Russell Pryba Perceiving Meanings: The Cultural Embodiment of Aesthetic Value Presents:

Philosophy Department Colloquium Series
Russell Pryba
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
Perceiving Meanings:
The Cultural Embodiment of Aesthetic Value
Thursday, December 5th
Liberal Arts Building, Room 114
3:45 – 5:00 pm
Arthur Danto has famously claimed that since art and non-art can be perceptually
indiscernible, art cannot be defined solely in terms of perceptible properties. Rather, to
identify something as art requires the background of artistic theory. In short, art theory
makes art possible. Against this view, in this paper I develop an ontology of cultural
artifacts that, while agreeing with Danto that artworks are embodied meanings, argues
that these meanings can be directly perceived.
For more information, please contact the Philosophy Department at 523-2648.