Need to Know List – Final Exam Dates of Test: Part I _____________ Part II_____________ Part I: Tuesday, June 3rd I. Comprehension: Read a new story and answer English questions about it. II. Translation: Write English translations of three of the sentences from the story. III. Grammar: Find examples of certain parts of speech in the story and identify the cases and usage of nouns in the story. Part II: Friday, June 6th I. Vocabulary: Based on meaning, choose the best answer to complete a sentence. II. Vocabulary: Choose the word the does not belong with the other words. III. Grammar: Based on grammatical structure, choose the best answer to complete a sentence. IV. Derivatives: Based on knowledge of their Latin root words, match English derivatives with their definitions. V. Derivatives: Write the Latin root word and its meaning for English derivatives. VI. Culture: choose the correct answers to questions about the culture. VII. Culture: Look at a diagram/picture and answer questions about it. VIII. Culture: Look at a map of the Roman world and match Latin sentences to the places where the action(s) took place. necesse est tibi scīre… I. vocabulary – study the comprehensive list or your flashcards. (Stages 1-22) II. grammar – study the various charts, study sheets, notes you’ve taken III. culture – study the reading guilds, notes, and the attached maps and diagrams IV. derivatives – study the derivative sheets from each stage V. how to read stories – go back and reread stories / review the stages Nouns & Adjectives Nom. 1st -a 2nd (M) -us 2nd (N) -um 3rd (M/F) varies 3rd (N) varies 4th (M/F) -us 4th (N) -ū 5th -ēs Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl. -ae -ae -am -ā -ī -ō -um -ō -ī -ō -um -ō -is -ī -em -e (-ī) -is -ī varies -e (-ī) -ūs -uī -um -ū -ūs -ū -ū -ū -eī -eī -em -ē Nom. -ae -ī -a -ēs -(i)a -ūs -ua -ēs Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl. -ārum -īs -ās -īs -ōrum -īs -ōs -īs -ōrum -īs -a -īs -(i)um -ibus -ēs -ibus -(i)um -ibus -(i)a -ibus -uum -ibus -ūs -ibus -uum -ibus -ua -ibus -ērum -ēbus -ēs -ēbus Nominative = Subject / Predicate Nominative Genitive = Possession / Description / Partitive Dative = Indirect Object / Object of Special Verbs/Used with Impersonal Verbs Accusative = Direct Object / Object of MOST Prepositions Ablative = Object of SID SPACE Prepositions, Ablative of Agent/Ablative of Instrument Adjectives 1st / 2nd Adjectives 3rd Adjectives laetus, -a, -um fortis, -e iratus, -a, -um ferox, ferocis laetissimus, -a, -um ingens, ingentis Adjectives MUST agree in THREE respects… Gender = Masculine, Feminine, Neuter Number = Singular, Plural Case = Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, Ablative Comparison of Adjectives Positive Comparative Superlative laetus, -a, -um laetior, -ius laetissimus, -a, -um iratus, -a, -um iratior, -ius iratissimus, -a, -um fortis, -e fortior, -ius fortissimos, -a, -um ferox, ferocis ferocior, -ius ferocissimus, -a, -um ingens, ingentis ingentior, -ius ingentissimus, -a, -um bonus, -a, -um melior, -ius optimus, -a, -um magnus, -a, -um maior, -ius maximus, -a, -um Adverbs 1st / 2nd Adjectives 3rd Adjectives laetus, -a, -um → laetē fortis, -e → fortiter intentus, -a, -um → intentē ferōx, ferōcis → ferōciter cautus, -a, -um → cautē neglegēns, -nits → neglegenter laetissimus, -a, -um → laetissimē audāx, audācis → audācter Comparison of Adverbs* Positive Comparative Superlative laetē laetius laetissimē fortiter fortius fortissimē bene melius optimē male peius pessimē magnopere magis maximē paulum minus minimē multum plūs plūrimum Pronouns Personal Pronouns- I, you, he/she/it We, Ya’ll, They 1st / Sing. egō meus, -a, -um mihi mē 2nd / Sing. tū tuus, -a, -um tibi tē 3rd / M / Sing. is eius eī eum 3rd / F / Sing. ea eius eī eam 3rd / N / Sing. id eius eī id Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative mē 1st / Plural nōs noster,-a, -um nōbīs nōs tē 2nd / Plural vōs vester, -a, -um vōbīs vōs eō 3rd / M / Pl. eī eōrum eīs eōs eā 3rd / F / Pl. eae eārum eīs eās eō 3rd / N / Pl. ea eōrum eīs ea Ablative nōbīs vōbīs eīs eīs eīs Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative Demonstrative Pronouns- This/These That/Those Masc. Fem. Neut Masc. Fem. Neut. Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative hic huius huic hunc hōc haec huius huic hanc hāc hoc huius huic hoc hōc ille illius illī illum illō illa illius illī illam illā illud illius illī illud illō Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative hī hōrum hīs hōs hīs hae hārum hīs hās hīs haec hōrum hīs haec hīs illī illōrum illīs illōs illīs illae illārum illīs illās illīs illa illōrum illīs illa illīs Relative Pronouns- Who, Which, Whom, etc Nominative Genitive Dative Masculine quī cuius cuī Feminine quae cuius cuī Neuter quod cuius cuī Accusative Ablative quem quō quam quā quod quō Nominative Genitive Dative quī quōrum quibus quae quārum quibus quae quōrum quibus Accusative Ablative quōs quibus quās quibus quae quibus Regular Verbs Present Tense: he walks, he is walking, he does walk ambulō, -āre, -āvī ambulō videō, -ēre, vīdī videō bibō, -ere, bibī bibō faciō, -ere, fēcī faciō audiō, -īre, -īvī audiō ambulās ambulat vidēs videt bibis bibit facis facit audīs audit ambulāmus ambulātis ambulant vidēmus vidētis vident bibimus bibitis bibunt facimus facitis faciunt audīmus audītis audiunt Imperfect Tense: he was walking, he used to walk ambulō, -āre, -āvī ambulābam ambulābas videō, -ēre, vīdī vidēbam vidēbas bibō, -ere, bibī bibēbam bibēbas faciō, -ere, fēcī faciēbam faciēbas audiō, -īre, -īvī audiēbam audiēbas ambulābat vidēbat bibēbat faciēbat audiēbat ambulābāmus ambulābātis ambulābant vidēbāmus vidēbātis vidēbant bibēbāmus bibēbātis bibēbant faciēbāmus faciēbātis faciēbant audiēbāmus audiēbātis audiēbant Perfect Tense: he walked, he has walked, he did walk ambulō, -āre, -āvī ambulāvī ambulāvistī videō, -ēre, vīdī vīdī vīdistī bibō, -ere, bibī bibī bibistī faciō, -ere, fēcī fēcī fēcistī audiō, -īre, -īvī audīvī audīvistī ambulāvit vīdit Bibit fēcit audīvit ambulāvimus ambulāvistis ambulāvērunt vīdimus vīdistis vīdērunt bibimus bibistis bibērunt fēcimus fēcistis fēcērunt audīvimus audīvistis audīvērunt PluPerfect Tense: he had walked ambulō, -āre, -āvī ambulāveram ambulāveras videō, -ēre, vīdī vīderam vīderas bibō, -ere, bibī biberam biberas faciō, -ere, fēcī fēceram fēceras audiō, -īre, -īvī audīveram audīveras ambulāverat vīderat biberat fēcerat audīverat ambulāverāmus ambulāverātis ambulāverant vīderāmus vīderātis vīderant biberāmus biberātis biberant fēcerāmus fēcerātis fēcerant audīverāmus audīverātis audīverant Irregular Verbs Present Tense sum, esse, fuī sum possum, posse, potuī possum volō, velle, voluī volō nōlō, nōlle, nōluī nōlō ferō, ferre, tulī ferō es est potes potest vīs vult nōn vīs nōn vult fers fert sumus estis sunt possumus potestis possunt volumus vultis volunt nōlumus nōn vultis nōlunt ferimus fertis ferunt sum, esse, fuī eram possum, posse, potuī poteram volō, velle, voluī volēbam nōlō, nōlle, nōluī nōlēbam ferō, ferre, tulī ferēbam eras erat poteras poterat volēbas volēbat nōlēbas nōlēbat ferēbas ferēbat erāmus erātis erant poterāmus poterātis poterant volēbāmus volēbātis volēbant nōlēbamus nōlēbatis nōlēbant ferēbāmus ferēbātis ferēbant sum, esse, fuī fuī fuistī possum, posse, potuī potuī potuistī volō, velle, voluī voluī voluistī nōlō, nōlle, nōluī nōluī nōluistī ferō, ferre, tulī tulī tulistī fuit potuit voluit nōluit tulit fuimus fuistis fuērunt potuimus potuistis potuērunt voluimus voluistis voluērunt nōluimus nōluistis nōluērunt tulimus tulistis tulērunt Imperfect Tense Perfect Tense PluPerfect Tense sum, esse, fuī fueram fueras possum, posse, potuī potueram potueras volō, velle, voluī volueram volueras nōlō, nōlle, nōluī nōlueram nōlueras ferō, ferre, tulī tuleram tuleras fuerat potuerat voluerat nōluerat tulerat fuerāmus fuerātis fuerant potuerāmus potuerātis potuerant voluerāmus voluerātis voluerant nōluerāmus nōluerātis nōluerant tulerāmus tulerātis tulerant Complementary Infinitives The THREE Irregular Verbs, posse, velle, & nolle, require the use of a complementary infinitive… puerī amphorās gravēs movēre nōn possunt. tū amphorās gravēs movēre vīs. servus ignāvus amphorās gravēs movēre nōn vult. There are some OTHER regular verbs which can also use the complementary infinitive… geminī in areā ludere amant. lībertus dominum excitāre temptat. nōs in magnā villā habitāre solēmus. There are also some IMPERSONAL verb phrases which use the complementary infinitives… {+ dative} nōn commodum est mihi ad templum hodiē īre. decōrum est tibi servum Aegyptium habēre. difficile est astrologō Barbillum sanāre. facile erat Clementī officīnam Eutychī invenīre. melius est vōbīs cautē prōcēdere. necesse est rēgī testamentum scrībere. tutius est nōbīs ad vīllam Barbillī redīre. Participles Present Active laudō, laudāre → laudāns, laudantis, praising videō, vidēre → vidēns, videntis, seeing trahō, trahere → trahēns, trahentis, dragging capiō, capere → capiēns, capientis, making audiō, audīre → audiēns, audientis, hearing Perfect Passive, 4th Principal Part laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātus, -a, -um, praised, having been praised videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus, -a, -um, seen, having been seen trahō, trahere, traxi, tractus, -a, -um, dragged, having been dragged capiō, capere, cēpī, captus, -a, -um, taken, having been taken audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus, -a, -um, heard, having been heard Perfect Active, 3rd Principal Part of Special Verbs, Just MEMORIZE at this point agressus, -a, -um, having attacked ēgressus, -a, -um, having gone out, departed ingressus, -a, um, having entered regressus, -a, -um, having returned adeptus, -a, -um, having obtained cōnspicātus, -a, -um, having noticed locūtus, -a, -um, having spoken passus, -a, -um, having suffered precātus, -a, -um, having prayed