PROJECT NAME: Strategic Learning Management Services and Support
CORE TEAM: LMS Strategic Planning Taskforce composed of members from
Academic Council (TBD) , ITAC (TBD), Chancellor’s Office (TBD)
Evidence-based review of current landscape of the LMS market (external) and the LMS status on our campuses (internal) to appropriately identify needs as well as best practices that should be leveraged at the CSU level
Define campus learning management infrastructure, services and support requirements
Identify opportunities for central and collaborative learning management infrastructure, services and support
Plans for a preferred and subsidized standards-based learning management infrastructure, services, and/or support available for system-wide use.
Campuses will have a choice on whether to use the system-wide services.
Improved collaboration, functionality, reliability, performance, and economy for participating campuses.
Where possible, sharing of resources including training materials, tutorials, and best practices across the system lessening the work each campus has to do on their own in the current environment
A richer teaching and learning environment for all campuses than could be developed alone by a single campus
Standards-based learning management technology infrastructure integrated with other systems within the CSU infrastructure (e.g. Peoplesoft, Library,
IAM, etc) that allows collaborative development of academic software and hardware solutions.
An executive governance committee that can determine and endorse learning management strategy that builds upon existing planning at both at the
Chancellor’s Office Academic Technology division and at the campus level.
President’s Technology Steering Committee
Chancellor’s executive leadership
Chancellor’s Office: Director of Academic Technology and staff
Provost-appointed LMS coordinators
Faculty, faculty senate, students, centers for teaching and learning, DATs,
CATS, LMS vendors, etc
10/08 Implement a cross functional LMS Strategic Planning Task Force for learning management services and establish collaboration with existing CSU groups (e.g., LMS Campus Coordinators, DATs, Faculty Development
Council, Academic Senate, Student Senate, COLD)
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1/08 A defined set of standards-based architecture for learning management technology that leverages campus experience and expenditures (e.g. common interface with Oracle/People Soft, CSU standard course cartridges, reporting and assessment tools, library of community source software, etc)
3/08 A learning management services roadmap/strategy that provides immediate guidance and support for campus learning management technology
07/09 Study and Selection of learning management infrastructure, services and support for subsidy and development
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