Unapproved Minutes UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE 20 May 2008 (2:00pm – 4:45pm) MINUTES Chair Present Apologies Secretary In attendance Mrs Stamp Dr Burnett, Mr Capella, Dr Campbell, Mrs Endean, Ms Fletcher, Ms Gray, Ms Jones, Mr Kent, Professor Riordan Dr Martin, Mr Mehmet Ms Romaine, Administrative Officer Mrs Bush, Miss D’Mello INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS Noted The new members, Dr Campbell and Professor Riordan, were welcomed to the Committee. 01/08 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 20 NOVEMBER 2007 Approved 02/08 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES a) Training for Security Staff (M. 41/07) Reported Additional training on non-visible disabilities and mental health awareness was now in place for Security staff at the University. This took the form of induction training, visits to Student Support and one-to-one briefings. 03/08 b) Network of Equality Committees at Partner Institutions (M. 34/07) Reported The Equality Network was functioning effectively and was proving to be a useful forum for the exchange of information and documents. The next meeting was scheduled for 3 June and would be held at Writtle College. 04/08 c) Statistics on Undergraduate Admissions: Levels of Rejected Applications from Disabled Students in the Department of Law (M. 45/07) Noted The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Comparative Studies had discussed the high level of rejected disabled applicants in the Department of Law with the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Management. It was confirmed that there was no intentional bias in the Department towards the selection of able-bodied applicants. The reason for the high level of rejected disabled applicants was uncertain, but it was possibly linked to the fact that the Department tended to select students on the basis of their A-Level results (or equivalent qualifications), rather than by interview. It would be difficult to gain statistics on whether 05/08 disabled Essex applicants tended to have poorer A-Level results because students did not always disclose disabilities to UCAS EADC was reassured that the Admissions Office conducted regular analysis of applicant statistics. Resolved The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Comparative Studies would communicate EADC’s concerns to the Department of Law and ask that the Department keep the issue under review as part of their annual monitoring process. 06/08 d) Statistics on Postgraduate Admissions: Low Levels of Declared Disabilities Amongst Postgraduate Students (M. 46/07) Noted The Assistant Director of Student Support (Disability) had discussed the low level of postgraduate students declaring a disability with the Head of Graduate Admissions. The HESA statistics confirmed that Essex performed poorly in this area, however, the number of disabled postgraduate applicants who were rejected was small, and the number of disabled postgraduates who accepted a place at the University was in line with expected levels. It was thought that the low level of declaration could be related to the fact that Essex recruited a high number of postgraduate students from overseas, as international students traditionally tended to be less likely to disclose a disability on application. 07/08 Resolved The issue would be referred to the Equality Impact Assessment group responsible for considering student admissions. EADC would also re-consider the issue if it reoccurred in the student statistics presented to the Committee in November 2008. 08/08 d) Students’ Union Diversity Audit (M. 72/07) Noted The outcome of the Students’ Union Diversity Audit would be considered at the next meeting of EADC in November 2008. 09/08 DISABILITY MATTERS a) Update on the Disability Equality Scheme Reported Considerable progress had been achieved in implementing the Disability Equality Scheme action plan, for example: staff training on disability had been improved; recommendations had been made for improving Open Days for disabled students; the Widening Participation Team had recruited disabled Student Ambassadors; and the exams process for students with individual needs had been reviewed. 10/08 b) Update on the ‘Two Ticks’ Disability Symbol Noted University Steering Group had supported the idea that the University apply for the ‘two ticks’ disability symbol. Heads of Department and Heads of Section had been consulted and were also supportive of the proposal. The University would make its application to Job Centre Plus towards the end of June and, providing the application was successful, the disability symbol could then be used on job adverts and stationery. The symbol would give a positive message to potential employees and students about the University’s attitude to equality and diversity. 11/08 As a requirement of applying for the symbol, the University would have to 12/08 guarantee that any disabled applicants who met the essential criteria for an advertised post would be interviewed. Evidence from other universities had indicated that the expected increase in the number of candidates being interviewed would be manageable. The Director of Personnel Services and the Equality and Diversity Officer were congratulated on their success in securing the University’s agreement to apply for the disability symbol. However, if the Students’ Union also wished to use the symbol, they would need to make a separate application. 13/08 c) Update on New Training Programme for Disability Awareness Reported The new training programme to raise disability awareness had been received very well by both the academic and non-academic staff who had participated in the training sessions. The trainer was a member of academic staff from another institution who was able to share personal experiences of teaching disabled students. This training programme built on the University’s long established tradition of raising disability awareness. In addition, more support was now provided to Departmental Disability Liaison Officers (DDLOs) and it was expected that the DDLOs could disseminate some of the training within their own departments. 14/08 Noted It was confirmed that Students’ Union employees would be welcome to participate in the new training programme, which was free of charge. Raising disability awareness in students was a challenging task since the student body changed every year, however, students did attend courses run by the Equality and Diversity Office. 15/08 d) Positive Action Event Reported The University had recently hosted an event for Remploy and a number of its registered jobseekers. Remploy was an employment services provider which aimed to get disabled people and those experiencing barriers to employment back into work. The event had focussed on giving the jobseekers an understanding of what it was like to work at the University. Remploy was keen to arrange work experience opportunities on campus and a Tuesday Taster session was planned to promote the provision of work experience at the University. Although Remploy were planning to attend the Tuesday Taster, work experience opportunities would not be limited to jobseekers registered with Remploy. 16/08 e) Contact with DisabledGo Reported DisabledGo was an organisation which conducted audits of venues, primarily focussing on access and mobility issues. DisabledGo would be conducting an audit of forty selected venues on campus in July. The information gathered would be published on the DisabledGo’s website and would be accessed via the University’s own web site. Information published in this way would help visitors to the University to plan their visit. The SU could consult with the Estates Administrative Officer, Maz Brooks, to ask whether any SU venues could form part of the audit. 17/08 Action The Director of Personnel Services would provide DisabledGo’s contact details to the Assistant Director of Student Support (Disability) so that Student Support could investigate whether access to study could form any part of the audit. 18/08 STATISTICS a) Staff Equality Statistics (EADC/08/01) Noted Resolved There were no significant issues in the data that was presented to the Committee. Some of the statistics were affected by a number of serial applicants to the University who repeatedly applied for posts for which they were not qualified. 19/08 EADC discussed the presentation of the data and considered whether a more concise, analytical report of the main issues would be more helpful to the Committee. The statistics, as they were currently presented, were very detailed and some members were concerned that there was the potential to get lost in the data. However, other members of the Committee thought that analysis could be subjective and thus they preferred to receive raw data as it was more transparent. 20/08 The presentation of the staff equality statistics to EADC had been subject to considerable refinement in the past and noticeable improvements had already been made. Thanks were extended to the Systems Administrator in the Personnel Section who was largely responsible for presenting the statistics to the Committee. 21/08 A Project Manager had now been appointed to oversee the implementation of the integrated Personnel and Payroll database, which was expected to be operational during 2009. It was hoped that the integrated database would enable early identification of any significant equality and diversity-related issues. 22/08 The Director of Personnel Services would review the presentation of staff equality statistics to EADC and consider how this could be improved for the future. 23/08 b) Progress on the University’s Equality and Diversity Targets (EADC/08/02) Noted Some progress had been made on the University’s equality and diversity targets. However, the target ‘To increase the number of women appointed as Pro ViceChancellors, Heads of Department and Deans from 11% in 2006 to 20% by 2010’ would be challenging as these posts, which staff were appointed to on a fixed term basis, were not advertised externally and therefore the University was drawing on a limited pool of applicants. The EIA on the recruitment and selection of staff would be able to consider this issue. 24/08 Resolved In future, updates on the targets would be presented to EADC with year-by-year comparisons and visual representations, such as graphs, if appropriate. 25/08 c) Harassment Advisory Network (EADC/08/03, EADC/08/03b and EADC/08/03c) Noted The data covered one calendar year from January 2007 to January 2008. The client evaluations showed that the Network was considered to be a very beneficial service. Some members of EADC were concerned that the number of student cases referred to the Network was too high. However, when considered in the context of a large and diverse student body, the figures were comparatively small. Furthermore, data from the Southend and Loughton campuses had been included for the first time this year. The low numbers of cases could be interpreted positively, in that harassment was a rare occurrence at the University, or negatively, in that staff and students did not feel able or 26/08 encouraged to report harassment. However, if the latter interpretation was correct, it was hoped that the ‘Dignity and Respect’ campaign would generate improvements. The ‘Dignity and Respect’ campaign would be promoted around the University and would include talks by the Vice-Chancellor to Heads of Department and Heads of Section. d) Results of Trial for Departmental Scrutiny of Student Equality and Diversity Data Reported The Department of Computing and Electronic Systems had trialled an approach to scrutinising equality and diversity data at their Staff-Student Liaison Committee meeting. No results were available for EADC to consider. 27/08 Resolved The Academic Registrar would further discuss the provision of data with the Head of Department of CES and would report back to EADC. 28/08 INTERIM REPORT ON THE GENDER EQUALITY SCHEME (EADC/08/04) Noted A considerable amount of activity had already taken place to implement the Gender Equality Scheme action plan. One significant issue that was still outstanding was the attempt to introduce a pro-rata charge for annual car parking permits for part-time staff at the University, who were currently required to pay the same amount as full-time staff. EADC were of the view that this may discriminate against part-time staff, the majority of whom were female. The Car Parking Working Group had rejected the suggestion of a pro-rata charge due to concerns that car use at the University should not be encouraged. 29/08 Resolved The Equality and Diversity Officer would draft a letter to the Car Parking Working Group, to be signed by the Chair of EADC, asking whether they would reconsider their decision in view of the potential for discrimination against parttime staff. 30/08 EQUAL PAY AUDIT Reported Action The report of the equal pay audit (attached to the minutes as Appendix A) was in draft form and consultation with the senior management team and trade unions was still ongoing. The report focussed primarily on gender issues. No serious issues for concern were identified in report, but there were pay gaps significant enough to warrant further investigation. 31/08 Work would soon begin to investigate the issues raised in the audit. The Director of Personnel Services would update EADC at the next meeting on the plans for action. 32/08 EADC members were invited to send comments on the draft report to the Director of Personnel Services. 33/08 ACCESS FORUM a) Report to EADC (EADC/08/05) Action The Equality and Diversity Officer would convey EADC’s thanks to members of the Access Forum, and to Rowena Macaulay in particular, for their hard work in relation to access issues. b) Terms of Reference (EADC/08/06) 34/08 Noted Some members of EADC were concerned that Objective 4.5 in the Access Forum’s Terms of Reference could be interpreted as the Forum having a formal role within the University’s established committee structures. However, it was acknowledged that the Access Forum could provide EADC and other University committees with very useful advice. Furthermore, any group or member of staff from the University was free to refer relevant issues to committees. 35/08 Resolved EADC agreed that no further revisions to the Access Forum’s Terms of Reference were required. 36/08 c) Access Issues (EADC/08/07) Noted The Access Forum planned to tackle a large number of access-related issues. There was a cost associated with many of the actions outlined in paper EADC/08/07 and the Estates Section had explained to the Access Forum that for financial reasons not all of the actions could be implemented immediately. 37/08 MINUTES FROM THE INTERNATIONAL AND ETHNIC MINORITY STAFF FORUM (EADC/08/08) Noted Action The Forum had discussed the procedure for reporting hate crime on campus and how this could be better publicised. The ‘Dignity and Respect’ campaign was expected to contribute to a greater awareness of how to report hate crime. 38/08 The minutes contained a misleading statement. It was confirmed that the Vice Chancellor was not receiving advice from the Home Office in regards to social responsibility at the University. However, an Executive Assistant to the ViceChancellor had been appointed, and the appointee was on secondment from the Home Office. 39/08 The Forum was currently a staff-only group and it was suggested that students should be permitted to join. 40/08 The minutes referred to the Forum as the ‘International and Ethnic Minority Staff Forum’, however, it was now standard to refer to ‘Minority Ethnic’ instead of ‘Ethnic Minority’. It was believed that the name of the Forum had already been changed accordingly and that this was an error in the minutes. 41/08 The Equality and Diversity Officer would forward EADC’s comments and suggestions to the Forum. 42/08 EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENTS (EIA) AND MEMBERSHIP OF EIA PANELS (EADC/08/09) Noted Members of staff, particularly Departmental Administrators, had been very enthusiastic about joining EIA panels. A waiting list had been set up for future participants. 43/08 UPDATE ON EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY ONLINE PROGRAMME (EADC/08/10) Noted Some people had experienced difficulties in accessing the online programme and this was partly responsible for the low number of participants. The difficulties were expected to be resolved by the start of the next academic year. EADC discussed whether the online programme should be mandatory for new staff, 44/08 however, this would not be feasible until the problems in accessing the programme had been resolved. Students working in relevant positions, such as in the SU Advice Centre, could undertake the programme if they wished by contacting the Equality and Diversity Officer. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Appointment of Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor Noted Melissa D’Mello was on secondment from the Home Office and was working as Executive Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor. Her role would include a focus on social responsibility and the Vice Chancellor's dignity and respect agenda. 45/08 Reports to Council Noted The Chair of EADC had recently attended an equality and diversity event hosted by the Leadership Foundation. The Chair was concerned to strengthen Council’s awareness of and responsibility for equality and diversity-related issues at the University. Following the meeting, it was agreed that EADC’s annual report to Council could be used to emphasise this responsibility. Date of next meeting: To be confirmed Camilla Romaine Administrative Officer, Academic Section 28 May 2008 F:\eadc\meeting2008-05-20m.doc 46/08