2015-2016 Introduction to Probability and Statistics: College in High School Mrs. Miller damiller@northallegheny.org COURSE DESCRIPTION Introduction to Probability and Statistics is a course designated for students to develop the basic tools of probability theory and statistical analysis. This course covers topics in both descriptive and inferential statistics. Some topics that are studied in the course include permutations and combinations, axiomatic probability, descriptive statistics, and statistical inference. During the course, we will learn how to display, analyze and interpret various graphs with given data. We will also learn how to utilize the graphics calculator and the statistical software program Minitab to display and interpret data. CHS REGISTRATION This course will be a nice foundation for Statistics at the college level. Therefore, you can obtain four college credits through the University of Pittsburgh College in High School Program. You will need to register for the course, pay the fee charged by the University, and complete the course as specified by the University. More information will be provided in class. MATERIALS (needed for class daily) Covered textbook 3 ring binder and notebook to organize and hold chapter notes, handouts, and homework. PENCILS, Highlighter Graphics Calculator: TI-83 or TI-84. If you cannot obtain a graphing calculator please see me ASAP. HOMEWORK Assigned daily and checked randomly to help master concepts, extend and apply class discussion, and prepare for exams. o Completion Checks: 3 pts i. In order to receive full credit for spot checks, ALL work for ALL problems must be shown. ii. Partial credit will be assigned proportionally by the percentage of the assignment that has been completed. iii. Any assignment with all answers and no work OR does not follow directions will receive a 0. o Homework Check Quizzes: 3 pts, 5 questions, graded on accuracy. 5/5 = 4 points 3/5 = 3 points 1/5 = 1 point 4/5 = 3 points 2/5 = 2 points 0/5 = 0 points Homework is due the day after it is assigned unless specified otherwise. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. Be responsible for your work! TESTS/QUIZZES: Point values range from 10 (quiz) - 100 (midterm/final) pts. THERE ARE NO RE-TAKES! ATTENDANCE/ MISSING CLASS/ MAKE UP ASSIGNMENTS: If absent, homework is due within two days upon return to class. No work will be accepted without an excused absence as stated in the Student Handbook. It is your responsibility to get missed notes and classwork. These things will regularly be posted on the class website/Blackboard. Check it first and prior to class before asking me questions regarding missed work!! Any missed quiz/test will be made up within one week of the absence and will be a “different” version of the original, given the absence is excused. If not made up within a week a score of zero will be given. If you are absent on a review day prior to a test day, this does NOT excuse you from taking the test on the regularly scheduled day given you are present. You will know of a test in advance. Be prepared!! Class cuts receive detention upon first offense (see Student Handbook Pg. 17) and any scored work is a 0. 2015-2016 GRADING Grades will consist of tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, and projects. The District grading scale applies to the CHS component as well, unless otherwise noted. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Students are expected to be Present Prompt: The THIRD time a student arrives in class AFTER the bell without a pass results in a detention. Prepared Productive Polite Positive CLASSROOM RULES Use of the hall pass will be limited to the beginning and end of class, given permission. There will be a limited number of people out of the room at one time. Once the lesson begins, no passes will be granted with the exception of emergency. If you cut class OR are caught cheating, home and the administration will be notified and you will receive a ZERO for any assignments either due that day or completed in class that day. (This includes tests and quizzes.). Cheating for any other class in my class will also not be tolerated. DO NOT SLEEP IN MY CLASS! You will receive one verbal warning before being assigned a detention for each infraction after. NO FOOD!!!! Drinks with a lid/cap are okay. ALL BUILDING EXPECTATIONS AND GUIDELINES APPLY. CELL PHONES The use of cell phones during class time will not be permitted unless as a resource to a lesson when stated by the teacher. It is not only school district policy, but it is also part of my classroom rules. A storage unit for your cell phone has been provided as you enter the room. Cell phones MUST be placed in the storage unit upon entering the classroom each day. You will be assigned a number and be expected to place your phone in the storage slot that corresponds to your number. If you fail to comply, your phone will be confiscated and turned in to an assistant principal. There may also be times when you may receive participation points for complying with this rule. The purpose of the cell phone policy is to eliminate distractions during instruction and to maintain test security. In order to succeed in this class, you are expected to act as mature young adults. Part of your success will be demonstrated through responsibility, effort, confidence, respect, organization, participation, preparation and acting in accordance with these classroom policies in addition to school policies. EXTRA HELP I WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR EXTRA HELP AFTER SCHOOL ON TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS UNTIL 3:00 PM BY APPOINTMENT. I AM MORE THAN WILLING TO HELP, BUT IF MY AVAILABILITY DOES NOT MEET YOURS YOU MAY WANT TO CONSIDER A TUTOR OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL. I CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION IF NEEDED. 2015-2016 INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS SYLLABUS ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEMENT Please sign, complete and return to me the following day. Thank you!! I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Intro to Probability and Statistics Syllabus for the 2015-2016 school year. Student Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Student Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _________________________ Parent/Guardian Email Address(es): ______________________________________________________________ A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF 1. Why are you taking this class? (need the credit to graduate, wanted to take it, other) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Are you currently in another core math class? If yes, which class? __________________________________________________________________________ If no, what was your last core math class and what was your final grade? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What activities are you involved in and/or enjoy? (school/club sports, clubs, organizations, jobs) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are a few of your personal goals? (short or long-term goals) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Tell me something unique about yourself that someone may not know about you. It can be a hobby, a characteristic, unique experience, place(s) you’ve traveled, awards you’ve won, a skill, etc. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. List three things you are proud of and why. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ On the back…. 2015-2016 7. Describe your math homework and study habits by addressing the following: a. When do you typically do your homework? b. Where and do you do work/study with any distractions? c. How long do you spend on homework? d. Studying for tests? e. How consistent have you been in the past in completing your (a) math homework (b) studying for math tests? a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ e. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Is there anything else you would like me to know about your math ability, habits as a student, or about you in general? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________