2015-18 Executive Summary Continuous Improvement Goal AdvancED Standards

Sawnee ES 1
2015-18 Executive Summary
Continuous Improvement Goal
(Schools determine the number of goals)
Purpose and Direction
1. Through the use of data teams, we will
continually monitor current data to inform
instructional practices resulting in increased
achievement in Reading, Mathematics, and
AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply)
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Learning-3.1,2,4 &5
Strategic monitoring of the lower 25% in
Reading and Mathematics through Data
 Advanced content classes
 Science integration into ELA
 Vertical FOCUS groups
Building community and culture with afterschool
Resources and Support
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement-5.2 & 3
Support from FCS Depts.*
(List all that apply)
Continued support from
Teaching & Learning to ensure
our teachers have access and
professional learning
opportunities so that rigorous
learning experiences can be
created for all students.
 Number Talks
 Data Teams
 Gifted Program
 Early Intervention
Continued support from Special
Education to ensure our teachers
have the tools and latest
knowledge to best meet the
needs of our Special Education
* FCS Depts:
Educational Leadership
Finance & Operations
Food & Nutrition Services
Human Resources
Public Inf. & Communications
School Safety & Discipline
Special Education
Student Support Services
Teaching & Learning
Technology & Inf. Services
Sawnee ES 2
2015-16 School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal:
Through the use of data teams, we will continually monitor current data to inform instructional practices
resulting in increased achievement in Reading, Mathematics, and Science.
SMART Goal #1:
The percentage of students with typical or high growth in Mathematics will increase from 2012-2013 score of 72.5% to 75% by the
end of the 2015-2016 school year as measured by the CCRPI Progress Score in May 2016. ***The actual numbers will be reviewed
and adjusted when the new CCPRI numbers are released.
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan)
Impact on Student and Adult
(“If…then...” Statements)
Focus on building a strong foundation of
mathematical number sense in grades K-5.
If we implement deliberate practices
that focus on building number sense,
then students will be given daily
opportunities to expand their
problem solving skills resulting in
increased achievement.
Provide structured time for data teams to
analyze and reflect on grade specific data;
targeting the lower 25%. Bi-Weekly IST
meetings in each grade level
Instructional Extension Program will
include a mathematics focus for grades
three through five.
Provide continuous professional learning
focused on balanced mathematics through
teacher workshops including: Number
Talks and IKAN/GloSS.
Advanced Content classes provided for
third and fifth grade mathematics
2015-2016 School
If we provide and implement an
effective structure for teachers to
analyze data and adjust instruction
based on the results, then we will
improve math instruction resulting
in increased achievement.
If teachers are provided with
appropriate learning opportunities
for mathematics instruction, then we
will improve math instruction
resulting in increased achievement.
Small group differentiation to
remediate/extend concepts.
Resources Needed?
Who is
Support and resources
for providing
development and
continued learning of
the Number Talks
Continued support in
developing IKAN/GloSS
knowledge for EIP
Continued Data Team
support for teacher
Continue consultations
with Dr. Lack regarding
effective practices and
advanced content
SRA Research-Based math program for all
students in Special Education resource for
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Sawnee will renew its focus on meeting on a bi-weekly basis to discuss student data. All departments will monitor assessment
results and meet in IST meetings to discuss progress for students in Tiers II, III, and IV. Additionally, Sawnee has scheduled
Powerplanning dates every six weeks for departments to discuss all students’ progress towards goals.
Sawnee ES 3
SMART Goal #2:
The percentage of students with typical or high growth in Science will increase from 2012-2013 score of 59.4% to 62% by the end of
the 2014-2015 school year as measured by the CCRPI Progress Score in May 2015. ***The actual numbers will be reviewed and
adjusted when the new CCPRI numbers are released.
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan)
Content supported special area class
focused on STEM for grades k-5.
Focus on science literacy integration for
grades k-5.
Instructional Extension Program will
include a science literacy focus in grades
three through five.
Provide structured time for data teams to
analyze and reflect grade specific data.
Provide continuous professional learning
focused on science integration through
common planning and power planning
Science RTI groups for ELL students.
Impact on Student and Adult
(“If…then...” Statements)
If we increase students’ exposure to
science content through rigorous
integrated instruction, then students
will have multiple opportunities to
expand their content knowledge
resulting in increased achievement.
2015-2016 School
If we provide and implement an
effective structure for teachers to
analyze data, then we will improve
science instruction resulting in
increased achievement.
Resources Needed?
Who is
Support and resources
for providing
development in
integrated Science
Continued Data Team
support for teacher
collaboration with
literacy leaders to align
appropriate leveled
texts based on topic.
If teachers are provided with
appropriate learning opportunities
for integrating science with ELA
standards, then we will improve
science instruction resulting in
increased achievement.
Dr. Price providing
STEM Scope training.
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Sawnee will renew its focus on meeting on a bi-weekly basis to discuss student data. All departments will monitor assessment
results and meet in IST meetings to discuss progress for students in Tiers II, III, and IV. Additionally, Sawnee has scheduled
Powerplanning dates every six weeks for departments to discuss all students’ progress towards goals.
SMART Goal #3:
98% of students in grades K-3 will achieve expected or high growth as demonstrated on district SLO measures during the 2014-2015
school year. ***The actual numbers will be reviewed and adjusted when the new CCPRI numbers are released.
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan)
Dedicated RTI groups that will instruct
students on their level.
Kindergarten through second grade
utilizing Kendore Kingdom on a daily basis.
Continue to provide a balance literacy
approach which includes a differentiated
guided reading structure.
Literacy leaders will provide clear and
defined learning stations for small group
lessons in each Media Center.
Provide a balance of fiction/non fiction
texts within the guided reading structure.
Impact on Student and Adult
(“If…then...” Statements)
If we provide rigorous literacy based
activities, then students will have
multiple opportunities to make
literacy connections resulting in high
2015-2016 School
Resources Needed?
Who is
Continued Data Team
support for teacher
If we provide and implement an
effective structure for teachers to
analyze data, then we will improve
reading instruction resulting in
increased SLO achievement.
collaboration with
literacy leaders and
Steve Straughan to
provide continued
professional learning
for teachers.
If teachers are provided with
appropriate learning opportunities
focused on specific literacy practices,
then we will improve literacy
instruction resulting in increased
collaboration with
literacy leaders to align
appropriate leveled
texts based on topic.
Sawnee ES 4
Provide structured time for data teams to
analyze and reflect grade specific data;
targeting the lower 25%.
Provide continuous professional learning
focused on literacy instruction through
common planning and power planning
-Text based questions
-Interpreting MSV patterns on reading
records to enhance accuracy while reading
for meaning
-Flexible grouping strategies
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Sawnee will renew its focus on meeting on a bi-weekly basis to discuss student data. All departments will monitor assessment
results and meet in IST meetings to discuss progress for students in Tiers II, III, and IV. Additionally, Sawnee has scheduled
Powerplanning dates every six weeks for departments to discuss all students’ progress towards goals.
Sawnee ES 5
2015-16 Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s):
Support the implementation of Number Talks into Mathematics instruction K-5.
Provide guidance and structure to support the planning and implementation of integrated Science/ELA units.
Continue to support a balanced literacy approach that includes rigorous, differentiated instruction.
Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
The professional learning will support our continuous improvement goal:
Through the use of data teams we will continually monitor current data to inform instructional practices
resulting in increased achievement in Reading, Mathematics, and Science.
# Hours
Description of Learning Activities
July 30 Pre-Planning
July 31
Pre-Planning (District)
August 3
August 4 Pre-Planning
August 5
September 2 Early Release/Prof. Dev.
October 23
Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM)
January 4
Prof. Dev. Day (School)
February 16
Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM)
May 31
June 1
Power Planning &
Collaborative Common Planning
FOCUS Groups
Faculty Meetings
School Based Information
District Collaboration
School Based Team Collaboration
School Based Team Collaboration
TKES Training
Itslearning Training on Dashboard and Planner
Open House
School Based Information: TKES
School Based Team Collaboration
School Based Collaboration
Power Planning, Data Teams, FOCUS groups
Professional Learning on MSV Analysis
District AM
School Based Collaboration
Data Teams & FOCUS groups
School Based Collaboration
Data Teams wrap up & scheduling for 2016-2017
School Based Collaboration
FOCUS groups wrap up & goal setting for 2016-2017
Number Talks
Stem Scopes & science resources
Text Alignment
MSV reading miscue analysis
School Based Information
FOCUS Groups: NEO, Co-Taught Support, Literacy, Math,
Differentiation, School Culture, School-Wide Behavior
Focus on effective teaching strategies (TKES), data analysis,
and to collaborate on School Improvement