The Middle Ages


The Middle Ages

Summary Review Worksheet

1. A) What does the word Renaissance mean, and B) to what does it refer?



2. List and explain two reasons why the Carolingian Empire declined.



3. How could someone in the feudal system be both a lord and vassal at the same time?

4. Identify three Catholic missionaries and the directions from which they came to evangelize the barbarians.




5. List and explain two ways in which Charlemagne’s Empire was a minor renaissance. In other words, in what ways did he bring back civilization?



6. How did the Catholic Church keep civilization alive during the Middle Ages? Identify two ways.



7. Were the Crusaders justified in attacking the Holy Lands? Defend your stance in three sentences.

8. Would you rather live in a Medieval town as a member of a guild or on a Medieval manor as a peasant? In your answer, identify at least two things that would characterize your life.

Western Civilization – Unit 1 Review

The Middle Ages

Due on the day before the test

Answers shall be found in your notes and packet.

____1. Economic system of Middle Ages – work for protection

____2. Association of people of same trade in Medieval towns

____3. Recipients of land (fiefs) and protection in feudal system

____4. Invaders in the second wave of barbarians

____5. These Muslims conquered Holy Land & stopped pilgrims

____6. Europe united as one under the Catholic Faith

A. Manorialism

B. Feudalism

C. Renaissance

D. Reconquista

E. Carolingian

F. Magyars

____7. “Re-birth” of “civilization” at end of Middle Ages

____8. Political system of Middle Ages – land for loyalty

____9. Another name for the later Frankish Empire

____10. Longest war in history Spanish vs. the Muslims

G. Christendom

H. Seljuk Turks

I. Vassals

J. Guilds

____1. Folks of this religion took over the Holy Land in 600s

____2. The clergy (priests, monks, bishops, etc.) in the Middle Ages B. St. Patrick

____3. Author of a classic Italian epic poem

A. St. Benedict

C. St. Boniface

____4. Powerful leader of the Franks, conquered and then civilized D. Pope Urban II

____5. Monk who started Roman monasticism in Italy E. Prayers

____6. Bishop who started Irish monasticism which spread southeast F. Fighters

____7. Peasants and serfs in the Middle Ages

____8. Nobles in the Middle Ages

G. Workers

H. Muslims

____9. Called nobles of Europe to first Crusade to Holy land in 1095 I. Dante

____10. Monk who spread the Catholic Faith to German barbarians J. Charlemagne

____1. Declaration of loyalty sworn by a vassal to a lord

____2. Head of the Catholic Church, top of their hierarchy

A. Byzantine Empire

B. Eastern Orthodox Church

____3. To deny an article of the Catholic Faith

____4. The Eastern Roman Empire that lasted until 1453

C. Oath of Fealty

D. Pope

____5. This came into greater usage after the Crusades, aiding trade E. Fief

____6. This was the land and peasants on it that was given to a vassal F. Material

____7. Church dominated Byzantine Empire, split from Rome 1054 G. Heresy

____8. This institution had task of rooting out heresy in Christendom H. Inquisition

____9. Religion of the Arabs that Charles Martel stopped at Tours I. Money

____10. The form of civilization involving things you can touch (stuff) J. Islam

Place the following in chronological order:

____Greek Empire

____The Renaissance

____Barbarian invasions of Rome

____Formation of guilds and towns

____Dark Ages

____Viking Invasions

____First Crusade

____Carolingian Renaissance
