, particularly for academic posts, this obligation could have significant resource implications. 66/06 The Equality and Diversity Officer had received information from other universities with the ‘Two Ticks’ accreditation which had indicated that it resulted in the use of more specific minimum criteria, which kept shortlists to a manageable size. However, it was recognised that this approach could lead to inflexibility in drawing up a shortlist as some departments preferred to have wider minimum criteria in order to allow applications from a range of potential applicants. 67/06 EOSG expressed strong support for the implementation of the ‘Two Ticks’ scheme and it was felt that the symbol would help to generate positive publicity for the University as a fair and diverse place to work or study. 68/06 The Director of Personnel Services and the Equality and Diversity Officer would be submitting a revised case to VAG. They would consider reviewing a selection of previous academic jobs to assess what impact the ‘Two Ticks’ commitment would have made on the number interviewed, to inform the case. 69/06 (c) Evaluation of Mental Health Provision (EADC/06/14) Reported The post of Senior Advisor (Mental Health) was now well-established and had allowed for individual student support, an increase in mentoring support and the raising of mental health awareness. In the future, Student Support aimed 70/06 particularly to expand the mentoring system and, building on the mental health briefing they had delivered to staff in the Department of Law, to run more staff development courses for other departments or sections. These aims were positively received by EADC, and it was also suggested that Student Support should consider an increased emphasis on transition training and in assisting students to adjust to university life. Noted Ms Wilson, Senior Advisor (Mental Health), was thanked for her report. 71/06 STATISTICS (a) Schedule and Report from Statistical Monitoring Group for Students and Staff (EADC/06/15 and EADC/06/16) Received The papers set out proposals for improved monitoring of student and staff EO statistical information. 72/06 Noted The current system for monitoring student EO statistics required improvements, for example, departments received equal opportunities data on their students, but were not required to reflect on these statistics. Following the implementation of the proposals set out in paper EADC/06/15, some departments might find it onerous to analyse and interpret the data. It was suggested that a ‘traffic light’ system be devised to indicate what was statistically significant. 73/06 Resolved that the Academic Registrar would implement the proposals: 74/06 a) b) c) to scope a pilot exercise and identify at least one department which would be willing to trial an in-depth analysis of student equal opportunities data. A worked out proposal would be brought to the next meeting of EADC for University-wide implementation; to work with the Planning Office and relevant specialist staff to produce statistics and accompanying analytical commentary suitable for consideration at the next meeting of EADC; to consult with each student-facing office, establishing what routine monitoring they carry out and to agree the format for internal publication of the data. Noted The suggestion to employ a student with statistical skills to assist in the interpretation of the data. A summary of all routine monitoring arrangements would be submitted for approval at the next meeting of EADC. 75/06 Reported The Director of Personnel Services and the Equality and Diversity Officer planned to expand the current system for collecting staff EO statistics, as set out in paper EADC/06/16. It was noted that the implementation of Personnel’s erecruitment system and integrated HR system were both progressing slowly, but when implemented, would improve the ability to gather and monitor staff statistics. 76/06 Noted Where responsibility for analysing staff statistics lay outside of Personnel, a ‘traffic light’ system would also be beneficial. 77/06 (b) Revised Equal Opportunities Monitoring Targets (EADC/06/17) Reported Out of the EO targets set in March 2003, the University had met two out of four. This was felt to be a relatively positive outcome and indicated that the targets 78/06 were challenging. A new staff survey was planned to gather data on the number of staff with a disability. This survey would include an updated definition of disability, which it was hoped would reveal a higher percentage of staff with a disability who currently classified themselves as non-disabled. Resolved (a) (b) that the target ‘To increase the number of women appointed as Heads of Department and Deans from 11% in 2006 to 20% by 2010’ be expanded to include Pro Vice Chancellors; that there should be an updated target to increase the number of female lecturers from 41% in 2006 to 45% in 2010. 79/06 80/06 (c) Key Performance Indicators (EADC/06/18) Received The paper proposed a schedule of key performance indicators (KPIs) which could form the basis of the monitoring in accordance with the Committee’s terms of reference. 81/06 Noted The KPIs formalised the work that EADC was already carrying out. They would be organic and open for amendment if necessary. Some amendments were discussed and agreed. 82/06 Resolved that the schedule of KPIs be approved, as set out in Appendix A. 83/06 E-LEARNING PACKAGE Reported Mr Kent reported that the implementation of the equality and diversity elearning product had required considerable work, especially in terms of reviewing the script, but that it was expected to be ready for a pilot programme very soon. Staff across the University who had been consulted about the elearning package had responded very positively. 84/06 GENDER EQUALITY DUTY (EADC/06/19) Reported Work was underway in preparing for the Gender Equality Duty, which would require a Gender Equality Scheme to be published by 30 April 2007. 85/06 Action The Equality and Diversity Officer would co-ordinate a steering group to oversee the drafting and implementation of the Gender Equality Scheme and would provide an update on progress at the next meeting. 86/06 IMPACT ASSESSMENTS (EADC/06/20) Reported Membership of the Equality Impact Assessment Working Group (EIAWG) was in the process of being finalised. 87/06 Noted The EADC’s annual report to Council would include a brief summary of the EIAWG report. The report would be starred for discussion at Council, enabling the Chair of EADC to raise Council’s awareness of equality impact assessments, since Council were ultimately responsible for ensuring that the University complied with legislative requirements. 88/06 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Speak Out Event (EADC/06/21) Received The tabled paper gave details of feedback received from disabled students at the recent Disability Speak Out Event on campus. 89/06 Noted Some students had suggested the possibility of introducing an I.D. scheme to identify those with special needs, such as a condition which merited being allowed to go the front of a queue to avoid standing. The Committee felt that such a scheme would be problematic, in terms of the possibility of misuse and the difficulty of spreading awareness of the scheme throughout the University. The Students Union could still set up an I.D. scheme within the Union buildings, if they thought it desirable. 90/06 The Speak Out Event had also highlighted problems concerning staff and student awareness of disabilities, especially hidden disabilities. Involvement of students in staff development courses, along the same lines as the ‘Working with International Students’ course, was felt to be very positive in promoting good relations between staff and students. 91/06 Camilla Romaine Graduate Trainee January 2007 F:\eadc\meeting 28.11.06\2006-11-28m