Junior/Senior English Consumer Ed. Vocabulary quick view Budget Expense

Junior/Senior English
Consumer Ed. Vocabulary quick view
1. Budget: a limited stock or supply of something: i.e. money, time, gas, etc.
2. Expense: a cost or charge for something. i.e. food, tickets, feelings etc.
3. Income: money that comes in from work, business or property.
4. Tax: a sum of money demanded by the government for support.
5. Federal: central government
6. Finances: management of money earned and money spent.
7. Calculate: plan: intend: count
8. Mortgage: money borrowed to purchase house, property, business
9. Lend: to give money on condition that it is returned and that interest is
paid for its temporary use.
10. Lender: is the institution that provides the funding for buying high priced
items, such as a house, car etc.
11. Funds: a supply of money: money immediately available
12. Lease: to grant temporary possession or use of land, apartments, homes,
etc. to another usually for compensation at a fixed rate.
13. Rent: a payment made periodically by a tenant to a landlord in return for
the use of land, a building, an apartment, an office, or other property.
14. Fixed Income: receiving the same amount of funds in a set time period.
15. Credit: confidence in a purchaser's ability and intention to pay.
16. Consumer: a person who uses a service
17. Debt: something that is owed or that one is bound to pay or perform for
18. Utility: a public service, such as a phone, electrical system, etc.
Junior/Senior English
American Literature Vocabulary
Quick View
19. Affluent: wealthy: rich: expensive
20. Brash: reckless: careless
21. Convoluted: intricate: complicated
22. Elude: to avoid
23. Gaunt: overly skinny
24. Impede: to obstruct: hinder the progress of
25. Gait: the manner in which a person walks
26. Jumble: a confused collection of things: a mess
27. Gist: the main idea
28. Fleeting: passing quickly as in time
29. Hypocrite: a person who says one thing but does the opposite
30. Conjecture: to guess by using facts
31. Enmity: hatred
32. Elation : a feeling of great joy
33. Delirium: a state of mental confusion
34. Loll: to lounge around in a lazy manner
35. Thrashing: to beat soundly in punishment: to defeat soundly
36. Jargon: specialized terminology
37. Discern: to recognize: to perceive by sight or some other sense
38. Cursory: brief: superficial
39. Juggernaut: an object that crushes anything in its path.
40. Ignorant: lacking training or knowledge in a specific area
41. Fraud: deceit or trickery: a betrayal of trust.