August 22, 2014 Dear Parents, Our first day of school was great! Entering Instructional Kindergarten is a big step for your child and I hope the enthusiasm I have seen today will continue throughout the year. I am pleased to introduce to you: Ms. Patti, Ms. Kim, and Ms. Samantha who will be our assistants in the class. How fortunate we are to have each of them! Since the days may seem long for your child, we will have a snack time in the morning to break up the day. Each child needs to bring his/ her own snack every day. We suggest healthy, nutritious snacks such as fruit, crackers, cheese chunks, yogurt, raisins, cut-up veggies, graham crackers, granola bars, etc. (Please make sure all snacks are peanut free!) You do not need to send a drink for snack; we have cups and a drinking fountain in our room. For lunch, you may either send a lunch for your child, or your child can purchase a “hot lunch” in the lunch room. For more information about the hot lunch program, please click on the “MyLunch Money” link on the left side of the District 200 webpage ( We will be celebrating each child’s birthday in kindergarten. According to the new District 200 policy, we do not allow students to bring in edible birthday treats. Instead, your child will have a chance to bring home the IK Birthday Backpack for the night to share the birthday bear, read the classroom birthday books, and write in the birthday journal with your family. Please return the entire birthday backpack to school the next day so everyone has a chance to share it with their families. Please label your child’s clothing. Jackets, boots, snowpants, and mittens are left at school from time to time. We find them in the room and try to get the children to claim them, but they often forget what their things look like. Also, all children should have a pair of tennis shoes to leave at school for gym class. Since we have air-conditioning, you may want to send a sweater or sweatshirt for us to keep at school for your child. Each child should bring a backpack to school daily. Be sure that it is large enough to manage a large picture book. This will be used to help keep the book clean and dry as well as help your child keep all of his/her papers organized for the trip home. Please spend a few minutes going through your child’s backpack to see his/her work each day. Your child will also be bringing home a Daily Reading Folder each day. Please ask your child to read his/her book to you, sign the reading log in the folder, and return the folder and book to school the next day. Your child will bring home a new book each day the reading folder is signed and the book is returned. Please remember to send $12.00 (check made out to Jennifer Hottendorf) for digital photo processing. If there is anything that you were not able to bring to Open House, please feel free to send it in the backpack any time next week. Over the next few weeks, we will begin working on the following units: colors and shapes, school rules, and developing good listening skills. Next week, we will be working on a unit about colors with the Kindergarten classes. Please see the color chart attached to this newsletter for more information about how your child can participate by wearing something each day in the color that we are reviewing during our unit. Our Jolly Phonics program is in its ninth year and we love it! Starting next week, we will be learning 4-5 sounds each week, and we ask you to spend 5 minutes daily reviewing each sound page that comes home in the backpack. Please continue to help your child write his/her name using the Zaner -Blozer method. Remember that only the first letter should be capitalized. If your child is ill or going to miss school, please call the office (682-2055) and let them know. You may also email me ( if your child will be absent. Children will have an opportunity to order paperback books through Scholastic Book Club. Order forms will be sent home the last Friday of every month and should be returned the following Friday. Checks can be written to Scholastic. If you order from more than one book club, you can write one check (payable to Scholastic) for all orders. Our class receives bonus points for books ordered and we receive many manipulatives for the classroom with these points, so we hope you will consider ordering. Please look for book orders in the Friday folder next week! Every Friday you will receive a newsletter. It will tell you about the week’s activities and inform you of any upcoming events. Please return your child’s Friday Folder to school every Monday. August 26 September 1 September 4 Reminders Curriculum Night Labor Day, No School PTA Welcome Night I encourage parents to volunteer in the classroom. You will be receiving your schedule at the end of next week. If you haven’t returned your parent helper form, please do so by Monday so I can make the schedule this weekend. Thank you in advance for volunteering in our classroom! My email address is I check my emails twice a day; this is the easiest way to reach me and I will respond to your questions and concerns as soon as possible. You can also send a note in the backpack, or call and leave a message with the Office. I look forward to a wonderful year! Sincerely, Miss Jennifer Hottendorf