Content Benchmark E.12.A.1 Earth’s weather and climate. E/S

Content Benchmark E.12.A.1
Students know the Sun is the major source of Earth’s energy, and provides the energy driving
Earth’s weather and climate. E/S
Sample Test Questions
1st Item Specification: Explain how solar energy powers the water cycle.
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
1. Use the diagram below to answer the following question.
(From - water)
Which is the process of water vapor changing to a liquid?
A. Condensation
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Transpiration
2. As the amount of vegetation in an area increases the amount of water vapor entering the air
A. triple.
B. increase.
C. remain the same.
D. decrease.
3. Which process causes moisture to depart from green plants?
A. Condensation
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Transpiration
4. What is the primary energy source behind the water cycle?
A. Earth’s internal energy
B. Sun’s electromagnetic radiation
C. Moon’s gravitational attraction
D. Radioactive decay of elements
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
5. Use the diagram to answer the question below.
(From - water)
Which process requires the input of heat energy to occur?
A. Condensation
B. Infiltration
C. Runoff
D. Evaporation
6. What would the most likely effect on the water cycle be if the amount of insolation received
by a given area were to INCREASE?
A. Evaporation increases, transpiration decreases
B. Evaporation increases, transpiration increases
C. Evaporation decreases, transpiration decreases
D. Evaporation decreases, transpiration increases
7. What would the most likely effect on the water cycle be if the amount of insolation received
by a given area were to DECREASE?
A. Evaporation increases, transpiration decreases
B. Evaporation increases, transpiration increases
C. Evaporation decreases, transpiration decreases
D. Evaporation decreases, transpiration increases
2nd Item Specification: Explain how uneven heating of Earth’s surface determines weather
and climate patterns.
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
8. The energy source driving Earth’s weather comes from
A. the Sun through visible light.
B. the Moon through low tides.
C. the Earth’s core through heat conduction.
D. radiant heat energy from volcanic activity.
9. Use the diagram below to answer the following question.
Which of the following is NOT a contributing factor to the uneven warming of Earth’s
A. Different surfaces warm at different rates.
B. Different surfaces retain energy differently.
C. The Sun is farther from Earth during the winter.
D. The Sun’s rays hit the surface at varied angles.
10. Earth’s tropical regions receive more of the Sun’s energy than polar regions because they
A. contain a greater percentage of dry land.
B. have more vegetation to absorb the Sun’s energy.
C. have a thinner atmosphere than the polar regions.
D. receive a greater concentration of the Sun’s rays.
11. Earth’s surface temperatures are most directly affected by the energy received from
A. insolation from the Sun.
B. fusion in Earth’s core.
C. friction in Earth’s crust.
D. radioactivity within Earth’s crust.
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
12. Use the diagram to answer the question below.
Interaction of Incoming Solar Radiation with the Atmosphere
What would happen to the solar energy that reaches Earth’s atmosphere if the ground was
covered with snow?
A. More solar radiation would be absorbed at the surface.
B. More solar radiation would be reflected and scattered.
C. More solar radiation would be absorbed by clouds.
D. More solar radiation would reach Earth’s atmosphere.
13. Use the diagram to answer the following question.
What will happen as the Sun’s energy decreases in the evening?
A. The land will heat up faster than the water.
B. The land will cool down faster than the water.
C. The water will have the same temperature as the land.
D. The water and land temperatures will stay the same.
Content Benchmark E.12.A.1
Students know the Sun is the major source of Earth’s energy, and provides the energy driving
Earth’s weather and climate. E/S
Answers to Sample Test Questions
1. A, DOK Level 1
2. B, DOK Level 1
3. D, DOK Level 1
4. B, DOK Level 1
5. D, DOK Level 2
6. B, DOK Level 2
7. C, DOK Level 2
8. A, DOK Level 1
9. C, DOK Level 1
10. D, DOK Level 1
11. A, DOK Level 1
12. B, DOK Level 2
13. B, DOK Level 2