6 Grade Nutrition Unit Study Guide Answer Key

6th Grade Nutrition Unit
Study Guide Answer Key
Quiz on:______________________________________________________________________________
Use your Nutrition Notes, Nutrition Cubes, Food Group Worksheet, and Calcium Worksheet to study the
following information.
1. What are calories
Units of body fuel
2. How many calories does the average teen need?
3. What four factors/reasons affect how many calories an individual needs?
 Activity level
 Growth rate
 Gender
 Size of your body
4. What does the body do with the extra, unused calories?
Turns them in body fat
5. What are the benefits of exercise?
 Helps maintain a healthy body weight
 Builds and tones muscles, improves our mood and lung function
 Makes us more flexible
6. What are the 6 essential nutrient groups
 Carbohydrates
 Fats
 Proteins
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Water
7. What is the function of each of the 6 nutrient groups?
 Carbohydrates-provides body with most of it’s energy
 Fats-used to store energy, carries vitamins around the body, form cell membranes, insulate
body protects organs
 Proteins-builds, repairs, and maintains body tissue
 Vitamins-helps regulate body functions
 Minerals –controls important chemical reactions in the body
 Water-necessary for survival, keeps us hydrated, helps move food and nutrients through the
body, aids in digestion
8. What nutrient groups provide calories?
Carbohydrates, Fats, Protein
9. What are food sources of proteins (complete and incomplete)
Incomplete-plants (beans, soy, lentils)
Complete-animals (beef, pork, fish, eggs, cheese, poultry)
10. What are the two types of carbohydrates?
Simple and Complex
11. What mineral do we need that is strongly linked to healthy bones and teeth?
12. What is the function of vitamin C
Helps heal wounds and keeps teeth/gums healthy
13. Why is having too much sodium a bad thing?
Can lead to high blood pressure
14. What is osteoporosis
A disease associated with weak and brittle bones
15. Name three sources of calcium that are not dairy foods
Leafy green vegetables, beans, canned sardines and salmon, and calcium fortified foods
16. What are the 6 Caution Nutrients?
 Total fat
 Saturated fat
 Trans fat
 Cholesterol
 Sodium
 Sugars
17. What are the 6 Go Get’em Nutrients?
 Dietary Fiber
 Protein
 Vitamin A
 Vitamin C
 Calcium
 Iron
18. What are the 5 food groups
 Protein
 Dairy
 Fruits
 Vegetables
 Grains
19. What is the reason food must go through the digestion process?
In order for the nutrients to absorb in the body
20. Where in the body are nutrients absorbed?
Small intestine by the villi
21. Understand the parts of the nutrition facts label