Lesson Title: Identity Date: KLA: English Stage: Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Grade: K-6 Duration: 30 minutes Aim of the lesson: To provide opportunities for the students to explore subjects relating to themselves, their families and what it means to be Australian. These worksheets have been designed around String B of the connected outcomes groups (COGS). Outcomes and Indicators: Early Stage 1: RES 1.5 RES 1.6 WES 1.9 WES 1.11 WES 1.12 WES 1.14 CUES 1 Stage 1: RS 1.5 RS 1.6 RS 1.7 RS 1.8 WS 1.9 WS 1.10 WS 1.11 WS 1.12 CUS 1.3 Stage 2: RS 2.6 WS 2.9 WS 2.10 WS 2.11 WS 2.12 CUS 2.3 Stage 3: RS 3.6 WS 3.9 WS 3.10 WS 3.11 WS 3.12 CUS 3.3 Resources: Identity Worksheets Pen or pencil Assessment: Early Stage One - Draw simple pictures about experiences. - Recognise differences between where and when certain activities are appropriate. - Form simple sentences. Stage One - Identify customs and traditions. - Describe the characteristics that make themselves similar and unique. - Understand needs and wants. Stage Two - Form sentences using correct spelling, word order and punctuation. - Show how shared practices and customs contribute to Australian and community traditions. - Identify icons and symbols that are unique to Australia. Stage Three - Concept of ‘uniqueness’. - Paragraph structure using correct spelling, word order and punctuation. - Concept of a ‘stereotype’. Time: Introduction 5 minutes Body 20 minutes Closure 5 minutes Task engagement: Introduction: Explanation of task and topic. Teacher’s notes Body: Worksheet. Closure: Collecting / putting away worksheets. Extension: Give the student the worksheet at the stage that they are working at. This is not always the equivalent year level. If a student is finding the worksheets too easy increase the difficulty by one stage. Stage 3 B students – ask them to write a narrative on the topic if they need extending. Values: Integrity - trusting others to work independently. - doing what you say you will do. - teachers mark students work consistently to agreed standards. Excellence - reaching personal best performance. - maintaining high learning expectations. - setting and meeting high standards. - persisting through challenges and difficulties in learning. Respect - accepting the right of others to hold different views to your own. - listening to others without interrupting. - obeying school rules. - acknowledging the strength and abilities of students. Responsibility - self discipline. - modelling expected behaviours. - involvement in strategies to encourage compliance with school rules. Cooperation - accepting class protocols for group work and working with others. working well with others outside immediate friendships. initiating problem solving. identify issues and possible solutions to help reserve conflict. Participation - contribute to class discussions. - encouraging creative thinking about issues and problems. - accept roles in group activities.