>> Jason Williams: Great. Thanks everyone for coming. ... Henderson from University of Cambridge. Matt is nearly done...

>> Jason Williams: Great. Thanks everyone for coming. It's a pleasure to introduce Matt
Henderson from University of Cambridge. Matt is nearly done with his PhD. He's going to be
finishing in December. He is in the Dialog Systems Research Group at Cambridge which I'm very
fond of because that's also where I took my PhD. I think he's doing some really interesting work
with dialog state tracking using recurrent neural networks and he's going to tell us about that
today. He is on his way back to Cambridge having just finished an internship this summer at
Google. He has a Google Fellowship that is funding his PhD. Thanks very much for stopping on
your way back and we are looking forward to your talk. And I'll mention, too, in addition to the
people in the room there are also people who are watching online, about this many, again, at
>> Matt Henderson: Okay. Thank you very much, Jason, and everybody. Thanks for the
invitation and it's my pleasure to talk a little bit about dialog state tracking, and in particular
applying recurrent neural networks to this problem. First of all, just an overview of what is
dialog state tracking. An example dialog, I'll show you what the dialog state is at each turn. In
the dialog about restaurant information the first time the user asks for something that's in the
center. We annotate the dialog state with price range equals cheap and area equals center. An
example of adding goals is the next one where the user says and I wanted to serve Indian food.
To that we add in food equals Indian to the goal as part of the dialog state. Then they're told
there is no such place. There's nothing serving Indian in the center, we get an example of the
goal changing. Fit can go from Indian to now Chinese and then say the system offers them
Seven Days, which is a nice Chinese restaurant in Cambridge. Then I asked for the phone
number. So part of the dialog state might also be the fact that they have requested the phone
number. We might also track other things such as the search method which is kind of how the
user is interacting with the system at that point. As a simple example at the end they just want
to end the conversation so the search method is finished. So dialog state tracking is tracking
this structured output through a sequence of inputs from both the system and the user. This is
the task that we are going to try to apply with recurrent neural networks state. This year with
Jason Williams and Blaise Thompson, my colleague in Cambridge who organized these two
research challenges, the dialog state tracking challenges, DSTC2 and DSTC3. DSTC2 looked at
these restaurant information dialogs like the one I just presented there. There were lots of
labeled dialogs used for training and a large test set of mismatched dialogs. You were asked to
output your distribution of the dialog state over each turn. In DSTC3 you looked at the
challenge of extending the domain, so there was all the data from DSTC2 and restaurant
information under the test set which extended the domain which now not only had restaurants
but hotels and also cafés and pubs and a bunch of new slots. All of this data is available. It's
not all labeled. And it's available on the website there. You can just search using your favorite
search engine for dialog state tracking challenge and you should find that. This is an overview
of comparing the two challenges. So there's the ontology for DSTC2 and DSTC3. First you'll
note that there's a bunch of new slots that didn't appear in DSTC2, the restaurant information
one. Also, if you look at type, the cardinality increase from 1 to 3 in the third challenge. That's
because we're not just talking about restaurants, but also pubs and coffee shops. Not only that,
also the possible values for each slot changed between the two challenges. Just for interest
there is a list of all of the research teams that competed in either or both of those state
challenges, including Microsoft Research, of course. Let's take a step back and consider how is
this problem usually done starting from speech recognition? The normal approach is to split
into two, to have a spoken language understanding step which takes as input the speech
recognition and outputs dialog acts. Dialog acts would be a combination of a speech act like
deny and form and request, request alternatives, goodbye, acknowledge, all of these kinds of
things with a possible slot value assignment. Here the example is deny food equals Italian,
which might correspond to know. I didn't say I want Italian. Then the dialog state tracking
takes the output of spoken language understanding these dialog acts and updates its internal
state and outputs what it thinks the new dialog state is. For example, these things from the
first slide, something like fit equals Chinese, area equals South. What I'm looking at here is
using recurrent neural networks to go straight from the speech recognition to outputting the
dialog states. This would have the advantage of avoiding any possible bottleneck in the system
by forcing us to output distribution over a dialog act. Also, by eliminating the need to design
this ontology or this grammar of what all the possible dialog acts are that we need to model.
This is an overall picture of the RNN model which is used for dialog state tracking. It takes its
input, the speech recognition, which is ASR, automatic speak recognition as well as the last
system action and it will update the internal memory m and output p which in this case is a
probability factor which gives the probabilities of each value for a particular slot. It's also
possible to chain these types of models together to structured joint distribution. I'll come back
to that. One of the main challenges is generalizing to unseen dialog states. There might be
some very rare values, for example, Jamaican food rarely gets seen whereas Chinese food is
seen quite a lot in the data. Also, in the third dialog state tracking challenge remember there
were actually slots that we had not seen before ever, so we want to be able to transfer learning
from examples we have seen to rarely seen dialog states.
>>: In terms of design [indiscernible] itself, is the intention of incorporating these slots from
SLU into [indiscernible] states of the [indiscernible] or is it [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: It's kind of bypassing all of SLU except we do need to define what slots
exist and what their possible values might be.
>>: Do you have to have a [indiscernible] or is there [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah. The idea is if we label what the dialog state is we don't need to
come up with all the possible speech actions that might exist to change your goal or change
your dialog state. For example, this idea of denying a slot, we can just learn that that exists in
the data.
>>: [indiscernible] requires machine action. That's part of [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Know. That's a separate thing. I suppose we could just get the ingrams
from what the system said, for example.
>>: Can I ask you something about the preview?
>> Matt Henderson: Sure.
>>: I usually think of an RNN is having an input, and output and a memory. Here I think p is
serving as the output. That's the quantity you are really interested in. And that is feeding back
in so it's sort of consuming its own output. I was curious if that was a conscious design choice.
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah. It's meant to, there is a baseline system which operates very simply
on p which is called the focus baseline. Basically by a simple linear transform of p every time
based on what it sees from the SLU. At the very worst, as another case this type of model could
just emulate that baseline since it's getting guessing at its previous input p it can emulate this
focus baseline which we published with the results. Of course you could also not let p go back
in and part of m could be p. Another reason is that we actually kind of in some way factor the
recurrent neural network by slots, by value for a given slot. It's useful for at one of the factors
which is looking at assigning certain confidence to a given value to know what it was given in its
previous turn. We would need at some point to either factor m into one component for each
value or it's kind of more natural to use p.
>>: [indiscernible] P is the probability factor for each value but your evaluation tasks
[indiscernible] do you take the maximum probability…
>> Matt Henderson: Actually, I didn't really explain so well, but output should be a distribution.
>>: [indiscernible] and so you use [indiscernible] to measure?
>> Matt Henderson: We use L2 to measure, for evaluation. For training it's trained by
maximizing probability of the whole sequence.
>>: [indiscernible] m that's a factor [indiscernible] is it part of the network [indiscernible]
vector or is it something that you have separately that you has the weight between network
and [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: I think maybe in a couple of slides I kind of have explicit mathematical
representation of it, but m is getting put back in and it's treated as if it's basically part of the
features that are part of the input. It comes in with the same weights as the features. It seems
like utility too.
>>: One quick question? [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: That's what I'm coming into. I was touching on the idea of generalization
and the idea taken here is with feature representation to kind of de-lexicalize the ASI so that
these examples would actually have very similar vectors f s where s is each slot and fsv is where
s is a slot and v is a value. That's because in each case we have a value told by the slot name, so
Chinese food and Jamaican food intuitively will want to be able to transfer learning so if
someone says I want value slot, then that is contributing to the positive of the hypothesis of
slot equals value. Then this is to represent the ASRN best list. If an ASRN best list is weighted
sentences and then f just stores the ingrams for n equals 1, 2, 3 typically weighted according to
where they came from in the ASRN best list. Then fs consists of the ingrams where we have
tagged the slot values and the slot names, so we get these extra components. And then fsv is
something similar for v equals Indian and Italian. We've tagged the value. You'll note that
these two vectors in the in the bottom two rows are very similar in terms of where they have
nonzero components. They have the same nonzero components. That allows us to transfer
example, learning from examples, you know, Italian food and Indian food. And then this is the
actual structure of the RNN. The gray box here is activated for each value that we managed to
tag in the de-lexicalization process. A neural network with a single scaler output gv is expanded
when we unroll the RNN and it takes its input the tag features for the value and the slots as well
as just all the ingrams that are just stored in f. Also f will store the representation of the
machine action. It also takes the pv which is kind of what I was alluding to with your question,
Jason, about why it's nice to let p back in so we can actually take the corresponding component
of p and make that part of the input to the network. That’s a scaler for each value which can
then go into Softmax to give us p and m just evolves in a typical single layer kind of way. Then p
prime and m prime are for the next turn and this will get activated again.
>>: Do you create the gray boxes dynamically?
>> Matt Henderson: Yes.
>>: And that means that if I see the word Italian somewhere in any of the ASR then I now have
a gray box for Italian. If there are common confusions, say some trigram that is optimum use
for the word Italian, then you would have to know about that apriority in order to create that
gray box. In other words, there's no direct connection from, I guess it would be from f to p
prime that would let you sort of in for or learn common [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: It sounds like a planted question because the next slide is this. So I will say
this is useful. As you said, we don't need to actually know ahead of time what values exist,
which is attractive in some ways, for example, training across lots. We can just learn this gray
box and it would just get activated for every value that we recognize. There might be, we might
not know ahead of time. Someone looks at their phone and we see where they are in their GPS
and then we know what [indiscernible] [indiscernible]
>>: [indiscernible] what is the [indiscernible] vector here and what's the feedback for
[indiscernible] on that recurrent [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: M is the memory and the calculation of gv I've written is a neural network.
That can have as many hidden layers as you like in there.
>>: [indiscernible]
>>: [indiscernible] gv is the [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Gv is calculated as neural network all of its inputs, so there is a hidden
layer involved in the calculation of gv. There is also a hidden layer involved in the calculation of
m prime given f and m.
>>: [indiscernible] solve that p and fs as part of the neural network. I think [indiscernible] in
terms of high-end structure. [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah. It could. The thing is that p is used as the output to tell us what it
thinks the dialog state is, but m is this. It just learns to use this however it wants to.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah. That would work. You could say m could be absorbed as a hidden
layer. I suppose so. Yeah. So there would be sort of a more structured [indiscernible] for g.
>>: [indiscernible] only represents the history of f? Does f have any information about p or
something like that?
>> Matt Henderson: That's true, yeah.
>>: And the m prime is calculated using the neural networks, not the simple dialog state.
>> Matt Henderson: Actually, I think we use a logistic, something like sigma of w times f plus
another w times n, but it could be whatever.
>>: Can you tell me what p sub n is?
>> Matt Henderson: P sub n, oh yeah, that needs some explanation. There is some extra
hypothesis that no value has been mentioned yet for that slot, so that’s stored somewhere. So
we just say it's stored as the last value of n and p.
>>: So neural networks [indiscernible] sequence. What is the sequence represent here?
>> Matt Henderson: Prime means the next time step, so this could be copied below, yeah.
>>: [indiscernible] so m includes history derived from f. f, let's say that you train this on data
that contains some set of slots and then you're going to run it on data that contains the new set
of slots. m now doesn't have any abstraction in it that gives it some way of tracking some new
slot it hasn't seen before. Is that… Does that kind of follow…
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah, it does. There are things you can try like, for example, if you look at
fs and there's summed over all slots might give you some interesting features, so that would tell
you what's there, what kind of likelihood that a slot has been mentioned in a turn. Or you can
take fv somewhere over values and then some over all slots. Actually, some of fv over values is
part of fs.
>>: f includes everything as well. f includes fs and fu, or…?
>> Matt Henderson: Since fs is just like a tagging of f.
>>: f is just [indiscernible]
>>: [indiscernible] convergence?
>> Matt Henderson: No. It's just [indiscernible]
>>: It's just arrived [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah. The thinking there is that you could reconstruct the tagging
potentially from the…
>>: [indiscernible] just a wall of words.
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah, that's right but I'm thinking you could add some abstraction and
some useful abstraction might be something over s or that kind of thing or averaging or
>>: [indiscernible] recurrent network, that each tag corresponds to one term.
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah, that's right.
>>: Rather than bidding in sequence.
>> Matt Henderson: That's right. Although it could be interesting to run the recurrent neural
network over the confusion that way.
>>: [indiscernible] so many turns, right, like five turns, ten turns?
>> Matt Henderson: Something like 20 turns his typical.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah.
>>: [indiscernible] practice a little dialog, maybe just five or ten, that's a lot. [indiscernible]
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah, sure. So if pn is a special probability or a special contribution to the
probability which is the probability that nothing has been mentioned for that slot. At the
beginning of the turn the pn should be one. And then if you say Chinese food or something,
then all the probability goes to Chinese. There will always be a sequence, there's zero or more
turns at the beginning where you haven't mentioned a value for that slot. So it's just this sort
of special value that gets a kind of…
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: It's kind of like no, none or something.
>>: [indiscernible] so these gray boxes exist for every value, but what happens if you have
rarely seen or new words or something like that [indiscernible] something like that? Is there
some parameter of time going on [indiscernible] values?
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah. The idea is that when you're training the parameters in the gray
box, because of regularization you’ll prefer to use weights which go from the tag value feature
from fv to gv because that can potentially explain more examples. Something serving blank is a
really sort of common frame or something for one thing the blank. So that means that you've
seen Chinese food, Indian food and so on then you see this new thing, Jamaican, because it
recognizes Jamaican from the ontology, it will, the parameters there will mean that you can get
the large contribution, the Jamaican parts. If you want to sort of tune towards a known slot
that you have data for, then what Jason was touching on there is maybe you can't find a tagging
for a particular value. Maybe the ASR always confuses Chinese with some other word so we
ever catch it. So we can add this component h which takes as input f and m and directly
contributes to the Softmax. That leads us to learn these confusions and sort of value specific
behavior. Training these models is done using stochastic gradient descent unrolling the whole
network, but initialization is quite important to get some gains. The first thing to do is called
shared initialization which means you train a slot independent model first across all the slots
you have data for and then tweak it towards each individual slot. Another thing to do is
because these inputs are quite large. They depend on the size of the vocabulary. In our case
this may be about 5000 dimensional vectors which are coming as input to the network. We
learn a sparse embedding of these features and that can be done, for example, using d-noising
auto encoder. Some results are given here which just show the benefit of using these
initialization techniques. Throughout this talk the main metrics I'll look at the joint goal
accuracy and the joint goal L2 which look at the quality of our predictions for the goal
constraint part of the dialog state. Obviously, accuracy is the fraction of turns that the top
hypothesis correct, and the L2 is the L2 norm so the lower the better and that's looking at the
quality of the scores of probability distributions in a way. Basically, the point here is the best
results come from using these two techniques in tandem.
>>: For the first of the two models that you showed if you never create a gray box or some
value, then do you assume that the probability of that value is zero or do you have some kind of
hedging guess the value should be?
>> Matt Henderson: What we've done so far is just assume the contribution to the Softmax is
zero, therefore all ones which haven't been activated have a constant probability. Then the
model can learn dynamically how much to put on this hypothesis of none or null, so you can
change what that constant is by, you know, even if you can tag anything intelligent, how much
probability this says something or nothing so it would be flat and then up and down. But you
could calculate a better possibility.
>>: So they're all the same but not necessarily so?
>> Matt Henderson: They are all the same but not necessarily the same across tens. This is
showing how we can use this first model which is one we're talking about there to train a slot
independent model, which as I mentioned in the previous slide it can be used to initialize
training for slots that we do have data. Also we can use this slot independent model
straightaway to track a slot that we haven't seen. For example, has TV is a new slot in the
DSTC3 so in deployment we can use it straight away to track any new slots. This is an overview
of the approach that was taken in the two challenges for training and deployment. In the
DSTC2 Jason's approach and this RNN approach battle that the top. Jason's approach got the
top accuracy, while the RNN did well for the L2 score. I'm showing here the ASR system, that
means it only took as input the speech recognition and then the SLU system which took these
dialog acts that I was mentioning before as its input. You see the ASR system did the best and
we think that's because we're avoiding the bottleneck and avoiding the intermediate semantic
representation. In the third challenge the RNN system basically came top for most of the
metrics. Here I'm showing one system that took both the ASR and the SLUA and one system
that just took the ASR in comparing it to the top comparable competing system. The RNN
approach did well particularly for the accuracies and I think of particular interest is not so much
the ASR plus SLU in this case, but just the ASR and that's because we're extending to a new
domain and the question would arise where does this SLU come from. If we can do well
without relying on a spoken language understanding component and that means we don't have
to sort of explain that where we got this training data for this [indiscernible] understanding.
But because the SLU was included with the training data when we train the system I use it and
got improved accuracies from using this actual knowledge. The rest of the talk is going to look
at how we can improve the accuracy of the ASR system slightly up to .63 by using an online
unsupervised learning approach. I mentioned the word-based system is of most interest and
because we're not assuming any training data for creating a new SLU, and also we are not
using, not designing any intermediate semantic form. And we're going to present a technique
which adapts the initial parameters and initial parameters come from this shared model that's
trained across all slots and it can learn from the unlabeled examples that it sees while tracking
dialogs. So it will update online and track dialog as it goes and try to improve its predictions.
This is an example of a dialog that we want to be able to learn from. We're showing the
distribution of what an initial model might output given the turn. If the user says they want
Chinese food and initial model will be able to recognize the value Chinese as it matches
identical, the string matches identically. But in the next turn when they're told there's nothing
serving Chinese and they say they want something serving pizza because we realize that we're
told there's no such matching place and they use the keyword serving which you might know
corresponds to food, then the initial model knows or might think that it's changed away from
Chinese, but not necessarily what to. There might be a flat distribution here from an initial
model. But then when the user clarifies and says it's Italian that they are looking for, then
because, again, the strings are matching there the model would be sure that they want Italian
food. So the idea here is that we want to be able to propagate back where it's a constant
[indiscernible] dialog back through turns to where we were kind of flat and unsure, but not so
far back that we destroy what we had in the first turn. We are thinking we can boost up the
probability of Italian, basically in the middle turn and learn that pizza is corresponding to a
Italian. The way this is done is by defining unsupervised training criteria which compares the
output of an initial model with output of a model which has updates of parameters w star. The
basic idea is to use entropies, so h is the entropy of distribution and h when it's got two
arguments is the cost entropy of distributions, so this sum here will weight pairs of consecutive
outputs from the initial model in this new updated model. It weights the distances by the
uncertainty that the initial model had. That will have the effect when you optimize this of
giving a learning signal that goes backwards through the dialog but only so far as this hy. The y
in it is high. The other term there, the regularization term which means our prior for our new
[indiscernible] C w star should stay close to Winit.
>>: [indiscernible] so the weight by the y init is fixed?
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah.
>>: And then [indiscernible] to that second term.
>> Matt Henderson: This is, the yinit is fixed and then C is a function of w star and that's y star
as a function of w star. This gives us a function c which is dependent on w star and not
dependent on any labels, so we can use that stochastic gradient descent to try and give us
better updates of parameters as we see dialogs, so the idea is to start tracking dialogs and once
you've collected a batch of n then we run stochastic gradient descent to give us a new update
of parameters and then keep tracking and to repeatedly do that. One simple experiment to do
is to use the DSTC2 data but to delete all of the labels for the fit slot. In this experiment we
have, the squares are on adaptive models and then the circles are after adaptation. In general,
and also on average this gives improved results, so lower L2 and higher accuracy. By combining
all the models using score average we get the filled in squares and filled in. In the end the
combined unadapted model gets us something which is the best and it's comparable to the
baseline which actually assumes its labels for the food in training, though it's kind of a modest
improvement. And then this is, one of the last slides is performance of adaptation on the actual
DSTC3 data broken down into new slots and old slots and though it's a small improvement but
we do see best results from using adaptation on the joint accuracies and that's where we get
this .623 number which is an improvement on what was entered into the challenge. In
conclusion I shown a model which performs strongly in these research challenges and one key
point that I didn't really touch on is that feature engineering doesn't require a lot of effort and
that we're kind of using these raw ingram representations and we need to define how to tag
them for the semantic representation. But really the idea is that the RNN can figure out what in
combinations of these features are important to model the dialog. We present two models so
we can generalize across all slots but also to learn specific behavior by including this actual
component and we're able to track the state in word-based models with our anti-explicit
semantic representation. And lastly, I presented some methods for adapting word-based RNN
with the unlabeled data. Okay. Thank you very much. [applause]
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah sure. The dimension of input is, as I said, about 5000 or so and then
what we do for training is like, for example, in this graph here we're bearing parameters
actually across for each point, but a hidden layer might be roughly 100 or so.
>>: So you look at the [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: I have some picture here. This is the effect of what the big weight matrix
that goes, so this would be your hundred or so. Maybe it's a bit more than 100 and this is 5000
input. And this is when we don't use the de-noising auto encoder as input and this is when we
do use the de-noising auto encoder to initialize. So I don't see any structure here.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah, you mean the recurrency.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: I don't know.
>>: I assume you used [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah. Unraveled the whole maybe 20 or so and then just…
>>: [indiscernible] 20 turns?
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah.
>>: That's like 40,000 [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah roughly.
>>: [indiscernible] is 5000x100? [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah, that's a good guess for it.
>>: [indiscernible] the system adds to that.
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah the system adds to it, a few hundred or so.
>>: I mean on the x-axis there is a clear [indiscernible]. It's just a maxing code a lot of
information [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: I think that might be it.
>>: You can only use the [indiscernible], so are you huge [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: The ASR constants are included by weighting the factors.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: I'll show you this. Here, for example, the weighting goes in there. We
could get these weights possibly [indiscernible] rather than [indiscernible]. That's how we
include the constants is by scaling the [indiscernible].
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yes.
>>: I'm curious in the adaptation if you did any error analysis. I'm wondering, I get that it on
average improved. I wonder if it improved a small number of cases or if it ended up
deteriorating, causing deterioration from any cases and then causing improvement on slightly
more cases.
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah. I don't have anything like that. I did look at kind of examples where
it was doing something right that it had been before and trying to figure out how did it last.
Was at this example that I just made up like sent me pizza and that kind of thing? And that
never happened. It's more likely to be things like learning that serving means food, that sort of
thing, so it knows. And also it really helps for the don't care hypothesis, so like none of these.
That does depend quite well on the slots, but, you know, you might say serving any food. It
doesn't matter or something, but then when you are talking about area you say things like
anywhere and that is kind of unique to this sort of… It was doing a lot better on these don't care
values. But it would be, yeah that's definitely something to look at.
>>: [indiscernible] suppose ASR makes no errors, so for example, [indiscernible] it is correct
100 percent and nothing else. Basically to change this whole thing out are you going to get
really perfect [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: It would be cool to try it. I had hoped that output [indiscernible] delta
distribution at the end to the correct…
>>: That means [indiscernible] that because the correct recognition result were the words may
not necessarily correspond to the correct slot depending on the information. For SLU you
might run into errors. [indiscernible] how much would that error contributed to the final
>> Matt Henderson: You mean they might express things in ways that we didn't expect them
>>: I mean [indiscernible] problem. Maybe [indiscernible] think about for some bigger domain
issue just for the [indiscernible] processing [indiscernible] error, to what extent your approach
is going to be viable.
>> Matt Henderson: What's happening here is it's kind of keyword splicing in a way, right? As
long as we had, if we are using this model it doesn't have h which just requires you to tag the
value. As long as we had tagged them and we have enough examples to train it, then it would
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah. I guess the answer is that you need to have examples.
>>: But one of the main advantages of neural network it gives you generalization [indiscernible]
so if you see things in the past that don't give you the exact sample [indiscernible] further
example, but more often than not it is going to generalize that one, so I suppose [indiscernible]
have to decide [indiscernible] example in the test how you approach [indiscernible] when you
have [indiscernible] example literally [indiscernible] but listen to some [indiscernible] available
through [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: We don't have any sort of constructive examples where there's an obvious
inference that has to be made, I guess.
>>: [indiscernible] and then that would be the challenge for language processing [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: We're talking about semantic decoding and stuff but it's really shallow
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: It contains mismatched data and obviously we have this huge test set
which is an extended domain that we have never seen any labels for. But there's no kind of, I
guess, logical inference that we can measure for that or something.
>>: I remember you tried something to deal with that. [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah sure, so h is like this here. This is allowing us to really tune to value
specific behaviors, for example, this guy always computes with this other guy and yeah. I'm not
sure if that relates to something more hard NLP type problems.
>>: The example would be that Italian food is healthy, for example, if somebody wants to have
healthy food. And all these things are in the [indiscernible] things that somebody asked about
the food [indiscernible] pick up some Italian food or something.
>> Matt Henderson: The answer to that is like if we had that labeled and like healthy food is
when they said they want Italian, then this model for h could pick up on that activation and say
whenever we see healthy we might base [indiscernible] Italian. So it has the capacity to learn
stuff like that and also the adaptation techniques can learn like the pizza is Italian thing.
>>: [indiscernible] knowing that exact [indiscernible] meaning you don't have a label, yet in the
training set you have [indiscernible] direct information [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: I think it could be able to do that as well because the transition weight
should be learning the dialog as it progresses reasonably slowly. They are not changing their
minds every turn. So if we had partially labeled dialog, for example, then we could do
something similar to what I had on the slide where we propagated it backwards because it's not
going to change its weights to say that the transitions are changing really quickly all of a
sudden. Then we would say maybe healthy means Italian. I think there's a capacity to learn all
these kinds of things.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Not explicitly anyway.
>>: [indiscernible] and if the [indiscernible] gets really bad [indiscernible] before it gets more
>> Matt Henderson: It would take dialog send more open than main dialogs and also more
loose and not so much slow filling. Uh-huh.
>>: [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: This one?
>>: [indiscernible] you want model that exploits the fact that there is some relation in the
answer [indiscernible] outputs after you [indiscernible] when the answer [indiscernible] as
being [indiscernible] so you train the model there that when the [indiscernible] example
[indiscernible] that you will exploit the information that follows [indiscernible] then it would be
possible that the next step would always be to predict the occurrence [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: Something like the goal doesn't change really quickly.
>>: When in the last slide you said there were interesting applications [indiscernible] RNN.
What do you think, how do you think that these would be helpful? I don't know if you talk
about these when you produced that last slide, but if you would speculate how you think that
this kind of [indiscernible] be helpful in kind of language model [indiscernible]
>> Matt Henderson: This is part of the word based RNN. Do you mean to something that isn't
dialog state tracking like, did you say language model like, a language model like? Yeah. It's
kind of, I don't know if there's a very, in language modeling we always observe certainty of the
labels. I'm not sure how we would ever be in a case where we would be training in a language
model without labels. If a word gets deleted, I don't know.
>>: It's kind of because in some way could be a kind of reaction, because you exploit something
about the future to refine what you have in the present. I understand that there is not this kind
of formulation in language, but when you have a set that it is a right [indiscernible] but this
would be useful in order to get some more, I mean if we got in this setting and it was not the
best, let's try to correct the error. But let's try to get more general representation of what's
happening in the second step. [indiscernible] tool different stuff [indiscernible] pizza. It could
be whatever, but [indiscernible] would still be Italian. It is a kind of rotating, more general
semantic, a presentation of what's happening [indiscernible] perhaps. You know saying okay,
the states around these times that should be the same. Or perhaps, I don't know.
>> Matt Henderson: Yeah, cool idea. I like the idea of considering running backwards through
time as well. If you had, you would basically be training your model so that it could predict the
future and if you know that you can predict the future then you know it must be smart. Yeah,
I'm wondering, I think in some ways this is quite specific to the task because I'm really thinking
about exploiting what happened in dialog. It's a particular attribute of this type of sequence
that there will be moments where things are changing and then they snap to something else,
but there might be like your example some other applications and that kind of thing. Yeah.
>> Jason Williams: Great. Can we thank the speaker once again? Thank you very much.