Staphylococci Learning Objectives

MLAB 2434
Learning Objectives
1. Describe the general characteristics, such as the gram stain
morphology and catalase production, of the genus
2. Compare the characteristics of the Staphylococci and the
3. Describe the significance of the following virulence factors of
Staphylococcus aureus:
a. Extracellular enzymes
i. Coagulase
ii. Staphylokinase
iii. Hyaluronidase
iv. Beta-lactamase
v. DNase
b. Exotoxins
i. Cytolytic toxins
ii. Exfoliative toxin
iii. TSST-1
iv. Enterotoxins
4. Examine the clinical, epidemiological and laboratory findings
associated with the following infections:
a. Staphylococcus aureus
i. Carbuncles
ii. Boils
iii. Impetigo
iv. Scalded skin syndrome(SSS)
v. Pneumonia
vi. Osteomyelitis
vii. Toxic shock syndrome
viii. Pseudomembranous enterocolitis
ix. Food poisoning
x. Wound infections
b. Staphylococcus epidermidis
i. Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE)
ii. Meningitis involving shuts
iii. Infections associated with prosthetic devices
iv. Peritonitis
v. Post-operative surgical infections
c. Staphylococcus saprophyticus
MLAB 2434
i. Urinary tract Infections (UTI)
5. Sketch a flow chart to identify staphylococci, including specific
differential tests to identify each species.
6. Explain why methicillin and vancomycin resistance is a clinical
7. Explain the principle of the following biochemical tests, including
the interpretation of results:
a. Catalase
b. Coagulase
i. Tube
ii. Slide
iii. Latex agglutination
c. Modified oxidase (Microdase)
d. Susceptibility to:
i. Novobiocin
8. Predict staphylococcal susceptibility results based upon
established predictable patterns to the below antimicrobial
a. Penicillin
b. Oxacillin
c. Vancomycin
9. Explain the purpose of the “D” test.
10. List 3 (three) species of staphylococcus that are clinically
11. Given a series of cellular and colonial features and lab results,
presumptively identify staphylococcus species.