Physics of Basketball Kailey Medfisch, Sarah Chomos & Jordan Lake How The Shot Works anatomically ● Isotonic Contractions ○ Concentric: muscles shorten (ex: biceps during prep phase) ○ Eccentric: muscles lengthen (ex: Triceps during follow through) ● Extensors: Bring body back to position Flexors: muscles pull on bone to bend at joint --knee, hip, ankle, elbow -shoulder and wrist ● Force behind contraction o forces built up from flexion of knees and transfer to upper body during shot, increasing acceleration o Forces present in all joint; transfer power from quadriceps up through all 17 muscles of the hand lever mechanics of the forearm i. 1st class: Extension of the triceps: load-ball in hand, fulcrumelbow joint, effort-triceps ii. 3rd class: Load-ball in hand, effort - muscle nsertion holes on forearm, fulcrum-elbow joint iii. 3rd class: Load-ball in hand, effort-wrist muscles insert how muscle contraction occurs & energy transfer ● actin and myosin: two main filaments in muscle fiber o atp (adenosine triphosphate) and Calcium ions needed for contractions o contractions are graded: each muscle fiber (cell) contracts asynchronously ● atp is attached to myosin giving energy o stimuli hits, causes a twitch o continuous twitch = complete tetanus or contraction o causes kinetic energy of entire muscle to be effected ● Filaments slide over one another to shorten fiber ● Potential energy comes from the muscles in legs wanting to pull back into cartilage and coefficient of friction ● articular (hyaline) cartilage (2.21mm thick in humans) o porous and spongy - joint bends, provides pressure, releases synovial fluid o synovial fluid allows joints to have a negligible coefficient of friction μs = 0.01 μk = 0.003 reduced friction relates to the hydrodynamics (such as a car hydroplaning) ● HYaluronic Acid o lubricant and shock absorber o Under high strain: hyaluronic molecules entangle - Mechanics projectile motion -Starting from Rest, a force is applied to the basketball, and it travels independently in the X and the Y directions. -Forces acting in the Y direction: 1. Gravity (g)=(mass of ball)x(-9.8 m/s2) 2. Y-component of Applied Force 3. Magnus Force - The ball will travel upwards until it reaches a maximum heightat this instant, its y-velocity is equal to zero. - v2final= v2initial + 2(acceleration=G)(Δdisplacement) Mechanics Continued Projectile Motion -Completely independent of the Y components, a force is applied to the Ball in the X-direction -the only other force other than the applied force that acts on the ball in the X DIRECTION is air resistancewhich will be considered negligible. -because no forces act on the ball in the x-direction through the course of its trajectory (ideally), the XVELOCITY REMAINS CONSTANT UNTIL THE BALL MAKES CONTACT WITH THE HOOP. MECHANICS CONTINUED Rotational Motion -As the ball projects through the air, it also rotates. -Angular Velocity (ω)= ΔΘ / Δtime -Angular Acceleration (α)= Δω / Δtime The Rotation of the ball creates an upward Magnus force, which will go against the force of gravity and help the ball travel longer and further. Mechanical Energy -Mechanical Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy -potential energy= (mass of ball)x(G)x(height) -Kinetic Energy= ½ (mass)(velocity)2 + ½ (I= moment of inertia)(ω=angular velocity)2 -MOMENT OF INERTIA= ⅔(MASS) X (RADIUS)2 - SO, KINETIC ENERGY= TRANSLATIONAL Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy The total mechanical energy of a system (the sum of potential and kinetic energies) remains constant, as long as all of the forces acting upon it are conservative forces. -examples of nonconservative forces- friction, air Conservation of Energy -assuming that all energy is conserved, the ball should have the same amount of energy at the beginning and end of its trajectory -because the ball is stopped at a point higher in the trajectory than where it was launched, its “final kinetic energy” will be less than its initial. -as the speed of the ball increases, kinetic energy increases. Ideal Shot Under ideal circumstances, the acceleration of the ball should be -9.8 m/s/s because the only vertical force should be the gravitational force; also, there should be no horizontal acceleration as the ball should remain at a constant horizontal velocity. However, we know that in the real world there are nonconservative forces (such as air resistance), so it is likely that the Three-Point Shot Time in air: 1 second Y-Components Initial Position: 2.646 m Maximum Position: 5.660 m Final Position: 3.049 m Initial Velocity: 5.872 m/s Final Velocity: -3.743 m/s Average Angle of Shot: 49.38° Energy Initial Mechanical Energy: KE=18.01J PE=15.07J ME=33.08J ME at Top of Shot: KE=7.82J PE=25.58J ME=33.4J Free-THrow Time in Air: .867 seconds Y-Components Initial Position: 2.789 m Max Position: 3.889 m Final Position: 3.192 m Initial Velocity: 4.907 m/s Final Velocity: 3.073 m/s X-components: Energy: initial position= o.o mInitial point: Final position= 3.905 PE= m 15.88 j initial velocity= 5.397 KE=15.46 m/s J final velocity= 3.899 m/s Maximum: PE= o J KE= Angle of Launch= 42.44 22.14 Half-Court Shot X COMPONENTS: Y COMPONENTS: INITIAL INITIAL POSITIONPOSITION- 2.903 3.803 M M FINAL POSITIONFINAL POSITION3.048 M 10.66 M Initial Velocity- 3.640 INITIAL m/s VELOCITY- 8.393 Final Velocity- -5.224 M/S m/s FINAL VELOCITYAcceleration- -9.757 7.895 M/S m/s2 TIME- 0.0-1.0 SECONDS Kinetic Energy: initial point t= 0 sec Vtotal=9.148 m/s ke= 24.31 J PE=21.65 J maximum t=0.417 sec vtotal=7.859 m/s ke=17.94 j pe= 26.62 j right before hoop t=1.0 sec vtotal=-9.467 m/s Experimental sources of Error -setting a scale in logger pro. -tracking the ball through frames of video in logger pro. -due to equipment, we could not calculate the components of rotational motion. the end