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Explanatory Research Methods & Analysis

Explanatory Research
Explanatory research is a systematic approach to understanding events,
behaviors, or situations. It involves identifying a problem or issue and then
collecting data in an effort to explain why it exists.
Explanatory research can be used to identify the causes of problems or to
understand the factors that influence behavior. In many cases, explanatory research is
used to develop hypotheses that can be tested through experimentation.
Explanatory Research Data Collection Methods
Common data collection methods in Explanatory Research are:
Literature reviews
 Interviews
 Focus groups
 Pilot studies
 Observations
 Experiments
Literature reviews
A literature review is a critical summary of what the scientific literature says about
your specific topic or question. It is a written overview of the current state of research
on a given topic, and it usually appears as part of a larger research project, such as a
A literature review has three main purposes:
1. To survey the current state of knowledge on a topic
2. To identify gaps in the existing research
3. To provide context for a new research project
In explanatory research, interviews are used to gather information from individuals
about their experiences, opinions, and behaviors. This type of research is typically
used to understand why people do what they do and how they think about certain
Focus groups
Focus groups are an important tool in the explanatory research process. search,
Focus groups help researchers understand people’s opinions and attitudes on a
particular issue. They also provide insights into how people think and feel about
certain topics.
Focus groups are usually small, with 6-10 participants. This allows for a more intimate
setting where people can feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions.
Pilot studies
Pilot studies are small-scale, preliminary research investigations. They are conducted
to explore the feasibility of a larger study and to gather preliminary data. Pilot
studies in explanatory research help researchers to refine their hypothesis and
research design.
In explanatory research, observations are made in order to get a clear understanding
of a phenomenon. This type of research is often used in the sciences, as it allows for
the collection of data that can be used to explain a certain event or natural
Advantages of Explanatory Research
Explanatory research has several advantages over other types of research.
 It allows for a more in-depth understanding of the problem or issue under
 It can help identify potential causes of a problem or issue.
 It can help identify possible solutions to a problem or issue.
 It can help predict how a change in one variable will affect other variables.
Disadvantages of Explanatory Research
The explanatory research approach has a number of disadvantages.
It can be difficult to establish cause-and-effect relationships in this type of
Explanatory research can be expensive and time-consuming.
It can be difficult to interpret, and the results may not be applicable to all