Content Benchmark P.12.A.5

Content Benchmark P.12.A.5
Students know chemical reactions can take place at different rates, depending on a variety of
factors (i.e. temperature, concentration, surface area, and agitation). E/S
Sample Test Questions
1st Item Specification: Describe factors affecting the rate at which a reaction proceeds.
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
Which of the following could increase the rate at which a chemical reaction proceeds?
A. Grinding a solid reactant into powder.
B. Lowering the temperature of one reactant.
C. Decreasing the concentration of the reactants.
D. Removing a catalyst from the reaction.
Identify the combination of factors that will most likely increase the rate of a chemical
A. Decreasing temperature, using a large block of the solid, and stirring.
B. Decreasing temperature, chopping up the solid block, and stirring.
C. Increasing temperature, using a large block of the solid, and stirring.
D. Increasing temperature, chopping up the solid block, and stirring.
When two chemicals react their molecules must collide with each other with enough energy
to make the reaction occur. Which of the following will increase the rate of collision
between the molecules?
A. Increasing the size of the reactants.
B. Increasing the temperature of the reactants.
C. Decreasing the surface area of the reactants.
D. Decreasing the volume of the reactants.
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
Yeast is a single-celled organism used to make bread dough rise. When yeast and sugar are
dissolved in water and added to bread dough the yeast cells use the sugar as food and in the
process release carbon dioxide gas which creates gas pockets in the bread dough. Which of
the following could a baker do to make bread dough rise faster?
A. Dissolve the yeast in cold water.
B. Dissolve the yeast in warm water.
C. Put the yeast in the dough without water.
D. Add milk instead of water to the dough.
Increasing the temperature, concentration, and surface area of the reactants in a chemical
reaction will all cause an increase in the rate of a reaction because the molecules of the
reactants will
A. be brought closer together.
B. be spread farther apart.
C. increase in amount.
D. increase in volume.
In an automobile engine gasoline and air are compressed by a piston in a cylinder. This
forces the gasoline and air mixture into a smaller space bringing their molecules close
enough together to react. A spark from a spark plug then ignites the gasoline and air
mixture causing combustion. Which of the following factors causes the rate of combustion
to increase?
A. A decrease in pressure.
B. A decrease in air.
C. An increase in temperature.
D. An increase in gasoline.
2nd Item Specification: Predict the result of a given factor on reaction rate.
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
The metal iron reacts with oxygen in the air to produce the compound iron oxide or rust.
What effect will painting an iron gate have on the rate of the rusting reaction?
A. Paint will increase the reaction rate.
B. Paint will decrease the reaction rate.
C. Paint will destroy the reaction.
D. Paint will not affect the reaction.
The rate of a certain reaction doubles with every 10º C increase in temperature. Which of
the following would be true of this reaction?
A. The particles of the reactants are increasing in size.
B. The particles of the reactants are losing energy.
C. The particles of the reactants are getting farther apart.
D. The particles of the reactants are colliding more frequently.
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
100 g of the same solid are reacting with 200 ml of the same liquid in each of the following
containers. The molecules of the solid are represented by the symbol.
Container I
Temperature of
liquid, 0°C
Container II
Temperature of
liquid, 0°C
Container III
Temperature of
liquid, 80°C
Container IV
Temperature of
liquid, 80°C
The container in which the reaction rate will be the fastest in
A. container I.
B. container II.
C. container III.
D. container IV.
3rd Item Specification: Identify the effect of catalysts on reaction rate.
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
10. Which of the following is true about catalysts in chemical reactions?
A. Catalysts are used up in chemical reactions.
B. Catalysts slow down or stop chemical reactions.
C. Catalysts are changed in chemical reactions.
D. Catalysts increase chemical reaction rates.
11. Which of the following is an example of a catalyst?
A. An enzyme helping to break down starch in your intestine.
B. Salt being added to meat to keep it from rotting or spoiling.
C. Combining baking soda and vinegar to cause a reaction.
D. Adding heat energy to increase the rate of a chemical reaction.
12. Iron in cars will combine with oxygen in the presence of water to form rust. In northern
climates salt is put on roads to lower the temperature at which ice will form. Some of the
salt is transferred to the cars that drive on the road. This salt when combined with water and
oxygen increases the rate at which rusting occurs. In the rusting reaction salt acts as a(n)
A. reactant.
B. product.
C. catalyst.
D. enzyme.
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
13. Sugar in our body cells reacts very quickly with oxygen. The same sugar will react very
slowly with the oxygen in air. The reason for this difference is because
A. our bodies are warmer than the air.
B. cells contain catalysts to speed the reaction.
C. the sugar exposed to air is in solid form.
D. the sugar in our cells contains more energy.
14. In industry speeding up a chemical reaction can mean making a new product faster. Heating
a reaction can increase the rate at which it occurs but this method is expensive. Which of
the following may be a less expensive way to increase chemical reaction rate?
A. Use a larger amount of chemicals in the reaction.
B. Use a smaller amount of chemicals in the reaction.
C. Use larger containers for the chemical reaction.
D. Use a catalyst to increase the rate of the reaction.
15. A catalyst is a substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being
changed by the reaction. Enzymes are biological catalysts. Which of the following
predictions is most likely true of an enzyme in our digestive system?
A. The enzyme will increase the rate of the digestive process.
B. The enzyme will decrease the rate of the digestive process.
C. The enzyme will increase the amount of food that is digested.
D. The enzyme will decrease the amount of food that is digested.
Content Benchmark P.12.A.5
Students know chemical reactions can take place at different rates, depending on a variety of
factors (i.e. temperature, concentration, surface area, and agitation). E/S
Answers to Sample Test Questions
1. A, DOK Level 1
2. D, DOK Level 1
3. B, DOK Level 1
4. B, DOK Level 2
5. A, DOK Level 2
6. C, DOK Level 2
7. B, DOK Level 1
8. D, DOK Level 1
9. C, DOK Level 2
10. D, DOK Level 1
11. A, DOK Level 1
12. C, DOK Level 1
13. B, DOK Level 1
14. D, DOK Level 2
15. A, DOK Level 2